HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist � . If-/�'/� � �7- TOWNOFYARMOU"FH / � �,��G�',�G�Z� SEWAGE kLAN REVTEW CHECKI.IST ,��C,r;'C"- � . Locariau: A.M.� Lot rb L Zone of Contn`bution: In� Oui Acrea�e__ke�� � //////,`'�^` / Cammercial: Residential:_�_ Sueex:_�t__-��y-'��-�._�3�d'efCL�LC ' � Village:___��(. ' ✓.., Ploor Plan: �-� #Bedrooms: i �_��1.���GJ ! Owner. --� Installes: _ i Address: Pbone: u' �,`7i '"�G� "- Phone: � G //`�_,_ _�.P��(/i!Ca" l/G'G'✓� i Builder: Engineer: � Address: Phone: ��-- - Phone: ��j%C /, �e- ��CS' N/A YES NO � 1.R ' ed#of ies received 2.Date of soils e�cam and lation test not otder tlian 2 years i3.45 ft af natiara occurrin ervious material,above water table 4.Foundation 2 ft above hi oint of road H.P.: Fnd: Vaz.: i 5.Wa2es Iine 14 ft fram s 'c com ne�s Vaz.: l-/ 6.Benchwazk indicated and shown-NGVD if near wdlands '7. 'c tank minimnra 10 S from faundatio deck Var.: �I g.I,eachin minimu�um 20 ft full, 25 ft crawl, 14 ft slab Var.: � -'' � 9.Leachin minunum 100 ft from wetlands Var.: ""- 10.Leachin mininaum 1 SO ft from drinicin we2U25 it irrigatian well Var.: 11.Tanklleachin minimum 10 ff from line Vaz.: '"� 12.S stem meets all othes setback r irements Vaz.: � 13.Uses adjus�Yment for rnaximum hi oundwates Vaz.: 14.Leachin set 45 �t above ad'.water or bottom of test hole Vaz.: � I5.S em not in or subsoil A,B horizons}or 5'removal a-� 16. cantours aze suitabie '�-� 1�. .5 StCL31II�CfS51 C IfClIIeiltS'IIIlll. l�8"� I�4" eflCl� {- � I8.S em meets breakrnrt ' ements PVC line,r: Wall: `-� 19.S ified t�sizes are , baffie on ouflet tee C..-� 20. S e is und� 10,000 far I - 21.No 2 �� 22.S uatel sized for ats intended use 23.Minimum 6"stane ox com cted below tank and dbox 24.Manhole cov�s within 6"of e, chamber cov�to e 25. ion on lastic chambers/leach field 26.Electricat erm9t for um chamber/S mder for du lexes 27. ste�n-Z"Iine,w hole,check valve,tee in dbox, size 28. S tic tank/ chamber to be facto wa oofed 29.Vern vide�i£'leachin below 3 fe�,under drivewa 1 arian 30.Buayanc caiculations f� c}�ambes 31. � eer to ins ect and c ' soils: wall: commercial: 32.E ' e�/It ' ed Sanitarsan and Land Surv or slsiguature 33.H-241oadin is snb'ect to vehicular haffic, oundwater 34.Title V lication and ermit fee,installet s' tura 35.Fo�mdation footin min.2 feet above ad' aund wat�far new fiouse ,�� 36.Deed Resh�iction ired max. #bedrooms: max,flow: 37.Check area lots for oundwatexJLabel undwater iA Assessor's Ma Plan reviewed by: l �� �