HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-CompliancenF I' Dc-( Sy��? / ` K.�' /'� /l�G- G % // r� 11( �4� FEE No. `�J� /� �v19�/ / ll I r IMMONWEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS 2-- �—H)rll Board of Health, UrA , MA. APPLICATION FOR DST SS ®SAI. SYSTEM[ CONSTRUCTI®N PERMIT Application for a Permit to Construct( ) Repair Upgrade( ) Abandon() - ❑ Complete System individual Components Location ( 1q-10it Owner's Name I'V iD A- c tear 1 Map/Parcel# t1qrieej l Address (J S Lyv Lot# Telephone# Installer's Name E Designer's Name Address I ` Address Telephone# - — Telephone# Type of Building Lot Size sq. ft. Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms __ Garbage grinder ( ) Other - Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Other Fixtures ,y Design Flow (min. required)(/ gpd Calculated design flow Design flow provided gpd Plan: Date Number of sheets Revision Date Title Description of Soil(s) _ Soil Evaluator Form No, OF REPAIRS Name of Soil Evaluator Date of Evaluation C%1Di;U Iv 1 rV li e�f�DQt� The undersi990Aagrees to ins a above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further afire lace a tem in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has een issued by the Board of Health. Signed9tc Date :� �� 1 Inspections No. 604,DC-15 457( r FEE ��- COMMONWEALTJR OF MASSACHUSETTS �t 1// -2f4 Board of Health, YA9MOTIal , MA. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ❑ Individual Component(s) ❑ Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( ), Repaired 0, Upgraded ( ),Abandoned( ) by: 1r^i. r) r C s w P &21/Z V r C..c�- at ?, U Aryv bras 4 (,x),y Aaywna WA ii,,)1 0 has been installed in acco application No. P7 Installer G:,%�e with the provisions of1310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to dated 4—/—/ �— . Approved Design Flow _ Q(gpd) Designer: " Inspector �� b6zl / Date: The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guar /ntee//that the system will function as designed. J..J_-i. ,c..._0[in.! No.�p/�DClS-1�v7/ (� '�'� �% FEEU (/ �®tel[®NLTH ..Of NNE44S?A C1IUSETTSWe-tl -)PV Board of Health, Y�72M0 (�1"�i , MA. DISPOSAL'SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is herebygranted air U rade Abandon an individual sewage disposal system j' g %d to; Construct( ) Re P pgrade ( n ) g P Y at ( ' Lkv i w r -v as described in the application for;'. Disposal System Construction Permit No. ` , dated Provided: Construction shall be completed within tlrrl�,-gears o&e date of this permi . All local conditions must be met. Form 1255 Rev. 5/96 A.M. Sulkin Co. Charlestown, MA Date / Board of Health / �� L-11 No.:BOHDC-15-1571 Commonwealth of Massachusetts F� sss.00 Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERNIIT Application for a Permit to:Repair-minor-Individual Component(s) Location:6 ANDY LN,WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Owner: �, CARROLL LINDA TR ' Map/ParceW:031.121 THE LINDA CARROLL 1RUST � 82 CRESTVIEW RD NEEDIIAM,MA 02192 Phone: Septic System Installer Des�g°er CAPE EXCAVATING ' 13 CHARLENE LANE HARWICH, MA '�.. 02645 � Phone: Type of Buildiog:Dwelling Lot Size: 13,068.00 Acres Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms:4 GarAage Grinder: � Ot6er Type of Building: No.of persons: Showers: Other Fiatures: Plan Date: Number of Sheets: Cafeteria: Title: Revision Date: Design Flow(min.required):440 gpd Calculahd design ilow:440 gpd Desigo flow provided:440 gpd DescripNon of Soils: Soil Evaluator Form No.: Name of Soil Evaluator: Date of Evaluation: DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS:REPLACE BLOCK IN CESSPOOL 1,REPLACE SADIITARY TEE IN CESSPOOL 2 PER INSPECTION REPORT DATED 12/08/2014. The unde�sig�red agrees W install the above deseAbetl Intlivitlual Sewsge Dlsposal System In aceordanee wifh the provisio,n of TITLE 5 and furfher aorees not to olace in ooera[ion until a CertiHcate of Comoliance has heen issuetl bv flie Board of Flrakh. Signed Date Inspections I� I I i Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA F� DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ass.oa Permission is herby granted to; CAPE EXCAVATING SERVICE, 13 CHARLENE LANE, HARWICH, MA 02645 To perform:Repair-minor an individual sewage disposal system. Owner. CARROLL LINDA TR THE LINDA CARROLL TRUST 82 CRESTVIEW RD NEEDI-IAM,MA 02192 Location:6 ANDY LN,WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Disposal System Construction Permit No.: BOHDGIS-1571 ,Dated:Apri103,2015 Provided:Construction shall be completed within six months of the date of this permit. All local wnditions must be met. Conditions 1.REPLACE BLOCK IN CESSPOOL 1, REPLACE SANTIARY TEE IN CESSPOOL 2 PER INSPECTION REPORT DATED 12/OS/2014. �V � Bruce G. M rphy, MPH, R.S., CHO/Amy L.von Hone, R.S.,CHO � Health Director/Assistant Health Di2dor 'i The issuaoce of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. !� i Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA Fee CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE sss.00 Description of Work: Individual Component(s) The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Repair-minor by:CAPE EXCAVATING SERVICE at:6 ANDY LN,WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00(Title 5)and the approved design plans or as-built plans relating to application No.: BOHDGIS-1571,dated 04/Ol/2015. Insta7ler:CAPE EXCAVATING SERVICE Address:l3 CHARLENE LANE HARWICH,MA 02645 Inspector:AMY VON HONE,R.S. Designer: Conditions 1.REPLACE BLOCK IN CESSPOOL 1,REPLACE SANITARY TEE IN CESSPOOL 2 PER INSPECTION REPORT DATED 12/08/2014. Bruce G. Murphy PH, R.S., CHO/Amy .van Hone, R.S.,CHO Health Director/AssistaM Health Diredor I The issuance of this permit s6a11 oot be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. II � I I i I BOH_Dispasal_Construction_CofC.rpt