HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 Apr 24 - DEP Letter to The Cove Re: Return to Compliance � . Commonwealth af Massachusetts Executive OFFce of Energy&Ernironmental Affeirs � Depar�tment of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office•20 Riverside Drive, Lakeville MA o2347•508-94B-27o0 ChaAes o.Baker Matthew A.Beaton � Govemor Secretery Karyn E.Polito Ma�lin Suuberg Lieutenant Govemor � Commissbner Apri124,2015 Michael Fdwards,General Manager RE: YARMOUTH--BRP WPC The Cove at Yazmouth The Cove at Yarmouth i83 West Main St. GWDP#5E-3-162, Yarmouth,MA 02673 183 West Main Street, Clear water test;clarifier repaus ACOP-SE-13-1G005-NT-AMEND 1 RETURN TO COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Edwards: The Department of Environmental Protection completed the clear water test of the substantially completed new wastewater treatment facility("W'W'I�"') on January 20, 2015, at the Cove at Yannouth located at 183 West Main St. in Yannouth, Massachusetts. M as-buitt engineering plan depicting the denitrification filter replacement and the Snal revised operations and maintentmce manual were received on February 22,2015. The Department is satisfied that the denitrificadon system upgrade of the westewater treatment facility was substantially constructed in accordance with the appmved plans and hereby graats approval for the W WTF start up for the Cove at Yarmouth. Additionally, the secondary clarifier was discovered to be broken and in need of repairs during the preparation for the clear water test.By letter dated February 4,2015, Onsite Engineernig certified the completion of the clarifier repairs. Finally,with the completion of construction of the W WTF denitrification upgrades,the Cove at Yarmouth has substantially complied wiW the requirements of ACOP-SE-13-iG005- NT-AMEND 1,entered into by MassDEP and The Cove at Yarmouth on Mazch 8,2013. Based upon the foregoing,MassDEP has determined that you have complied with the terms and conditions of the ACOP,and that no fixrther actions are required under the ACOP. Thla Iniormatfon is avalleble In altemate formaG Call Mlchelle Wetars-ENanem,DNerslty P�2ctor,at 617-292S7b1.TTY�MaSSReley Servlce 7A00-479•2170 � MassDEP We6eile'.r✓ww.mass.govfdap Pnnt97 0�RecyUed Paper -z- Please be advised, The Cove at Yarmouth must adhere to all of the conditions outlined in both the Departmeirt's plan approval, dated June 20, 2012, and the Groundwater Discharge Permit SE#3-162. If you have any questions regatding tlils matter, please contact June Mahala of my staff at (508)946-2822. V�Y�Y Yo�> � , �� Jo an E. Hobill,Bureau o Water Resounces H/JMM � eRPeoforcemenvCaveetYem»„tArrtneCoredeeiweaein-z4ls.doc � ec: Mr. David Formato,P.E. Onsite Engineernig,Inc. 279 West Ceniral St. PMB 241 Pranklin,MA 02038 dformato(lonsite-e .n�com Town of Yarmouth BOH DEP-SERO ATTN: Dave Johnston 3haun Walsh Jeffrey E. Gould Brian Dudley Patti Kellogg Lisa Ramos L.ee MacEachem