HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificationsThis recognizes that Crystal Mouiz IM completed the requirements for Water Safety Today conducted by Cape Cod and Islands Chapter Date completed 3/14/2008 The American Red Cross rewpim this certificate as valid for N/A year(s) from completion date. r + 1 D AMS ., .. Sylvester Comsuhml sa Ina Zearn andLim TO Addon HeartsaverO First Aid cvnuwt '"t CdWcryMe,Ma02632 } ,�e�i l%.,;#fy�'�l,%..T,iiti�},r `'S',,�5�?i.K'`'�".'F `"ra{+'�:.+`:d'.y �•'F A' ';�i': ZiOUI'AS 1� .�i�WG� 71111 ow OKON to ft SbM 11&Ikw ho M OMOMM ft O6JIWNItO1d�IItWfANCCBItli110lfM1h:l>QGIgIOIdIeIIOEUMAfiA Jia, �ECac�C 12/19,2013 MOM HakWe° #eaw.Da. A�Ca►,nwrywRenW"00* e2 AnwkmHMA*ft*kn 71e'pwWwM,MW=vrYwn appa&o , woos FNi In the of the nvdules NOT compmed. This cera ao"Wlns unique aecuft features t0 protect fargery. eO-1202 FIS= —I• PEEL HERE — . Q.� Healthcare Provider Richard Pizzato C" R.&MU— No. 112,22 is hereby CertlBcd and Regstercd NATIONAL SWIMMING POOL FOUNDATION on DATE CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR r'.T�1 C.E.O. �SpAQpO American Heart Association. This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the cognitive and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR and AED) Program, 12/18/2013 12x2016 Issue Date Recommended Renewai Date This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. Training Center Nahr� e,,. nester Consultants, Inc MA °3 rc ..Centerville. Ma 02632 Info �.. ... . Course Mayflower Location Instructor Rounseville/Sylvester Inst. ID # Name Holder's Signature 92011AnwdcMHeart A—d.t1on Tartp)"v wird Ws cord pro aiwimeppeerance. 90.1801 gn.txnl V11 &Ina Icf-UguiLCS that CO Richard J Pizzuto d L d has completed the requirements for Water Safety Today a conducted by m Cape Cod and Islands Chapter Date completed 09 The American Red Gross recce% this certificate as valid fortyIA yea(s) from completion date. C" R.&MU— No. 112,22 is hereby CertlBcd and Regstercd NATIONAL SWIMMING POOL FOUNDATION on DATE CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR r'.T�1 C.E.O. �SpAQpO American Heart Association. This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the cognitive and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR and AED) Program, 12/18/2013 12x2016 Issue Date Recommended Renewai Date This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. Training Center Nahr� e,,. nester Consultants, Inc MA °3 rc ..Centerville. Ma 02632 Info �.. ... . Course Mayflower Location Instructor Rounseville/Sylvester Inst. ID # Name Holder's Signature 92011AnwdcMHeart A—d.t1on Tartp)"v wird Ws cord pro aiwimeppeerance. 90.1801 gn.txnl V11 Fg In the dmiss of the modLdW A10tcanpI to d This cmd oont bw ur4qwssmvWi dis Mbp M rlforg"• AmodAdon�`'vea6xi.h loam andLim TCAdrhm - Cdwb `Wftbft°2�32 Heartsaver• First Aid ara:: 0, -`Mb r .air.�e.a�.w�r�.�.�e.a.,�►..«��.�w► . M@(A). w,�„�. t VAMt3. ��• R.o�aran.,�a.r r�ea�rn�..��...� �r�r.rMrerrrr...,rrw..•�o., �aaoe Fg In the dmiss of the modLdW A10tcanpI to d This cmd oont bw ur4qwssmvWi dis Mbp M rlforg"• ANSI ncccE,,,ITED rroctoara f r,criean Na! -u -a 5lacnerd3 InvotU.N food:"Ctcct;cn EXAM FORM NO. 4998 CERTIFICATE NO. 11660318 S.,,e,..ryftSa CERTIFICATION TO ROBERT W JA for successfully completing the standards which is accredited by the American.,Naii DATE- 10/22/2( ATE- 10/22/2 DATE OF EX Local laws apply. GEN i Food Protection Manager Certification Examination, (ANS0-Conference for Food Protection (CFP). k of IM "F, used wider l -m by Natkmai Rwtawant As Odwon SointWM LLC. In accordanmwkh MamRhae Labour Convention 2006. .Resok�tien ADAM N 068-2013 iRe¢ulatioe 32, Standard Contact us with questions at17S W J eAM B.vd. Ste 1500. Ch' A3.2) of the MarRime Labour Convention,20M xago,lL 60604 or ServSafa�eesfaurantar8, EXAM FORM NO. 4998 CERTIFICATE NO. 11660325 ServSafe` CERTIFICATION TO KEITH A SCHU for successfully completing -the standards which is -accredited by the American, Nat! D A T E - Q.TM, 10/22 DATE OF EX Local. laws apply. Ch Food Protection Manager Certification Examination, (ANSA -Conference for Food Protection (CFP). recertification requirements. rso!W0 �nrvS alft EXAM FORM NO. 4774 CERTIFICATE NO. 9508238 Sery Saf ee Certification ....:...q.. .......... for successfully completing the standards set forth for the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination, which is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI -Conference for Food Protection (CFP). 10/24/2012 DATE OF EXAMINATION 10/24/2017 DATE OF EXPIRATION Local laws apply. Check with your local regulatory agency for recertification requirements. Paul Hineman Executive Director, National Restaurant Association Solutions 03110 National lkk-doral Fomufatieo. M rga reserved. SmSere and the SenAafe lno are most aced trademarks of dte Natio W Restaurant pasociatian Edrtcatimal Fdardadon, am used under Buena by Nadanal Resta4_AaKWM Sokrdau, LLC, a vyh* owned subsidiary of the Ned" Restaurant Assoeiadon. This document camwt be reproduced or akcred. 10070201 v.1204 NATIONAL 7 REMURANT ASSOCIATION, rS1!0i,nT S6rvSafe@) Certif� EXAM FORM NO. 4715 for successfully compldting the standards set forth for the Ser4Safe® Food Protection Manager Certification Examination, which is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) -Conference for Food Protection (CFP). 05/16/2012 DATE OF EXAMINATION 05/16/2017 DATE OF EXPIRATION Local laws apply. Check with your local regulatory agency for recertification requirements. i • i � 1TED "I NATIONAL RESTAURANT ® Paul Hinman ASSOCIATION® 50655 Executive Director, National Restaurant Association Solutions 021110 National lkrstauuantAswciation Educational Foundigion. A0 rights rasarvad. Safe andthe ServSefe logo are registered trademarks of the National liestaurant Association Educatwnal FoundaiiM RM goad seder Acensa by National Restaura tAssoaatim S01111dw e, U, a wholly owned wbAffaryof the National Re5taurantAssaetadom This docu"aent caiawt ba reproduced or ahered. IW702M v.1202 ServSade Al lerge- ns TM Certificate of Achievement Awarded to Elona DeDominicis For completing the ServSafe Allergens Training and Assessment Provided by the National .Restaurant Association Certificate Number: Student ID: Expiration Date: 1566110 10288072 8/12/2017 Sherman Brown Senior Vice President, National Restaurant Association E CERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING Name of R6c'P ent-- Maria Hollenberg Certificate ,Number:. 7$1.305 Date of C81 poetkbn: 3114412012 Date of Expiratioi 314/20.17 The aboa a -named person is hereby issued this certifirate far completing an allergen awareness training program recognized by the Massachusetts Depar tment of Priblw Health in accordance witb 105 CMR 59a009(G)(3)(a). This recti tate mild be validfor five (5) years from date of complefion. Issued By. NATIONAL 11 Fs ASSC1CiA ON® 1vbss=husett_c Restaurant Association 800.76.5.2122 333 Turnpike Road, Suite 102 -v"wvvrestaurant_arg Southborough,?1Lk 017772 508-3303-9905 W vvw.rnart1=u=ta$sMO CERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING Name of Recipient: bret poulter Certificate Number: 543324 Date Of Completion: 8/8/2011 Date of Expiration: 8/8/2016 The above-named person is hereby issued this certificate .1brrompleling an allogen awarene.,,v gaining program rerqpzized�5v the Massachusetts Department ?1'T'ublWjealtb in arm -dance with .105 CMR 590.009037)(3)(iz). This certificate will be valid%rfzve (5)years ftone date qfcompletion. Or,,VYK,��, Issued By. NATIONAL i( RESWRANT TION® ASSOCIA Nlassachusetts Rctaurant Association 900.765-2122 333 Turnpike Road, Smite 102 www.re%taurant.org Sourhborough,AILA 01772 508-303-9905 F71 rl—:%l CERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING Name of Recipient:..'Robert Patehel Certificate :Nurxber: 781304 Bate of C6Tn etion: Date of Ek-- 66# 3/14/20:%'7 the above—n an, ed person is hereby issued this certificate for completing an allergen awareness training program recognized by the tYlassarhusetts Department of Public Health in accordance with 105 C.WR 590.009(G)(3)(a). This certificate wi11 be valid forfrve (5) year sfrom date of completion. Issued By- ----��� IVAi'Ii NAS 7 REMURANT ASSOCMON m Massachusetts Restaurant Association 800.7652122 3333 Turnpike Road, Suite 102 wwwrestaurant.org Southborough, MA M-72 508-303-9903 wnviv marestauranrrssoc_org K M Sylvester Consultants, Inc. Certificate of Training In In accordance with American Heart Association Guidelines Valid for 2 years 4/2013 thru 4/2015 Presented in recognition of successful completion of the above discipline following current national standards Jr EMT -P 117 �. T, Sylvester Consultants., .; -y - f ":rte rCertificate of Training ! r•�.,. \.J to ` / b in In accordance with American Heart Association Guidelines Valid for 2 years 4/2013 thru 4/2015 Presented in 1 recognition of �.. above 1 disciplinefollowing , Currentf I / standards \` \ Norman is `� � t��' �'��.-w ���°__.__...ice / :1`\�,+;..:-.y � a' � r�`�_.� �. �,� � � �� j.: --; i 4� � J 1� �' '', f: ✓•,* sS. ,j ��` Sylvester Consultants, Inc. Certificate of Training to , Fsa�,;, �,�j A 5,A�.t T'"Od W,&), In In accordance with American Heart Association Guidelines Valid for 2 years 4/2013 thru 4/2015 Presented in recognition of successful completion of the above discipline following current national standards Jr EMT -P Sylvester Consultants, Inc. Certificate of Training t / / In In accordance with American Heart Association Guidelines Valid for 2 years 4/2013 thru 4/2015 Presented in recognition of successful completion of the above discipline following current national standards Jr EMT P --10 PEEL HERE --b Healthcare Provider QysW Monlz American Heart Association. This card oertIfies that the above indfvkk al has successfully completed the wgrifte and sidlls evaluations in woordance with the cwftul m of the Amedcan Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR and AED) Program. 12/18/2013 . 12/2016 lace bate ReoonwrierKW fienewa, Date This Mf ce i� kdvester Consultants, Ine MA If fil TC info a, ,Ccaierville, Ma Q7¢32Cou Location Mayflower lnsbuctor RounwviftfSylvester Inst. ID fi Name Holder's Signature Oso„AnwI=HMd AWOOIS%A Tprperlry,Hx, tlYf sra »i.�Ee.Ns 90-,eo, 90-1801 3/11