HomeMy WebLinkAboutLicenses TOW1T OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT TO OPERATE A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT NUMBER: #10-092 FEE: 85.00 In accordance with reeulations promulgated under authority of Chapter 94, Section 305A and Chapter � I 1 I,Section 5 of the C�`reneral La�vs,a pennit is herebp granted to: Alan M. Davis, 5 Theatre Colony Lane, South Yannouth, MA Whose place of business is: Cape Cod Creamerv Type of business: Food Service To operate a food establishment in: Town of Yannouth Pernvt expires: December 31. 2010 BOARD OF HEALTH: J�. KlLut�7Iq�{ttEOft-Sm11�, C'Raixnuuc J 17pI�'IteRlt�t� �fC¢ �lXlltafl 'RESiRICTION: Four(4)seats. 2IIQEI�.� ��Af/C C. SfW/It[t¢fL III� �R![�. �. JBO4;�� ./�.�• February 18,2010 Bruce G. Murphy, .5.,CHO Director of Health THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH PERMIT NUMBER: #10-060 FEE: 560.00 This is to Certify that Alan M. Davis dlb/a Cape Cod Creamerv 5 Theatre Colonv Lane South Yarmouth MA IS HEREBY GRANiED A COMMON VICTUALLER'S LICENSE In said Town of Yarmouth and at that place only and expires December thirty-first 2010 unless sooner suspended or revoked for violation of the laws of the Commonwealth respecting the licensing of common victuallers. This license is issued in conformity with the authority granted to the licensing authoriries by General Laws, Chapter 140, and amendments thereto. In Testimony Whereof, the undersigned have hereunto affixed their official signatures. BOARD OF HEALTH: J�3. xiarc .S?��Smit�, 'CPuu"tunae, J `�cugneau[t, `vice C'�awman 'RESTRICTION: Fo��r(4)seats. 2IIQIIQ��llutt C. SfWwII¢it�� Ce¢X� �• .�qlf44 �00�� ./Y�.�. Febnian 18.?O10 Bruce G. Murphy, ,R.S., CHO Director of Health THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTI3 PERMITNUMBER: #10-004 FEE: 540.00 Thls ls to CCttify that Alan M.navic d/h!a C'.ane('nci Creamern � 5 Theame Colony Lane, South Yarmouth MA IS HEREBY GRANTED A LICENSE FOR THE yIA:\T,'FACTURLtiG OF FROZEN DESSERTS A:\�/OR ICE CREA.�i�iIIC For the year commencing with Mamh fust 2010 This License is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Relative to the Manufacturmg of FROZEN DESSERTS and ICE CREAM MIX, to the Rules and Regularions of the Board of Health granting this License, and to the provision of the General Laws Chapter 94 as amended by Chapter 373 of the Acts of 1934,and may be revoked or suspended in accordance with the provisions of Section 65J said Chapter. BOARD OF HEALTH: �rciatt�Ka$itdart-Smif�., C'�abrnuret •Regulation 105 CMR 561.009 requires J ��[j� �J� �ryqry, montlily plate count and coliform tests. wQ�'�{"�/�� ,S�$� � Jk��CICXIl.�• � .`Ba�o�, .A[.1�. Febmarv 18,2010 Bire tor of H ae Ith� �