HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Deed Restriction and Application MRY-21-2014 WED 12�35 PM BSC GROUP FAX N0. 16178964302 P. 02 �:k �.,�^r:l.�-+i- 6`;.r �.=o-i� �'?D'�b:k. � eJS—b-5-2�7A�,• � fl 1 � 17'a oF�YaR • �z : '�� TOWN � F YARMOUTH � ~'� 114ti ROLITT: 2A SOUTI•T Pr1RDtOLTTH A4ASSACHUSETTS 02G6A-1�5! C��y.w q. e��.3� Telephmic (508) 39B•2231, Lst. 1241 ...- Fas(5�Bj 760-3472 . '"-S I3 O A R D O F H E, A L T [-I NOTICE OF DEED RLSTRICTION R�SIDENTIAL Notice is hereby given of the applicaUility of the Town of YarmouYh Health DepaRment for a deed restriction,to 10 Temnleton Place , shown in Town Assessors Book dated 2013 , Map 87,Parcel 7 . Rs Deed is recorded at the Barnstable Counfy Registry ofDeeds,on Yhe Deed Book 4867,Page �34 . � As plan of land is recorded at the Bamstable County Registry uf Dccds un a subdivision plan�tled-- - -- - �� "Subdivision Plan of Land in W Yarmouth Por Jaznes Ruh�n et al" LoY 232 dated March 11. 1970, and recorded on the Plan$ook 237 Page 143. h � Tl�e engineered plu�prepazed by T'he B5C Crrouv ,dated Anril ]0.201.4 approved by the 13ealth „ Department on Mav 5, 2014 , requires a maximum, not to exceed: `� a. 0 ; (1) the number of Uedrooms not to exceed Two�per design restrictions, s�. (a) Title 5, Section 15.203, System Sewage Flow Design Critcria hb)Title S. Section 15214, ATiYro�en Loadin Limitations 0 � 7 Yarmouth Health Department: U O �.-: . � �- 7- I `j �., N„ IIruce G. Murphy, IIea14 i Di eceor, R.S., C.li.O., MPH Date �n b . � � � x ° Owner/[tepresentsttive: 0 c � I have read and fully understand the conditiona of thc aUove restrictions � �S nnd accept ihem as written: � v c �.a�r�N� ���---- �.s �a � � ,ifimes m. & Mazie 'T�Egan, Owncrs Dat� � c/o Frazicis Keane � 1 Loduops Lane �� Milton, MA 02186 � � BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF bEEDS pF'YA� �� `�� TOWN OF YARMOUTH � "'3 11�6 ROL`TE 28 SOtiTH F,�R1fOtiTH ilI.aSSACHL'SETTS 02664-4451 � MATTq<MEES � �-�,�.o..ro„n� ra' Telephone (�OS) 398-2231, Ezt. 1241 — Fas (�08) i60-34i2 6�' B O A R D O F H E A L T H May 7, 2014 � Mr. Francis Keane 1 Lothrops Lane Milton, MA 02186 RE: Two Bedroom Deed Restriction 10 Templeton Place, West Yarmouth,MA Deaz Mr. Keane: Please find enclosed the Two Bedroom Deed Restriction which is required as part of the septic system approval process for the replacement of the septic system at the above address. The Deed Restriction must be signed and dated by the current owner(s) or legal designee. Once the restriction is signed, please have the original restriction recorded and stamped with the new Registry recording information at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Route 6A, Barnstable. A copy of the stamped Restriction must then be returned to the Health Department as proof of the recording prior to issuance of the Title 5 Certificate of Compliance which is typically issued upon installation and approval of the septic system. Your engineer may be available to assist you with this process. If there aze any further questions, please contact this office at 508-398-2231 X1240. Thank you for your prompt attention. , Sincerely, my L. von Hone, R.S., C.H.O. Assistant Health Director cc: file MAY-21-2014 WED 12�35 PM BSC GROUP FAX N0. 16178964302 P. D1 '� ��C ���UP FACSIMILE To; ���y�Lli�_--r-��=�,�r6�6, D2TC: �I z e ao -- M R I�"`"' iq a�l c�`" ......--- f-ax No: 5pR_- a o - 3 y� 2 _ Time: 1 i :.. `�5 Fr�m; �,y�-,L _ Proj. No: °L-�f 8 's 6, o 0 � Re: �i�.. «f�2.�=s�x-i�i�oa -_ N0. of PdrC5: 2 (including roverJ �! �-�.S-�q �►� E on..w.¢Tt o r"5 CommenL: 14S Nain Street 11n�tD, Route ZEl LVest 1'armouth, Mt, D267? Tel� 506-776-8919 Far.-. SDB-77B-B966 cc' CONFIDENTInL1'fl' NOT�CE, Thu �ecsagc i:. imend�d • onll' fnr chc us� of ih� ndivieu:il ur rntiry�in which r�, ia adctrec�ed and m�p con¢in in(ormatinn �hni fs privilcgcd, conLdmu91 D.. e>.empi fram di;r,lc�ure undn'uppliciiblc lae�. ll[hc readei of ihls mes.a�e u noi thr in[endecl rtcipicm, you are Un-e6p �iocilied ihai any di;semi�ation, dlsli'ibuGon o�� crp�a�;g nf dn� communt:uiion is .i�ictlp pruhfbucd. lf ynu havc i'eeci�ecl IrIS eonlrtiullleNtlol'i n� erro�. plca;e noii(g u_ _ immcdmiely b�� lcicphenE and rr.wrn [hr. urigmal m�s- ca�+e in u�. ai thc aJdrei; lisic� aha�e "in lhc U.�. F'U:tal Servmc. Th¢nI:"ou. TJOCl1if:Cnr= r ' � °�`"�� `� C� V� I� C) F �' � R. 1�!�i �J LT `�� �-� ,����,�,��, � � ���,�,, ��� I (-1-6 IZ[)l. 1 [' "��. .`'v(1li-TF-1 l �RA�IOL;"1`l l.�tAS`31( I�IL`SE'l"15 0266�k�:��G7I - wr:a�s . _ Itea!r}t , "�,,,m are l elephon° i�0i} ,i)H.'�31,e�t. i 2-11 I <tti (SQS)7C+4)-i4?3 Uiei.vion APPLICATION FQR TITLE 5 DF,ED RESTRICTION The info�mation rec}uested below mnst be accurate and completed in ful!to ensure the deed rastrictian can be compleCed properly and in a timely manner. i. Town of Yarmouth Assess�r's Book (most current): �� Map_.. '�� T�ot_�__ Address /E� r'/a"/1'r'/�l �,%�?/l/ ..— 2. The property deed is recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Deed Book'r' ,Page�,.,,_or Land Court Certificate 3. The lot indicated above is shown on a plan of land entitled: 3 v�� �_.��,v �f' �,_,/,1_v/-D f� t�i �4lt,r9�<;.d �'�/1 �'Asri`5 !It/Uil�%�'�ta���—l/ --•7'� The plan af land for the lot is recorded at the Bamstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan�j� z�/Z Book��_Page����_or Land Court Plan 4. The engineered se tic plan has been prepared by �r l�t� l�'e�L' f�./���'"�,� and dated__��_�T ' S. Board of Health approval date . 6. The number of bedrooms is restricted to �. _ 7. Owner Name: �la����N'I/J l P,: �����,��(�Lll--/' d�/!',�G/S 1ryrE.,7�� ! Address: l ����L /c� 9� c' ����� ���-r� �� O �r gd � f � ' � �' � �' ,��'9/ The reyuired information supplied to this department for the applicatian of a Title 5 Deed Restriction is correct as shown above. Applicant--_i������/— ./`� ,� Date ��_ � 0512011b