HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectrical Permit I ; �-� Cornmonwealih ot Massac c� � � � � � ��n=,�v5�cmiy Departmenf of Fir,-e-Serv es ' Pe�c o. � 'US � //IS BOAR� OF F1RE PREVENTION REG LATTONS O 2g05up cy nnd Fee Chccked � HEALTH . t� 9] leaveblank) . � APPLICATION FOR PERMfT TO PER�ORM ELECTRICAL �'/J�/�'�`q�''p^iK i - All work to be perfomted in aetordonce with the Massa�husetts Elecficai Code(MfiC),52 C�I�OOf,/ � 'r �"� '(PLFilSEPRINlININKORTYPEALLINFOR4f.4T10A9 Dute: ,S f � City or Town.of: �n+�b�r �a R �ou �To the Lupector of Wires: &�, \ . �� , � By this application the undersigned gives notice of his oc her intention ro perform the elechical work deacribed be � Loc�tion(StreetScNumber) I � -l- �3 �jP• Ma Parcel �� � P ::, i Owner or Tenaat �' � J ! Tetephoae No. ,�3`{-.�S(�/� (,,� I O�vner't Addresa _ �7 �� ' � j2'� L,. Vc� R'Y170c.e \ � � Is this pvmit in coaJuncBon tvith a buildifng permit? Yes No Q' (Check Appropriate Bos) � Purpaae otBtildin��u.6�i�, rn e '�t � Utiliry Authorization No. {L/� 7 a2 S^o�T- Ezistine Service? Gp Amps i6 3 O Volts Overhesd Q� Undgrd ❑ No.of lteters Ne�v Service �L�U p,mps �0 u Volts Overhead !� Und�rd 0 Yo. ot 1�leters Yumberbf Feeden and Ampucity �f� ��� T/�N�-/ LoeaHon nnd Natu/re otProposed Electrtenl�Vork: ��s�// ����;C yy�a R �T�,� s�/sdhr �o�� d-�le 2 m • ' � . - Com (etion o/r6e/'o(lo�rin table nmv be waived bv thelns eetor ojfWres. No.of Recessed Fixtures Yo.of Paddk Faas o,o ota Transtormers I{V� *fo.oCLighHng Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators �� Yo.of Lighting Fistures Swimming Pool � ove � n- � i o.o mergency ig aaB rnd. rnd. Batterv UNts . �No.of Iteceptncle Outlefs . No.oC Oil Burners FIRE ALARhIS. Yo.af Zonee i`io.of Switcha No.of Gus Burners o.ot etecuon an Initlatln Devica � No.otRanges No.otAir Cond. .t°Ong No.of Alerting Devices � No.ot Waste Disposers eat ump . um er ons __ i o.o e - ontuuie Totals: "- DetectioNAlerdn Deviees Vo.o£Dishwashers SpacelArea Heatlng KW La��� � Canae edon � ��er � No.otDryers Heating tlppliances �y ecur ty vsteras: No.otbevices or E uivalent i o.o ater � i o. o � o,o Data Wiring: He�ters Si ns $a�i�sig . No.af Devices or E uivalent � i(o.Hydramnssaea Bathtubs No.o[r[orors Tota!HP e ecommuaications inn�; � No.af Devices or E uivalent ;r oz�x: � -=- ,demc6 addiriwm!d:rui!i/destred,or a.r nquirod b.v�he Inrpecror of�vi��rs. -9 INSURAiYCE COVERAGE: Unleai waived by the owner,no permit for ttu performance nfelectrical work atny issue unless the licensee prov{des proof of liability insurance ineludia¢"compleud opecation"covecage or its substaatial equivatent. 1'he undusigned certifies that such coverage is in fdrce,aad has e:chibited proof of su� to the permit issuing o ce. � CHECK ONE: INSURANCE (�HOND ❑ OTFiER ❑ (Specify:) /c�� � �_� ° (Eapiracion n�e) Estimated Value of Elecaical Work: �G O O (When required'by muaicipal policyJ J Work ro Stut: �, g �gpecaons to be mquested in accordance with MECRuIe 10,aad upon campleuon � !certify,unJer Hte pai d penalties af pery't�ry,tl�at the injormatiae on r/�is applicetiun $tsue axd comp/rte. � FIRM NAME: LIC.NO.: /3,�V.3 ;i Licensee: Signature LIC.NO.: �„2� �7�J ,t (�IaPP[icab[e, ennr p� 'in�h[b snserty��(me.J /'� �� Bus.Tel.iYa.: 3 7 -•Gf Y�1 .. Address:_����f;�i���7� �,GIL3 u��R n��,,� plt.Td.No.: O WNER S INSIJRANCE WpIVER:•I am aware that tha Liccnsee dors nor have the liabiliry imurance coverage nom�atly nqui�d by taw. By my sigMtw�below, I horeby waive tlsis requirement I am the(check oae) Q owna ❑owner's acent. (lwner/Aamt � — � ' � ............ .�.-n. � .