HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-ComplianceNo. FEE Uy COMM O LTH OF M ASSAC14USETTS Board of Health, YA@M01MJ , MA. APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIIT Application for a Permit to Construct( ) Repair (O Upgrade() Abandon() - ❑ Complete System ❑ Individual Components Location T -fu iv L Owner's Name �/`�'1240 r7 Z I Map/Parcel# A? 3 � � � Address yl 61 Lot#Telephone# lC1 SS10- Installer's Name C �` Designer's Name Addressdear- S� �/e ddress Telephone# 8, 31 g.�Zrj�j Telephone# Type of Building Lot Size sq. ft. Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms Garbage grinder ( ) Other - Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow (min. required) Plan: Date Title Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No. gpd Calculated design flow Number of sheets DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS Name of Soil Evaluator Design flow provided Revision Date Date of Evaluation gpd The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further a � s ton t to place thee i p ation until a Certificate of Compliance hqs been issued by the Board of Health. Signed a V 1 l' Date Z Inspections No.b6RD_i` -o(otc) t , COMMONWEALT14 Of MAS FEE 155,0 c P 7� Board of Health, yLAA�'10a11i CERTIFICATE Of COMPLIANCE /5-dO �qr/ �c 4_ Description of Work: .S'individual Component(s) ❑ Complete System q, (,�� "1171 The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( ), Repaired ( ), Upgraded (,o Abandoned ( ) by:�) f f-j2T' iF:l t �S IMC at 1rz.a (JAI A9 b has been installed a9&daf _Mdegrovisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No., dated 1- 4 � . Approved Design Flow (gpd) Installer Designer: ( ZZ � Inspector: Date: ! r 3 The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. .c__:I_:ovt,ocOc_ c0c(IL No._�1�-r1(G l�%�tLl` �✓jy��l-.lja �N� FEE -- f COMMONWEALT14 OF MASSACHUSETTS 7 Board of Health, )$AgMOU I`•4 , MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade (_�- Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system at 2__q 6 e y.} Uts) Q r as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. -.I;�, dated Provided: Construction shall be completes i in tb 4o+ears of the date of this permit All local conditiomust be met. Form 1255 Rev. 5/96 A.M. Sulkin Co. Chadestown, MA Date //" /4 -�-/4 Board of /Health (/ � No.: BOHDC-14-0610 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fee ` L55.00 Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA. APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to: Upgrade- Location: 24 BRAUN RD,WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Owner Map/Parcel#: 03829 Name: MANZI BRIAN M MANZI MARYANN J 26 JEFFREY LN Phone: Septic System Installer Name: ROBERT CHILDS INC. Address: P.O. BOX 1431 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 Phone: Type of Building:Dwelling Lot Size:026 Acres Dwelling-No.of Bedrooros:3 Garbage Grioder: Other Type of Buildiog: No.of persons: Showers: Cafeteria: Ot6er Fixtures: Plan Date: 10/20/2014 Number of Sheets: 1 Tide:SITE PLAN 24 BRAUN ROAD Revision Date: Design Flow(mio.required):330 gpd Calculated design ilow:330 gpd Design tlow provided:330 gpd Descripfion of Soils: Soil Evaluator Form No.: Naroe of Soil Evaluator: Date of Evaluation: _ DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS:RELOCATE&UPGRADE 1500 GAL SEPTIC TANK FOR SUNROOM ADDITION The undersigned agrees to inatall the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with fhe provislons of TITLE 5 antl further aarees not to oWce in ooeratlon unfil a Certificate ot Comoliance has 6een'ssued hvlhe Board of NeaMh. Signed Date Inspections Commonwealth of Massachusetts ° Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA. F� DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT sss.00 Permission is herby granted to;CHARLES CHILDS Address:P.O.BOX 1431 SOUTH DENNIS,MA 02660 To perform:Upgrade an individual sewage disposal system. Owner: MANZI BRIAN M M.4NZI MARYANN J 26JEFFREY LN BERLIN,CT 06037 Location:24 BRAUN RD,WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Disposai System Construction Permit No.: BOHDC-14-0610,Dated:November 14,2014 Provided:Construc[ion shall be wmpleted within six months of the date of this permi[. All local conditions must be met. Conditions 1. Relocate and insta111500 gal Septic Tankfor Sunroom Addition Bruce G. rph , MPH, R.S., CHO/Amy L.von Hone, R.S., CHO Health Directo�/Assistant Health Diredor The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed.