HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Apr 17 - Local and T5 Reg. Sections Re: Septic on Same LotTO: FROM: DATE: TOWN OF SOUTH YARMOUTH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEAL'. & INTERESTED PARTIES DALE D. KARNES, HEALTH OFFICER TOWN OF YARMOUTH AUGUST 16, 1978 SUBJECT: TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH SUB—SURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS ENCLOSED .ARE THE SUB—SURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS HEREBY PROMULGATED BY THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH, TO REPLACE TOWN OF YARMOUTH SEWAGE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS ADOPTED 8-29-73 AND 2-20-75. THESE REGULATIONS ARE ADOPTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 111, SECTION 31, AS AMENDED, MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS TER. ED. AND ARE BEING ADOPTED TO SUPPLEMENT, CLARIFY, MODIFY, AND AUGMENT THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE V, OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE. APPLICANTS SHALL REFER TO THE MASSACHUSETTS ENVIRONMENTAL CODE FOR BASIC REQUIREMENTS. THESE TOWN OF YARMOUTH SUB—SURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS SHALL TAKE EFFECT ON AUGUST 25, 1978. NO REGULATIONS HEREIN SHALL BE ENFORCED RETROACTIVELY. ... RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, _ DALE D. KARNES, HEALTH OFFICER TOWN OF YARMOUTH Note: Change in fees effective September 1, 2008: Repair of septic system: $ 55.00 New septic system: $110.0-0. Disposal Installer's License: $ 100.06 - Percolation Tests $ 90.00 page 1 of 7 Sub-Surface Sewage Disposal Regulations I (A) When the impervious material can be excavated to pervious ' material below� and be replace8 with clean fill; and the underlying pervious strata is at least four (4) feet thick. l (B) Where a depth of at least four (4) feet of pervious material is natural soil, and can be maintained below the bottom of the leaching area. In no case will excavation be allowed into inq�ervious material without penetrating into pervious material as in Regulation 2.17A. 2.18 MULTIPLE USE - The coa¢non use of an individual sewage system by IInre than one property� dwelling, or other premi.se is prohibited� unless written approval is obtained from the agent of the Board of Health. The sewage disposal system shall be located on the one lot which it serves. 2.19 MAINTENANCE - Every owner or agent of premises in which there are any private sewers, individual sewage disposal systems� or other means of sewage disposal shall keep the sewer, sewage disposal system, or other means of sewage disposal in good repair. It is the recommendation of the Board of Health that all of the aforementioned systems be cleaned at least once every two years. Should the owner or agent o£ any premise fai.l to keep the disposal facility in proper working condition, the agent of the Board of Health shall cause the disposal facilitp to be cleaned, or repaired, with all expenses incurred to be paid by the ownet or agent of the premise(s) so involved. Z,22 gESERVE AREA/EXPANSION - All plans submitted for review and approval shall contain an additional area reserved for future expansion of the dispasal field, being at least equal to Che area of the disposal field. The expansion area must conform to all requirements of the regulations herein and to Title V of the D.E.Q.E. The ex�n,cion area is to be kept open and �y not be built upon with the exception of movable structures such as tool houses and above ground swiu¢ning pools. However, uavable structures may not be constructed should they preclude the expansion area from conforming to the minim�nn distances as established in Regulation 3.7 of Title V. REGULATION 3: LOCATION 3.4 PERCOLATION TESTS & OBSERVATION HOLES - All percolation tests shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Title V of the D.E.Q.E. and shall be performed on each lot where a septic system is to be constructed except where the agent of the Board of Health d�mc it unnecessary, which information shall also be recorded on both the application and the submitted plan (Reg. 2.5). All percolation tests shall be performed in the presence of the agent of the Board of Health with prior notice of 48 hours provided to the agent of the Board of Health. Percolation tests shall be conducted during the "Iiigh Water" time of year, (November through June). If tests are conducted during the months of July through October, the following conditions shall be met to qualify for approval: (1) Two (2) deep observation holes shall be cnsde on each lot, with no silt, clay, or other impermeable soils foimd, up to a depth of 10' . page 5 of 7 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 15.002: wntinued Dosina Chamber—A watertight structttre placed between a septic tank and either a distribution box or soil absorption system which is equipped with a pump designed to discharge septic tank effluent at a predetermined rate to a soil absolption system. Drv Well-A pit with openyointed lining or holes HvougJi which srorm-water drainage from roofs,basement floors,foundations or other azeas seeps into[he surrounding soil. Dune-A coastal dune,as defined in M.G.L.c. 131,§40 and 3l0 CMR 10.28(2):Definition. Dwelline-A building which is used,intended,or designed for human habitatioq including but not limited,ro houses,hotels,motels,aparunents,mobile and modulazhomes and condominiums and cooperazives. Effective Capaciri-The volume of a tank below the desig�dischazge point,tiquid level line. Effluent-Sanitary sewage dischazged into the environment,whether or no[treated. Emereencv Reoair-The repair of a system which is necessary to prevent sewage backup into a building surface breakout of sewage,or to alleviate an imminent danger to public health,safety or the emironment in accordance with 310 CMR 15353. Equalization Basin—A watertight tank or basin of sufficient size that has the capaciry to store at a minimum the proposed daily design flows for the facility. Facili -My real property(including any abutting ceal property)and any buildings thereon, which is served, is proposed to be served, or could in the fu[ure be served, by a system or systems,where: (a) legal title is held or controlled by the same owner or owneis;or (b) the local Approving Authority or the Department otherwise detercnines such real property is in siugle ownership or con[rol pursuant to 310 CMR ISAI l(aggegation). Failed Subsurface Sewaee Disoosal Svstem or Failed Svstem-A system which fails to protect public health and safery or the environment as set forth at 310 CMR 15303 or 15304. Familv Mobile Home Park-A facility upon which two or more mobile homes are bcated on a continual or seasonal non-recreational basis,regardless of whether a chazge is made therefor. Fill-The clean,uncontaminated,nonindigenous soil placed beneath,above,and/or azound a soil absorption system,as specified in 310 CMR 15201 through 15293. Foundation Drain—A drain uound a foundation,usually located at the footing,and consisting of perforated pipe siurounded by crushed stone and filter fabeic. Geotextile Fabric—A porous material suitable to prevent fines from migrating down through the soil absorption system while still letting air circula[e. Grease Trao-A watertight saucnue located on a building sewer before a septic tank in which grease and oils are sepazated from other solid and liquid constituents of sewage and accumulated in accordance with 310 CMR 15.230. Grevwater-Any putrescible wastewater dischazged from domestic activities including but not limited to washing machines, sinks, showecs,bath tubs, dishwashers, or other source except toilets,urinals and any drains equipped with gazbage giinders. Groundwater-Water found in cracks,fissures and pore spaces in[he saturated zone below the ground surface,including but not limited to perched groundwater. 310 CMR: DEPAR'IMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 15204: Increases in Design Flow to Svstem No person shall increase the actual or design flow to any cesspool or to any other system above the existing approved capacity,or change the type of establishment of a faciliry served by a cesspool,unless the cesspool or system is upgraded first. Upgrades to accept increased design flow shall be performed in full compliance with the requirements applicable to new construction unless a variance is allowed pursuant to 310 CMR 15.414. For puryoses of 310 CMR 15.204, the approved design flow shall be the flow listed in the most recent Disposal Works Consavction Permit. 15211: Minimum Setback Distances (1) All systems must conform to the minimum setback distance for septic tanks,holding tanks, pump chambers,treahnent units and soil absorption systems,including rese[ve area,measured in feet and as set forth below. Where more than one setback applies,all setback requirements shall be satisFed. Septic Tank Soil Absorption Sys[em Holding Tank Pump Chamber Treatment Unit Grease Traps PropertyLine IO[5] 10[5] Cellar or Crawl Space Wall, Swimming Pool(ingound),foundation drain 10 20 Slab Foundation 10 10 Water Supply Line(p�esswe) 10[t] 10[1] Surface Waters(except wetlands) 25 50 Bordering Vegetated Wedand(BVW), Salt Marshes,Inland and Coastal Banks 25 50 Surface Water Supply- Reservoirs and Impoundments 400 400 Tributaries to Surface � WaterSupplies 200 200 � Wetlands bordering Surface Water Supply or Tributary thereto 100 100 Certified Vernal Pools 50 100[2] Private Water Supply Well or Suction Line 50 100 Public Water Supply Well (2) (2) Imgation Well 10 25 Open,Surface or Subsudace Drains which dischazge to Surface Water Supplies or tributaries therero 50 100 Other Opeq Sudace or Subsurface Drains (excluding fo�ndation drains)which intercept seasonal high groundwater table[3] 25 50 Other Open,Surface or Subsurface Drains (excluding foundation drains) 5 ]0 Leaching Catch Basins& Dry Wells 10 25 Downhill Slope not applicable 15[4] [1] Disposalfacilitiesshallbeatleastl8inchesbelowwatersupplylines. Whereversewer � lines must cross water supply lines,both pipes shall be consavcted of class 150 pressure pipe and shall be pressure tested to assure watertightness. [2] The required setback shall be 50 feet where the applicant has provided hydrogeologic da[a acceptable ro the Approving Authority demonsuating that the location of the soil absorption system is hydraulicallydowngradient ofthe vemal pool.Surface topogaphyalone is not determinative. 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 15.211: continued � [3] Surface or subsurface drains which will regulazly or periodically intercept the seasonal high groundwater table and carry that groundwater away from an area must meet the specified setbacks. [4] Thesetbackdistanceshallbemeasuredfromanaturally-occurringdownhillslopewhich is not steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). A minimum 15 foot horiwntal separation distance shall be provided between the top of the two inch layer of'/e to%z inch washed stone above the pipe,or the geotex[ile material above the pipe or the[op of the chamber and the adjacent downhill slope. For a system located in an azea with any adjacent na[urally occumng downhill slope steeperthan 3:1,slope stabiliza[ion shall be provided in accordance with best engineering practice which may include consavction of a retaining wall designed by a Massachusetts Registered Professional Engineer. [5] Locating a system componeut or any part thereof beyond a propecty line of the faciliry, whether pursuant to an easement or otherwise,requires a vaziance issued in accordance with 310 CMR 15.41Q except that the placement of fill or gading material beyond the property line of the faciliry,ptusuant W an easement or otherwise,shall not require a variance under 310 CMR 15.410. (2) No system shall be constructed within a Zone I of a public water supply well or wellfield. No system shall be upgraded or expanded within a Zone I of a public water supply well or wellfield unless a variance is granted pursuant to 310 CMR 15A 10 through I SR15. (3) Allse[backdistancesfromwaterbodiesshallbemeasuredfromthebankofthewaterbody. All setback distances from wetlands shall be measured in accordance wi[h[he criteria of the Wetlands Protection Act and 310 CMR 10.00: Wetlands Protection, from the most landward edge of the following Features:bordering vegetated wetland as defined in 310 CMR ]0.55(2): Definition,Critical Characteristics and Boundary;salt marsh as defined in 310 CMR 1032(2): Defanilions; top of inland bank as defined in 310 CMR 10.54(2): Definition, Critical Characteristics and Boundary; or top of coastal bank as defined in 310 CMR 1030(2): Definition. In the event of disputes conceming landwazd boundary of resources subject to the Wetlands Protection Act,the boundary shall be as delineated by the municipal Conservation Commission or the Department in accordance with 310 CMR 10.00: Wetlands Protection,and relevant intecpretive guidance documents. 15212: Deoth to Groundwater (1) The minimum vertical separntion distance between the bottom of the srone underlying the soil absorption system above the high ffound-water elevation shall be (a) four feet in soils with a recorded percolation rate of more[han hvo minu[es per inch; (b) five feet in soils with a recorded peroolation rate of two minutes or less per inch. (2) For systems with a design flow of 2,000 gpd or geater, the separation from high groundwater as required by 310 CMR 15.212(1)shall be calculated after adding the effect of groundwater mounding to the high groundwater eleva[ion as determined pursuan[to 310 CMR 15.103(3). 15213: Construction in VelociN Zones and Floodwavs (1) No septic tank or humus/composting toilet shall be wnstructed in a velocity zone on a coastal beach,barrier beach, or dune, or in a regulatory floodway, except a sep[ic tank that replaces a tank in existence on the site as of March 31, 1995 that has been damaged,removed or destroyed,where placement of the tank outside of the vebcity zone or regulatory floodway, either horizontalty or vertically,is rto[feasible. Where reconstruc[ion of a system in existence on March 31,1995 occurs or reconstrvction of a building or buildings is allowed in accordance with the Wetlands Pmtection Act and 310 CMIL 10.00: Wetlands Protection, it shall be presumed to be feasible to elevate the ta.Iilc if the building is elevated above the velocity zone or regulatory floodway. (2) No soil absorption system shall be constructed in a velocity zone on a coastal beach,barrier beach,or dune,or in a regulatory floodway,unless (a) the system is to serve a building or buildings that were in existence on March 31, 1995 or reconstruction of such building or buildings where allowed in accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act,M.G.L.c.140,§l31 and its implementing regulations as 310 CMR 10.00: WetTands Protecdaon;