HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Approval Letter and Application _ = ,.-,m,,. � �� •Y.� ,�� : ��, � HEALTH DEPART�iENT �'�...ce�„'Ff r � : � ���.�-�=iy�. TOWN OF YARMOU '�" H � nA..ncnccs � ��=Py�l•[����� � 'J G SOUTH lART�fOUTH AZASSACHUSETTS 02664 VARIANCE FROM PROVISIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CODE DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 20 N0. MAIN STREET SOUTEIYYARMOUTfi, MA. 02664 RE: LOT 6 - JOEL RD. , YAR, a Dear SIRS The Town of Yarmouth, Board of Health has received your application for a variance from the provisions of Regulation N/A Title V, of the Environmental Code and(or Regulatlon 3.7 o t e Town of Yarmouth Regulation for Sub-surface Disposa o Sewage. Havin� determined that strict enforcement of the above Regulations in this instance would do manifest injustice and further, that Xour , requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the Environ- mental Code or the Regulations of the Town of Yarmouth Board of Health, the variance is granted on this date, SF.PTF.MRF.R 12� 1979 as follows : TO ALI.OW TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION TO BE AT 54.50' . _ MUST SUBSTIT7TE REVE�SE SLOPE GRADING SURROUNDING FOt7NDATION. You are hereby advised that the variance granted herein will expire ninety (90) days from date of issue unless all work authorized by said variance has been completed prior to the date of expiration. Very truly yours, �� �(fJ! ✓�-Gv m':�e DAHL���h 1CA1��S, HEALTH OFFICER TOWN OF YARMOUTH DDK/av - cc: Robert C. Lawtan, Jr. Executive Secretary 'y � APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE �� NAME: ���e�'iZf��i �8/¢� / S���E � � DATE• � I annx�ss�� dls�h7f-/ �u� Z i � 'J �sa ��w L�c c`T z`{ TEL. N0: niG��— %zoZ l `��- LOCATION OF VARIANCE: �.6 ` `( � �j /j �Z �-�� �7 V il�rvc c'Tu�L-� DESCRZPTION OF VARIANCE: � � � � E, c I (� �`J p4 � � ���9✓�E,� - • I is �T Zl� �'� � SKETCH OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY: PERMIT �: INSPECTED BY: . SIGNATURE 0 APPLICANT