HomeMy WebLinkAboutRental Application2025 Rental Registration Application +d c)toe TOWN OF YARMOUTH Health Department I t46 ROIITE 28, SOt rH YARMOI.iTH MASSAC'H tlSE'l"l'S 02664 Telephone (50E) 398-22J1, ext. 1240 Fax (508) 760-3412 E-m ail : m d aleYfa-'\'a rm ou th. ma. us Important Notice (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): f you do not receive your rental certificate within 30 days of sending in your application, please contact our ffice immediately! piease be aware that untilyou receive a rental certificate from the Health Department, your roperty is beingiented without a valid certificate, which may result in fines and other penalties. ubmitting the registration application qg4! complete the process or guarantee the automatic issuance of rental ce;tificate: Your application wiliii fr " *."uiew process, which includes verification of assessors' ecords, septic system, the number of bedrooms and previous inspections' *An inspection may be required as part of this process' .Pleasenotethatoccupancylimitsareinplacebasedonsepticcapacityandthenumberof bedrooms' These me,su'es at" i" place io protect our drinking water and aquifers' As Yarmouth prepares for a future tr;nsition to a town sewer system' these steps are crucial forpreservingourwaterresources.Previousoccupancydeterminationsmaybesubiectto adiustsnent based on the criteria mentioned above' Ia Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Deteciors are Required! Owners: I have ensured the batteries are change d, have tested ALL Smoke Detectors C Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are less than 10 years oldi Pleose initiol Conract the BuildinB Depanment regarding questions on type and locataon priorto purchasin hrtpsr / /wlgjyaLL}|I!.B! n ntCenter/View/ I l22l /Smoke-deteclor'location Rental Certificates expire on December 31n' 2025' Toregisteronlineandpayviacreditcard,visittheTo\,!,nofYarmouthHealthDepartment website; https: / /www.varmouih.ma.us / 12 7 /Health If you prefer to pay by check, you may begin y"'."ppffistepS,makeyourcheckpayabletotheTownof'Vrin,'"uit, and be sure to include your flR number lwtrictr witt be provided during the online ;;pl;i;; processJ and your."nlat address. Make a note in the notes secrion that you will be sending a check. Mail the check to the address above lf NOT registering online, please make checks payable to: Town of Yarmouth and mail ;;;;i"i;; appliclation (on reverse sideJ & payment to: Town of Yarmouth Health Department' A rsrrefundable application fee of $BO per unit/rental is reqtt iretl See Reverse Side Please Print Clearly Rental Property Information All fields are required! Incomplete forms without a vali(l phone #, oddr'ess, or e-moil address will not processed. )/o .S'm3'//" Rental Property Address eekly/Short Term (less than 31 days) _ Rental Period ea r-Round/Long Term wner Tenan Trash Removal by ondo_ Apartment_ Room_,*,House_ Du lles 'Ro4r7,Property Owner Full Name:ntire Mailing Address:F@ PppPuB t7 72 Qo{fic"tzyt nA- a//32-- (required) E561 V requ lr on€)u rilrmary #'edzz--/7F ftc tl a Ptch n uNrn be r:(required)E-mail Address//essyZdi4 2- A "O lUr"- . ?b&4rz o en s 5e tle ta e nAg D M raNeedaaactionothre acasa, We enta 6q)zzrd<o Representative's Num Primary Phone ber:Representative's E-mail Address I:#"#:;i l:;i'J',f;:J,T"T:::,yrJj.: Hearth Department in writins when r am no ronser rentins the ,/, fa fblofe here b ckn lc clv e h a hil reev ('ed tla (i a ltl ll nt t'a thv th Te of afeRn m uotaHo t')CUsn ah teli 1r u0ChaeTpvI0l)tl ri N s H ht 'fev n f a rn)LIo h hs rto -le ntfea R tilnntdh TJeaN{ascah h t_e elres!'sttstat San t:t C ahry tef l\{np um SnltaaHbn d rdos fo tn ll seshT rede llH anltInltltlsfea.l .t ab t-te r ll (lc n rh e T n l.re ltaer nlrl aLIsclr i1 olT)lr o(l eth JY v bta llfnl urlLIh l)ae h t)e pr'tlI1e llp Revised: 11 024 JAx 0 E 20Zc HEALTH DEPI LriLl Rental oi /oratsltazalpl it 1applicabl),(C ode, H t.