HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Nov 13 - Sign Off Transmittal Sheet, Plans - Sunroom Addition _ . .__ , ��.,._.�-._��--. _ �� 1 �{QF�R,�c TOWN QF YARMOUTH ° HEALTH DEPARTMENT N� '�� x PERMIT APPLICATI4N SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET �, ,..• To be completed by.4pplicant: � Building Site Location: �L� ��L'//�---Q�6��,{ �� Proposed Improvetnent: SU��`�� �U. Gr9' �"tGi rr ,� Applicant: �G2'2/��--�C.s'�' �° �v Tel.No.:.S'O� Yd0 ,?d� � Address:� �'�"' �/�=r �- ��f �v�.-C?�( � Date Filed: //�� •"7fYou would like e-mai!m�tifreatian ofsign o�J;ptease provicte e-mail address: Owner Name: �j^i.li� �-�C� 7 Z i Owner Address:,�� /"`Ou�t /� �(/�<�`_.�s�'Qf Owner Tel. No.: d't� �l/`� l�l�C, ItESII3EN'PIAT.AT�TB/tlit CdM'MEItCIAL STTII.DING . IHEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirernents , iF6r Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. ' , � Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: ! (1.) 5ite Plan showing ezisting buildings,water line locatian, and septic system location; (Z.) Floar ptan labeling ALL roams within building (all existing and prapased)— Note:Floar pXans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 appiicatian signed by licensed installer wit6 fee. ......____._..............._.._..�.._....___......._.�_,._._.._...__.._. . . REVIEWED BY:__cf7���__G��_ DATE: /�'�� �7` PLEASE NOTE CQ ICONDI IONS: � G�CoG r� , CN I