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2009 Feb 26 - Sign Off Transmittal Sheet, Plan, Specs - Outdoor Freezer
.. .. . . . �..:_�T!'rr'*r�7..�..,...�..*---� .-�,,.,�.-..e.�..--.. . . . . �r-„-...^fr-i+.. . '�F..�:r�r.�'T..TRa'?.T:d'+Fmf..s `� � 1 a - ,�°��Y+''4� TOWN OF YARMOUTH o y HEALTH DEPARTMENT �'�„„� ;��' I �' PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMiTTAL SHEET To be compdeted by Applicant: Building Site Location: � /�,�.��.� ,�f� � , , : � Map No.: Lot No.: Proposed Improvement: ;, . _ , � , y - - F� /�[��r�cV.,� Applicant: � ,'%-� �'> �� �� � �� .��- ,-�= _, � Tel. No. ;�� ��-�"� � / Address: Daie Filed: Z Ia� •'Ifyou would like e-mail notifecation ofsign o,(j,'please provide e-mail address: �E�� r ,-E-�-_.., � -'C �'6 6 .� Owner Name: E'��:�, , �,. :7(,jc�--�� I OwnerAdd`�ress: ��"7 ;z��� �,,.� /,-,2,,0 %�,n��.,:L:�/e OwnerTel. No : � � i a„ . ' -� I� _......_........................_..._.__........................_.......____...___.. -..._. _._.._.:..:....._......_...... -..__...._....._._..:__......__..........._.........._......._..............................._...__........._. I _. __ ,�,;._._.......____ � RESIDENTIAL AND/OR CONIINERCIAL BUILDING I� HEALTH DEPARTME�IT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requiremems li For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. ' Please submit four(4) copies of plans, to include: (l.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and sepfic system location; (2.) F'loor plan labeling ALL rooms within building I (all egisting and proposed)- i Note: FToor plans not nquired for decks, sheds, windows, roofinSi ' (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. ---......._.. _____..._........_ ._.... ...._ __......................................................__ _— __._............................................_....___........._........................... REVIEWED BY: DATE:����D`�'' PLEASE NOTE COMI�IENTS/CONDTI'IONS: � I — — I �. � ,�: . _ _ - --- --------_ -_--- — . . • ,� . r '.:�: �C se., o� �✓_ n � ` � 5 i t�'<� --�a! prFt S .r,\"� ��`''����� � �� 2:_ �l. . �C:. /^'!f a..; t:'., ,,��1P�'` ,;� �a / + � , s�-� 3 G3�CG� ��7I�p �� O * � � � t �,�� � '�9 FFR � a ZO�qIi BA��� � � � HEA�TFi DEPl". EL. -24.9?' � ��� , ,� � �� (�L) �, o , ,b o. � jti; ;.\ ��g8 i`�'1. . 3� \ o i ' �I � ��� `� , � �9 � � r, IX I 5T I NG ��` ; � FDl1�DAT I ON ; � -g � � � , ' �tP'�x� � � �4 I.OT i � � i 25,61 4 SQ.FT. � . = I I t N � \ �fR���� , � ' i � ��a u"o ' 1' I � �� � i _ _ \� 2, i � �[.,9N OF LAND IN YARMOUTH, _MASSACHUSETTS ( ; AS PREPARED FOR � ALL SEASONS tG10TOR LODGE �_�. , ' PLAN REFERENCE- I TO: ALL SEASONS MOTOR LODGE FOR-ALL SEASONS � i ON THE BASIS OF MY KNOWLEDGE & BY- PAU� SWEETSER I INFURMATION. i FIND, THAT A5 A ! RESULT OF A SURVEY MADE ON THE PLAN SCALE- 1" = r,0' DATE DRAWN- JULY 15,1997 . j GROUND TO THE NORMAL STANDARD � ! UF CRRE OF PROFESSIONAL LAND T O P O F F p�N D A T I O N , ; �URVEYORS PRACTiCING Ih THE ELEVATION= 22.92 � i COtviMONWFAL7H OF MASSACHUSETTS. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE i IN FEET ABOVE MSL i THE LOCATION OF THE FOUNDATION DATUM � !S AS SHOW H EO�. FILE: t092-CTF ' F.B.: Ot3 ' ~r E(9l � � � NOTES-TOP OF FOUfvD. IS 3.�8' � DATE ROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR BELOW THE HIGHEST ! POINT IN ROAD --------- ,;� Cslg � �6°Fc.� Ae�� ,�,eac�L_ t���-�`-�"" �.f �' "t z�zol9S ; �ta ._ 268.1. � .__cNEc�;Gn 9�i a i��D , � NOR-LAKE,INCORPORATED 800-95�5253 � � � � ° � " " � � " � 8 " , .7D Second Street 715-386-2323 g � � � � � _ . � P.O. Box 248 80a3S8-5253 Parts NOf�LAKE Hudson,Wisconsin 5A016 � * a � � x " - � � 715386-4291 FAX �, � � � � � � . www.noAake.com ° ` e a n \....''���� ro a m a. m a a a a .. .. .. ; s a w �...�°`���� a a a a � e � � a v a ., KOLD LOCKERT� WALK-INS � _ � . � � � _ �: �.� _ . � ; � _ , ; y . �- a; , __: ° , . . '' cJ9t ;. f:t._ �a i e ss � � ;_ � { "�,��� �l - �� r,- {,, 3 �� L !i M . u -� � . .. m- ` . 0 .�,"`� . _ ��-- .� �¢�� d " � } i�x.=t�' S�: ; m f �„'A � tI #A�.p e � ` '� ' :� �, � . . § r�r R i : j.. 4 . : � "Y' � o� , d $ t .. ... � .. `,, � ��•t�" d, +�r `y v;+�.-.�. : _. ':. . �� ... . : > ' � � , �. . _. �. � , -. _ _; ` +� � ; .. . , - . . ..: i , � � � '� �: �.: ::; .i . - ,s a.- ,. . . _ .. . .. . .: .. �- � .B Standard Mode1 Coolers, Freezers and Co:nbination Cooler/Freezers In Stock for SAME DAY SHIPMENT STANDARD FEATURES STANDARD FEATURES 9 •STANDARD MODELS SHIP THE SNME DAY' •Oregon State listed •Coolers,freezers and combination cooler/freezers �USDA accepted •Sizes from 3'8"x 6'to 8'x 20' •FiReen year panel warrarrty •Three heights:6'7"8 7'7'with floor;7'4"fioodess •18 month labor wavanry •Indoor or outdoor rtrodels •One year parts warranry •Three temperatures:+35°F.,40°E,-20°F(-20'F 10 tlay ship). 0 •Capsule PakTM rehigeration system(ceiling or wall mount) INDOOR MOOELS: •Air-cooled condensing unit(wall mount 10 day ship) •Hot gas condensate vaponzer •Automatic condensate vaponzer. No drain line required on indoor uni4s � � � •Time ciock provitled for au[omatic defrost on both coolers OUTDOOR MODELS: and lreezers. •White membrane roof and tnm •26 qauge corrosion resistant stucco embossed temper •Refrigeration hood passetl coated steel on all surfaces except intenor floor •�r hood(optional) •Smooth aluminum interior floor(on models wRh Floor) •-20°Fahrenhei[ambient confrols • •FlooAess models supplied with NSF listed vinyl sealers •Full 4"thick panels foamed-in-place with HFC•134a polyurethane insulation which is CFC antl HCFC free OPTIONAL FEATURES** °` •26°witle,self Gosing door •Heary duty adjustable cam-lift hinges •U-shapetl shelving system •Spring actuated door doser •Floor Ireadpla[e kit � •Deatlholt locking hanUle wiM inEependeni key/patl •�enor ramp lock feature antl inside safety release •Contlensing unit air deFlector kit •Magnetic gasket •Heater kit tor cooler located outdoors in below � •DigiWl t�ermome[er 32°Fahrenheit ambient •Floor Couble sweep gasket •Perimeter heatef wire •Leak detec[or/alarm(may be a requirement in Some •Vapor-proof IigM areas) . •Swi[ch and pilot light •Three phase eleCtrical •Registeretl by UL W ISO 9007:2000 •Rertwte Capsule PakTM refrigeration systems v : •NSF,UL fiame spreatl 25 on all paneis;UL antl CSA •five year compressor warrenty F � elec[rical listing on tloor sections •CEC compliant moUels available--atltlitional lead time u � ,,,�a� � � •UL and CSA electncal listing on complete Capsule Pak'"' maybe required � _��^. refrigera[ion systems •220/50/1 elect�ical �' � , � � •C ity o f N e w York(MEA)lis[etl •CE approved motlels for internafionai installations �rvLeke,Ina � 1 •Ciry of Houston listed •8'-4°&6'-7"heights p�"�18tl°D���� `x�` •LA CoUn IiStetl FIe No.a32o4 -. _.. .......„;,T.. ry •Electnc vaponzer(for Remote Capsule PakTM � •Calitomia State listetl applications) SPECIFICATI� � ""Most options are available two weeks from receipt of order. Please contact us for specific questions. �I C . 'Some models ship in 5 or 10 days ������� � �����'���� � _ ; , _.. ._ � ,. ��.-, �''�* z aia° ; : ;: � . e—� n-1 ' .t�fl���{��k'T����._ � � __- e aro�• � . � . : #�Iidt�Ois��Gl�it�2;w�I�1`�i�i��t� ' , ����,_������ i- � Door Open na Srz ., 4YY�Et�tti.� �� Y�� � 8 e __� . � I W H Model ��f������'�� s rs�ros�eres�) _"=_ _ _ j 26" 59" 45 Series ' '�P G�2#1B FGKOI�1:,i.fSi�C��'`�' :i -��1:: �s s�e•p a s e re s� I—p—I I—F � u � 2 6" 6 6„ S T D S e r i e=_ � ��€fg�33#"8� , , Tr(nsenes� i '" � Zg° 7g� .74 Series. G ; � 26" 78" 77 Series P��[�`�p� �=��� �4� � �ntembrane�a������� _: c�f � t�� �t�k�'� _ � :s ��.,.. '� ;: ,; c•r•xwx ra^xicxa rT•xicx � : : . Ln¢ w.a,ba a,�.� yyrt x.o,a.c�..eE .. KL�S(8'0'HiBM �) KL]i0.5 100 : �[� ��.�{ �;��j��e� KL�B 106 KLA98 123 � ' �ti�ru�k3Q9� . � M�� KL88 1� KL]]86 198 �use zai �nee no w.eio ns �ne�o au i ���'��� �������-. �s�a 3s� ia.naiz aie .. : y��pK jjj°� � '�" ,,,� � ; rci.aia axo K�naie aeo � . �:_ �.��a'I��Q,"d._�'l4J�� � �ee �ia rci.nea s�z . f�;�2��'; rc�em �a K�nam a�s . ': -r��t-�'; �, .... � ` ; rc�e�z aso K�ne�z s�a . ����3��' „F��i�_,.L��-��uv.....�f`, �ueu s�e rc�neis e�s i : �,i' -�.$,J�y., �1 .� : a�i `�^y', • • •• • • . � • . • C � � � � ': B". . �� � 1' 38°F35°F 38°P35°F -00° -10° -20° -20° � s.��� Kold Locker Model . ,,� 0 �`���3��Ei�i�'�,� -,�. Ceiling Wall Ceiling Wall Ceiling Wal6 . p- � KL45 501 O50 O60 O60 N/A N/A � ._���%���� U�., �� Z ��,�_ �, KL36fi 501 O50 O50 060 N/A N/A � � KL36J 501 O50 O50 O60 N/A N/A ` 'v ._ � ;� � �_- KL46 501 O50 060 Ofi0 100 100 � �. �.' _i ......_ _ [ , 2 = : ;T KL66 501 O50 WS 0]5 100 iW � '� ' � '' ''` KL68 O50 O50 t00 100 150 t50 v ` � "' ' OSO O50 )00 100 150 I50 KL6�0 - KLfi12 ]51 095 150 150 150 15� KL614 IDO N/p N/A N/q N/A N/A' - - KL88 O50 O50 100 100 150 150 � e :v KL810 )51 OJS 150 150 l50 � I50 ��i -� - e:' KL812 100 N/A N/A N/A NiA N/A ' KL816 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A : .:, KV]46 501 O50 0�5 0]5 N/A N/A . ' � KV)48 O50 N/A 100 N/A N/A N/A ,. '`������� ' KV]66 501 O50 100 100 150 150 i KV969 O50 O50 100 100 150 1W ,- . � ' 3' NV�610 ]51 0�5 I50 150 150 150 ° i ' i _� M. ; NV]612 p51 0�5 i50 150 151 150 �� ��y��������f���.��.�..( � KLJ]884 J51� O)5 1�50 1�50 �150 1�50 9 � ��d$i��'�� � �. ���Fi�14�N y KLA810 ]51 0]5 150 150 151 150 : ��� �(�j���" '�..... �. KV9B12 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A . .. :. : �.y1..� �Eq}� �sy,�.� � �.y��� : KV 1814 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N:A ti3t5` 1T Ti S5'� #l� {� �+y�y��p KV4i6 O50 O50 N/A N/A N/A N/A : "�� �"`'�O+.YT^�""'�����r'�: KV466 O50 O50 N/A N/A N/A WA � ' ��, ��� ��(,�a NV468 ]51 WS N/A N/A N/A N/N ° ������.`�����Nj+� ��p�' KVt612 0]5 0�5 N/A N/A N/A � N/A _. ��I�'�p�{yk' . � � ; KV46M . 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A y f " ��`'�.: �i ; KV468 0]5 0]5 N/A N/A N/A N/q � ' {�• �. 'Lp:y, .� � KV4810 0]5 0]5 N/A N/A N/A N/4 _ ������y�{� ky�i4�{. 'i9� ! : KV9816 100 N/A N/A WA N/A N/A �; ���'��M� IfiA�F.:�y�{E��'1�� ; KQ045 501 O50 060 O60 N/A N/A � t �( +�.�ity':��' �� �j .��: K0�46 501 O50 0]5 095 N/A N/A '1 ,,;��X � .. '{ K0�66 O50 O50 100 100 N/A N/A ; }���-' KOD68 ]51 WS 100 100 N/A N/A � (� .' �;. KCO610 ]51 WS 150 150 N/A WA ` ; X2���.��� µ K00612 '!51 0]5 150 150 N/A N/A � - KOD614 100 N/q . N/A N/A N/q N/A ':-'y �� _, _"_ �� j'� K0�9B ]51 WS 150 150 N/A N/A ' �EAb� y � i ri' .� � KD�810 ]51 095 150 150 N/A N/A ' # RiF�f:.. Pr�Ei�,.> KW812 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A�� . �r �Ij� .. ' _. .' KOO814 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/q � % � � KOD9]46 ]51 O50 r � ;: . . ..' j 0]5 0�5 N/A N/A � � ' J ��xy. ::� �_ y �'� KODJ�66 ]51 0�5 100 100 N/A N/A ..a� .:.__.. :__ �v-^-' a KW]�fi8 951 0]5 150 150 N/A N/A [ _ � ! : K00]]610 �51 0]S 150 150 N/A N/A KW)]6R 095 0]5 150 150 N/A NiA i � ; ; : KOO1]614 100 N/A N/q N/A N/A WA ' : : KOD)�88 WS 0�5 150 150 N/A N/A �,;�„yy.�.; � K0�]�810 0]5 0]5 151 151 N/A N/A � ••�"�� ... KOOJJ812 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A WA R*4a�tltitl5tT�69di�,�qU": : '� . . .. - . � ' KO��]8i4 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A �8�� i: 'ConstlB�Bliq�musl Lp giv¢n�o a0.ES4ibT0.y(o�snNG¢&(ree m�Ge�e�aV flGw. 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F, �-���'�"� � � ��� ��� � ��' �F �'��� � ��'�'�� ������� Kold LockerT"" Single Room ��`���� ��� ¢ :-; ����i ����� � Coolers or Freezers _.���n�P�7[��FiH`�ii+lt�sY s er�! j �' , �t� : a � : , �- ° � ; Floor Plan Layouts F����tmr�a ,"� � �:. � . 1�W�C41EPk: -� ' ; �: � � � : , . . �x�� � � ���.y�. � #�d � �� � e,o � y � y�.� �FS�d� ��r� �� R' 45 • 48 II �P II � . ��1i8���` yg-�v. 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