HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist TOWN OF YARMOUTH
Location: AM�'[___ LOT1(� Date of Subdivision Approval
Street � �7CGl Zone of Contribution: In Out
Villa�e Commercial Residential�
Owner: ��el� �� Installer �
Builder: � Engineer � 7����
1. Re uired number of conies received. '��
2 Date of soils exam an oercolation test not older t an 2 years ✓�
�, 4 feet of naturally occurrin�pervious material. above water table(new con ruction� ��
4. Foundation 2 feet above high�oint of frpttting road for new conctruction � /
5. Water availability letter from Water Department for new construction ✓"
(. Benchmark indicated and shown-NGVD if near wetlands.
7. Building sewer does not exit center of house. ��
8 SeFtic tank a minimum of 10 feet from house and deck r /
9. Leaching a minimum of 20 feet &om house and 10 feet from deck ✓
10. Leaching a minimum of 100 feet from wetlands. ✓
11. Leachin� a minimum of 150 feet from drinking wells/25 feet from irrig�tion wells.
12 System meets all other setback reauirements ,�✓�w�/� � � ✓
13 Uses adjustment for maximum hie groundwater , �
14. Leaching 4 -5 feet above adiust water table or bottom of test pit. , /'
15. SYstem not in ton or subsoi�or 5 foot removal.
]6, Proposed contours aze suitabte.
17: Svstem meets slooe requirements - min. 1/8". 1/4" preferred. . /
18. Svstem meets breakout requ'vements- neastone elevation carried out 15 feet minimum. � /
19.;Specified tee sizes aze r�oper. gas baiile on outlet tee. ✓
20. Sew ow under 1 0 d cel.
21. No qarba�e�disposal.
22. Svstem a ed quately�ized for its intended use. ✓
23. Minunum 6" stone or mechanicallv compacted below the tank �nd d-box. ✓
24. Manhole covers within 6" of g ad�ptic tank and pumn chamber. ✓
25. Electrical �ermit for u�mp chamber.
26. Pump system - 2" line. weep hole. check valve_ sanitarv in d-box alarm on senazate circuit
27. Septic ta a m c r ry watero fed.
�8 Vent nrovided i leaching below 3 feet or under driveway or�king /
29. En�*meer to inspect and cert�fv : a clav removal ,
b. wail construction schedule �`'
c: commercial s tem .��" �
30. n ineer an Land Surve and si n ure.
31 H20 loading when svstem subject to vehiculat traffic
32 Tide V apphcation and fee signed b�a licensed installer ✓
33. Foundation footing 2 feet above adjusted water table. —
34 Lot subdrnded pnor to JulX31 1986 - Nitrate Loadin� �- '
35. Subdivided prior io n17. 19R9 - Phosphorus Zone 300'. �.-
Plan reviewed by: � � l