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EXAM PORM NO. 1OZ22 ������ G E R T I F I C A T E N O, 7852615 0 .��/rV.�a'���'� �'��`�'l fl c'�tl 1? C Q . Ta J(�NN W QYRON III � .�r _ ,-.Gg3t'S1Y C��itOiP� �� `hq lit�� d<<SF�z�'. _ � > �uJ3f9''�p.�d P'6te�ti0n rt�'7r sr,a•:p . ....i.C�^'tdTMn�a3S���q „h rh 5 3 .ir,41.... ^1 . . . , ��.:,,� . �. ., i.� =':� +"^srf;ui,� � _ . .r .. . 512 512Q 11 �JAY� CP EkA`dC7ALON 5/2512016 �a-E� cF e.er�,:ar��oro :.ocei lavvs ePpv,`.G',kCc"va��ycu:�oeai re}.:leto^t sE6�:G'�v.�ar.a�;n^_.x.s��'�mvmr4�ne-r3 • � � �� �z � ' �� NAT14�tAL a , . �_ _ ___.� ._.__.___ _. tzESTAURAt�[T ' � PaU ,,,Q„ ,. � A5SOCtAT[ON� xqgy� ;�qp�,;;�v¢�,rgcloC Naoora:Rast3urarn Assor,iaror<puu�cas . S�N�p NeYvna�R�Y,ewarxAssaaatbn fdvCeproaniFwndatw�.All vuyw apcarved,ServS¢ia eM lw ServSete IaQo art rvgKtereS 95EemYrrr ar ine Na6�n81 RefixuryuA¢sucmV4n Ecbaariona�Fow.aa4on, anE used�rcWer!icansa tivNawne�Paa�swa+tt Psuaa�i�SWuuans,tLC,a wfiWy ormed suCutlrcrv IN rhe Netkne�Hrtwuran�AxsaereGcn. 7hi5 dOCLTaN C90h014B SBp�OAUCPC W aU1�Id . IW1t�i V,ti05 �A�r ��IMI�iIfi#� E X A M f O R M N O. 4874 � CER'f'IFICATE NQ. 88T4433 � ���� �'!�1"1/�i" ��'� �:`+E.'1"�`I�l�c��`%�tt7 � � , -�. , ' to ��V Fl�L.l+�� 1..�+�71"l � tor successfulry pompieting the standards set tortfi far tt5e ServSafe*'Food Protectiaiz Manager Cetttflcation Examinatlon, � � � which is acaredi2ed by the Amedcan Nationa�Staadards institute{qNStl-Conference tor food Prokection ICPPi. � i ' � ` 12I2012011 � � � . CFATE OF EXAMINATION � . . � � C.f2t17G1✓� � . , .� �� Uar�: uF t:xniear�nrv " tma{4xwg aUPIV.C;l�ai wrth yrxn Inr.3f rt�9uluturY�3e+�cY fia ux:o�uikafan�nn�uuvn.,,"p. � '�^`W. .. .� � . . ' � .. � �� �� . J .. ..,,�...,ve......:.... . � s ,,,,, NA`T1C?NAL : _ k'-.i: nM.` RESTAI1�A�i i� . � � , AS�C.:IATJ{�N � f ,tav+�,�,„�:, @ � &4Hi:Eu � 1 0�i1 w Pf ' 'ia�.DLNr+n�ni' a,iNit Po f.Hnin PnyhR�anc'. j ' �G7biftkXUana1%<�qnem�MAcmmuihx�t�hryi6WtW�ttxi�d}tMra MItl�hMieM�vsi Sev'lcNaM 4n�e'r�Mry��ee�.i W.r�r�ilt+9�xNtkfulMmNuumplN4e�anrentRxamrxtiariFdur,n&niNFmxMn�nx�. . � B MfduFM�NUM�kew�u�bYNnGoilnl�{x�MUeMlfiiWu:w4'M'71NWlia�i.lii;.aaltullY�uN�Y It)§3Wdk�NNai� s s�«..,r...,�.. " { � �G 1 1 �. t � pV �['���y[ ��{ r ( t,. YwWMtl . . . � i T � , , M # t G I���� ���� �,L��kk �111t� S �. !� � � ., P : : ,,, �: ia `�, � .a.� ; , . 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ExsouUve Dirsoror, Vetional qesqurant Aenoelation Solutlona @t010Netlonel M�punMMqalWon EEwetlw�Y PouMWun,qtl flpryu reunad,8m8W md Ma�ervBtlB lope�n�rphpnd Vqtlemalu oltlro NWonN ppbwemFuocinbn Eduoedonel fouMetlo.b aW uwl uMm Gema Oy NMmN RpqunMArwohtlondohNonti LLC,eMr NyownMwhdpl�rvof M�W qnNlieneuremAuoalatlon. ihhdooummtwnirotbrrepraauoeaoreMnd. � � IOE7070t � � v.1107 � � � �� y' a� � y, • �=�_. "k3,.w` ���� EXAM FORM NO. 4678 � z ���� CERTIFICATE NO. 8500987 � ° � �. ,� � � , �� � �� � r sa : , � � ��� � i e s. � wu�x �a �, �., '�� rv af � Certification ����� � ��� Se S e .� � s ; � ���� �� � ���� . i for successfully completing the standards set forth for the ServSefem Food Protection Manager Certification Examination, which is accredited by the Amencan National Standards Institute (ANSIhConference for Food Protection (CFPI. 10/25/2011 DATE OF EXAMINATION 1 012 5/2 0 1 6 DATE OF EXPIRATION Local laws apply.Check with your locel reguletory e0enry for recertificetion requirements. � • � NATIONAL c RESTAURANT � Pa� H�eTa ASSOCIATION� N0855 Ezecutive Olrector,Netlonel Reetaurent Aesocietlon Solutlona ��� � � 6Yi010 Nelioncl MeteurentAnociNon Eduaetlonel Pounde�lon,NI ripliU raemctl.SarvSab end Ma&m8ekbpoare replmrod kedvmprk�cf tl�a NeUonAl Xaetaa�iMpewclatbn Educetlanal Pountletlon, � entlueMunderliemn6yN�fiantlRenmremAa�ocl�BonSalutlon�,LLC,ewlioRymvneE�uOikl�ry�a1N�NltlnmFXyyUnMqlrodltlon. �' Thiedocumentc�nnatbereproducedorelUntl. ' � - � . � �omosm � anas � � � � •, '� � .I�r�..L 1 .1. ��.1��.lw�i � !. ���� ���� ���� � � � � ���� � ��. �iit�� ir1��"i�i��li�; �0�� �l�f C.`�rt#��ate ['�t�rn'�cr� 18U4'�2 ' ��CG C3� �t7C{1�fitf�{Y11; (�1�()��i(111 j��l�tf 6����,:X��#��t#dt1t: fl1�Q���� ,� -..��,� . 116Qce��S}'i���: � . . ... '!b�ehae��rtnrft����.<an Is I�rr,�t�t trkr�a�+'tARr�t�r��"en�� �"+' '` .-..-.�-.,•.-'1• , fi�r rnrrt�/r�ilr�ryn�dl�r�rt�ru�,ntwr.r,,irnhr7r���+i�,�i�rm i������ar1�,���Aa�49�t�rrrr���nft:��vpnriaivnr qtl�t�hlk�ltan�tl+ - � � � �� (+rnrrarvJ�7nnr�se!!1� Yt}3 t�}4�k atlt�#7A�J(t,'i�,t)�rr,}, ��I��r�chti+�t���t�atawcnnt+�lc�s��tt�h �t9tl.Ydi��,�t2� ��5�"I`ar�i��(k���.a�tl.�4��iYu 3��, � www;�€�ahru�iY.e�q; 7�1amr y��ta��lJl,�vau�/ir� br �a o� zj;v�* ir���r��r�.�a/'t�roru r��V�n; ��+ud��ar�s+�a,161� �11773 �,+" ! ,� I r l !� �� � �t� ur��� � war�;rtt�t�t�u��ets�rvaa��r �, " �� � � �� � . CERTIFICATE OF , � � ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRA.INING �� ; ; ; ;� � ; �� ,�: ;I Nanie of Recipient: Mary C. Becker `� � ,, � ��!, Date of C�mpletican: i/ao/2o��� `� ; , ,� '" Date of Lxpiration: t/2o/2oi� ' '° � � �� � ;: i � � i l� i� tf� i � ! Issued IIy; � f D�e al�ovc-vtanred person re hereby is.vued thir cert�tate � ' for rom�ileli�tg an alle�gera a�marene.cs hainin�proKrmn I recog�tize�l hy tbe hla.csaebresr�t/:t Depurline�rt rfI'ub/ir Herilth Berkshirc ' � ' + I in Grcrordanre z;uth 1�S CMR 59p,p09(C)(3J(rrl. �"rj�l��EC -----_. _ _.-- .. . , . 0.ren HcnIH�Educxtion Centar Pi�tsheld.Mnseac}�osef(s � � 73ris ce�'/iT�atr will hr vn/id J'orT�t�r (5) ��nm�� l�re�n dntr ol�ornr/etio�i. - - . . n•ww.m�a�noda,IlcrKvtraimn�;��r� r�s � ' ��.�m...�� �,.9_.....r,�,n�,�=. ����.:.__���.v.,.ff_z.�,�--.- -..�:£. -- `�� �` '� a'�,'' � a � a' 't� a � � � �� r � �� � �RTIFI �AT� (�F AL L E I�.� E .N� AWARE .t�1 E 5 S T�:A I N I h� � - Name of Recipient: SCott Berii�td � Ccrtificate Number: 179293 Date c�f Complcrian: 02l05/2QI1 � . I)ate of Expiratzon: t}I/Q5I2016 � � ��suCa��: 7he�rd�ave-rxr�n�rrt f�rtson zs h�r�t�y issued dhiti«>rtz/knte � �,�,����* � ,jwto�rr�letit:�rrtar�ller�eaaricvrrrrarsslrratnzrr��rro�,�>zt�rr � �; (�,$'�'pt(Jj�q�+}Z' �ceagnir,��d 6jr the Mas�arhu.u�tts Ih�nrtvrr�ru a f PriGli��FCerrlth � �. A^aSt7CIAT1pNq, t!t ritcoYtlaatt�2viF171(IS C:IVIR 590.f70y(C:'�(3f�aa�. ;vl�ssaeh�esctY Rcamnnznt:lss�iatinn $04.765.2122 333 Ti�ra�,riku Rn:ecl,Suite 1t72 w�nv.xcst,iur.�ntut� � Strodtborougit,AI11 01772 7Tiic eerti rrr�/e will Le��tlzr/%r"2�(.S}yenrsf r�r datr�o('tonrpletion. 50R-309-N4t)5 wevw,�nnr.st:u�runtus�>c��rg � �� ��