HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter 91 notice 1.24.2025 PUBLIC NOTICE
Notice of Simplified License Application pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 91
NOTIFICATION DATE: January 31,2025
PERMITTEE: Chris Erickson
PROJECT SITE ADDRESS: 2 Cape Isle Drive South Yarmouth, MA
Public notice is hereby given of the application for a Chapter 91 Simplified License by
Chris Erickson to construct/maintain an existing float and ramp in the waters of Parkers
River at 2 Cape Isle Drive South Yarmouth, MA.
The Department will consider all written comments on this Waterways application
received by within 30 days of the "Notification Date". Failure of any aggrieved
person or group of ten citizens or more to submit written comments to the Waterways
Regulation Program will result in the waiver of any right to an adjudicatory hearing in
accordance with 310 CMR 9.13(4)(c). The group of citizens must include at least five
citizens who are residents of the municipality in which the proposed project is located.
Project plans for this Waterways application are on file for public viewing electronically, by
request to dep.waterwaysmass.gov. If you do not have access to email, please leave a
voicemail at(617)292-5929 and you will be contacted with information on alternative options.
It is recommended that public comments be filed electronically with
dep.waterways@mass.gov when possible. Alternatively, comments may be mailed to the
Waterways Regulation Program at: 1 Winter Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108.