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Lot Inquiry 10/1/21
O RECEIVED OWN OF YARMO � �' • BUILDING DEPARTMENT E I V E D JUL 12 202�4 R ute 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398- 2.1tet 261 DI BUILNG DEPARTMENT IRY FORM used for zoning purposes oDING DEPARTMENT (oq S/ �I Z Scccvue Assessors' Map No. Lot No. Street Address Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) Total Land Area(sq. ft.) Fronts Diane. 14 , t(,veci ,Prvoecerl(e )YVSj- Name of Current Owner Col \10e r'k S (Address / 0 Telephone No. v2 00vAnc_ (-icv\ecc C'c:', -A c a..(v‘s 3c-5 - 7-79 -0(3 Inquirer's Name(if different from owner) ad T1 YV S = Telephone N^ A o.n Inquirer's Mailing Address I '� P�O. s4-1- ~ gf 't't. k /t' l dam 6, L. CeskAeo -)td acck.I6(v\_6 t.s \A Building Intent Adjoining Lot Numbers (��-e-c-c(. C L" By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementior lot(s)qualifies for protecti)n afforded ce hereto'' -undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)ha never previously been bu' upon. Signature of Applic• 4,411 �� of Inquiry ) 2-- DECISION(for office use only) 8(,b-22-W)32,/ Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Reason: Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6,and/or Section 104.3.4, Para. of I zoning bylaw, as per the information provided on this date. Comments: Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A,Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L.Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit. (if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements. (See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations, applicable. Shall satisfy th Old Kin s Highway Re . nal Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature Date i rfie/ Rev. 8/( a e Li wi\s- -,,,A .7 \ 41411 t .4, 1- S ii'C 44, I # h 4 1 rt., - ►.fit, 45 ii 0 ,., .r 4 V(‘ It (D\ veil V Ho-Kw-kr , , , .44 by „e „cv5 f., (. . . 4kCAt r,\f---••• '',4 1411/FC -4")CjZ_. j)t' J-- A,1' y ';$*' 4104 � CAPE LOTS PARCELS ACRES&ASESSED VALUES 2021 (13$.139,140.142&Duplex&02) I t2 Seaview Ave wtauee LOT 24 PARCEL ID:025.329 ASSESSED VALUE: Land 2137.300 .11 acres .-_. Bldg $196.000 $333.900 142 Seaview Ave side yard LOT 23 PARCEL ID:025.330 ASSESSED VALUE V 41 fs— Land $13.900 .11 acres Bldg $0 $ 23,900 6&8 Gilbert Street wlduples LOT 28 PARCEL ID:025.325 ASSESSED VALUE Land $148.800 .14 acres _. ld $1 i0.800 $279.600 %A rQ.n lir 10 Gilbert St 6t8 back yard LOT 29 PARCEL ID:025.326 ASSESSED VALUE © ilk.s/ . Land 3157.200 .17 acres I ,Bldg $ 2-200 $159,400 9 Gilbert Street wicottage 2 LOT 26 PARCEL ID:025.327 ASSESSED VALUE 1 J in- Land $137.300 .11 acres Bldg S 98.200 $235.500 0 Gilbert Si_9 front yard LOT 25 PARCEL ID:025.328 ASSESSED VALUE , IQCa-A (----- Land $ 17.900 .11 acres �l Bldg $0 $ 17,900 ---- $1,OSU.2UD .15 acres 138&140 Seaview Ave. LOTS 27&32 PARCEL ID:025.324 ASSESSED VALUE: Land 4171.100 .22 acres Bldg 3219,800 $390.700 * This property looks undervalued.probably should roughly double 136 Seaview Ave. LOT PARCEL ID:025..323 ASSESSED VALUE: Land 4157.200 .17 acres Bldg $89.800 $24 7.000 ALL CAPE LOTS $1,687.990 1.14 acres esdoGilbert Ruad1SU * If 138&140 at$700.000 $1,997,200 * If 138&140 at$750.000 $2.047,200 ,.., • I II 7- „....\\\ Ize. as a.'-', 17111 = ., , , • ,. 0 tt \ , , ,,- , . / \ / _ RI ___,„ 7.1.3. m \ ..,/ ohiNthi‘, 3 I\4) / -__ ------, .eff„.„,,,,t' \ • \ *e 1 ( \ \ :1 i: 1 - .....4-' • ' 4., , .„.,,-,,-,, \\,1 \ \ ." •,, z,,* , \ \ „,------ ------ ‘.• we 404;74 \i‘.,---- -- 90 „--- IN * •-, . ,,,-- _-----m----------- • ------- _67..........)::i\-- ---------'\ 1 ---- ( 1 0 ca M ' ,,,i ,#, ‘it. %') U 0 i )" ee, \ ....--,, ) \i,,, _,,,,,..,,," ....,....--- t, _m ___------m---' ,, , It ** 4411116St°1 \ \ ..------ .....,,,,------- ,------- \ I\ \rmA Cli 0 1 \ \ \\ \ i \ k , \ \ k It \ \ \ \ICIA ‘_,,,, ' ii___--s v--\:-1-1,---- 1 c tyv v'v --.--------_____—____-------9ct. ‘ 11 , _______.-------------' ------ ZN t• -, \ '0 v --7-3-1C6---31--A----"-Ccr ------- \it \ , -; " 1 a:5 k 99v . . ° t'k'''7\\•\''') .4:1 - t.----i N i3 C:1A • ---- ,0 fn 1 \\,,,,, 4 0\ iiik - -- ',•. \ \ -- 0 \ t L ,.. ID..... Suzanne Amaducci—Adams,Co-Trustee 3510 Vista Court Miami,FL 33133 Or 123 Pleasant Street South Yarmouth,MA 02664 (summer) July 11,2021 VIA Hand Delivery Town of Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Rt 28 South Yarmouth.MA 02664 Re: Tinkertown Cottages: 138- 142 Seaview Avenue and 0-10 Gilbert Street, South Yarmouth,MA (the"Property") Dear Sir or Madame: My sister Patricia Amaducci and I are co-trustees of the Diane H. Amaducci Revocable Trust ("DHA Trust"). Our mother Diane H.Amaducci passed away May 19,2021 and we are trying to obtain appraisals for the real estate our family has owned in South Yarmouth for several generations so we can file any applicable estate tax returns. The appraiser suggested we reach out to you and complete a Lot Inquiry Form as there are 3 vacant lots contained within the Property that may or may not be buildable and their status will impact valuation. The appraiser specifically asked that if an individual lot is not buildable on its own, could it be joined with adjacent land for an addition or expansion of an existing home? Evidently this analysis will greatly impact valuation. The Lot Inquiry Form is enclosed and we are specifically inquiring about Lots 23, 25 & 29. They are all owned by the DHA Trust. In an effort to assist you in your analysis I have also included a picture of the assessors map with the various lots&buildings comprising the original Tinkertown cottage marked by ownership group and a list of all the properties with tax assessor identification numbers and current valuations. The Gilbert Street Trust owns Lot 26 and the cottage on it. My sister and I are also the trustees of that trust and the DHA Trust is the sole beneficiary of that trust(so technically different ownership but if sold,a vacant lot could be sold with it). While technically outside the scope of this inquiry, I have marked on the enclosed assessor's map additional land which was originally part of Tinkertown Cottages: (i) 138& 140 Seaview Avenue are owned by the Hoffrnan Bass River Nominee Trust of which my sister Patricia and I are co-trustees and beneficiaries; (ii) 5 Parkwood Road owned by our aunt Christine Hoffman (life estate) and my brothers James and Michael Amaducci have the remainder interest, and(iii) 136 Seaview Avenue owned by our aunt Christine Hoffman(life estate) and my sister Patricia and I have the remainder interest . From my review of these properties I do not see any additional vacant lots. These additional properties could be included in any sale of the property owned by the DHA Trust so if this impacts your analysis in any way please let me know. I know this is a more unique request. I live around the corner from Town Hall and am happy to make myself available if an in person meeting would be helpful.I am also available by phone or email. My cell phone is 305-979-0088 and email is samaducci@bilzin.com Otherwise, any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated as we are trying to get the DHA Trust properties valued and estate taxes timely paid. Thank you for your time and effort. ry truly yours, anne M.Ama cci Cc: Patricia Amaducci,Co-Trustee via email