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CERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING Name of Recipient: Brian Howley Certificate Number: 1565776 Date of Completion: 8/12/2014 .Date of Expiration: 8/12/2019 The crGaticr—nczlned��crr:�arl is hereby issited this certtfifrlte fal'raniplefill�'- (111 17•lelll'tntssIn irlingpr'a mall recognized by the t11asscichusetts Department of'Public Health in urfardernre.,zvith. 105 Cebll: 590.009((' )(3)(a). Il7ls felYr�fltle zvilllre villiti or five (5) jrellrs -wn date of Coinplehan. EA Issued By: NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOCIATI©No Massachusetts Restaurant Association 800.765.2122 333 Turnpike Road, Suite 102 gal+rev.restaurarit.or Sourhborough,AIA 01772 509-303-999 ,,vm •.niarestaurantassoc.oig I