HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectrical Permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO�PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work ta be performed in accordance wich rhe Massachusetts Electrica!Code, (MEC),527 CMR 12.00 � � y� (OFFICE USE ONLY) � � TOW F�MBU By ' �`"� MAY 2001 � Fee: $ I p�/S /�' o � - � PERMIT NO._ F—n�� %(p � B ��� I (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TY " Date:,�Gu lR �1 To the Inspecror oF Wires: By this appGcacion the undersigned gives notice oFhis or her intention�pe�m the electrical work described below Location(Streec&Number) ? .�eJo ro�.�iS� �n(; Owner ot Tenant_ �vi �y�'�Js Telephone No. Ownei s Address Is this permit in conjunccion wich a budding permit? ❑Yes �No (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utiliry Authorization No. Esis4ng$ervice Amps � Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd❑ No of Mecers ,�, New Service Amps ( Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd❑ No.of Meters �° Number of Feeders and Ampacity x; Locacion and Nazure of Pmposed eleccrical Work: (�v��' 4r i'1[� Ovw.n eJ.Q�,'�,t.- I'`� . . .� . .. � . Can letiort o tbe is �tabk &weiued tbe Iw or o �rc.r � '� � � � No.o Tota! � - n Transformers KVA �x� � o.of Li hci Oudets No. of Hoc Tubs Generators KVA a A ve �7 In- �f Na.of Emer en Li hti t'� No.�of Li htin Fix[ures Swimmin Pool rnd. U rnd. U Bacce Uni g � 8 � No. o f R ecep�ac le Oudecs No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.oFZona �� �:b . No. of Switches No.of Gas Bumers No.o Dtteccion an lni[iaci Devices No.of Ran es To`al 8 No.of Air Cond. Tons No. of Alening Devices Heac Pump Num r Tons KW No.of Self-Concained I No. of Wasre Disposers Tocals: — Daec�ion/Aletting Devices I No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local ❑ CM.onnecP on ❑ Other �, No.of Dryers� Heating Appliances KW ��ry ys�ems: , No.of Devic „�„�, No.of Warer No.of No.of Da�a Wiring: p '��� ��.,-�a Heazea KW Si ns Ballaza No.of Devic (J/ n '� No. Hydromusage Bachtubs No.of Motors Tocal HP L� Telecommunicaci Wiring: No.of Devi no �.. . . r � ' �'',. Attacb additioea!rktoi!iJdui or ar nquiru!by tbe lntpnYor o �ru. _ INSU&fNCE COVEBAGE:Unless waived by che owner,no permic for the performance of decaical work may issue ' rovidee proof of �biliry ' �. iasuraace induding"complrnd opention"coverage or its substancial equivalenc The undersigned cert�es that such coverage�s m , p�( ' ,�of samt ro che permit issuing oflica � � � �� ��`�CHECKONE: . 1NSURANCE� BOND� OTHER� (S c ) �IIOJIQ,Z Pe ifY. �scima[ed Value of Elxaical Work: ' (�p�cwnDace) ' r (When required by municipal polity.) II Work�to Start: Inspettions co be requested in accordance wich MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. ' I mrtif};under the pai9,�nd penalties o�f pery'ury,�h�t che informacion on this application is aue and complem. FIRMNAME: .Yt'Gv �+ I7�*�F—� ��c �c,No. Licensee: Signacure w�P.�y..p LIC.NO. ���'�� (If app6cable,enrer"exempt"y'�the lice number lineJ Bus.Tel.No.: /-SoAr�/?�' ._S,Z21! I Address: .�B ["L�...�IL C'f �..-7� p�c.Tel.No.: . OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVE&I am aaare tha[the Licensee dces noc have che liability insurance covera e normall below,I hereby waive this requiremenc I and the(chak one owner 8 Y�1°�r°d bY�aw.By my signa[ure .� ) � owner's agenc.� Owcer/Agent Signature � (xeu ovtrnt Telephone No. , I