HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 May 28 - Letter to Helen Tolidis Re: Food License Restrictions �
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May 28, 1998
Ms. Helen Tolidis
Bass River Pizza
1311 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Re: Food License Restrictions
Dear Helen,
This letter is to follow up our meeting of Tuesday, May 19, 1998, during which the previous food
service restrictions and future food service restrictions were discussed with you, Socrates from
Golden Boy Restaurant,Health Inspector Colleen Pelley, and myself. We discussed the new grill and
ventilation hood you had ordered for installation. The department had previously notified you by
food service inspection report on November 25, 1997, that a floor plan and an equipment list was
needed. Tlus list was not received until our meeting on May 19, 1998. The previous operation was
not allowed any additional cooking ovens, stoves, grills, fryolators, as there is no Title V septic
system. The previous cooking was performed within the pizza oven.
After discussion the following agreement was reached and acknowledged by a11 parties:
1. The food menu would be limited. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken cutlets and
veal will not be allowed. The revised menu that you submitted to this department on
May 20, 1998, will be the only items approved.
2. Paper service only. (No dishes or utensils.)
3. Mop sink to be installed.
4. No fiyolators.
5. Septic system to be inspected. (Inspected by IvLd Cape Septic who stated it was dry cesspool.)
Therefore, the grill and new hood will be approved subject to the above restrictions, along with a
new septic system being installed by July 1, 1999. The engineered plans for the septic system are to
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be submitted August 1, 1998. Should the septic system experience failure prior to installatioq a new
septic system would need to be installed. Should the septic system not be installed by July 1, 1999,
the grill would be removed.
You informed me that you had an eight(8) year lease on the property. I also informed you that this
departrnent would not issue approval for a liquor license without upgrading the cesspools to a Title
V septic system.
Any building renovations must also be in compliance with building, electrical, pluxnbing and Sre
departm�,mt niles and regulations. By signing this letter of agreement, you agree to the above terms
and conditions.
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� � MAY 2 9 1998
Bruce G. Murphy, MPH
Director ofHealth HFAI.TH DEPT.
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Ms. Helen Tolidis Mr. Socrates i rokostas
Bass River Pizza Golden Boy Restaurant
cc: Estate of Ralph L. Kelley c/o South Shore Auto (Leo Donovan),building owner,
P.O. Box 111, Greenbush, MA 02040-01 l l
South Shore Auto, ]313A Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664
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