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2008 Aug 06 - Waltham Services Inc. - Proof of Service - Rodent Control
� � �t � . r � � '�.�. c 'YT" , .-�-� ��1� . am �__�_ - - Fqce rend 7er�retite Gu.nirot,tincrt 7ft9,g �'Va3tham Sez-v�ices, Inc. 3�7 Libbey I�dustrial Paxl�uay �uite zoo Weymouth, MA ozst39 Phone: �8x-337-��5a Fa�r: �Si-33x-f�23 F�� Q Urgent � Frrr Itevic��v C7 Comment � Please ReP�Y CI Per R�quest To: From: � _..._ _ . .. ._._. , _ _ _ __. _. ^_.__._ . '� F�: ��- %'.�='.�f�� Pag�s: �,l (r�nclu��.�cover s�:te�t� PhQne: Dafie: �' t '���� �,QOirn.cGCY , � �� �'►f��,�i�8a , ' �� ;�. ����.� � . niw.,.,, � Report NumbeP: tA81859 Servlcing Otnce: waLTwaM SERVICES-31T LtBaY iN6US7RfdL PKWY St1iTE 8-2U0, WEYMMDUTH,DM 02489 Phorre'781-337-1552 Cliani: �OYLES RESTAURANT Sarvice Location: D{}YLES RESTAUR4NT 1329 MAIN ST 1329 MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTN.MA 02664 WoUc Started: 7�2812008 9:1Q37 AM Work Finished: 7/28/2008 t0:D7:52 AM qctual Duration: 57 Minutes Stakua: Compkete Customer Slgna[ure T¢cNnlCidn Sfgnature �� �" �y /^? �,,,�„ . ..��,•�,.:�f/f�? �,r� �-•"�-�-rr, '��c:-Y, .,,t A � Customer Name:RobBrt AdBms Technician ldame:THQMA$PERKINS LiF#:29082 Service Order Detafis for Visit Service Order# Servlce Type Serviee Che�ge Tau 7ota1 1481&59 Gommerci�Seroice A $75.OQ $0.00 $75.00 Grand Total: 575.00 Payment Typp: Paymeni AmnvrvY Device Summary far Vtslt Device Type DeviCes with ActiVity Devices witfioU[AGtivity kumbBr pt Devices InspeCtetl Rodenf 8aif Station 1 1 2 - Tatals 1 t 2 Device Exceptians far Yislt Devica Type R@p�red Reptaced RemorEd Inacce95ib1@ Rvderrt Bait Stativn 0 0 0 0 - rotais 0 0 0 0 Site Deflcfencles 84ta Deflcimcy Date StaWe EJ(TERIOR-�PERIM�'1'£R Eliminate the W9ed Growth arand fouMatron, 07t28/Q8 Mot Resdved tuuc�ing 4uilding in same aree,gruwing fns�e rear door. INTERIRR-�9AR eXit door left ajer,smati opening po[e�al rodent O7l28106 NM Re3olved entf)'point. INTERIOR-r BASEMENT 6asement avkidox°s naad sealing,inaeUlraient D7128/OB Not Resdved entrypa�rrcs. INTERIDR a gASEMENT Please repairthe hde in the wsi4 it could allow pest 071281Q8 ResWved entry. INTER16R->BASEMEN? Pleasa repaicMe hWe io Ne wali,it ca�dd allpw pest �7128/pp ResWved entry. easement wintlow,din on shelf. �NTERIOR-s DISHwAgHING Please dean spiNage and/or tood rasidue urw�r 07(28/08 Resdved eQVipmenl antl in cornBlS. INTERIOR a KITCHEN p�ease deen spillage and�or food�esidue under and o7/28l08 ResoNed bEhind 9e18d{k�r. INTERIOR->K�TCF'EN Please cls2n spivage andlor foatl rastdue•coWcs line Q7/28/08 ftBsaN6d end shelving,also unAer erM b&titKJ saFad bar.Also Under dl5h[�t�m taClb. INFERIpR-�KITCHEN Screen doorlatch is broken,nsvr ons needetl-daw Q7l28f08 Re99Nfltl stays ajar,potentia�rndantllnsect entrypnvit. ,�'""'` ;�s�����'� ��i��_�..�, .... „ . r.u».�„ Rapo�t Number: 1461859 Device Defrciencles SItelDevke Oeflciency Data Status Recommendations She Recommendation EXTERIOR->PERIMETER Treet or cut weed grawth within twa feat ot bviltlings. INTER�OR-s BASEMENT Seet basement wi�ows,open holes noted. INTERIOR-�KITCHEM Clesn up debtis under/bahind salad 62r. iNTERIOR-�BAR Keep all ax[eriar donrs TIGH7LY dosad and/or scraens In gnod repair. Device Pesticide Applications EPA Numbar 6at Num4er r�sstleWe 1245&79 Condac Ati-WeaNer Blox SIPa 1 Davlca UuaMlty: Cw�centration: Alea: ExTERIOR.aPERIMEfERIRe$t d.�00u�ces 0005% M��}pd: He��t Stal+a� Tarqet Pestjsj: RpdenV NDies: ropiecee ne�t.ad��e�++;ce EXTER�OR->p�RIMFTERlftB52 2.00�unCeS Q.WSX Mathod: aelt5cetlon 7argst Pesl{E): Rovents }�Jp(9g; raplacad tra2�o acGviry S9te Pesticide Appticatio�s EPA Number Lot NuTbef PeSHdda 279-32Q6 Te�star Professfonal Insec[icide Slts i Dsvlee tivantHp: Concmtretion: area: EXTEItIDRaPEkR.7ETER 1.SOFauM3 NiA Method: Gereni Weathar, unne:o mM Temperoture�o Target PesysJ: An�a Notes� Retreamd knn�datbn a�M iendscap�9 pe Nneters.no acuwryr rotetl. EPA Number Lot Nvmher Pesticide 432-763 SuspenC SC Site l DBvlce OUAfltity: Concenbation: Area= EXTERIOR-�F'ERIMETER 0.25 G91bns 0.0643(l.pvMyhj Method: Gere.al Wegthe�: Poirb:0 mAh T¢rtqgry,lU[et 0 7arget Past(a)� A��s Motes: keheatad Wu�M�tro���eawlly'wle7. Site Inspeations s��a �nspectan oatemme EXTERIQR-�PERIMETER 7128/2008 g;15 AM IMTERIOR a BASEMENT 7/2g/2qpg 9_2g ppq IMTERtOR-a}�(,`EIVING 7j28/2Qp$9:32 kM INTERIOR a 615HWASHING 7/2&20U8 y:33 AM INTERtOR-a FOOD STOI40.GE 7/2B/2008 9:36 AM INTERIOR-n KITCHEN 7/28/2008 9'37 AM INTERlOR a RESTROOMS 7/28l20�8 9:40 AM IN?ERIQR'>BAR 772872008 9:di AM INTERIOR->DlNIlVG ROOM 7128l2008 3:46 AM ` �� � rx �"��s�^��"s�'L't7l ������ RepoR Null�bar: 1461858 N[I�CS Inspectad ir�tsrfor arrd exte�ior perinreters,9aked rotlent daH stauons as neetletf_F{etreeted e#arbr hx.eported,x,faunded ant aaluity. Please nate deflciencles and recommerMations Ilsted.