HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-Compliance�® o. &8 K7(I4-6q(( THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE �® BOARD OF HEALTH Ocv ✓! OF rt,-, 0 c ed APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Construct ( ) Repair (P(4 Upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) - []Complete System ❑ Individual Components 4/aC� Gri. qS/ort�s� rcr/ Map/Parcel # Lot # 0 V` Ins Iler's Narde J Address JSDS - ?71-4-- 1-F91?0 Telephone # V u'� Type of Building: % / iz. % ✓% f�%?;s' Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms 3 Other - Type of Building No. of persons Other fixtures wner's Name Address Telephone # Designer's Name Address Telephone # Lot Size Sq. feet Garbage Grinder ( ) Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Design Flow (min. required) gpd Calculated design flow gpd Design flow provided gpd Plan: Date Number of sheets Revision Date Description of Soil(s) _ Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS Date of Evaluation K The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date /O Z,-- Z, - Inspections InspectionsGc- I -.)/I tl w Q-� 4d-- q ti c l�!->,Y -i— ✓u $-e !s< < -t S -r, L(- c FORM 1 - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 No 56H PC � �r / ..,,THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE BOARD OF HEALTH 4� �)�,•%° C rL- flo CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of WorIndividual Component(s) ❑Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the, Sewage Disposal System; Constructed( ),Repaired (b, Upgraded( ), A and ed (-"')� b .� / �,/ df, � �� y r 6L `) b )d4 STS / r1 / at roc'' G;- r- has been installed in accorda ce ith the prc plans relating to application Ia/ �- of 310 CMR 15.0 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built 1'0 -:j -'/rApproved Design Flow — (gpd) Installer Designer: Inspector Date, The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. FORM 3 - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 No. ICI- C416THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE BOARD OF HEALTH L L/ DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ) Repair (Ot) Upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) an individual sewage disposal system at as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. i'7rrfl,L /q - (��/� , dated /b /Z - > Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the ate of this permit. All -lo al conditions must be met. i Date /0 �� Board of Health f FORM 2 - DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 F FORM 1255 (REV 5/96) Hi HOBBS&WARREN TM PUBLISHERS- BOSTON i F � � . , �. No.:BOHDC-14-6416 Commonwealth af Massachusetts F� $55.00 Board af Health, Yarmoath, MA. ; APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTI4N PERMIT iApplication for a Permit to:Repair-minor-Individaal Camponent(s} i LocaHao:408 WINSLOW�RAY RD,WEST YARMOUTH,MA 8wner � R�ap�Parce!#:058_3'10 �UIER DUSTIN T Address: ROGOWSKI REBECCA PO 64X 194 Phone: Sepdc System Instailer i Name: � NEIGHBORHOOD WASTE WATER SERVICES ES�IfvBB!!TE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Phone: Type of Buiidiog:Dwelling Lot Siu:02b sq.ft. 6welling-No.of Btdroams: Garbage Grinder: Qt6er Type of Building: Nu.of persons: Showers: Cateteria: Ot6er Futures: Piao Date: Number of SAeets: TiNe: Revisioa Date: Design FMw(mioxequired)t gpd Calcuiattd desi�n tiaw: gpd D¢sign fiow provided: $pd Doscription of Soils: Soil Evaluator Form No.: Namo of 5oi1 Evaluator: Date of Evaluation: DESCRiPTIpN OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS:REPAIR EXISTING LEAKING t000 GAL SEPT[C TANK The unde�sig�tl agreea to inataii the abova tlescribed lndividuai Sewa�Disposai System in aceardanee with the prov�ions of TITLE 5 and furGler agrees nM W qlaee In operotlon untll a CertlFleate M Compllance has been issued by!he Board M Heallh. Signed Date Inspec[ions , Y . � � , . Commanwealth of Massachusetts Board af Health, Yarmauth, MA. F� � DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT S5S.08 Permission is herby granted to;FAUL MARTIN Address:350 ROUTE 28 � WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 � iTo perform: Repair-minor an individual sewage disposal system. . C?wner: AiGUIF,R DUSTIN T ROGOWSKIREBECCA PQ BOX 19& SOUTN YAk.MOUTH,MA 02664-0194 i Locatian:408 WINSSAW GRAY RD,WEST YARMOUTH,MA Q2673 � Disposal System Construction Permit No.: BOHDC-14Q416,Dated:4ctober 03,2014 � Provided:Construction shall be completied within six months of tha date of this parmit. All loaal conditions must be met. , onditiana 1. Repair existing 1Q(t0 gat Septic Tank Leak per inspection C�l Bruce G. rph ,MPM,R.S.,CH4 t Amy L.wn Ho�e, R.S.,CH6 , Health Director/Assistant Health diredar T6e issuance of this permii shall aot be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; Board af Health, Yarmouth, MA. F� CERTIFICATE OF CClMPLIANCE ��0° � Description of Work: Individuai Camponent(s} � 772e undersignad hereby oertify that the Sewage Dispasa] System; Repair-minor , by:NEIGHBORHOOD WASTE WATER SERVICES II at:4�8 WINSLOW GRAY RD,WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 flas baen installed in accoxdance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00(Title 5)and the approved design plans or as-built plans relating to application No.: BOHDC-14-0416,dated 10/p8/2014. ' Installer:NEIGHBORHOqD WASTE WATER SERVICES � Address356 ROUTE 2$WES`T YARRidUTH,MA Inspector:AMY VON HONE,R.S. 02673 i Designer: Cand9tians ' 1.Reuair existinQ 1000 eal Seotic Tank Leak oer inspectioa ' �i�r� ' Bruce G.Murphy, PH, R.S., CHO/Amy L.von Hone, R.S., CHO Health Director!Assistant Heafth DirecCor IThe issuance oYthis permit shall not be construetl as a gus�rantee Yhat ihe system witl funetioo as deslgned. I BOH_Dispasal_Cqnstruction_CofC.rpt �