HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertifications (New Owner) \�Ii—ir� Y�� E X A M F{f R M N O. 4874 CERi'IFICA'fE MO. $570438 � ,d� <.tt f ! +* ` " «���''1/.�l����'� �`E'1"�`I�l�c��`IC11? , . . � � ��������� ���� � � for successfutfy compieting the siandards sat forth far the ServSa#e�'food Proteciion Manager Cartification Erarninatiun, wblah is aeeredited by the American Nationsl5tandards Instltute{ANSiy-Gonfarence for Foaf Proteetion tCFPk, 12/2UI2011 dATE Of EXAMiNATiON � 12/2012016 � DATE OP E%PIftA'f10N ��� � Leca7lews apply.Check with your focal regulatory agency fqr rmcattrficatiai requirain�nta. a . . � �_� � . . . � � Peui H+neman � .. � � � � #�955 Ex�cutiv�Dir�otw,N#tien��Nreuurattt Aaeoci�uon SptuGonR � aao�oe7auasdrt.mur�,awaobtlan a�oWa,N PounO�cun,aueq�ara�roN.iWvfiq aneaw�4dr�mu.+�9��vk�n4aenrMYaw nwwl�Mwelrtl�t�I��P�wMYIYw, � � �MaNdm�tlkRMtNNtNOlik'MlqUftt#NM4htltin�klM1q4C,iX919�YaNM1t/WY�IMNMNIWMI�NIt�M41961Mh1. . . � � w,......_........+.....w�..r...r..e .. .. . . . � EXAM Ft) RM NO. 1Q222 \V�rr* ��fe CERTIFICATE N0. 7852615 � �l��/''V f � �£.''�`tl��t�'c��`lt)�I _ . �l�s� �°t . ra J�}HN W BYR4N III + ,_ ...3S��i�V r.� P..' �rg g:d^Cia'n5 ._. ._". , . .. ,.... . 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DATE Q �ti7/d���G 6ATE QF EX N Low!Iaws apply.C ar recert�ca[ion r�quiretnents. � } � antAssociation EXP.�� ; d3129,�i$ #0655 � �s;pg(pqpgytp0 otkheNRAEF,eSedwMer4censabyNationaiflestaunntpssociationSolWans,tlC. The �� � � � � � � � � � � � RTIFICATE {�F , �, A..LL� R� E.[� AWARE �TESS TRAINING �� a � Name af Recipient: ��oCt Bernaz'd Certificatc Numbcr: Z79293 Date c�fComplezian: pL105/201I Date of Expiration: p1t0512016 �i issucd I3s�• — _ __—_.. � ' � 71sr�rLa�✓r-naluerl�irrson vn c�i��l�y issrred this certi�'rcatr � ��1 j�pTlflN�i` f01"fOJlJ�)JFlIJJg'(!t)t7f�Ct�rYltRiUQi'CJtC3.fIPAtItt7Jaf1!'O�'tl7171 '� p�� �'(J"�"�����"� TYCO�'TfIZP(�/1}11JP�RSSl7Yh135CIJ5�PpfA"1J11P7tI4fP4f�flC�'1Ptllth �f ".:'I`.'!°'"_._j A"rJ�C�f�Nm tn ctraardance with 1QS C169R 540.004(fif�3�(u)• �'lnssa.hnsuccs Rcstaurant Ass«ciati�m SQ0.765.2722 � J,i3 Tntnyikc Rn:td,$uitc 362 iw.�r.rcetaunnr.<3rg . S<nnhbaraagh,A'Ul OZ�`72 77is tertifrrare u+all Le✓nlid foe fz�e f.i)yearsfi�o�n date ofromjalerion. 5og-303-99Q5 � � , � 15v9{tm.9fc3taulaRtasStK.or�' . . f � �� � � � � � �� � { , �� � � �� . � CERTIFI�ATE C}� , .A.LLER� EN AWARENESS TRAININ � � � � , � Na�7ie of Recipient: Mary C". Becker � ' , � Det� of Gc�m��letion. i f zo/2o1z � � +r� ; � , f " 1Jate of Expirati�n: i/zU/aol� � �' � � t� � � � � � � Issued IIv: � Die�abo2�s-�ea�ne<i f+crsorr zr berebv zsszred tkis rcrt�<at� for�om�iletin�r��a alle�gea awas•eize3s t�ai�:iv:ypra�rarn � � � recogrii.ec11>ii f1=f;blazsachrrset�y� F��u�drnerzt cj�Pnfilir Nerrlth ' Bur�cshire �� � 'I i>r arcmdar�re wrlh I(J� CiVIR S90.OU9(Gl(,iJfa1. ��E� � � � .4rea Nenld�Education CeMcr P�ttsfietd.�Rasrtadcusezts ll�s �rrtiJt'�'atP.uill h� �,nli���Fr It�e 1,}? t�err, ri�om rint, rJ �.,r��let:��v. � �.�...�—Fr._zu��s:�r«s+�ru. ��h.�nl. .re � � wev�� mit udallc���t[t � � ' '_ _Y" __ _.. -��s.o -- � _ ' -__• r_ ..: �,'� �' '� � �` R' '� " � r� � ' '� �jy ' ' n � a � . • r r + • r � i r � • 1 � � .��i � �i � �+ +K �t ` �� ` � +� �r � Ij �/ - - - - - - - - - - -- - ����. CFRTIFICATE OF � �, ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING � ,�a � . � r�'� Name of Recipient: KaS�la MOTg8t1 �� �� , Certificate Number: CW6042 � Date of Completion: 11�2��2011 � �� Date of Expiration: 11/1gI2O16 Rs ` �l \� . t � � � � Issued By: ��� The above-nanzed perron ir hereby issued thir cert�cate ! ,VJorl:s � � forronspletir:g an aller$en awureness traini�:gprogram � `'"'''`: � � recognixed by the Massachucetts Departme�zt o fPublic Health CompuWorks Syscems,In�. � � in accordance with 105 CMR 590.009(GJ(3J(aJ. 591 North Avenue,Door 2 Wakefield,MA 01680 � P:i81-224-1113 . This cert�cate wi11 Ge validfcrfive (SJ years fi•om dr�te ofrompletion. F:781-224-OSOa �\ wrywv.corr�puworks.com � � ��� � u � s�o a^ � Z�' � �" � � � � .� fl �� � � � , �. � ,� � �s � � � �� � GEI�TI � I�ATE CJF � � ALLER�EN AW.,�4.RENESS TRAINI .I`� G � ��. �. � � Name of Recipient: Mary C. Becker Date of Completian: xJ2o/2or2 � Date of Expiration: �J2o/2ox7 � rt� tf� Issued By: � 27ie a&ove-named pzrson is herelry issued this certificate for eompdeting an allergen awarene�s trainzng pro$ram �—' �` recngnized by the Massachusetts I)epartmrnt of Publfc Health Berkshire � in accordance with 105 CMR S9{I.009(fx'J j3){a). �A.HFiC Area Healih Education Centee 27�is csrt�ate will be a�alid farfzve{S)years from date ofcompletfan. Pitts�ela,nqaseacteusetts www.maFoodallergytraining.org � . `� �;� '� � 's3 �' � �` '$ c� v�� , S CERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING Name of Recipient: Lisa Eldridge Date of Completion: 12/28/2010 Date of Expiration: 12/28/2015 The above-named person is hereby issued this certificate for completing an allergen awareness training program recognized by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in accordance with 105 CMR 590.009(G)(3)(a). This certificate will be valid for five (5) years from date of completion. Issued By: Berkshire AHEC Area Health Education Center Pittsfield, Massachusetts www. mafoodallergytraining. org SAG \? ;rr7" ;v1�AG?r;r, s v�tt�r�i.ic� s �a sLU� s vtt l r . ;U s.g� a