HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlans 1.27.2025Datum NAVD88 ft HTL 2.34 MHW 0.99 NAVD88 0 MLW Based on NOAA Hyannisport Station LEWIS BAY SMITHS GpJ� POINT 0� �O Ja GREAT J ISLAND - - POINT GAMMON LIGHT VIEW #2 VIEW #1 NANTUCKET SOUND Location Map Not to Scale RESOURCE PERMANENT IMPACT (UP TO S.F.) COASTAL BEACH 48,102± COASTAL DUNE 13,700± MITCHELL yN� BUCK CIVIL -� NO. 51147 W LEGEND�``� U) GIS PARCEL LINE GIS Parcel Line 0 O U) ---2---- Existing Contours (Ground Survey) 10 IY X 8.4 Existing Spot Elevation (Ground Survey) — — High Tide Line (HTL) Mean High Water (MHW) ................................................. Mean Low Water (MLW) I■■■■■■■■■■Bulk :.. Array } ® Z B" N o O 0NC) UC)� J (n � a QOf X =� O m Qo O Q 0� o W� o Z)00 0 O v ® lii W Z �- O >Q :0- I,- W O-1 W =B®®B®BB — — — — — — — Landward Edge of Coastal Beach — Landward Edge of Primary Coastal Dune — Landward Edge of Salt Marsh \ \,\�\ a NHESP Boundary (PH-2156) TIP Q TH-34756 Soil Sample Location References: m O °� Cn CIL 0 :3 0�' 2 a) N moo o0Qo = o o -L9 m U) 1. Assessors Map 4, Parcel 4; Map 6, Parcels 6, 7 & 8; Map 7, Parcel 1; and Map 10, Parcel 1 2. GIS parcel lines compiled from MassGIS shown are approximate and do not C: represent an actual property boundary survey. (n D Survey_ Notes: - Q 1. Coastal and Wetland Resource delineation conducted on 1/19/24 by Woods Hole M Group, Inc. 0 0 2. Field Data collected by Woods Hole Group between 1/26/24 and 2/08/24, and C -6-' between 8/7/24 and 8/14/24. 0 Ca 0 0 Flood Note: U) . � L W 1. Portions of areas depicted lie within Special Flood Hazard Zone X, AE (EI=11), L- Co Q AE (EI=13), VE (EI=13) and VE (EI=14) as depicted on FEMA Firm Panel M 0 U) #25001 C0782J, effective 7/16/2014; AE (EI=11), AE (EI=13), VE (EI=13) and z i VE (EI=14) as depicted on FEMA Firm Panel #25001C0569J, effective r�Ln N 0 0 C: 7/16/2014; and AE (EI=13), VE (EI=13) and VE (EI=14) as depicted on FEMA Firm Panel #25001 C0588J, v S effective 7/16/2014. � O � O Datum Notes: I` -0 cL a)E 1. Coordinates are based on Massachusetts State Plane NAD83, Mainland Zone (2001), in units of US Survey Feet. 2. Elevations are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 _� Y) -0 '0 (NAVD88) in US survey feet. 0 0 (6 3. Tidal Datum Elevations are based on NOAA published Data & OPUS Observation of Hyannisport Tidal Benchmark Station. U to 0 -0 }' Ct3 General Notes: Z LL N ( CL 1. Priority Habitats of Rare and Estimated Habitats of Rare Wildlife shown on plan > .� are in accordance with the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas, 15th Edition. 0 U co 2. Entire site is within Barrier Beach and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. 3. Existing bulk bag array installed under SE 83-2431 to be replaced with fiber rolls. 0 4. Underground utilities shall be flagged prior to construction. L 5. Beach Grass in disturbed areas will be replanted using American Beach Grass, with 3 culms per hole, placed 12" on center. Projected Resource Area Impact Notes: 1. Approximately 13,700 S.F. Area of Coir Fiber Roll array. I- 2. Approximately 61,802 S.F. Area of Nourishment (Including Coir Fiber Roll array). 3. Approximately 30,831 S.F. Area of (Temporary) Construction Access. Project Number: 23-0169 4. Approximate 92,633 S.F. (2.13± Ac.) Total Area of alteration (Nourishment + Dwg File: 23-0169-01_SP.dwg Access) Scale: 1" = 60' 5. Approximate 4,000 Cu. Yds. for Dune and Beach Nourishment. Date: 01 /27/2025 Graphic Scale Approved: Drawn: RHV 60 30 0 60 180 Page 2 of 3 ill = 60' 15 10 00 00 c p 0 > 5 Z W 0 LL -5 Roadway Woven Filter Fabric (Mirafi FW 700 or similar) Place and compact sand from bulk bags Duckbill Anchor -10 0+00 Primary Coastal Dune Sand Cover w/ Beach Grass 2 4 �P a� Limit of Construction Access Coastal Beach 3 - - - - ------- Alternative Primary --- _ Dune Profile Dune Profile Fiber Rolls anchored by duckbill anchors Existing Grade 3/8" - 1/2" Cable 10' long in depth (typ) 0+25 0+50 Station Typical Transect Horizontal Scale : 1 "=10' Vertical Scale : 1"=10' 0+75 15 10 HTL 5 MHW C$7 -5 -4-10 1+00 General Notes: 1. Area depicted is located within the Priority Habitats of Rare and Estimated Habitats of Rare Wildlife in accordance with the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas, 15th Edition. 2. Area depicted is within Barrier Beach and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. 3. The contractor shall provide all material, labor and equipment to perform the work described on these plans, as approved by the Yarmouth Conservation Commission. 4. The contractor shall attend a pre -construction, on -site meeting which will be attended by the Engineer and representative of the Yarmouth Conservation Commission. The contractor will present to the engineer and the Conservation Commission the proposed means and methods to construct the proposed project. 5. The contractor agrees to modify the proposed means and methods upon instruction from the Conservation Commission representative or the Engineer to minimize impacts to the resource areas. 6. The contractor shall not vary from the plans, specifications, order of conditions, or instructions provided at the pre -construction meeting without first obtaining approval of the Conservation Commission �issio� � and the Engineer. 7. Components of the project shall include: • Removal and disposal of existing bulk bags, stockpiling, and beneficial reuse of existing sand fill. • The installation of fiber roll array along the edge of the existing roadway to buffer the asset from potential wave and flood impacts during coastal storms • The reconstruction lI of ti le primary dui le up -an Id -over a ie top of U le newly installed fiber roll array to improve the resilience and continuity of the resource area, to limit saltwater and UV degradation of the fiber rolls, and to act as a source of sediment to the adjacent beach during coastal storm events. 8. Coir fiber rolls to be installed prior to dune reconstruction. 9. Coir fiber roils to be anchored at 5' intervals to prevent fiber rolls from becoming displaced if exposed during storm events. 10. Nourishment material consists of compatible, clean sand placed using a front-end loader. 11. A minimum 1-foot depth of sand cover shall be placed over the fiber rolls, and the seaward face shall be graded on a 4HAV slope where there is sufficient beach width or a 3HAV slope in areas where the beach width is too narrow. 12. Dune replenishment material shall be regraded to slopes indicated on plans after placement. 13. During periods of high water levels, all equipment will be moved to the construction staging areas. 14. Renourishment of up to 4,000 cubic yards of dune compatible sand will be placed to create and maintain proposed dune crest and sloping as needed. 15. Area between the provided cross -sections should be tapered as shown in the plan view. All dune elevations, slopes, heights, etc. shall be smoothly tapered between the various cross -sections. 16. Construction access as indicated on plans. Upon completion all disturbed areas to be re -graded to match pre -construction conditions. 17. The dune systems shall be inspected by the engineer following the completion of any maintenance activities. Construction Notes: 1. Prior to construction, roadway side slope to be cleared of all existing bulk bags. 2. Bulk bag debris to be removed and disposed of at an off -site location. 3. Clean, compatible sand from existing bulk bags to be stockpiled on coastal beach for beneficial use. 4. Once bulk bags and all associated debris have been removed, excavate 8' wide trench along edge of roadway. 5. Compact base of trench prior to fiber roll installation. 6. Install woven filter fabric (Mirafi WF 700, or similar) at landward edge and base of trench. 7. Once filter fabric has been installed, beneficially reuse sand stockpiled from sand bags to establish 45' slope from edge of roadway to base of trench. Compact sand prior to fiber roll installation. 8. Install bottom tier of 24" fiber rolls in the base of the trench and anchor using 10' length of 3/8" - 1/2" steel cable fastened to duckbill anchors at 5' o.c. (-3 cable/anchors per roll) driven to refusal. 9. Once bottom tier is installed, install and anchor the top tier of fiber roll array on top of base rolls, using 10' length of 3/8" - 1/2" steel cable fastened to duckbill anchors at 5' o.c. (-3 cable/anchors per roll) driven to resistance. 10. Every effort must be made to minimize gaps between the landward most fiber rolls and the roadway side slope to retain roadway base material and avoid undermining and roadway failure during coastal storm events. 11. Every effort must be made to minimize gaps between fiber rolls to maximize resilience benefit and avoid loss of nourishment material and/or roadway base material during coastal storm events. -1 Once fiber roll array has been in stalled, ben eficially reuse compatible sand from bulk bags to restore primary coastal dune profile up -and -over the fiber roll array in accordance with design profile. 13. Only clean, compatible sand shall be used for nourishment on this project. If supplementary nourishment sand (in addition to sand stockpiled from bulk bags) is required, the contractor agrees to obtain sediment grain size distribution analysis of the source material from � � a qualified laboratory and submit to the Engineer for approval. 14. Restored primary coastal dune profile to be planted with bare root American beach grass (A. breviligulata) plugs at 12" on -center, 2-3 culms per hole; 7-9" deep; with sand compacted firmly around the rhizomes of each plant. 15. All restoration plantings to be kept moist prior to and during planting. 6. 1A disturbed areas aiid CoiiStriiCtlOn aCCBSS point ILS to b8 graded and smooth tapered to reduce end effect erosion and reflect pre-existing conditions. t• AITCHELL BUCK CIVIL No. 51147 Datum NAVD88 ft HTL 2.34 MHW 0.99 NAVD88 0 MLW -2.21 Based on NOAA Hyannisport Station POINT AMMO LIGHT LEWIS BAY 7SMITHS GREAT )'�rZ!'L ND - - VIEW #3 NANTUCKET SOUND Location Map Not to Scale RESOURCE PERMANENT IMPACT (UP TO S.F.) COASTAL BEACH 48,102± COASTAL DUNE 13,700± LEGEND GIS PARCEL LINE GIS Parcel Line -----2---- Existing Contours (Ground Survey) __10-- X 8.4 Existing Spot Elevation (Ground Survey) - - - - High Tide Line (HTL) Mean High Water (MHW) ................................................. Mean Low Water (MLW) Existing Stone Groin, Riprap areas Bulk Bag Array - - - - - - - Landward Edge of Coastal Beach - Landward Edge of Primary Coastal Dune Landward Edge of Salt Marsh NHESP Boundary (PH L156) TIP Q TH-34756 Soil Sample Location 1. Assessors Map 4, Parcel 4; Map 6, Parcels 6, 7 & 8; Map 7, Parcel 1; and Map 10, Parcel 1 2. GIS parcel lines compiled from MassGIS shown are approximate and do not represent an actual property boundary survey. Survey Notes: 1. Coastal and Wetland Resource delineation conducted on 1/19/24 by Woods Hole Group, Inc. 2. Field Data collected by Woods Hole Group between 1/26/24 and 2/08/24, and between 8/7/24 and 8/14/24. 1. Portions of areas depicted lie within Special Flood Hazard Zone X, AE (EI=11), AE (EI=13), VE (EI=13) and VE (EI=14) as depicted on FEMA Firm Panel #25001 C0782J, effective 7/16/2014; AE (EI=11), AE (EI=13), VE (EI=13) and VE (EI=14) as depicted on FEMA Firm Panel #25001 C0569J, effective 7/16/2014; and AE (EI=13), VE (EI=13) and VE (El=14) as depicted on FEMA Firm Panel #25001C0588J, effective 7/1612014. Datum Notes: 1. Coordinates are based on Massachusetts State Plane NAD83, Mainland Zone (2001), in units of US Survey Feet. 2. Elevations are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) in US survey feet. 3. Tidal Datum Elevations are based on NOAA published Data & OPUS Observation of Hyannisport Tidal Benchmark Station. General Notes: 1. Priority Habitats of Rare and Estimated Habitats of Rare Wildlife shown on plan are in accordance with the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas, 15th Edition. 2. Entire site is within Barrier Beach and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. 3. Existing bulk bag array installed under SE 83-2431 to be replaced with fiber rolls 4. Underground utilities shall be flagged prior to construction. 5. Beach Grass in disturbed areas will be replanted using American Beach Grass, with 3 culms per hole, placed 12" on center. 1�r 9 1� J 0 X cc 0 0 0 r '7 u } z a o N co O OLo nI A UQ� o UZ� Q Z) < O LL o00 Q O O 00 �o W� Z)C) OLo M- W LLJ 1­- Z >Q a F` W O J r W I- Iwlrtt7Ci©ooi M 7 M 0 j cc,:) O o0 _ o 0 :3 00 i'>0 00 > -mLo 0) I` .(n D Q O O � 0 �U Cn . U i � L (o Q (t5 O �_ (A z U) O N S 7 O ca N C: _0oa)0 iQ �. o C 0 o Co C: a U)-Co U - O N Z i Uco co O L_ 10- Projected Resource Area Impact Notes: 1. Approximately 13,700 S.F. Area of Coir Fiber Roll array. 2. Approximately 61,802 S.F. Area of Nourishment (Including Coir Fiber Roll array). 3. Approximately 30,831 S.F. Area of (Temporary) Construction Access. Project Number: 23-0169 4. Approximately 92,633 S.F. (2.13± Ac.) Total Area of alteration (Nourishment + Dwg File: 23-0169-01_SP.dwg Access) Scale: 1" = 60' _5. Approximately 4,000 Cu. Yds. for Dune and Beach Nourishment. Date: 01 /27/2025 Graphic Scale Approved: 60 30 0 60 180 Drawn: RHV 11, = 60' Page 3 of 3