HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 8/12/08 off••YqR a_z_ 8/4/a,F fi:3ECEIV ; g • A y TOWN OF YARMOUTI i'37 k- » - 4 JUL 2 1 2008 J •_ "'�"° BUILDING DEPARTMENT ; .; BUILDING DEPT. 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 • LOT INQUIRY FORvI (used for zoning purposes only) /e t. 7} /0 Assessors' Map No. c?4 Lot No. •� Street Address i71e. 44)44 if/Ai. /fow V Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and T pe(if applicable) ,� - z) — % `- Total Land Area(sq. ft.) 7 a f zj 2 Frontage i 74 7Yi 4 ' S'T � Name of Current Owner/ MA y �nt p tC Address f�T7,CEBo A'o_ /YIA Telephone No..7 a- I 2- 221P7 / 02.703 Inquirer's Name(if different from owner) Z es- CNA'7 Po'ea/ eenh ri' Telephone No.6,F. .29'f o 9 7/ Inquirer's Mailing Address 90 f 7E .2,P, .Seal// /4/4 rh a v r,q, 4'14 a ZG 6 5( Building Intent Adjoining Lot Numbers 'yIr ,2(., lit., /J /0 6 f /o 5/ 5X, 99 /o /o/ By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been built u pn. Signature of Applicant ,.; (Z.-_.7,,Ge-PP Date of Inquiry 7/2//a p DECISION (for office use only) Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Reason: Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Sectio i or Section 104.3.4,Para. of the m zoning bylaw, as per the information provided on this date. Comen C7 i ) ,.,-.vie ,4-0.,a.- ,4 .4- -7 21 &-7--,-4 ,, ✓• a- ( 7)7 'e e� t� s "." Protected pursuant th�applicabl provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section ,Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit. (if applicable.) / Shall satisfy Title V requirements. (See Health Dept.) / V Shall satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. ✓ Shall satisfy the 01 Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature Date /7u$: Rev. 8/02 'i STATUS FORM QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, RACHEL MARINOO, widow and surviving Tenant by the Entirety of PAUL MARINO, of the 4 Town of North Providence, County of Prccvi�3encQe0 Oand State of Rhode Island, for consideration paid, /grant,to MARY TEMPLE 4 of 20 Lafayette Street , North Attleboro, Massachusetts, 0 WITH QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, 1 A certain parcel of land with the buildings -4 thereon, situated in Yarmouth, in the County of °` i Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, . .5 designated as Lot No. 71 on the Plan hereinafter ' named, bounded and described as follows: 1-.. EASTERLY by Wilfin Road, 60 feet; • o i SOUTHERLY by Lot 70, 143.39 feet; i WESTERLY by Lots numbered 87, 86 and 85, 60.23 feet; and :.; ;I NORTHERLY by Lot 72, 166.79 feet. -g it All of said boundaries are determined by the Court a to be located as shown on Plan 14114-A2 (Sheet 2) • dated Aug. 1930, drawn by George F. Clements, 'F ii Civil Engineer, and filed in the Land Registration F Office at Boston, a copy of which is filed in a ) Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Land ' 1 Registration Book 11, Page 20, with Certificate 1 of Title No. 2565, and said land is shown thereon Vj as Lot 71. 1, 1 - — -also, another certain parcel of land with the • k fl buildings thereon, situated in said Yarmouth, I• being shown as Lot numbered 72 on said Above ' �'"PS �' mentioned plan, bounded and described as follows: • F i1., II ,i;; I' EASTERLY by Wilfin Road, 75 feet; SOUTHERLY by Lot 71, above described, 166.79 feet; . WESTERLY by Lots numbered 85 and 84, 41.04 feet; and • NORTHERLY by Lot numbered 73, 177.83 feet. j it For my title see Certificate of Title No. 32624 • recorded in the Registered Land Section for - i Barnstable County in Book 254 at Page 74. it Gallbj Subject to taxes assessed as of January 1, 1983. - 2r .lam taP�� ccSub htBtit, t .46. a t ill � 'WITNESS MY hand and seal this 27th day of June jA. D. 1983. • it • it Exe ed he presence of: (Q cz Yl. ) i2AC MARINO il''''''. . 'N . -' 5 A 1.9..!.. . • ..:-s or, , __\,. .-- - • ._ , , ir-..-_,,sk id3-7..‘% 1%:,i-, I i B ?r_17:i- .__1 - .. ._. .. 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