HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Feb 27 - Zoning Determination for Business Certificate , . - os.Y•� RECEIVEp � TOW1Y OF YaR�[OUTH � o�e BUILAIlYG DEPARTD[ENT ���/ I� � Y y FEB 27 2012 � � RQi�te 28,Soufh Yarmouth, ilIA 0266� ,4 � � �"""' s-� BUIL�ING DEPqRTMENT �'398'2231 e�G 261 Fnx 508-395.0836 OY: ZOIYING DETERMIN,�'j'TON FOR BUSINES,S CE1t'fI�C���ppLICaTIOIY T�vdrpwe otthi�form b ro determine whefhe�yoar bmmeas e , Hylaw. TAe aPPlic�et sha9 compkte t6e top xetfoe of tld� ��P�a wiM theTowa of Yarmouth Onte the Bnildi°uL DePirtmeef IW made a determinafioo.h�iti 6e torrv�rded the Towa Ckr�k � ����i�P�rtmeM rri9►euder a determiniaon brsM os the foUowing herors:(a�Tiie buaineq/a,re, aclhdq,(b!lUre Zoning dlalrfd iA witcb�ke basimsala to be Jacwed apowrd ases archosMnaZan�agp/�, Table 2025 und(c)p��J�a�»ew��p �q Nie Zanin Buard A /a uate al��-I��. Dn�inw.1� R s�71Lkv�r �2 n y�2�vt ozrr►�-pc,.�,r ,,,,,a. ( sv� `�- t-v� NameofApplicant NA-r�u� �owt DBA o�//o //9ft S btailiog Add�i�ess ft S�-rti�.G�.� 2a � Y�is2�c�..z.r�>1oo/�- � De�eriptiaq of Ba�iOe�Activify "�"lnv ro �.vi 1 l �q in t� Sf�� r _�i lwif l� hno r' o c " 'i'he appties��clmowled�a tAat a determmatloe will be made by the Build�pePsrte�bued a�the iufo�maMoe provided on eh�dah sad aoy e6anges�the bwinps use aod/or aeHvity wi9 nrpntre addpfonal approraL Failuro to do ao may rcsdt iu the revxatka of t6e Baemess CeMi&ate sod/or approprhteZo� LA�01ltOMf�lIIOIIW IM b!(i!flr111Nld fIU�HI!t`��p 01^!BOi-t011�IU10�. :�ppikaat's 3i�aaturo � _ Date d�d� /� HUILDING DEPARTNlENT DE1'CRl1[IIY.1T[ON (ofike u�e oafy) Approved Commenb Disapproved Reaaoo for Dlaspproval Buiiding OtFcial's Signature � � yv Date_� R�,��a.e�n.:an