HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist '- � j � TOWN OF YARMOUTH SEWAGE PLAN REVLEW CHECKLIST l � Location: A.M. � 7 Lot � � Zone of Contribution: In� Out_ Acreage �^ Commercial: Residential:� Street: �-� � '7� Cs"��G'YJ � #Bedrooms: � � �� �� Village: ����v' Floor Plan: i -� � � Ocvner: �ii./�t%Lf,e'/'�l// �yj6i//��a,� Installer: � ��F'�i3 �� Address: �--_ Phone: S-�k' 'S�L -' 6 � 3 � Phone: $uilder: -- Engineer: ��-(UGy//�01�l� �/G-�u� Address: Phane: C l�� ' ��i " � Phone: -... .- --� NlA YES , NO 1.Re uired# of co ies received 2. Date of soils exam and ercolation test not older than 2 years �F 3.45 ft of natural occurrin ions material,abave water table 4.Foundation 2 ft above hi int of road H.P.: Fnd: Vaz.: 5. Water line ld ft from septic com onents Vaz.: 6.Benchrnark indicated and shown-I3GVI?if near wetlands 7. S ric tank minimum 10 ft from foundation, deck Vaz.: 8.Leachin minimum 20 ft full, I S $crawt, 10 ft slab Var.: ��"`-- U� 9.Leachin minimum lOQ ft frorn wetlands Vaz.: .--�` 10.Lkachin minimum 150 ft from drinkin welU25 ft irri tion well Vaz.: �._�- 11.Tanktleachin minimum 10 ft from r line Var.: .:.! 12_S stem meets all other setback r uirements Var.: 13.Uses adjustment for rtnaximum hi graundwater Vaz.. � . 14.Leachin sd 4-5 ft above adj.water or bottom of test hale Var.: t� 1 S. S stem not in ta or subsoil A,B horizons) or 5' removal J 6.Pro osed contours aze suitable 17. S stem m�ts sla e r uirements-min. 11$", '/<" eferred ✓ 18. S stem meets breakout re uirements PVC liner: Wall: 19.S ified tee sizes aze ro , baffle oa autlet tee �:.� 20. Sewa e is under 10,0�Q for cel 21.No ba e dis osal 22. S stem ad uate] sized for its intended use �..� - 23.Minimum 6"stone or com acted below tank and dbox 24.Manhole cpvers within 6"of e, wn chamber cover to ade (;../ 25.Ins tian on lastic chamberslleach field � /" 26. Electrical ermit for um chambedSe arate meker far du lexes 27.Pum stem-2" line,wee hole,check valve,tee in dboac, um size '^�-' 28.S tic tank! um chamber to be fac waterproofed *-�' 29. Vent rovided if leaclrin below 3 feet, under drivewa / arkin ✓ 30. Baayancy caiculstiorvs far tankl um chamber �.� 31.En ' eer ta ins ect and c ' soils: wall: cammerciai: ti/ 32.En ' eer/Registered Sanitarian and Land Surv or stam s/si ture --'' 33.R-20 Ioadin is sub'ect to vehicuiar tra 'ffic, oundwater ✓ 34. Title V A lication and ermit fee, installer si ature ✓" 35.Foundafion footin min. 2 feet above ad�usted ound water for new house 36.Lleed R.estrictian uired max. #bedrooms: mas. flow: l 3'I. Check area lots for oundwater/L,abel oundwater in Assessor's Ma Plan reviewed by: {�.��_.�:` srozv3 ��