HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitcalim Deed9/4/98 81< 1 1 679 PGS4S G6S?u 09--04— 1 998 e 09 2 C_3 N O T N O T A N QUITCLAIM DEED A N OFFICIAL OFFICIAL COPY COPY RICHARD W. SHRINER, Trustee of KCRW Yarmouth Realty Trust, under Declaration,o rust dated Decemb r 1 , 1988 and recorded with Barnstable Cbuhtk Registry of DeedOBbok 6564, Page 31, for consideration paidAand in full consideraititin of FOUR HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND FOUR iU$DRE0 FI'TX-EIGHT ANP p011Q0i ($4D6,458.00) Dollars, grants o0RREy Inc. , a MassaciuReptt Corporation with a principal place of business at 763 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02541, with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, those certain parcels of land described below: For Parcels I and II, the land in Yarmouth known as West Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, comprised of two parcels, more particularly bounded and described as follows: PARCEL I �c3 Being six lots of land and numbered, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 100, . as shown on a plan of land in said Yarmouth entitled, "Hyannis Gardens, January 1926, Cape Cod Investment Company, Cambridge, Mass. " recorded with Barnstable Deeds, Plan Book 16, Page 75. The entire parcel is bounded: NORTHWESTERLY by Town Brook Road, as shown on said plan; NORTHEASTERLY by Lots 10 and 99, as shown on said plant SOUTHEASTERLY by Woodbine Avenue, as shown on said plan; SOUTHWESTERLY by State Highway, as shown on said plan. pCEL =I A triangular parcel of land bounded as follows: Commencing at Town Brook Road at the junction of Lots 10 and 11; Thence Southeasterly, Ninety (90) feet by Lot 117 Thence Northeasterly, Nine (9) feet by Lot 99; Thence Northwesterly, ninety-one (91) feet, more or less, by the remaining portion of Lot 10 to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Lot 10, as shown on said Hyannis Gardens Plan. PARCEL IlL Those certain parcels of land situated in that part of Yarmouth called West Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts situated on Woodbine Avenue, and being shown as Lots 98 and 99 on a plan entitled "Hyannis Gardens, January 1926, Cape Cod 0\ BK 1 1 G?9 PG346 EBS?O Investment Compan1Y,OCpmbridge, Mass. , Seer 1 inch a 50 feet, Nelson Bearse, Su 'or, Centerville, Ma¢sT " which plan is filed with the BarnsEt,.ak IC oI county Registry F F 0ee"Cdsl inA Plan Book 16, Page 75. COPYL COPY These premises are more particularly bounded and described as follows: N O T N O T NORTHEASTERLY by PIA 97 , as shown on abbe§-mentioned plan, 0 Franbtl I(910)Lfeet, Mbrlb L COY SOUTHEASTERLY by Woodbine Avenue, as shown OP on said plan, one hundred (100) feet, more or less; SOUTHWESTERLY by lot 100, as shown on said plan, ninety (90) feet, more or less; and NORTHWESTERLY by lots 10 and 9, as shown on said plan, one hundred (100) feet, more or less. Said premises are conveyed together with a right of way over the roads as shown on said plan from said premises to the main road. The above-described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easement and reservations of record, if the same are in force and applicable, and also any takings for road purposes of record. Being the same premises conveyed to this Grantor by deed of KCRW, Inc. , dated December 19, 1988, and recorded with said Registry of deeds, Book 6564, Page 35. For further reference to title to Parcels I and II, reference may be had to deed of The Shriner Company dated September 30, 1975 and recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 2346, Page 259, and for further reference to title for Parcel III, reference may be had to deed of Winsted Shoe Co. , Inc. dated September 30, 1975 and recorded with said Registry in Book 2346, Page 257. r/.3 rnC �� x ww + m R r� J� f-'. -ia • ..per x • S ,g , - 2 • BK 1 1 6 r S PC347 6bS7U NAOT NA O1�T IN WITNE S WHEN 5tir�.REOF, Richard W. ner, Trustee pf KCRW Yarmouth Rea?tl frtsstC hTad'' sTet his hflna End Eeil At.l is V.-A day of September, 19D8Q P Y C 0 P Y N 0 T N O T A N hhA��N OFFICIAL O F F / 4 COPY C F oihaFd W. Shriner, Trustee of KCRW Yarmouth Realty Trust COMMONWEALTH OP MMASSACHUSETTS County of 1,ar a6A_ ./r/ 74✓t, -3 , 1998 Then personally appeared RICHARD W. SHRINER, Trustee as aforesaid, and acknowledged the foregoing to be his free act and deed, before me, O 1 -lac-yr� Notary Public ` R L. NRVrn/x My Commission expires: 0.01000ye DD8076 3