HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 8/11/09 0 ` 44. TOWN OF YARMOUTHo BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664 508-398-2 1; 117 E.:' Ai II' LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes ony) n .' ,RFC . Assessors'Map No. 31 Lot No. i / ► / Street Address _ +,,' . i t r° iQ 0 S o Y a r mo v 4 Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) August 2 2 , 19 3 0 (copy attache Total Land Area(sq.f.) 9,000 sq. f t . (60 x 150) Frontage 60 ft . Margaret 40 Strathmore Rd. Name of Current Owner Lovely Address Cranston,RI 0 2 9 0 5 Telephone No. (401) 4 6'7 5 4 3 2 Inquirer's Name(if different from owner) N. Telephone No. 1) Inquirer's Mailing Address ,, �.3[f .-C . 1' 3( / , j 2 / 22.S oZ� Awaitingyg ur,�decisio� n�" Lot 117 —owner M. Lovely Building Intent Buildable lot. Adjoining Lot Numbers Lot 115 —owner K . Giles By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been built upon. Signature of Applicant ` .t,,.,,.q,u,,,X =�- { a Date of Inquiry 1 - ' -O ci l DECISION(for office use only) V'''Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption , and/or the �ptable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. R /�a.! Z4.�% �,et-,�•,--f . fir//7 Ac---�,-zi. ,.i7'�, e�.� �� , L= r .�/f rf f- // - & ..mac _ /,�h.. Conforms to theicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6,andior Section 04.3.4,Para of the zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Comments: Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L.Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit.(if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements.(See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations,if applicable. • Shall satisfy the 0 ' gs Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature « / --�-..- Date ��'/,(f Rev.8/02 I - • ---. .—....-................•..............••.........—••----• -.••-,-- --••--....- . ••Pn03 ity A790503 Vadirnanii 9 7 icpup eiv a;poi ov mil em.,10 ems I --- ace/.a ony -- If‘l k l'- --,77-41'111"ff PliffPrilV.) x//1.9 €4 4 0 9 vAaVs sr 7" 96 oi i $io/ Ay paassy al kw ay.//Jo .s.vot?/././,u4, aRialas• 19/JJO NOIDO.1519.78 ONY7 00.i.viA0"V . agt ,t•A ..1 /7 , 1 ' 2,/ (.7, sad" • . it-i , ) if gli 14. 1.61• ,cs , ' 0 Oil - • ii," . 10 0 - • .- tel ill A .3 t4. z/. 02.... t.•;.• .... • -.. v le .00 . 0 .41til "t , 0 , t air„ 49 .00' . 4.7 "' • t ,as osot .-..-zs• • - 4,,,,xs. • ,trfr-i.774, ••,,„, e ' . '1°14 16 4:443-1. C it 14 yy 4 GI r • ,, !,t• ,* i 111 11.... P• ,, .,,t'.„ 47 , 4' 1. ' •:, 111 5 4 I".- $ et 'it. it '1 . -,4t‘e :,:. '*1' g -4 4.' \La .....4Y .. . 1 /4111011•7-wwve Plt, i ft;*-4`4',..S:, . , '4: ts • I , ,.. A 4 '4•:',T .; . __B_ S ...-- - ,.,,s4- i! .. to & t .- / 't ••.- • r cell ,r, r .i. i-7 : • 4fp... ,. .., 4.;,; -re • .,. • .- • 1.041 9 4 k , A, ... • •.. ,..„,, , „ ,.- ,11"..r ill . S. k , r.... i- .- ; -r g 9/ t $ t A? a ch se . r •- r 6-. - • .:- ' 6 t i itt m 411 , .4., , , , . „ . ita.sw stf,„ ,,,,. , 4 _:- :" .. ---",---• ; g .1 i • iafr -A' 73:-;?" .- -1 • .• f •• -,• ..-_.. 5/ # 0 ••11*':, •i• --.• •• -,-_'...-.i 1 , Joe i'''. • 4' 41 •i. ' `C'411gP.4t I ' .- „. -*- ...,.. •.•- , I•re..*s ' :.....4.,4,414.0..3/4 '44, -.- 4 - I sky., it.S ''..... .;, •apt. .- -: ' N 'fe 4. tOte ' ,,,q).' 1• ,. , •..•411bf.. •••• . 0, frifi it, ' *4 ,. fut : ' • ' - : ',-. , • . , •. . , ... . # . t, 4 1 .4. , s.' , .a • . • , . ... . ::. . . . . .. . . • -4. • '''' w e' i 4 fi s"' 1 * Of i% • •- , - •- •- ' 4' , '4:4,. ,. •.- • ,_ , Iii,4, .. •. Asse-i- 64194 •••00 .5.,, .,,i c,)4" 'f, V , ifig ..' '''......r? i • 0'S ' 4 ' 40, '. ' ,-i•s*• -•.•-—PrAft '4'-5, * 4' • 1 --, •tt. V /ar .«,::-../: . ". . , _.,' - , , `•• ............. / . , • ., , Al ! . - , t••.• a,, I & -' • ' -a- °_ • 1 I `C/ .0 4'.0••/ '41' • , -• ,. .,. 4, _, . ,,, 1 I el" aft • , -,• , ,, ,- _,_ As" ,..e• i eke° .v.f.,b ' s-'s !;-1 .f.,: ..t, -gr.,,, Iry ..' ..A 0 4, ' -4. tt, ' • ' '0:f 46 --a •I .. -r."- '_,.., Ofree '4:.', • et sr , ki , .., 4 .. ••••1,, '• - '44• Z V AF f.1(' - I .:.--,I. . C r> N • 7 - -•- e I 1,-.-1- ,- 0(..) ".-- , ,f • •cr ,,' , , I. 4 /I •••17 1 : \ ,-i •I . i 1 -1-.--- , • 4)s- limallk . NIP N 4-, • • 0061'011V • aeouTWua ITA10"eluewetwa elfacieo "t I 1.7.71/.f // ./ NIIIONIIVA NI CINV'I .LIO NirIcl NO IS TA IGHLIS 'r ..-... ''. . ,,:.,,,,-. \ : k m I i- him m4' z ` yy 7'w' ., r w 1 R t . I ( I/We, CATHERINE T. LOVELY and BERNARD J. LOVELY, as joint tenants, ` both being unmarried and of r Si Providence (nomD�Duncan Avenue), Rhode Island i .del for/consi eratton paid. grant to MARGARET LOVELY I also being unmarried, of said Providence (28 Duncan Ave., ) Rhode Island, with qulrlaiut runtnants i the land in Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Mass- (Description and encutobranca,it soy) achusetts, bounded and desoribed as follows: i Easterly, Northeasterly and Northerly by Wilfin Road, Three Hundred Thirty-Two and 91/100 (332.91) feet; i Nesterly by land now or formerly of Millard F. Jones, Two Hundred Seventy-Five and ) 9/100 (275.49) feet; and Southerly by Lot 115, as shown on a plan hereinafter referred to, One hundred Fifty (150) feet. All of said boundaries are determined by the Court to be lo- cated as shown on Plan 1)}111+A2 (Sheet 1) dated August, 1930, drawn by 1 George F. Clements, Civ. Lag., filed in.the Land Registration Office i at Boston, Mess., a copy of which is filed in Barnstable County Regis- , try of a+eeds in Land Registry Book 11, Page 20, with Certificate of Title 2565; and said land is shown as LOTS 116, 117 and 110. j For our title see certificate of Title No. 22672, Barnstable t Registry District of the Land Onurt. 1 t iI h N.t of said grantor, release to saidgrantee all ri hts of tenancy by the curtest' and other interests t.---at. 1 g dower and homestead July s, 00 Illuutoss- Qv.r..hand a and seal a this.... ` .day of 1l .:.19... /-/Z- '' './ ,. `i .,/ p f i STATE OF RHO E TSLANDugua July 8, 60 sC )DMkltUV 19 sf t . Then personally appeared the above named Bernard J. Lovely and gp#j,pa forgoing instrument to be his free act and deed, befor me `` •k.. a ":, T" �, A Notur Public—fastice of the ace y t;, t � `roc . '-,.• Cj:1p?: L(r commiWoe expinillly Comnii«im, ',Tires 19 k' U 0 �. . :Qt. June 30, 190/ •-•—4_1__ ja I•-Jamt T u—Tmanu ie COMMIS—Team by tie Lauren)La`.t/ �/2- `�657 � t - A1- aCm /"L. //) d //dr r.;:P.- /Y/eY 4� (- 1 +71 r., • • • • 14 • • ACCT# 034. 33 MAP 021 LOT M115 Plan L c /..i/y,�Ma LOC 00021 WILFIN RD i DOC. CERT. PROBATE es ro 4/wo l 42 zo2 /744 y oA1 . La A e rl era/ ,5`O:Z '4 .o 003 , / i;" 4 c-Q/1,'ff�P i ,i 5?y�/ >22,3-7/ 1 .5"9.2 3 .3 / .,z. 3 l2(ds q e 5-92:43 3/57 / /02/5`2 .36 9a 61 2� l 6 6 ,are i 1Y O .,000 gn` _ 15.8"g,I ( 54E100 KENu f 6 t, ,.5 6T u• (2$21900 `1352$1 i10 ZD1- $ 161&3 '.. -..'4^i* -., Acct. No. 034.f4—.1,, ACRES .29 F 06 PLAN NO. 94 l) fJ LC 14114 Property Location: 9 WILFIN RD. JJ (i`/( /3 OWNER TITLE REF. �J f Book Page Document Certificate Date Selling Price Margaret Lovely 65470 , 25302 j jaberf P. sac Kin. .rve , 1 1 ev 19 174..5" -1 y/ 7/e1 ' ACCT# 034. 34.1MAP 021 LOT M118 . gi G 1kt t LOC 00015 WILPIN RD ei6 PIan,c,G /41/id ,BE DOC. CERT. PROBATE `Alt,/4 4 Se 4,f.4-0-,4 t, 3 i 7 I L}7 CO-held 77 Love I era./ _ 57 re.� -2.2 6 7Z IAMr _ arel L ye f 6' Y70 14,1 f' T c _r_. _._ Sapp) _!OW 0 G I Io L3 ► U • Imo_ _ Pe,y �r /1.5 // � �_ �`-/ V �, ACCT# 034. 224 MAP 029 LOT T33 Map LOC 00088 BREEZY POINT RD Plan DOC. CERT. PROBATE ' w n at / M4t-Z�at m4-i , 7 t 1 may/ 11 / / 7 _ 4 • ACCT# 034. 225 MAP 029 LOT T36 Mr LOC 00092 BREEZY POINT RD2 Plan DOC. CERT. PROBATE ,eiO 5 ,4// , liX (s7 2..2 �d AiJ e �.1 6s7 a7(0 .23 y9 �91 3'1 7/ 3 ya 2 e-e) TO n of Zirrirns , /0i3-;- pI 3-3 T7 kc, ACCT# 034. 226 MAP 029 LOT 141 Mar LOC 00102 BREEZY POINT RD Plan ......:21 DOC. CERT. PROBATE Lia. 112 e 6. 1?-tj A a r2 ..,-77 A . ..Z.,et) -7-7. ..57/4 r r-- 7 11 2./0 ..,,, .29 7;52'o i ..,641;rd lc /1/00 n a-i ,S V. e-Fitx i =2-6. C VP idi4 e / LT • eT -T-,-„77 0,1 (I).-1-1-1 . /3.9 r /D ----- .-.-k-- 1 o eTtk /1/d.5- t.;C 147, lia Y:572 frif' &Ti‘X /4/57 //9 91 . , l-e-e 1-/. / o K.S --r/) ii/-- -/ //9 y /6-2-2— ,-.?, _ 0 _j — Thiafr--- YMAIL-13/A/6./1/ ETVX ,,Q,07‘-/ i 22 .si-pig Le y A., c-itaso iv .230q igy • .€, 1,4„ , A ?:5-3— , I , . ,_.. _ , , . . „ ., ... .., . . .,.„ .... .. .._ ,. . .. _, . ...,_ . .. ,... .... .......,..... ... . . . . . , . . , ,