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Abutter Notice Letter, Abutter List, Certified Receipts
� , , Date: pCC- t�, � �� Re: H�il�h l�eP°+o��- ►�neq# U<<eiotett �P�t�'��hy Dear Abucter: Notice is hereby gix�ea of a request for vsriances feom Title V regulations. The following variances are requested; Titlev: �tD CctR t�. 2( 2 t�Pp�-h i-v �ro�ndw�l�r _ �;ve -�atfi Sc-�rarrti'�� Ce��'� �c� - U�9 t i a k�� 1�a �Ov� ftldt S('PgrR'��aM N�$JeS�c� Town of Yannouth regulations: �j. 7 ' ��� �JBf 5('P 4f�1���a fi'p �i'U�S�� '�v2° drq���q�-e ��,,�rc�d - 11ct�"; R�ce l� �� � -�-� � Se� ��cF d^e��e5��-f The application aud plan are availabte for ceview at the Yarmouth Health Department, 1196 Route 28, South Yarmoutl�, Monday ihrough Friday from 830 am. to 4;30 p.m: (excluding fiolidays}. Hearing on the above will be held ��u��5 at�p.m., at Yarmouth Town Hatl. Please eheck with the Yarmouth Health Department (508-398 2231, ext.1241) to confum date and time of hearing. Very truly youcs, Icc: Yazmouth Health Department file �I . � 63/ 53/ I ! DECOSTER MARGAREI'I PO BOX 355 SOU7'H D6NNIS,MA 0266Q-0355 63/ 5� / / ARONSONJEFFREY ARONSON MAUREEN 35LOCKEWOODSDR S WEYMOUTH.MA 02190 63/ 65/ / / THFAHARIDIS DENNIS D THEOHARIDIS GRACE P 31 BRISTOL ST DENNIS,hfA 0263E 63/ 77J / / BEARCE CHARLES L TIO PACKAILD STREET LANCASTER,MA 01523 63/ 66l l l • MEfA OROUA RLTY TRUST NETTO EMILIO C TR P O BOX 2388 HYANNIS,MA 02601-7388 63/ 71/ / / ZACEK]USTIN ZACEK EI.IZABETH 14 THEODORE ROOSEVELT RD WEST YARMOUTH.MA 02664 637 67/ ! / BOTROSINIY 7 FILLMORE RD WEST YARMOUTH.MA 02673 63/ 70/ ! / WALSH BRENDAN J PO BOX 1156 DENNISPORT,MA 02639 T •� � � � I• • � � S �5� zx � �, ��S f4RS�� - � Postage $ N 065g � CeRifietl Fee Q�5 Pa�p�rk � Retum Receipi Fee � �� 0 (ErMorsamentHequiretl) � V O Resinc(etl Delivery Fea (Entlorsemen�Requiretl) � �c`� O i, � Toql Postage&Fees $ 1�/1���14 SentTo n �ah •�� l��S� - -- ----------- - - -- $Yieef.Apt.No.;-""" "' ""'- � o,POBaxNo.-------- --P,_�;----Bo-x------!-�s�------�------- Ciy,State,Z/P+4 :,, . ,.. �� �� ll�{� OZ6 . � � � m �• • m � s � � � � � _ �. , '� Postage S ru {�g � S Cetllfietl Fea � 0 Retum Raceipt Fee :,� � �^a� �. � (Endorsement Pequlred) �Here 1� O Restncted Delivery Fee `� v� (EnEarsemen�Requiratl) � O � Total Postaga 8 Fees $ � � 12f17{2014 a Sentio rN� "' - ---- ---'r-}y----��-5------- rl 6heet.i7Ct.No.; ""_"""'""""""""""'"""'_ O orPOBo,cNo. 7 FI �I�Q(Q. � �` drysiaie.zik«a----"'----_'_"______"' ______""_____"'_____"'______'______" �• �qr�hvJ�9. � C��77j :�� . � . . � . � o .. . 7 ra �' ' 3 >�+/'�ti�•���y� • � P. ��H�*CRV9YK ' �.:.x �� v-r� . NPostege S $6.49 0659 �- �� � Certifietl Fee o �3. q(j � � Retum Recelpt Fee �e� . � (EntlorsementReqWreC) $•j � He(�! � ResMcled Oelivery Fee J�O (Entlorsemen�Requiretl) O M1Totel Postage 8 Feas $ 12117f2614 � SentTo f m �S��M � �1_Zll�---- I Cer --------- ----------------- r� Sbeef.M[No.: "_"""""'_'""""""'_ . � orPoeoxNo. �� �O'__���1+'.""'�"'_""_' � M1 C%ry Stsie.Z/Paa""-""'""""'" W � Arm �-y OZ6/o4- :�� . �,. ' • . . • M1 �' • � r9 7 mY: . , 3 ;�..., •� � ; c �'� E�.. , 0-• S Posta9e $ .. N �.,....� .,� � CertHletl Fee (�, � F1eWmReceiptFee T(�P9g7^�� � Q (Entlorsamen�Requiretl) �+���a/3Q O Restrlc�e0 Oelivery Fee (Entlorsemen�Requiretl) ' .� O M1Total Postage S Fees $ � 12l17/2014 Sent To "' ----- -- - -- Grmvp �Ccxil�./. Trvsr rl Street,Ap[No.: iN I[i a Nc+�o,�I`�;��!-r�---/�-- -R- --y--------------- p orPOBoxNo. "'""'__ 1 .V.VgJ`___��/�_"' M1 c�ysieie,-zivCa-`r--�N„�5------- O-�lA� ''� �O ��� GCx/ :�� . ��. U.S. Postal ServicerM CERTIFIED MAIL.M RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only;No/nsurance Coverage Provided) For delivery intormation visit our website at www.usps.com� � � � „ � , ��� ► � 1 � i - � r PS Form 3800,August2006 , See Reverse�orins�ructions •. . . , M1 .. . � � ,. � _ � ,� '�- r „ s �� Q. �F� h , ,�� �„; � N Posla9e s g4.49 0659 � o cenn�eeFee f3.30 Oti�'� . p Retum Receipt Fee Postmarl��O . � (EntlorsementRequiretl) $Z � y�H��•) � Resinc[etl Delivery Fee • (EntlorsamentRaqulretl) � � O rl :�.::..._..,..�: . M1 Total Postage 8 Fees $ 12r1�{�Qi4�. � r3 /� nt7o (��,M15 �Ll?� � `'KO �h�.� m �n a Srmei:Avi:nio:i-"-----"'-'_----(--�"'--1----""------""-- . - p "'_______"'_ N� wPOBoxNa. �i gT�7��F-_"_�'�""""""'_'_ _____"_______""' ______"""__ ____" �,�smre,z,P.< �j��, ; D�3-------- :,, , . , , . , � ,. . � � � sa� a�vr+�7tH�r��zz�o a �- � s '`t� � � N P�re� $ 0659 S CerNlietl Fea � —_ O Qb,� PostrneM � Remm Receipt Fee j� Here(,� � � (EnJarsement Requiretl) � ` � � Residctetl Delivery Fee � y` � (EndorsementRequlretl) � n`� � O M1To�al Postage 8 Fees .� l�ti•j��}�j .� ' � m SentTo T npy �p���,�� � � �ireei.ApCNa.: �_-_l."'_�"'�NGS!V7w11_____�{b�11_�1__ 0 o�Poeo=No. -..35 Lo�Ke�aots Dr �` __;____"______""______"___""" C�ty,S7afe.Z/P+4 . _""""'_"""""""""_""_"'_ '_' S• e ,v,cJrh 021gD :,, . ,,. . � . � � '' ' � � � �n� � � Postage S S �54 Cetlitietl Fee � �l .Fasimerk � ReWmReceipiFee 0 (EntlorsemeritReqWretl) 7 - Her�� L7 ResMctetl Delivery Fee � , `3 O (Entlorsement Required) � � � Totel Postege&Fees $ � M1 r2ri�rl��ia � senr ro "' - - -- --�la rp�{�-/<�`re+----� �e C@ a s�e�,��,�.; �j� --------f-- ---�r------ ---- O orPoBwNo. _1 '�""'�. � �S"""'""_'"""" Crty,SYate,ZIP+O --�- r�/� ' _ " U f'H qq i � d�ZJ�v(/ :�� . �