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Electrical Correspondance
Elliott, Ken =rom: Sandra Cashen <cashens@dy-regional.k12.ma.us> — Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2021 1:48 PM To: Elliott, Ken; Grylls, Mark Cc: David Flynn; Carol Woodbury; Steven Faucher; Sandra Cashen Subject: Generator for new school Attention? This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Ken and Mark: I left you both a message on your phones to see if we could have a conversation regarding the diesel/natural gas decision on the generator for the new school. I know that the local jurisdiction has full authority, and I have no intention of going to the state to appeal. However, when I read your decision it looked to me that you thought the new school might be a — shelter someday. This is not the case. This school was not designed to be a shelter and cannot become a shelter in the future. Since I did not see any code restrictions I was hoping that with this information we could have a conversation. We have five generators with natural gas and we have had no issues. My diesel generators have had several issues including a fire and it is very difficult to get fuel delivered during a storm event. With all of this I was hoping that we could change the outcome of your decision. Please let me know your thoughts. Many thanks and hope you enjoy your vacation. Sandy Sandra J. Cashen �DY Regional School District Facilities Mgr. 508.398.7670 cell 508.726.8161 ,� TOWN OF YARMOUTH 4 • , o BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4 p . , . y 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1263 Fax: 508-398-0836 K. Elliott,Inspector of Wires kelliott@varmouth.ma.us December 6,2021 David M. Pereira, P.E. GGD Consulting Engineers, Inc. 375 Faunce Corner Road, Suite D Dartmouth, MA 02747 RE: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School Dear Mr. Pereira: In reference to the installation of the emergency generator located at the above noted property my interpretation is that the letter, from National Grid dated November 9, 2021, is not clear how their system meets code standard as a reliable supply of fuel. Furthermore the hand drawn diagram, of the gas supply service does not paint a useful picture. I am aware of the Massachusetts Electrical Code version of the N.E.0 Article 700-12(D)(2) and the option to override the requirements to have an on-site fuel supply but I do not agree with the request for a gas supply line My feelings are that at some point the DY School Department & the Yarmouth Director of Emergency Operations may choose to use this facility as an emergency shelter and if that would become an option they would not be able to do so without replacing the generator and its fuel source. My decision is that the requirements to have an on-site fuel supply stand. My decision can be appealed to the Massachusetts State Board of Electricians if you chose to do so. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Town of Yarmouth, Building Department K. Elliott, Inspector of Wires ovY -. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT o _ 1- �--i� 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 SAT+^�� •�sE4 508-398-2231 ext. 1263 Fax: 508-398-0836 K. Elliott, Inspector of Wires kelliott(a,varmouth.ma.us December 2, 2021 David M. Pereira, P.E. GGD Consulting Engineers, Inc. 375 Faunce Corner Road, Suite D Dartmouth, MA 02747 RE: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School Dear Mr. Pereira: If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Town of Yarmouth, Building Department K. Elliott, Inspector of Wires GGDConsulting Engineers, Inc. 375 Faunce Corner Road, Suite D Dartmouth, MA 02747 L#77991 J#685 005 00.00 October 12, 2021 Yarmouth Town Hall 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Attn: Ken Elliott, Wiring Inspector Re: Dennis-Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School 276 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear Mr. Elliott: We are proposing a natural gas fueled 300 kW generator for the new Dennis-Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School. The generator will be located outdoors and will have a dedicated gas service. The automatic transfer switch along with the life safety panel will be located in a 2-hour rated room. We are requesting acceptance for use of natural gas as the fuel supply to the prime mover. The natural gas fuel supply has a very low probability of failure in this area of Town and we are requesting that on-site fuel is not required per exception of NEC 700.12(D) (2) (c)which is attached. A request has been made to Eversource Gas for any unscheduled outages within the last two years which we will forward for your records. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above please contact our office at your earliest convenience. We thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter. Very truly yours, GGD Consulting Engineers, Inc. Town of Yarmouth 4‘`""���� O DAVID M. PEREIRA � David M. Pereira P.E. it EL •CAL Ken Elliott ••.49310 DMP:jfm f, Ei ��Q Enc. .,7':ALEN Cc: Andrew Hazelton, Perkins Eastman Russell E. Higgins AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Perkins Eastman TEL 508-998-5700 FAX 508-998-0883 email info@g-g-d.com 9/23/21,4:01 PM The National Fire Codes Subscription Service- Equipment shall be designed and located so as to minimize the hazards that might cause complete failure due to flooding, fires, icing, and vandalism. Equipment for sources of power as described in 700.12(C)through (H)shall be installed either in spaces fully protected by approved automatic fire protection systems or in spaces with a 2-hour fire rating where located within the following: (1) Assembly occupancies for more than 1000 persons (2) Buildings above 23 m(75 ft) in height with any of the following occupancy classes—assembly, educational, residential, detention and correctional, business, and mercantile (3) Educational occupancies with more than 300 occupants Informational Note No. 1: For the definition of Occupancy Classification, see Section 6.1 of NFPA 101-2018, Life Safety Code. Informational Note No.2: For information regarding power system reliability,see IEEE 3006.5-2014, Recommended Practice for the Use of Probability Methods for Conducting a Reliability Analysis of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. 700.12(C) Storage Battery. Storage batteries shall be of suitable rating and capacity to supply and maintain the total load for a minimum period of 11/2 hours, without the voltage applied to the load falling below 871/2 percent of normal.Automotive-type batteries shall not be used. An automatic battery charging means shall be provided. 700.12(D) Generator Set. 700.12(D)(1) Prime Mover-Driven. For a generator set driven by a prime mover approved by the authority having jurisdiction and sized in accordance with 700.4, means shall be provided for automatically starting the prime mover on failure of the normal service and for automatic transfer and operation of all required electrical circuits.A time-delay feature shall be provided to avoid retransfer in case of short-time reestablishment of the normal source. 700.12(D)(2) Internal Combustion Engines as Prime Movers. (a) On-Site Fuel Supply.Where internal combustion engines are used as the prime mover, an on-site fuel supply shall be provided with an on-premises fuel supply sufficient for not less than 2 hours'operation of the system. (b) Fuel Transfer Pumps. Where power is needed for the operation of the fuel transfer pumps to deliver fuel to a generator set day tank,this pump shall be connected to the emergency power system. (c) Public Gas System, Municipal Water Supply.Prime movers shall not be solely dependent on a public utility gas system for their fuel supply or municipal water supply for their cooling systems. Exception.*Where approved by the authority having jurisdiction,the use of other than on-site fuels shall be permitted where there is a low probability of a simultaneous failure of both the off-site fuel delivery system and power from the outside electrical utility company. (d) Automatic Fuel Transfer. Where dual fuel supplies are used, means shall be provided for automatically transferring from one fuel supply to another. 700.12(D)(3) Battery Power and Dampers. Where a storage battery is used for control or signal power or as the means of starting the prime mover, it shall be suitable for the purpose and shall be equipped with an automatic charging means independent of the generator set.Where the battery charger is required for the operation of the generator set, it shall be connected to the emergency system.Where power is required for the operation of dampers used to ventilate the generator set,the dampers shall be connected to the emergency system. 700.12(D)(4)Auxiliary Power Supply. Generator sets that require more than 10 seconds to develop power shall be permitted if an auxiliary power supply energizes the emergency system until the generator can pick up the load. 700.12(D)(5) Outdoor Generator Sets. Where an outdoor-housed generator set is equipped with a readily accessible disconnecting means in accordance with 445.18, and the disconnecting means is located within sight of the building or structure supplied, an additional disconnecting means shall not be required where ungrounded conductors serve or pass through the building or structure.Where the generator supply conductors terminate at a disconnecting means in or on a building or structure,the disconnecting means shall meet the requirements of 225.36. Exception:For installations under single management, where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons will monitor and service the installation and where documented safe switching procedures are established and maintained for disconnection, the generator set disconnecting means shall not be required to be located within sight of the building or structure served. https://codesonline.nfpa.org/code/eb61 ef8f-b559-487b-8499-9f0b11 e56c6d/91051 aa8-dfd7-4b3e-9741-6ac72b572c24/ee30c0ec-7751-4b5e-ab88-5c... 8/12 national . r • November 9, 2021 Jorge Rosa Senior Electrical Engineer GGD Consulting Engineers, Inc. 375 Faunce Corner Road, Suite D Dartmouth, MA 02747 P: (508) 998-5700 F: (508) 998-0883 M: (774) 400-5048 www.g-g-d.com Email: jorge rosag-q-d.com Re: "DY Middle School" Dear Jorge, National Grid designs its distribution system to ensure that all firm gas customers have continuous service during periods of peak demand. New requests for gas capacity on the distribution system are analyzed to determine what, if any, infrastructure improvements may be needed to ensure that continuous service to existing customers is not jeopardized. The load for this gas generator was reviewed and approved for firm gas service by our Gas Reliability Planning team. National Grid's systems do not retain information summarizing the number of unplanned outages for a specific town. Unplanned outages are not common on our system, and typically occur when Dig Safe rules are not followed and a third party such as a water and sewer contractor damages our pipe during excavation, rather than occurring due to a system or supply issue. A search of available records did not find any instances of system or supply related outages in Yarmouth within the last 24 months. Sincerely, Timothy Newcombe, Manager, Gas Connections 617-455-7455 timothy.newcombe(a�nationalgrid.com Ell cn O 0o Q [4) ><- I � i � ► � ' i4 �= c cts c� t�✓ ,. CC) r s a 0, Elliott, Ken From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 8:48 AM To: 'Jorge Rosa' Cc: Sears, Tim Subject: RE: Dennis - Yarmouth Middle School After a review of the code and the requirements for"Educational occupancies of more than 300" I agree with the requirements of Article 700-12(D)(2) and not accept the use of"Public Gas Supply" to fuel the emergency generator. K. Elliott Inspector of Wires Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 (Extension 1263) kelliott@yarmouth.ma.us From:Jorge Rosa [mailto:jorge_rosa@g-g-d.com] Sent:Thursday, September 23, 2021 5:10 PM To: Elliott, Ken <KElliott@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: FW: Dennis-Yarmouth Middle School Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email_ Ken, Had the wrong email address on the original email. See below and attachment. Thanks Jorge Rosa Senior Electrical Engineer GGDConsulting Engineers, Inc. 375 Faunce Corner Road, Suite D Dartmouth, MA 02747 P: (508) 998-5700 F: (508)998-0883 M: (774) 400-5048 www,g-g-d.com Email: jorqe rosag-g-d.com From:Jorge Rosa Sent:Thursday, September 23, 2021 4:51 PM 1 To: tsears@yarmouth.ma.us Cc: kelliot@yarmouth.ma; David Pereira <david pereira@g-g-d.com> Subject: Dennis-Yarmouth Middle School Tim, Per our telephone conversation ,this email is to confirm that the natural gas is an acceptable fuel for generator at the new Dennis-Yarmouth School to provide emergency power for the Life safety equipment including the exit signs and emergency lighting. We are referencing the NEC section 700.112.D.2 (c) with the exception (see Attached) of permitting natural gas as a generator fuel source. The school will not be a shelter and the life safety panels will be located in 2-hour rated emergency electric rooms throughout the building. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks Jorge Rosa Senior Electrical Engineer GGD Consulting Engineers, Inc. 375 Faunce Corner Road, Suite D Dartmouth, MA 02747 P: (508) 998-5700 F: (508)998-0883 M: (774)400-5048 www.g-g-d.com Email: jorgerosa@g-g-d.com 2 9/23/21,4:01 PM The National Fire Codes Subscription Service- Equipment shall be designed and located so as to minimize the hazards that might cause complete failure due to flooding,fires, icing, and vandalism. Equipment for sources of power as described in 700.12(C)through(H)shall be installed either in spaces fully protected by approved automatic fire protection systems or in spaces with a 2-hour fire rating where located within the following: (1) Assembly occupancies for more than 1000 persons (2) Buildings above 23 m (75 ft) in height with any of the following occupancy classes—assembly, educational, residential, detention and correctional, business, and mercantile (3) Educational occupancies with more than 300 occupants Informational Note No. 1: For the definition of Occupancy Classification,see Section 6.1 of NFPA 101-2018,Life Safety Code. Informational Note No. 2: For information regarding power system reliability, see IEEE 3006.5-2014, Recommended Practice for the Use of Probability Methods for Conducting a Reliability Analysis of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. 700.12(C) Storage Battery. Storage batteries shall be of suitable rating and capacity to supply and maintain the total load for a minimum period of 1 1/2 hours, without the voltage applied to the load falling below 871/2 percent of normal.Automotive-type batteries shall not be used. An automatic battery charging means shall be provided. 700.12(D) Generator Set. 700.12(D)(1) Prime Mover-Driven. For a generator set driven by a prime mover approved by the authority having jurisdiction and sized in accordance with 700.4, means shall be provided for automatically starting the prime mover on failure of the normal service and for automatic transfer and operation of all required electrical circuits.A time-delay feature shall be provided to avoid retransfer in case of short-time reestablishment of the normal source. 700.12(D)(2) Internal Combustion Engines as Prime Movers. (a) On-Site Fuel Supply.Where internal combustion engines are used as the prime mover, an on-site fuel supply shall be provided with an on-premises fuel supply sufficient for not less than 2 hours'operation of the system. (b) Fuel Transfer Pumps. Where power is needed for the operation of the fuel transfer pumps to deliver fuel to a generator set day tank,this pump shall be connected to the emergency power system. (c) Public Gas System, Municipal Water Supply. Prime movers shall not be solely dependent on a public utility gas system for their fuel supply or municipal water supply for their cooling systems. Exception: Where approved by the authority having jurisdiction, the use of other than on-site fuels shall be permitted where there is a low probability of a simultaneous failure of both the off;site fuel delivery system and power from the outside electrical utility company. (d) Automatic Fuel Transfer. Where dual fuel supplies are used, means shall be provided for automatically transferring from one fuel supply to another. 700.12(D)(3) Battery Power and Dampers. Where a storage battery is used for control or signal power or as the means of starting the prime mover, it shall be suitable for the purpose and shall be equipped with an automatic charging means independent of the generator set.Where the battery charger is required for the operation of the generator set, it shall be connected to the emergency system.Where power is required for the operation of dampers used to ventilate the generator set,the dampers shall be connected to the emergency system. 700.12(D)(4) Auxiliary Power Supply. Generator sets that require more than 10 seconds to develop power shall be permitted if an auxiliary power supply energizes the emergency system until the generator can pick up the load. 700.12(D)(5) Outdoor Generator Sets. Where an outdoor-housed generator set is equipped with a readily accessible disconnecting means in accordance with 445.18, and the disconnecting means is located within sight of the building or structure supplied, an additional disconnecting means shall not be required where ungrounded conductors serve or pass through the building or structure.Where the generator supply conductors terminate at a disconnecting means in or on a building or structure,the disconnecting means shall meet the requirements of 225.36. Exception:For installations under single management, where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons will monitor and service the installation and where documented safe switching procedures are established and maintained for disconnection, the generator set disconnecting means shall not be required to be located within sight of the building or structure served. https://codesonline.nfpa.org/code/eb61 ef8f-b559-487b-8499-9f0b11 e56c6d/91051 aa8-dfd7-4b3e-9741-6ac72b572c24/ee30c0ec-7751-4b5e-ab88-5c... 8/12 THIS PRODUCT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE INSTALLATION CODE BY A PERSON FAMILIAR WITH THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE PRODUCT AND THE HAZARDS INVOLVED. �i MOUNTING CANOPY BRACKET SHELL TOP is' CEILING coA COUPLING �r _TOP COLLECTOR STRAINGRIPPER Irt � :, RELIEF CEILING - CAIBLE R SHELL BOTTOM COUPLING MAIN POWER DETAIL B CABLE CEILING CORD COUPLING DETAIL A SCALE 1 : 5 COLLAR SCALE 1 : 5 DISCONNECT POWER. B ATTACH MOUNTING BRACKET TO EXISTING JUNCTION BOX. ' UNSCREW CEILING COUPLING TOP, INSERT MAIN CABLE THEN SCREW ON CEILING 11 COUPLING TOP AND TIGHTEN. i Al1ATTACH CANOPY,CEILING COUPLING AND MAIN CABLE TO THE ALL THREAD ON THE MOUNTING BRACKET. REMOVE SHELL TOP AND FULLY TIGHTEN COLLECTOR GRIPPER INTO THE SHELL GRIPPER BOTTOM. THREAD MAIN CABLE THROUGH SHELL TOP,COLLECTOR GRIPPER AND SHELL BOTTOM.THREAD SHELL TOP BACK ONTO COLLECTOR GRIPPER. ATTACH GRIPPER CABLES TO GRIPPERS THEN ADJUST FIXTURE TO DESIRED HEIGHT. �� TRIM ALL CABLES INCLUDING THE MAIN CABLE LEAVING AT LEAST 1"EXITING THE GRIPPERS AND BOTTOM SHELL. SPINNING ANGLE BETWEEN SPINNING AND GRIPPER CABLE SHOULD BE NO LEES THAN 30°. UNSCREW CEILING COUPLING COLLAR AND LOWER IT AND CANOPY DOWN THE CABLE. THREAD POWER CORD THROUGH CANOPY.CUTI=OWER CORD AT LEAST `. 6-12"LONGER THAN THE MAIN CABLE.STRIP CASING BACK ABOUT 3". MAKE WIRE CONNECTIONS TO SUPPLY WIRES. WIRE CONNECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE TO LOCAL,STATE AND NATIONAL CODES. PURPLE&PINK WIRE(WHEN PROVIDED) FOR LOW VOLTAGE DIMMING CONTROL(0-10V) (PURPLE WIRE POSITIVE LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE, PINK WIRE NEGATIVE LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE.) RAISE CANOPY BACK TO CEILING AND SECURE WITH THE CEILING COUPLING /� COLLAR. ATTACH STRAIN RELIEF ON POWER CORD. ZIP TIE POWER CORD TO CABLE(S) EITHER LOOSELY OR TIGHT AS DESIRED. _ OPTIONAL: IF NOT INSTALLED,INSERT BOTTOM LENS INTO SPINNING. RESTORE POWER. OPTIONAL: bottom lens (ft 17 k NO LESS . A 6� THAN 301 ........ top.Is. ti ki imnactu P4909, P4913, P4917- 12FT RCHITECTURAL. GHTING impact architectural lighting www.impactltg.com 314-427-1212 8431 mid county industrial drive, saint louis, mo 63114 (/) imnacti ARCHITECTURAL.. 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Proper overcurrent protection has been provided as well as disconnects and taps that are in compliance with the National Electrical Code. GGD takes no exception to the means and methods that have been submitted to accommodate the following missing equipment EP1A, KP1A, 4DP2C, MHP1B, MP1A2, and MHP1A. Very truly yours, GGD Consulting Engineers, Inc. 0( David M. Pereira, P.E. DMP: ss Cc: Chad Crittenden, PMA Consultants Jon Pope, PMA Consultants Jorge Rosa, GGD Consulting Engineers, Inc. TEL 508-998-5700 FAX 508-998-0883 email:info@g-g-d.com Sys ommodore �Builders Ryan DiRico Superintendent rdirico@commodorebuilders.com T: 617.614.3500 C: 617.913.2122 404 Wyman Street I Suite 400 I Waltham, MA 02451 DON FOOSE Superintendent zyo —y4 17 c. ANNESE E.dfoose@anneseelectric.com ELECTRICAL SERVICES 280 Libbey Industrial Parkway Weymouth,MA 02189 www.anneseelectric.com