HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist �-S-�� z"�-r� �` . Towiv o�YaxMou� %'�� .�- ���'r� SEWAGE PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST �I.ocation: A.M. P� 7 Lot_�_ Zone of Contribution: In� dut Acreage �7 � � ' � �L��� Commercial: Residential: �d Street:__�, T Village:_� L Floor Plan:"__�_.__ #Bedrooms: �- Qwner: �iC,+y/l f'.� /ti.t?l�l� Installer: � Address: ' Phone: � Phone: �? , �'"� .C�'�TC��7 l Builder: Engineer: � ��----�� Address: _.,,,,,_._� Phone: �G�';�" � �" �/ �/ Phone: ,�.... N!A YES NO 1.Re uired# of copies received 2.Date of soils eacam and colarion test not older than 2 years 3. 4-5 ft of naturall occurrin erviaus material, above water table 4.Poundation 2 ft above hi oint af road H.P.: Fnd: Vaz.: 5.Water line 14 ft from s tic com onants Vaz.: 6.Benchmark indicated and shown-NGVD if near wetlands �./"- 7. S tic tank minimurn 10 ft from faundation,de�k Var.: 8.Leachin minirnuw 20 8 full, 15 ft crawl, 10 ft slab Vaz.: �^r 9. Leachin minimum 100 ft from wetlands Var.: 10.Leaching minimum I50 ft from drinking watU25 ft irrigation well Vaz.: 11.Tank/leachin minimum 10 ft from rope line Var.: 12. S stem meets all other setback r nirements Vaz.: �' t 3.Uses adjustment for maximum hi groundwater Var.: 14. L,eachin set 4-5 ft above ad'.water or bottam af test hole Var.: I 5.S stem not in to or subsoiI A,B horizons)or 5'removal 16.Fro sed eontours are snitable 17. S stern meets slo e re irements-min. 1/8", '/o" referred 18. S stem meets breakaut r uirements PVC liner: Wati: , 19. S ec�ed tee sizes aze roper, s baffJe on outlet tee .../"�' Z0. Sewa e is under 10,000 d for arcel �~ 21.No ba dis osal ' 22. S stem ad uatel sized£or its intended use 23.Minimum 6"stane or compaoted below tank and dbox ✓ 24.Manhoie cov�s within 6"of ade, um chamber caver to ade i..�� 25. Ins ection port on lasric chambers/leach field 26.Electrical ermit for um chamber/S azate meter for du lexes =_-�"' 27.Pum system-2" lina,weep hole,check valve,tee ia dbox,pum size _.�' 28. S tio tank/pum chamber to be facto wat roofed 29.Vent rovided if leachin below 3 feet,under drivewa /parkin 30.Buo ancy calculatians for tankf ump chamber 31. En ' eer ta ins ect and certi soils: wall: cammercial: 32.E ' eertR 'stere@ Sanitarian and Land Surve ar stam slsi ature 33.H-20 loadin is sub'ect to vehicular tzaffic, oundwater 34.Title V A lication and ermit fee, installer signature 35.Foundation foating min. 2 feet abave adjust�i ound water for naw house 36.I7eed Restriction r uired max. #bedrooms: �r max. flow: � d 37.Check azea lots for oundwater/[,abet oundwater in Assessor's Map Plan reviewed by: T`�� wo3io3 L..,e