HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificationsHeartsaver° American CPR AED Heart Associationm ____Plamen_Kolarski________-�_ This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives and skills evaluations In accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Program. Optional completed modules are those NOT marked out: Child CPR AED Infant CPR Written test -_9/ft8L2014..___ ______ ----912016----- Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date Heartsaver°American CPR AED Heart Association. . - Michael Murphy -,This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Program. Optional completed modules are those NOT marked out: Child CPR AED Infant CPR Written test _ .9./108121114_..-_--- _ ._. 912M.__. .__..__. Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date Heartsaver®American CPR AED Heart Associationm ------.-- This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Program. Optional completed modules are those NOT marked out: Child CPR AED Infant CPR Written test Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date YYYIYYMcr.:trw_..,... SerVSafe EXAM FORM NO. 4719 CERTIFICATE NO. 9188331 ServSafeo Certification TO CHRISTINA CAREY for successfully completing the standards set forth for the ServSafe° Food Protection Manager Certification Examination, which is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)—Conference for Food Protection (CFP). 06/12/2012 DATE OF EXAMINATION J06/12/2017 DATE OF EXPIRATION Local laws apply. Check with your local regulatory agency for recertification requirements. iii ACCREDITED PROGRArA American Natirnal Standards Inst te and the ConfLrence for Food .- , Paul Hineman #0655 Executive Director, National Restaurant Association Solutions ®2010 National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. All rights reserved. SerVSafe and the ServSafe logo are registered trademarks of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, and used under license by National Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Restaurant Association. This document cannot be reproduced or altered. k ,aen _ _.. A NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION® TO EXAM FORM NO. 4009 CERTIFICATE NO. 10787837 ry CERTIR MICHAEL VALER for successfully completing the standards which is accredited by the American Nati DATE O 02/26/2( DATE OF EX Local laws apply. Ch '' TION To have a certificl �"-i website at ServSa a; under the Student e. a. Food Protection Manager Certification Examination, (ANSI) -Conference for Food Protection (CFP). s0s #W 0 Student Class NL t xam Di E xpiratio Instructc Sponsor Exam Lc Exam Fc Overall Overall Passing Status Domain Impleme Employe Receipt, Food Pre Compliai recertification requirements. S under license by National Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC. "rvSafl laxwr,nt a�apm ServS CERTIFICP go: %K. as!fUhy MPL" $'Vadnon to ihz .v Date of Exannin< Date of Expiratu Law I.—apply. Chi b4014 National Rest reserved SNvSafe is Restaurant Asso iati the National Reda- To have a certificl y e„ website at ServSa a; under the Student e. a. ale 02014 National Re: 14013002 recertification requirements. S under license by National Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC. "rvSafl laxwr,nt a�apm ServS CERTIFICP go: %K. as!fUhy MPL" $'Vadnon to ihz .v Date of Exannin< Date of Expiratu Law I.—apply. Chi b4014 National Rest reserved SNvSafe is Restaurant Asso iati the National Reda- a 2 CERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING Name of Recipient: CHRISTINA CAREY Certificate Number: 1860307 Date of Completion: 4/13/2015 Date of Expiration: 4/13/2020 The above-named person is hereby issued this certificate forcompleting an aller,err cnvareness trainin prod;ram recognized Gy the lllassucltrrsetts Drpar•tnrent oj'Public Ilealth i.n accordance witb 705 CtNIR 590.009(C)(3)(11). W)is certificate will be valid for jive (5) years f ronr date ?f completion. Issued By: �MBI'. RNATIOANUAL ASSOCIATION Massachusetts Restaurant association 800.765.2122 333 Turnpike Road, Suite 102 w1rw_re5taurant.org Southborough,INIA 01732 508-303-9905 w%titiv.m:trestaurantass()c.org G �.La- !=f '1✓T\!'_