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i��i�►S ,�Ir'Yii��i E X A M F O R M N O. 30202 � y�� � CERTIPICATE NO. 7585613 '' e�'v',��f+�° �ertificatian ,� DANiEL CNRISTC3P�UL{JS frn successfuiky compteti�g the sta�xiards set forth for the ServSafe�Fofld Protectlon Manager Certification Examii which is accredited by the American Nationel Standards Institute(ANSII-Conference for Food Proteotion(CFP�. 2/17/2011 DATE 4P EXAMINATlQN { 2117/2016 DATE OP EXPiRATiON Lacal laws apply.Ch9ck with yau Wcal regWetory aBenCy tor recertification requirements. � _� � NATIONAL - RESTAURA � � ASSOCIATI� Paul Hineman #0655 Eaecutive Director,National RestaurantAssocietion Salutions � 6@P10NauonplReateuremAesocienanEduce6anelFountla6an.p1lnpMsremrved.SmSafeantlNeServSefelopoereregineretlVedemarksofMpNetianelPesteumntqsanciatlonFducanonelPounCation, erA useC�mdYrlicrose by NetiOnai fie8teure�NA98�ietianSaiNioru,LLC,e whdy or+neC wbeidiaq'ol da Nelim�el AeAauqNAesocieti9n. Thia tlocument cennot 6e npratlucatl pr ercared. taritl20� v.101Y I , � ! � , � , .,�.,,_� . EXAM FORM NO, 4605 �_ :�"'1���'� , , CERTIFTCATE PTO. 7701491 { ', --.., p � _.....,.u,,,m� ' i I} � �� I � a a . �r � ' �!�'�''1/`!s"?��.°' ��:'1'�l�1Cc�t 1011 : . ; � ro L�t?A � KLJG}Es7 � i � � tor successfully comple#ng the standards set torYh for the Sero3afe�'Food f�rotaction Manager CerCificatian Examinetion, whiob is accredited by the American National Standards institcite 1ANS1}-ConPerence for Faod Proteciion iG�P). � � f 3128/2011 � � ; ; bAi& OF EXAMINATIQN � 3/281201 � r � OA7E 6F EMRIRA110N �. „_„ Lucsi k�ws appry.Cneck v.tith yaur iacsl refluiatory agency for recanificaeion fequirements. 7 . � ' � ��i � .. e._�. �. . , � �. ItL.J tl'lV 1\AtY t ii � ___ _ __ _ ASS�CIATIC?N� { Paut Nineman 4 ' #6855 ExacUtive Qi;acto6 National Rastnurant AssaciAtion SnNtions � ,_ D710Nttimtl flaa[swentAsaqcisnanENrcational fmnWetbn,AqfigNs r¢s¢rva6.5ervSNe an6 ttre Se�vSata loqa era repiatcred badema�ks otUta Nmionei flostaurercAssociation Educationnl Fmudplwo, id dmd uYAer NtpnsB By Nili9nl�Rosxu[em RBaDciaiim SuNtiBo9.lCfi e Vfidy awrred wbSYAnry M1Av A781Wnai8c#sureMAnsacitl�io�t� ; '' �� � � � �' � � � � � +� � , ;� s � ' � ERTIFI+�ATE t3F , � ALLEF�.� � N AWARENE � S T�:AINII'� � � , , � �, � Naxnc c�fReCi�ient: j��Iii�� ��YT'IS�Q�Ol1�OS `� Gcrtific�ttc N�in3bcr: � 193388 ' D�ztt af Cc.�i��plctic>i�: 02/Q9/2�11 � � 1)atc oE��,s}irati����: p2/09/20i6 � ; �� I ,, � � �� ���,������: � /hirt(�Uk uitiitc'al(kt+onttGri�l�yt+sut'rlfhrs�'�17/1iz7/e �' � � N(�TtC}NAL 7 f�jl ftrllt�fcttit�(1R 7�1a t yi 17 xf'i <11�171�f ff2tUlt/7�f1''x1�PcfUt .��,k�aua ���'�A�}(��{�� � t<ulnez:<<(ir� tJr�� �9:nr�i�htrti�tG�L)�pa+'Hrt�ut Jf Prr1+Gr/l���ltli "" �""'" ASSOCIATSC?N� � � Ena��r,trlanttttrNait)SC�r11/ZS9Q(?t)9((;Jf.>)�+ti, 1l�,.��hu.arnl2e�em��ntA�wu�e,a s��0.ee��.zt.'3 � il3luntpikr Rir,td.;iuitc 702 u�a�n•searai�ram�sr?;� ti,nrl�b�>r<< l�,SG1 017;? �� '�+ 77itp�er�lrjit;tt� .t�illl�r �urititl(��r/ti'�'(SJt�rriccj'r�rrt<t�tk'rf��•rr�rtJ�I�'tinir. SOh ,�r; =�vtt; � pr . . . - �t1tiv,utarCSCaurantasdnc:n'� � � ..... ...... .. ._. . . .. ._. . .. . . ....... .._ _ .. . . .. . .. . . I� �� � � � .� . .'N_.. .. � � � � N � � i � �'� «+ +�' �r � �« � � � � +� � f �''' � � CER.TIFI �A�`E QF 1 � � � � � ALLER� EN �►.WAR� � ES � T��AII'� T � G � � � E , ; ; � � :�ame c�,t Re�ipie��x: Dat2i81 ClttisEopOttlos I � Ccrtific:�te Ntit��bcr: 1933$8 f � , ; Datc of Complcti«37: �/0912011 � I3.�tc t>f Ex}7irati�»�: (}21t]9/2qlfi �r � 1 � � � , � � i��,��+3i,,. � � ?hr��rbo v�-uun:u!f�<r wu is f��t z!�y is�rt�cl tl�t3 u�t7z jierue �'""� NATIQNAL� � � f�ra�:cn��l,�riti;rritrrllu�;��iznzu��ir��,sE��raritu;(�irr��nm � �; �C'�!`� E'�STl�l3RAf'VT � re«Y,�rixrr(l�tltr,�E]I�n+rnhnxur,IJrPnrturrr�raJPulilirtic�raltlr �` �*".�^ ASSOCIATION� � it)�t��r,r�litn�e ac�tfh 705 C;t�ll' �40,nC)S'(G)(3f('r{). 31��.xl�uee:ts R�.rau�aiit�c:�� �ia;ion gSk7.;65.?1Zl �+a��'1}vn�ykc�uuc�.Suitr ti}? tirn�cv.revt,�or.�at�+r{; � tiniitlt6nr�tt I� il.1 ��i �7� 3 � 71,*ts�'i°rliJirrrt�'2t�il((s,'�rrlirlJ'rrr/i:; (�; P�'�i�'.;Jir,u�druerijrinr�ltti�it. Su� 4tt� v�tt; j('( �1 � � • . . lV1CiF.Fi7.tF� C Ilii tlY.,t95r� nii� Irw 1i ` ._._ .. .iyi 'm awa..z_ . . . . .. _ � - 1 s ��J c+` '�. #"� '" �` '� '� a` a"`. � A � f f