HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 May 03 - Letter to T.Dumas Re: Required Plan Revisions _. . _ . _ _ .
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I May 3, 2000
, Mr. Ted Dumas, R.S.
26 Compass Lane
Dennis,MA 02638
RE: 31 Turtlecove Road, South Yarmouth,MA
7 Swordfish Lane,South Yarmout6,MA
Dear Ted:
The Health Department staff has received and reviewed the pmposed septic designs for the above
addresses. Prior to final appmval,the following issues must be addressed per Title V plan review.
31 Turtlecove Road:
I. A drainage easement along the westerly lot line, as well as the drainage pipe that
connects the two catch basins to the drainage pipe emptying into Long Pond must all
be labeled on the plan. Dimensions of easements and locarion of drainage
components can be obtained from the Yazmouth Engineering Department. The south
end of the easement contains no pipe,and should be labeled"No pipe/no leaching".
2. List the Town of Yarmouth variance of less than 100 feet between the leach facility
and subsurFace drain emptying to a watercourse.
: 3. Labei the separation distance between the catch basin and the leach facility.
4. Label the property line dimensions.
7 Swordfish Drive:
`�l. Label the sanitary tee in the distribution box.
�2. Label the breakout elevation of the leach facility in System Profile.
�3. Label the septic tank and pump chamber as H-20 (H-20 is specified in attached
buoyancy calculations).
� 4. Label 2" pressure line, 3/8" weep hole, and check valve on the pump chamber.
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� 5. Label pump and alarm elevations in inches(in addition to elevations cwrendy shown).
In addition,clarify elevation of outlet invert of pump chamber shown as el. 7.68 and
"elevation @ invert 4.75".
�% 6. Add note: electdcal permit required for pump and alarm installation.
� 7. Elevations shown for USGS Probable Water Tabie, Observed Water Table, and
Bottom of Test Hole are labeled incorrecdy.
� 8. Show test hole location.
�+9. Show eacisting septic system location.
\� 10. The northern section of the retaining wall footing must be a minimum of i foot away
from the front properiy line.
( i l,! Show e�sting/proposed grade contours along the westerly properry line between
�� proposed retainin�and existing abutting watl.
V 12. Label setback distance between the foundation and the leach facility.
`�13. Label the edge of wetland and the setback distance between the wetland edge and the
leach facility.
� 14. List the Town of Yarmouth variance of less than 100 feet between the leach facility
' and the edge of wedand.
v 15. Label the properry line dimensions.
V 16. List the separation variance betw�n We leach facility and the pmperty line.
If there are any questions about the above issues, or you would like to meet to review the plaas,
please call this office at 508-398-2231 X241.
Bruce G. Murphy,RS., C.H.O.
Health Director
cc: file