HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist � � 7
���� � TOWN OF YARMOUTH �� `� �
Location: A.M. ��P Lot� Zone of Contribution: In� Out Acreage //f �/g �j�/' •
7y��� � �� Commercial: ResidentiaL•�_
street: � 7 /� / 2 -
Village: ✓ Floor Plan: c/ #Bedrooms: �.�
Owuet: ���/�(� �ldZ�� Installer: Cl'���( � �G(/(�,,/
Address: Phone: TO
Builder: Engineer: `����C-1 ��!/`� �-f'A�i/�...
Address: Phone: �7i ���/�- �
1.Required#of co ies received L�/
2. Date of soils exam and ercolation test not older than 2 years L/
3. 4-5 ft of naturall occurrin ervious material, above water table �--�
4.Foundation 2 ft above]vgh point of road H.P.: Fnd: Vu.:
5. Water line 10 ft from se tic com onents Vaz.:
6. Bencl�mark indicated and shown-NGVD if near wetlands
7. Se tic tank minimum 10 ft from foundation, deck Var.:
8. Leachin minimum 20 ft full, 15 ft crawl, 10 fr slab Vaz.: '
9. Leaching minimum 100 ft from wetlands Vaz.:
10.Leachin minimum 150 8 from drinking welU25 ft irrigation well Vaz.:
11. Tank/leaching minimum 10 ft from ro line Var.:
12. S stem meets all other setback r uirements Vaz.:
13.Uses adjustment for ma�mum high groundwater Vaz.:
14. Leaching set 4-5 ft above adj.water or bottom of test hole Vaz.:
15. System not in top or subsoil(A,B horizons)or 5'removal
16.Pro osed contours aze suitable
17. S stem meets slo e r uirements-min. 1/8", '/<" referred
18. S stem meets breakout re uirements PVC liner: Wall: ��
19. S ec�ed tee sizes are roper, gas baffle on outlet tee
20. Sewage is under 10,000 d for arcel
21.No arba e dis osal '
22. S stem ade uatel sized for its intended use
23.Minimum 6" stone or compacted below tank and dbox
24.Manhole covers within 6"of grade, pump chamber cover to grade
25.Ins ection ort on plastic chambers/leach field
26.Electrical ermit for um chamber/Se arate meter for du lexes ��
27.Pum system-2" line,wee hole,check valve, tee in dbox, um size l
28. Se tic tank/ um chamber to be factory waterproofed
29.Vent rovided if leachin below 3 feet,under drivewa / arkin /
30.Buoyancy calculations for tauk/ ump chamber
' 31.En ' eer to ins ect and certi soils: wall: commercial:
32.En 'neer/Re 'stered Sanitarian and I,and Surveyor stamps/siguahue
33. H-20 loadin is subject to vehiculaz traffic, goundwater �i
34. Title V Ap lication and ermit fee, installer si ature
35.Foundation footin min. 2 feet above adjusted ground water for new house �
36.Deed Restricrion r uired max. #bedrooms: max. flow: d � �
37.Check area lots for oundwater/Label groundwater in Assessor's Ma
Plan reviewed by: i� wo3io3