HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist ' � � � � '�� TOWN OF YARiVtOiTTH
, Location: A.M. f.�� Lat_��. Zone of Contribution: Tn_ Oui! Acr�ge
' - ' Commercial: ResidentiaL• �c+
Street:_�_ ��J�/�r�__�<? / T
Village:_______��� �-- F1oor Plan: ✓ #Bedrooms: 7i�'
Owner:___�1/JIJ25? �c%z�=� Instalier: "7
Address: l Phone; �
Builder: Engineer: L/O.G1'fl/l A�-2!/
Address: Phone:�^"' ?�.�„9,,,.1-�'
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� Phone: � p/Cr'G�i !lCs� rG�o,L� l2�,�1/��/�
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1.Re uired#of ca ies received
2. Date of soils e�and ercolation test not older than 2 ears
3.45 ft of natural accurcin ervious material,above watet tabla cs'"
4.Fqundation 2 ft above hi aint of road H.P.: Fnd: Vaz.:
5.Wat�line 10 ft from tic com nents Var.:
6.Benchmazk indicated and shown-NGVD if near wetlands
7. Se tic tank minimum 10 ft from foundation, deck Var.:
: 8.Leachin minirnum 20 ft fill, t5 ft crawl, 10 ft slab Vaz.:
' 9.I,eaching minirnum 100 ft frorn wetlands Var.: ---�
10. Leachin minimum 150 ft from dtinkin welU25 ft irri rion well Vaz.:
� 1 t.Tankliraching ivinimum 14 R from ro line Var.: :L•-�"
' 12. S stem meets all other setback r uirements Vaz.:
i13.LTses adjustment for maxunum hi aundwater Vaz.:
; 14.Leaching set 4-5 ff above adj. water or bottom of test hole Var.:
15. S stem not in to or subsoil A,B horizons)or 5' removal
' 16:Pro sed cantours are suitab2e
' 17.S stem meets slo e r uirements-min. 1!8", '/<" eferred
18. S stem meets breakout requiremeats PVC Iiner: Wali: r✓'
14. S �ed tee sizes are , gas baiile on outiet tee
20. Sewa e is under 10,000 for arcel
" 21.No ba e dis osal +���
22. S stem ade uatel sized for ifis mtended use
23.Minimum 6"stone ar com aated below tank aud dbox
24.Maal�ole covers within 6"of ade, ump chamb�cover to grade
25.Inspection on lastic chambers/leach field
2G.Elecitricat`ermi��or` um _ctiam�er/S� azata mefer for iIu"lexes -___ __
_ _ __. _
27.Pu stem-2"line,wee hola,check valve,tee in dbox, um size
28.Septic tank( um chamber to be facto wat roofed
29.Vent rovided if leaclrin below 3 feek, under driveway/ arkin
36.Buayancy calculations for tanklpump cbamb�
31.En ' eer to ins ect and cert sails: wall: cammercial:
32.Enginec.r/Re 'stered Sanitariaa and Land Surv or stam s/si ture
33.H-24 loading is sub'e,ct to vehicnlar traffrc, oundwater -�
34.Title V A lication and ermit fee, installer si ature �
35.Foundation foakin min. 2 feet above adjusted ound water for new house
36.Daed Restrictian r uired rr�c. #bedrooms: ma7c.flow:
37.Check azea lots for oundwater/L.abel oundwater in Assessor's Ma
Plan reviewed by: _�`...J s�aw3