HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertifications CERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AWARENESS TF:AINING Name of Recipient: Kerry Nealon Certificate Number: 1697409 Date of Completion: 11/22/2014 Date of Expiration: 11/22/2019 Issued By: The above-named person is hereby issued this certificate '. NATIONAI, for completing an allergen awareness training program RESTAURANT recognized by the Massachusetts Apartment of•Public Ji altfr ASSOCIATION* in accordance with 105 CMR 590009(G)(3100. Massachusetts Restaurant Association 800.765 2122 333 Turnpike Road,Suite 102 WNW.restaurantorg Southborough,MA 01772 Ibis certificate will be valid for fi¢ae(S) fz pears an date?fcompletion. 0 30; 90 wtivw:marestaurantassoc.org . �.C�-�"7,'6-`�.��,C/�,'C��C/�C '6'•.�7.,Ca'_'c?;G'`�..�.C..��'G`�..7.0/�;�_�C, rlf 1. Irf 4 410 (. � °z A. ' R THF';NATIO REGISTRY OF FOOD SAFE PROFESSIONALS® y # :� ER33FFS 3 DOG NEA.LOI'�i S HAS SUCCESS�FULLYS TISFIED THE REQUIREMENT&-FOR 4W � THE OOD$1AF R _" x µF E"I"'XIIeNl► E � CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION x*t�� ,r g' e �i '' meq., ` E '�` g M vn`'4 J yzE Rw+M1+ X ANSI tit) _ tawwrence.a..:L nch,CAE _, ,. .t..-„Aliirri7401:40'''''':V A( ' -ilS 4',$:=1"•a.^:.! AGGFE°mo PtiOGRAM . n p�Q■■ ■.. �+ Q f� ■ �x.,i+ i l alswo..,.slisl,t t .F ISSUE:DA,TE JUNE 16,201 1 3 R' :nd tl i.Cunlumvfor Pond ProV.t `.^ R AAzet' 5e CERTIFIwet'NO EX20638760 r r 4 , TEST FORM:EXE 18 "� .i 4 ae ,p F t .'=',.'"::. a is 4�n 7 E-..-,2',P g gydti'�# ex ti, .. & 3 This certirrcate h not valid for more F t f s f v �# _ than ftveyears from dateof issue. "pee000 = National Registry of Food Safety Professionals® Notification of Test Result ., { CERTIED FOOD SAFETY MANAGER Scaled Test Score: 82 DOC NEALON Candidate Status: Pass ,� Test Date: June 16, 2011 Coral create Na:EJt,20638760 Issue Date:June 16r 2011 { • Congratulations!Attached is your certificate and wallet card.Please notify DOC NEALON the National Registry of name or address changes at the address below. 1'2 CARDINAL LANE • WEST YASMOUTH, MA 92670 • • Preventing Contamination and Cross Contamination(You scored 60%correct).Competent Ensuring Personal Hygiene and Employee Health(You scored 64%correct).Needs review Actively Managing Controls in a Food Establishment(You scored 100°/n correct).Mastered Monitoring the Flow of Foods(You scored 80%correct).Competent Ensuring Product Time and Temperature(You scored 82%correct).Competent Conducting Cleaning and Sanitizing(You scored 67%correct).Competent Managing:Physical Facility Design&Maintenance:Preventing&Controlling Pests(You scored 38%correct).Needs review i. National Registry of Food Safety Professionals® 5728 Major Blvd Ste 759 I Orlando,FL 32819-0000 ( Phone:407.352.3830 I Fax:407.352.3603 r ` r . i, ',..-..t,„---- a. t� ,a r -Ye? a, g "aF'N --„" -, .k# ,�-wx a e^ F „ d F. :`'',e';% ` 'a.4S `N t RFe: KS y ✓ ''U 4. .'''''`!-'.''-*1` , ^` ", a ';.,'"+13msnaa ;1.44 / @ wrs �T _ _ 0?*t 5mo" w'6 h -Y," f&`otIH .k? )4ithil',-,,,,i4.1:':4% Eg.g C ;lia 1144. ,..1;f0-34';'44,,-,!.;,/, 9# A% 'fit ° '' s r -4 c- ;�' `'�' r „ .?,�^ �. (.'4'17,,,44',01,44.4;44` x `:�; r '" 1.' n 0 Vi'" "lIn 0 .. � M t Z . , a ' - N _ , c , k,:..., „ , , . vii, 0 - '< � .riE C �, -ss ! 3 O a6 � m �` to • 4 9a � O PI o coto 0 0 ..4 • • • i. z Y .., ' . . 7 v V. • 4P , . .. . . . . .. "' ' ..• • • . • „ • • • "1,, r . .2' OtilT1 . - 1 g ' - '''• - --'- _ . ......._ , . i - 6 R E 11 ig 8 0 I 0 1 >''.. ' -,,' 6311 1 .., 0) ' . ' " .g . . i g - •. •- ' I I rrl(D •.: I (r, . . : ,,,, ..1; ',„4,' a ,.r.„ , ....t. : . , g ' .; I - 1, ft .-.4<, (:) i 41) , --9-. I1 ,., agg•E ,,.. -- .... .., .i...-- .2... ,.... . , i', ,. ,.. . . ... ; :''' 2.i '' i. I 1 .1. Q..• .:-. ..,.: .; ! i *I:I ...,, .-..,, X Z ,...7 1 t3' Y.' ,T., g,,,- tlt - , i ' . ": : 12 .-H. ,e, , , ,x, , , , , , , , . , r ,... a . . , , . . . , , . , 4 , - . ', t. 7_ '•-] . .. i., - I ' .. „ : I 1 ''' '''• ''; '11 i i ' • D ,,„ --.- ' ? ' ' -• i.' . a ,... ,. I) ) Ili / , ) aQ, Security Control No. zoo i Makayla Matchem uN.,. 347998 has completed the Adult,Child Innffant,AED&FBAO w Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Completion Date: 524/'2014 Expires: 5/24/2016 Instructional Hour hr /e--1 �r #1040918 Instructor Signature Instructor No. Keep this card for your records.Void if reproduced. • • C c