HomeMy WebLinkAboutrental Application2O2S Rental Registration Application / )o Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are Required! Owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed, have tested ALL Smoke Detectors/Ca*bn Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are less than 10 years old: Pleose inltiol.>#- conlacttheBuildingD€partmentre8ardingquestionsontypeandlocatronpriortopurchasinil/'l . A rsrrefundable application fee of $80 per unit/rental is required. . Rental Certificates expire on December 31,n,2025. . To register online and pay via credit card, visit the Town of Yarmouth Health Department your application online. After completing the initial steps, mak'e your check payable to the Town of Yarmouth, and be sure to include your BHR number (which will be provided during the online application processJ and your rental address. Make a note in the notes section that you will be sending a check. Mail the check to the address above. If NOT registering online, please make checks payable to: Town of Yarmouth and mail completed application (on reverse side) & payment to: Town ofYarmouth Health Department. See Reverse Side ) you prefer to pay by check, you may beginwebsite: https://www.ya rmouth.ma.us/ 127 /Health lf Important Notice (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): Ifyou do not receive your rental certificate within 30 days ofsending in your application, please contact our ffice immediately! PIease be aware that untilyou receive a rental certificate from the Health Department, your roperty is being rented without a valid certificate, which may result in fines and other penalties. ubmitting the registration application does not complete the process or guarantee the automatic issuance of rental certificate. Your application will undergo a *review process, which includes verification ofassessors' ecords, septic system, the number of bedrooms and previous inspections. *An inspection may be required as part of this process. Please note that occupanry limits are in place based on septic capacity and the number of bedrooms, These measures are in place to protect our drinking water and aquifers. As Yarmoutl prepares for a future transition to a town sewer system, these steps are crucial for preserving our water resources. Previous occupancy determinations may be sublect to adiustment based on the criteria mentioned above. Ia TOWN OF YARMOUTH Health Depa rtment T I46 ROLITE 28. SOI.JTH YARMOUTH MASSACHTiSETTS 0266{ Telephone (508) 39E-2231, ext. 1240 Far (508) 760-3472 E-mail: m da lev@\'a rm outh. ma. us httos, / /wvrwJalq- J,rq.mars/ DTu ment Please Print Clearly Rental Property Information Allfields are reqttired! lncomplete lorms without o votid phone #, oddres5 or e-mail address will not processed. )/ /r7/ 4-bzbz // /'za/-V Rental Property Address eekly/Short Term (less than 31 days) _ ear-Round/Long Term Trash Removal by: wner_ Tenan Hoyldunlex- Condo- Apartment- Room- Rental of r+b,vr7 z7z/cda- 1 roperty Owner Fu Name:(requ ired ) Entire Mailins Address:33 574N io-Pe- TF;Y? ilir. fitt , n,6.as o{6 6/7- 5'73 -J?9'- 5"a " maryreq u re one um er Alternate Phone Number:(required)E-mail Addresi: hza/cz4 7/r.Z6vrt ,/,Z. ?b,b .-!_/Z e/Re Vaca ne s er es tan t tan n I!,1 raeDoR eas eN d a aca on eOth r Representative's Primary phone Number: 3q)zzr-60 Representative's E-mail Address /outsltazrz/7yl Furthermore, I understand I must notii/ the Health Department in writing when I am no tonger renting theproperty, or I may be subject to fines & fees. fa to fe h creb c nk o ed ht hva reevt d lla acj frrrn n'l fia thth Teov t)f ra om LI sh hac r 01BpteRtanHLIosnh(:il fte 014 n oN sep h Teo on Y rma uoB!Shth rto eT Rern1 tan B a eh crvcbaenathdMeascLIhttsseteStanSaCedhaCreMnmrfmutasdnrdaposF'f tl't ses fo Hr n1LI naaHbtahTseerinodconlLIt1ei)ts are a iab e I're re n ec no eth 1'o n s b n mda a so eb bota D c ud ol1vperuesaothn'l Ye rma LIo hqt eHa Dthe rta em np Revised: L1 024 HEATTHDtPr Rental Period: Bylaw,law,,ppl ), JAN 0t ?*.i