HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 2/7/020 TOWN OF YARMOUTH L. �r . BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 0 200� c2 J BUILDING DEPARTMENT y INQUIRY FORM (ZONING PURPOSES ONLY) Assessors' Map No. 30 Lot No. ISZ Street Address L4-� a�- Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type (if applicable) Ld- G`- (" L"[1160� 3 CSC( -T Total Land Area (sq. ft.) Frontage�� C R-l�e+�c.✓iYk:�s,7r, t�-6�•�t,�( H•(c� Name of Current Owner Address � Telephone No. Inquire's Name (if different from owner) Aw(*-e Telephone No. Sag-3�g-aal� J Inquire's Mailing Address I W,1IF 'o -4, u,1A 3q ✓ Building Intent IZl1A�`�, H-5e Adjoining Lot Numbers ISSS'/ , Signature of Applicant �� � � �� Tr. - Date of Inquiry i a IaII 0 (0 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Does not conform with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, or Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. Reason Conforms with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, and or Section 104.3.4, Para. of the zoning bylaw, as per information provided Comments: Protected pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. Determination of access shall be made by the Planning Board Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 41 (if applicable.) Must satisfy Title V requirements. (See Board of Health) Must satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. Old Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission applicability. Investigator's Signature /�`�' -. Date Rev. 3/01 F> ACCT# 03 . 1 5 `MAP 025 LOT A3 'LQC 0000 RS LN I�! PLAN NO. 681 Le. 3aa�-2,� OWNER TITLE REF... _.. .. :.: .. I i �F �i !PI • 1 � � rql � � ACCT# .15b M P 025 LOT A4 j Y n LOG 003� ROUT 213 •40 Klan j', E DptL CERT. �Rg8117Tr M( ACCT# 030. 57 MAP 025 LOT A5 LOC 00342 PAWTE 28 Plan 7e DE DUG GEft1. PROBATE (6,i i erl (,t,) 4,5 ACCT# 30.158.i,l MAP 025 LOT A7 L ni, fl%Cl%l I-rr r, I ---- I S_Z o26' Parcel W6---/ Jam, -1 Plan .ti p MER '.n D 9009 PAGE DOC. —1471 CENT. PROBATE VIOL - AMA,_ (,3___ - ACCT#! 03 157 M'p 025 LOT A5 / LOC 0034 RO M 1- Plan 7D l e ev- BE --7 DaC, Cfl7, PROBATE _ W i3 ACCT# 038.94 MAP 025 LOT D3 LOC 00021 HEMEON DR Plan 7V-9 IK DOC. CERT. PROBATE iOups Ta-maNTozzI 6ruy =2b -0u 6 Ttriogro_zz r #t Ttt1S• LE_ "OD 91 �uX5 IVAHOW ! o LOW; UA 1W 00 ACCTq 038.122 MO 025 LOT A11 LOC LN Plan 734( PAGE AOC. CERT. PROBA'PE e k x 1'113 L174 .30/ io— i N-7 - Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC Myer R. Singer Andrew L. Singer Jennifer L. Thyng Via Hand Delivery Mr. James Brandolini, Building Commissioner Yarmouth Town Hall 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 26 Upper County Road P.O. Box 67 Dennisport, Massachusetts 02639 December 20, 2001 Re: Lots 1 and 2, 336 Main Street, West Yarmouth, MA Dear Mr. Brandolini: Tel: (508) 398-2221 Fax (508) 398-1568 At the request of the owner of the above -referenced property, Robert D. Wilkins, Trustee, I researched the zoning status of Lot 2 to determine whether it is a buildable lot under the Yarmouth Zoning By -Law separate from abutting Lot 1 with which it is in common ownership. Based on those matters set forth below, I have reached the conclusion that Lot 2 does benefit from the grandfather provisions of the current Yarmouth Zoning By -Law, that it has not merged with Lot 1 and that it is a separately buildable lot for single-family residential purposes. am writing on behalf of Mr. Wilkins to respectfully request written confirmation of the buildability of Lot 2 for single-family residential purposes based on the following analysis. In reaching the conclusion that the Lot is buildable, I have examined and relied on current and prior Certificates of Title and Deeds to Lots 1 and 2, plans of the Lots and current and prior Yarmouth Zoning By -Laws and Zoning Maps and made such investigation of law and public records as I have deemed necessary. Land. Lots 1 and 2 appear on a plan dated March 1960 and registered with the Barnstable Registry District of the 'Land Court as Land Court Plan 30017A (copy enclosed). The land was originally registered on May 2, 1961 (Certificate of Title No. 26717). The original recorded deed to Lot 2 (Book 1080, Page 493) references a plan that was apparently, never recorded;,however, the deed describes a Parcel 3 on the referenced plan which matches exactly the dimensions and location of Lot 2 as shown on the registered Land Court Plan. Lot 1 is approximately 47,083 square feet in size and has approximately 180.96 feet of frontage on Route 28. Lot 2 is approximately 15,018 square feet in size and has approximately Mr. James Brandolini, Building Commissioner December 20, 2001 Page 2 79.52 feet of frontage on Traders Lane. The definition of "lot frontage" in the Zoning By -Law is that portion of a lot "fronting upon" and "having rights of access to a way providing legally sufficient frontage" for a subdivision measured continuously along a single street line. Zoning. Lot 2 is located in the R-25 Zoning District (Lot 1 is located in the B2 Zoning District). Lot 2 is a nonconforming lot because it does not conform to the current dimensional requirements of the Zoning By -Law. A copy of a portion of the Zoning Map showing the two Lots is enclosed. Grandfather Protection of a Nonconforming Lox. Section 104.3.4 of the Zoning By -Law establishes grandfather protection allowing lots to be buildable if certain criteria are satisfied. Paragraph 2 of this Section states that an increase in the area, frontage or other dimensional requirements of the Zoning By -Law does not apply to a lot for a single family residential use if: The Plan for the Lot was duly recorded or endorsed; 2. The Lot was held in common ownership with not more than two other contiguous lots; and 3. The Lot had less than the dimensional and density requirements of the newly effective zoning but contained at least seven thousand five (7,500) square feet and seventy-five feet of frontage. Lot 2 meets all the prongs of this grandfather test and is therefore a separately buildable lot. Lot 2 is shown on a recorded plan (Land Court Plan 30017A). Lot 2 has never been held in common ownership with more than two other contiguous lots. Finally, Lot 2 has more than 7,500 sq. ft. of area and more than 75 feet of frontage on Traders Lane (15,018, sq. ft. and 79.52± ft., respectively). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call my office. Very truly yours, Law Office of Singer& Singer LLC <:�::� Andre'4w L. Singer ALS/a Enclosures to I's"ta I;rn •..868r:..; do •1` It me Al 01 744 _..�.Qp own 401 04 .40 lb pol ��i •i • •• `p�0 �11 PLAN OF LAND IN YARMOUTH Whitney & Bassett, Engineers March 1960 0 a v i w ; C8 -- 49.50 _ N620-"35-W C8 CD rn w .1t U in N Z ho o L,J W z 0 ai a) 0 a C.8 S 62050'35"F 1 49.5p -_ r c.e E rr O ' I r z r r it r � W r r , r Norman C; Godfrey it al, S B10 ' 13 r 8f .82 Z M 59° 5p' r 81 740., w r61.74 I 30017 C. a. � m CC O J 0 ,cqV DOo U) 91 C 12-19-01 09:1623 From-JFM d PM + T-036 P.04/04 F-001 :Wcwmxff= JIFY-unsdapte.ia"s.•ats.R�i�� !'�*wR'�1'i sw 0-•dUt'Mee or s..eota-psne wal Sx/ .5� sosc so a oeo OeMmt botmd and pa$= or begUpilra. 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A o Oo Cf A A A O O O ti O 0 00 Cl o ee o00o c Q �a Memo To: James Brandolini Building Inspector From: Matthew Zu rowick Deputy Assessor Date: 02/12/02 Re: Map 30 Parcel 156 or�c��onr�n � �Ee i 2,2oo2 IUI The parcel known as Lot 2 on Plan 30017A was combined with Lot 1 on plan 30017A for assessment purposes only. See attached plan. MJZ/cgo 0 Page 1 -10 MAP W030 !.10AC - - - - - - - - - - - - w 152 no 39-154 161 AM8 AC IMAC AC AAC AC UMAAC AC 29 ISAC 159 OMAC 30 .74 Of ISO c 32 AC AC AC .24 .1 23 35 a as Ar. .31 ACtnAr 71AC 21 0 1 IA3 AC 67 AC 41 85 0.34 AC 51 be 17 fe M44 AC 80 CJM3 AC AC a7 is 70 25 All '71 AC AC ON OL12 AC AS AC 2 as 14 AC .60 AC 46 AC as 14 AC "53 .45 AC 3 '47 Ar 90 0.1 2 428. r-401-1 7 1 *1 91 .1 AC Q� 40 .47 AC .2t* p - " a O.09•3 f 4v\ A AC 2 12a 093 1 0* ale AC 77 .35AC 0.26 AC i� > J6 OF 11pp 3 AC 4 94 M52AC .68 COAU&nKmN 31 MCI Be TOWN OF YARM UTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 SEC 2 d� BUILDING DEPARTMENT OT INQUIRY FORM (ZONING PURPOSES ONLY) Assessors' Map No. 30 Lot No. i SZO Street Address �T Ie'� L'"`r') 336 '+`" 5 ` , `f Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type (if applicable) LJ- G+ Total Land Area (sq. fL) �S Fr°niage ~� t ".4 -i r (Ir.,�V,'rr-. Addresswe..�.Telephone No. Name of Current Owner Inquire's Name (if different from owner) TelephaneNo. Inquire's Mailing Address P 0 �`"� 1 t 'O 63 Building Irrtent 51 =F � _ e- Adjoining Lot Numbers- �� Date of inquiry I oZ 1 o�-G (O i Signature of Applicant F FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Does not conform with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, or Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. Reason Conforms with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, and or Section 104.3A, Para. of the zoning bylaw, as per information provided. Comments: Protected pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. Determination of access shall be made by the Wiring Board pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 41 (if applicable.) Must satisfy Title V requirements. (See Board of Health) Must satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. Old Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission applicability. Investigator's Signature - Date -7 - O Z Rev. 3/01 Q i H F� d nv N Q ff] ti 04 0 y► ;?* 4-) Q a w W 4D - n xn to uouua0 .0 uyor 0 v 0 _ M „OZ,1z o o� z s IZ_ � xn pa r � r. u0uuo0 -- - 00 '66 3„SZ, Z N 0 r, �' Mr 29 61 i r' .,sz ,eo 0£ 9e ` z s K�r y 3rb-`--�ZB S 91•�, - — �s 3 7 a +o �a �aj1Pa0