HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-E019 120 Pine Street ApprovedIRMOUTH TOWN CLERK RE MAR 10125 P&-28 � TOWN OF YARMUUTH JgffiNg ° 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 026644451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE MAR 10 ms CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FLUSH 6ft#(V%15N04hway GLOSSY ALL -BLACK ROOFTOP SOLAR PANEL ARRAY Historic District Submission Date: 3/3/2025 Map. --'Parcel No.114-016 Application for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption for a flush mounted non -glossy all -black rooftop solar panel array for the single-family dwelling as described below and on plans, drawings, specifications, and pictures accompanying this application. Address of proposed work. 120 Pine St Yarmouth MA 02675 Owner's NameStan1gy Ferro Email stfer aol.com Owner's mailing Address120 Pine St Yarmouth MA 02675 Contact #508-364-2888 Installer Sunrun Installation Sews License No.180120 Email eastmapermits@sunrun.com Installer's Address 695 Myles Standish Blvd Taunton MA 02780 Contact #978-793-7881 (a.) I certify that the flush mounted non -glossy all black rooftop solar panel array will be affixed to the dark colored shingled roof of a single-family dwelling that is less than seventy-five (75) years of age and according to the Town Tax Assessor's records was built in1973 (b.) I certify that the dwelling is not part of a listed contributing property on the Massachusetts or National Register of Historic Buildings and Sites. (c.) I certify that the solar panel array will not be visible from Route 6A, or any other road designated under M.G.L. Chapter 40 Section 15C, or other authority, as a scenic road. (d.) I certify that the length of the single-family dwelling's roof ridgeline is less than 50' and is 29 . feet, the height of the roof is less than 35' and is 27 feet, and the roof pitch ratio is not greater than 7 over 12 and is 29 degrees The solar panel array must meet the combination of a., b., c., & d. and failure to meet any one of the four listed requirements above shall render the project ineligible for this residential solar panel array exemption. Attached and submitted herewith is: (1.) a Certified Plot Plan showing the location of the dwelling on its lot. (2.) A plan showing accurately the layout and location for the solar panel array and that the shape is a contiguous rectangular pattern and not broken up with visual gaps or disjointed sections. the Manufacturer's printed solar panel specifications verifying that the non -glossy black thickness will not exceed 2" and the non -glossy black roof rack specifications showing t"do surface of the solar panel array's height will not be more than 6" above the dark shingled roof surface. 10 MAR2025 _9" Fun old Kin 's Required - wner's Signature Require - Installer's lgnature 9 Highway Historic District This Certificate is hereby: Approved by iflz" d am a 11 Date: Denied by Reason for Denial Application # 2—E 0 1 9 Sherman, Lisa From: Robert Wilkins Sent: Monday, March 10, 2025 11:44 AM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 25-EO19 120 Pine Street Attachments: 25-EO19 120 Pine Street.pdf Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. approved ARMUUTH TOWN CLERK RE MAR 10125 PM2:28 On Mar 10, 2025, at 9:40 AM, Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Resident would Like to install solar panels on the rear roof of 120 Pine Street. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Bob, Lisa Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth Administrator, Old King's Highway Historic District and Yarmouth Historical Commission 508-398-2231, ext. 1292 lsherman@.YarmGuth. ma. u-s H Ei, MAR 10 2025 Old King's Highway Historic District MERR& �o o y TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 `t Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 MAR 10 2015 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMIT ing's Highway APPLICATION FOR Historic District CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 120 Pine St Yarmouth MA 02675 Map/Lot # 114-016 Owners : Stanley Ferro Phone #: 508-364-2888 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: Year built: 1973 Email: Preferred notification method: Phone X _Email 6gent/Contractor: Sunrun Installation Services. Phone #: 7 - 1 Mailing Address: Email: e&StrrtapGrM8tS@S rnrr rn rnm Preferred notification method: I l Phone Description of Proposed Work (Additional panes may be attached if necessand: Installation of an additional rooftop solar system. Total of 10 panels to be added to an existing solar system installed on the rear roof plane of the home. Panels will not be visible from the public view. Panels are black in color with black frames - Will be tied into the existing solar system Signed (Owner or agent). Date: 3/3/2025 Ownerlcontractorlagent Is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also) D This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later For committee use committee use only: Date: 3 14 !S Amountt Cash1CK #. ;L 91t1 1 O ' �� I Rcvd by: L, S• Date Signed: 1 D D 0 n � Approved Ap V l� Denied Reason for denial: Signed: Old Kina's H storic 25-E019 APPLICATION #: v5 21317 . I I .. 91M o TOWN OF YARMOUTH H1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 S Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 MAR 10 2025 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEid King's Highway Historic District WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness.--'Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time fur Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event uvithin forty-five (45) days after the filing of application, or it-ithin such fitrther tine as the applicant shall allow in tirriting, the Connnttee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. ApplicantlAgent Name (please print): Stephen A Kelly Applicant.:Agent signature: Date: 3I312025 MAR 10 2025 Old King's Highway Historic District 2 5 - E 01 9 . 41 a: I Application #: sr2o2o v o a W oo W o C W> m� v o ifzLLrao iW z W W w O 3 of i` m rc a j K W �MQy K J W N LL W'lot 0 Z U 06 2 z� W �- e° � U p W = .ao o w N z MAR 10 2025 ma210, LL w a� ^" Old King's Highway �� O wz UO W 9�y Historic District m da pa D �Nz src ui Sy w "_ g$z Z i Now ] G :-; Z !Iw W FR1 a U m F y > j J Z l 7 O YLLL wLLO 9,j ZZo-uZi DOW920 n 0 ZQ �a o>jm� ��rcwo y?j JJ� �,Ooi 2ODu }BSI a �i1 m U W � F}$� wSS 8pQZ� �yy� 5d MAR 10 2025 �a�z ��aW�W��owN, } 4q z wNF-a'� N� LU };00 2- a0Qvla ": iLL jWQ W a�z �� Old King's Highway O oiyM�i�zwrcw�OWO�� LL pV sz�o�0�a Historic District �d'UU LL� O W K W iU W$cQ5i to) � a� zW o Oy W6fsmZw=L, o?USZPwo � I o W_ Y 1 7 U O y Pl fi �M~ � ,•i N p � 3 N TH a U. o o O o vz w� Jw W U 0A,w Vwl d mwtZ(7 = ��rc o,z? N � � w 7 I N W w O o i E S w wLU m. 25—E01.9 W z W W W a W 7 r� MAR 10 2025 Old King's Highway Historic District [--� T. R' b b z MAR 10 7025 Old King's Highway Historic District C � w W o°a C d � LuF a Wy N R 2 W W ,1 Z ? $ <4n r R a 21 U W z 2 �W „^ a z HW Y zz W N 7 Y ZE Z 777gSSS r W ZU-j vj � a w IL 0 W OK ^' W a �nria0 a �yrm�� WNW WNW �a a $ Z IL q— }Ow�O�iiOW �rzu�rat� Y w J Z w Egg a < U) 19 m F(V® 2 5 — E 0 1 LL (� [ffl N y c mil mil Zow �rw o W w s a z 0 _z �o ` w 7 O y r rc W �.JY Fo Cyr �z W g a gi g pya^}W,n ZW t7� i-u Tw 4 W MOP MDgNFflR MAR i o 2025 MAR 10 2025 0IKing% Highway istoric District apt= oA� Old King's Highway Historic District w 6 LL 4 m po�a w �b4m i gill 0 J woo � � W m Z Z = > o4 Q Hip y ag Z i � cola a O LL f/, o Z_TWT W� p2 zz N�i`a c�a zw !gig ?z liesi �(7 $ o s ?UIS za �w O F !wig N,�O ♦ O 4 C Ir W w v o F- s rcLL�n zLL z W a oZ v� W w 6 ro o �j LU a w N rc a 9 F Ij 1z 011m: MAR 10 2025 Old King's Highway Historic District NOW MAR 10 2025 Old King's Highway Historic District z u 1 w A w A w A m � x d a 4 m d m J N N �O x z v w .LGf y W t UJ � N Q 6 N x N i N i U r 25-E 0 1 Effive So oOQC� rc Y O MAR 10 2015 C a m S Lo Old King's Highway W r O a R 2 W w �Z W W .. q W a o w a W } gg 921 0 MAR 10 ■ ■ 3� (2) 0 Zo�- LL 0 Mtn w U)LL>- 0 �aU Z � v �i a z Q J � �O w LM= J � rsn � rd t5 a Old King's H19tM Historic District ZN I�f = yid 7 a =� a } ogin LU Zd Z S W W W i Z 4 I H U W z Z U 0 U Q W w o~ 2 aw ~ CL W Z Z o ZO w w W a 0) U_ W Z ❑ W <� z LU W Y U a w a. �: /r--, po w? W � W N 2 5 - E 0 1 9 OPEAK DUO BLK 1hAj ML=GlO+ SERIES Wgg� «=lls 385 - 410 Wp 1132 Cells 20.9% Maximum Module Efficiency 6 busbar cell technology The ideal solution for. Rooftop arrays on residential buildings 12 busbar ce. technology MAR 10 2025 Old King's Highway Histodc District %I a Breaking the 20 % efficiency barrier O.ANTUM DUO Z Technology with zero gap cell layout boosts moduli efficiency up to 20.99,. A reliable investment ?nclusive 25-year product warranty and 25-year linear lilfm a —my performance warranty Enduring high performance Long-term yield security with Anti LeT.D Technology, Anti PID Technology? and Hot -Spot Protect. Extreme weather rating High-tech aluminium alloy frame, certified for high snow (5400Pa) and w.nd loads (4000Pe). Innovative all-weather technology . Opt mal yields, whatever the weather with excellent Inw- ght and temperature behaviour. n The most thorough testing }��y j1•/`,J( programme in the industry 1 D D 0 U Ocells is the first solar module manufacturer to pass the most comprehensive quality programme -n the industry. The new -Quality Controlled PV' of the independent certifcat�on institute TOV Rheinland. MAR 1 0 ZOYS old King's Highway Historic District r see Gata sheet an rear for further information ' MT 1<St caftibons according to IEC/TS 62$04-12015. MOW AJ- +5C0 V. 95 nl 2 5 - E 0 1 9 O PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ SERIES ■ Mechanical Specification Format 74.0 n- 4i1in * 1.26in (including frame', 0879•rm < 1045 mm a 32 mm) Weight 48.51bs {22.0kg) Front Cover 0.13 in (3.2mm) thermally prestressed glass with anti4eflection technology Back Cover Composite film Frame Black anodised aluminium Cell 6 r 22 monocrysialline Q ANTUM solar half cells Junction box 2"09-3.98in - 1.26-236in Ir 0.5".7lin (53.101 min a 32-60mm - i5.18mm). IP67 with bypass diodes Cable 4mm'Solarcable;lr1249.2in41250mmk(-)z492in{1250mm) Connector Staubli MC4; IP68 ■ Electrical Characteristics Tr 1YM14mrr .. - �rpx.e4 .wrnna-., Ls4Y-fl . rrn4.•4 I a S.s lard OF'ALA CrTdr�w.r fD 4R 1 0 2025 yY�rr44-I As Highway District I rri�Nw4 POWER CLASS M 3 * an 400 405 410 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST COND-TIONS. STC' IPOWF:H TOLERANCE +$ W1-QW, Power atMPPI Pare CM 385 390 395 400 405 410 Short Circuit Current' kr [A] 11.04 11.07 11.10 11.14 11.17 1110 Open Circuit Voltage' V*r M 45.19 4523 45.27 45.30 45,34 45.37 - Current at MPP I (A) 10,59 10.65 10.71 1037 10.83 10.89 i Voltage at MPP V- M 36.36 36.62 36.88 37,13 37.39 3Z64 Efficiency' q [%] r19.6 a19.9 20A }20A a20.6 z20.9 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAI OPERATIW CONDITIONS. NMOTr Power at MPP P_ A 288.8 292.6 296.3 300.1 303.8 3076 t= Short Circuit Current I,c [Al 2190 8.92 8.95 8197 9.00 9.03 ' Open Circuit Voltage V� [VI 42.62 42.65 42.69 4272 4276 4279 Current at MPP I" JAI 8.35 8.41 8.46 8.51 8.57 8,62 Voltage at MPP V,,,, [V] 34.59 3C81 35.03 35.25 35.46 35.68 '4reasurement tolesance ' ,,, t3%: rx;Vat 5%at STC: 1000W1mr, 25t 2'C AM try according to IEC 60904-3 • r800 W m2 NMOT, spectrum AM 15 Ocells PERFORMANCE WARRANTY At least 98% of nominal power u during first year Thereafter man. n - 0.5%degradatlon per year. Al least 93 5%of nominal power up to 10 years. At least*0, , of Zi G N' nominal power up to 25 years. LL _ All date within measurement YolOrerttes. Full warremes In ettodance with the warranty fit• terms of the OceIts sales g x e a ro 2s organlwtion of your respective country '. -d. d W-of gwran1- far N 5 PV C-W-ks W9h the highest pm&¢t C, pa[ yIn 2021 f*brg✓,ry 2021) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperature Coefficient of Ik n {7014) Temperature Coefficient of P_ r !VKI ■ Properties for System Design Maximum System Voltage Via nd M Maximum Series Fuse Rating (A DC) Max. Design Load, Push IPull' (lbslrle] Max. Test load, Push/PuIP plbs/ftt] ' Srr Insta ation M7nual ■ Qualifications and Certificates UL 61730, CEcomphanC dual Contrdlod W TIN Rhel 1 PERFORMANCE Al LOW IRRADIANCE f i' y, +r .40 4ao M 14be Typkd mods P-e- me urger raw kradlaxe candriam In comparnaa ro STC cgndrons p5-C. W0wmt) e0.04 Temperature Coefficient of Va A e: -0.27 -0.34 Nominal Module Operating Temperaturr, NMOT 109x5.4 (43_ 3-C) 1000 0EC)11000 (UL► PV module crassifcation Claw If 20 Fire Rating based on ANSU UL 61730 TYPE 2 75(3600Pa)/55(2660Pa) Permitted Module Temperatur up to*185T- 113 (5400Pa)/S4 i4000Pa) on Continuous Duty p p D p to -85-Ct Ify n a IEC 61215,2016, IEC 61730:2016, U.S. Patent No. 9.893.215 isoler [Nisi. AG® uro- ID ,ttrrrarr MAR 10 2025 Highway Historic District a r c Ocells pursues minimizing paper output in consideration of the global environment. Na Irtslalrmn-U-0 .dmussbefoll w CmtaCLpw1enWrd-W.tar/undernfAml Wpr Ip1-dytsta9e6anord*product QeelIs Hanwha 0 CEL-"S Amerkn[ e Ie00 Spe[Vultl Cenmr DIN. aoo Su4e lWW-.. CA 926M USA It L +19r974a 5996. ra . hot inquYyatelk. 4- I w-e vAuw.quds :o-n 2 5 - E 0 1 9