HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 1/21/05 a TOWN OF YARMOUTH otA BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 .*15 " 2 1 NG5 LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes only) el_L, Assessors' Map No. LA'? Lot No. / )`/"I Street Address (0 ,/SUS/c7S PAL-Al-- Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) -1 - I Total Land Area(sq. ft.) a. C' / Frontage 'j kt'n 1 L . IW O wE orr �d Name of Current Owner Ott'ra'✓ ' Ott M Telephone No. Inquirer's Name(if different from o tfirl /l u/ /ir t,(, Telephone No. joy -3 G 2- Inquirer's Mailing Address � �1/1✓ ler, 640 pr (Jt' Z Building Intern Adjoining Lot Numbers I LI 14'1 )1 L, 3 .X15 a By signing this application I my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been built Signature of Applicant_ I Date of Inquiry //Z1 DECISION (for office use only) Does mot conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Reason Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6,and/or Section 104.3.4,Para. of the zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Comments: Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit.(if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements.(See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations,if applicable. Shall satisfy the Old Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature Date Rev. 8/02 •• a • it A V , • . , • .. ,. • • . 4` • • • . • , • • ACCT* 42 7i42, MAP 029 LOT MO Ma LOC SOUTH s'f Plan .2 7 /3 DOC. CERT. PROBATE 7f71 //- E CA",<CAi L. /V7/ /O/ t+A. w i Cifo cliva-c.SIZ, aTilLyx , / o I L,6(0, _ L. I ACCT# 042. 143 MAP 029 LOT M7 . 51 PLAN NO. 275E 4LQ--'4O342 SOUTH ST SELLING ACCOUNT DATE PRICE NO. Book/Doc Page/Cert Lucretia M. Jordan 14.74 1017 PR. 36552 Edwin C . Jordan et ux 2088 271 8/27/74 31 (6 r � Edwin C . Jordan 5510 295 118/87— 100.0 /Z,L), 96 i1 �-1&. —Yfl0 -(1 f-2 int= ) - 5515 015 1 / 12/P-7- 1 (40-. (1J? in ) _(kUltJ C . )(Zae& ir U)( , g�U( 6Q, 71agj'73 1s00 F�de�.i�� W . :mid?Us ET ��1 I-70 b I •-r Icst9IQ3 i,av FtFFEC7 OJ roPPr, 15 i 4,1. 4.1.q/gc ii 00 • "�"S�� f e R Yam' ' 1 gAT , /6 r ,, 1)- ) / L 1 k �i 3/c yruri„, avr-,,, d ,V1'II / Zt/14., 6/ -fr 27; z=A , /‘,5- / /i z/ t '`) .(,-,, ic-e7,7)--,a g. Lk,, („ , ,/'Z. '! i ` 1c--x , ia�Li I' g , /" N z i PCL N Y / ACRES PLAN NO. 'Location: /DA s.6ou17 1�) SELLING ACCOUNT OWNER TITLE REF. DATE PRICE NO. Book/Doc Page/Cent iiN rhW W O. h&iiJ 8 1 b k 9 J (/L1 u beTLG afk, Ass l /i6 $4 b 0 5D70 bur. Fduu1ki a t diw siKc rA 1 /l6/ 6 6 661) 4i)7o tf r. £Ui1ruO /91, sti51 246 01019156/56 /'/ 1or- ,cdum C rrMf to L��/D .29S 3 37 Vol / i F d .ti k tog .D1tdr-J er#iL £ Lc , Li 1/1aJg7 tic luT 1!e !Y of t. • • • • • • • • • t ACCT44 42 . 144 MAP 029 LW Mb LOC SOUTH ST (OFF) Plan ..2 75- a GE DOC. CERT. PROBATE 5775/ JO/ ILL•I-R. sTAI-117g.s. Aro I 1 At 06,1 ?do() -21R/ C' ...3....3.I K"gyp fan..[ •.,,,,.....,•.,,,,.....,lw. a. III LT..1.[[ I.w.99iw I 1 An•p w III . .60,Oq • / 4 .M1 J 3 •E • LOT h0 O ;C wwoa S e •� °••[c w.+cw Q. _ iO yr ae..q --�o.wc• •. .o�3; ro.i• • u W 6 t.• 37.E LOT h0.6 f 0 2; -p ~ir�i2.N o n •-' aaGw[Tu Se 0.02 ? 15'E CC I. III O ••fi ;� 60T h0 t W NBO••9089 6o.is, ®N®2•�,!J'w ,.. u 3 o, a /.... LOT M1O.& 'O L. 149,•wiw•WM!a0.♦ I'p .. N o 7. o IA lid E '\ [T' n ,6 •�U j, LOT h0 i ;� LOT Na 2 ` \\\ Po o 'osoo mo • ,� too t \ nm W LOT ho. n $ ` C •q••c sei. c'x Lr - o�_ •4• U:o' oT� t_ •.T .a N. .�N S T•11.0-00 sOop Z •n N: N LOT a.. a o - U Oirwc. •wr.T[ ru..Nt5.Oa'S1_w �+ •GO.Oo _ o . On..3. it 3. Z 2 •O L.Ia•Vi. .... / w • - w�xxn : ✓"A. D ;S41%ERM1"'eV'' OT w FOA • c '."Oo •L.cc.Lo.•[cu.T B P4 c„u. i ^O b .Mai :1:s: Ir•.e[a.N w.. .PARR.. t bN0 Irw0•.Tl•••.] M•si pry S VBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN BASS RIVER, MASS. FOR EDITH H F. CI-IURCHILL $ LUCRETIA M. JORDAN ll3'S BEING PARCEL -A'ON A PLAN DATEO NOveloSCR YOB i9.. APPRowa.,••• R TM(114.410.v8.0.• FOR Jr.NT•6i OP..a C•WRC.•1LL it LUCRET•A M.,.GROAN r-�•.Twta L..,WO.tt'Mt0 B,BE ARSE 1-•=--OGG,C,v, EN.:.NCEPS • ^ c.own. (PrVD°[w....n°.. i...ss. , _...l0:__Il. )1] B 90 - C8.B5 47:—-- S • 1Tl 1 11411! • a0c'•5510 .OE 295 MAISACNUSITTI QUITCLAIM DIED SNOUT FORM (INDIVIDUAL) III I, Mary K. Jordan 01146s. � z of Chevy Chase, Maryland eactityakcsexptinsabi, j ( being MOrnarried,for consideration paid,aZtd-in-Eullioneideration of lees than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) �5^ grant to Edwin C. Jordan • + of 5110 Westport Road, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 with i(ltiltlntm tsutttatds all my Right, Title and Interest in and to theiMYdtall premises situated in that part of Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, known as Bass River, shown as Lot #7 on Plan entitled [Description and encumbrances,if any] "Subdivision Plan of Land in Bass River, Massachusetts for Edith H. F. Churchill and Lucretia M. Jordan," dated August 4, 1969 prepared by S. R. Sweetser, Engineer, recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 238, Plan 13. For Grantor's title see deed from Lucretia M. Jordan to Edwin C. Jordan and Mary K. Jordan, dated July 30, 1974 and recorded in said Registry Book 2088, Page 271. • Mum ....iy....,..hand and seal this 3 l day of December ,19 86 2eit az, % Then personally appeared the above named Mary K. Jordan and ad(nowiedged•the foregoing instrument to be her`h free act and deed before me V • Notary Public—Justice of the Peace My commission expires//iU.LC2, 75— IP tp •i (*Individual--Joint Tenants--Tenants in Common.) • CHAPTER 183 SEC.6 AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 497 OP 1969 Every deed presented for record shall contain or have endorsed up°m it the full name,residence and post office address of the grantee and a recital of the amount of the full consideration thereof in dollars or the nature of the other consideration therefor,if not delivered fora specific monetary sum,The full consideration shall mean the total price for the conveyance without deduction for any liens or t. encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon, All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as pert of the deed. +• Failure to comply with this motion shall not affect the validity of arty deed. No register of deeds shall accept a deed for recording unless F ' it is in compliance with the requirement,of this section. lil��iitli:U JAN 887 e Y;1 «- -a z., • MASSACHUSETTS QUITCLAIM DEED SNOUT FORM (INDIVIDUAL) eel B4O0K5515P1GE 014 01 854 Edwin C. Jordan of Chevy Chase, Maryland CROMld><D[ot1iX *idartaara.4l* i;for consideration paid,and in full consideration of less than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ggrraannepo Lorna J. Romano, North College Hill, Ohio • 1Mailing Address: c/o Barbara J. Grinberg, 6308 Friendship Court, Bethesda, MD 20817) awith gittttlatm tmttuatds 0 o [Description end encumbrances,if any] Q An undivided one half (1/2) part of my right, title and interest in (� • and to the following real estate located in Yarmouth, Barnstable b County, Massachusetts, namely the two parcels of land described in v the second codicil to the will of Lucretia Mott Churchill, (Barnstable ,q County Probate #36552) , and the three room cottage situated on the " abutting parcel to the south, tv • The Grantor's title is derived in part as devisee u/w Lucretia Mott N Jordan, Worcester County (MA) Probate #286383 and in part by deed • from Winthrop D. Jordan to the Grantor dated November 28, 1986, and u recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Book "I55 , Page15J-. a This conveyance is made subject to current real estate taxes and c water rates which taxes and rates the Grantee assumes and agrees O to pay. a 0 M I 7y •• b Manta hand and seal thisfn.....day of January ,19.$7 Crz ro Edwin C. Jordan CIty, ct Wushit lO {iikmataxlmisikti (iistrlcl of Columbia_ January 19 87 Then personally appeared the above named Edwin C. Jordan re-; atui,a ilowl0,dged the foregoing instrument to be his frey actwtd deed be re pE Notary Public—joleisawk l'7citefFR l'),,' 'F,• Y My co to e>$R1bComnusolon Expires Jariyary 14, 1991 ('ldat4iyilbtioc/5660k ickxx NNt ifaci mC CHAPTER 183 SEC.6 AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 497 OF 1969 Every deed resented for record shall contain or have endorsed upon it the full name,residence and t office address of thegrantee and a recital of theamount of the full consideration thereof in dollars or the nature of the other considerat gr on therefor,if not delivered for a specific monetary sum.The full consideration shall mean the total price for the conveyance without deduction for any liens or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon. All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of the deed. Failure to comply with this section shall not affect the validity of any deed. No register of deeds shall accept a deed for recording unless It Is in compliance with the requirements of this section. RELORI LU 12 87 • * a• 14 �r .. 4 M QUITCLAIM CLLD SHOAT FOAM IINDIVIDUALI•aI BP:09818-0142 95-08-29 9145 #043118 I, EDWIN C. JORDAN, of 5110 Westport Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Rfx x t¢p ittiai stcktftsxtts, being unmarried,for consideration paid,and in full consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) grant to FREDERICK W. JORDAN of 17 Knox Street, Stony Brook, NY 11790 * of with quttciatm csutaunts the land in the village of Bass River, Town of Yarmouth, County of Barnstable, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and more particularly being my [Description and encumbrances,If any) one-twelfth undivided interest as a tenant in common to Parcel D on "Plan of Land in Bass River, Yarmouth, Mass. Belonging to Edith H.E. Churchill & Lucretia M. Jordan Scale 1 inch = 60 Feet April 22, 1969 Bearse & Law Survyeors centerville, Mass." which said plan is recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 228 Page 151. For my title see Worcester County Probate of Lucretia Mott Churchill No. 286383. "(-- 1-72-6,72 • r4A (. 7e-eet ilittnes0 my hand and seal this 241-a day of /4 {/ , 19 9 5 n C. Jor an STATE OF MARYLAND itko itif Yk iutputies ss. /INNP 126,-r /+/ A� 2 0 4c }Si<§y+:�. —? // a . .' .. •'y Then personally appeared the above named Edwin C. Jordan ... �d a • and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed before pig,i.{ r VI0t1. Notary Public—Justice of the Pca c My commiss on expires /19 99 ('Individual—Joint Tenants—Tenants In Common.) CHAPTER 189 SEC_6 AS AMENDED AY CHAPTER 497 of 1969 Every deed presented for record shall contain or have endorsed upon it the full name.residence and post office address of the granter and a recital of the amount of the full consideration thereof in dollars or the nature of the other consideration therefor,If not delivered for a specific monetary sum.The full consideration shall mean the total price for the conveyance without deduction for any liens or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon.All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of the deed.Failure to comply with this section shall not affect the validity of any deed.No register of deeds shall accept a deed for recording unless It is in compliance with the requirements of this section. Br; NSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS • • RECORDING REQUESTED BY B00K8522 PAGE 164 Winthrop D. Jordan 19822 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO ���j F " Winthrop D. Jordan, Trustee /// sonar 400 Murray Street �? / Z Addrnr Oxford, MS 38655 ,/ / Y s;.,. L J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE r— "••^• Winthrop D. Jordan, Trustee sr,..l 400 Murray Street Addr"r' Oxford, MS 38655 Cit,L tr.r. l— J OD 666 HD Quitclaiin Deed 191619 THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TRUSTORS SECURITY SERVICE The undersigned Grantor(s)declare(s)under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct: DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX S —0— ( ) computed on full value of property conce.ed.or i u ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at lime of sale. I a ( ) Unincorporated area' (X )City of._Yarmouth, Massachusetts ,and 1 XXXXXXVOHRAZXHXXXXXDOR Flans'e•3iXXXXXKEtXa{XXIHXX+X01i?iKlf ft Winthrop D. Jordan, of Berkeley, California, as to an undivided 50% interest as tenant in cannon with Donald I. Grinberg, of Boston, Massachusetts, Alan Grinberg, of San Francisoq i California, and Kathryn E. Grinberg, of Cabin John, Maryland, as to an undivided 50% interest, ; hereby REtIi SEIRL RELEAtiEIXi AND FORE\ER Ql'ITCI AI\I I�#I to Winthrop D. Jordan of Oxford, a Mississippi*, Trustee, or the successor trustee(s), of the WINTHROP D. JORDAN REVOCABLE TRUST dated April 17, 1992, as to an undivided 50% interest as tenant in ccinlon with Donald I. Grinberg, of Boston, Massachusetts, Alan Grinberg, of San Francisco, California, and Kathryn E. Grinberg, of Cabin John, Maryland, as to an undivided 50% interest, the following rle,rribd real pooprrls in the City of Yarmouth, runty Df Barnstable, o sate of MXXXK 0O( Massachusetts: 0 The premises situated in that part of Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, known 2 as Bass River, shaven as Lot No. 5, on Plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Bass River, Massachusetts, for Edith H. F. Churchill & Lucretia M. Jordan", dated August 4, 1969, prepared by S. R. Sweetser Engineer, recorded in Barnstable County Registry of ii Deeds, Plan Book 238, Plan 13. zFor Grantors' title, see Quitclaim Deed fran Lucretia M. Jordan to Barbara J�,,,Gri4erg and Winthrop D. Jordan as tenants in common dated July 30, 1974, recorded �Iti e .s Registry of Deeds, Book 2088, Page 270, and Barbara J. Grinberg Estate,' ..le r'•.- County Probate #89P-1472 EF. C�Aro- /1)_77)c.„d. - ' C ` :i r ' J *(Grantees' arddresses: c/o Winthrop D. Jordan, Trustee, 400 Murray y QYd, NE rr St7 38655) H., •. •~ fro Dated 911a,�ci /Gj /993 \%c. •K a State of California inL�rg / unty o San Francisco ?,„, f� 3T March 93 i ,,,,,rrr,,,ar this a day of 19 ,,, r s before me. ��wa 4 W• Zl3svrl4 4/ T JL/LY o 43--J-Y] ,,,, on undersigned Notary Public,personally appeared erg ?t� Allan Grinberg /."' A„>'1..Ul�liY_, •!t . ❑ personally known to me Notarize BylA•1TARY F-•5`�y •+•I 1;°� [ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ' 199 r to be the person whose nameldf iS subscribed to the `' • V };. within instrument,end acknowledged that he executed it. DAVID W. RA 1- •F WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1974395 �• . !,!1�M/`1+/�L, U CALIF ORN ,r,,,,liiili�r.,•`'.,. V r Oil a OMM a M M ^Fr✓losee. `,,,, Notary's Signature GPM tllslamMet V.19N6 0o•O,{ C. A/r \, � �`�Q" Gam` '` l J.r.trru ter!by a Corporation the Corporation Form <,� y,� �gyp-/ /J�JA/9 d ``OT��/r�' } of 4 Anoudedgment must he used. /Tln.,�,.��.•r•,m.,.a u.,�,r�,i.� �.� *. AUn, C �a Title Order No. Escrow,Loan or Attorney File No. KECUNDED APR 13 93 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE n • i •a- c' • 4 1 WLP:E 12/5/72 eouK tb01 'ACE 136 03706 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, Edith H. E. Churchill of Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massa- chusette, for nominal consideration paid hereby GRANT unto W. Hallowell Churchill, Jr., Edith E. C. Hartshorne and Frederick E. Churchill, Trustees of "Base River Trust" U/I dated December 29, 1972, to be recorded herewith. with quitclaim covenants, the following land situated in that part of Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, known as South Yar- mouth or Bass River:- (1) A parcel of land with the buildings thereon shown as Lot B on Plan entitled "Plan of Land in Bass River, Yarmouth, Massachusetts, belonging to Winthrop H. and Lucretia M. Churchill" dated November 20, 1944, by Bearse and Kellogg, Civil Engineers, recorded with Barnstable Deeds Plan Book 228, Plan 151, bounded and described as follows: EASTERLY by River Street as shown on said Plan one hundred seventy- two and 24/100 feet; NORTHERLY by Parcel C, as shown on said Plan three hundred thirteen and 96/100 feet; WESTERLY by Parcel A,as shown on said Plan one hundred eighty-four and 43/100 feet; and SOUTHERLY by said Parcel A two hundred ninety-two and 53/100 feet. Containing 1.24 Acres. (2) A parcel of land on the Southeasterly side of River Street and being th Southerly portion of Parcel E as shown on said Plan, bounded and described as follows: WESTERLY by said River Street one hundred sixty-nine and 91/100 feet; NORTHERLY by the remainder of said Parcel E by the Northerly line of said Parcel B extended across River Street to Bass River; EASTERLY by Bass River; and SOUTHERLY by Parcel D as shown on said Plan by two lines measuring respectively thirty feet more or less and eleven feet i„ore or less. (3) One undivided one-half interest in and to a Parcel shown as Lot D on said Plan bounded and described as follows: WESTERLY on River Street one hundred thirty-three and 56/100 feet; NORTHERLY by the parcel secondly described by two lines measuring respectively eleven feet more or less and thirty feet more or less; EASTERLY by Bass River; and SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Woodruff & Thomas, Inc., forty- two feet more or less. Containing above mean high water two hundredths (2/100)of an acre more or lees. (4) Lots 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 situated on River Street, Bass River Parkway and South Street, and shown on Plan entitled "Subdivision WLP:E 12/5/72 -2- BUUdall Ilk It.).? Plan of Land in Bass River, Mass, for Edith H. F. Churchill and Lu- cretia M. Jordan" dated August 4, 1969, by S. R. Sweetser Engineer recorded with said Deeds on June 10, 1970. The land described in paragraphs (1) and (2) was conveyed to my late husband Winthrop H. Churchill by Lucretia M. Churchill by deed dated January 18, 1945, recorded with said Deeds Book 623, Page 425. An undivided one-half interest in the lands described in para- graphs (3) and (4) were devised to my said husband by said Lucretia M. Churchill (See Barnstable Probates No. 36552) and devised to me by said Winthrop H. Churchill (See Middlesex Probates No. 366332). An undivided one-half interest in the land described in paragraph 4 hereof was conveyed to me by said Lucretia M. Jordan by deed dated May 26, 1970, recorded with said Deeds Book 1474, Page 1018. WITNESS the execution hereof under seal this , �(4` day of 'LJ�GEYh1P71 197, , the foregoing conveyance being a gift no documentary stamps are hereto affixed none being by law required, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1.4'o0— ss. 44e. t' 197d . Then personally appeared the above named Edith H. E. Churchill and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed, before me +' E K !► My commission expires 4 2/76 f 4 it : P t, RECORDED FEB -21913 • • • deerip • • . . • • • • • •