HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 11/20/06 c� ite. I CEOC� � TT 11) o � TOWN OF YARMOUT FE NO o ; 2006 y BUILDING DEPARTMENT By 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. gooi< �5 13') J f T INQUIRY FORM (u ed for zoning purposes only) <'3 NI HYR.Oct. L Assessors'Map Nod Lot No. 5 Street Address l aS*e )P_kRfiGe--_ -1-612l2Ar Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable)1 1 / /.`/ /9 Y7 Total Land Area(sq.ft.) 10). 00 S . -- 4 Frontage s / Name of Current Ovvnerki-tJ 1-'it 14 Address 3 Mai'F'i1S' v RRA Telephone No. S0e: Wig Y(/g Inquirer's 1V ti111G(if different frVlll owner)i1Lr) HAW AtLAD --B✓llr'rm.../ Telephone No. I 1-7a(( %—,6 0 1 9— Inquirer's Mailing Address ''')c 1�S.. E S1` /`"t,T1 Building Intent. �t „1" beliAdjoining Lot Numbers go (o ) fib ' —26 By signing this application I assert my understanding that the ptvp a of this cittit!�'IB'S. deterfrirM6 Wilfttae mentioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain h retofore- eveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been built upon. v Signature of Applicant 7 Date of Inquiry /t 3�`O( DECISION (for office use only) - �-C�,L, f'% /1 070-' Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Reason ronforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6 or Section 104.3.4,Para. S- of the zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Comments: ✓ 1 45-7.2 t c..,� n_tected n Mont to the annli ab1P provisions of M G T Chanter 4n 4 Section 6. T)'•fin five Plan Exemption Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L.Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit.(if applicable.) / Shall satisfy Title V requirements.(See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations,if applicable. ✓ Shall satisfy the 0 ' gs Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature Date ."���� Rev. 8/02 1 t Mi ACCT# 119 48 MAP 107 LOT X80 LOC 000 D ROSE TERRACE Ad , 23 A Plan 4. OWNER I BOOK PAGE DOC. CERT. PROBATE 67E Z--"rt-/A / I L /J-/ k7 121.3 3 .th"Tu S 776"V-4/5 II/33 -7 3-7 - I -67 CctWed Tbd& WWI ,S4L (((;gt 000 4g-o/ gi ACCT# 11(749 MAF/098 LOT J77 LOC 0041Z9__MAYrLOWER TERR Plan 51 4 DOC. CERT. PROBATE DATE 7-1.1t) Ai C-451/< L• ./ i),01,-) .6-7AL .=;!:;/--Lc/ agtZ(. ILOPP TIL, 41P-- 6-03- iLiektht niFoiLa e 7464 33J, (g000) , 011611,?ct To40,1 ". Fict FOR& OSA. 3 03 b 0.014 A-0\i FAFOgict i1 ° I lOgot. 30[1. t00) I 101?-1 i -7 4,5-- Iza OF bt-60 klei\AM FAFORA 31 _ 414 kl ///6/Cg ,6„, :7, - riiQtrit kty&r.e-e. q9C 2, 11)1 47 'TT t<1-1in,,a-t-Y1) att, Ptov-/ liAti x. /-4diz 3 /4-5-6 1357- „zizi) kEzez /72_,5,;P, /7//6 4/7 (kor 21) 18 6 5 ,/z?/cc. a-Or g � ,Late r* )9' Gu C, 8 /7 3 P/57 DD S/ f / 1 ACTT* 119. 50 MAP 098 LOT J76 LOC 00083 MAYFLOWER TERR Plan DOC. CERT. PROBATE DATE UOfIL /1?,!,/'y 6i: f,-A 1'���s I /-2y.-. 9? / z,, b 1'Ux 2.5 O7 O WuJ.j4r,) 501-L.E1NkeI/' 5R 271 OTTO aI. � ,s�laF64 ,. 3940 90 _ on .th- einIJ off,-#_ TU 6 7q ()um io) -3-17\f, Fiti& M, i0135tro L alnico) 614-11-a-rt-6-4 / T/ 11-P. aizAif B 9SI p I 7, ACCT# J.) MAP 098 LOT J75 LOC 0 89 AYFLOWER TERR cr-- - Plan --, Y t,"i ...... DOC. CERT. 1 PROBATE DATE 7 0 r7:4, 75— 1—/IR2_, \.I."iit i 77------ ..(s,.7 t'..)c cl 2?(r- .2 72— /Cl/&_ 1 w-tty ' 6.002ild Lis6-q b3 67.1,,ODO) c0515-6- . — ,