HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-Compliance. No. 610 5 �{ �� Q x-76^ � � FEE � V w7 ` � ,49 r� 6 COMMONWEALTH Of MASSAC14USETTS Board of Health, X19 �YVIo�?T?� , MA. APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTI®N PERMIT on Ll Application for a Permit to Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade /Abandon( ) - ❑ Complete System C�`individual Components Location ' D Owner's Name Map/Parcel# Address (} Lot# Telephone# 7 % I - '► g' - g !S 6 Installer's Name Designer's Name Address 4 Te a l Address Telephone# 50k _ Telephone# Type of Building VE`- Lot.Size sq. ft. Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms Garbage grinder ( ) Other - Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow (min. required) Plan: Date Title Description ofSoil(s) _ Soil Evaluator Form No. gpd Calculated design flow Number of sheets Design flow provided �'„-v gpd Revision Date Name of Soil Evaluator Date of Evaluation DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS 1 J i -r %LjT L The undersigiwtrWees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further afire s to to place theem ' p ration until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date Inspections / No. lJ« E $55-00 1 C^ F, C®�' MO LTII ®f SSACHUSETTS � ��/7S CA -t�- s ori � FAM Board of Health, OT)l , MA. � ! 7�(� �C� L�.:►% CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE V�_ Description of Work: ❑ Individual Component(s) ❑ Complete System Therunnd�ersilTed hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( ), Repaired Upgraded ( ),Abandoned ( ) by: i1.LxL6y6-Aiojj at n i!i�ll-f)i n1 ri n o _. i -i(rnoL,,ih0/)r.- has been installed in accordan a ;& a ,visionfs of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to q-� application No. /-C, dated � ->--`7 /> . Approved Design Flow (gpd) Installer Designer: Inspector:l4�0 - ,,/ Date: The issuance of this permit shall not be construed'as a guaraq*e that the system will function as designed. No. 1 -4 -DC --15 37c -f FEE 6 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS cA-4 One Board qfjhkalth, � d1�Jd 07 , MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; Construct( at Repair(x) Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No ��'G , dated i� :;P4 Provided: Construction shall be competed within three years of the date of this perm All local conditions must be met. Form 1255 Rev. 5/96 A.M. Sulkin Co. Charlestown, MA Date t Board of Health No.:BOHDGIS-1859 Commonwealth of Massachusetts F� ass.00 Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT i Application for a Permit to:Repair-minor-Individual Component(s) i ; Location: 10 CONCORD LN,YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Owner: KELLY ELEANOR S �. Map/Parcedf: 116.3 168 HIGH ST , WINCHESTER,MA 018903337 Phone: ' SepNc System lostaller Designer B& B EXCAVATION 14 TEABERRY LANE FORESTDALE, MA 02644 Phone: Type of Building:Dwelling Lot Size: 1Q890.00 Acres Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms:3 Garbage Grinder. � Other Type of Buiiding: No.of pereons: Showers: � OtherFixtures: Plan Date: Number of Sheets: Cafeteria: Title: . Revisiao Date: Design Flow(min.required):330 gpd Calculated design Flow:330 gpd Design Flow provided:330 gpd Description of Soils: Soil Evaluator Form No.: Name of Soil Evaluator: Date of Evaluation: DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS:MINOR REPAIR-NEW 1500 GAL SEPTIC TANK PEA INSPECTION REPORT DATED 12/OS/14 BY B&B EXCAVATION . The undersignetl agrees to install the above descrl6ed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provlsions of ' TITLE 5 and further aareea not tn olace in ooeratlon until a Certificate of Comoliance has heen Issued bv the Boartl of HeaHh. Signed Date Inspections Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA Fee DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ass.00 � Permission is herby granted to; B&B EXCAVATION, 14 TEABERRY LANE, FORESTDALE, MA 02644 To perform: Repair-minor an individual sewage disposal system. � Owner. KELLY ELEANOR S 168 HIGH ST WINCHESTER,MA 01890-3337 Location: 10 CONCORD LN,YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 Disposal System Construction Permit No.: BOHDC-15-1859,Dated:Apri124,2015 Provided: Construction shall be completed within six months of the date of this permit. All loca(condi[ions must be met. Conditions I. MINOR REPAIR-NEW I500 GAL SEPTIC TANK PER INSPECTION REPORT DATED 11/OS/14 BY B&B EXCAVATION ��U"`' LG�1� Bruce G. Murp MPH, R.S., CHO/AmyL.von Hone, R.S., CHO ,Health Director/Assistant Health Diredor The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA F� � CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ass.00 Description of Work:Individual Component(s) The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Repair-minor by:B&B EXCAVATION at I0 CONCORD LN,YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 Has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00(TiUe 5)and the approved j design plans or as-built plans relating to application No.: BOHDC-1S1859,dated 04/30/2015. � Insta(ler:B&B EXCAVATION ' Address:l4 TEABERRY LANE FORESTDALE,MA Inspector:AMY VON HONE,R.S. i 02644 � Designer: � Conditions � 1.MINOR REPAIR-NEW 1500 GAL SEPTIC TANK PER INSPECTION REPORT DATED 12/OS/14 BY B&B EXCAVATION //��G�< �;,"�_ i�l� u/Q�i/ Bruce G. Myrphy, PH, R.S., CHO/Amy L.von Hone, R.S., CHO �� Health Director/Assistant Health Director The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. BOH_Disposal_Construdion_CofC.rpt