HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 May 19-Jul 1 - Fax Cover, Letter copy from May 26, 1998; Messages ' Soerabs Mitrokosms. Realtor FAX �'��� Waat Yarnauth, MA 02a73 DaOe 7—/— ! Q Number of papes includinp cover sheet ^ To: From Socrates Mitrokostas �nt.fN 4//11LyYL-9GLT/� 1.`l� ��i-�f q�c��— �-,�-�--� �-9•'i r�-=-'--'+�— ,�,o, R rnK,eP�.�T-- Phone ,3 �f� 223� �,7,�r►?lE/ Phone (508)778-4180 Fa�c Phone 3 � Fax Phone (608►778�M80 CC: ❑ Urpent ❑ For your review ❑ Reply ASAP �' Please oommeM . � � CONS{ILTINa ENOINELRi Hunt�r EnpinNrtnp Apoclafp.Ine. • 7 Wwka Pand D�H� • SandwlCh.MA 02641 • 600/<77-62A! Hay 2b� 1998 Rel�n Tolidis Bass Rivaz Pizza 1311 xout� 28 9outh Yax�outA, !!i1 0266� Subj: Prof���ional Enqineerinq 9�rvice� / Ticle Y Repair Plan Hes� rives eiszs Daar 11�. Tolidas: - ..�,.,,_.,..., _ , .,.�-�.� ' - Huniar Eefqin��ziap'71�'iociates, is pieaa�d to pzovide you�t�ii�� a�nq proposal eo provida prefessional enginearinq sezvicea for th� subject psopesty. The bs�akdown of ta�k� for this �+ork are as followa: 1) 9chedul� �oil te�t rith the Town of Yarmouih, B.O.H., and pay- tha requirad fe�. 2) Brovids Backhoa / 1►uget and canduct eoil teetinq (pere t�et) by a DSP e•rtifi�d soil �valuator. 3) Th. nerwsexry land surveyinq w111 be conductad to detesmine ihe location of ths existing dwelliaqs, fail�d s�ptic systru, c�espoola and oth�r �it• Mta11s. �) ]1 pzefe�sion�l civil anqineer will prepare tha iequired Title V �eptic sy�taa upgrade plan. 1u requir�d by ihe Town of Yasawuth, B.O.H., ihis pl�n r►111 bs •taMped by � raqi�t�rad civil �agineer aad s raqistaced land aurwyos. Hunter Snqiaeeriaq Assoeiat�a, can complete lhi� wozk a� outlinwd above for the amouni of 52,200.00. If this propo�al i� aceeptabl� to yon plsa�a siqn where indicated and return one sign�d copy to bhis office Mith a payment of 81,100.00 Vesy truly yours, John�t�z. F•E• 1lceeptad, Aelea Tolidas Priaeipal D�te: . ..__.,....�_.... �.. ia,��.� /MPORTANT MESSAGE For iI� A.M. Day Time �t M _ �oc ��-te� � l'���1��P� � Of Phone ' I� I �4'��� . F�( ���e � N�mber Esstansion � nnaai�e Area Cade Number Fxtension Telepfioned Retumed your call RUSH Came ro see you Please call Special attention Wants to see you Wilt call again Caller on hold Message � j o ,� ���✓ , S 2 Signed a��48023 unio iN us.a /MPORTAM'MESSAGE Far flay � Tme '� P.M. M Of � �� ` Phone � n �` FAX �� �� 1 � . MOBILE Area Cotle Numbar Ex�ension Telephoned Retumed your rall RUSH Came to see you Please rall Spedal attention I�Vants to see you Will call again Caller on hold Message Signed �^tversa�. ,,.......... �Rf+o iN us.a