HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Sept-Oct - Letter to China Inn Re: Violations; Reg. Sections; Inspection Report; Picturei , O� �Y`�R � o� '�y TOWN OF YARMOUTH H I 146 ROUTE YA 50UTH YARMOUTII MASSACHOSETTS 026644451 • MI�TT4CMEC5 � ��+�,,,o��,�,,,r�d' Telepho�e (508) 39&2231, Ext 24l — Fax (508) 760-3472 B O A R D O F H E A L T H OCtObei 30, 2008 Xiao Oain Wang China Inn 981 Route 28 South Yarmouth MA 02664 RE: Violation of State Sanitary Code, Chapter X Minimum Sanitation Standazds for Food Establishments Deaz Mr. Wang: On Tuesday, October 21, 2008, this department received a complaint about meat products hanging outside behind your restaurant. A visit to the restaurant that morning revealed numerous meat products being hung from coat hangers to the reaz of the restaurant. Photographs were taken by a representative of the Yarmouth Police Department. 1'he hanging of ineat pmducts outside and on coat hangers violates the state sanitary code regulations in several sections. 1) Section 590.003 —Management and Personnel. This section requires a person in chazge shall be on site at the establishment during all hours of operation. The person in charge shall be able to demonstrate knowledge of food borne disease prevention. 2) This is also a violation of the Federal Food Code which is part of the State Food Code. It is a violation of Section 3-305.11 Food Storage, which requires food not to be exposed to dust or other contamination. You informed me that your wife, who is paR of the kitchen staff, had hung the meat and it was to be used for personal consumption. I questioned whether the meat that was hung was for personal consumption and stated that it should not be hung outside in either case. You are a certified food safety manager. I instructed you to have your wife also obtain a food safety manager certificate within 30 days. I also informed you that you would be required to attend the Board of Health meeting on November 3, 2008 to inform the Boazd what steps you have taken to insure proper food handling procedures. We have talked several times in regazd to your wife enrolling in a food safety course. ' Page 1 of 2 � Printed on ( Recycled � 3 Paper Approximately one month ago, this department received a complaint that you were taking grease from the outdoor grease tank and putting it into your trash dumpster. I informed you that this was an unacceptable practice. Only a licensed septic pumping company was allowed to pump the grease trap. Therefore, you aze hereby ORDERED to be present at the Boazd of Health meeting on Monday, November 3, 2008 at 3:30 PM in Hearing Room A located upstairs at the Yarmouth Town Hall. At this time, the Boazd will determine if any additional penalty or suspension of license is warranted. Sincerely, I✓V Bruce G. Murphy, MPH Health Director cc: Bao Ying Gao, owner, Fine Asian Cuisine, Inc. Boazd of Health File HAND DELIVERED ON OCTOBER 31,2008. Page 2 of 2 I . � 105 CMR: DEPAR7'MENT OF PUBL[C HEALTH 590.002: contieued (e) An area where food that is prepared as specified in 105 CMR 590.002: Fy,Qa A�ahi�t3xc)is sold or offaed fw 6umao consumption; (� A kitc6en in a private Aome. suc6 ag a family day<are provider, or a bed and bmakfast hort�that serves only a continental brcakfasr,or, (g) A private home that receives catemd or 6ome-delivemd food.�"� Food ProcessinY Plant meaos in addidon ro the definidon set fort6 in FC 1-ZO1.10,the definition of Frood Piocessing Opetabon in 105 CMR 500.000. Full Bcealdast means a breakfast meal including foods other than those listed in 105 CMR 590.002.deEnirion of"contiantal b�ealdas4" �means t6e definidon in M.G.L c.94,§ 187. Ruidrn6al Kitchee mems a kitclxn in a private home. Risk Factas (I) Risk Facton mean improper pcactices or procedures,which have ban identified by[he Centas forDivase Control and Preventiw(CDC).throug6 epidemiological dataas the most p�evalrnt contriMning tactors of foodbome IDness or injury. (2) Risic Factoca i�lnde: (a) Poa Pe+sonal M'81ene: (b) Food from unaafe sou�ce; (o) Inadeqwu Coorin� (d) ImPmPa holding temperatures:and (e) Contaminaud equipment 590.003: Man�¢rment�Pemonnet—federal 1999 Foad Code Chanter Z (A) FC 2-101.11 Assi�p�(�.13e fust paragaph in FC 2-101.11 is stricken and roplaced by thefollowiag: (!) The permit hotder s6a11 be t6e pason in c6arge or shall desi�ate a person in charge and shall eowue t6at a person in charge is piesent az t�food esteblishment during all Iwurs of the opuation. '1M owner a paaon(a)in charge shall desi�ate an altemate person to be in charge at all times when they canna be preseot The alte+nate.when acting as t6e pwson in c6uge shall'be cespoasibk fa all duties specifxd in PC 2-103.11 and must be adequatcly vaioed by rhe person in charge w ensme that the utabliahu�eut operstes io compliance with 105 CA![�390.000. (2) In addition w t6e provisions in ]OS CMR 590.003(Axl).effxtive one yeu from the date of promulyation of 105 ChIIt 590.000 esc6 foodestablis6ment shall employ az least aie fiill-time equivaknt(FfE)person in c6arge who shall be an on-site manager or supervisor md is at least 18 yem of ege and w6o by being a artified food protection manager has shown pro6cie�.y of cequimd info�metion throug6 passio8 a teat that is part of ao accredited Pmgram�ecuguized by the Department• (3) 105 CT�9t 390.003(Ax2)shall aot apply to: `i (a) ?empaupfoadateblishmenuopaarodbyn�-�o5tageoizuionssuchas,butna � ,��"+ IimitedW,aehod�pattia�evew.fire�nea'aPienia•�an�mdc6mchsuppersa�faira; �j" � y,� ' �1 (b) Daycare oprlationa wltic6 serve ody soacics; (c) Food establishmmts eestricted to the sak of }xe-packaged food aad Iimited preparadon of oon-potentially hazardous food and meat sod poultry products processed ucder U.S.D.A supuvision with a oiaite level of u least 120 PPM and a minimum briM concentration of 3.596: ' (d) Satellite feeding sites, which receive prepaied mwls �om commisaaries for immediate savia. (4) Documeotatioa that az least one full-time oquivalent person in cl�arge has demonstrated Imowledge of food safety es specified in 105 CMIt 590.003(Ax2) s6a11 be prominendy posted in the establishment next to tlx food atabGahment permit. Such documrntatioo shall be removed w6rn the individual(s)is no langu employed oa-site by t6e estabGsMcent 12/8/00 (Effective 9/29/00)-comcted 1Q5 CMR-3578 105 CMR: DEPARTMOVT OF PUBLIC FIEALTH 590.OD3: continued ' � (� ff a pecson in ch�ge,after arorodiag a uaining pro�am,fails to pasa tik certification ezamination aRer two attempa,the pamit 6oldw may request a variaoce f�t6is individusl based on: (a) Signed documenrotion from t�instructor that t6e persou in charge participazed in a food safery training Pmgam�Pmvidcd that ttx iastnutor's qual'ifications and course content meet t�standards provided in t6e Department's Marsac/wsetts Guideline for Troining and Testfng,aad � (b) 'i'he faciliq'bein8 in full compHanx with lOSCSNR 590.000. (6) If Ne person(s)in chuge with demonstrated Imowledge of food safety is transferted, [GIIDIDB[Gd M[CIIDII18IC8 CIDP�O}7IIE�[.111C OW�Cf/pElIDll�IO�dQ 6� OOtlfy tbE b08id Of I1C8III1/i1 W[Ih�g 8➢t�b9VE 6O dByS[O CIDpIO}�BICpI8CCm671L �ITIE IOCL�b08(d Of ACBIIb ll18y � . grant an extension not to excad ao additi�a160 days W comply with this requimment if deemed necessary. (B) FC 2-102.11�Demonahatloe�. 7'he fi�st pazagaph in FC 2-102.11 ia stricken az�d replaced by the following: Based on Ux risks of faodbome iliness in6eront W t6e food opention,ducing inspections and upon mques[the paxw in ch�shall demonatrate ro the iGroEnluory wthority lcnowledge af foodbome disease peevention, application of thc Hnard Malysis Crirical Control Point principlu, and the requirements of the fedecal /999 Food Code.'ILe peison in charge shall . demonstrate tttis knowledge by compliance with the fedent/999 Food Codt and by being a certi5ed food protection manager who has ahown proficiency of required info�metion ttuoug6 passing a test t6at is part of an accrcdited progam rarognized by the Department.The azsas of knowledge i�lude:� (1) Descnbing t6e relationship Ixtween the prevention of foodbome disease and t6e pasonal hygiene of a food employx; (2) Explaining t6e cesponsibility of the person in cAarge for proventing the vansmission of foodlwrne diseasc by a food employa who hea a diseax a�medical condition that may cause foodborne disease: . (3) Describing the symptoms associated with t6e diseases that an�^�;•sible through food; (4) Explaining the siBnificance of the rdationship between mainteining the time aed tempecat�ue of potendally hazardoas food md the.pmvention of foodboene illness; (� Explaining the hazards involved in the consumptl� of nw or undercooked meat, P��Y,eggs,md fis6; (6) Stating the required food temperaturea and times for safe cooking of potentially hazardous food inclndinB�.P��P,eggs.and fis6; (7> statlng u�e requima tempermu�ea ena times roruk safe ro&igaated storage.na nolai,�g, cooling.and nheating of potendally hazardoua food; (8) Descdbing the ielationship between the ptevention of foodbome IDnesa and the management and coatml of the following: (a) Crosa cuntamination, (b) Hmd contact wit6 ready-to-tnt foods.aed (c) Handwealting. ' (9) Maintaining the food establishment in e clean c�ditioa and in good iepair; QO) Explsining the�elationship betwxn food safery md providieB�P��t that is: (a) Sufficient in nnmber aud capscity,md (b) PropedYdai�ed.constructed,located,installed,opermed,mainuined,mdcleaned: (11) Explaining comct procedums for cleaning and sanitizing utensils and foodcontact surfaaa of equipmeM; (12) IdentSy3ng t6e source of wster used md measnree takm to msure that it remains protected from contaminazion such as providing pmtecUon from backflow and prccluding the creation of cross<onnections; - (13) Identifying poisonoua or toxic materials in the food estabGshmeot aod ttx procedures necessary to ensure that they ere safely stomd,dispensed,used,and disposed of according to law; (14) IdenGCying critical controt poinb in t6e operation hom purchasing through sale or savice that w6en not controlled may contribuoe to the tranamission of faodbome illness and ezplaining steps takrn to ens�ue thrt the poinu a�e convolled in accordance with the require�ou of the fe�ral/999 Food Code; 9/29/00 105 CMR-3579 � �+� � ��('p � -2._ , � , � I��� L :, rt � , ;� ; 3-304.17 Refillin8 Retumables. '� i (A)A take-hOme FOOD containef fetUmed t0 8 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT ; n'18y�Ot b@ �efllled 8t 8 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Wlth e POTEM'V1LLy FIAIARDOUS FOOD. I , , (B) Except as spec�ed in ¶(C), a take-home F000 cQntainer refilled � with F000 that is not Po�nrtv►LLY NnznR�ous shall be cleaned as speclfied under Q 4�03.17(B). (C).Personal take-flut eEVEaaGE containers, such as theimally j .insu/ated bottles, nonspill colfee cups, and piomoGonal eeve2qGE � g/esses, mey be refilled by EMPLOYEES o�the CONSUMER!f refilling is a confamina6on-free process as specified under¶'�4-204,13(/�, , (B). end N). '� Preventing 3-305.11 Food Storag�. ' IContamina8on from the (A) Except as specified in¶�(B) and (C) of this section, FOOD 8hell i I Premfses be protected from contamination by storing the F000: '; � (1) In a clean, dry location; (2)Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other i ' " corrtamination; and ; i ; { � (3)At least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor. � � i s ; (B) F000 in packages and waRing contelners may be stored less � �; � than 1�cm (6 inches) abo►re the floor on case lot handling eowPM�ur as speclfied under§4204.122. � ' (C) Pressunzed BEVEw►GE containers;cased wov in wateiproof i containers such as bott/es or cans, and milk containers in plastic � � � crates may be stoied on a floor that Is clean and not exposed[n fioor moisture. � I ' . ', ' � -_ _ .. . . ._._ 3-305.12 Food Storage, Prohtbited Areas. , i F000 may not be stored: (A) In locker rooms; (B) In tofiet rooms; i; � � ' 62 d'i , � 105 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC I�ALTH I590.009: continued (3) In conformana wit6 M.G.L. c. 64C, $ 10, every vending maclrine for the sale of cigarettu or tobscco locazed in a food establish�nt shall have attactud on the front of the � machine a notia fumis6ed by the comatissioner of Revenue mading"Persons under 18 are � prohibi[ed from using this machine." 590.010: Code Anniir�hiti�y_federa 1999 Food C�e Chapter&1 (A). &cooe. FC B-1 tluovg6 8-5 and 105 CMR 590.010 tlaough 590.021 shall cover the administration aad enforcement of 105 CMR 590.000 in lieu of]OS CMR 400.000: The Smte Sanitary Code, Chopter I: Crneral Administrative Procedurrs. (B) ]�{p�y[. Unless otherwise ezpressly provided haein,eac6 board of heelth is responsible for the adminisuation aod wfoicement of 105 CMR 590.000 and may enforce ]OS CA�Dt 590.000 by suspension or�evocation of pecmits in accordaoce wit6105 CMR 590.014 or whvw�ise at law or in equity ia t6e same mannu that local niles and rogulations arc enforced. � (C� Food Establis6ments Outside Jurisdiiction of Bosrd of Health. Food from a food establishment outside the jurisdictlon of t6e board of 6ulth of any particular ciry,town or other legally coosdtuted govemmentai uoit may be sold m served within such municipatiry if such food establishment compties with tlu provisions of 105 CMFt 590.000. To detemtine the exunt of compliance wit6 suc6 provisiooa,the board of health may acapt�epons of the responsible aut6orities in tIx ot6er jurisdiction where s�rc6 food estebtishment is located or from the Dirxtor,w may inspect suc6 esmblish�rcnt accompanied by the nesponsible authorides in the othetjutisdic[iou. (D) �• - (1) If as a result of aay study, inspection. or survey made by the Department, the Commissioner or 6ia euthoriud�ep�esentarive determines that compliance wit6105 CMR i 590.000 6as not 6«n effected,�shall.in writiog.notity the appropriate board of health of such detecmination,alloning a iessonable time in w6ich compliance shall be effected,and requesting thst the board of Iralth,in writ(ng,notify the Commissioner of what�tion will be and 6as baa taten,W effect complisna with 103 CMR 590.000. (2) If tb�[�.....m�:<aona is nM so noti8ed.or if efter notification he�termines that action sutLciem to efixt compliana with the provisions of 105 CbIIt 590.000 has na beeo taken, t6e board of health ahal! be damed to have fsiled to effect compliance with 105 CMR 590.000. (3) Wheneva my bosrd of 6ealth has failed aRw a isasonable length of time to enforce ]OS CA9t 590.000,t6e Depactment may enfora 105 CT9t 590.000 in my way that a local boud of health is wthoriud to act w effect compliauce. (4) Notwithstmding my other pmvision of 105 CMR 590.000, if the Depart¢xnt detaminu thet an imminent 6ealW huerd enists msuldng from the opaation of a food establishmeat it may without prior notice W t6e board of health take whatever actioo is �cessary ro effect compliana wit6105 CMIt 590.000. � (E) �nfnnre�on of 105 CMR 590.00D. The L)i�ector may from time to time issue wriaen interyietstiona md guidelines ae oecessazytopromote unif�m applicatiw of l05 CMR 590.000. Upon the written request of a boud of healt6 or pamit holder,t6e Director msy investigate and/m�advix on panicular queaGoas mgarding intaptetati�s of]OS CMIt 590.000. (� RFpor�na Rfq��i�sments for LM+1 Bos��of H�L. The board of health s6a11 submit to the depum�ent by Iuly 31 each Year.the tollowing iniormation: (1) Totel number of licenaed food establis6mmb by categmy; (2) Number of yearlY inSP���bY��BmY: (3) Num6a of reinspections by category; (4) Numba of Leuings; ' � (S) Number of licenae suspensions; (6) Numbu of licenx�evocuions; ('n Num6er of foodbane illness complaints investlgated(including the number of cases involving m�e t6m tao peraons md Ux total number of persona involved); 9/29/00 105 CA�IIt-3589 105 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH � 590.014: conunued ' (Q TAat a wrinen¢quut for a 6eariag s6a11 be filed wit6 the board of health by the � pemtit holder within trn days of�eceipt of the summary suspension order. (g) That Ux person has the rig6t to inspat and obtain copies of all relevant inspectlon ' ¢poRs,orders,notica,and other documentary evidence in the possession of the board iof heelth and has t6e rig6t w be rcpresented az any hearing. (h) The name and address of t6e board of healtti W w6en t4e writteo request for a hearing shall be sent. (i) The sigoanne of a memba of the boerd of txalth or its �thoriuA agent, as determined by the bosrd of 6ealt6. I (5) The board of 6ealth sha116o1d a heuing within three business days after receipt of a written request for a heuing. (6) ff no hearing is�equated,the summary suspension shall romain in effect unal the board of 6ealth or its authorized agent,es determined by the boazd of health,determines that all I conditions cited in the summary suspension order aue coracted. (7) The board of healt6 or its authotiud agent,aa detmnined by the board of Ixalth,may eod the summary suspeneion at any dme if reasons for the suspension no longet exist. s�d. � � � � B) . . (1) The board of Ixalth a its wt6mized ageot,as detemtined by the boazd of health,may issue a notia W auspend a peimit to operate a fxility licensed under]OS CMR 590.000 or one or more particular operatioas of the faciliry. Each of the following grounds shall conatimte fiil!and adequate gomds to suspeud a pemiit. , (a) Failure to comply with t6e rcquiromenta of 105 CA9t 590.000; , (b) Denial of entry to agenu of the boazd of 6ealt6 or t6e Department or attempts[o ` impede the work of a duly suthoriud agent of tlu board of heslt6 or t6e Departmevt (c) Providing false or misleading statemeots�documents to the board of health or the Deparimmt or agents Wenof,�keeping aoy misleading or false records or documents intended to sads[y the requirements of 105 CMR 590.000; } (d) 1Le permit 6older or.if the peimit 6olda is a cocporatioq a corporau officer or the owner of t6e facility,hu beee convicted of,plead guilty or no b cantendere to,or 6as, in a judicial procading,admitted facts suf6cirnt to find that a/he is guilty of a crime reladng w t6e operation of a food establishment: (e) 'p�e pecmit holdv.or if the pemtit 6older is a corporation,a corporaze officu or the owner of the facility has rngaged in conduct that endangus the public txalth; (fl Failuro to pay my fedecal.state,or local taxes as requiied by law,Pursuant to M.G.L. c.62C,¢49A; (� Failtme to comply with local regulations/ordinances related to the opeeation of the . . facility;or (h) Suc6Wherreaaonsnotstatedin105CMR590.014(Bxlxa)thrwgh(g).whichpose a risk to public health and aafay. (2) 17x urdw W s�sprnd t6e permit sha116e�ven by t6e board of health or its aut6orized ag�t.u detetmined by the loca!board of health,W the permit holda in writing aod shall �� , <a) T6e name and locatioo of the permit holder; (b) 7he specific violaUon(s)fw w6ich the pem�it�operaaon is to be suspended; (c) T6e date the suspension vvill become eHxtive; (d) 1Lat t6e saspension shell remain ia effect imtil t6e condidona cited in NK order to suspend aie conecred and the'u comection ia confumed by t6e bosrd of health or iu authaiud agent,as ddwmined by t6e Iced board of 6ealth.through�einspection az�d my ot6cr mema as appmpriue: (e) Noti4x of s right ro a 6earing before the boa�d of health 1f a written request for hearing ia filed wit6 the boud of health by t6e pe[mit holda within ten daya of rxeip! of tlx ordu W suspend,tLe ria6t to intpect and oMain wpies of all relevant iospection tepmts.orders.notias md ot6erdocumrntaryfoformatiao in the posussion of the board of health.and the rigM to be�ented at t6e heuiag. A local boatd of 6ealth that sett a hesring on a speclfied date ntha thm 2quiiing the peimit holder to cequest a hearing. � satisfies this noticera�uirementprovided that Were is edequme notix of the hearing dau, aad the uotia fully inf�ma the pumit holder of t6e rights listed above; (Q The name and add�ess of t6e board of 6ealt6 whne the wriqen�eyuest for a hearing shall be aent; 9/29/00 105 CMR-3595 � " i . Nutional Registry of Food Safery Prokuional ' � �� �D�a�� j CERTIF)ED FOOD 3AFETY MANAGEI Scakd Tat Seorc� 88 Candid�te Status� Pasa Tat D�te- Ssptembsr 27, 20dt XIAO OAIN WANC certlne.a No: Isas p�a: CM�MI19113 Sepotober 27, 20M CongratWnionel AttacheA is your cenificate and wullot � ' card. Please notify the Nalionsl RegisW of name or aAdress ' changes at Ne address below. —..."._ _ . --- - � XIAO OAIN WANG �,��, a y, � 981 MAIN ST J i S YARMOUTH, MA 02664 '' - - -- -- _ En�ur�FooO Prot�etbn.-�_ . _ ._-___ . _.. . _ ____ __ .. ____ You scond 73%Corncl.Cqrp�bnt_-�_______.__-. � PurduN and Wdlv�Food You�oorod 79%Wrrkt.CompN�M , , �; Food end Supplia Slonq� You soor�p 700%�p. �p�pM� ' I ' Foods ProparWion.Ss/vics 8 Display You acowd 77%corr�q,Comp�ta�� ;' � EOubmsnt d Fatllkiss Mainbn�nos and Cl��nlinets Vou�corW 8Y%emect. Co�Nnt i Psrsonnei Hypien�.Tninirp an0 Bshrvion Related to Food SaktY You uonC 64%wrnct,�p��� j ! . Legal ComplNrros �. I , You scored 0!i mrtsct.Nesds roview '� � '----.. .. __ .. . ._-----. . _. .. _ . _ : - - . ___ .-- - -- Neuond Registry of Food Safety Prokssionals -�� �� - ---- ---��-- ����--� -- -------� 5728�l;jor Blvd Sh 750 Orlando.FL 32819-0000 j Phone:(4071332d83U Fax:(407)352-3603 I � . � � _ __ a � � , �� �, v ° � � � � � � � �, � � _ m � ; � ° � ww8 i � � � y � o 0 o a , � � � � � � u ' N � � Q � � � ' � � � � � �- a � � o � � � � : � .f � � � z , � - �� � " �. - � � � Q � � a � � . �� N � � � tl u o �❑ a o (1 , �.: � � � v � m •� ,{ / � � ' � > � _ i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � d � \ t � d v � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � i � � (� � � I � � i � �� � v v , �� � � � � " � � � ; �s 0 , � � .9 M �• J bo � � `� � � � � c� v v � � � � � ; � �� � M r �' U �� �� � . g g � ° � °��i e� ;,� �t � '> — �� �0 a �` � _' N1 �$ a.� �'�,�a � LL ' L m� s �, , 4 x�< � � o > � � `�� �� E� ` I �C� �_ �3ma � �� . . � F ¢� � a� Z.. 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