Town of Yarmouth 1898-04~jffr^noj expended in the eon.tructlon ol Slate hiphnny. in thi. letn., and trilj tower nnufci auu» i _ mtthnrize the road eommissiOBere to selectmen are empowered to authorize lue • make such reimirs as the said committee report. [By requestjAnria TO s"eTf the town ,ii. I2T h^ tionsofChap 82 Sec. 17, Public Statutes, also Chap. 186, Sec. 12, ol the7cu of micerniup the pen»tu.I care of pnhlic and private burM Ma IBJ „,eet.nen to ..11 theta-nd heionpinP .. the to.,>e.^ in "^rrrri5fhr;^"ee^^rarpfU.eone,See. t. T, . - 1.V strikiiiE out the words, "the town bouse," andTl', " any haildinP deeignated by the Selectmen." [By request.] to Aut. 16. To see 11 thousand dollars, at a rate hire a sum of mouej account of State Highway. „, interest -»' <« .he change at the lower or ■bore end of Barlcr'. avenue, a. laid out by the road commtaonera [By request-l . warrant by posting attestedeopSrionyvelmhilcpiaceclnsa^^^^^^ publication in the Tarmoulb Regis ter. seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting.Hereof fail not, and make due i return of this warrant, with youridoiiigs thereon, to the town clerk at5ihe time and place of holding said Jmeeting. ' Given under our hands and the seal of the town of Yarmouth this twenly-Kfth day of January, In the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. , M attache^ A true copy, attest. . ] Selectmen STEPHEy PEARS, >HEyRV BLACHFORD,! Yarmoutli. 8ETH TAYLOR, Constable, \ FINANCIAL REPORT OFTBB TOWN OF YARMOUTH FOK TBB YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 «]1898l> YARrtOUTMPORT, flAJS.:C. F. SWIFT 4 SON. PWNTtRS. 1899. REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC, 31, 1898. FIXAN-CIAL STANDING OF TOWN, DEC. 31, 1898. Uncollectcd taxes, 1897,$ 973 82 " 1898,10,788 49 Duo from other towns,564 31 Sears Fund, note given Jan. 2,$15,282 64 Town orders unpaid,289 39 Bills uiij)aid (estimated),1,000 00 Notes in anticipation of taxes.10,600 00 " for State Highway,29,500 00 appropmtions in the different departments for the coming year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor, $3,000 00 " " schools, 5,500 00 Roads and bridges, 1,100 00 Town officers, 2,000 00 Repairs on public buildings, ' 200 00 Supt. of Schools, 100 00 Miscellaneous expenses, 1,000 00 Town debts, i,ooo 00 Interest on Seai-s Fund, 900 00 " " notes, 1,500 00 State Highway notci 3,000 00 School supplies, 250 00 Transportation of scholars, 600 00 . ^ $18,150 00 V j IN'CIDKNTALS. W. D. Loring, janitor, «♦ ♦♦ grain and hay, $30 00 29 94 E. M. Parker, returning births, Seth Taylor, postage, 1897, ♦ ' " 1898, «« '« eare of hearse, 1897, • 4 44 44 44 44 1898, " returning deaths, 1897, 44 44 44 44 1898, «' care of town house. $10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 4 25 3 75 3 00 Mrs. S. H. Sears, board of selectmen, Mrs. Jas. G. Hallet, board of selectmen, Isaiah Crowell, cattle inspector, A. C. Snow, labor, town office, Charles K. Bassett, board of selectmen, R. Howes, selling transportation, Manton H. Crowell, care of hearse, Matthews & Payne," fuel, K. "IV. Hallett, stamped envelopes, Jas. Gorham, distributing rejKirts, James Lack, inspector, Mrs. G. n. Taylor, bani rent, _ A. F. Sherman, abstract of conveyances, Isaiah Homer, insi>ector, Thomas S. Crowell, enrolling stock holders, $ 2 00 Thos. S. Crowell, report of State road, 40 00 E. S. Thacher, rent of hall, N. H. Matthews, mileage book, $59 94 5 50 $41 00 34 50 13 00 31 50 2 00 32 50 1 50 5 00 20 26 10 90 1 50 22 r.o 12 00 15 00 16 7') 42 00 10 00 20 00 Stephen Sears, travelling expenses,$25 17 ** postage,2 84 " express,. 40 ** stationery.3 05 ** " filing saws, almshouse.50 " ' affidavits.6 00 " " books, town office.4 20 F. C. Robbins, return of births. C. M. Hallet, rent. F. C. Sftift, advice, Goddard,$101 42 " insurance,7 83 " " moderator,5 00 R. H. Harris, reiiainng office clock. J. F. Crowell, court fees. . Seavens & Co., furniture. Bond Bros., repairs on town pump. David Kellcy, 2d, lining blackboards. 1\ . E. Chaffin, express and items, Lyceum Hall Co., rent of hall, E. M. Eldridge, care of pump,$10 00 " " sundr}- items.2 18 T. C. Day, counsel, T. T. Hallet, sundries, L. D. Payne, sundries. Ansel Hallet, ti-aveling e.vpenses,$12 79" tish committee,30 00 m. J. Davis, recording births,$12 50 " " " " deaths.8 00" '* " '* marriages.80 $42 16 75 7 00 114 25 3 25 3 61 12 00 85 00 4 15 4 81 9 00 12 18 5 00 8 94 87 42 79 21 30 J. S. Baker, cai*e of hearse, STATE AID. Emjiy tT. Haffor<3, David S. Baker, Lewis Y. Eldridge, Joseph H. Robinson, Mercy C. Crowell, Elizabeth Hurst, Geo. ^X. Ryder, Geo. H. Baker, Lucy A. Currier, James H. Atwood, Jennie E. Schwab, military aid. Gilbert I^wis, Ebenezer Crowell, $28 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 48 00 48 00 30 00 48 00 24 00 I) 00 40 00 $72 00 72 00 SOLDIERS' AID. Catherine Kelley, CLEARING SNOW. Luther R. Brown, Joyce Taylor, Alfred Gorham, $3 00 $777 41 $25 00 i; 00 34 01 $389 00 144 00 $11 00 65 01 FIRES. Chas. Ellis, E. W. Eldridge, Oliver Hallet, F. W. Homer, J. S. Baker, . C. M. Bray, 264 muskrats at 25c., $10 99 13 88 8 05 72 75 15 75 6 00 mSKRATS. C. F. Swift & Son, Fred. Hallett & Co., F. B. Goas, $124 75 119 67 5 50 RECAPITL'L.\TION. Amount raised by town, $900 00 " state road reimrt, 50 00 " refunded cattle commissioners, 43 25 " received from Edw. Chase, 3 00 " military aid, 73 OO " state aid, 359 00 $127 42 66 00 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Paid for Incidentals, State Aid, Military Aid, Soldiers* Aid, Fires, 249 92 $777 41 389 00 144 00 11 00 127 42 $1,427 25 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by tomi, $3,1100 00 ♦« " formusic, 500 00 " of dog tax and state fund, 411 72 Paid school committee, $4,372 90 Expended less than appropriation, 438 82 $4,811 72 $4,811 72 TOWN OFFICERS. Seth Ta^'lor, constable, for the years 1897 and 1898, $ 85 10 Seth Taylor, truant officer, 12 00 " services, C. H. Weeks, 4 33 " " commission, 1897, 1898, 610 81 Auditors, T. T. Hallet, official service, 0. F. Purrington, election officer, two meetings, $ 5 00 C. F. Purrington, registrar, 37 14 N. B. Burgess, election officer, two meetlnga, Richard Sears, election officer, A. C. bnow, election officer, two meetings, ^5 qqA. 0. Snow, sealer of weights and measures, 5 q(j D. Kelley, 2d, election officer, U. F. Collins, election officer, two meetings. $712 24 30 00 22 50 42 14 5 00 2 50 10 00 2 50 5 00 Muskrats, $ 66 00 Clearing snow, 65 01 Printing and advertising, 249 92 Expended in excess of appropriation, $402 51 $1,829 76 $1,829 76 TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOLARS. Amount raised by town, J. E. Crowell, $90 43 W. F. Smith. 156 80 A. J. Dean, 214 20 I. F. Homer, 116 00 Expended less than appropriation, 22 57 $600 00 $600 00 $600 00 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, $100 00 from state, 184 60 Paid W. E. Chaffin, $287 50 Expended in excess of appropriation, 2 90 $287 50 $287 50 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Amount raised by town, Luther R. Brown, Alfred Gorham, Joyce Taylor, $1,100 00 $425 00 525 00 150 00 $1,100 00 $1,100 00 B'^'3 i i » < 10 R. K. Farri^j, election officer, two meetings, A. H. Knowles, registrar, ?27 50 " horse hire, 4 50 A. A. Knowles, election officer, two incctiDgs, H. B. Matthews, tniant officer, W. Johnson, election officer, H. Studlcy, A. H. Eldridge, election officer, M. H. Crowell, " Ernest P. Baker, *' ** C. M. Bniy, " ** two meetings, S. M. Mitchell, Oliver Hallet, " two meetings, C. K. Howes, J. H. Stetson, dog waiTant, $25 00 " constable, 3 00 Joshua F. Crowell, truant officer, E. W. Eldiidgc, election officer, $ 2 50 ¨¨ school committee, 40 00 AV. J. Davis, registrar and clerk, $42 00 »< ♦» treasurer, 75 00 I. M. Imnan, services,AV. B. Fuller, police, Selectmen, ser^'ices. Assessors, services.Overseers o^, the poor. Horse hire. Amount raised by town, $1,800 00Expended in excess of appropriation, lilo 21 $ 5 00 32 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 5 00 2 00 5 00 2 50 28 00 1 50 42 50 117 00 123 00 5 00 545 83 237 25 153 00 258 75 $2,415 21 $2,415 21 11 TOAVX DEBTS. E. R. Brown, repairs on roads, " " pump, $36 33 2 85 T. B. Pulsifer, med. attendance, Allen Cash, $5 OQ T. B. Pulsifer, med. attendance, alms- house, 4 00 Isabel Lewis, supplies to almshouse, F. H. Hinckley, ** «« " J. B. Hall, " » " A. C. Megathlin, supplies to almshouse, ('has. K. Bassett, board of selectmen, A. H. Kiiowles, election officer, 1. F. Homer, transportation, AA'^m. F. Smith ** J. E. Crowell, *' Jesse AA . Crowell, election officer, E. S. Thacher, supplies to almshouse, Dustin Baker, janitor, Joshua F. Crowell, school committee, Chester R. Stacy, salary, 1897, F. P. Comings, " «* Ida M. Lovell, B. I, Parker, " ♦♦ Purrington & Sin.all, school supplies,. A. H. B.akcr, lalwr, " '* janitor, " hal. due, R. K. Farris, election officer, $11 75 16 67 2 00 39 18 9 00 4 33 3 70 10 48 1 80 16 50 2 50 102 00 14 70 33 15 2 50 57 64 13 00 30 00 55 56 70 00 40 00 45 00 3 45 30 42 2 50 U -r-^;7fi= 1> G :\ r 12 Jos. Ili'l«iiy, town of Hnnvirli, T. T. llnllot. iviivcling: PXpoiiHCP, It " Horvii'pp, (:2)(; t;(> 9 00 Diiviil llhioklpy, iipp of wulcr, ,1. 1j. Hiinimott, books, T. F. Frew, lt)\vn oHioev, S. W. Hull, snjiiJiop to nlniskoueo. Is:iiiih Ciowolk olcrtion offioor, , (.\H. Howrs, •las. l.nok, inspcotor, IHStr), -W. II. k'nton, lintlgc, .loyi'p Taylor, Iml. <Iho, Aimmiit raiscil I)y town, >1.*'^ ^0 l Apon.loa in oxross of npi>ropvinlion. 24 U ^•i!i (lit 45 ()0 2:> 00 10 Otf «.'» 00 00 (10 2 50 2 50 55 50 f)«5 GK 3 45 M,524 24 tl,524 24 STATIC IlHiinVAY ACCOUNT. Uaiil on aoconnt of State roail, Iti'i'oivi'd from liifrliway i-ouimif-snm, Not ooft to llic town per year, TAXES PAID. >fi,523 OK 3,714 Oil |2,K08 !I0 State tax, County tax, Dank tax, > 9fi0 00 2,152 47 1,.583 19 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Amount raised by town, $4,G<i5 6G $250 00 13 Pnidfor liouks and snpplioR, ^330 Lxpemk'd in excrss of approprintion, 12 $330 12 $3.30 12 ItEPAIlIS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Anionnl. raised by (<,wn, Paid for rejinirs and iinfiniveincnts, $.567 GO Lxpcnded less tban npprojiriation, 132 40 Nf)TES PAID. State bifrliway note, No. 3, Other notes. $7(K) Of) $700 Of) $ 2,.500 00 n,.300 00 $1.3,8f)0 f)0 INTEKEST ACCOtrXT. Amount raised for .Scars Fund, " " " interest on notea, Paid on Sears Fund, $ 000 po " " 1,430 2.5Lxpcnded in excess of appropriation, I3fj 2.5 $ m 00 1,.300 00 $:J,33:) 2.5 $2,.330 25 Amount paid by order of the selectmen drawn upon the town treasurer from .Ian. I, to Jan. 1st, $45,717 45 uoads and bridjres. p)p Qp Town debts, 24 14 Ortl«r No. 4,79!l, ^ Due from oilier cities and towns, '98, Order No. 4,7dl, Soldiers' aid, Support of schools, Town officers, Repairs on jmblic buildings, Supt. of schools, State aid, Military aid, Taxes paid. Incidentals, Interest account, Taxes remitted, l?i97 and \m, Paid other cities and towns, Almshouse, State roads. Printing and advertising, Musknits, School supplies, Tiiinsportation, Notes paid, Snow, Repairing state road, Seals, Burial fund interest, Fires, Out door poor. I G 49 391 52 20 00 11 00 4,372 90 2,415 21 567 60 287 50 389 00 144 00 4,695 66 777 41 2,339 25 627 81 1,286 46 1,323 02 6,523 08 249 92 66 00 330 12 577 43 13,800 00 65 01 12 18 12 00 10 00 127 42 1,665 22 .$45,717 45 STKRIIKN SEARS, ANSEL IIALLET, UENRY BLACHFORD, I Selectmen of I Yarmouth. REPORT OF THE OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Wlieii oonimitlei'i. 1846 1881 1893 1897 1898 1898 Inmates in the almshouse for the veur ending becemWr 31,1S!I8: Api'. Abigail Gage, 73 Benj. Baker, 72 John (ira^-, ,53 Wm. J. Harrington, 54 Nathan Scars, 7(j Joscpliine Holway, 52 Tramjw, 27 • • Rkmaiiks.—The ahnshouse presents its usual cleanly and coinfoiiable uppeantnce, though rjuite witliout means for the proper separation of the .sex-os, or modern upjdianccs of a sanitary nature. There otiglit to lie some soil of drainage provided. Though the location is not very favorable, a cesspool might 1)C made. The houj^e is under good and e.vpericnccd management. ( HAS. E. WOODBUKY, Inspector of Institutions. P(»OK DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOrSF.. Polly H. Sherman, salary, $337 50 " supplies, • 14 79 $352 29 : i 16 Frank Hinckley, supplies, H. (i. Harding, " James Crowell, ** U. U. Kelley. Fred. AVeeks, " E. S. Thacher & Co., supplies, ■A. J. Dean, " Stephen Sears, " AV. R. Farris, _ Fred. Sherman, *' S. AV. Hall, K. K. Farris, Lewis Nickerson, E. D. Payne, Allen Slade, *' Lottie Lack, sewing, E. AA'. Eldridge, supplies. Alary S. Chase, labor, Alfred Gorham, supplies and lalx>r, S. H.'Sears, med. attendance, B. T. Gorhum, shoes, C. AI. Bray, supplies. Dr. Pulsifer, med. attendance, J. S. Ellis, supplies, Alalthews & Payne, fuel, AA'm. B. Fuller, N. Scars to almshouse, .1. G. Thacher, burial of Gninville Baker, S. H. Haiublin, supplies, S. L. Robbins, supplies, T. T. Hallot, medicine and supplies, $ 49 78 3 30 1 29 16 25 10 00 131 18 28 00 54 32 84 9 43 93 59 1 90 4 50 285 38 18 50 5 25 23 00 7 75 65 60 9 25 4 90 41 49 39 50 4 09 62 26 2 75 23 00 28 21 9 30 34 12 81,323 02 17 OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH BTOE. Edwin Chase, med. attendance, S. H. Sears, $26 25 Edwin Chase, medicine, T. T. Ballet, 5 80 Ida Chase, med. attendance, S. H. Sears, $102 50Ida CTiase, supplies, E. D. Payne, 30 00 " medicine, T. T. Hallet, 44 57 James T. Chase, med. attendance, S. H. Sears, $5 75James T. Chase, supplies, E. D. Payne, 5 CO " shoes, B. T. Gorham, 2 75 " " " supplies, A. A. Knowles, 5 qqJames T. Chase, medicine, T, T. HaUct, 5 30 Archclus Phillips, med. attendance, Dr. Robbins, $5 00 Archelus Phillips, medicine, T. T, Hallet, 5 25 Elijah Arey, supplies, Sears & Hurst, $10 56 R. J, Baker, 9 72*• " med. attendance, S. H. Sears, 20 00Elijah Arey, medicine, T. T. Hallet, 90 Mrs. Joseph Thacher^ cash,AA'alter Cash, accouut by H. Blachford, I 32 05 177 07 23 80 10 15 41 18 8 00 5 44 p. \-H ■■"■ I . 18 Howard Xu-korson, mod. attendance, ^ Dr. Robbins,Howard Nickerson, Warren Ellis, ^ watching,H„w;,rd Niokerson. B. T. Gorham, ^ slioes,Howard Nickerson, supplies, E. V. ^ Payne, " A. A. Knowles, 34 35 ,, u med. attendance,„ ^ 61 00S. H. Sears, .Morris Gray, nursing, Serena Chase,.. supplies, Wm. Crowell, 2192shoes, Jas.H. Davidson, . 5 35 n (i supplies, S. H- Xyo, it med. attendance, T. B.1 11 25Pulsifer, Morris Gray, nursing, Mrs. D. Whe - Morris Gray, rent, Marcus Hall, ^ 50medicine, T. T. Hallct, U 30 Cr. by cash, $253 98 36 30 $26 00 Susan Lewis, rent, Seth Tnylor t" 00.. .upplice, E. S. Thacher Susan Lewis, med. attendance, E. C. ^ Robbins, $217 68 19 Susan Lewis, burial expenses, J. G. Thacher,$23 00 A. Robinson, supplies, E. S. Thacher & Total, Co., SOl-TH SIDE. Idclla Kelley, supplies, Sears & Hurst, «' »' shoes, L. K. Chase, $71 72 3 72 Hattie Chase, med. attendance, E. M. Parker, Hattie Chase, fuel, I. Homer, *« «« moving, F. Homer, ** " shoes, E. T. Baker, ««- " rent, S. K. Cha.se, • »« " supplies, L. Fuller, $ 4 00 3 00 2 2.5 2 7.5 30 00 3 50 John X. Baker, med. attendance, E. M. Isaac 5V. Baker, med. attendance, C. E. Harris, Isaac W. Baker, supplies, J. E. Crowcll, Isaac W. Baker, fuel, F. P. Hallett, «< «« '» L. Baxter, • i t< '* shoes, IV. H. Bartlett, • » «* -«» board, J. F. Baker, (( «« *' med. attendance, J. Jacobs, Isaac W. Baker, supplies, Parrington & Small, Isaac W. Baker, burial of child, M. Bradford, Parker, $10 00 3 39 7 00 1 50 2 00 8 00 16 00 9 28 12 00 ■' - $232 80 4 19 $778 36 $73 44 43 50 11 GO 69 17 20 Albert Cotcll, supplies, Purrington & Small, $ 5 00 Nathan Sears, *' ' W. R. Farris, 5 OH Silas Baker, " R. J. Baker, 23 23 Joseph Robinson, supplies. Sears, & Hurst, t 5 00 Joseph Robinson, med. attendance, S. H. Sears, 16 75 21 75 A. J. Baker, supplies, R. J. Baker,$59 80 {{ «{fuel, I. Homer,3 25 ii ii rent, W. D. Baker,42 00 tt it fuel, L. Fuller & Co.,7 00 a ((" David Sears,3 00 it it ** Geo. H. Loring,G 50 it. it supplies, J. W. Crowell,4 11 ii it med. attendance, S. H. Searst 15 60 Geo. AV. Robinson, supplies, Sears & Hurst,$32 94 Geo. W. Robinson, supplies, R. J. Baker,5 41 Geo. W. Robinson, supplies, E. T. Baker,1 00 Geo. W. Robinson, supplies, Purring ton & Small,5 39 Geo. AV. Robinson, cash^4 00 it it it fuel, L. Fuller & Co.,3 38 Geo. AV. Robinson^ moving, AV. B, 2 25Fuller, Total, 141 26 54 37 $451 »0 21 WEST SIDE. Susan Hallett, supplies, Johnson & Co., " " fuel, Isaiah Crowell, " F. P. Hallett, " " " H..Blachford, " " supplies, Joyce Taylor, " fuel, H. B. Chase, supplies, J. E. Crowell, " " fuel, J. S. Baker, Emily Buck, supplies, S. B. Marchant, '* " fuel, H. Blachford, Alex. Crowell, fuel, L. Fuller & Co., ** H. Blachford, Daniel Humes, supplies, S. B. Mar- chant, Daniel Humes, fucl,.H. Blachford, " *' med, attendance, E. Harris, Daniel Humes, nursing, Wm. Ma> chant, Daniel Humes, fuel, F. P. Hallett, J. F. Baker, med. attendance. Job Sweet, J. F. Baker, med. attendance, Dr. Jacobs, Fred. Cash, rent, Frank Crocker, " " supplies, J. E. Crowell, " *' Jos. Nickerson, $12 40 3 00 6 50 11 25 1 91 3 50 6 50 3 00 $96 25 18 00 $20 50 15 00 $96 00 12 50 5 00 15 00 13 00 $ 5 00 12 00 $10 00 6 45 3 00 $48 06 114 25 35 50 141 50 17 00 w * rh. je" •jp' 22 Fred. Cash, supplies, F. P. Hallett, (( n «♦ L. Baxter, t« «' shoes, W. H. Bartlett, }i " ined. attendance, C. E. Harris, $3 30 6 GO 1 50 6 00 Susan Holway, rent, Mrs. T. Crocker, Total, 1>AID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS.TauntonLuiiatieHospital.Geo.CollinB, $169 46 Howard $36 45 6 00 $398 76 x" , „ 5107Njckerson,TauntonEunaticHospUal,M .C.Fuller, .4 Susan Baker, 52 4t) Medfield Insane Asylum, G. C. Hinck- levMedfield'Insane Asylum, Mary A.Christensen, ^ Mass. School for Feeble Minded, Betsey H. Bobbins,Dipsomaniac Hospital, Joseph Thacher, Morton Hospital, Taunton, Susan Lewis, Harwich, Josie Holway, City of Boston, Bridget Lewis, Dennis, Mrs. E. F. Blachford, Barnstable, J. F. Baker, Dighton, Mary Cash, State Almshouse, "Wm. J. Harrington,Fairhavcn, Thomas T. Taylor, supplies. $315 70 292 00 212 16 38 07 35 00 184 43 17 00 6 75 10 61 155 92 6 57 12 25 $1,286 46 23 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. State, Falraouth, 1897 and 1898, Dennis, Barnstable, 1897 and 1898, Harwich, 1897, Boston, Brewster, $123 62 -- 121 29 69 01 169 66 19 25 57 98 3 50 $564 31 RECAPITULATION. $3,000 00Amount raised by town, Paid for almshouse, $1,323 02 " " out door poor, ),628 92 •' other cities and towns, 1,286 46 Expended in excess of appropriation, 1,238 40 $4,238 40 $4,238 40 STEPHEN SEARS, )OvcrBeer»ANSEL HALLET, i ofHENRY BLACHFORD, S Poor. REPORT OF THE ASSESSORS. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1898. Real estate, land, »* ♦* buildings. Personal estate. $270,985 00 000,104 00 712,482 00 .$1,583,571 00 Taxes levied on real estate, $10,017 53ti , »i «' personal estate, 8,193 54 n it it polls, 1,050 00 Total tax. No. of polls, ♦ »' dwelling houses, ♦ ♦ horses, «* cows, «• neat cattle other than cows, «« sheep, »« acres of land assessed, «« dogs licensed, *♦ persons liable to duty, " resident fi rms, corporations, etc.,-assessed on property, - " non-resident fi rms, corporations, ctc.^ assessed on property, non-residents assessed on property, persons assessed on property, «i >« ** a poll tax only, 19,261 07 525 633 296 127 8 20 10,969 77 183 115 45 345 947 159 Rate of taxation, Gonnty tax, State *' 25 STEPHEN SEARS, ANSEL HALLET, $ 11 50 2,152 47 960 00 Assessors ofHENRY BLACHFORD, >yannouth. TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. Note of to\su held by trustees Jan. 1, 1898, Interest on same to Jan. 1, 1899, $15,594 05 623 76 Paid trustees, one year, Interest on several payments, lleceived from town, Note {riven Jan. 2, 1899, $15 00 20 17 900 00 15,282 64 .$16,217 81 $16,21*7 81 STEPHEN- SEAHS,)t^„,„,s, T. T. HALLET, > LIST OF JURORS AS l'l{EI'A«Kl) »Y THE John G. Sears, Theodore F. Drew, Albert C. Snow, Edmund W. Eldrid{re, James A. Ellis, Geo. ri. Kellcy, Geo. Iliillet, 20, Zenas P. Howes, Xelson Eldridge, Luther K. Drown, Oliver Hallet, William H. Brown, Reuben Howes, Manton H. Crowcll, .SELECTMEN, -UN. 17, 1899. Francis W. Homer, Lafayette K. Chase, David D. Kellcy, Fred. Ilallett, David F. Sears, SctU Kelley, Daniel B. Taylor, Elislia T. Bilker, Setb Taylor, Kilburn M. Taylor, Fred. A. Baker, Benj. R. Howe.s, Elliridgc Taylor. REPORT OF TOWN TREASURER. Dr. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1898, $404 48 Money returned, order Xo. 4480,4 09 " " 4799,6 49 <(" " 4927,5 00 (( ((Seth H. Hamblin,4 63 .«acct. repairs Bass River lower bridge,13 09 Received from Reuben Howes, auctioneer's license,2 00 4(Luther R. Brown " "2 00 ii 4$Theo. F. Drew, " "2 00 (( •(<C. W. Kelley, j>edlcr's license,6 00 41 44 J. Tbaehcr Baker, pedler'e license,6 GO 44 44 F. A. Baker, billiard license,2 00 ti $4 County treasurer, dog fund,130 44 44 <4 " " bounty on seals,12 00 41 44 Stejihen Sears,3 00 44 44 Morris Gray,36 30 41 44 Jud<re F. C. Swift, court fines,3 18 44 44 insurance jiromiums returned.2 25 44 44 keeper of jail,25 00 »» for rent of salt marsh,1 50 •» *' tank sold,5 00 " from Old Colonv Railroad, acct. fires,59 99 ,( ((Luther Hall, cliairraan K-hool committee,184 60 " interest burial fund,10 00 11 . i Received from town of Dennis, $ " " " " Brewster, " " city of Fall River, " " notes, acct. State highway, " " " anticipation taxes, " " fish committee, " " selectmen, " " State treasurer, Mass, school fond. 27 75 (50 GO 11 35. 3,000 00 13,800 00 7 63 20 00 281 28 35 65 31 25 *' " '♦ acct. State high way, 3,714 03 ♦♦ State treasurer, acct. repairs State highway, " State treasurer, compensation, inspection animals, " State treasurer, education of chil dren, 12 00 " State treasurer, corporation tax, 2,359 07 " " " Xat'l bank tax, 1,365 50 " " " militaiy aid, 72 00 " State treasurer, State aid, 359 00 " Seth Taylor, taxes, 1896, 1,627 75 » " " « 1897, 8,475 00 " " " " 1898, 10,115 62 " Cr. Paid on orders from selcctmeo. Balance on hand, Jan. 2, 1899, $46,305 98 $45,971 23 334 75 $46,305 98 Due from Colleotor of Taxes: Taxes of 1897, $ 973 82 ■ " " 1898, 10,788 49 $11,762 31 Town owes: Notes given in anticipation of taxes, 10,600 00 " " for account State highway, 29,500 00 Burial Fund: Received from George N. Smalley, and invested in note, town of Yarmouth, 500 00 2BB ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. NORTH SIDE. ALKKEU UOIIHAM IX ACCOUNT WITH THE TOAVX OF YATUIOUTH. LABOR OX ROADS. Balance due Alfred Gorham, 1897,$.6 72 F. C. Baker,3 houra,20c. i 50 James Park,10 "44 2 00 Patrick Morgan,74 **44 1 50 Albert Taylor, 1 hr., 40c.; 9 hrs., 60c., $5.40,5 80 Gco. Hallet, 2d,9 hours,, 40c.,3 60 H. D. Bray,5 "20c.,1 00 Edmund Walker,2 30c.,60 Charles Eliis,6 "«(1 80 Charles W. Ellis,6 "14 1 80 Alton J. Baker,30i "20c.,6 10 Osbome E. Baker,10 ((2 00 Geo. H. Baker,10 "t(2 00 Jeremiah Chase,14 "(<30 Wm. D. Loring,7 "(<1 40 Joseph A. Keveney,1 ««20 P. E. Ilannan, 5 hrs., 30c., $1.50;7 loads clay. 5c., 35c.,1 85 Jeremiah C. Robinson,6 hours, 20c.,1 20 John E. Olar,. 134 "«(2 70 A. J. Dean, 1 hr.,.20c.;9 hrs., 30c., $2.70,2 90 Amos E. Arey,20 hours, 20c.,4 0(1 Alton Walker,8 "((1 60 i 31 M. Keveney, 2 houi's, 20c., Jona. Usher, Jr., 12^ hrs., 20c., $2.50; {I hrs. \ 45c., $4.05, Jona. Usher, Jr., 3 hours, 30c., Jona. Usher, ig 20c Jeremiah Chase, (J hi-s., 20e., $1.20; 2 hre'., 30e. 60c., ' Allen Cash, l^ hours, 20e., Patrick Morgan, 24^ ♦* Chas. E. Hallet, 4 a «« R. M. Hallct, gj »Mrs. Gorham Taylor, 32 loads clay, 5c., T. T. Ilallct, 16 «« A. L. Philliiw, hours, 20c., Elam Mccarta, 2IJ *» 30o P. Hcffeman, 11 »« 20c.E. F. Smith, 8 hrs., 20c., $1.60; 16 hrs., 30c., $4.80, A. L. Phillijis,134 hours, 20c., E. F. Smith,1 44 44 AVm. F. Smith,3 44 30c.,C. A. Chase,74 44 20c., H. M. Chase,74 44 «( C. E. Hallet,3 44 30c., J. A. Ellis,5 44 45e.,W. E. Nickerson,■8 44 20c.,S. T. Cash,18 44 {( W. F. Cash,19 44 Ijoujs Nickerson,18 44 «« A. L. Phillips,9 44 A. M . Hamblin, 9 hrs., horse, 15c., Albert Taylor, 7 hrs., 30c., $2.10; 18 hrs., 45c., $8.10, $ 40 6 55 90 3 60 1 80 3 90 4 90 80 2 50 1 60 80 2 25 6 38 2 20 6 40 2 70 20 90 1 50 I 50 90 25 60 60 80 60 80 35 10 20 158*5!! fmlff-tL. "in Albert Taylor, Geo. lliillet, 2d, E. S. Mocavta, F. C. Bilker, 4 4 () 6J 33 hours, COc., 40c., 30c., 20c., Ensign Cash, 40 loads clay, 5c. Jeremiah Chase, 8 hours, 20c., Seth H. Haiublin, 47 loads clay, 5c., Patrick Morgan, 13 hours, 20c., Alfred Baker, 1 " " J. G. Hallet, 5 " 45c„ Chas. Ellis, IJ hours, 20c., 30c.; 10 hrs., 30c., $3.00, Chas. L. Xickerson, 10 hours, 20c., S. L. Kohbiiis, 7 hrs., 30c., $2.10; 14 loads loam, 5c., 70c., Patrick Morgan,23 hours, 20c., Fred. Hallett.2 30c., Seth Walker,5 " 20c., J, A. Cash,314 {« (t R. Howes,5 (( «« Edmund Walker,5 " 30c., Alfred Howland,4 (( C. E. Chase,4 ♦» 20c., J. G. Ilallet, 8 loads gravel, 10c., J. T. Chase, "th hours, 20c., Jpua. Usher, Jr., 84 •' 45o., Albert Taylor, 5 •' 60c., Geo. Hallet, 2d, 5 40c., H. A. Cobb, 6 hrs., 20c., $1.20; 6 hrs., 30c., $1.80, Patrick Morgan, H. H. Baker, J. W. Ellis, 18 hours, 20c., 1 . " 2 40 1 60 2 70 1 30 00 60 35 60 20 25 3 30 2 00 2 80 4 60 60 1 00 6 30 1 00 1 50 1 20 80 80 1 50 3 83 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 60 20 1 25 33 C. "W. Ellis, hours, 20c.,Mrs. Gorham Taylor, 23 loads clay, 5c.,AmosArey, 24 hours, 20c., Chas. Cash, 5 •* «E. B. Hallett, executor, 29 loads clay, 5c.,Edmund Walker, 3 hrs., 15c., 45c., 3 30c. 90c., ''J.W.Ellis, 10 hours, 20c., c. w. EUis, 10Geo. Hallet. 2d, lo 40c.,Albert Tavbr, 5 hrs., 20c., $1.00; 7 hr^!, SOp., Alljert Taylor, lo hours, 60c., W. E. Nickerson, ij «« 20cGeo. H. Baker, iqj goc.^Osborne E. Baker, IJ hrs., 20c., 25c.: 7 hn 30c., $2.10, **Edmund Walker, 34 hrs., 15c., 53c.; 34 fare 30c., $1.05, *'F.C. Baker, 3 hours, 20c.. W. D. Chase, 5 «« .« S. T. Cash, 5 tt tt AmosArey, 12 hrs., 20c., $2.40; 34 hra., 20o.. 70c., 'B, E. Howes, 4 hoora, 3pc., Pv Heffernan, 5 ««C. E. Hallet, 64 hrs., 20c., $1.30; 3 hre!, 30c.. 90c., 'H. H. Baker, IQ fa ourB, 20c., Albert Taylor, 5 hrs., 20c., $1.00; 7 hre., 30c $2.10, 'Albert Taylor, 34 hre., 45c., $1.58 ^ 1 far., 50c.,Wm. D. Loring, 84 houre, 20o., $I 25 1 15 -4 80 1 00 1 45 1 35 2 OQ 2 00 4 00 3 10 6 00 30 3 15 2 35 1 5& 60 1 00 1 00 3 10 1 20 1 00 2 20 2 00 3 10 2 08 1 70 HPJlMiJIWifUW—B 32 . ,1 ^ Tnvlnr 4 hours, 60c.,Albert Taj lor Geo. Hallet 2d, E.S.Jtorta. J F. C. Baker, "2 Ensijrn Cash, 40 loads clay, Sc.," . V fi,ase 8 hours, 20c.,Jeremiah Chase, Scth H. Hamblin, 47 loads clay, &c.,Morgan. 13 hours. 20c., Alfred Baker, _?^^:^^Ul.our,20c.:30c.= 10Ur:.30c., Chas,L'-l^Lrson. g L. Bobbins, 7 hrs., 30c., 5c., 70c., . , St .^nn 23 hours, 20c.,Patrick Morgan, Fred. Hallett. Seth Walker, J. A. Cash, K. Howes, Edmund Walker, Alfred Howland, C. E. Chase, T G Hallet, 8 loads gravel, 10c.,j?; Chase, 74 hours, c.,tua. usher, .ir., 81 " «-• Albert Taylor, 5 . ^:°A"S;,1>'hrs., 20c., $1.201 6 hrs.', 30c., $1.80, Patrick Morgan, 1$ hours, 20c., H.H. Baker, J. W. Ellis, 2 ((30c., 5 20c., 31i t(44 5 ((44 5 «4 30c., 4 44 4 (4 20c., 2 40 1 60 2 70 1 30 2 00 1 60 2 35 2 60 20 2 25 3 30 2 00 2 80 4 60 60 1 00 6 30 1 DO 1 50 1 20 80 80 1 50 3 83 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 60 20 1 25 33 0. W. Ellis, 6i hours, 20c., Mrs. Gorham Taylor, 23. loads clay, 5c., Amos Arey, 24 hours, 20c., Chas. Cash, 5 " " E. B. Hallett, executor, 29 loads clay, 5c., Edmund Walker, 3 hrs., 15c., 45c., 3 hrs., 30c;, 90c., J. "W. Ellis, 10 hours, 20c.i g. W. Ellis, 10 " Geo. Hallet, 2d, 10 " 40c.i Albert Taylor, 5 hrs., 20c., $1.00; 7 hrs., SOp., $2.10, Alliert Taylor, 10 hours, 60c., W. E. Mckerson, li " 20c., Geo. H. Baker, lOJ '• 30c., Osbovnc E. Baker, IJ hrs., 20c., 25c.; 7 hrs., .30c., $2.10, Edmund Walker, 3^ hrs., 15c., 53c.; 3J hrs., 30c., $1.05, F, C. Baker, 3 hours, 20c., W. D. Chase, 5 " ** S. Tj. Cash, 5 " " Amos Arey, 12 hrs., 20c., $2.40; 3} hrs., 20o., 70c., B, B. Howes, 4 hours, 3Pc., Pv Heffeman, 5 " 20c., C. E. Hallet, 6J hrs., 2Dc., $1.30; 3 hrs,, 30c.,, 90c., H. H. Baker, 10 hours, 20c., Albert Taylor, 5 hrs., 20c., $1.00; 7 hrs., 30c., $2.10, Albert Taylor, 3J hrs., 45c., $1.58;; 1 If^, 50c., Wm. D. Loring, 8^ hours, 20o., $1 25 I 15 4 80 1 00 1 45 1 36 2 00 2 op 4 00 3 10 6 00 3P 3 15 2 36 1, 5& 60 1 00 1 op 3 10 1 20 1 op 2 20- 2 GO 3 10 2 06 1 70 34 J. T. Chase, 6 hours, 20c., B. R. Howes, hrs., 30c., 68c., 2J hrs., 15c., 33c., Edmiina "Walker, 2 hrs., 15c., 30c.; 2 hrs., 30e., 60c., John Silva, 24 hours, 20c., P. E. Hannan, 5 loads clay, 5c., E. B. Iliillett, executor, 14 loads clay, 5c., Albert Taylor, 2 hours, 30c., James Gorham, 12 loads clay, 5c., Patrick Morgan, 62 hoars, 20c., A. J. Dean, 16J ¨¨ 30c., Henry Arey, 14J ** 20c., Alfred Baker, 14 " «« H. H. Baker 14 «« «* James A. Cash, 14 «« 30c., B. R. Howes, 2 hrs., 20c., 40c.; 2 hrs., 30c., 60c., Geo. P. Matthews, 10 hours, 20c., Est. of D. G. Eldridge, 7 loads clay, 5c., Osborne E. Baker, , 7 hours, 30c., • Geo. H. Baker, 3J ** " Geo. Hallet, 2d, 8 40c., Albert Taylor, 8 " 60c., H. L. Hopkins, 42 loads clay, 5c., A. D. Baker, 33 hours, 20c., R. Howes, 10 «« "Beth H. Hamblin, 6 loads clay, 5c., H. H. Baker, 19 hours, 20c.,. Alfred Baker, 16 t* <« Patrick Morgan, 35 «« <« EbenezerR. Hamblin, 12} hrs., 20c., $2.50; 20} hrs., 30c., $6.15, $ 1 20 1 01 90 4 80 25 70 60 60 12 40 4 95 2 90 2 80 2 80 4 20 00 00 35 10 05 20 80 10 75 00 30 80 20 00 8 65 Albert Taj'lor, Amos Arey, H. A. Cobb, Jeremiah Chase, Chas. Ellis, J. A. Ellis, Wm. D. Loring, 35 5 5 4 1 3 3 8 7 9 10 10 10 hours, 20c., 30c., 20c., 30c., « 20c., I 100 Patrick Morgan, George Robbins, A. A. Phillips, Arcbelus Phillips, A. J. Dean, E. L. Sears, as per bill, Watson Thacher, repairing and lettering signs, as per bills, C. M. Bray, lumber, etc., as per bills, Osborne E. Baker, as per bill, Chas. Ellis, as per bill, J. B. Hall, as per bill, Jona. Usher, Jr., as per bill, N. B. Burgess, as per bill, John Hinckley & Son, as per bills, E. B. Hallet, as per bill, A. C. Snow, as per bill, E. S. Thacher & Co., as per bill, Alfred Gorham, as per bill. Drawn from Selectmen, $525.00 00 20 20 90 90 60 40 80 00 00 GO 24 SNOW AOCOONT. Balance due last year, John Olar, A. J. Dean, 2 hours, 20c., 3} " 40c., 10 75 14 25 3 60 9 85 75 10 60 28 50 10 30 113 98 $525.00 $525 00 $2 46 40 1 40 ^Varren -Montcalm, C. M. Bi-ay, as per bill, Alfred Gorham, as per bill, J. F. Currier, Jona. Usber, Jr.,, John Silva, Charles Cash, A. A. Phillips, Thacher Taylor, R. Wm. Park, Patrick Morgan, Amos Arey, Elam S. Mecarta, Albei-t Taylor, 2 hrs,, 20c, A. J. Dean, 36 IJ hours, 20c., Geo. Robbins, Harry Young, C. M. Bray, A. L. Phillips, John A. Phillips, Chas. Cahoon, Frank I. Robbios, J. Robert Bray, John Olar, Chas. Ellis,. Chas. W. EUifl, Jas. A. Cash, Alfred Gorham, as per. bill, prawn from Selectmen, 2i (4 20c., 24 It 44 3i 44 40c., 24 if .20c., 24 44 (t 3 44 (( 14 44 «A 4 44 ti 1 44 <( 4 44 (« 4 44 ti 1 14 II 134.61 I 30 3 00 3 00 34 hours, 20c.,70 3 " "60 24 « "50 y » »50 24 " "50 ^ <1 «20 Ij 11 »35 10 " "2 00 64 "1 30 3 " "60 , 40c.; 1 hr., 60c.,1 00 3 hours, 40c.,1 20 50 50 1 50 50 50 60 30 80 20 80 80 20 6 80 134.01 i 134 01 37 SOUTH SIDE. LUTHEB B. BBOWN, BOAD C0XHI8SI0KEB. Horace Cahoon,4 hours.20c.,$ 80 Geo. F. Matthews,5 "44 1 00 Isaac Ellis,5 "44 1 00 Elmer Ellis,5 "44 1 00 Elmer Ellis,24 "30c.,75 C. Taylor,5 «20c.,1 00 Horace Cahoon,5 «<1 1 00 C. Taylor, -75 H. Baker,15 «3 00 R. Baker,10 "30c.,3 00 Geo. Ryder,2 "20c.,40 C. Taylor,20 «i 4 00 D. M. Chase,14 "(I 2 80 H. Cahoon,154 "(«3 10 D. M. Chase,2 "50c.,1 00 C. Taylor,2 20c., .40 D. M.. Chase,4 "45c.,1 80 Isaac Baker,4 "20c.,80 A. R. Baker,9 "44 1 80 "W. H. Kenney,84 «30c.,2 55 D. M. Chase,3 80 Z. P. Howes,5 "20c.,1 00 Robert Clark,9 "44 1 80 J. R. Baker,9 "<4 1 80 W. Cahoon,10 "30c.,3 00 S. N. Chapman,64 "15c,,1 25 L. Y. Eldridge,6 "30c.,1 50 tr. H. Kenney,24 «(«75 F. B. Homer,— 5 "(1 1 50 J. F. Cotell,154 "M 4 55 38 39 N. L. Eldridge, Lysander Baker, G. h. Ryder, A. "W. CabooD, E. P. Baker, R. C. Baker, Tbos. E. Kelley, Elmer F. "Wbittemore, Allen B. Baker, Geo. H. Loring, C. H. Harwood, R. Baker, F. Myrick, B. S. Cotell, Ahira Baker, W. H. Oliver, B. Robinson, R, Baker, G. Studley, • N. Baker, A. "W. Gaboon, Thomas Collins, W. Gaboon, A. W. Gaboon, W. G. Brown, L. Taylor, Albert Baker, I. T. Ellis, F. Collins, Tbos. Collins, J. L. Baker, L. Y. Eldridge, C. Baker, 11 hours, 45c., n ((20c., 94 ((44 11 l(44 3i tt 44 6 u 44 54 (4 44 20 44 44 20 44 30c., 20 44 44 20 44 44 20 44 44 10 44 44 10 44 20c., 10 44 44 10 44 44 10 44 15c., 16 44 30c., 20 44 15c., 20 44 10 44 20c., 10 44 30o., 10 44 20c., 10 44 15c., 10 44 10 44 20c., 20 44 30c., 84 44 44 10 44 44 10 44 44 10 44 44 $4 95 30 1 90 i 20 75 1 20 1 05 4 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 4 80 3 00 3 00 2 00 , 8 00 3 00 • 2 00 1 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 B. Homer,10 hours,15c.,$1 50 J. E. Eldridge,5 44 20c.,1 00 Elmer Ellis,13i 44 30c.,4 05 I. Ellis,10 44 20c., .2 00 Wilbur Baker,20 44 4 00 Tbos. D. Brown,10 44 "^c..3 00 I. EUis,<4 20c.,1 10 J. L. Baker,If 44 35 I. T. Ellis,5 44 1 00 H. Baker,16 44 30c.,4 80 S. B. Baker,3 44 (t 90 W. F. Gaboon,151 44 20c.,3 1.5 Albert Cotell,20 44 15c.,3 00 L. H. Bilker,10 44 ((1 50 G. L. Ryder,20 44 (4 . 3 00 Austin Wbittemore,18 44 20c.,3 60 D. M. Chase,9 44 dOc.,2 70 Alburtus Crowell,9 44 41 2 70 Henry F. Crowell,10 44 15c.,1 50 F. Wixon,20 44 4 4 3 00 S. X. Chapman,5 44 20c..1 00 E. Cole,2i 44 44 50 L. R. Brown, repairs and painting scraper,3 30 Allen B. Baker,10^ hours, dOc.,3 05 E. P. Baker,4 44 15c.,. 60 Luther Chapman,3 44 10c.,30 0. H. Chase,11 44 20c..2 20 A. W. Gaboon,5 44 44 1 00 N. L. Eldridge,n 44 45c.,3 37 0. H. Chase,4 44 20c.,80 M. B. Cole,2i 44 44 50 I. Ellis,15 44 30c.,4 50 H. Baker,6J 44 20c.,I 30 r 40 Repairs on river bridge William Eldridge, Wilbur Baker, r. Wixon, james Baker, W. Ryder, Isaac Baker, J. F. Cotell. _ S. Chapman, S. E. Baker, AV. N. Hall, upper bridge road, L. R. Brown, labor on road. Drawn from selectmen, Bal. due L. R. Brown, 10 h I ours,15c., 1 . " (( 4 " (( 24 »(( 2 "20c., 4 "15o., 7 " 4 "20c., 104 " (t $425 0() -1 55 SNOW ACOOUNT. D. M. Chase, Allen B. Baker, B. Homer, L. R- Brown, G. L. Ryder, AV. Cahoon, I. ElUs, I. T. EUifl, B. Homer, C. B. Oliver," L. Chapman, Clarence Baker, B. F. Bray, Thomas Kelley, E. Baker, $ 70 ISO 15 60 3B 40 •60 105 n 80 2 10 34 05 156 40 $426 55 $426 55 $4 40 5 80 1 35 -5 80 60 55 50 50 60 50 50 50 30 . 50 50 aBESSZZZ: ii Clifton Baker, fi. Robinson, J. Baker, B. Co'tefl, Ahira Baker, E. F. Baker, M. J,'Baker, \Vm. Fuller, F. Weekes, Si K'. Growell, W. N.Hall, E. Baker, Drawn by order of selectmen on town treasury, $25 00 Due L. R. Brown,4 25 "50 -35 50 45 50 45 90 80 30 «0 60 40 $29 25 $29 25 WEST SIDE. j6tce tatloe, in account with the town of yaemouth. Luther C. Buck,14 hours, 20c.,$ 2 80 Benajah AVhelden,264 ((K 5 30 Benajah AVhelden,7 i(«1 40 J. B. Chase,74 ((((1 50 Gilbert Lewis,5 «<«1 00 Gilbert Iiewjs,14 <(35c.,4 90 Luther 0. Buck,113 ((20c.,22 60 W. F. Baker,32 <(it 6 40 J. S. Baker,4 <(d5c..1 40 D. B. Taylor,12 (1 20c.,2 40 Joyce Taylor,250 «<4 50 00 Joyce Taylor,233 «i 15c.,34 95 dlMM WYnl- 42 T. F. Drew's bill, J. K. & B' Sears & Co., bill. $ 2 00 13 32 $149 97 Drawn from selectmen, Salance due town. $150 00 03 $150 00 $150 00 Joyce Taylor, Lutber C. Buck, D. B. Taylor, A. B. Chase, S. Marcbant, Horace Baxter, Chester Merchant, j, S. Baker, Drawn from selectmen, Halance due. SNOW ACOOUNX. 58J hours, 20c., 15} 2} 7 7 17 7 6? 44 15c., 20c.,. $ 6 00 17 85 $11 65 3 10 50 1 40 1 40 3 40 1 05 1 35 $23 85 $23 85 AUDITORS' REPORT. The auditors have examined the accounts of the several officers, making the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. $ 404 48Bal. on hand Jan. 1, 1898, Received from tax collector and all other sources, 45,901 50 Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1898, to* Jan. 1, 1899, $45,971 23 Bal. on hand Jan. 2, 1899, 834 75 $46,305 98 $46,305 98 SELECTMEN. STEPHEN,SEABS, CHAIBMAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town treas urer from Jan. 1, 1898, to Jan, 1, 1899, Amount of receipts, voudiers. $45,717 45 45,717 45 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. ALFRED GOEHAM. SNOW AOOODNT. Drawn from town treasurer by order selectmen, $34 01 $34 01Expended on snow. a ROAD ACCOUNT. Drawn from town treasurer, Expended on roads, $525 00 $525 00 $559 01 $559 01 LUTHER R. BROWN. SNOW AOCOUNT. Expended for snow, Drawn by order selectmen, Due L. R. Brown, ROAD iCOOUNT. Expended on roads, Drawn from treasurer. Due L. R. Brown, Expended on bridges, Bal. due L. R. Brown, JOYCE TAYLOR. SNOW ACCOUNT. Expended on snow, Drawn from treasurer, Bal. due Joyce Taylor, ROAD ACCOUNT. Drawn from treasurer, Expended, Bal. due town, $29 25 25 00 . $4 25 $426 55 425 00 $1 55 $137 76 137 76 $23 85 6 00 $17 85 $150 00 149 97 $03 ( I FISH COMMITTEE. ANSEL HALLET, TREASURER. Receipts from permits, Paid town of Yarmouth, $7 63 Paid town of Dennis^ 7 62 Expenses,. 22 50 $37 75 SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, Raised for music, Raised from dog tax and State fund. $37 75 $37 75 $3,900 00 500 00 411 72 Support schools, $4,372 90 Expended less appropriation, 438 82 $4,811 72 $4,811 72 TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. Note of the town held by trustees Jan. 1, 1898, $15,594 05 Interest on the same to Jan. 1, 1899, 623 75 Paid trustees one year, Interest on several pajTnents, Received from town, Note given Jan. 2, 1899, $ 15 00 20 17 900 00 15,282 64 $16,217 81 $16,217 81 $16,217 81 a - 46 TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT, Amount due from collector Jan. 1, 1898, or 1897 taxes, $9,448 82 Amount collected during year,8,475 00 $ 973 82 Amount taxes, 1898, Amount taxes, 1898, collected. $20,904 11 10,115 62 10,788 49 $11,762 31 L. K. CHASE, } j^yditors. E. D. PAYNE, 5 VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1898. MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1898. Bate. Jan. 18. July 10. July 18. Aug. 15. Name of Parties. Charles H. Harwood, Mary Harris, TVilliam Frank Jenney, Elizabeth Baker, Allen Baxter, Alice J. Peruse, Walter Henderson Baker, 21 Sarah M. Montealm, 17 Age. 82 48 25 19 26 24 Residenoe. Yarmouth Yarmonth TauntoD Yarmouth Yarmouth West Springfield Duxbury Yarmouth -• ^ mas**..a.deaths recorded in 1898.D»te of Death.1898.Jan. 18.20.21.Feb. S.6.19.26.Apr. 8.25.May 2.4.Aug. 5.30Name.Benjamin Allen Crowell,Charity Baker,Arthur C. Haker,Susan White,Jsaiah Sherman,Sal)i'inft Brown,_(icorfro N. Dnkin,Wnrron C. KuHor,ArunaU Wholden,Sclli Raker,Jose C. Dcsilver,ilohn Simpkins,Betsey F. Harrington,Emily Howes,Belinda Nickerson,Elijah K. Arey,Mercy W. Mattliews,Marion Louise Rogers,Theodore Hallclt,David G. Eldridgc,Henry B. Matthews,David Crowell,Dlseaee.Pleurisy and pneumonia,Old ago,Capillary hronclutis,Cardiac dilatation,Bright's disease, ,Insanity, paralysis.Drowned,rncmiionia.Typhoid pneumonia,Senility,Shock,Gaatro enteritis, nInternal injuries from:a fall,Acute Bright's disease,DcbilHy, exhaustion, .neurosthemia,'Bronchitis,Acute bronchitis,Tuberculosis pul., „Spasmodic astlima, heart failure.Acute gastritis,Interstitial nepltfitis.Age.T. M. D.3492 10 14186811 62 812 t9 13 1773778177357565 11 2174 466 880 8 18 1527 5 2775 11 1849 5 U59 2 6DEATHS RECORDED IN 1898.Date of Death.1898.Sept., 12.30.Name,Minen-n F. King,Charles Clifton Ellis,Marion Elizabeth Cory,Sam. Polk AVaiker,Harold H. Fuller,llnnnali K. Loring,Amelia B. Russell,Rebecca W. Howes, .Susan G. Lewis,Amos R. Baker,Hannah E. Hallett,Granville Baker,Laura AV. Chase,Alfred Baker,Susan May Lavers,Charles Thompson,Laban Baker,F>dward M. Jewett,Frederic Calvin Hills,Hannah C. Ryder.DiseaRe.Spasm of heart,Clioiora infantum,Acute pulmonary tuberculosis,AA'oak heart,Dysentery,Acute catarrhal hronchitis,Organic disease of the heart,Cerebral apoplexy,Ascilca,Heart spasm.Senile gangrene,Phthisis jmlnionary,Bright's disease of the kidneys,Heart disease,Epilepsy gastritis,Malarial fever,Scnilily and complications,Pernicious antomiu, heart failure,Paralysis,Age.Y. M. D.48513 3 14561 10 1873 0 2973 10 1356 • 4 20472 6658342486119.50■8.55059877 252 1 births recorded is 1898.Date.1898.Jan. 8.9.18.Feb. 27.Mar. 5-G.13.29.April 4.4.23.May 12.July 10.12.Aug. 15.29.30.Sept. 9.. 27.Oct. 8.8.29.Nanio of Chllil.Nnmp of Pam>t«;Norton Atu'ond Nickerson,Helen Crowcll,Crliulvs I'ciirl Montctilin,Clinse,Annie Fires Rogers,Charles Clifton h/llis,Abbie May Montcalm,Itaphacl William IlilbNorman Ilallet Hray,Harold Williams Baker,Marion Francis Bczanson,Christina Ijcna Kcnnoy,Eva Adelaide Nickerson,Florence Harriet Hurst,Henry Riiymond Darling,Thaciier White Arey,Hilda Helena Baker,Stanley Fulton Soars,Elizabeth Walker,Jaiues Lowi.s Niekerson,• Eldridge,Baker,David A. and Lila N.Thomas S. and Isabella H.Warren K. and Florence M.David M. and Lucy A. ^Charles P. and Annie C.James W. and Lilla F.Joshua A. and Abby E. ^Jared William and Mamie A.Henry D. and Grace E.Ernest P. and Almcna R.William B. and Annie.William H. and Johanna.W^ashington E. and Rosa.Frederick A. and Florence A.Nathan H. and Lottie A.Amos and Charity 13.John H. and Ada M.ICrncst L. and Annie F.John Jairus and Bertha.Frank G. and P^nima A.Roger and Eva. _ ^Joseph L. and Lizzie.o.. ,1 .11■**aBIRTHS RECORDED IN 1898.Narae of Child.Date.1896.Nov. 25. Alice Gertrude Keveney,Dec. 10. Matilda Frances GotellejName of Parents.Michael atid Mary O.David K. and Annie L. rm TOWN MEETING WARRANT. Ba«kstable. ks. Fel.niary 2<i, 1K». To cillipr ol the I'oiistnlilcs iu the lowu of Yarmoiilh, lu tue <-ouuvy of BiiniMal.lP. GiiEKTiKo: III till- iiiinic of the Conimoiiwallh of Mns^acliufcllF. yoii oro liort'liy aiif.lcdlo notify the iiihuhitums of the town of Yarmouth, quiiHhed to vote iu.eleetioii^ uud town uffuirs, to meet ttt the towu houM' oii Momluy. the tliirteeiith day of Felinmry next, at utuetO) o'«!l»ek iu the forouoou. theu aud there to aet ou the following aiti- 4de8, viz.: AuT. 1. To ehooM- a modenitor to preside nt said meeting. Art. 2. Toeleet the following named officers all ou one ballot, under the Anstraliitn ballot system as adopted by the towu, vtz.: One Sele.nnan for three years, on.- Assessor for thn-e years, one Oveneer of the I'oor for three years. Town Clerk for one year, Town Treasurer for .me v.-ur, one S^ehool Committee man for three years, one Road Commi.-'si.mei for three years, Colleetor of Ta.ses for .me year, two Constables f.ir one year, tw.. Auditors for one year, also to see if the town will prant licenses for the sale of iiitoxiealiiig liquors. A»T. o. T.i eh.iose all other uewssury towu officers. Akt. 4. T.I hear the anuual n-port of .the selectmen and aet 44)creoD. AiiT. 5. To hear the n-porl of other comtnittees aud act thereon. Aut. G. To see what sums of money the towu will raise for the support of the poor, towu .ifflcers' uud eommittees' fees, support of schools, repair.* of roads aud bridges, towu debts, repairs ou puimo buibliiig>, miscellanemis expenses, sehool supplies, luterest ou town debt, supcrintendenl of schools, oU-Qring suow nud tmusportationof scholars. Art. 7. To see if the towu will outhorize the town treasurer w hlr<- m.iny in nntieipation of taxes to pay town debts. Art. 8. To see if the towu will accept the list of jurors asreportea by the seleetmeu. . . ^ Aht. n To s.-e if the town will vole to work uud harden tto oonntyroad. as relo. ntedby the County Commissioners on JiilyGth. lenr, from Ihe RarnstMble line near the dwelling hon*e of the 1^ Dennis Gleasou to llaxter's wharf, a distance of about uinety-flve («) rods, and appropriate money for the same. IBy request.] Aut. 10. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to eo^ •with the Slate Highway Cominissiou relative to eounetting the p 53 ent stale roads by a cross road .if similar constractioii; also to confer with the officers of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R, R., relative to moving the South Yanuimth station west t.i tin- main ertisslng. [By request.] Akt. 11. To see if the town « il1 ajipropriate fifty (50) dollars for a town pmnp to be pla.eil on the highway in West Yarin.iutb at the fiwt of Sehoolhonse hill. [By request.] AiiT. 12. To see if the towu will order the euelosiiig of the towu wmetery at Georgetown by s.ime suitable feiu-e, at a cost not to exceed one Inmilred dollars. [By request). Aut. is. To see if the town will authorize the school committee to employ a tca.-her of music and drawing in the public schools, aud raise a Milb.-ient sum of money therefor. Aut. 14. To see if Ihe town will order the renewal of the towu r..eonl.« by re-writing the same, and raise a sum of money therefor. [By request.] You are hereby dirceled to serve this waiTnnl byjiostiiig attested cojiies then'of in fl ve pulilic pln.-es in said town, three on the south side and two on the north side, also one publieatiini in the Yarmouth Regis ter, seven days at least liefore the time of holding said meeting. n.-reof fail not, and make due i return of this warrant with your /linings thereon to the towu clerk at jilie lime and place of holding said r meeting. Given under our bauds aud the seal of the town of Yarmouth this secoud day of February, iu the year of our Ijord one thousand eight hundred and uiuety-uiue. J'TErHEK SEARS, ) Selectmen ANSEL HALLET. } of HENRY BLACHFORD,! Yarmouth, MATTACMEESE A true copy, attest. SETH TAYI.OR. Coustable. FINANCIAL BEPORT OP THE TOWN OFYARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 <1I599I> VARnOUTHPORT. flASS.: C. P. SWIPT & SON, PRINTERS. 1900. HilSiriUlliill FT REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1899. FIXANCIAL STANDING OF TOWN DEC. 31, 1899. Uncollocted taxes, 1898, | 1,413 49 " 1899i . 11,081 48 Due from other cities and towns, 4lg 48 Town orders unpaid, | igj Scars Fund, note given, Jan. Ist, 1900, . 15,107 63 Bills unpaid .(estimated), 1,200 00* Notes in anticipation of taxes, 10,500 00 Notes for State Highway, 26,500 00' A table of estimates as prepared by the selectmen for appropriations in the different departments for the coming year in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor, ** *' schools, Roads and bridges. Town officers. Repairs on public buildings, Supt. of schools, Miscellaneous expenses. Town debts. Interest on Sears fund, ** " notes. State highway note. School supplies, $3,000 00 3,800 00 i,ooQ oa 2,000 00 200 OQ 100 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 900 OQ U500 OQ 3,000 00 250 00 oi scholars Remittance of taxes, % 600 00 500 00 incidentals. * T? C Swift, insui-ance, .. ' M Bcttlcment Homer case, Stephen Sears, insurance,^ ^ l » tiaveiing expenses, »« »« affidavits, Mrs. S. H. Sears, board,- D. Cotelie, lodging tramp» Wm. D. Loring, fnel» 4, t* feed, Mantoo H. Crowoll, oaro of hearse, ^"y.^ounsenn Homer ca^,^■.r o Bettlcmei.t Chase case, t( ♦« counsel, C. K. Bassett, board,H. M. Hartshorn, advice, R. Howes, auctioneer, E. T. Baker_^ diggingGeorge Cash, court , Mrs. James G. 'Samuel HobhsA Co., btato, Matthe™& Payne, fuel, office, E. W. Hallet, postage, A. H. Knowles, plan, Dr. Munscll, examination, 52 33 2,518 53 $13 75 30 44 21 41 $150 00 154 52 65 80 $2,570 86 50 19 22 00 1 00 25 91 5 00 12 00 370 32 46 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 . 4 00 14 00 55 13 96 8 00 8 00 25 00 Dr. S. H. Sears, examination, Eben Baker, pump," Henry Blachford, tmveling expenses, - A. F. Sheraian, abstract, S. F. Letteney, court fees, C. Bray, court fees, E. B. Hutchings, court fees, Scth Taylor, court fees, *♦ care of hearse, " " postage, " ** recording deaths, T. S. Croivell, enrolling stockholders, M. R. Warren, collectors' books, A. E. .Martell, copying, E. S. Bradford, court fees, Samuel Ward Co., rep. stamp machine, Geo. B. Sears, catch basins and pipe, E. W. Eldridge, postage, F. C. Robbins, reporting births, P. P. Akin, insurance, T. T. Hallet. telephone, " court, fees, ** supplies to office, Ansel Hallet, traveling expenses, •' " horse hire, " ** postage and telephone, " " services to State Aid committee, W. J. Davis, rccoi-ding births, *' " •• <lcaths, ** " " marriages. $16 91 5 00 10 00 2 50 $ 65 4 00 2 25 $37 35 14 25 11 71 4 00 $6 50 5 40 3 40 25 00 50 00 19 00 15 00 4 Ofr 4 63 7 09 34 41 2 00 6 00 7 50 12 67 1 40 40 00 72 • 50 6 00 6 90 67 31 15 30 "Hallet and Sears, trustees, Alex. B. Chase, horse hire, Bond Bros., repairing pump, Nathan H. ilattbews, mileage Imok, $15 00 1 00 3 55 20 00 $3,546 82 STATE AH). Lucy A. Currier, Geo. H. Baker, Geo. "\V. Ryder, Elizabeth Hurst, ^lercy C. Crowell, Joseph H, Robinson, Lewis Y. Eldridge, t)avid S. Baker, Amanda De Silver,$384 00 military AH). Gilbert Lewis, Ebenezer Crowell, $72 00 66 00 $138 00 CLEAIUXCJ SNOW. Luther R. Brown, Alfred Gorham, Joyce Taylor, $385 00 058 05 260 00 $1,303 05 MUSKRATS. 285 nmskrats at 25c., PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. C. P. Swift, Fred Hallett, F. B. Gossj Pub. Sdiool Printing Co., Chas. H. French, $114 12 97 67 5 25 6 20 1 75 Cemeteiy fence, Edmund W. Eldridge, J. S. Baker, Oliver Hallet, F. W. Homer, FENCE. FIRES. $62 73 15 GO 3 00 10 75 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by the town, " " for pump. Cemetery fence, Clearing snow, By appropriation Homer case, Amount refunded L. R. Brown, Military aid, State aid, $71 25 $224 99 $86 50 $91 48 $1,000 00 50 00 100 00 1,250 00 2,800 00 26 14 72 00 401 00 """-.V 8 Amount refunded, order 5405, Amount brought from town officers, Paid for Incidentals, Snow, State Aid, Military Aid, Printing, Fires, Cemetery fence, Muskrats, $3,546 82 1,303 05 384 00 138 00 224 99 91 48 86 50 71 25 $ 13 75 .133 20 $5,846 09 $5,846 09 TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOLARS. Amount raised by the town, " brought from town officers, Paid J. E. Crowell, I. F. Homer, A. J. Dean, W.F. Smith, C. ^y. Ellis, $600 00 32 52 $190 73 186 00 93 60 52 94 109 25 $632 52 $632 52 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, From state. Paid W, E. Chaffin, Expended less than appropriation, $100 00 184 60 $277 41 7 19 $284 60 $284 60 Bgczz: ROADS AND BRIDGES. Amount raised by town, $1,400 00 Paid L. R. Brown, $600 00 Alfred Gorbam, 525 00 Joyce Taylor, 225 00 Expended less than appropriation, 50 00 $1,400 00 $1,400 00 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town. Dog tax and State Fund, Amount carried to re])air& on public buildings, $ 65 42 Paid school committee, 4,137 34 Amount on hand, 42 44 $3,800 00 445 20 $4,245 20 $4,245 20 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Amount raised by town, Paid for books and Supplies, $225 20 Expended loss than appropriation, 24 80 $250 00 $250 00 $250 00 REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised by town, $250 00 Amount brought from town officers, 97 15 " " " supjH)rt of schools, "65 42 Paid for lepaii-s and improvements, $412 57 $412 57 $412 57 10. kotes paid. State Highway, Ko. 4, Other notes, ^2,500 00 500 00 18,100 00 $21,100 00 intekest accouet. ■p. 4 $ 900 00Amount raised for Sears Fund, ^Topaymtcrertou noto, ^Paid on Scare Fund, ^ «« *• notes, , ' ^go 06i. in excess of appropnation, $2,590 06 $2,590 06 taxes paid. State tax, County tax, Kat'l Bank tax. $ 960 00 2,224 22 1,596 35■ $4,780 57 town officers. J. H. Stetson, police,u election officer, C. H. PuiTingtoD, re^strar,j, 4« election officer, A. H. Baker, election officer, W. R. Farrifl, " S. W. Mitchell, " $18 00 2 50 $30 50 , 5 00 $20 50 35 50 5 00 2 50 2 50 • il Fred. Hallet, election officer, D.Kelley, 2d, " N. B. Bui^ess, " " H. D. Bray, sealer of weights ahd measures, L. K. Chase, auditor, E. T. Baker, election officer, Isaiah Homer, inspector, A. H. Eldridge, election officer, F. C. Swift, moderator, Alex. B. Chase, election officer, J. G. Sears, police, E. D. Payne, auditor, E. P. Baker, police, W. B. Fuller, " A. iVhittcmore, " J. H. Rohinsnn, " t 5 00 14. 44 (ioo; waiTant, 25 00 A. T. Pierce, police, Richard Sears, election officer, Julius Brown, " " Winchester Johnson, " *' E. W. Eldridge, " " 44 44 school committee, A, C. Snow, election officer, IVm. J. Davis, clerk and registrar, «• «< treasurer, Oliver Hallet, election officer, D. B. Crocker, " " F. W. Homer, " " $ S 50 40 00 $48 80 75 00 $ 3 75 2 50 5 00 5 00 15 00 2 50 13 75 2 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 12 00 5 00 7 60 3 00 30 00 5 00 2 50 2 ^ 2 50 42 50 2 50 123 80 2 50 2 50 2 50 ■*r 12 Seth Taylor, constable, n ♦« truant officer, J. F. Cro)vell, school committee, Selectmen, Assessors, Overscei-s of the poor. Horse hire, Amount ra ised by to\>m, carried to transportation, (I ♦* •' miscellaneous, (( »« '♦ town debts, «i u " repairs on public buildings, $48 10 6 00 $2,000 00 $ 54 10 30 00 493 50 260 50 146 00 221 75 $1,583 25 32 52 133 20 153 88 97 15 $2,000 00 $2,000 00 town debts. W. F. Smith, transportation,iLmton n. Crowell, recording deat^ A. A. Knowles, election officer,Wm. D. Loring, feed, $ 3 05« «« care of office, 40 00 t L. Fuller & Co., supplies to A. J. Baker, $6 75,, <t tt u •• ♦♦ Geo. Robinson, 6 75 Scars & Hurst, supplies to idella Kelley, Bessie I. Parker, teaching, F. P. Omnngs, salary, I. M. Lovell, '* 13 50 5 79 55 55 70 00 40 00 13 M. L. Kelley, salary, A. H. Baker, " W. R. Farris, school committee, Isaiah Crowoll, labor, Polly H. Shcnuan, salary, " •« " supplies, $87 50 15 88 E. S. Thacher, supplies to almshousej $27 3^ " " " " Susan Lems, 2 92 S. B. Slarchant, supplies to E. Buck, $8 00 " " " " D. Humes, 8 00 " " nursing D. Humes, H. B. Chase, supplies to Susan Hallet, J. B. Hall, supplies to ahnshouse, " " repairs on stoves, " " chairs, " " crow bar. $35 48 13 00 2 40 1 00 repairs on bridge, 180 34 J. H. Stetson, election officer, D. S. Taylor, supplies to almshouse, $ 6 11 " " repairing stove pijie, 20 00 $40 00 .19 67 40 00 25 50 103 38 30 23 16 00 4 00 6 50 $16 66 51 88 5 00 ' N. B. Burgess, election officer,-2 50 2 50 C. F. Swift, printing,27 50 J. E. Crowell, transixirtation,47 00 J S. W. Hall, supplies to almshouse,35 33 43 05 ) Sears and Hallet, trustees,15 OD Alfred Gorham, supplies to almshouse, $ 10 17 190 51 2 50 26 11 14 L. R. Brown, balance due on roads, I 1 55 (I t« »< " " snow, 4 25 (4 »» " paid L. K. Cliase, 1 90 44 44 repairsonB.R.L.bridgo, 172 18 Matthews & Pajnie, coal, school-house, C. M. Bray, fuel to E. K. Arey, t 3 00 44 44 election officer, 44 ' 44 supplies to almshouse, (( 44 sundries, 44 44 fence State road,382 68 American Book Co., school books, C. R. Howes, election officer, D. B. Crocker, electioq officer, 44 44 supplies, almshouse. $5 00 67 E. "W. Eldridge, election officer, X. F. Drew, repairing voting booth, 44 44 hursc hire, 44 44 election officer, • 44 44 registrar. I 4 00 Joyce Taylor, balance due on snow, Town of Dennis, repairs on B. R. U. bridge, * n ^24 69 Town of Dennis, supplies, A. Robinson, 3 48 44 44 44 44 Mrs. A. Cash, 13 50 C. E. Harris, med. attendance, Daiiiel Humes, A. H. Knowles, registrar, Jjimes Lack, inspector. 179 88 41 93 416 39 2 17 2 50 5 67 2 50 HaBSgiii 15 Dr. E. M. Parker, medical attendance, IdellaKelley, Dr. E. M. Parker, medical attendance, I. W, Baker, Dr. E. M. Parker, medical attendance, J. N. Baker, Dr. E. il. Pafker, medical attendance, Geo. ly. Robinson, Dr. E. M. Parker, recording births and deaths, 2 25 2 00 10 00 2 00 George B, Lewis, repairs on pump and well, E. D. Payne, weighing stone, Isabel Lewis, supplies to almshouse, Amount raised by town, $1,000 00 " brought from poor, 699 07 " " " town officers, 153 88 17 M 88 47 5 20' 13 81 $1,852 95 $1,852 95 Amount paid by order of. Ae selectiijen drawn upon the town treasurer fromJan.l,I899,toJan.1,1900, $48,750 37 ' Roads and bridges,$1,350 00 43 00 i Supt. of schools,277 41 17 85 ; Town debts.1,852 95 1 Almshouse,979 58 Support of schools,4,137 34 Town officers,1,583 25 Tmnsportation,632 52 41 67 1 School supplies,225 16 6 00 Repairing public buildings,412 57 21 75 ; State aid, ^ Military aid. 384 00 11 00 138 00 16 Taxes paid, Incidentals, Printing and advertising, Interest, Notes paid, Snow, Duo from other cities and towns, Burial fund, Seals, Muskrats, Cemetery fence, Fires, Taxes remitted, '98 and '99, Order No. 5458, Out-door poor, paid other cities and towns, 4,780 57 3,546 82 224 99 2,590 06 21,100 00 1,303 05 382 04 20 00 9 00 71 25 86 50 91 48 652 96 3 75 997 92 917 20 .$48,750 37 STEPHEN SEAKS, ) Selectmen ANSEL HALLET, \ of HENRY BLACHFORD, )Yarmouth. REPORT OF THE OVERSEERS OF THE POOR; Inmates of the almshouse for the year ending Dec. 31, 1896: Abigail Gage, John Gray, Nathan Sears, Josephine Holway, Samuel Baker, No. of tramps, 19. Age.WhoD commUt^U. 73 • 1846 54 1893 77 1898 53 1898 ^ 84 1899 V POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSH0U8E. Polly H. Shei-man, salary, " " " supplies, Edmund "Walker, limbs, F. H. HInckley,. supplies, B. T. Gorham, « Wm. E. Farris, E. S. Thttcher & Co., " S.W.Hall, E. D. Payne, « Matthews & Payne, " Lewis Nifkerson, labor, Henry Baker, board to Samuel Baker, Dr. Pulsifer, medical attendance, 1262 50 6 96 $269 46 28 00 32 80 6 50- 6 If . 72 28 8'1 2b 210 78 73 15 2 75 " 3 00 16 50 rrraa 18 Allen Slade & Co., supplies, F. 0. Baker, . " Harriet Nickerson, work, J. E. Baxter, supplies, E. Eldridge, " Alfred Gorhani, labor, Zoeth Sherman, supplies, J. L. Ellis, R. J. Baker, T. T. Hallct, medicine, K. M. Taylor, burial Benj. Baker, D. B. Crocker, supplies, Seth H. Hamblin, " $17 34 1 02 6 00 2 00 15 40 48 60 72 6 00 17 75 8 70 23 00 65 28 80 $979 58 OUT OF AL5ISH0USE. NOBTH SIDE. Mrs. Osborn Chase, medical attendance by S. H. Sears, - $37 75 Mrs. Osbom Chase, supplies by E. D. Payne, 30 00 Mrs. Osbom Chase, medical, T. T. HaUet, , 20 35 Mrs. Osbom Chase, fuel by J. Usher, 6 00 Mrs. Osbom Chase, fuel by E. IValker, 1 50 Morris Gray, rent, Marcus Hall, $30 00 »« " medicine, T. T. Hallet, 25 «• •' medical attendance by Dr. Pulsifer, 15 00 Monis Gray, medical attendance by S. H. Sears, 40 85 $95 60 86 10 19 E. K. Arey, supplies, R. J. Baker, $58 17 E. K. Arey, medical attendance by S. H. Sears, 25 50 E. K. Arey, supplies by D. F. Sears, 17 85 John Silver, supplies, E. D. Payne, $20 95 " " medical attendance by Dr. Robbins, 40 00 John Silver, medicine, T..T. Hallet, 5 75 Arch Phillips, medical attendance, Dr. Robbins, $30 00 Arch Phillips, medicine, T. T. Hallet, 14 05 Geo. Dixon, medical attendance, Dr. Robbins, $14 00 Geo. Dixqn, medicine, T. T. Hallet, 1 00 Mrs. Chas. Gaboon, supplies, E. S. lhacher, Leston Robinson, supplies, £. S. Thacher & Co., -$8 39 Leston Robinson, medical attendance, Dr. Sears, 46 25 Leston Robinson, medicine, T. T. Hal* let, 18 15 Leston Robinson, fuel, Matthews & Payne, 6 78 Mrs. Walter Baker, rent to D. Cole, SOUTH SIDE. Silas Baker, supplies, Sears & Hurst, $5 65 " " " I. P. Farris, 8 59 $101 52 66 70 44 05 15 00 13 21 74 57 60 00 $556 76 14 24 20 Jndah Chase, supplies, E. T. Bek®' 44 44 supplies, F. A. Baker, 44 44 6upplies, E. D- Kelley, Hattie Chase, rent, A. Fama, 44 44 fuel, L. Fuller & Co., A. J. Baker, fuel, L. A. J. Baker, medicine, T. T. HaUet, Idella Kelley, supplies, Sears & Hurst, „ 44 44 R. J. Baker, Joseph Robinson, medical attendance, Dr. Sears, m tt i Joseph Robinson, medicine, T. T. Ha^ let, Alice Robinson, supplies, E. D. Kelley, K 44 stove, D. Taylor, t4 41 fuel, D. Sears, 41 <4 fuel, S. Sears, tc 44 fuel, H. Blachford, 44 44 rent, A. C. Fsrris, 44 44 supplies, I. P. Farris, 41 44 R, J, Baker, $ 50 5 13 3 83 $36 00 3 38 $4 90 2 00 $53 76 8 39 $13 00 2 00 $ 60 3 65 6 00 8 00 2 75 .18 75 3 11 4 07 5 9 46 39 38 6 90 57 15 15 00 41 93 $184 06 WEST TinMOtiTH. Emily and Laura Buck, fuel, H. Blachford, Emily and Laura Buck, supplies, S. Bi Marchant, « "Emily and Laura Buck, fuel, . Mitchell, ^ 21 Emily and Laora Buck, fuel, Wm. Fowler,$ 7 50 . Emily and Laura Buck, medical attend ance, Dr. Jacobs,2 75 Emily and Laura Buck, medical attend ance, Dr. Harris,9 00 Emily and liaura Buck, shoes, L. K. Chase,65 Emily and Laura Buck, supplies, Johnson & Co.,29 00 Emily and Laura Buck, wood, Benj. Giffurd,1 50 .klex. Crowell, fuel, H. Blachford,$10 69 44 44 44 L. Fuller & Co.,6 75 44 44 supplies, J. E. Crowell,70 Fred Cash, medical attendance, Dr. Harris, James Holwa.y, medicine. Dr. Harris, Susan Baker, supplies, Johnson & Co., Daniel Huracs, supplies, S.B.Marchant, $13 00 44 14 medical attendance, Dr. Doane, 3 00 " " fuel, H. Blachford, 5 75 Mrs. Humes, cash, 40 00 " fuel, F. P. Hallett, 13 50 Susan Hallett, fuel, H. Blachford, 44 44 44 g. siitcheli, 44 44 44 H. B. Chase, 44 44 44 I. Crowell, 44 44 44 B. Fowler, " 44 supplies, Johnson & Co., $2 75 1 50 6 50 2 50 3 00 70 $128 77 18 14 13 00 2 00 3 00 75 25 16 95 $382 31 22 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Medfield Insane Asylum i G. C. Hinckley, Mar^' Christenson, $146 00 146 00 Taunton Insane Asylum: Susan A. Baker, George Collms, Howard Nickerson, $292 00 $169 46 42 71 12 54 Dipsomaniac Hospital, J. Tbacher, Mass, school for feeble minded, Bessie Robbins, Leonunster, supplies, Fred. Smith, Dighton, supplies, Mary E. Cash, Boston hospital, Jennie Baker, Taunton, supplies, Walter Cash, State almshouse, Lillian Stoddard, 224 71 6 34 169 45 32 25 39 55 55 00 12 75 85 15 $917 20 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. State, • Bamstable, Falmouth, Brewster, Dennis, Boston, < $ 36 44 79 37 52 00 80 88 7 79 162 00 $418 48 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town. Cash by Harrington's estate, $3,000 00 593 77 23 Paid for almshouse, outdoor poor, other cities and towns, Amount carried to town debts, $979 58 997 92 917 20 699 07 $3,593 77 $3,593 77 } OverseersSTEPHEN SEARS, ANSEL HALLET, S of HENRY BLACHFORD, ) Poor. I REPORT OF THE ASSESSORS. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1899. Beal cbtatc, land, " buildings, Personal, $298,005 00 580,970 00 849,009 00 Total valuation, Taxes levied on real estate, $11,504 67 " " " personal estate, 11,037 12 " polls, 978 00 $1,733,984 00 Total tax. No. of [Ktlls, " " dwelling houses, ¨¨ ·· horses, (( »« cows, " •' neat cattle other than cows, " " sheep, " acres of land assessed, " " dogs licensed, " " persons liable to duty, *' residents, firms, corporations, etc., assessed on projMirty, " " non-residonds assessed on property, " " non-residents, firms, corporations, etc., as sessed on property, n " persons assessed on property, $23,519 79 489 630 291 154 6 20 11,190 112 147 114 384 54 990 25 No. of persons, a poll tax only, I Kate of taxation. County tax, State " 131 $ 13 00 2,224 22 960 00 STKPHKN .SEAKS, ANSEL HALLET, IIENRV JILACIIFOKD ) Assessorsf of ,) Yarmouth. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND, Note of town held by ti-ustees, Jan. 1, 1899, Interest on same, Jan. 1, 1900, $15,282 64 764 13 .$16,046 77 Paid trustees, one year, Interest on several payments, Received from town. Note given Jan. 1, 1900, 15 00 24 14- 900 00 15,107 63 $16,046 77 •STEPHEN SEARS, T. T. HALLET. \ Trustees. LIST OF JURORS, A8 rilEPAEED BY THE SELECTMEN, JAN. 11, 1900. Theodore F. Drew, Albert C. Snow, Edmund W. Eldridge, James A. Ellis, Geo. H. Kelley, Geo. Hallet, 2d, E. L. Jenkins, Nelson Eldridge, Zenos P. Howes, Luther R. Brown, Gilbert Studley, Reuben Howes, Maotou H. Crowell, Daniel Francis W. Homer, liofayette E. Chase, David D. Kelley, Fred. Hallett, David F. Sears, Seth Taylor, Daniel B. Taylor, Elisha T. Baker, Seth Kelley, Kilbum M. Taylor, Fred A. Baker, Elbridge Taylor, Wm. Matthews, B. Crocker. n.'l REPORT OF TREASURER, Balance in treasury, Jan. 1, 1899, $ 334 75 Eeceived from town of Harwich, 19 25 " *' • ** Bamstable, 169 66 " *' *' *' Falmouth, 121 29 " ** ** " Brewster, 3 50 " *' *' Dennis, 53 20 " " city of Boston, 57 98 *• ** County treasurer, dog money, 135 27 " " "• acet. bridge, 1898, 34 42 " " " " " seals, 9 00 " State, tern, support State paupers, 64 55 ** " ** support State paupers, 22 63 " " '* education of children, 15 50 " income Mass, school fund, 294 43 ** ** corpomtion tax, 3,444 72 *' '* ** National bank tax, 1,058 44 " military aid, Acts 1894, 72 00 State aid, Acts 1894, 353 00 «« i« *« ♦» .» X898, 48 00 for use of land, 1 00 Insurance premium returned, 4 10 Money returned on order No. 5405, 13 75 -- »• «* " *• 5458, 3 75 '* " by Ansel Hallet, 7 61 " *' " Luther R. Brown, 26 14 I Received income burial fund, t 20'00from Reuben Howes, auctioneer's license. 2 00" " Luther R. Brown, " • ** 2 00F. P. Baker, billiard license, 2 'oo C. W. Kellej', peddler's license, 6 00" A. W. Cahoon, « « g ^" " Wm. H. Kelley, «* *« 6 00** Corren Doane, oyster grant, 2 60» legacy, Elias B. Harrington, 593 77" from Tmro, use of roller, 5 qO'f " State, for roller, . . , IIO 00 " for shovel sold," • " use of salt marsh, ' j 30, " from railroad, acct. forest fi res, 25 00 " estate of ^m. P. Davis, balance Village Improvement fund, , $ gg" " Judge Swift, court fi nes, ' 1 33 ** " Luther Hal!, chairman school committee, I84 ^" " Bass River fi sheries, 5g 33 " cow sold, 20 00" " Seth Taylor, collector, 1897, 973 S2 " " " " 1898, 9,375 00 V K. " ^ 14.148 48Money borrowed ]d anticipation of taxes, 18,000 00 184 60 56 89 20 00 973 82 9,375 00 14,148 48 18,000 00 Paid out on orders fitim selectmen, Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1900, $49,916 56 $48,848 55 1,068 01 ' i' ..ii 30 Due from collector of taxes: Taxes of 1898, •» " 1899,_ $ 1,413 49 11,081 48 $12,494 97 $10,500 00 26,500 00 Town owes: Notes given in anticipation of taxes. Notes given acct. State highway, Burial funds: « „ j Received from George N. SmaUey, and invested in note, town of Yarmouth, JoOO W Received from John F. Crocker, not invested, 250 00 WILLUM J. DAVIS, Town Treasurer. VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1899. MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1899. Data.Xomesof pai-tle^.•Ape Itesideuoe Jan. 5 Jonathan Uslier, Jr.,27 Yarmouth Catliarinc Sarah Ferguson,27 Boston 8 Judali Howes,64 Dennis Mary H. C. Howes,48 Dennis Feb. 26.Herbert Robinson,23 Yarmouth Maliellc F. Eldridge,24 Yarmouth April 18.Prcntiss Linnell,57 1 annouth .Idclia C. Kolley,40 Dennis May 4.Austin A. Walker,24 Yanuouth ilinnic E. Peijy,20 Brewster May 7.Henry E. Coombs,40 Yannouth Susan T. Ellis,44 Yarmouth June 29.Walter D. Chase,21 Yarmonth Nellie Morrissey,21 Yarmouth Jnly 5.Herbert Vincent,28 Yannouth Mary L. Nickerson,24 Yarmouth . 9.Stephen Crowell,19 Yarmouth Annie E. Chase,17 Dennis Sept. 3.Joseph Butler,29 Dennis Susie Haswell,32 Dennis 9.Daniel F. Briggs,56 Yarmouth Eldora F. Scars,35 Yarmouth 17.Alonzo T. Aikins,28 Bamstable Eorence McDonald,21 Barnstable I! i: l! 32 Sept. 27. Samuel H. D. Drew, Mary Duchesney, Oct. 25. Elnathan F. Gaboon, Grace F. Robinson, 30. Josiah M. Kelley, Maude L. Taylor, Nov. 16. Fred. "Wintbrop Ross, Emma May Thachcr, Dec. 10. Louis A. Sberman, Kitty G. Powers, 25 Yaimouth 20 Yarmouth 34 Dennis 17 Yarmouth 18 New Bedford 17 Yarmouth 31 Boston 21 Yarmouth 25 Yarmouth 25 YarmouUi 1 a • « C-. o J- CO C5 sSgggSSgs £g3 g 2 fli o .c . d e ■g S c O C'S B s 5 £ It «t ^ O 1"=5 ~S-i d .. o ^^ S ^ C ir c d£:xc>.=^SK c p, C «k o bed s ». s o '2c 1^ 0 ii— ^ ^£•£ £ - "5 c "o £ *r-« c •b~' 9: C fZ 7Z "c C.I id u .5 V HH O O * c .z ft * fc f .-r sttlE d C.2.C c _ c .s §: -fc 5S s ^.z tc ~ S ^ o »■ H c= "^ 5 S . -"S £ c S c — -•=^ -.£ C*" - z o « 5 £3 ■; .Jz; e ajdisJZ c . o p b|s=i-S S ^ r ^ r'SH" fs< pa^ h- CC Pi c 6s. d, c Cs, ~ .. e— u .s s I II s e OD I bEATHS UEGISTERED IN YARMOUTH IN 1899.Date of Death.Name.Dlaease.Age.Oct.Nov.Deo.20.^ C. Patmo,Ellen G. Hftllett,ZUpha L. Brooks,Blanche E. Matthews,Almira Edson,Benjamin Baker,Mercy B. Baker,Homoi-rhage into peritoneal cavity.Heart failure,Paresis,Inanition, .Congestive apoplexy, exhaustion,Pnmlysis,Apoplexy,Y.348587H.607354322217219BIItTHS RECORDED IN 18J)9.Date of Birth.Jan.17.22.Feb.1.Mar.27.April 30.June12.13.17.25.Aug.14.Sept.27.Oct.15.Nov.13.15.Deo.5.12.Name of Child.Cecil Lloyd Gannon,Addle Vincent Pierce,I^noah Evelyn Baker,Everett Raymond Taylor,Nellie Maria Cash,Henrietta Schmitt,Raymond IJslo Cash, 'Kugono Ilarlwcll Eldridge,Mary Fnuicos doltosa, •Marjorio Alma Warner,Stillborn, lualo.Arthur Freeman Rich,Thomas Hansbury,Female, Tripp,Ruth Montcalm,John Ferguson Usher,Nnmosof rarents.Horace G. and Ellen B.Albert T. and Mary A.Ansel L. and Phebe K.Ansel E. and Emily B.Frederic A. and Lizzie A.Victor and Henrietta.Edwanl E. and Mary C.Jsaiali W. iiiid Lcono K.Joseph and Mario.Frederick and Nollto L.Reuben E. and Carrie W.Owen and Mary.Joseph W. and Eunice H.Warren E. and Florence.Jonathan, Jr. and Catherine Sarah.32S r n road COMMISSIONERS' REPORT, $1 05 60 90 1 40 1 40 60 ALFKED GOIUIAM IS ACCOUNT wmi THE TOWS OF TAEMOCTU. LABOR, ETC., ON ROADS ASD BRIDOESi Gco. A. Baker, M hours, 30c., Patrick Morgan, 3 " 20c., Cbas. Ellis, ^ Patrick Heffemia, 3 " "Jouatluu Usber, Jr., 3 hours, 20c., 60c.; 1 hour 30c., Amos Arey, 7 hours, 20o., All)ort Taylor, 7 Arthur Jlegjithlin, 3 " " H. A. Cobh, 1 hour, 20c.; 1 hour, 30c., Jeremiah Chase, 6 hours, 30c., Frank Chase, 3 " 20c., E, W. EUridgc, 2 hours, 30c., 60c.; 4 loads clay, 5c., 20c., B. R. Howes, IJ hours, 20c., 30c.; U hours, 30c., 45c., James Gorham, 2 loads clay, 5c., P. Morgan, 8 hours, 20c., Isaiah Ellis, 13 ;• " Amos Arey, 13 " " A. L. Phillips, 1» " " I. L. Ellis, 9 " 30c., James Gorham, 42 loads clay, 5c., 5 7 3 C 3 8 2 0 1 80 5 10 1 CO O 3 CO 0 2 70 10 37 Albert Taylor, 5 hours, 15c., 75c.; 4 hours, 20c., 80c., Albert Taylor, 18 hours, 45c., $8.10; 5 houTB, 60c., $3.00, 57} hours, 20c., 62 " " 61 " «« 61 " «• Clarence Baker, H. H." Baker, E. M'm. Park, Daniel Ferguson, J. A. Casli, 30 hoiii-6, 20c., $6.00; 32 hours, 30c., $8.60, Jonathan Usher, 62 hours, 20c., Jonathan Usher, Jr., 1 hour, 20c.; 9 hours, 30c., $2.70, Jonathan Usher, Jr., B'm. IV. Cash, P. Morgan, John Silver, Amos E. Arey, Bert Cash, .Hbert Taylor, Geo. Hallet, 2d, Geo. Robbins, Alfred Baker, Freeman S. Oish, P. Morgan, Reuben Howes, 52 hours, 45c., 27 67 2 4 2i 9 9 IG^ 17i 5 16 2i 20c., 60c., 40c., 20c., J. G. Hallet, 17J hours, 20c., $3.50; 12 hours, 15c., $1.80, J. G. Hallet, C loads gravel, 10c., A. J. Dean, 13 hours, 20c., $2.60; 82 hoore, 45c., $14.40, George H. Baker, " 57 hours, 30c., $1 55 11 10 11 50 12 40 12 20 12 20 15 60 12 40 2 90 23 40 5 40 13 40 40 80 50 6 40 3 60 3 30 3 50 1 00 3 20 §0 5 30 60 17 00 17 10 i! i- 38 Oeborno E. Bukcr, 53} hours, 30c., (I »« *• 100 loads clay, 5c., P. E. Hannan, 5 hours, 30c., $1.50; 10 loads clay, 5c., 50c., Chas. Ellis, 8 hours, 30c., J. A. ElUe, 10 " 20c., Jonathan Usher, Jr., 3} hours, 20c., 70c.; lOj hours, 45c., $4.83, Jonathan Usher, Jr., Daniel Ferguson, J. A. Cash, H. H. Baker, Chas. E. Hallett, Chivs. A. Chase, P. Morgan,A • —f 2} hours, 60c., 20c., hirs. Gorham Taylor, 20 loads clay, Sc., E. S. Mecarta, 5 hours, 30c., S. T. Kelley, 3 " 20c., J. G. Hallett, 2 hours, 20c., 40c.; 9 hours, 50c., Alfred Baker, J. T. Chase, Edmund "Walker, Patrick Heffeman, Allen Cash, P. Morgan, All)crt Taylor, Goo. Hallet, 2d, Jonathan Usher, Jr., Daniel Ferguson, A. J. Dean, hours, 30c., $1.05, $16 05 5 00 2 00 2 40 2 GO 5 53 1 50 3 35 1 60 1 80 1 50 3 30 5 00 1 00 1 50 60 4 90 9 hours, 20c.,1 80 29}((44 . 5 90 li U 30c.,45 2 4(20c„40 27}««i 5 50 11 (i 44 2 20 9 «(60c.,5 40 9 44 40c.,3 60 10 44 20c.,2 00 10 44 ((2 GO u 44 ((25 3 05 39 H. A. Cobb, 2 hours, 30c.,$ 60 Amos Arey, 9 **20c.,1 80 Albert Taylor, 9 hours, 20c., $3.80; 3 hours. 15c., 45c.,2 25 James Gorham, 3 loads clay, 5c.,16 Edmund Walker, 3} hours, 30c.,1 05 Amos E. Arey, 5 "20o.,1 00 Wm. D. Loring, 15} "44 3 10 P. Morgan, 41 44 8 26 Albert Taylor, 5 ♦»40c.,2 OO'Geo. Hallet, 2d, 5 "((2 00H. A. Cohb, 1 "20S. L. Robhins, 1 hoar,20Patrick Heffeman, 4 boars,20c.,80-Jonathan Usher, Jr., 2} ♦*30c.,75Reuheu Howes, 10 "20c.,2 00Ebenezer R. Hamblin, 5 "44 1 00Patrick Morgan, 17} ««44 3 50Chas. E. Ellis, 1 hour.20C. 51. Bi-ay,^8 per bills,10 57.Tohn Ilinckle}' & Son, as per bills,36 77Louis F. Nickerson, as per bill.10 12E. L. Seai-8, as per bill,11 40Joseph Thacher, as per bill,75J. B. Hall, as jier bill,3 85Watson Thacher, as per bill,6 25Alfred Gorham, as per bill,87 96Drawn from selectmen,$525 00 $525 00 REPAIRS OX MILL BRIDGE. Jonathan Usher, Jr., as per bill,C. M. Bray, as per hill, $525 00 $ 8 60 17 31 <-/* > pPS* 40 0. W. Iliillot, US pci' Iiill, Hiiu'kloy & Son, us porb .losoph Tlnuhor, •' " E. 11. Ilullct, " » Uonry Kovcnoy, ♦' C. M. Kyilcr, " '• J. G. lliillot, " «• U. D. llruy, " '• / Olivor ilalk't, " " •1. 11. Annitngo, " "Wm. Shiolils, " •' Miohuol Kovcncy, " H. K. I'shcr, * " "E.L. Scars, •• " Alfr^'d Gorham, *' " Dninii from scloitniou, 1, $160 34 SNOAV ACCOUNT. •$ 3 87 23 67 75 3 49 2 00 7 13 18 3(1 12 35 34 95 1 40 22 50 1 00 30 3 36 19 30 $180 34 $180 34 JoUu E. Olar,41 hours,, 20c.,$ 90 Albert Taylor,2 44 40c.,80 E. S. Meearta,2 <4 20c.,40 J. A. Phillips,2i (4 44 50 Amos .\rey,2 44 44 40 P. iloi'gan,5 44 *4 4 1 00 C. il. iiray.4i 44 40c.,1 70 "Willard Ellis,4J 44 20c.,85 A. J. Dean,34 44 40c.,1 40 "Warren E..Montc.alm,3J 44 20c.i 70 Isaiah Ellis,2 44 44 40 P. Slorjrau,10 14 44 2 00 John E. Olar,44 44 41 90 41 Fnitik Aroy, 1 hour, C. -M. limy, 5 hours, ■lOu., $1.60, Will. D. Loi ing, A. J. Deun, Warren K. Monlcahn, 0. il. limy, A. .T, Dean, W. E. Jlonteulm, A. J. Dean, E. II. Dean, B. li. Howob, E. S. Jlocnrtii, E. F. Eldridge, H. S. Xltkorsuu, A. A. Piiillips, Archeliis PhiJlijis, Albeit Taylor,. 8 hours, 40f., . «!• G. Bmy, tE A. Phillips, ■ Ai la'. Phillips, 11 tu. Maltheivs, . E. Xiekerson, Allen Cash, J. Kobert Bray, Willard EUis, Isaiah Ellis, Alfred Baker, Ebenexer K. Hainblin, P. Smith, Ed. S. Chase, 20('., $1.00; 4 hours, 4 hours., 20c., n 44 40c.,. n 44 20c., H 44 40e.. 6 44 40c., H 44 20c., 3J 44 40c., H 41 20c., 3 44 44 6 «<44 H 44 44. 44 44 44 44 H 44 44 20c.,$1.60 > 1 hour. 4 boure, 20c., 4 44 41 2 44 14 24 44 44 3 44 44 5 44 44 2i 44 44 5 44 44 5 44 44 2 44 44 44 44 3 44 44 n 4<14 $ 20 2 60 80 1 00 50 2 GO 2 40 70 1 40 1 10 60 1 20 85 85 85 85 2 00 80 80 40 4 80 60 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 40 50 60 30 42 Vranf» E. Ellis, Cbfts. Cahoon, Amos Arcy, Chas. Cash, F. C. Bnkor, AUktI Taylor, ■Willis F. Cash, Ensign S. Cash, Ensign Oish, .Inlin E. Dlar, E. ^V. Ehlridgo, A. A. rhillips, Allon Cash, Jr., AVui. C^'ish, A. J. Dean, Alfred Baker, A. L. Mogathlin, H. D. Bray, H. R. Usher, Thaohcr Taylor, Oliver Hallct, Jr., J. "W. Lack, R. "Wm. Park, John Sih"a, Jouallian Usher, Jr., hours, 60c., 11 Rcuhcu Howes, Joseph Thacher, E. F. Smith, J. A. Keveney, H. G. Gannon, J. P. Cash, Jr., 6 hours,20c.,$1 20 6J tt 1 30 Ci >1 . It 1 30 4 ti • tt 80 Gi 11 tt 1 30 2 ti 40c.,80 35 tt 20c.,7 00 74 «{tt 1 50 7J it 10c.,75 243 it 20c.;4 95 15 it tt 3 00 204 tt tt 4 10- 204 tt tt 4 10 194 it it 3 90 U4 tt It 2 90 134 ti tt 2 70 24 it .tt 4 80 144 it it 2 90 74 tt tt 1 50 104 tt tt 3 85 134 tt 15c.,. 2 02 114 ti 20c.,2 30 154 tt 15 "3 10 28 tt (4 5 60 20 hours, 20c., $-4.00; 2 ,20, 2.0^ hours, 2Dc., 3 " " 19i " " 10 " " 18i " I8i " 5 20 5 10 60 3 90 2 00 3 70 3 70 J. P. Cash, E. S. Cash, Bert^E. Cash, E. Casweli, Herlwrt Ordnny, Wm. Chase, Clarence Baker, Chns. A. Chase, Hariy M. Chaae, Wm. Shields, H. H. Baker, Isaiah Ellis, Isuiiili L. Ellis, Philip McFadden, Frank I. Bobbins, S. T. Cash, B m. F. Smith, J. F. Carrier, Geo. Bobbins, Geo. H. Kelley, Samuel Cobb, Jonathan Usher, J.. G. Hallet, Joseph Bassett, Geo. M. Taylor, Jaiucs Gorham, J. E. Sturdy, A. L. Phillips, C. E. Chase, Eimik Arey, Frank Chase,Geo. H. Vanputten, J5 hours, 20c., 15 "it 15 "ti 15 "<1 15 "tt 15 "ft 30 «It 194 "tt 24 "tt 164 "It 144 «If 244 "tt 25 "If 15 "15c., 164 "20c., 33 «tt •264 "tt 221 V tt 104 "tt 11 . "It 23 "tt 12 »tt 15 "ft 4 5 "tt 34 «tl 9 "tt 2 "it 264 "It 41 "tl 7 "tl OC tt 40 it Jeremiah Chase,39 hours,20c.,$7 80 Frceuian S. Gash,35 44 7 00 H. A. Cobb,35 (i 44 '( 00 J. E. Chase,45 (C 44 9 00 W. E. Montcalm,27J 44 5 45 James A. Cash,20J 4«44 4 10 Herbert "Vincent,14i 44 44 2 85 "W. T. Matthews,63 44 15c.,1 01 R. ]M. Hallet,44 20c.,1 45 F. W. Robbins,4 44 80 Sylvanus Robbins,4 44 44 80 Arehelus Pliillips,20i 44 44 4 10 Chas. Cash,20i 44 44 4 10 Allen Cash,20i 44 44 4 10 E. B. Dean,20 44 44 4 GO W. E. Xickerson,16i 44 44 3 30 J. R. Bray,19 44 44 3 80 J. G. Bray,27J 44 44 5 50 A. D. Baker,14 44 44 2 80 Chas. Cahoon,22 44 44 4 40 W. E. Cahoon,17 44 15c.,2 55 B. R. Howes,iH 44 20c.,4 90 J. A. Phillips, •24i 44 44 4 90 J. T. Chase,23 44 44 4 60 Clarence Chase,23 44 44 4 GO John Armitage,14 44 44 2 80 S. L. Robbins,20 44 44 4 00 Geo. W. Ryder,23i 44 44 4 70 P. Morgan,414 44 44 8 30 W. P. Bray,m 44 44 5 65 Roland Kclley,214 44 44 4 30 Willard Ellis,204 44 44 4 10 W. E. Ellis, H. S. XickersoD, E. S. Cbase, 29^ hours, 40c., $1.80, Ebenczcr E. Hamblin, Gideon Matthews, Oliver Hallet, Allen Cash, L. F. Nickerson, A. Kelley, W. D. Baker, D. C. IVhelden, M. F. Gray, Gco F. Bray, Wm. F. Bray, Frank "Whelden, E. S. Mecarta, Louis Sherman, Z, A. Sherman, Seth "Walker, Chas. Ellis, C. L. Xickerson, C. W. Ellis, R. D. Ellis, J. B. Arey, L. P. Robinson, E. C. Bray, E. F. Bray, Geo. A. Biay, Jos. W. Smith, J. C. Robinson, M. Gurney, J. A. Ellis, 38J hours, 20c., 23 " «« 20c., $5.90; 44 hours, $3 70 4 60 7 70 1 50 1 00 2 60 60 4 80 4 30 37 7i hours, 20c., 5 «« «« " 15c., " 20c.,6 20 5 00 4 20 7 10 6 90 7 50 7 80 7 80 7 90 7 00 7 10 6 20 7 60 7 60 2 00 6 05 7 50 1 70 7 00 F. F. ColHns, ^ Ernest P. Baker, H Fred. E. Baker, 3i J. H. Chase, 2| J. F. Cotelle, 10 Geo. L. Ryder, 5 W. H. AVest, 3i dames CrowcU, 3i Bui-i Crowell, 10 D. F. Soars, ^ Francis Crowell, 5 H. F. Chrowell, 5 J. K. Baker, 5 Oshornc E. Baker, 30 Gco. H. Baker, 32 David CotcUe, 33 Amos Arey, 29 Bert F. Raymond, 25i J. H. Smith, 20 Frank I. Robbing, 2 \lbcrt Taylor, 32 hours, 20 40e., $1.20, Amos E. Arey, 25 P. Morgan, 3^ Elnathan F. Eldridge, 135 F. C. Baker, 23- C. iSl. Bray, ?! F. G. Nickerson, 3 Isaiah L. Ellis, ^ >,'athan Darling, 17 C. M. Bray, 1 Alfred Gorham, as per bill, Drawn from selectmen. 19 h 3J 25 ours, 20o., (1 II 35 ((It 2i («4t 10 (i II 5 ((II 35 II 35 <(11 10 II 3 {(II 5 (i II 5 II II 5 II II 30 II It 32 II 11 33 II 11 29 11 II 255 II II 20 II II 2 II II hours, 20c., 5 <* 40c., $658 05 $658 05 $3 80 70 70 55 2 00 1 00 70 70 2 00 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 6 00 6 40 6 60 5 80 5 10 4 OO 40 SOUTH SIDE. L. u. nnowx, road commissioner, ix accouxt ivith the TOM'X OF YARMODTH. Austin AVhittemore, 20 liours, 20c,, $4 00Austin AVhittemore,20 $4 00 $658 05 Myron Bradford, steel A. AV. Cfthoon, IV. Cahoon, O. H. Chase, . G. L. Ryder, J. Cotell, J. L, Baker, .J. R. Baker, R. B. Clark, Allen B. Baker, Geo. H. Loring, F. A. Baker, Chas. Harwood, Ahira Baker, X..B. Burgess, clay, L. E. Taylor, Isaac Ellis, Reuben Baker, Eddie Baker, F. Homer, F. MjTicks, Thomas Collins, E. N. Baker, S. B. Baker, XcUon Baker, D. S, Baker, Clarence Baker, hoe, 20 20 20 20 17 15 m m 20 20 20 20 15 hours, 20c., 1 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3-00 11 00 3 00 9 00 7 35 3 00 6 00 ^00 6 00 48 W. Cahoon,2 hours, 20c.,$ '40 L. R. Chapman,4 {( it 80 Freeman- Baker,18 it <(3 GO 0. B. Oliver,15 15c.,2 25 Leston Gray,5 " '20c.,1 00 T. D. Brown,15 " 30c.,4 50 H. Baker,13 i( it 3 90 Z. P. Howes,1 00 L. R. Chapman,6 " 15c.,90 T. E. Kelley,18 " 20e.,3 60 I. T. Eilis,20i .it it 2 85 M. F. Jones, clay, 76,3 80 A. Cahoon,n C< ({50 0. H. Chiise,n it it 50 "W. Eldridge,15 " 30c.,4 50 B. Eldridge,20c.,50 E. P. Baker,1 ti 20 E. Cole,24 tt it 50 H. F. Crowell,24 it it 50 A. Crowell,14 ii it 30 S. B. Baker,14 it it 60 E. N. Baker,37 L. Gray, 1 hour, Allen B. Baker, M. H. Crowcll, repair D. M. Chasft, G. F. Matthews, J. Baker, I.'P. F. Fairis, S. Chapman, F. Wixon, "W. R. Farrifi, 63 •« 30c., ing scraper, 10 hours, 80c., 20 " " 10 " 20c., . 7 «( << 5 " • «' T>. M. Chase, 20 h( AUie EUis, 10 Boards and nails, Willis N. Hall, 46 I. Hall, 6 I. W. HaU, Silas K. Crowell, 30 S. K. Crowell, 6 Hiram E. Baker, 10 Osbom E. Baker, 45 loads loam, L. R. Brown, 20 ho Allie Ellis, \Vm. R. Baker," A. W. Cahoon, L. R. Chapman, I. T. Ellis, I. W. Ellis, A. E. Ellis, Fred. Eldridge, Harris E. Cotelle, A. Covell, W. F. Cahoon, Thos. E. Kelley, J. K. Eldridge, G. H. Kelley, L. E. Taylor, H. Robinson, S. Berry, E. Baker, urs, 30c. 10 " " $U0 39 NOW ACCOCNT. 4 hours, 40c.,41 60 16 " 20c.,3 20 25 it ((5 GO 244 ««4 90 22 ii ii 4 40 28 a <<5 60 214 a <4 4 30 144 a (4 2 90 24 ii 44 60 164 44 44 3 30 ■274 44 <4 .6 90 30 44 44 6 00 22 44 44 4 40 104 44 44 2 10 214 44 44 4 30 6 44 44 1 20 134 ii ii 2 70 124 44 44 2 50 c. w. Bilker, J. H. Baker, C. M. Brown, F. A. Hurst, J. P. Brown, H. Oliver, \T. R. Baker, R. C. Clark, E. Cole, Clifton Baker, Leston Gray, 0. Baker, X. B. EUlridge, S. B. Baker, J. Maker, H. T. Gray, Lysander Baker, J, H. Baker, J. H. Robinson, .0. B. Oliver, Roger Eldridge, R. Baker, W. Purrington, A. Wbittemore, \y. H. Baker, John Falvey, H, L. White, • F. E. Baker, E. P. Baker, C. B. Cole, M. N. Cole, S. N. Chapman, 34 hours, SOc., 18i " $6 80 3 75 3 20 1 30 50 1 70 3 20 3 20 (50 50 3 00 6 00 7 (50 3 00 1 80 52 3 30 1 50 1 GO 3 40 3 00 23 hours,20c.,4 60 24 (4 15c.,38 9 44 20c.,1 80 44 44 15c.,70 12 44 20c.,2 40 5 44 15c.,75 204 (4 20c.,4 10 204 44 44 4 10 174 44 14 3 50 274 44 44 5 50 28 44 44 5 60 J. S. Rose,.19 hours,20c.,$3 8 H. A. Baker,214 44 44 4 3 J. H. Chose,194 44 44 \ 3 9 A. H. Crowell,294 44 44 5 9 S. Crowell,18 44 44 3 6 J. Baker,15 44 44 3 0 Francis Crowell,164 44 44 3 3 H. F. Crowell,15 44 44 J. F. Coteli,164 44 4 4 3 3 Walter C-otcU,17 44 44 3 4 F. M. AVixon,16 44 44 3 2i 0. H. Chase,154 44 44 a 1 D. M. Chase,554 44 <1 11 4 G. L. Ryder,74 44 44 1 5 A. n. Coteli,184 44 44 3 7i Thomas Collins,194 44 <4 3 9i AV. B. Fuller,11 44 44 2 2i D. M. Chase,"4 <4 44 2 11 S. A, Baker,64 44 44 1 AV. Kelley,214 44 44 4-3( C. E. Baker,5 44 15c.,7i B. S. Cotelle,124 44 20c.,2 51 L. N. Baker,21 14 44 4 2( G. B. Sears,16 44 44 3 2( D. F. Sears,9 44 44 1 8( E. AA^. Crowell,15 44 44 E. D. Kelley,8 44 44 1 6( Kelson Baker,224 44 44 * 4 5( U. H. Sears,11 44 44 2 2( H. AV. Taylor,11 44 44 2 3( C. E. Taylor,27 44 44 5 4( W. H. AFest,174 44 44 .3 .V B,. L. Baker» E. Cole, F. W. Homer, James Crowell, L. K. Chase, Allen B. Baker, L. B. Brown, B. F. Bray, Thos. Kelley, (jilbert Studley, Ahira Baker, C. Baker, E. Baker, C. Baker, F. Baker, Beuben Baker, B. Bobinson, J. Baker, L. K. Chapman, T. Ellis, J. Ellis, Q. Oliver, J. L. Baker, W. Taylor, Heikel, ^saa? Hall, S. Ci-owell, A\\ N. Hall. Crowell, C, Crowell, ^Yeekes, L. R. Brown, 52 8 hours,20c.,tl 60 3 {(II 60 5i ({. *(1 10 181 ((Ii a 70 41 tt II •90 831 ((II 16 70 601 t(II 12 10 11 ((II 30 21 It 50 151 II 3 10 291 it II 5 85 21 t(II 50 2 ii II 4Q 21 II 50 16 Ii II 3 20 23 t{II 4 60 131 It II 2 65 21 II II 50 21 Ii II 50 21 II II 50 21 Ii 50 21 II II 50 15 If II 3 00. 5 II lOc.,5,Q 21 M 20c.,5Q 231 II II 5 70 25 II 5 00 24 II II 4 8Q •t II 3 00 3 II 6ft 3 Ii 60 31 II 11 I 40 Allen B. Baker, ^ If D. M. Chase, 2} 40 1 00 paid in to town treasurer, 26 14 WEST SIDE. TOWN or TAEMOUTH IN ACOOUNT WITH JOYCE TAYLOE, eoad oommissiokeb. Zenas Baxter, Luther C. Bnck^ Heniy B. Chase, John Hallett, Horace P. Baxter, Isaiah Crowell, Chester JIarchant, Oriis B. Crowell, Fernandas Baker, R. Lewis Taylor, Joshua S. Baker, W. F. Baker, J. E. Crowell, Richard Scars, Jose C. Desilva, Timothy Cotelle, S. AV. Mitchell, Stephen Marchant, Martin Oliver, Darius Cotelle, Ijuther C. Buck, 36 hours, 20c.,I 7 20 36 <« **7 20 18 30c.,5 4ft 18 " 15c.,2 70 18 " 30c.,5 40 18 II 11 5 40 IS " 15c.,2 70 18 " 20c.,3 60 18 " 30c.,5 40 36 " 20c.,7 20 18 " 30c.,5 40 36 " 20c.,7 20 27 « 15c.,4 05 36 " 20c.,7 20 9 t< i<1 80 9 « 30c.,2 70 9 " 25c.,2 25 36 " 20c.,7 20 32 " 30c.,9 60 36 15c.,5 40 36 « 20c.,7 20 18 " aoc..5 40 18 " 20c.,3 60 I B.. It. Baker, E. Cole, F. W. Homer, James Cro"well, L. K. Chase, Allen B. Baker, E. B. Brown, B. F. Bray, Thos. Kelley, (Gilbert Studley, Ahira Baker, C. Baker, E. Baker, C. Baker, F. Baker, Eeuben Baker, B. Bohinson, J. Biaker, . L. B. Chapman, T. Ellis, ]f, Ellis, Q. Oliver, j. L. Baker, W. Taylor, Heikel, Xsaa9 Hall, S. Crowell, N. HaU, CroweU, C, Crowell, Weekes, L. R. Brown, : • • " i 52 sc 8 hours.20c.,n 60 . 3 60 5i "1 10 ; 18J <<a 70 4J 90 83i ««16 70 60i .12 10 ^ • U 64 30 2i "«<50 m C<3 10 J 2.9J "<<5 85.i J n 2J «C<50 I 2 44 40 ] 2J "44 50 16 ."44 3 20 3 23 "44 4 60 13i "44 2 65 2J "50 2i "44 50 * n 2J "44 50 2J •«44 50 2i "44 50 15 *»44 3 00. 5 "10c.,50 2i M 20c.,50 m "44 5 70 25 M 44 5 00 24 44 4 80 44 a 00 j 3 44 60 il J 9 44 60 I 3J "44 1 40 53 Allen B. Baker, 4f hours, 40c., D.il. Chase, 2} 40 " Pud in to town treasorer, WEST sn)E. $ 1 75 i 00 26 14 TOWN OF TABMODTH IN AOOOrNT WITH JOTCk TATIiOB, BOAD OOMHI8SIOKEB. Zenas Baxter, Luther C. Ba<^ Henry B. Chase, Johh Hallett, Horace P. Baxter, Isaiah CroweU, Chester Marchant, Orris B. Crowell, Fernandas Baker,. R. Lewis Taylor, Joshua S. Baker, W. F. Baker, J. E. CroweU, Richard Sears, Jose C. Desilva, Timothy Cotelle, S. W. MitcheU, Stephen Marchant, Martin OUver, Darius CoteUe, Luther C. Buck, Db. 36 hours, 20c., 36 " " 18 " 30c., 18 15c., 18 " 30c., 18 " " 18 « 15c., 18 " 20c., 18 " 30c., 36 20c., 18 " 30c., 86 " 20c., 27 « 15c., 36 " 20c., 9 «< «« 9 " 30c., 9 " 25c., 36 " 20c., 32 " 30c., 36 «« 15c., 36 " 20c., 18 " 30c., 18 " 20c., $ 7 7 5 2 5 5 2 3 5 7 5 7 4 7 1 2 2 7 20 20 40 70 40 40 70 60 40 20 40 20 05 20 80 70 25 20 9 60 5 40 7 20 5 40 3 60 ir I Bcnnjiih "Wholdon, Ellis P. Baker, 54 36 hours, 20o., 27 " 15o., » u 9 " 20c., B. Gifford, 36 " " Hart^on Hallctt, bill for loam, Joyce Taylor, 307 hours, 15c., .1 •• 1804 " 20cm Cb. By cash from town treasurer, Amount duo Joyce Taylor, 225 00 8 60 SNOW AOOOtJNT. Edward F. Chase, Gill>ort LfGwis, A. F. Rich. Sylvester B. Marchant, Ed. Howes, Horace Enos, N. M. Chase, Harris Cotelle, R. Lewis Taylor, Lutbor C. Buck, Stej)bcn Jlarchant, John Lucndeon, Dustin Baker, Randall Crowell, Horace Baxter, John Hallett, Chester Marchant, Db. 224 hours, 20c., 264---,-^* " 39 " " 9 " " 15 9 " " 26 " " 10 " " 23 " " 45 " " 26 ** *' 22 " •' 184 " 114 " 29 " " 27 " 15c., 264 " *' t 7 20 4 05 1 80 7 20 10 00 46 05 36 10 $233 60 $233 60 $4 50 5 30 7 80 1 80 3 00 1 80 5 20 2 00 4 60 9 00 20 40 70 30 80 05 98 55 JosojA W. Tripp,25 hours, 20c.,$ 5 00 • Warren Tripp,25 ((ft 5 00 Adelbert L. Cotelle,15 <(10c.,1 50 Ellis P. Baker,30 20c.,6 00 J. S. Baker,59 ((((11 80 J. &iker.27 ti («5 40 Luther R. Taylor,33 tt (1 6 60 Harris Cotelle,134 «((t 2 70 Stanley H. Crowell,6 «15c.,90 Prescott H. Baker,194 ((20c.,3 90 J. A. Montcalm,234 ((tt 4 70 Darius Cotelle,27 (<tt 5 40 H. E. Ward,144 tt tt 2 90 Geo. S. Taylor,94 tt tt 1 90 Lenmel Marchant,.7 n tt tt 1 40 Ly&ander A. Chase,244 tt tt 4 80 Bcnj. C. Sears,34 tt tt 6 80 Keslor A. Heikel,214 ft tt 4 30 Toiner Kalhoner,804 tt tt 6 10 Matti Oliila,19 tt tt 3 80 Alex. Valli,354 ft ft 7 10 Dusorti Kittlla,264 tt tt 5 30 John Kittila,264 tt tt 5 30 Fred. Howard,18 tt ,«3 60 Bcnajah'Whelden,26 tt ((5 20 Chester R. Stacv,13 tt {(2 60 J. B. Brown,24 It «4 80 Ansel Taylor,31 tt ft 6 20 B- F. Hicks,8 tt (1 .1 60 Fei-nandus Baker,524 tt <(10 50D. B. Taylor,254 tt (t 5 10W. F. Baker,284 tt ((5 70 Gco. W. Chnse, B. Gilford, Joyco Trtylor, ^V. Fowler, Kolsou Brown's bill, Axutmnt due town, By casb from town treasurer, 91 hours, 20c. 121 " 40 " 2 ** ** $1 90 2 50 8 00 40 3 00 t244 03 15 97 (260 00 (260 00 AUDITORS' REPORT. . \ The auditors have examined the accounts of the several officers, making the following report: TOWN TREASUKER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, January 1, 1899, I 334 75Rec d from tax collector and all other sources, 49 581 81 Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1899, to ' Jan. 1, 1900, (48,848 55 Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1900, 1,068 01 $49,916 56 $49,916 56 SELECTMEN. STEl'IIEN SEARS, CILAIRMAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1900, (48 750 37 Amount of receipts, vouchers, 48^750 37 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. ALFRED GORHABf. Drawn from town treasurer for roads, *525 OO Paid out repairs on roads, 525 nn Drawn from town treasurer for snow, *658 05 Paid out expense on snow. 658 05 Drawn from tou-n treasurer for 5Iill bridge. $180 34 Paid out expense on Mill bridge, 18q 3^ LUTUKU K. BROWN. Drawn from town Iroiisuvcr for roads and bridges, tCOO 00 Paid out on roods, " •' B. R. L, bridge, (( t< <4 fences, Amount duo Luther R. Brown, Drawn from town treasurer for snow, Paid out on snow, Amount due town. JOYCE TAYLOR. Drawn from town treasurer for roads, Paid out on roads, Amount duo Joyce Taylor, Drawn from town treasurer for snow. Paid out on snow, Amount due the town, $305 66 205 47 117 37 $628 50 $382 34 2 66 $628 50 $385 00 $385 00 $385 00 $233 60 $233 GO $244 03 15 97 $225 00 8 60 $233 GO $2G0 GO $2G0 00 FISH COMMITTEE. AXSEL IIALLET, CUAIRM-VN. Received for peimits, Paid town of Yarmouth, " " Dennis, " expense. $50 89 56 90 76 50 $190 29 $190 29 $4,245 20 SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, j3^800 00 '* dog tax and state fund, 445 20 Support of schools, $4,137 34 ^ ^ Expended less than approj)riation, 107 86 $4,245 20 trustees of sears FUJfD. Note of the town held by trustees, Jan. 1, 1899,. $16,282 64 Interest on same to Jan. 1, 1900, 764 13 T>.,4 X $16,046.77x^aiu trustees one year, $, 15 00 Interest on several payments, 24 14 ^ceived from town, 9OO 00 Jan. 1, 1900, 15,107 63 16,046 77 TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT. Amount due from collector Jan. $10,788 49Amount collected in 1899, 9,375 00 Rdance due on 1898 tax, . *1 413 49 I*''?'''® ^25,229 96Collected dunug I899, 14.148 43 Balance due on 1899 tax. 11,081 48 Amount due from collector for 1898 and 1899 ' $12,494 97 E. D. PAYNE, L. K. CHASE, Auditors. $16,046477 16,046 77 $1,413 49 11,081 48 TOWN MEETING WARRANT, BaRNSTABLE, 68. To cither of the Constables in the town of Yarmouth, in the county of Bamstable, Greeting : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth qualilied to v(»te in town affairs to meet at the Town House on Monday, the twelfth day of Febmary next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: Art. 1. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting. Art. 2. To elect the following-named ofHoers all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted bv the town, viz.: One Selectman for three years, one Assessor for three years, one Overseer of the Boor for three years, Town Clerk for one year, Town Treasurer for one year, one School Committee for three years, one Road Commissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes and two Constables for one year; two Auditors for one year; also to sec if the town will grant license for the sale of intoxi cating liquors. Art. 3. To see if the town wll authorize its select men and school committee to make a contract with Miss Mabel Simpkins for the maintenance of a school for teaching the Sloyd system of manual training, on the North, South and West sides of said town, for five years, at the rate of fi ve hundred dollars per year. Art. 4. To cliooso all other necessary town officers. Art. 5. To hear the annual report of the selectmen and act thereon. Art. G. To hear the report of other committees and act thereon. Art. 7. To see what sums of money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers' and committees' fees, support of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, repaii-s on public buildings, miscella neous c.xpenses, school supplies, interest on town -debt, superintendent of schools, clearing snow, and transpor- tarion of scholars, and for other necessary charges arising in this town. Art. 8. To see if the town will authorize the town treasui-er to hire money.in anticipation of taxes to pay town debts. Art. 9. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as repoitcd by the selectmen. Art. 10. To see if the town Avill instructthe overseers of the poor to remove Bessie Robbins from the state institution to her father's. • Art. 11. To elect a tree warden as required by law. Also to see if (be town will so amend its vote, whereby it ado])ted the Australian ballot law, so that the tree warden shall he included in the list of officers so elected. Art. 12. To see if the town will reimburse Jonathan Usher to the amount of one hundred and twenty-five dollars (?125) for damage to horse caused by defect on highway. Art. 13. To see if the town will appropriate five hundred dollars ($500) towards repairing Railroad avenue and the Hyamiis road between the store of E. Dexter 1 ayne and the camp ground. [By petition.] , 14. To see if the town will vote to work andharden the county road as re-located by the county commis- siomTs oil July 6, IfciflT, from the Unrnstable line, near the (Iwellinfr liouse of the lute Dennis Gleuson, to Baxlcr's wharf, a distance of about nincly-five (05) rods, and appropriate luouey for the same. [By petition,] Aut. 15. To see if the town will vote to jirohiliit the inhahitauts of all other towns, the town of Dcnni.'^ excepted, from talcing .-Jcallops and eels from the watei-s of Yariiumth, and appropriate a sum of money for the payment of an oificcr, said otEcer to ho appointed by the selectmen, and also a sum of money for the prosecution of violators, should this article be passed. [By petition.] Anx. 10. To sec if the town will vote to pay the selectmen, assessors and overseers of the poor a yearly salary and to determine the amount. [By petition.] Aut. 17. To sec if the town will accept the road across Hyannis park as laid out by the road commis sioners in ISOft, and appropriate a sum of money for the same. [By petition]. Aut. 18. To .see if the town will reimburse "William B. Fuller for d.image upon his promises on the night of July 3,1899. [By petition.] Aut. 19. To see if the town will change the route of the Weir Village and Head of the Pond school team, having it start at C. W. Ellis's and running direct through the weir to Frank Kickcrson's, taking all that attend school between these places. [By petition.] Aut. 20. To see if the town will raise and appropri ate the sum of one thousand ($1000) dollars to be expended in the improvement and hardening of the main i-oad leading from the village of South Yarmouth to the South Yarmouth depot of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Raili"oad Company. [By petition.] 1 m. arc hereby directed to sen-e this warrant by postino ttcstod copies thereof in fi.e public places in sid throe on the south shle and two on the north side, also cm publication in the Yarmouth Regi-stcr seven days at least before the time of holding said uieetinff. Hereof fall not, and make due ^ «an-ant, with your \\}\% the toTTOto the tOTTO ]b id "t tlie time and placo of meeting. M under our hands and p"" t«"onty-fifth day ofJanuan, m the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun- dred. ^LARS, ^ Selectmen ANs-LL H.-VLLET, ( of HENRY BLACHFORD, J Yarmouth. A true copy, attest, SETH TAILOR, Constable. jiuxie*.*:"'*: FINAlSrcIAL REPORT TOWN OF YARMOUTH YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 3J, 1900. YARMOUTHPORT, MASS.: C. F. SWIFT A SOS, PRINTERS. REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN FOR THE YEAR ending DECEMBER 3), 1900. ESTIJUTES. A table of oslimotes-as prepared by the Selectmen-in the different departments for the coming year in accord ance with the by-laws of the town : Support of p«r. s:s:r!;sr 'E:: Cdeir'" Interested ™ State highway „;,e, ^ SMsZol"'' 250 00 Remittance of taxes For suppress™ of crime.r^sportationofschota. ^ INCIDENTALS. Williiim D. Loving, food, «t «» jnnilor, „ fuel, $16 00 40 00 6 25 l">:ivid Soars, caloh basin, Nuthsm IL MalthcNYS, mileage book. L. U- ropiiiring lown pump, Dr rurkor, roturning birlbs, Klmor >Y. naUott, poslago and stalionery, E. D. Pay"o> referee, ^0 „ *« stationery, * AVuUor Cook, distributing town reports. Mrs. Dr. Scars, board town officers, John Clark, reteree, Joseph Bassett, barn rent, Charles 11. Bassett, Iward town officers, Ja^nes G- Uallett, t, teaming. Rcul>en Howes, auctioneer, Samuel Ward Co., stationery, Matthews & Payne, fuel, town office, E, C. Swift, insurance, X «* court fees, ,* *• counsel, F. Sherman, abstract, R. .1. Baker, seed, school ground, Joseph Thacher, sign boards, 14 00 3 00 $30 33 3 91 65 00 $63 15 3 15 SO 00 12 70 I 25 21 60 3 72 1 50 5 50 1 00 12 00 13 00 7 00 150 10 00 15 17 99 24 15 00 1 39 1 50 W. J. Diivifl, express, postage, etc., " •• renewing records, Scth Taylor, court fees, " *• postage, •' *• recording deaths. " ♦' postage, BondBrolbera, repairs on pump, Frank Thacher, insurance, Alfred Gorham, Tree Warden,E. B. Hutchins, arrest for crime, Chas. M. Bray, ♦' ** burial fund, $4 80 34 50 $7 56 10 00 6 00 A. A. Knowlcs, food to men at fi res, $3 14 ** ** stationery, envelopes, 40 T. T. ILillot, office supplies, Stephen Soars, travelling expenses, $40 00 ** " express,telephone,etc., 1 7g 3 15 $4 07 30 00 Augusta Farris, rent of polling place,E. B. Hallfttt, repairs on pump, $1 95 " " " hearse, l ©0 Henry BIncbford, express. Sears & Hallett, trustees, Charles R. Bassett, travelling expenses, $13 40 '* fl ag line and repairs, 1 60 *• ** express and freight, 1 95 $39 30 23 56 3 54 3 20 44 91 2 52 15 CO 19 00 6 06 34 07 4 00 2 95 25 15 00 16 95 g-iTTT-'rmr^- Joslvua F. Crowell, sthool coiibub, , •» pHuUruant oflicor, «< »• sundry expenses, $3 00 2 50 1 50 Joseph BrecU Co., firo iippnnilus. Joseph Bnsfelt, pointing fire apparatus, T. T. Taylor, repairs, fire apparatus, FIRES. Honry Cobb, labor on fires, Joshua S. Baker, lalior on fires, F, W. Homer, Joseph Bassett, ** $351 40 107 65 109 79 2 00 PRINTING. 0. F. Swift & Son, Fred Ilallett & Co., Wright & Potter, F. B. & F. P. Goss, $7 00 48 85 8 92 7 00 $611 45 $141 50 22 67 10 50 7 00 CLEARING SNOW. L. R. Brown, •Alfred Gorham, Jovee Taylor, MUSKUATS. 312 muskrats, at 25c. $570 84 $181 67 $78 00 157 13 40.00 $275 n STATE AID. Henry Arey, David S. Bakor, Lucy A. Currier, ^Icrcey C. Crowell, Amanda Do Silver, Lewis Y. Eldridge, Elizabeth Hurst, T. W. Harris, Hannah H. Lovell, Mary H. Ryder, Joseph H. RobersoD, Gilbert Lewis, Ebenezor Crowell, STATEMENT. $23 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 12 00 12 00 48 00 9 00 40 00 48 00 36 00 MILITARY AID. $24 00 72 00 $96 00 Amount raised by the town, Received from O. C. R. R. fires, 1897, •» O. C. R. R. fires, 1900, " •• O. C. R. R. fires, 1900, •» •» O. C. R. R. fires, 1900, Four (4) pails sold, Refunded by State, inspection of animals. Military Aid, State Aid, Brought from Support of Poor, $1,000 00 240 24 6 50 16 50 264 51 1 00 34 58 69 00 374 00 183 76 |611 45 570 84 181 67 275 13 78 00 377 00 96 00 $2,190 09 $2,190 09 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town. Dog tax and State Fund, Paid School Committee, $3,800 00 464 96 $4,264 96 $4,264 96 $4,264 96 town debts. Mantoa U. Crov^ell. painting bear^ 00 t( returning deaths, z «u 4» burial B. Baker, 4 00 Dr. Snara, me.lical nttcnaance. Alms- house. Dr. Sears, medical attendance, Tbacher Dr. Sears, medical attendance, Martha ^ Dr. Sears, medical atlendance. Idella Kelley, $21 00 Medfield Asylum, support Sfary Chris- tensoD, Med6eld Asylum, G. C. Hinckley, Wm. R. Farrls, supplies to schools, " " ' " Almshouse, " " " taking census, " " services as School Committee, $36 80 36 80 $13 46 1 IS 3 50 J. B. Hull, supplies school house, " " " Almshouse, " " " town o£Bce, Dr. C. E. Harris, attending Ales. Crowell, Dr. C. E. Harris, attending Fred Cash, E. S. Tbacher & Co., supplies to Alm8> house, E. S. Thacber & Co., supplies to Les- ton Robinson, P. H. Sherman, salary one quarter, ** ** supplies to Almshouse, A. A. Knowles, supplies town office, •• " " A. Phillips, Dr. E. M. Parker, medical attend ance, P. Roberson, $13 70 $87 50 6 38 Br. E. M. rsrker, medical attend- nncei Idolla Kelley, Tiiwn of Dennis, rciiairs on Bass Rivei Upper Bridge, Town of Dennis, supplies to Alice Rob inson, Dighton, support Mary Cash, Bray, seUlcmont of interest, «« «« Election Officer, «« •' polieo service, R. J. Baker, supplies I. Kelley, ,, (« »• E. K. Arey, %2 50 114 46 (32 00 2 50 3 00 (6 28 4 25 S. \V. Hall, supplies Alnishouse, R. K. Farris, Election Officer, Sears & Hurst, supplies I. Kelley, E. D. Payne, school supplies, C. R. Bassett, board town officers, Isabel Lewis, supplies Almshouse, Taunton Asylum, Susan Baker, Johnson & Co., supplies to E. and L. Buck, Bond Bros., repairs on pump, Jas. W. Howes, supplies to Almshouse, Ansel Ilallet, fuel to Almshouse, L. R. Brown, Bass River Bridge, James Lack. Inspector of Animals, Isaiah Homer, *' '* Isaiah Crowell, ** " D. F. Sears, labor, engine house. 20 55 130 21 24 10 2 50 2 10 1 53 11 50 7 98 42 71 7 75 6 60 3 58 7 75 25 84 50 00 13 50 16 65 154 62 E. W. Eldridge, labor on fires, S. F. Letteney, police service, E. D. Kelley, supplies to Silas Baker, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town,$1,200 00 $1,200 00 $1,200 00 TOWN OFFICERS. E. D. Payne and L. K. Chase, Auditors, Theo. F. Drew, Registrar, Ansel Hallct, balance of services, B. T. Gorham, Election Officer* David Kelley, 2d, •« »« Alea. B. Chase, " '■ and horse hire, A. B. Burgess, «* «< A. A. Koowlea, ** n J. H. Stetson, *< •« Geo. B. Sears, *• <« F. F. Collins, ** «« Henry Blachford, «• «» A. C. Snow, «« «( Jas. A. Ellis, ** (« H. A. Cobb, (( it I. P. F. Farris, ** <• A. H. Eldridge, 2d, •« «tAllen H. Knowles, Registrar, \v Registmr,W. B. Fuller, Iruant and Police Officer. Henry D. Bray, Sealer,J. H. Stetson, Truant Officer and Constable. Albert Pierce, Police, Henrj F. Crowell, Police, WatsoD Cahoon, " John G. Sears, " E. B. Baker, " D. S. Taylor, " J. H. Robinson, Truant Officer, E. W. Eldredge, School Committee, Joshua F. Crowell, School Committee, Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Horse hire, , Board of Health, Wm. J. Davis, Treasurer, " Town Clerk, " Registrar, Seth Taylor, Tax Collector, " Constable, " care of hearse, $75 00 36 GO 17 50 $378 45 32 00 5 00 Amount raised by town, Brought from support poor. $5 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 50 00 40 00 587 00 335 75 150 25 231 10 21 00 128 50 415 45 $2,000 00 240 05 $2,240 05 $2,240 05 REPAIRS OX PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised by the town, ^200 00 Brought from poor account, 35 66 Paid I). F. Sears, repairs, C. M. Bray, IlEAUSE HOUSE. laii's, $10 04 1 79 $11 83 A. H. Baker, repairs, 0. M. Bray, . «« LADDER HOUSE. $6 91 19 25 $26 16 ALMSHOnSE. Lewis H. Xickerson, repairs, $11 25 C. M. Bray, material, 17 50 NORTH SCHOOLHOD8E. F. n. Hinckley, material, $1 00 C. M. Bray, .< 3 47 E. L. Lewis, labor, 3 21 WEST YARMOUTH SCnOOLHOUSE. J. K. & B. Sears, material, $3 40 Samuel H. D. Drew, labor, 12 50L. A. Chase, «< j jq Isaiah Crowell, «• g 35 S BOUni YAEMODTH SCHOOLHOUSE. Paid A. H. Baker, fence, $6 20 Jos. U. Baker, repairs, 40 81 J. K. & B. Sears, material, 58 10 D. F. Sears, labor, 6 50 F. H. Hinckley, material, 13 84 Henry Taylor, labor, 3 go n 1. o „ . 128 75• r. Sears, fiiting polling place, 2 50 H- Baker, repairs, fire apparatus, 4 24 $235 66 $235 66 idi .1 iijaMmw 1* INTEREST, o -P ^ ^900^Amount raised by Sears Fund, ^ ^ .« to pay interest on notes, Interest paid on Sears Fund, ,( «• on notes, » Unexpended balance, $2,400 00 $2,400 00 HIGHWAY NOTES. Amount raised by the town. Paid highway note. $3,000 00 $500 00 • 2,500 00 $3,000 00 $3,000 00 transportation of SCHOLARS. Amount raised by the town. Paid C. W. Ellis, E. Walker, I. F. Homer, J. E. Crowell, Unexpended balance. $600 00 $122 01 182 00 80 60 215 25 14 $600 00 $600 00 TAX NOTES PAID. Notes paid, $15,500 00 15 TAXES PAID. State tax. County tax, Nati Bank tax, $960 00 3,228 70 1,500 80 SLOYD SCHOOL. Amount raised by the town. Paid Miss Mabel Slmpkins, $444 44 Unexpended bal. due Miss Simpkins, 55 56 $5,689 50 $500 00 $500 00 $500 00 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town. From State, . Paid W. E. Chaffin, Unexpended balance. $103 00 160 67 $241 19 19 48 $260 67 $260 67 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Amount raised by the town, " brought from poor account, Paid C. P. Swift & Son, $11 00 T. J. Mahan, tuning piano, 3 00 R. J. Baker, sundries, 50 J. F. Crowell, furniture, 17 10 Amos Book Co., 144 45 Silver, Burdett & Co., 6 67 Gmn & Co., 13 ig $250 00 59 (CSI l>,udEdward Babb & Co., Bcftl press Co., 11 41 $250 59 SUPPORT OF POOR. Amount raised by town, ^ 54 . .1, *183 76$183 76 1250 59 $3,000 00 Carried to incidcntaU, Town officers. Public buildings, SoUool supplies, Unexpended balance. 240 05 35 66 59 460 06 17 13 $3,000 00 $3,000 00 roads and bridges. Amount raised by town. Paid to L. R. Brown, Alfred Gorbam^ Joyce Taylor, $750 00 850 00 300 00 $1,900 00 $1,900 00 $1,900 00 STONE ROAD COMMITTEE. Amount hired, Paid to Dec. 31, 1900, Unexpended balance, $2,300 00 $2,014 47 285 53 Paid for 7 seals, COMMONB^EALTH. Paid B. T. Phillips, assistance, $6 56 Amanda DeSilva, burial expense, 35 00 REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Amount raised by the town, Taxes remitted, Unexpended balance, $496 69 3 31 $500 GO $500 00 J. USHER. Amount raised by the town, Paid J. Usher,$125 00 $125 00 SHELL FISH. Amount raised hy the town, Paid Richard Sears, Constable, Unexpended balance. $125 00 $d25 00 $100 00 $6 75 93 25 $100 00 $100 00 lUlE FIIOM CITIES AND TOWNS. m 00 64 20 56 00 127 50 7 63 $307 33 statement. Amount paid I.}-order of llio Selectmen drawn upon the Town Treasurer frvtra Jan. 1, 1900, to Jan. 1,1901: Auunmt drawn, $45,412 71 Incidentals, Fires. 570 - Musknita, 78 00 State aid, 377 00 Military aid, Support of schools, $»264 96 Town debts, 376 55 Town officers, 2,240 05 Repairs on public buildings, 235 66 Interest account, 2,344 21 Transportation, 599 86 Highway notes, 3,000 00 Taxes paid. 5,689 50 Tax notes. 15,500 00 Sloyd school, C...^QT■;n♦on.1ont r»f irhl^nls. 241 19 School supplies, Almshouse, Outside poor,Itoadp and bridges, Stone road, State, County, Taxes remitted, J. Usher, Jr., Shell fishery. Due from other cities. $250 59 907 54 1,615 27 -T,900 00 2,014 47 41 56 21 00 496 69 125 00 6 75 307 33 FINANCIAL standing OF THE TOWN DEC. 31, 1900. TOWN OWES. Scars Fund, note, State highway notes,Anticipation tax notes,Stone road notes,Bills unpaid estimated, CREDITS. Uncollccted taxes, 1899,Uneollected taxes, 1900,Due from cities and towns. '* State, $15,070 52 23.500 00 7.300 00 2,300 00 1,200 00 $49,370 52 $2,331 23 9,817 33 299 33 36 50 Sclcclmcn baluuce in the $1,166 98treasury, OuisUmaing orders, 1,362 81 Net debt Dec. 31, 1900, $2,529 79 $34,356 34 STEPHEN SEARS, CIIAS. R. BASSETT, henry blachford, Selectmen of Yarmouth. M5.01418 REPORT OF THE OVERSEERS OF THE POOR, 1900. lomntes of the Almshouse for the year endinff Dec Slst 1900: ® ' ... When committedAbigail Gage, 74 lg4g John Gray, " 55 lg33 Nalban Sears, 7g jggg Josephine Hohvay, 54 jggg Samuel Baker, 85 jggg No. of tramps, 23. POOR DEPARTMENT. ALUSllOnSE. Polly H. Sheiman, salary, " " suppliea, E. B. Hallelt, labor, D. S. Taylor, supplies, S. L. Robbins, *< R. J. Baker, •• Prank H. Hincklgr, ** R. K. Farris, •• Alfred Gorham, « labor, *' •* one cow, $262 50 6 62 22 D. D. Kelley, supplies, J. W. Howes, " Edmund Walker, wood, E. S. Tbacher & Co., supplies, S. W.Hall, Joyce Taylor, " E. D. Payne, Dr. Fulsifer, medical attendance, Ed. W. Eldridge, pigs, «« «• fertilizer, Lewis Kickerson, labor, I. L. Ellis, supplies, Isabel Lewis, •• T. T. Hallet, " Gintcr Grocery Co., " B. T. Gorham, " Anthony Sylver, " Matthews & Payne, fuel, John Sylver, labor. Cr. By T. W. Harris, 15 weeks' board, $2.50, Net cost, OUT OF ALMSHOOSE. NORTH SIDE. Lesion Robinson, medical atlcndance by Dr. Scars, $47 35 Lesion Robinson, supplies, E. S. Thacher & Co., 79 38 $15 GO 113 32 15 75 49 28 04 66 7 51 75 05 14 00 7 CO 7 00 7 50 1 50 4 41 5 95 14 06 4 50 15 25 37 65 1 50 $907 54 37 50 $870 04 J ! Leston Robinson, medicine, T. T. Hal- let, $50 99 Leston Robinson, wood, Edmund Walker, n 3 25 Leston Robinson, fuel, Matthews & Payne, 24 11 James T. Chase, shoesj B. T. Gorham, $1 50 " supplies, E. D. Payne, 7 38 Morris Gray, supplies, J. W. Howes, $3 00 rent, M. Hall. 30 00 " medical attendance. Dr. Pulsifer, 7 50 Morris Gray, medical attendance. Dr. Sears, 12 00 Morris Gray, nursing, S. Chase, 14 00 Ida Chase, fuel, E. Walker, " supplies, E. D. Pajme, " cost of son entering farm school, Ida Chase, medicine, T. T. Hallet, " support by Ruth Chase, " medical attendance by Dr. Sears, $4 50 15 60 17 03 4 20 35 00 8 50 Arch. Phillips, supplies, S. W. Hall, $15 01 " " " A. A. Knowles, 21 55 $205 08 8 88 66 50 84 83 36 56 Scth Wftlkor, medical nllcmlnnce, Dr. Tulsifer, , Solh AValkov, labor on wood, T. Chase, 1 00 Bciy, T. rhilUps, 1-2 froigbl on goods, $5 05 .« '» medical allendnnco, Dr. llobbins, 2 00 Mrs. Annie Cash, medical atlcndnnce, Dr. Sears, ^8 00 Mrs. Annie Cash, medicine, T. T. Hallct, 3 80 Mrs. Edna Prenlice, medical nltend- ance, Dr. Hobbins, $31 00 Mrs. Edna Prcnlico, medical nttcnd- nnce, Dr. Pulsifer, 5 00 Mrs. Walter Baker, to D. Colo, MONEY REFUNDED. By Ida Chase, By Scth Walkcr, Net cost, SOUTH SIDE. $522 70 ^514 95 Alice Robinson, fuel, S. Sears, $9 00 •• L. Fuller & Co., 6 18 *• moibeal atleiulance, Dr. Sears, ' ^0 Alice Robinson, rent, (o A. Farris, $9 50 " medicine, T. T. Hal-- 50 Mattie Chase, fuel, L. Fuller & Co., |3 50 " rent, A. Farris, 18 OO Idclla Kollcy, supplies, K. J. Baker, Polly Robinson, medical atlcndance, Dr. Sears, Timelier Ellis, medical sUondance, Dr. Scars, ^2 50 Tlmchcr Ellis, medicine, T. T. Hallol, 90 Jndah CImse, supplies, E. D. Kelloy, WEST VARMOLTH. Adresta Humes, fuel, F. P. Hallctt, $13 25 " on account of support, 48 00 Josiah F. Baker, rent, to E. Crowell, $8 66 " C. C. Crocker, 10 83 " " fuel, II, Blachford, 3 00 " F. P. Ilallett, 3 75 •• supplies, S. B. Mar- chant, 3 and L. Buck, supplies, Johnson&Co., $70 25 " S. W. Mitchell, 3 25 '* " H. Blachford, 19 00 *' " supplies, R. K. Farris, 6 70 *' " James E. Baxter, 4 20 " " J.Taylor, 4 00 K. luul li. Wuvk. siippVioB, K. P. n .« mclUoal nUciulanoe, Dr. ,, , 8 00Hnnw, K. nn.\ L. D«K'k, lucaUnU utUnukmce, Dr. Oleuvokuu\. 8 E. .uul 1>. lUu'k. Inkor. .1. F. KukorBon. 8 oOBU\n»Uc9, M. ^ rent, L. NiekorBon, 18 00 Z. Ikixtcr, 00 • Bupplios, J. IvCrowoll, 7 00 —■ •" I Alos. Cr,.vvcll. fnol, L. FuHw & Co., n 00" II. Dluchtoid, 20 50 ,, .t sni^pVioB, Joknson & Co., 1 30 incl. F. r. Uallctt, 10 00 Susan 11. llakor. sum'lioa, S. »•clmu(, " Sus.>n 11. llaliur, i«edu-»l nllcndance.Dr. Clc.avelimd, '0 23 James H^lway, supp.irt. O. Bacoh. H 00.. •» supplies, A. G. Cash, 23 95 Sus;in llfllK'tl, supplies, S. B. Man-hant, . Mr< J. DoSilvor, supplies, S. B. Mar-chant. ^18 00 ^l^^. J. Do.-^ilvor. siipi'lics, James E.lA . 5 00Baxter, Mrs J De'^iUer, iiieJieul iilteiulance,■ ■ Dr. Hams, 23 00 >161 00 Mrs. J. Do.Silvcr, nursing, Miss Pick, >20 00 " " " Mrs. Ilutncs, 9 00 West Ynvmoutli totiil, PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOIVNS. Loominster, Fred Smith, Iliirwich, SylvnnuH Crowell, Boston IIo9j)ilnl, Floronce Chase, " *' Alfred Gorham,Timnton Insano Asylum. Susan A. Baker, Medficld Insane Asylum, Mury A. Clirialcnsnn, $109 20 Mcilfield Insane Asylum, G. C. llinck- 109 20 Mass. School Feehle Minded. Bcsaie Robhins, STATEMENT. Amount raised by the town. Board, by Thom.as IV. Harris, Refunded by Ida Chase, *' Seth B'alkcr,Paid for Almsbouse, 1907 54 North Side Poor, 522 70 South " 104 07 IVest •' •< 438 61 Other Cities and Towns, 549 89 Carried to Incideotals, t( It Town Officers, tt tc Public Buildings, ti tt School Supplies, Unexpended balance, $183 76 240 05 35 66 59 62 38 $3,045 25 $3,045 25 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Falmouth, Barnstablc, Brewster, Boston, Dennis, State, $52 00 64 20 48 00 127 50 7 63 36 50 $335 83 STEPHEN SEARS, CHAS. R. BASSETT. HENRY BLACHFORD, Overseen of Poor. 1 REPORT OF THE ASSESSORS. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1900. Real estate, land, " buildings. Personal, $322,345 00 594,080 00 868,951 00 Total valuation.Tr^ $1,785,376 00 Taxes levied on real estate, $10,997 -10 personal estate, y 10,427 41.1^1, 012 00 It It tt «(polls. Total tax $22.,436 51 No. of polls, dwelling houses, cows, neat cattle other than cows, sheep, acres of Tand assessed, dogs licensed, persons liable to duty, residents assessed on property, 506 ^57 268 133 5 32 11,175 81 166 439 30 No. of non-residents assessed on property, " firms, corporations assessed on property, '• non-resident firms " persons assessed for poll tax only, Rate of taxation $12.00 per $1,000.00. County tax, State tax, 405 114 44 139 $3,228 70 $960 00 STEPHEN SEARS, CHAS. R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, Assessors oj Yarmouth. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. Note held by Tmstees, Jan. 1, 1900, Interest on same, Jan. 1, $15,107 63 906 46 $16,014 09 Paid Trustees, one year," $15 00 Interest on several payments, 57 Received from the town, ' j 90O 00Note given Jan. 1,1901, Y j 15,070 J)2 $16,014 09 STEFAN SEARS, T. T. HALLET. Irust/Ks., list of jurors. pnErARED BY THE SELEOIBEK. JaR- U, 1901. Francis W. Homer, Lafayette K. Chase, David D. Kelley, Alfred Gorham, David F. Sears, Seth Taylor, Daniel B. Taylor, Elisha T. Baker, Seth Kelley, Kilbum M. Taylor, Fred A. Baker, Charles F. Handy, AVm. Matthews, B. Crocker. Theodore F. Drew, Albert C. Snow, Edmund W. Eldi'dge, James A. Elbsi Geo. H. Kelleyi Geo. Hallet, 2d, E. L. Jenkins, IJelson Eldridge, Zenas P. Howes, Luther K. Brown, Gilbert Studley, Reuben Howes,MaRloBn-CroweU,^^^_^^ STEPHEN SEARS, CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACIIFORD, ^ekcUxen of Yarmouth. REroRT OF TOWN TREASURER. * Db. Jan. 1,1900, balance on hand,$1,068 01 Received from Town ol Falmuuth,52 00 <C " Brewster,88 88 .City of Boston,162 00 ft C Town of Bamstable,79 37 <«" Dennis, ^7 79 <1 " Dennis, acct. Bass River Lower Bridge, 1899,82 19 cc Judge F. C. Swift, conrt fines.7 41 County Treasurer, dog licenses,209 44 " •• bounty on seals,21 00 fi County Treasurer, account "Bass Kver Lower Bridge, 1899,41 12 Reuben Howes, auctioneers li cense.2 00 <<Wm. H. Kelley, peddlePs li cense.6 00 r 4»tiUther R. Brown, aociioneet's license.i 00 • 4 John Silver, license.1 00 • 4 Wm. Cash, license,1 00 -•7r 'p'wsm 34 Received from Joseph Crowell. oyster Hcense, »i F. C. Swift, attorney, account Emily Buck and others, 4< sale of fork, hoe, wheelbarrow, etc., .4 Geo.H. Cash, F.W. Chase fine, »4 Fish Committee, season 1900, 44 money refunded, 44 " " 44 fish pound permit, H. Young, 44 «' Jas.R. Baker, 44 Joshua Crowell, Chairman I School Committee, 4* interest Burial Fund, 44 use of Salt Meadow, 44 Thomas W. Harris, tor board, 44 State Treasurer, viz.: Income Mass, school fund. Corporation tax, additional, 1899, Temporary support State pau pers, Corporation tax, 1900, Nat'l bank *' *' Military aid, *• State " Compensation, inspection of animals, Old Colony R. R.. account of forest fires, Seth Taylor, Collector, 1898. in ^11, 44 Seth Tuvlor, 1899, $2 00 415 00 2 10 10 00 237 85 6 00 1 75 1 00 1 00 160 67 25 00 1 50 37 50 255 52 51 30 ■45 06 2.662 36 1,047 08 69 00 374 00 34 58 527 75 1,413 49 8,750 25 35 Received from Seth Taylor, 1900, $14,207 93 Money borrowed in anticipation of taxes, 1900, 12,300 00 " , account So. Yarmouth road, 2,300 00 Cr. B}- town orders paid. By balance on hand, Due from Seth Taylor, Collector: For taxes 1899, For taxes 1900, Town owes: In anticipation taxes 1900, State highway notes, South Yarmouth road, Burial funds in hands of the Town Treasurer:Received from Geo. N. Sraalley, ** John F. Crocker, " Estate Louisa G. Nickerson, Invested in notes Town of Yarmoulb. $46,770 90 $44,241 11 2,529 79 $46,770 90 $2,331 23 9,817 33 $12,148 56 $7,300 00 23,500 00 2,300 00 $33,100 00 $500 00 250 00 50 00 $800 00 \VM. J. DAVIS, Toim Treasurer. VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1900.BIRTHS REGISTERED IN 1900.Piitrof Rirlh. Xnino of Child.Jiin. 11. Frnnk Ilownrd Nickcreon,12. Florence Hiindnll Vincent,Feii. 7. Isfthclla K. Wlielclen,1«. .Madeline Lewis,.Mar. i;t. Minnie May Bunker,Apr. d. IIclon Louise Denn,2"). Ansclin Vnii,^Iiiv 21. Ft-raide Kenney,27. Abby Louise Cash,July X. Beatrice Eleanor Crowell,l'>. Frank LaRose,1.^. Male Kevcney,Aii^r- 1''. Henry Irving IJray,.Sept. rt. Beatrice Augusta Arey,Dec. 22. Female.I'nrents,Howard F. and Mary.Herbert and Mary Leo.Arunali and Julia.Joseph jM. and Olivia S.Fred M'. and Kate R.Edward B. and Carrie M.Alec and Be.ssio.\Vin- H. and Jo.mnn.Clinrlcs and Grace C.Stephen and Annie E.Joseph and Marie. •John B. and Sarah L.Henry D. and Grace E.Amos E. and Charity B.r>»te of Dcnih.DEATHS REGISTERED IN IDOO.Nnnip. Dlicaae.AgoFeb.11.8.14.Mnr. B. Smith,Wulson Tbacbcf,Susan Sinitli,Jose C. DcSilver,Arimnda DeSiiver,Elisim Taylor,Charles 11. Howard,Ensign C. Fuller,Bridget Cash.Helen M»(th(HV8,Marin A. Sfiidley,Abbie Ba.xter,Henry C. Tliachcr,John Carver Robbins,Hannah S. Thachcr,Lewis Long,Franklin M. Eldridgo,Knnih Olive Matthews,Lewis F. Sloeum,Jorusha Baker,Dilntntiuii of the heart,'I'onsilitis,Valvular disease of the heart,Para lysis,Pncuuionin,Pneuinoiiln,Old age and la grippe,Old ago ftn<l l.a grippe.Old age and In grippe,Dilatiition of the heart,Old ago.Pneumonia,Aeiite diahetis.Apoplexy,Primary latoral sclerosis,Heart disease,Arterio sclerosis,Ahspsses of the liver, appendicitis,PlHhi.sis,Paresis,LaOrippe,Y.3r.D.. 8212647883547162335360489111984913761085410249061282119427065.3296267571620813649602460423 ■|i ■-ivrjflor.rrr-^'-n]t IDiitf "f l)<*»lll.NntiiP.DEATHS REGISTERED IN 1900:DIscaRP.iliinp.1 ul.vAii;r.>p|'t,( >. t.Sopt,< >< tNov.8.14.1 "».21.27.2'.'.1 1 .1 .7.IT.2';.2.1 2.31 .1.3..Viiios A. Kelley,Lucy .L Matthcw.-i,Sanlli M. Ilimling,(icorLT'' Ilallclt,.\nnic K. limy,(ico. Munroo Hawkins,Kirliiird II. ilson,l*"r<"'lcric Crowcll,Jolin Mimser,11 innali Crosby,>in :ih L. EUlridge,(itMci' l'liHchcr Putnam,ItiTunrd L. linker,'I'liomas Ryder,lli-airicc E. Arey,Miiry A. McDowell,L:i:ic C. Baker,i:ditU May il«)wlnnd,Nollio. M. Cash,Frank Azerade,('ordelia C. Howes,Paralysis,Organic disease of the heart,Chronic gastritis,Ijoconiotor ataxy,Cardiac embolism,Intersticial nephritis.Paralysis,Senile asthma,Senility,Heart di»ea.se.Cancer,Apoplexy of cerebral.Cardiac dilitation.Carcinoma of the neck.Infant.Fibroid tumor.Cerebral paresis.Consumption,Capillary bronchitis.Congestion of the lungs.Dementia,Age,Y.M.D.60273111468664114716757776116796822479284631845616011108551764117651028331839581[!73!=^I >iirp of I>enth.DEATHS REGISTERED IiV 1900.Name Disease.Dec. 2. Thacher White Arey,G. Andrew H. Eldridge,7.^ Susan Crowell,8. George S. Whelden,II. Henry D. Montcalm,20. Matthews C. Gray,Laryngitis and bronchitis,Old age and cancer.Paralysis,Croup,Diphtberetic croup.Heart disease.Age.Y.28474 10M.3474 D.82 1311 2333 12 T 40 MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1900. Due.Xime of Groom esd Bride.lire. Jan. 1.Amos K. Haswell,27 Hattie May Snow,21 Jan. 10.Tbacher Taylor,34 Mary J. Ferguson,28 Mar. 8.Cbas. Cash,27 Grace C. Baker,16 Apr. 21.Osborne H. Chase,59 Lizzie Breslow,28 Apr. 24.Franklin F. (kjllins.30 Katie Hclcnii Harte,27 May 13.Ellis P. Baker,27 Annie Owen,29 June 9.Joseph F. Nickerson,58 Lucretia A. Baxter,45 June 24.Chester M. Baker,25 Helena A. Harris,31 Sept. 30.Willis Clinton Taylor,21 Ella Baxter Marcbant,19 Oct. 12.Effin G. G. Chalk,21 Ella Cash,20 Oct. 29.Gee. H. Van Putten,30 Geneva E. Cash,23 Dec. 5.Herbert Moutcalm,26 Elizabeth C. Moutcalm,27 Dec. 9.Rufus C. Gorbam,28 Helen 0. Baxter,23 t |! Diu. Dec. 11. Dec. 25. Dec. 25. Dec. 26. 41 Ktmc of Grooo oad Bride. John R. Baxter, Margaret Howes, Herbert C. Davis, Lizzie M. Dean, Blanchard F. Hicks, Maria E. Taylor, William 0. Swan, Sarah E. Whittemore, Age. 27 24 24 21 28 28 23 25 In compliance with the requirements of the law, I hereby give notice that I have on hand blanks for the return of births and deaths. J. DAVIS, Toxcn Clerk. 43 ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ALFRED GOUHAM IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. LABOR ON ROADS, BRIDGES, FENCES, ETC. Geo. U. Baker,153 hours, 30c.,$4 74 Osborne E. Baker,153 " "4 74 K. Win. Park,14i *• 20c.,2 90 Patrick Morgan,43J •* "8 70 Amos Arey,14i "2 90 Sylvanus T. Cash,11 •'2 20 Albert Taylor,22 " •'4 40 Albert Taylor,10 ¨¨ 30c.,3 00 James Gorham, 37 loads gravel, 5c.,1 85 Albert Taylor,5 hours, 60c.,3 00 Geo. Ilallet, 2d,5 " 40c.,2 00 F. J. Bobbins,8 20c.,1 60 Wm. D. Loring,6J " '♦1 30 J. Usher, Jr.,15 " "3 00 J. Usher, Jr.,10 " 4.5c.,4 50 D. Ferguson.Ill " 20c.,2 25 Annie F). Fisher, 10 IojhIIs gravel, .5e.,50 K. S. Mei arla,14 ln)urs, 20e.,2 80 S. L. Bobbins,..1 20 All're<l Gorham, ('-i loaibI gravel, .5i'.,3 1.5 Amos E. Arey, 1 hour.20 Patruk Morgan,33 hours,6 00 A. D. Baker,5 hours.20c.,$1 00 Michael Keveney, 1 hour,20 Patrick Heficman,5 «•44 1 00 Amos Arey,24 "44 4 30 Chas. Cahoon,17 "44 3 40 S. T. Cash,24 ••44 4 80 A. L. Phillips,17 ♦«44 3 40 J. W. Hamblin, 17 hours, horse, 15c 2 55 Albert Taylor,8 hours 30c.,2 40 Albert Taylor, 9 hrs., 45c.$4.05; 7 hrs., horse. 15c., $1.05,5 10 S. H. Hamblin, 36 loads clay, 5c.,1 80 Wm. Matthews, 15 loads clay, 5c.,75 J. Usher, Jr.,47 hours, 45c.,2i 15 J. 6. Ilallct,44 ••44 19 80 P. E. Ilannan,41 "44 18.45 Patrick Morgan,49 «•20c.,9 80 Wm. Cash,49 "41 9 80 E. B. Dean,49 44 9 80 Alfred Baker,49 "44 9 80 H. H. Baker,465 "44 9 30 Goo. L. Bobbins,40J "«4 8 10 Clarence Cha.se,465 «•44 9 30 E. F. Smith,355 "44 7 10 J. P. Cash, Jr.,45 "44 9 00 John Silver,205 "44 4 10 J. A. Keveney,385 "44 7 70 W. E. Montcalm,2 4%40 J. A. Ellis,133 "44 2 75 J. A. Ellis, '.3 "30c.,90 W. Ellis,113 "20c.,2 35 C. L. Xickeison,113 "44 2 35 Ellis,2 "44 40 Joseph C. Chase, 13 hours, 20c. Frcemau Cash, 16 " •« Geo. Van Piitten, 3 •• •« Geo. Van Putten, 16 " 30c. H. A. Cobb, 13 " •• H. A. Cobb, 5J " 20c. J. P. Cash, Jr., 15 «• •• J. G. Hallet, 15 " 45c. Patrick Morgan, 37 «• 20c. E. B. Dean, 34 " " Chas. Cahoon, 9 «• «• Isaiah L. Ellis, 9 « •> S. T. Cash, 9 " •• Setb Tai-Ior, 9 '« 30c. E. S. Mecarta, 9 " ♦« Albert Taj-lor, 9 " 45c. James Gorham, 45 loads grarel, Sc., E. S. Chase, 9 hours, 30c., H. A. Cobb, 9 loads clay, 5c., J. Usher, Jr., F. E. Lewis, Seth Taylor, horse," •• material, Charles Cahoon, Amos Arey, Archelus Phillips, F. C. Baker, F. I. Bobbins, E. S. Chase, IViiithrop Cahoon, Alton Walker, S. T. Cash, E. S. Mecarta, 12^ hours, 45c., 37 hours, 20c., 37 " •• 12 60 J. W. Hamblio,37 hoars, 45c.,416 65 3 20 !Geo. Hallet, 2d,37 16 65 60 1 ^Albert Taylor,37 4< tl 16 65 4 80 <<1 (1 20 3 90 1 Naomi Montcalm, 115 loads clay. Sc.,5 75 1 10 Heirs Edward Thacher,58 loads gravel, 5c.,2 90 3 00 i ,Edmund Walker,9 hours, 40c.,3 60 6 75 i 'i J. T. Chase,10 " 20c.,2 00 7 40 Clarence Chase,16 4i (i 3 20 6 80 I ^R. W. Park,19i «3 90 1 80 i Patrick Heffernan,12 • ( 4t 2 40 1 80 I J. Usher, Jr.,29J " 45c.,13 28 1 80 !E. F. Smith,16J 20c.,3 30 2 70 , 1 fi " 30c.,2 55 2 70 Albert Baker,3 " 20c.,60 4 05 Gideon Matthews,u 44 44 30 2 25 Allen Cash, Jr.,31 44 t<6 20 2 70 j 1 j Amos Arey,10 41 44 2 00 45 S. T. Cash,10 44 14 2 00 5 63 Geo. Hallet, 2d,5 44. 44 1 00 2 00 J Winthrop Cahoon,5 44 ^4 1 00 1 65 1 1 E. 8. Mecarta,5 " 30c.,1 50 3 00 9 •J Albert Taylor,10 " 45c.,4 50 7 40 S. H. Ilamblin, 20 loads clay , Sc.,1 00 7 40 James Gorham, 6 "gravel, 5c.,30 7 40 Patrick Morgan,49 hours, 20c.,9 80 7 40 Edmund Walker,Si 44 41 50 1 60 Geo. H. Baker,7 iCO 2 10 5 GO 0. E. Baker,7 14 44 2 10 5 40 Charles Cahoon^25 " 20c.,5 00 5 40 D. A. Nickerson,10 •• 25c.,2 50 7 CO .4mos Arey,25 " 20c.,5 00 11 10 J. l">lier, Jr.,35 " 20c.,75 46 AIl»orl Taylor, 10 hours, 2nc., $2.50; 12 hours, n 20c., $2.40; 4 hours, 30c., $1.20, E. S. Mccarta, Heirs Nathan Hallot, Annie E. Fislier, Albert Taylor, Geo. Hallet, 2d, Isaiah Ellis, Clarence' Baker, J. A. Cash, 20 hours, 30c., 20 loads clay, 5c., 20 4 hours, 40c., 4 8^ " 20c., 174 i* .i 3J SOc., Oliver Hallet, 5 hours, 20c., $1.00; 12 hours, 40c., $4.80 ; 20 loads gravel, 10c., $2.00, Burt Cash, 4 houi-s, 20c., F. I. Robbins, 7^ " '♦ Allen Cash, 32 - "Albert Taylor, 5 hours, 60c., $3.00; 3 houi-s, 40c., $1.20; 7 hours, 30c., $2.10, $6 10 6 00 1 00 00 60 60 70 50 00 7 80 80 1 50 6 40 6 30 Amos Arey, lOJ hours, 20c.,2 10 Geo. Hallet, 2d, 8 " 40c.,3 20 Patrick Heffeniao, • 16 20c.,3 20 Edmund W.alker, - IJ ii 25 Patrick Morgan, 40 44 44 8 00 Albert Taylor, 15 •' 30c.,4 50 I. L. Ellis, 14 '• 20c.,2 80 ■\Villiiim P. Bray, 17 .i 3 40 S. T. Cash, 8 i. ..1 60 E?t.ate Oliver Goihain, C loa.ds gravel, Sc.,30 p. E. Hannan, 11 hours, 300.,3 30 Seth Taylor, 9 4 b 4 4 2 70 Reuben Howes, 10 20c.,2 00 J. E. Olar, 1 20 .Seth Taylor, carting stone.50 E. S. Mecartji, 8 hours, 30('.,2 40 47 8 hours, 20c., 6J 143 " lOJ 3i H m 4 30e., «( 20c., E. F. Eldredge, Alfred Baker, Williuiu D. Loring, George H. Baker, O. E. Baker, Geo. L. Robbins, Patrick Morgan, A. D. Baker, Henry Blachford, iron fence, as per bill, J. G. Hallet, as per bill, C. M. Bray, ** H. G. Phillips, " D. A. Niekerson, B. Hall, " ■ E. L. Sears, as per bills, E. B. Hallett, Thacher Taylor, H. R. Usber, John Hinckley & Son, " Alfred Gorbam, labor and expense on roads and highway's. Drawn from Selectmen, $850 00 Geo. W. Simpklns, credit, 10 00 $860 00 THKB WAKDEN ACCOUNT. Reuben Howes, Luther R. Brown, .loyce Taylor, - .\lfred Gorbam, Drawn from Selectmen, 47^ hours, 20c., 10 ** 10 •• 27J •* $19 00 $1 60 30 95 15 05 05 50 80 28 00 1 80 12 35 3 00 2h 00 27 95 20 50 15 31 129 98 $860 00 $9 50 2 00 2 00 5 50 $19 00 $19 00 8N0W ACGOUNTi E. F. Smith,8^ hours,20c., Herbert Vincent,7 44 Geo. Robbins,6 44 A. J. Dean,3 li 40c., C. M. Bray,3i ««44 H. D. Bray,t4 20c.. Fred AV. Chase,3 («44 H. M. Chase,24 ti 44 , John Silver,6 *<44 Reuben Howes,64 44 M. Keveney, Jr.,6 {«44 Jos. Dickson,34 ««15e., Oliver Hallet,24 il 20c., Oliver Hallet, Jr.,24 ««II J. T. Chase,3 (1 II John Keveney,6 <4 14 J. A. Keveney,3 44 14 AV. D. Chase,3 44 41 Clarence Chase,3 44 41 C. A. Chase,14 44 li Jona. Usher,14 44 li D. Ferguson,24 .4 Jona. Usher, Jr.,4 44 li A. C. Snow,3 4(li A. D. Baker,13 t(1 i AA'm. Shields,8 < <44 J. A. Cash,7 (<44 E. B. Dean, CO («1 i E. F. Dean,n 1 (i 4 Alfred Baker,6 <t 1 4 H. H. Baker,7 • t 4 4 A\'. F. Morgan,8 t i i t $1 70 1 40 1 20 1 20 1 40 70 60 50 1 20 1 30 1 20 53 50 50 60 I 20 60 60 60 30 30 50 80 60 35 1 60 1 40 1 65 30 1 20 1 40 1 60 J. A. Morgnn, Ray M. Hullet, Amos E. Arey, J. G. Bray, E. S. Meciirtn, Amos Arey, H. A. Colib, J. C. Chase, Geo. Van Putten, Jeremiah Chase, Frank Chase, Freeman Cash, S. T. Cash, J. E. Olar, Alton "Walker, A. J. Dean, 6 hours, 40c., $1.80, . W. E. Montcalm, Patrick Morgan, R. W. Park, Geo. W. Ryder, J. W. Lack, Thacher Taylor, Allen Cash, Jr., A. L. Phillips, Sidney Phillips, Charles Cahoon, F. I, Robbins, Wm. D. Loring, B. R. Howes, Albert Taj'lor, V m. P. Bray, E- S. Chase, Y-4 8 hours, 20c., » .. 3 «• 6} •• • •» 8 ** . 5| •« •• •<* «• 20c., $1.20; 4^ hours, 12J hours, 20e., 15^44 44 1 44 9 44 44 8 14 C 44 <1 H 44 41 H 44 II 1 44 11 44 20cm 8 44 4ft 3 44 II n 44 11 11 44 II 11 44 ii lU 1 4 li K. (i. NioKorsoii, E. W. KKlri.lgis K. L. Klilriiliroi U. S. Niokcmm, E. C. Uiikcr, Sotli Wnlkor, J. A. Kllio* ,1. 0. UoUiuHon, C. W. Kllis, 0. I'. Niokoiwiu Chnrlcs Kllist E. C. Uruv, E. U. Hrnj-» J. \V. Suiilh, W. E. Nickerson, Z. A, Sliornmn» \V. E. Ciiboon, E. S. Cash, L. A. Sherman, B. Scare* Pat\torlh WhcUlen, M. F. Grey. H. D. Ellis, C. E. Chase, G- n. Baker. O. E. Baker, Clms. Cash, Allen Cash, Arehelus Bhillips, W'm. H. MaUhcws, >Vm. Cash, I. L. Ellis, Ivaiah Ellis. 11A hnuret 20c.fz nw GO I 40 1 40 1 70 1 70 1 60 1 06 1 65 1 65 1 00 1 70 1 70 1 60 1 60 1 GO 2 20 80 1 60 1 60 1 60 1 60 1 65 1 65 2 00 2 00 1 40 1 50 1 50 1 Oil 1 fin 1 5(1 1 5ii W. K. Ellis, 7i E. K. niiinhliii, 2^ J. U. Brny, 5^ C. M. Bray, 4 Ensign Cash, 4 W. F. Brny, 8 Geo. F. Bray, 8 Alfred no\Yland, 9 B'inthrnp B'iley, 9 J. Vk . ilanihlin, 4j Elcnzcr Niekorson, 4 Alfred Gorhiim, as per bill, Drawn from.Selectmen, 7i h(re, 20c., n (( H 4t 4 40c., 4 10c., 8 20c., 8 «i 9 9 15c.. 4d 20c., 4 « «4 1157 13 L. R. HROWX, ROAD TOMMISSIONKR, IX ACCOUNT or YAILMOCTII, 1900. John G. Sears, g| Imurs, 20c., F. M. Crowcll, 20 *• n. F. Crowcll, 20 ♦* «• S. Crowell, ■ 20 ** ♦* Alburtus Crowell, 20 *• A. "IV. Cahoon, 20 ♦♦ •• B'. F. Cahoon, 20 " Austin B'hitteniore, 20 *« *• I. B'. Ellis, 14 M 30c!■ T. Ellis, 14 .. 30(,^ E. E. Ellis, ' 15 •« «t Nol.-on Baker, 16 «« ** Y. B'ixon, 20 •« •• II. Oliver. 15 4. t • B. Homer, 15 an.. B. Homer, ' G. L, Ryder, ! Clarence Baker, ] E. Ellis, : ,T. Cotell, : W. Cotell, Leander Baker, E. N. Baker, E. D. Kelley, shells, D. M. Chase, D. A. Phillips, shells, Lesion Gray, John Goodwin, T. E. KeUe3', Joseph Cotell, J. Baker, T. Ellis. J. U. Baker. S. B. Baker. C. B. Oliver, N. L. Eldridgc, AViliiam Eldridge, R. C. Baker, U. H. Sears, E. Baker, G. H. Loring, J. L. Baker, AVm. Ryder, I. F. Homer, M. II. (^rowell, repairs L. H. Baker, Collins, 20 hours, 20c., 20 •* " 15 " " en «( «« 20 " 30c., 30 " 30c., 30 " 20c., t< •« " 30c., 20c., " 30c., ii 44 44 (4 20c., «< <( on steel hoes, 20 hours, 20c., 2U 30c., $4 00 4 00 3 00 . 4 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 2 50 9 00 9 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 20 3 00 9 00 4 00 7 50 8 00 7 50 6 00 2 00 5 00 6 00 3 00 4 00 6 OU 1 2f. 4 00 6 OO Lewis Baker, G. Studley, J. G. Sears, " loam, A. B. Baker, Ahira Baker, D. S. Baker, 0. M. Brown, Albert Baker, C. Sherman, B. Cotell, G. Kelley, Albert Cotell, IV. C. Brown, J. Baker, T. D. Brown, W. H. Hurst, John Baker, 44 B. S. Taylor, n F. Myrick, E. P. Baker, AV. Gaboon, Charles Ellis, loam, E. N. Baker, 0. Baker, Parrington& Small, J. K. Eldridge, 0. Sherman, Isiiac Ellis, S. P. Baker, A, Baker. Allie Ellis. 30 hours, 20c. 30 •* •« 20 «♦ 30 44 44 16 41 2a 25 44 30 10 44 44 15 44 20 SO 44 4« 20 44 44 20 44 44 10 44 44 30 44 3a 30 44 44 30 .44 44 10 44 44 20 44 15< 10 41 20 44 3a 20 44 44 10 14 20. 10 44 3a 20 44 20 )e, 15 44 30 7 44 20 ■ 5 44 44 2 44 30 A. W. Cfthoon, E. P. Baker, 2 lioiirs, 16c., II. F. Crowell, 2 " " J. P. C. Goodwin, 8 •• •* John Eldridge, 8 '* 30c., A. Oihoon, 2 •• 20c.. J. R. Baker, 25 •• Kohorl Clark, 2.5 " G. F. Matthews, 20 " " \Vm. Fuller, 2 " E- P. Baker, li " 30e., Alonzo Kelley, 3 " 1. C. Scars, loam, ReulK'n Baker, 31 ** '* Isyiac Ellis, 17 hrs., 30e., S. K. Ci'owell, 27 la's., 30o.; 74 lirs., 15e., Fred Weeks, 10 hrs.. 3(V.: 7J hre., 15c., llirani E. Baker, 14 hours, 30c. \ 3J hrs., 15e., W. X. Hall, 484 hours, 30e.. Oshorn Baker, 47 loads clay, 5c., 2 Cl ii 8 11 ii 8 li ,30c.. 2 11 20c.. 25 4i ii 2.5 li ii 20 ii ii 2 «i ii li ii 30e., 3 ii ii L. U. Bniwn s hill, labor and material. $0 45 30 30 1 20 8 40 40 5 00 5 00 4 00 40 45 90 17 30 9 30 5 IC 9 2^ A li 4 7! 14 51 2 3, $98 49 124 60 $223 C i.rTJir.K K. is itm ihk t«o\n <»f ^ \i;\ioi TH. lOOO. 1). M. Chase, A. Whittomore, A. Howard, >NO\\. OA hours, 40e., it.A 2IK., hi •• •• J. IV. Baker, F. M. Wixon, W. H. Bilker, C. C. Baker, 0. H. Chase, W. F. Gaboon, Clifton Baker, H. A. Baker, F. E. Baker, E. P. Baker, F. F. Collins, J. Matthews, A. W. Gaboon, U. Baker, E. F. Whittemore, M. B. Gole, W. P. Purrington, 1. Ellis, E, Gbase, Allie Ellis, B. Cotell, U. H. Sears, J. HobiDson, Ahini Baker, Nelson Baker, J. L. Baker, Leo Taylor, S. F. Robhins, H. Oliver, ■I. C. Baker, 8. B. Baker, I. B. Homer, L. R. Cbaimian, 6J hours, 20c., 6 «i «• 44 " " 44 ** •• 6 ** *• 54 *' «• 4| " " • 54 •* " 6 ** •* 6 ** »i 3 »* 60c., 3 20c., 6 *♦ »• 5 ** *• 6 ** 64 ** 5 *♦ .* 4 «( «4 43 " " 13 " 8 >4 74 •* 14 44 ... 5 *• . «« 43 2 44 44 24 •« ♦♦ 2 44 t( 2 4* »« 44 •• 44 •• " 44 4, 44 (4 4( 4, 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 $1 30 1 20 90 90- 1 20 1 10 95 110 1 20 1 20 1 80 60 1 20 1 00 1 20 . 1 30 1 00 80 95 35 I 20 1 50 30 1 00 95 40 50 40 40 90 90 1 40 1 20 W. F. Cotell, H. Cotell, Allen B. Baker, D. M. Cbaae, L. K. Brown, S. K. Crowell, I. Hull, N. K. Crowell, J, K. Eldridge, L. T. Eldridge, W. B- Fuller, S. N. Cliapinun, Geo. Howard, D. S. Taylor, F. M. Johnson, H. L. White, L. H. Baker, C. Baker, T. D. Brown, J. H. Baker, J. G. Seurs, J. Ch:ise, II. W. Taylor, H. Chase, C. B. Oliver, T. E. Kellcy, N. L. Eldridge, A. B. Baker, G. Studley, W. H. Hurst. S. Roldtins, E. Cole, K. D. liolunsoD, 4 hours.20c.,ID 80 3?44 44 *75 24 40c..1 00 24 44 1 00 4 44 1 60 74 <4 20c.,1 50 74 44 1 50 54 .44 1 10 5 44 44 1 00 44 44 85 54 44 1 05 5i 44 1 15 3 44 44 60 5 44 1 00 3 44 44 60 3 44 44 60 54 44 44 1 10 2 is 40 2 it 44 40 4S 44 95 34 14 44 65 34 44 65 54 4ft I 10 .2 44 • 44 40 F. II. Hurst, L. R. Brown, 57 li hours, 20c.,$0 30 6 10 $75 85 L. R. llRO\\-X, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF TARMOUTH, YEAR 1900. Drawn from Town Treasurer on account of roads and bridges. On sDow account. Expended on roads, •' Runn Bridge, Stone drain, Bass River Lower Bridge, Town purap, Snow, $579 49 62 98 22 00 73 08 14 12 75 85 $750 00 78 00 $828 00 827 52 $0 48Balance due town, $0 48 JOYCE TAYLOR, ROAD COMMISSIONER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, By labor on roads, Cr, Ansel Taylor, , .25 hours, 20c.,$5 00 Fernandus Baker,20 " 30c.,6 00 .loshua S. Baker,20 it «4 6 00 luither^C. Buck,24^'* 20c.,4 90 11. B. Chase,17 •' 30c.,5 10 s P 58 Horace P. Baxter, 8 hrs. 30c., ^8.70, W. F. Baker, Darius Cotelle, Cyrus Sears, D. B. Taylor, Timothy Cotell, S. "NV. Mitchell, Ellis P. Baker, R. Lewis Taylor, E. Crowell, E. Eickerson, J. J. 20c., n.60;29hrs. 29 hours, 50c., 284 • i 30c., 27 44 20c., 27 44 15c., 20 44 30c., 27 44 44 16 44 20c., 27 44 14 20 44 30c. 27 44 30c., $8.10,Fernandas Baker. 7 br,.. 20c., «1.40; 9 br.., 30c., $2.70,. W. F. Baker, Luther C. Buck, J. S. Baker, Benj. C. Sears, J. E. Crowell, Darius Cotell, Walter Baker, Benj. Gifford, Darius Cotell, 9 h 30c., $5.40, Timothy Cotell, Ellis P. Baker, Timothy Cotell, t. '• 11. Hallet's hill, loam. 36 hours, 20c., 34 •( •• 9 •• 30c., 27 «• 15c., 27 ** 30c., 9 s* 25c., 7 20c., 27 (i , 20c., $1.80; 18 hrs. 9 34 9 18 hours, 25c., «• 20c., SI * 4 .. .30c., $10 30 5 80 8 55 . 5 40 4 05 6 00 8 10 3 20 5 40 6 00 8 10 16 20 4 10 7 20 6 80 2 70 4 05 8 10 2 25 1 40 5 40 7 20 2 25 6 80 I 80 5 40 10 00 Joyce Taylor, 59 333^ hours, 15c., 180 " 20c., 75 " 30c., Dr. Drawn from Town Treasurer, $50 03 36 00 22 50 $298 80 $aOO 00 JOYCE TAYLOU, ItOAD COMMISSIONEU, IN ACCOinn' WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH. SNOW ACCOUNT. Cr. John Hallett,8 hours, 15c.,$1 SO Timothy Cotell,6J " 20c;,. 1 30 Timothy Cotell,3 " 15c.,45 Stanley H. Crowell,H " 20c.,70 N. A. Heikel,6 44 44 1 20 Ellis P. Baker,2 44 44 40 Benj. Gifford,8 44 . 44 1 60 Darius Cotell,3 44 44 60 Darius Cotell,3 " 15cm 45 J. S. Baker,H ." 20cm 1 30 Geo. S. Taylor,4 44 44 80 Fcrnaudiis Baker,8 44 44 1 60 F. Rich,6i 44 44 1 SO W. F. Baker,44 44 1 30 Arthur Baker,8 44 44 1 60 Clu'ster Marchant,H 44 44 1 70 Suretti Kittila,13 44 44 .2 60 .loni Kittila,44 14 1 30 1) 11. Taylor,4i 44 1 30 Jos. W. Tripp,64 hours, 20c., Frank Tripp,3 •10c., Ansel Taylor,8 •20c., J. Hallett, ,H * Gilbert Lewis,4} '(« Nymph.Ts Chase,3^ *ii Arunah Whelden,H IC Fred Howard,b *it Joyce Taylor,48 •II Dr. To cash drawn from treasury. $39 90 $40 00 AUDITORS'REPORT, * The Auditors having exiimined the nocomits of the several officers make the following report: TOWN TREASURER. WILLIAM J. DAMS. Rnlance on hand, Jamiaiy 1,1900, $1,068 01 Received from Tax Collector and all other sources, 45,702 89 Paul prders from Jan. 1,1900, to Jan. 1.1901. $44,241 11 Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1901, 2,529 79 Outstanding orders, $1,362.81. $46,770 90 $46,770 90 SELECTMEN. STEPHEN SEARS, CHAIRUAK. f^rilct's drawn hy Selectmen on Town Treas urer from dun. 1. IHOU. t.i Jan. 1, 1901, $45,412 71 Aiiuium of receipts, vouchers, $45,412 71 62 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. ALFRED GORHAM. Dniwn from Town Treasurer for roads, From other sources, $850 00 10 00 Paid out, repairs ou roads. $860 00 860 00 SNOW ACCOUNT. Drawn from Town Treasurer for snow. Paid out ou snow. $157 13 157 13 LUTHER R. BROWN. Drawn from Town Treasurer for roads and bridges, Drawn from Town Treasurer for snow. $750 00 78 00 $828 00 Expended, Balance due town. $827 52 48 $828 00 JOYCE TAYLOR. Drawn from Town Tre:i6uror for roads, • » •' »• snow. $300 00 40 00 $340 0(» Paid out on roads, enow, Balance due the town, $298 08 39 90 2 02 $340 00 63 ALFRED GORHAU, TREE WARDEN. Drawn from town. Paid out, lalmr on trees, $19 00 $19 00 FISH COMMITTEE. Csisli received tor permits sold, perch "44 44 $541 00 8 35 $549 85 Paid for printing, etc., Fish Committee, Town of Yarmouth, " Dennis, $3 25 70 40 237 85 237 85 $549 35 SCHOOLS. E. W. ELDRIDGE, TREASURER. Amount raised by town, $3,800 00 " " from Dog Tax and State Fund, 464 96 $4,264 96 Support of Schools, $4,264 64 Expended, less than appropriation, 32 $4,264 96 REPORT TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. Note of the town, held by Trustees, Jan. 1, 1900. - $15,107 63 liUc'iost on same to Jan. 1, 1901, 906 46 $16,014 09 ..L.. 1..L, Paid Trustees, H5 00 Paid interest on seveml payments, - - 28 67 Received from town, . fOO 00 Note given Jan. 1, 1901, 15,070 52 $16,014 09 TAX COLLECTORS' REPORT. Amount due from Collectors Jan. 1, 1900. for 1898-1899, $12,494 97 Amount collected in 1900, 10,163 74 Balance due on 1899 tax, — Amount of taxes for 1900, $24,025 26 Collected during 1900, 14,207 93 Balance due on 1900 tax, $2,331 23 9,817 33 Amount due from Collector, for 1899 and 1900, $12,148 56 E. D. PAYNE, D. B. CROCKER, Auditors. TOWN MEETING WARRANT. Barnstable, SB. To either of the Constables in the Town of Yarmouth in the county of Bamstahle, Greetino : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify t he inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth, qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town House on Monday, the eleventh day of February next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act , on the following articles, vis.: Art. 1. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meet ing. Art. 2. To elect the following named officers all on one ballot under the Australian ballot system as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman for three (3) years, one Asses sor for three (3) years, one Overseer of the Poor for three (3) years. Town Clerk for one (1) year, Town Treasurer for one (1) year, one School Committee for three (8) years, one Road Commissioner for three (3) years, Collector of Taxes and two Constaliles for one (1) year, two Auditors for one (1) your. Tree Warden for one (1) year. Also, to !.ee if the town will grant license for the sale of intoxicating liquors. Art. 3. To choose all other necessary town officers. Art. 4. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen, and act thereon. ' ^ j » Art. 5. To hear the report of other committees and act thereon. , ... Art 6 To see what sums of money the town will rol^e. fhp noor town officers and couimitteesfor the _ -(.hools, repairs of roads and bridges, town deU's^ repairs on public* buildings, miscellaneous expenses, i 1 nnnlies interest on town debt, superintendent ofclLring snow and transporUtion of scholars and for other necessary charges arising m this town. ^ To see if the town will authorize the Town Treas ure- to hire money in auticipalion of taxes to pay town debts. . 4. A t R To see if the town will instruct ite Treasurer toeio-n thr annual note of the town to the trustees of. the Sears Fund. , r • . r t Art 9 To sec if the town will accept the List of Jurorsas reported by the Selectmen. , ^ ^ A f 10 To see if the town will instruct the Road Com- • • to clear the rubbish from the road leading to the duSdn" ground at South Yarmouth and enforce the law for-SrnAuch deposits. (By petition.) A t°11 To see if the town will vote to prohibit the in- I nL'ni^ of all other towns. Dennis excepted, from takingIcailops and eeU from the waters of Yarmouth. Art 12 To elect a Ibaul Coiumissionor for one year to fi ll a vacancy. (By petition.) Art 13. To see if the t«iwn will vote to pay a bounty oftwentv-five (25) cents each on imiskrats, woodchucks and crows. l i e , A,-! 14. To sec if the town ^^ill vote to amend the tirst Dart of Artiele three (3). Section t«o (2). oMlic 1>\-awe,,v a<bliio"«^''er the w<,i-d Selectmen the vvords, (and one other member of the Board), (so as to read as follo^^s) : • s >.''i ^ ,/ \ i n (Iv 1 n i/- I i t • T- f No moneys shall be paid by the Town Treasurer unless upon an order signed by the Chairman of the Selectmen and one other member of the Board. Art. 15. To see if the town will vote to amend the first part of Section seven (7), Article four (4), of the by-laws, by striking out the word Auditors, and substituting therefor the worcl8''(Board of Selectmen), so us to read as follows: The conipensation of all officers and committees elected or appointed by the town, shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Art. 16. To see if the town will vote to appropriate one hundred and fifty ($150.00) dollars, to be expended in the improvement of the road through Weir Village. Art. 17. To see if the town will vote to fi x the salary of he School Committee. (By petition.) Art. 18. To see if the town will give permission to Chas. M. Bray for the improvement of the ancient cemetery of Yarmouth, to take loam and sods from the Town Dock land- inir and what is known as the Gorbam Taylor lot nearby. (By petition.) Art. 19. To see if the town will accept the provisions of the acts of 1897, Chap. 254, which provides for the further protection of trees and for the prevention of fires in wood lands. Art. 20. To see what sum of money the town will appro priate to finish the macadam road from Dunbar's Comer to the macadam road in South Yarmouth. (By petition.) Art. 21. To see what sum of money and under what conditions of payment the town will authorize its Treasurer to hire, for the construction of the macadam road mentioned in the preceding article. Art. 22. To see if the town will appoint a Committee to Duikc a contract for. or to have the care of the construction of the uKicacliUii road mentioned in Jjje two preceding arti cles. Art. 23. To see if the town will appropriate one hun- sroTa3V23«3izrv r: 68 dred fIlOO) dollars and authorize the Assessors to use as mnch of it as necessary in procuring a list of foreign stocto and the number of shares standing in the names of residents of this town as returned by the different companies under the laws of the respective States, said liste to be used in the assessment of taxes this year. (By petition.) You are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posU attested copies thereof in five public places in said town, three on the south side and two on the north side, also, onepublication in the Yarmouth Register, seven days, at least, before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make* due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to , the Town Clerk, at the time [and place of holcfing said meet- MATTACHtES Given under our hands and the seal of the town of Yar mouth, this twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and one (1901). STEPHEN SEARS, CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENKY BLACHFORD, Seledmen of Yarmovth. A true copy, attest SETH TAYLOR, Constable. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,1901. • YARMOl'THPORT, MASS.: C. !>WIVT i SOS, PBISTEBS. 1902. TOWN OFFICERS. Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board ofHealA: CHARLES R. BASSETT, Yarmouthport; HENRY BLACHFORD, West Yannontb: JESSE W. CROWELL, South Yarmouth. Town Clerk and Treasurer: WILLIAM J. D.AVIS, YarmouthporL Auditors: E. D. PAYNE, F. F. COLLINS. School Conumttee: EDMUND W; ELDRIDGE, L. K. CHASE, ISAIAH CROWELL. Superintendent of Schools: WILLIAM E. CHAFFIN. Collector of Taxes: LUTHER IL BROWN. ' Road Commisaoners: ALFRED GORHAM, JOYCE TAYLOR. ALLEN B. BAKER. Trustees Sears Fund: S I FPHRX SEARS. TH.ACHER T. HALLET. Tree Warden: AITRED GORHAM. Registrars of Voters: WV. j nwis, CHAS. F. PURINGTON, nwil l E. GKiX KER, THEODORE F. DREW. L- Constables: SETH TAYLOR, ' JOHN H. STETSON. Sealer of Weights and Measures: ALBERT C. SNOW. Special Police Shell Fbhery: H. F. STUDLEY. Inspectors of Animals: P. E. HANNON, ISAIAH HOMER. ISAIAH CROWELL. Undertakers: SETH TAYLOR, CROWELL, JOSHUA S. BAKER. Surveyor of Lumber: CHARLES M. BRAY. Fence Viewers: ISAIAH CROWELL, ALBERT TAYLOR, GEO. H. LORING. Forester: JOSEPH BASSETT. Pound Keepers: dvstin baker. C. l. nickerson, GEO. L. RYDER. Field Drivers: JOSEPH BASSETT. ELAM MECARTV. JAS. A. ELLIS. (jEoKGE H. LoKlNAi, JAMES BAKER, J. S. BAKER. (,EO. r MAT 1 HEWS, JAMl ^ H SMETH, (,EoK(.l- H lUKEH. j( BIN j;\KTR. TlMt' I IIV c 1 1 1 T LI E. li T N1^ K1 IN'. i.EO 1. RYDER Report of the Selectmen for the year end ing December 31, IPOl. Estimates. A table of estimates as prepared by the Selectmen— in the different departments for the coming year in ac cordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of Poor, $2,8oo/X) Support of Schools, 3,800.00' Roads and Bridges/ i,500jOO Town Officers, 2fxx>jao Repairs on Public Buildings, 350.00 Superintendent of Schools iooloo Miscellaneous expenses* i,400xx> Town Debts, !,2ooloo Interest on Notes, 1,400^0 Interest on Sears Fund, 900x10 State Highway Notes, 3X)0Oxn School Supplies, 250XX) Sloyd School, 500X)d Remittance of Taxes, 500XX> Supjiression of Crime 100.00 Traii:^;>ortation of Scholars 650.OO Tree Warden 10000 Stone Road Note 1400.00 T'i<rester Act, 100.00 6 TOWN DEBTS. Almshouse. J. W. Howes, supplies, $I7*93 R. Kelly, fish, 5-<» A. Gorham, labor $5*75 A. Gorham, carting wood, 6.00 11.75 D. D. Kelly, supplies, 2.75 E. S. Thaclier, supplies, 14.22 E. D. Payne, supplies, 22.o6 S. W. Hall, supplies, 27.14 Isabel Lewis, supplies 3-88 Joel B. Hall, supplies 12.33 S. L. Robbins, supplies $5-75 S. L. Robbins, carting wood 11J25 17.00 Edward Bray, labor on wood, IO.25 Jeremiah Chase, labor on wood, 9-00 Frank H. Hinckley, grain 7.90 Polly Sherman, balance salary, keeper, 87.50 Polly Sherman, supplies 6.46 Office Supplies. Thorp & Martin Co , hooks ami stationery, Stephen Sears, law book Schools. Isabel Shove. teaJier. salary. James Gorham. janitor. serMcc- 5^55'5 . i960 200 $21 fio Syc; cb ;ii 00 IL 7 n n James Gorham, extra services, 1.50 H. G. Phillips, stove. West Yarmouth school, ... 2000 E. D. Payne, school supplies, 2jd^ American Book Co., school supplies* 10.53 £. £. Babb & Co., school supplies, 71J61 A. B. Goss, printing, 2.59 P. S. Printing Co., printing, 340 Ginn & Co., printing, 240 C. W. Ellis, transportation 24.96 $234.63 u Miscellaneous. £. S. Thacher, rent polling place, $I04K) L. R Brown, rent polling place, 2.00 L. R. Brown, labor on bridge, laso Joseph Bassett, rent of bam, 12.00 Wm. D. Loring, janitor town office, 50.00 Wm. D. Loring, supplies town office, 2.55 Thomas Ryder, care town flag 1.00 M. H. Crowell, repairs South Yarmouth hearse, 6jx) D. S. Taylor, repairs South Yarmouth pump 3.50 Town of Dennis, repairs upper bridge . 21 Ba Wm. J. Davis, interest 50^ Fred A. Baker, keeping tramp, I-OO $170.37 Town Officers. Aliifil (u'rhain Ficolion Officer $2-50 1 I llowiv I UctKMi (Officer 2.50 ^ A Kiii'wlr'. l lcctmn (Officer 2.50 K II llaiiiv l lci I 'Mi ( 2.50 8 T. F. Drew, Election Officer, 2.50 J. B. Brown, Election Officer, 2.50 W. Johnson, Election Officer, 2.50 L. K. Chase, School Committee, 50-0° Stephen Sears, balance salary, 14-65 Stephen Sears, affadavits, 6.00 H. Blachford, balance salary, 12.00 C. R- Bassett, balance salary, 12.50 Alfred Gorham, Tree Warden, 3-5o A. C. Snow, Sealer, 5-00 E. S. Bradford, police service, 30-00 C. M. Bray, police service 8.50 P. E. Hannon, Inspector of Animals, 35-00 Isaiah. Crowell, Inspector of Animals- 14-75 Isaiah Homer, Inspector of Animals, 13-90 T. F. Drew, Registrar, 16.00 Charles F. Purrington, Registrar 14-00 Dr. F. C. Robbins, returning births, .50 M. H. Crowell, returning deaths, 4-00 $257.80 Public Buildings. L. K. Chase, sundries. South Yarmouth school house $ 1-35 A. B. Nye, paints. West Yarmouth school house, 20.00 S. H. D. Drew, labor, etc.. West Yarmouth school house fence 32-73 G. B. Lewis, materials. West Yarmouth school house, •.. - 3-74 C. M. Bray, lumber, almshouse 14.46 C. M. Bray, labor. North Side school house, .... .97 $7345 Poor. J. E. Crowell, supplies, E. and L. Buck, .. $8.00 J. E. Crowell, supplies, Arunah Wheldon,.. 3.37 J. E. Crowell, supplies, Alex Crowell, ....... .70 S. W. Mitchell, supplies, Alex Wheldeh, .. 3XK) S. W. Mitchell, supplies, E. and L, Buck, .. 3.00 S. W. Mitchell, supplies- Alex Whelden, .. 3.00 Dr. Cleveland, medical, S. A. Baker, $3-50 Dr. Cleveland, medical, J. A. Montcalm, .. 35-0® C. W. Megathlin, medical, J. A. Montcalm, $5.00 C. W. Megathlin, medical, Arunah Whelden, 4X>5 Loring Fuller & Co., fuel, Hattie Chase, .. $7.25 Loring Fuller & Co., fuel, Alice Robinson, .. 7.^5 Medfield Asylum, board M.A.Christensen, $36.80 Medfield Asylum, board Gustavus Hinckley, 36.80 Mass. School Feeble Minded, board Bessie Robbins, Taunton Asylum, board Susan A. Baker, .. Dr. S. H. Sears, medical, Ida Chase, S. W. Hall, supplies to Archelus Phillips, .. A, A. Knowles, supplies to Archelus Phillips Isaiah Crowell, fuel to E. and L. Buck, .... 12X37 9.00 38-50 9^5 1450 73.60 42.71 42.71 4.60 549 28x)5 5-50 10 L. K. Chase, supplies to Idella Kellcy - *-75 S. B. Marchant, supplies to Orah DeSilva, lo.oo E. S. Thacher, supplies to Leston Robinson, .... 26-77 Adresta Humes, account support, 4-«> $328.30 Amount raised by the town, .... $1200.00 State Reimbursement, Inspectors « Animals, 30*70 Expended in excess of appropri ation, 120.56 Totals, $1,351*26 $1,351*26 Town Officers. Selectmen $544-80 Assessors, 372-75 Overseer of the Poor 189.80 Board of Health, 32-00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Wm. Schwarb, Election Officer, .. S. W. Mitchell, Election Officer, .. Benajah Crowell, Election Officer, S. K. Crowell, Election Officer, ... Geo. H. Loring, Election Officer, .. J. E. Howes, Election Officer, R. H. Harris, Election Officer, .... A. A. Knowles, Election Officer* .. Alfred Gorham, Election Officer, .. C. R. Bassett, Election Officer, Chas. F. Handy, Election Officer, Jas. A. Ellis, Election Officer, .... A. H. Eldridge, Election Officer. .. 11 W. H. Hurst, Election Officer, 2.50 Richard Sears, Election Officer, 5X» E. p. Payne, Auditor, ; 21.00 D. B. Crocker, Registrar, 21.06 J.^ E. Crowell, Truant Officer, . i.oo L. R. Brown, Tax Collector, ..' 242.50 Henry Arey, Police service, 3*0® Joseph Bassett, Police service, - 3*®® Ernest P. Baker, Police service, ' 3*®® Nelson Baker, Police service, 3*®® Elmer E. Ellis, Police service, 3*®® H. P.. Crowell, Police service, 600 Fred C. Swift, Moderator, 5*®® A. C. Snow, Sealer $ioxx) A. C. Snow, Election Officer, 2.50 12.50 T. F. Drew, Registrar, $14.00 T. F. Drew, Election Officer, 2.56 16.50 Henry A. Cobb, Election Officer* $ 5*®® Henry A. Cobb,.Police service, ........ 3.00 8.O0 Chas. F. Purrington, Registrar, $14.00 Chas. F. Purrington, Election Officer,".. 7.5®' 21-50 John H. Stetson, Constable, dog warrant, $25.00 John H. Stetson, special, 3-op 28.00 Joseph H. Robinson, Truant Officer, $ 4-®® Joseph H. Robin^n, Election Officer, .. 2.50 61.53 12 E, A. Nickerson, Night Police, $ 6.00 E. A. Nickerson, Election Officer, ...... 2.50 E. W. Eldridge, School Committee, .... $25.00 E. W. Eldridge, school census, 4-00 L. K. Chase, School Committee, $25.00 L. K. Chase, i day extra 3.00 L. K. Chase, school census, .; 4.00 Wm. J. Davis, Treasurer, $75'00 Wm. J. Davis, Registrar, 17.50 Wm. J. Davis, Town Clerk, Wm. J. Davis, town election 5.00 Wm. J. Davis, State election, 5.00 Wm. J. Davis, meeting of Town Clerks; 2.00 Wm. J. Davis, recording 11 marriages @ 20 cts.,' 2.20 Wm. J. Davis, recording 39 deaths @ 20 cts., 7.80 Wm. J. Davis, recording 221 births @ 50 cts. 10.50 Seth Taylor, court fees $ 5.76 Seth Taylor, Constable, 32.80 Seth Taylor, Tax Collector, 1900, 360.38 Seth Taylor, care hearse, 5.00 Seth Taylor, 19 deaths returned, 4.75 Stephen Sears, Selectman, 64.00 Stephen Sears, Overseer of Poor 2.00 850 29.00 32.0-^ 125.00 408.69 18 Stephen Sears, horse hire, 18.00 84.00 Amount raised by the town, .. $2,000.00 Received Sealer's fee^ 22.36 Expended in excess of appropri ation, 248.68 Totals, $2,271.04 $2,271.04 MISCELLANEOUS. Incidentals. ... Peleg P. Akin, insurance, $ 27.50 Frank Thacher, insurance, 12.50 Seth Kelley, rent South Yarmouth polling place, 5.00 E. T. Baker, labor South Yarmouth polling place, 2.50 D. F. Sears, labor. South Yarmouth polling place, 3.75 E. W. Hallett, stamps and stationery, 24.60 "M. H. Matthews, mileage books, 40.00 E. D. Faynt, stationery, 2B9 Thorp & Martin Co., office supplies, J. L. Fairbanks, blank books, F. H. Hinckley, material for town office, 1.33 Rufus Hall, C. O. D. express on bollot lx»c, .... 6.00 E. A. Nickerson, distributing town reports, .... ^ i.S<^ David Kelley, 2d, 3 iron dippers and chains, .... X-50 A. C. Snow, labor, town office, '2.06 J. S. Baker, care West Yarmouth hearse, 3.00 T. S. Crowell, stockholders' list, 2.0D J. G. Sears, labor, South Yarinouth school lawn, 7.50 E. B. Hallet, repairs. North Side pump, 2.00 A. F. Sherman, abstract of deeds, 15.00 1* E. W. Eldridge, horse hire, IS-O® L. K. Chase, horse hire, 4-00 Selh Taylor, postage, JO.oo Bond Bros., repairs. North Side pump 5*55 Mattthews & Payne, fuel for town office, 22.26 •1. F. Homer, witness fees, 2.53 Dora Homer, witness fees, 2.50 I. P. F. Farris, witness fees, • 2.50 Myra A. Farris, witness fees, 2.50 R. N. White, witness fees^ 2.50 Ezra D. Kelly, witness fees, 2.50 F. P. Comings, witness fees, 2.50 L. R. Brown, witness fees, 2.50 C. F. Purrington, witness fees, 2.50 Mrs. Chas. Farris, witness fees, ...» 2.50 Chas. L. Nickerson, witness fees, 2 10 Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of Poor, traveling expenses, 50-45 Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of Poor, Dr. Binford, services, Board of Health, 4-5® Dr. Cleveland, services, Board of Health, 1.50 Dr. Parker, services. Board of Health 31.0^3 Dr. Sears, services. Board of-Health $45-0® Dr. Sears, 8 births returned, 2.00 Geo. H. Loring, Bass River Commission, ex penses, -Loring Fuller, Bass River Commission, ex penses Stephen Sears, Bass River Commission expenses,8.00 47.00 4-4® 44c 15 Stephen Sears, affidavits, 8.00Stephen Sears, witness fees, .... .\^ 2.50 C. R. Bassett, meals to Registrars, 4.00 C. R. Bassett, Bass River Commission expenses, 55 C. R Bassett, Weir Pond -Commission, expenses, 4.50 C. R. Bassett, postage and express, 8.69 C. R. Bassett, affidavits, 9.25 H. Blachford, repairs West Yarmouth n pump, $ i-oo H. Blachford, distributing town reports, .50 H. Blachford, iron fence. North Side, .. 28/x> J. W. Crowell, postage $. 2.00 J. W. Crowdl, paid for stove. South Yarmouth polling plac6, " 1.32 T. T. Hallet, witness fees, $ T. T. Hallet, town office supplies, ...... 43 T. T. Hailet, affidavits, .5° Alfred Gorham, labor on fence, $ 2.27 Alfred Gcrham, repairs. State highway, 2.00 Alfred Gorham, repairs, snow plow, .. 4-<» F. C. Swift, Insurance, $30-35 F. C. Swift, legal service, • K> a> 17.70 26.99 29.50 3-?2 8.27 40.35 i I 16 W. J. Davis, postage and express, $ 2.50 W. J. Davis, witness fees, 1.80 W. J. Davis, horse hire, 3.00 Allen Bros., Sealer's outfit, $5-50 .\llen Bros., office supplies, 15.00 D. S. Taylor, repairs. West Yarmouth pump. ...$3.50 D. S. Taylor, repairs South Yarmouth . pump, 1.65 i W. D. Loring, labor, town office, $ 3.50 W. D. Loring, grain and hay, 23.98 7-3»> 20.50 515 2748 Total, $786.12 State Aid. • Henry Arey, $48.00 David S. Baker 48.00 Lucy A. Currier 48.00 Mercy C. Crowell, 48.00 Elizabeth Hurst, 48.00 Thomas W. Harris, 54-00 Hannah Lovell 48.90 Joseph H. Robinson, 36.00 Mary H. Ryder, 48.06 $426.00 - 17 Military Aid. Ebenezer Crowell, $72.00 Snow Account Alfred Gorham, Joyce Taylor, . Allen B. Baker, L. R. Prown, ,.. Fires. Joseph Bassett, Henry A. Cobb, F. W. Homer,.. J. S. Baker, .... C. B. Oliver, .. G. E. Howes, .. $72.00 . $37^8 9B0 . 14.00 1.80 $6348 $2564.1 105.15 2640 8.59 7ux> .. 5-50 $409-04 Printing. Register Printing Co., ....: $191^15 Joseph Thacher, IjOo Thorp & Martin Co. ijoo Cecil T. Bagnall, 4.00 G. W. Southworth, 3.20 W. J. Davis, .90 F. B. Goss, 5.25 $221.60 * 1 li 18 Muskrats. 535 Muskrats @ 25 cts., $133-75 Statement. Amount raised by the Town, $1,200.00 Received from Highway Commission, 2.00 Received from Stephen Sears, 6.00 Military aid, 45-0° Received from State aid 378-50 Received from O. C. R. R., fires, 1901, 276.14 Expended in excess of appropriation, 204.35 Paid for incidentals, 1 $786.12 Paid for State aid, 426.00 Paid for military aid 72.00 Paid for clearing snow, 6348 Paid for labor on fires, 409.04 Paid for printing, 221.60 Paid for bounty on muskrats 133-75 $2,111.99 $2,111.99 Support of Poor. Amount raised by the' Town, $2,800.00 Reimbursement by Fred Cash 4.00 Reimbursement by Dr. Sears, account Mary E. Turner 18.60 Reimbursement by city of Boston 5.00 Reimbursement by T. D. Gage, account of L. Robinson, 3.00 Reimbursements by Warren E. Montcalm, .... 6.86 Reimbursement by Joshua A. Montcalm, .... 2.00 Reimbursement by T. W. Harris 100 00 Support of poor in almshouse, $961.90 19 Support of poor out of almshouse,.. 1,681.09 Unexpended balance, 29647 $2,93946 $2^3946 Due From Cities and Towns for Support of Poor. Boston, $ 144.50 Brewster, 48.00 Falmouth, 56.00 Bamstable, 75-67 Dennis, — iojOO $344-17 Support of Sdiools. Amount raised by the Town $3^00.00 Received State school fund, ' 252.39 Received county dog fund, i6ix>l Paid E. W. Eldridge, chairman, .. $4,178.39 Paid L. L. Cotell, labor. West Yar mouth school, 8.00 Unexpended balance, 27.01 $4,21340 $4,21340 School Supplies^ Amount raised by the Town, $ 250.00 Paid E. W. Eldridge, Chairman, ... $250.00 $250XK> $25Oj0O Transportation of Scholars. Amount raised by the Town, $ 6qolOO Paid C. W. Ellis, $i52ja2 Paid J. E. Crowell 186.50 20 Paid E. Walker, 81.00 Paid I. F. Homer 124.00 Unexpended balance, 5^48 $600.00 $6oo.0t) Sloyd School. Amount raised by the Town, $ 500.00 Paid Isabel "Shove, by order Miss Simpkins, $ 500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Superintendent of Schools. Amount raised by the Town $ 100.00 Received from School Fund, 161.24 Paid W. E.Chaffin,Superintendent, $ 241.85 Unexpended balance, >9-39 $261.24 $261.24 Interest. Amount raised for Sears Fund, $ Amount raised for interest on notes 1,500.00 Interest paid E. F. Peirce, 900.00 Interest paid on notes, 1403.78 . Unexpended balance, 96-22 $2400.00 $2400.00 Roads and Bridges. Amount raised by the Town, $1,000.00 Expended in excess of appropriation, 5-32 Paid to A. Gorham, $475-®® Paid to Joyce Taylor, 201.78 a 51 Paid to Allen B. Baker, 3^M $1,005.32 $1,005.32' Bass River Lower Bridge. Amount raised by Town, $ 25®-®® Paid A. B. Baker, 4-10 expense $143*72 Unexpended balance, 106.28 $250.00 $250.00 Weir Village Road. Amount raised by the Town, $ 15®-®® Paid A. Gorham, $150.00 $i50xx> $150:00 South Yarmouth Dumping Ground. Amount raised by the Town, ....v $ 20X» Paid Allen 6. Baker, $ 19^5 Une3q)ended balance, .15 $20.00 $2000' Tree Warden. Amount raised by the Town, $ 5®^ Paid Alfred Gorham, Tree Warden, $ 50.00 $50.00 $5000 Forester. Amount raised by the Town, $ iS®^ Paid A. A. Knowles, tools, .. $ 24.07 Paid J. S. Baker, labor, 1.25 Paid Joseph Bassett, Forester, .... 116.25 r MS" 22 Paid F. Currier, labor, 2.50 Unexpended balance, 5-93 $150.00 $150.00 Remittance of Taxes. Amount raised by the Town, $ 500.00 Taxes remitted, 1899, $ 342.20 Taxes remitted, 1900, 157*^ Unexpended balance, .20 $500.00 $500.00 Burial Fund. Paid C. M. Bray, trustee, $ 12.45 Paid P. P. Akin, trustee, 20.00 $3245 Shdl Fishery. Amount raised by the Town, $ 100.00 Paid H. Studley, services $ 33-50 Unexpended balance, . 66.50 ' $100.00 $100.00 REPAIRS OH PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Almshouse. Lewis Nickerson, labor, $ 3-75 C. M. Bray, material, 8.8S $12.63 North School House. H. W. Taylor, labor, $ 5-9* 28 Geo. B. Lewis, labor, i.o3 Wm. Matthews, labor, *33F. H. Hinckl^y,. material .". .65 $7^9 West School House and Fence. r S. B. Marchant, material, $ Isaiah Crowell, labor, 10.25 F. H. Hinckley, material, $.66 $2049 South School House and Fence. Gilbert Studley, labor $ 7.93 E. W. Chase, labor, 640 J. A. Baker, labor, ' 5.75 J. U. Baker, labor, ......^ -. 640 Benajah Crowdl, labor and material, 14*7® J. A. Baker, nails, .60 Horatio Maitthews, labor, 11.90 J. K. and B. Sears & Co 91.02 J. G. Sears, labor, .; .' 6.11 L. K. Chase, sundries,- " 2.23 * i n $I53.H Town House. - E. B. Hallet, iron work, $ 40 Unexpended balance, 104S $ioBS Amount raised by the Town, $ 200.00 24 Received, sale of South Yarmouth n school floor 5.00 $205.00 $205.00 Highway Notes. Amount raised by Town, $3,000.00 First National Bank, note $ 500.00 Bristol County Fire Insurance Company, note, 2,500.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Tax Notes Paid. E. D. Payne, trustee, . $1,000.00 . W. J. Davis, Cashier, 8,300.00 A. H. Eldridge, trustee, 1,000.0a D. B. Crocker, Treasurer, 1,000.00 C. M. Bray, trustee, 550.00 $11,850.00 Stone Roads, notes paid. W. J. Davis $1,300.00 H. H. Baxter, 1,000.00 $2,300.00 Taxes Paid. State tax $1,120.00 County tax 1,790.21 National Bank tax, 1,690.76 Highway tax 439-5^ $5,04047 25 Due From CounQr* W. J. Davis, 2 seal bounties 6.00 Allen B. Baker, 2-10 expenses, Bass River lower bridge, 71^5 $77.85 Due From Denms. Allen B. Baker, 2-10 expenses, Bass River lower bridge, $ 143.72 $143.72 STONE ROAD. First Mile. Expended in 1900: * David Sears, labor, $ 3.75 J. G. Hallet, board of engineers, 12.00 T. Crocker & Son, materials, Bo J. K. & B. Sears, stakes, 6.1a j. H. Conley, carriage hire, 2xm M. N. Harris, engine fuel 3.00 Stephen Sears, Commission service 50.00 C. R. Bassett, Commission service, ........... 17.05 Henry Blachford, carriage hire 2.25 Henry Blachford, Commission service, 42.50 T. S. Arey, contractor, 36,000 sq. feet macadam @ 5 5-24 cents, 1,^5.00 $2,01447 Expended in 1901: J. U. Baker, services $ .75 L. R. Brown, services 15JQO -27 Second Mile. Abner Wixon, lighting lanterns, $ Osbome Chase, lighting lanterns, J. H. Stetson, watchman, Allen B. Baker, services C. R. Bassett, services, C. R. Bassett, board of engineers, Register Printing Co., printing and advertising, Reuben Howes, horse hire, P. E. Hannon, horse hire, E. Walker, horse hire, A. A. Knowles, horse hire F. A. Baker, oil, I. P. F. Farris, oil, D. S. Taylor, lanterns, etc., J. Fletcher Doane, contractor, 600 sq. feet macadam @ 5 5-24 cents Luther Dean, contractor, 59,530 2-25 sq. feet macadam @ 6% cents Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the Totvn, .... $4,200.00 $4,200.00 $4,20a03 D. F. Sears, engineer, W. B. Fuller, services, H. E. Hallet, board of engineers Allen B. Baker, services, ; Manton H. Crowell, repairs on roller, ... J. W. Crowell, express, C. E. Hall, engineer Stephen Sears, ser\'ices and express, ... Buffalo Pitts Co., engineer's supplies, .. C. A. Claflin Co., engineer's supplies A. W. Chesleston Co., engineer's supplies, J. K. & B. Sears Co., stakes, Purington & Small, supplies, F. L. Baker, engineer, . C. R. Bassett, services, . C. R. Bassett, telephone, C. R. Bassett, horse hire. H. Blachford, services, J. Fletcher Doane, contractor, 27,360 sq. feet macadam @ 5 5-24 cents, Amount raised by the Town, .... $3,500.00 . Received by State, expenses, re pairs oii roller Expended in excess of appropri ation,300.20 $3,864.25 $3,864.25 88.21 i.t^ 10.00 21.05 925 1-55 5-00 9-55 77-55 30-53 1.89 540 •50 55-35 28 • STATEMENT. Amount paid by order of the Selectmen drawn upon the Town Treasurer from January i, I90t» to January i, 1902: Town debts, . Town officers, 2,271.04 Incidentals, 786.12 State aid, 1 426.00 .Military aid, 72-00 Clearing snow, 63-18 J^es, • 409-04 Printing 221.60 Muskrats, - >33-75 Almshouse, - 961-90 Outside, poor, 1,681.09 Due from other towns, poor account 334-^7 - Support schools 4»>86.39 School supplies, ' 250.00 Transportation of scholars 543-52 Sloyd school, 500.00 Superintendent of Schools, 241.85 Interest, - - 2,303.78 Roads and bridges, - 1.005.32 Bass River lower bridge, >43-72 Weir Village road, 150.00 South Yarmouth dumping ground, 19.83 Tree Warden 50-00 Forester, >44-07 Remittance of taxes 499.80 Burial fund, - 3245 Shell fishery, 33-50 29 - % Repairs on public buildings, • >94-52 Highway notes, 3>ooo.oo Tax notes paid, ii,850XX) Stone road notes, 2,300.00 Taxes paid, 5,040.47 County, 77-85 Dennis, >43-72 Stone road, first mile, 1,849.78 Stone road, second mile, 4^028.05 ^7.300.09 Amount of orders drawn, $47,300.09 $47,300.09 $47>300X)9 FINANCIAL STANDING OF THE TOWN DE CEMBER 31, zgox. Town Owes: Sears fund note, $>5,035.06 State highway note, ...! 20,5oaoo Anticipation tax, ' 4,350.00 Stone road taxj Bills, unpaid estimated, ....... i >,200.00 $45,285:06 Credits: Uncollected taxes, >899, $ 371^6 Uncollected taxes, >900, 339-37 Uncollected taxes, >901, 7.996.53 Due from cities an^ towns, i^7.89 Due from county 71.85 Selectmen's balance in treasurj', .. 2,88648 Outstanding orders 632.35 12,776.33 Net debt, December 31, 1901, $32,508,73 CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, JESSE W. CROWELL, Selectmen of Yarmouth, REPORT OF THE OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. 1901, Inmates of the Almshouse December 31, 1901. When Age. committed. Abigail Gage, 75 John Gray, 56 Nathan Sears, 79 Samuel Baker, 86 Number of tramps, 16. Under bonds in private family.: Josephine Hclway, 55 POOR DEPARTMENT. Almshouse. Polly H. Sherman, salary, $ 262.50 Pollv H. Sherman, supplies, $ 270.42 E. S. Thacher & Co., supplies 3.29 I. H. Thacher, 2nd., supplies 42.90 A. A. Knowles, supplies, 9.00 J. \V. Howes, supplies, 154-05 E. D. Payne, supplies, 66.55 S. \V. Hall, supplies, i . ^ -.... 97.08 Wood. Pollard & Co., supplies, 28.02 D. S. Taylor, supplies ia6o Anthony Sylver, supplies, 39-79 F. H. Hincklcy. supplies, 70.01 I i'^- mi'T ITHni'iif •uTiWiiiiTiaB'rifirhiii B. T. Gorham, supplies, T. T. Hallet, supplies, J. B. Hall, supplies, Matthews & PajTie, fuel •E. W. EMridge, vegetables and fertilizer, Oliver Hallet, I bbl. apples David Davis, 2 bush, potatoes, Dr. T. B. Pulsifier, medical attendance Register Printing Co., subscription, Vi'm. Matthews, labor on shoes, E. B. Hallet, repairs on pump, John Sylver, butcheries, Alfred Gorham, labor on wood, .. $ Alfred Gorham, labor on farm, .... 43-37 Alfred Gorham, supplies 7-^ Alfred Gorham, ser\'ice of beast, -. i.oo $961.90 By board of T. W .Harris, $ 100 00 Xet cost, $861.90 Out of Almshouse. North Side Poor. To Fred Cash. Dr. Oeveland, medical attendance, $ 4-00 James E. Baxter, shoes, • • 4-20 $ 8.20 To Mary A. Downing. E. S. Thacher & Co., supplies .... i-oo Dr. Sears, medical attendance, .... 5-50 To Ida Chase. Ruth Chase, account support, .... $ 48.00 Dr. Sears, medical attendance, .... 28.55 T. T. Hallet, medicine 6.80 To Jas, T. Chase B. T. Gorham, shoes, '. $ 2.00 Dr. F. C. Robbins, medical atten dance 20.00 A. A. Knowles, supplies, 21.00 To Leston Robinson. E. S. Thache & Co., supplies $ I. H. Thacher, 2nd., supplies, • T. T. Hallet, medicine, Matthews & Payne, fuel, ........ ' E. Walker, fuel, Dr. S. H. Sears, medical atten dance, J. Silver, sendees, To .\rchelas Phillips. B. T. Gorham, shoes, $ 4.25 To Ruth Qiase. Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance $ 7^ Money Refunded. By Fred Cash, $ By Boston, account Mary A. Bow ing By F. D. Gage, account Leston Robinson, By Mrs. Stokes, account Mary E. Turner, By W. E. Montcalm, Net cost, South Side Pckv. To Alice Robinson. Stephen Sears, fuel $ L. Fuller & Co., fuel Geo. B. Sears, fuel T. S. Holway, fuel M. F. Jones, fuel A. Farris, rent, Bass River Savings Bank, rent, ,. F. W. Homer, rent, D. F. Sears, rent, Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance 18.60 6.86 7.00 Dr. F. C. Robbins, medical atten dance, S. W. Hall supplies, A. A. Knowles. supplies, To Mary E. Turner. Dr. Sears, medical attendance, $ 18.60 Marcus Hall, house rent, Serena Chase, nurse, ... Matthews & Payne, fuel, . To Frank Lewis. J. E. Crowell, supplies, W. D. Baker, supplies F, P. Hallet, fuel Dr. Cleveland medical attendance D. Cole, house rent, To Warren E. Montcalm. To Mrs. Walter Baker. To Morris Gray. $ 60.00 6.86 18.60 36 . Dr. E. M. Parker, medical aUen- dance, 4.25 67.07 To Hattie Chase. L. Fuller & Co., fuel, $ 3.63 3.63 To Idella Kelley. L. K. Chase, shoes, $ 3.70 370 To Mrs. Wilburn Baker. S. B. Marchant, supplies, $ 7.00 Mary Ormsby, rent, 15.00 22.00 To Melissa Baker. I. F. Homer, rent, $ 31.54 31.54 To Isaac W. Baker. Fred A. Baker, supplies, $ 6.39 Mrs. E. C. Baker, nurse, 14.00 Dr. E. M. Parker, medical atten dance, 15.00 35.39 Total cost, $163.33 [3» 3 87 West Yarmoutfa Poor. To Adrusta Humes. To account of support, $ 47.00 Dr. Harris, medical attendance and nurse, 10.00 S. B. Marchant, supplies, .35 F. P. Hallet, fuel, 14.50 To Susan A. Baka*. Di. Qeveland, medical attendance n and nurse, $ 21.85 Manton H. Crowell, undertaker,.. 25.00 J. S. Baker, hearse, 2.50 Isaiah Ellis, digging grave, 3.00 To Mrs Orah DeSilver. James E. Baxter, shoes, $ lago L. K. Chase, shoes, . 5.50 S. B. Marchant, supplies, 66.00 J. E. Crowell, supplies, jsa Keveney & Bearsc,- supplies, .... 2.08 R. K. Farris, clotMng, 4.25 E. D. Payne, clothing, i.qo H. Blachford, fuel and carting,.... ia75 • S. W. Mitchell, fuel, ............ 3.00 B. Gifford, labor and fuel, 4.50 71-85 52-35 115.20 r'Ti I III .. r ■J-i 'f' •38 To Emilyand Laura Bnck. J. E. Crowell, supplies $ 91-65 S. B. Marchant, supplies^ ^68 S. W. Hall, supplies, 140 J. E. Baxter, shoes, 3.25 L. A. Nickerson, rent 36.00 L. A. Nickerson, fuel, "3.00 S. W. Mitchell, fuel, 12,00 H. Blachford, fuel and carting, i.. 3.50 S. Taylor, fuel, 13.75 Dr. Cleveland, medical attendaace, 19.10 Dr. Binford, medical attendance, .. 22.00 * To Arunah Whelden. Dr. Cleveland, medical attendance, $ 19.86 C. W. Megathlin, mdicine, ,50 To Alexander Crowell. J. E. Crowell, supplies, $ 2.10 Baker & Homer, supplies 3.62 H. Blachford, fuel, 9.00 S.' W. Mitchell, fuel, 3.00 J. G. Sears, fuel, 2.50 L. Fuller & Co., fuel, 11.13 J. S. Baker, fuel, 9.25 Dr. Cleveland, medical attendance 12.75 Mary Coffin, nurse, i.oo 206.33 20.36 54-35 To. Joseph F. Baker. Charles Crocker, rent, ....$ 13.00 F. P. Hallet, fuel, 7.50 To Ehen Baxter. S. B. Marchant, supplies, $ ' -9.00 Bessie Studley, nurse 4.00 To. Joshua A. Montcalm. L. Arenorski, clothing, $ 2.oo M. H. Crowell, burial of child 8.00 20.50 13.00 10.00 $563-94 Money Refunded. By Joshua A. Montcalm $ 2.00 2.00 Net-cost, $561-94 Paid Other Cities and Towns. City of Taunton. Walter Cash, supplies, $ 9^ Dighton. Frank, Clarence and Edith Cash, supplies, 37-7S Mass. School Feeble Minded. Bessie Robbins, board 96.10 WP.WWJ 9939 40 Taunton Asylum. Susan A. Baker, Board, Medfield Asylum. Mary A. Christensen, board, $ 109.20 Gus; C. Hinckley, $218.40 $48147 Tramps Wm. F. Kenney, lodging tramp,.. $ I.25 1.25 STATEMENT. Amount raised by the Town, $2,800.00 F. W. Harris, board, 100.00 Fred Cash, money refunded, 4-00 W. E. Montcalm, money refunded, 6.86 J, A. Montcalm, money refunded, 2.00 Mrs. Stokes, account Mary E. Turner 18.60 Fred D. Gage, account Leston Robinson 3-00 City of Boston, account Mary A. Downing, .. S-Oo Paid Out. Alnishouse $ 961.90 North Side poor, 47i-90 South Side poor, 163.33 West Side poor, 563-94 Other cities and towns 481.47 Tramp, Unexpended balance, 296.47 $2,939.46 $2,939.46 41 Due Fom Other Cities and Towns and County. State, $ '7^M County, 74-85 -Boston, 144-50 Brewster, 1 48.00 Falmouth, 56.00 Barnstable, 75-67 Dennis, 153-72 $623.88 CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, JESSE W. CROWELL, Overseers of Poor. «r REPORT OF ASSESSORS. Valuation May ist, 190X. Real Estate, land $3i5.975-00 Real Estate, buildings, 596.850-00 Personal. 900.499-00 Total valuation, May ist, $1,813,324-00 Additional Valuation. Real Estate, land $ 400.oo Real Estate, buildings 575-00 Personal, 525-00 1,500.00 Total valuation, $1,814,824.00 Tsuces May 1,1901. Taxes levied, real estate, $ 11,866.72 Taxes levied, personal, 11,706.49 Taxes levied, polls 1,034-00 Total tax, May ist, $24,607.21 Additional Taxes. Taxes levied, real estate, $12.68 Taxes levied, personal, i.. 6.83 Taxes levied, polls, 8.00 27.51 Total tax $24,634^72 48 Number of polls, 52^ Number of dwelling houses 635 Number of horses, 245 Number of cows, 137 Number of neat cattle other than cows, 2 Number of sheep, 37 Acres of land assessed, 11.055 Dogs licensed, Persons liable to militay duty, 223 Residents assessed on property, 580 Non-residents assessed on property, 443 Persons assessed poll tax only, 151 Rate of taxation, $13.00 per $1,000.00. County tax, $1,790.21 State tax, 1.120.00 Highway tax, 439-50 CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, JESSE W. CROWELL. Assessors of Yarmouth. LIST OF JURORS. AS TRKPABED BY THE SELECTMEN, JANUARY 16, 1902. y Albert C. Snow,Francis W. Homer, y Edmund W. Eldridge,Lafayette K. Chase, 9 James A. Ellis,David D. Kelley, n George H. Kelley,George B. Sears, 3 Reuben Howes,David Kelley, 2nd., 3 William F. Kidder,Isaiah F. Homer, 3 Joseph Bassett,Gilbert Studley, a William Matthews,Manton H. Crowell, 1 Henry A. Cobb,Fred A. Baker, a Daniel B. Crocker,Nelson Eldridge, 9 Richard Sears,Samuel H. D. Drew, 9 Lysander A.. Chase,Zenas P. Howes, [| William A. Schwab, .Luther R. Brown, S Eleazer A. Nickerson,Henry R. Usher. 1 CHAS. R. BASSETT, 1 HENRY BLACHFORD. 1 JESSE W. CROWELL. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE SEARS FUND. Note held by trustees, January 1901, $15,070.52 Interest on same January 1,1902, 904^3 Paid trustees one year, Paid interest on partial payments; Received from the Town, Note given January 1,1902, .... Selectmen of Yarmouth. $15,974-75 $ 1500 24.69 900.00 15.03506 $15,974.75 STEPHEN SEARS, T. T. HALLET, Trustees. TLjii'lf"" REPORT OP TREASURER. 0 Dr. January i, 1901, balance on hand, $ 2,52979 Received from L. K. Chase, sale of school ^ house floor, S-O® Received from Jeremiah Chase, license, I-OO Received from Allen Cash, Jr., license, 2,00 Received from Theodore F. Drew, license, .. 2.00 Received from Reuben Howes, license^ 2.00 Received from George H. Loring, license, ... 2.00 Received from Fred A. Long, license 6.00 Received from David Davis, license, .... 6.00 Received from Harris Malchman, license, 6.00 Received from Lorenzo P. Wilson, license,.. 6.00 Received from Wm. H. Kelly, license 6.00 Received from James R. Baker and Robert B. Clark, permit fish pond, I-OO Received from town of Falmouth, 52-«> Received from town of Dennis, 7*^3 Received from town of Barnstable, 64.20 Received from town of Brewster, 4800 Received from city of Boston, 132.50 Received from Thomas W. Harris, 100.00 Received from Luther R. Brown, balance due town as Road Commissioner, 48 Received from Fred Cash, money refunded, .. 4-oo n n n 47 Received from Dr. Stepheu H. Sears, moaey refunded, .: . 24.60 Received from Fred Gage, money refunded,.. 3.00 Received from Joshua A. Montcalm, nioney refunded, ....J 2.00 Received from Warren £. Montcalm, 6.86 Received from A. C. Snow Sealer of Weights and Measures, 22.36, Received from County Treasurer, d(^ mon^, i6x.oi Received from County Treasurer, bounty on seals 3x)o Received from Seth Taylor, taxes, 1899, i>959'37 Received from Seth Taylor, taxes, 1900, 9477-9$ Received from Luther R. Brown, taxes, 1901, 18,348.00 Received from State Treasurer, account State highway, 66.05 Received from State Treasurer, income Mass. school fund, 252.39 Received from State Treasurer, corporation fax, 3W-73 Received from State Treasurer, national bank fa* 1,038.39 Received from State Treasurer, military md, 45-00 Received from State Treasurer, State aid, .. 378-50 Received from State Treasurer, burial indig ent, soldiers and sailors, 35-00 Received from State Treasurer, compensa tion Inspectors of Animals and Pro visions, .. 30.70 Received interest on burial fund note, 3245 Received from N. Y., N. H. & Hartford R. R. account of fires, 286.14 kC iijij >II IJ,l l ,l I""' I L 48 . Received from Joshua " Crowell, Chairman School Committee, l6i^ Received from E. C. ^latthews, Treasurer, account Follin's pond fisheries, -- 49-68 Received from Judge F. C. Swift, court fees, 30.35 Received money borrowed, account macadam road, 4.200.00 Money borrowed, anticipation of town taxes, 8,900.00 $51,549.38 Cr. Paid out on orders from Selectmen $48,030.55 Balance on hand January ist, 1902, 3.518.83 $51,549-38 Due from Seth Taylor, Collector of Taxes, 1899 ^ 371.86 Due. from Seth Taylor, Collector of Taxes, 1900, 339-37 Due from Luther R. Brown, Collector of Taxes, 7,996.5.^ 5 ; $8,707.76 Town owes: Notes given in anticipation of taxes, $ 4.350-00 Note given, macadam road, 4,200.00 Note given, account State highway 20,500.00 Burial funds: Received from Geo. N. Smalley, $ 500.00 Received from John F. Crocker 250.00 5 49 Received from Edwin Bray, 50.00 Received from Theron Gorham, Adimnistra- tor, 50.00 " $850410 All invested in notes of- the Town of Tarmonth. WM. J; DAVIS, Town Treasurer. =ci M Date.Jan. 18.-2^.Mch. -27.Apl. 3.6.• » 7.•22.May 13..linic '20.July 18.Aug. 10.17,»» -27.Si'pl. 21.report of town clerk.vital Statistics for 1901.BIRTHS RK.CORDED IN 1901,Name of Child.Chester Cufihing Campbell,Tlielma Anna Mathilda Johnson,George Franklin Collins,Lillian linllott Vincent, _Edward Hayes Cash,Fannic L. Snow,Male Child,Sarah Eveline Robbins,Dorothy Howes,Walter Leroy Marchant,Olive Grey Hallct, )Infatit. )Catlinrinc Mary Keveney.Lyndon Miinroe Evelyn,Warren Williams Monlcalm,Davis Hallet White,Dorothy Eldridge Dean,Phyllis May Hnrst,James Wiliinms Baker,Female, Usher,Names of Parents.Fred 11. and Alice 0.John A. and Clara.Franklin F. mid Katie H.Herbert and Mary L.Edward and Mnry C.Joseph B. and Mary E.George L. and Corn E.Joshua K, and Mnry M.Walter E. Clara Y..Ansel and Betsey T. •Michael Jr. and Mary G.George E. and Emoline G.Warren E. and Florence M .Edwin M. and Sadie C.Edwaitl B. and Carrie M.Frederic A. and Florence A.Isoao W. and Deborah.Jonathan Jr. and Katherine S.Date.Name.Feb.. 6.Irene D. Fuller,i«17,Mary A. Robinson,17.James B. Cook,II18.Preston TJincher Kelley,1424.Annie E. Cash,li24.Richard Arey,1428.Lesion Robinson,Mar;4.Mnry Lizzie Turner,4415.Hnttic S. Gnrlmm,i«29.Samuel H. Thncher,4129..1. Robert Bray,29.James G. Bray,Apr.8.Pliel>e A. Baker,4418.John Ambrose Baker,4420.Martha H. Buck.44 •21.Stisnnnn Baker Matthews,4428.Emily J. Haffards,May9.Helen Crowell,4419.Arthur L. Robinson,4119.William Ross Matthews,4428.Silas Baker,June1.Mercie B. Eldridge,DEATHS RECORDED IN 1901.Disease.Rheumatic Fever and Complications,Cerebral Tnbercnlosis,Acnle Lobar Pneumonia,Follicnlar TonBilitis,Heart Failure,Oedema of the Larynx,Plitliisls Pulmonory,Pulmonary Tubercnlosls,Trnnsveree Myelitis,Cancer,Accidental Drowning,«> «iCerebral Poralysis,Epilepsy and Exhaustion,Cancer,, Jnterstitlnl Nephritis,Chronic Dyspepsia,Broncho Poeumonin,Symptoms of Spinal MeolngUls,Cerebral Hemorrhage,Gastritis,Hepatic Carcinoma,Age.T.sr.D.7061460674934190235450500280050608971659712271126218156382410082922646878911716206119562297671249018 (( 7. Abram H. Baker,(i 28. Orris B. Crowell,July !• Morris B. Cole,tt 27. lufant, Female, Hallet,Anff. 8. Angcreita M. Bray,15. Male Chikl,(t 16. Lotbrop Baker,i« 25. Frederic Hallelt,Sept. 4' Fannie L. Snow,i\ 10. Lydia S. Crowell,<( 16. Albert Howes,i4 i7. Emclinc Tbacher,Oct. 5' Rebecca J. Cogswell,(4 23. Hannah Hedge Bray,Nov. 6- James P. Cash,»4 28. Nathan F. Snow,Dec. 19- Gladice L. Holway,ii' 20. Loie "W. Cole,Interstitial Nephritis,Spinal Schlcrosis,Cancer,Flxhaustion,Tumor in Upper Thorax,Cancer of Liver, Operation for Gall Stones,Tuberculosis,Inflammatory Dentition,Dysentery,Peritonitis,Fracture, Neck of Femor,Old Age,Chronic Endocarditis,Febricula,Pulmonary Tuberculosis,Tuberculosis,Pulmonary Tuberculosis,6852161101264228001617.28729148711004288400650087714938069005658390' 183611228650a Cd.re --O' &OAEiPs(ra4-JuneS<5E•oApChpp1-^t-tto0910I.-toto00P*ppppE"!BO PPJ 5. DB3 r*Q a 3.» g COO •Z (Z)St "o^ p^ it00 &5'e- tw^ 25'erafsO 2ECW 2.= ^a 3o.CDw »•f|3.2 i5* rf P* C CDa.B SSa 9DO Pcy u>St •?5'CD►rl - ■*aPJp 5' Pnos-B SCS ci ®Q Mp 2.o &n PA 5S »W O t> O hj ^S 8 g g I iS' o3 § 'Sw pP Mw Wn •W ® !5<1; I ^D A. AS ^ 30 sw 5?P?-pBp3.I« 0101w S'p 23 1.i 5"O^ooo(;.^ooao«0c««.i»« fO-I 9)« a? B^ 2 B5 F &£sr oqg 2Hi op a.B§&s -Hj Hi O2 » g-1 i ^a a SepB595*Sz!N; e, e,l« OV O M 0>oaB>3^ >a O" Wo CO? Wl8• WOwo ROAD COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. ALFRED GOKnAM IN ACCOtXT WITH THE TOWN OF TARUOVTH. Labor Etc. on Roads and Bridges. Charles A. Chase, hours @ 20^ $ .25 Albert Taylor, 2 hours @ 20^, 40 Albert Taylor, 2 hours @ 45^ 9'> S. H. Hamblin, 2 loads clay @5^, 10 James Gorham, 3 loads of clay @ 5^, IS Daniel Cole, 3 hours @ 25^ 75 H. D. Bray, 3 hours @ 25^, 75 Jona Usher, Jr., 6 hours @ 45^, 2.70 M. Keveney, Jr., 6 hours @ 20^, 1.20 •J. B. Keveney, 2^4 hours @ 20^, .50 Geo. Robbins, 2 hours @ 20^, ' 40 J, G. Bray, 1/2 hours @ 20^, 3° Patrick Morgan, 48}^ hours @ 20^, 9.7c Amos E. Arey, i hour @ 20^ .20 Amos E. Arey, 18 hours @ 30^, 540 F. C. Baker, 3}^ hours @ 30^, I.05 \V. E. Ellis, 17 hours @ 20^, 340 James Gorham, 33 loads of gravel @ 5^ 1.65 Patrick Heffeman, 21 hours @ 20^ 4.20 A. A. Knowles, 5 hours @ 20^ I.OO C. F. Koffman, i hour @ 20^, .20 \Vm. D. Loring, 5^2 hours at 20^, I.IO F. C. Robbins, 2}4 hours @ 20c, .50 Seth Taylor, i6>^ hours @ 30^, 4-95 W. E. Montcalm, 2 hours @ 20^ • .40 55 Patrick Morgan, 27 hours @ 20^, 540 E. B. Dean, 3 hours at 20^, .60 Joseph Chase, 2^ hours @ 20^ .50 Amos Arey, 23^ hours @ 20^, 50 Reuben Howes, 5 hours @ 20^ 1.00 I. L. Ellis, 1 hour @ 20^, jo Albert Taylor, 5 hours @ 6of', ". . 3.00 Geo. Hallet, 5 hours @ 40^, 2.00 J. E. Olar, iJ4 hours @ 20^, .25 J. A. Cash, 5/2 hours @30^ 1.65 Matthews & Payne, 16 loads coal dust @ 25^, .. 4.00 Jona Usher, Jr., 4 hours @ 20^, ^ Jona Usher, Jr., 26 hours @ 45^, 11,70 Jona Usher, Jr., 4 hours @ 30^, ijx) James Gorham, 19 loads gravel @5^, .9^ M. Keveney, 35 hours @20^, 6.<5i> John Silva, 52 hours @ 20^* 1040 Geo. Robbins, 46 hours @ 20^, E. B. Dean, 38 hours @ 20^ 7.60 James Morgan, 38 hours @ 20^, 7.60 Burt Cash, 38 hours' @ 20^ 7.60 Thomas Ryder, 33 hours @20^ '. 6.60 Jona Usher, Jr., 25 hours @ 2of, 4.80 M. Keveney, Jr., 49 hours @ 20^ 9.80 Patrick Morgan, 46 hours @ 20/, 9.20 Edmund Walker, 38 hours @ 45^ 17.10 Jona Usher, Jr., 49 hours @ 45^, 22.05 J. G. Hallet, 38 hours @ 45^, 17.10 Patrick Heffernan, 11 hours @ 20^, 2J0 Patrick Morgan, 26 hours @ 20^ 5J0 James T. Chase, 10 hours @ 20^ 2.03 56 E. R. Hamblin, 5 hours @ 20^, F. C. Baker, 18 hours @ 20<, ' 3-6o Scth Taylor, 8 hours @ 15^, - • Seth Taylor, 8^ hours @ 30^, 2.4S- James Gorham, 6 loads gravel @ 3° James Park, 6 hours @ 20^ . ^-20 Ceo. P. Matthews, 10 hours @ 20^, . 2.00 Edmund Walker, hours @ soi', - i-35 E. B. Dean, hours @ 1-30 Patrick Morgan, 15 hours @ 20^, 3-00 Wm. D. Loring, gVi hours @ 20(' i-90 Allen Cash, 40 hours @ 20^^, 8-00 E. R. Hamblin, 55 hours @ 20^, H-OO Paterick Heffernan, 12 hours @ 20^, 24Q Jona Usher, Jr., 2 hours @ fee', 1.20 Jona Usher, Jr., hours @ 40^ ^0 M. Keveney, Jr., 2 hours @ 20^ 4° E. R. Hamblin, 6 hours @ 20^, 1.20 Albert Taylor, 10 hours @ 20^ 2.00 Frank Chase, 10 hours @ 20^, 2.00 Amos Arey, 14 hours @ 20^, 2.80 F. S. Cash, 14 hours @ 20^, 2.80 Lewis Kickerson, 14 hours @ 20^, >2.80 Patrick Morgan, 34 hours @ 20^, 6.80 E. B. Dean, 6 hours @ 20?* 1.20 John Silva, 5J4 hours @ 20^*, i-05 Clarence Chase, 3 hours @ 20^, ' .60 J. T. Chase, 5 hours @ 20^, i-OO M, Keveney, Jr., 6}^ hours @ 20^, 1.30 •Jona Usher, 3 hours @ 45^» ' '-35 Jona Usher, 2 hours @ 40^ -So I . 67 Jona Usher, 2 hours @ 2of, • • • 40 Patrick Morgan, 6 hours @ 20^, James Gorham, 3 loads gravel @ ^3 O. E. Baker, 7 hours @ 30^- • G. H. Baker, 14 hours @ 30^ 4^ Edmund Walker, 5 hours @ 45^, 2.25 Geo. Robbins, 4>^ hours @ 20^, 9^ Amos E. Arey, 5 hours @ 20^, i-oo Geo. P. Matthews, 10 hours @ 20^, 2.00 Edmund Walker, 3 hours @20^ Edmund Walker, 4 hours @30#. C. H. Koffman, hours @ 20<, -^S Wm. D. Loring, 9j4 hours @20^, 1-95 Jona Usher, Jr., 10 hours @ 45^, 4-50 M. Keveney, Jr., 10 hours @ 20^, ^-0® Geo. P. Matthews, 23 hours @ 20^, . 4-6o Seth Taylor, hours @ 15^, 2.93 Thomas Ryder, 17/2 hours @ 20^', 3-50 Seth Taylor, horse 3J^ hours @ 15^, $2 Seth Taylor, 14 loads clay @ 5^, ^ Albert Taylor, 4 hours @ 6o^, 240 George Hallet, 4 hours @ 40^, Wm. P. Bray, 4 hours @ 20^ -8® Patrick Morgan, 20 hours @ 20^, 4-®® Patrick Heffernan, 12 hours @ 20^, 24^ Albert Taylor, 2J^ hours @ 30^, " -75 Wm. P. Bray, 23^ hours @ 20^, .50 S. H. Hamblin, 2 loads clay @ S4, . -i® John Silva, 9 hours @ i-8o Reuben Howes, 10 hours @ 20^, 2.W E. L. Sears, as per bill, 4-5® Aim ;>K John Hincklcy & Son, as per bill, 14-24 H. R. Usher, as per bill, 3.0a Joseph Thacher, as per bill 5.00 Daniel Cole, as per bill 6.50 C. M. Bray, as per bill, . 45 J. B. Hall, as per bill, 1.87 Kelley Bros., as per bill 3.00 E. D. Payne, as per bill, .50 Alfred Gorham, as per bill 90.86 Drawn from Selectmen $47S.cx) $475.00 $475-00 Snow Account Ednuind Walker. 4 hours @ 40^,- $ 1.60 J. E. Olar, 6 hours @ 20^, 1.20 Alfred Gorham, iiyz hours @ 20^ 2.50 C. H. Koffnian. 3 hours @ 20^^ .60 J. Usher. Jr., 3 hours @ 6o^, 1.80 M. Kevcncy, Jr.. 3 hours @ 20^ .-... .60 Edmund Walker. 6 hours @ 40^, 240 E. B. Dean. 6 hours @ 20^ ; 1.20 Albert Taylor, 2 hours @ 40^, .80 Albert Taylor, 4 hours @ 60^ 240 Wm. P. Bray, 4 hours @ 20^ .80 F. I. Robbins, 4 hours @ 20^, .80 Chas. Cahoon, 4 hours @ 20^* .80 Alfred Gorham. 15 hours @ 20f', 3.00 Winthrop Cahoon. 4 hours @ 20^ .80 Eleazer Xickerson, 4 hours @ 20^ .80 Patrick Morgan. 5 hours @ 2of, i.oo J. E. Olar. 5)4 hours @ 20^ 1.15 I 59 Wm. P. Bray, 2 hours @ 20^^ 40 J. G. Bray, 4 hours @ 2oi; .80 J. G. Bray, 6 hours @ 40^, • 240 H. A. Cobb, 2 hours @ 20^ -40 C. W. Ellis, 2j4 hours @ 45^, 1.13 C. E. Chase, 2)4 hours @ 20^ .50 C. M. Bray, 6 hours @ 20ff, lAj Louis Nickerson, hours @ 20^ .30 A. C. Snow, repairing snow plow, .'... 1.50 Henry Robbins, 5 hours @ 20^ i.oo Geo. H. Baker, 10 hours @ 20f^ 2.00 Osborne E. Baker, 10 hours @ 20^, 2.00 E. B. Hallet as per bill, 4.03 Drawn from Selectmen, $41.88 $41.88 $41.83 Tree Warden Account Geo. P. Matthews. 2)4 hours @ 20^, $ .50 E. L. Sears, 35)4 hours @ 27)4^ 9-77 Geo. P. Matthews, 55)4 hours @ 20^, n.io Edmund Walker, 11 hours @ 30^, 3.30 E. B. Dean, II hours @ 20^^ 2.20 Geo. P. Matthews, removing tree as per agree ment 5.00 Allen B. Baker, trimming trees. South Yar- - mouth 5.00 Joyce Taylor, trimming trees. West Yarmouth 3.00 Alfred Gorham, 35)4 hours @ 25^, 8.88 Alfred Gorham, 6 )4 hours @ 20^ 1.25 Drawn from Selectmen $5aoo $50.00 $5aoo lli.. CO Repairs on Weir Village Road. J. A. Ellis, 54 hours @ 2of $ lo.Ro J. A. Ellis, 35 hours horse @ 15^, S-S J. A. Ellis, 152 loads clay @ 5^, 7.0O Charles Ellis, 30 hours @ 30^ 9.00 Charles Ellis, 175 loads clay ® 5^, 8.75 C. W. Ellis, yYa hours @ 20^, 1.50 C. W. Elli§, 17 hours @ 30^, 5.10 E. E. Chase, 31 hours @ 20^ ^ 6.20 C. E. Chase, hours @ 30^, 2.55 Jeremiah Robinson, 40 hours @ 20f 8.00 M. Ginna, 37>^ hours @ 20^ 7.50 C. L. Nickerson, 42 hours @ 20^, 840 J. W. Smith, 33J4 hours @ 20^, 6.70 Ceo. Van Puttcn, 28J4 hours @ 20^, 5.70 Seth Walker, 52 hours @ 20^, 10.40 E. F. Bray, 33 hours @ 20^ 6.60 E. C. Bray, 33 hours @ 20^ 6.60 H. A. Ellis, 25 hours @ 20^ 5.00 H. A. Cobb, 21/2 hours @ 20^, 50 H. A. Cobb, 18 hours ® 30^ 5.40 E. S. Chase, 13 hours @ 30^ 3.90 Jeremiah Chase, 4J4 hours @ 30^, 1.35 Frank Chase, hours @ 2of, 1.30 H. A. Cobb, 10 hours @ 2of, 2.00 C. M. Bray, as per bill, 3.17 John Hinckley & Son, as per bill, 4.17 Aired Gorham, as per bill, 6.56 Drawn from Selectmen, $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 TnTfib' 61 ALI.KN ». IIAKKR, ROAD COUMISSIONKR. IN ACCONNT WITH TPK TOWN OP YARMOLIH,' 1901 Labor on Roads. Watson Cahoon, hours, : ' <^5 David M. Chase, lo hours-® 15c, • . i.5<> David M. Chase, 13 hours @ 15^, 1.95 David M. Chase, 10 hours @ 20^,' ' 2x36 David M. Chase, 14 hours @ 30^, .'v............ 4.20 Austin Whittemore, 10 hours @ 20^, 200 • Walter Cotell, 10 hours @ 20^, 2x30 William Fuller, 10 hours ® 20^, 2.00 Alex W. Cahoon, 10 hours @ 20^, 2.00 Frank Collins, 10 hours @ 30^, 3xr> Edgar Baker, 10 hours @ 30^, ; $X30 Fred E. Baker, 10 hours @ 30^, 3.00 Frank Homer, 10 hours @ 30^, i 3xx> George L. Ryder„ 10 hours ® 30^, . 3.00 John G. Sears, 10 hours @ 30^, $xjo ' Luther Brown, 10 hours @ 30^, ^ 3A» Joseph Baker, 10 hours @ 30^, 3x0 John Stetson, 10 hours @ 30^, 3x0 Ernest Baker, 10 hours @ 20^, 2x0 Hebron Baker, 10 hours @ 20^, 2x0 Charles Ellis, 90 loads clay @5^, w 4.50 Gilbert Studley, 10 hours @ 30^, 3x0 William Eldridge,, 10 hours @ 30^, 3x0 William Hurst, 10 hours @ 30^, 3x0 Charles Oliver, 10 hours @ 30^, 3x0 Lennie Baker, 10 hours @ 30^, 3.00 Luther Brown, 10 hours @ 30^, 3x0 Joseph Baker, 10 hours @ 30^, 3-«» 62 'riiomas Brown, lo hours @ 30^, 3. John G. Scars, 10 hours @ 30^, 3, Lcandcr Baker, 10 hours @ 20^, 2, Nelson Baker, 10 hours @ 20^, 2. Clarence Baker, 10 hours @ 20^, 2, Ileston Gray, 10 hours @ 20f 2, Isaac Ellis, 10 hours @ 20^, 2, Slurges Crowell, 135 loads clay, 13, George L. Ryder, 10 hours @ 20^, 2, Albert H. Catell, 10 hours @ 2of, 2 Fred Campbell, 10 hours @ 20^, 2 Alex Cahoon, 10 hours @ 20^, 2 Freeman Nixon, 10 hours @ 20^, 2 Osborn Chase, 10 hours @ 20f 2 Joseph Cotell, 10 hours @ 30^, 3 Frank Collins, 10 hours @ 30^ 3 Edgar Baker, 10 hours @ 30^ 3 George H. Loring, 10 hours @ 30^ 3 John Stetson, 10 hours @ 30^, 3 Gilbert Studley, 10 hours @ 30^ 3 William Eldridge, 10 hours @ 30f', 3 Charles Ellis, 79 loads clay, 3 L. K. Chase, 10 hours @ 15^ i Joseph Cotell, 10 hours @ 30^ 3 Benjamin Cotell, 10 hours @ 30^, ^. 3 George H. Loring, 10 hours @ 30^, 3 Wm. Stetson, 10 hours @ 30^, 3 Thomas Brown, 10 hours @ 30^ 3 William Hurst, 10 hours @ 30^, 3 Frank W. Homer, 10 hours @ 30^, 3 Isaiah Homer, 10 hours @ 3 00 Co 00 00 ,00 .00 .00 50 .00 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 03 95 50 .00 00 00 03 00 00 .00 .00 68 Ernest Baker, 10 hours @ 30^ 3.00 Walter Cotell, to hours @ 20^, 2jX} Albert H. .Cotell, 10 hours @ 20<^,2X» Samuel Baker, 10 hours @ 20^, 2X)o Osbom Chase, 10 hours @ 20f, zxio Freeman M. Nixon, 10 hours @ 20^, 2.cA> Charles Ellis, 70 loads clay, ....' 3.53 M. H. Crowell, repairs on steel hoe&, .75 Hebron Baker, 3 hours'^ 15^ ^3 Joseph Cotell, 5 hours @ 15^, .73 John Stetson, to hours @ $of, 3.00 David M. Chase, 14 hours @ 15^, 2.10 J. R. Baker, 14 hours @ 15^, .'. 2.10 Robert Clark, 14 hours @ 15/, 2.10 Joseph Cotell, 2 hours @ 301^, j^o Charles Robinson, 4 hours @ 15^, .60 Joseph Cotell, shells, 3J00 Hiram E. Baker, 25^4 hours @ yXtS Silas H. Crowell, 26^4 hours @ 30^,............. Osbom Baker, 24 loads clay 1.20 Charles Ellis, 14 loads clay, ... 1 .70 Samuel Baker, 26 hours @ 15^ 3.90 Wm. N. Stetson, 28 hours @ 30^, Peleg P. Akin, 105 loads sand, 2.10 Edward Sole, 6 hours @ 15^, g© Joseph U. Baker, labor, and material on Run . hndge, 4.73 CrV''. 'o hru-s @ '»o^ 300 John G. Scars, lo hours @ 30^. Allen B. Baker's bill, Expense on roads Drawn from Treasurer for roads and bridges, Snow Account. Isaac Hall, 2 hours ® 20^ S. K. Crowell, 2 hours @ N. K. Crowell, 2 hours @ 20f, David M. Chase, 4 bou^s @ 40*' Fred E. Baker, care of town pump Allen B. Baker, 4j4 hours @ 40^' Frank B. Homer, 5 hours @ 40^ . Allen B. Baker, 3^4 hours @ 4Cm» Luther R- Brown, 3j4 hours ® 40^ David M. Chase, 2>4 hours @ 40^', ...: Allen B. Baker, ij4 hours @ 40^ $243.90 84.65 $328.55 $328.55 $14.00 Drawn from Town Treasurer $14.00 Clearing up Bumping Ground. J. R. Baker, 10 hours @ 15^ $ Robert Oark, 10 hours @ 15^ i-S® Allen B. Baker, 6 hours @ 30^, i*8o J. R. Baker, 10 hours @ 15^ i-S® Robert Clark, 10 hours @ 15^, *-50 Allen B. Baker, 12 hours @ 30^ 3-6o Geo. L. Ryder, 2 hours @ 15^ -3^ David M. Chase, 8 hours @ 15^, A. W. Cahoon, 2 hours @ 15^, .. A. W. Cahoon, 8 hours @ 15^, .. Benjamin Cotell, 8 hours @ 151'. Allen B Baker, 10 hours @ 30^, .. I. P. F. Farris, printing signs, .. $19.85 Drew from Town Treasurer, $19-85 Bass River Lower Bridge Account. Osborn Chase, 5 hours @ 15^, $ -75 Uriah Sears, 8oj4 hours @ 20^, 16.10 David M. Chase, 49^4 hours @ 15<, 743 Joseph P. Rogers, 45 hours @ 25^, II.25 Purington & Small, spikes, 2.25 Horatio Matthews, i day, 2.50 Joseph U. Baker, 7J4 hours, 2.10 Gilbert Studley, 6 days, 4 hours @ $2.50 per day, 16.10 Bertie Studley, 3 days, 4 hours @ $1-75 per day, 6x30 Watson Cahoon, 3 days @ $1.75 day, 5*25 Manton Crowell, care of bridge 35-00 Allen B. Baker, care of bridge, 190J4 hours @ aS-ts April 6, H. H. Sears & Co., 670 feet spruce plank @ $20 per M., 134-^ June 27, John Hinckley & Son, spruce plank and spikes *20.39 Sept. 10, John Hinckley & Son, spruce plank and spikes, 54-02 66 Nov. I, John Hinckley & Son, spnice plank and spikes, 28.O0 $359-29 Town of Yarmouth paid 4-10, $143-72 Town of Dennis paid 4-10, 143.72 County paid 2-10, 7'-85 $359-29 JOYCE TATLOB, BOAD C(»MMISSIONEB, IN ACCOIKT WITH THE TOWN OP TABMOUTH, 1901. Labor on Roads. James E. Snow, 16 hours @ 20^, $ 3.20 E. E. Howes, 34^^ hours @ 20^, 6.99 Benajah Whelden, 31 hours @ 20^, 6.20 Howard F. Nickerson, 8 hours @ 20^, i.Co Darius Cotelle, 27 hours @ 30^ 8.10 Horace P. Baxter, 56 hours @ 15^, 840 Horace P. Baxter, 22 hours @ 30^, 6.60 R. L. Taylor, 11 hours @ 25^, 2.75 R. L. Taylor, 22 hours @ 15^, 3.30 W. F. Baker, 45 hours @ 20^, 9,00 Timothy Cotelle, 45 hours @ 30^, 13.50 Gilbert Lewis, hours @ 20^ 1.90 Fernandus Baker, 18 hours @ 30^, 5.40 Luther Buck, 14 hours @ 20^, 2.80 Bessie Howard, 50 loads of loom @4^, 2.00 B. F. Crocker's bill, lo.g^ Joyce Taylor, 108 hours @ 20^ 21.60 67 Joyce Taylor, 654 hours @ 15# 98.10 * $212.29 Drawn from Treasurer, 201.7S Due J. Taylor, $ 10.51 Snow Account. Darius Cotelle, 2 hours @ 20^, .' $ 40 Seaver Kitteler, 3J4 houi^ @ 20^, .70 John Kitteler, 3 hours @ 20^, .70 W. F. Baker, 3 hours @ 20^, ........ J. T .70 Gilbert Lewis, 5-hours @ 20^ 1.06 Joyce Taylor, 15^ hours @40^, ... 6.30: $9.80 Drawn from Treasurer, $9.80 III I i t3 4 AUDITORS' REPORT. The Auditors having examined the accounts of the several officers make the following report; Town Treasurer, William J. Davis. Balance on hand January i, 1901, $ 2,529.79 Received from Tax Collectors and all other sources, 49>o'9 S9 $51,549-38 Paid orders from January 1, 1901 to January i, 1902, $48*030.55 Balance on hand January i, 1902, 3,518.83 $51,549.38 Outstanding orders, $632.35 Selectmen. Chas. R- Bassett, Chairman. Orders drawn by Selectmen on Town Treas urer from January i 1901, to January 1, 1902, $47,300-09 Amount of receipts and vouchers, 47.300.09 Fish Commission. ^ Cash received for permits sold, $203.50 Padd tor building dam $31.00 Paid for sign board, .75 69 Paid for auctioneer, 2.00 Paid for committee and secretary, . . .. 7040 Paid Town of Dennis, 49.67 Paid Town of Yarmouth, 49 -68 $203.50 Tree Warden. Alfred Gorham. Amount drawn from Treasurer, $50x10 Amount paid for labor on trees, 5aoo Road Commissioners. Alfred Gorham. Drawn from Town Treasurer for roads, $475.00 Drawn from Town Treasurer for snow, 41.88 Drawn from Town Treasurer for Weir Village roads, 150.00 Paid out for repairs on roads, ....... Paid out for Weir Village roads, .., Paid out for snow $475X10 iSaoo 41.88 $666.88 $666.88. Joyce Taylor. Drawn from Town Treasurer for roads and bridges, $201.78 Drawn for snow, 9.80 Due' Joyce Taylor, 10.51 $222j09. Paid out on roads and bridges, $212.29 Paid out on snow, 9.80 $222.09 Allen B. Baker. Drawn from Town Treasurer for roads and bridges $328.55 Drawn for snow, 14.00 Drawn for dumping ground, 19.85 Drawn for Bass River lower bridge, .. 359.29 Paid out on roads and bridges, $328.55 Paid out for snow, 14.00 Paid out for dumping ground, 19.85 Paid out for Bass River lower bridge: Town of Yarmouth, 4-10 14372 Town of Dennis, 4-10, 143 72 County of Barnstable, 2-10, 71.85 $721.69 Report of Trustees of Sears Fund. Note of the Town held by Trus tees January 1, 1901, $15,070.52 Interest on same to January i, . 1902, 904.23 $721.69 $15.97475 Paid Trustees, $ Interest on partial payments, .... Received from Town, 900.00 Note given January 1, 1902, ..... 15.035.06 Schools E.W. Eldridge, Treasurer. Drawn from Town Treasurer, $4,428.39 Paid for support of schools, $4,174.39 Paid for books and supplies, 253.34 Balance, .66 $4428.39 Tax Collector's Report Amount due from collectors for 1899 and 1900, $12,148.56 .Amount collected in 1901, ^1437-33 Balance due Town $711.23 Amount of taxes for 1901 $26,344.53 Amount collected in 1901. 18,348.00 Balance due on 1961 taxes, $7,996.53 Amount due from collectors, $8,707.76 E. D. PAYNE. F. F. COLLINS. Auditors. i TOWN HEETINQ WARRANT. Da UNSTABLE, SS. To either of the Constables in the To^n of Itarmotdh in the Coaniy of Bamstable, Gbeetikg: lu the name of the Conimonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Yarmouth, qualified to vote in town afiFairs, to meet at the Town House on Monday, the tenth day of February next, at eight o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: Article i. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. Art. 2. To elect the following named officers, all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman for three (3) years, one Assessor for three (3) years, one Overseer of the Poor for three (3) years. Town Clerk for one (i) year. Town Treasurer for one (i) year, one School Committee for three (3) years, one School Committee for two (2) years, one Road Commissioner for three (3) years. Col lector of Taxes and two Constables for one (i) }*ear, two Auditors for one (i) year. Tree Warden for one (i) year. Also to see if the town will g^ant the sale of intoxicating liquors. Art. 3. To choose all other necessaiy town officers. Art. 4. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen '4 it 78 and act thereon. Art. 5. To hear the report of other committees and act thereon. . Art. 6. To see what sums of money the town wilt raise for the support of the poor, town offices and com mittee fees, support of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, repairs on public buildings, miscd- laneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debt, superintendent of schools, and transportation of scholars and for other necessary charges arising in this town. - . Art 7. To see if the town -will authorize the Town Treasurer to hire money in anticipation of taxes to pay town debts! Art 8. To see if the town will appropriaite the sum of two hundred and twenty-eight dollars and eighty-three cents for the remittance of taxes for the years 1894,1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, which are absolutely uncollectable. Art 9. To see if the town will instruct its Treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the trustees of the Sears fund. kit xo. To* see if the town will accept the List of urors as reported by the Selectmen Art IX. To see if the town will vote to accept for future use the provision of Chap. 482, Acts of 1901, as approved June 10, 1901, relative to the election of Town Clerk for the term of three (3) years. Art xa. To see if the town will vote to permanently fix the salary of the School Committee. Art 13. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five (25) cents each on muskrats, woodchucks and crows. [By request.] /Amc Y A Art- 14. To sec if the town will accept Chap. 391 of the Acts of 1889, which g^ivcs the Selectmen of the town the control and regulation of taking of eels and shellfish within the town. Art- 15. To see what sum of money the town will ap propriate to finish the macadam road from Dunbar's Cor ner, so called, to the Quaker crossing. [By request.] Art. 16. To see what sum of money and under what condition of payment the town will authorize its Treas urer to hire for the construction of the macadam road mentioned in the preceding article. Art. 17. To see if the town will appoint a committee to have the care of the construction of the macadam road mentioned in the two preceding articles. Art- 18. To see if the town will vote to transport the scholars living in the western part of the town to and from school during the winter months or any part of the time and to raise and appropriate a sum of money there- fr. [By petition.] Art. 19. To see if the town will vote that on all taxes remaining unpaid after January ist of the year following in which they are assessed, interest shall be paid at the rate of six per cent, per year Art. 20. To see if the town will instruct its Selectmen to purchase a lot of land on the road leading from Yar mouth to South Yarmouth at or near Quaker crossing, so called, and to remove there the town house. [By request.] Art. 21. To see if the town will vote to remove the roller house in South Yarmouth to some more suitable location. [By petition.] Art 23. To see what sum of money the town will ap propriate to execute the provisions of the two preceding articles. Art. 23. To see if the town will vote under provisions of Chap. 146 of Acts of 1888, to discontinue all precincts and precinct voting, as previously adopted by the town, under the provision of Chap. 264. Acts of 1886. [By request.] Art. 24. To see if the town will vote to discontinue as town roads any or all of the following roads: First, the road leading from the town house to the West Yarmouth road, called Webber's Path. Second, the road leading' from a point on the West Yarmouth road north of the town house, to and by the town house to its junction with the Matthews Gray road, so called, the same being a part of the road called the South Sea road. Third, the two roads leading from the town house to their junction with the South Yarmouth road. [By request.] Art 25. To see if the town will vote to amend the last clause of section 2. article 6 of the by-laws by adding thereto the words, "and scallop," so as to read as follows'': "The Road Commissioners may so place clam and oyster and scallop shells at their discretion." [By petition.] Art 26. To see what sum of money the town will ap propriate to repair Berry avenue in West Yarmouth from the State road to Englewood Beach Hotel on Lewis Bay. [By request.] Art. 27. To see if the town will appoint a committee to re-locate and mark the boundary lines of all town ways leading to Bass ri ver below B. R, lower bridge, and to give notice to all trespassers upon said ways to remove all obstrurtlcns therein. [By request.] 74 Art. 14. To see if the town will accept Chap. 391 of the Acts of 1889, which gives the Selectmen of the town the control and regulation of taking of eels and shellfish within the town. jg. To see what sum of money the town will ap propriate to finish the macadam road from Dunbar's Cor ner, so called, to the Quaker crossing. [By request.] Art. 16. To see what sum of money and under what condition of payment the town will authorize its Treas urer to hire for the construction of the macadam road mentioned in the preceding article. Art. 17. To see if the town will appoint a committee to have the care of the construction of the macadam road mentioned in the two preceding articles. Art. 18. To see if the town will vote to transport the scholars living in the western part of the town to and from school during the winter months or any part of the time and to raise and appropriate a sum of money there- fr. [By petition.] Art. 19. To see if the town will vote that on all taxes remaining unpaid after January 1st of the year following in which they are assessed, interest shall be paid at the fate of six per cent, per year. Art. 20. To see if the. town will instruct its Selectmen to purchase a lot of land on the road leading from Yar mouth to South Yarmouth at or near Quaker crossing, so called, and to remove there the town house. [By request.] Art. 21. To see if the town will vote to remove the roller house in South Yarmouth to some more suitable location. [By petition.] Art 22. To see what sum of money the town will ap propriate to execute the provisions of the two preceding articles. Art 23. To see if the town will vote under provisions of Chap. 146 of Acts of 1888, to discontinue all precincts and precinct voting, as previously adopted by the town, under the provision of Chap. 264, Acts of 1886. [By request] Art 24. To see if the town will vote to discontinue as town roads any or all of the following roads: First, the road leading from the town house to the West Yarmouth road, called Webber^s Path. Second, the road leading from a point on the West Yarmouth road north of the town house, to and by the town house to its junction with the Matthews Gray road, so called, the same being a part of the road called the South Sea road. Third, the two roads leading from the town house to their junction with the South Yarmouth road. [By request.] Art, 25. To see if the town will vote to amend the last clause of section 2, article 6 of the by-laws by adding thereto the words, "and scallop," so as to read as follows: "The Road Commissioners may so place clam and oyster and scallop shells at their discretion." [By petition.] Art. 26. To see what sum of money the town will ap propriate to repair Berry avenue in West Yarmouth from the State road to Englewood Beach Hotel on Lewis Bay. [By request.] Art 27. To see if the town will appoint a committee to re-locate and mark the boundary lines of all town ways leading to Bass river below B. R. lower bridge, and to give notice to all trespassers upon said ways to remove all obstructions therein. [By request.] >3 '***111' "I I ii« I It % 76 Art. 28. To see if the town will vote to furnish the bonds of town officers of whom bonds are required. [By request.] Art. 29. To see if the town will vote to raise a sum of money to repair South Sea avenue, a road in West Yar mouth leading from the State highway near the church to the property of Mr. C. B. Cory, and appropriate a sum of money for the same. [By petition.] You are hereby directed to serve this warrant by post ing attested copies thereof in five public places in said town, three on the south side and two on the north side; also one publication in the Yarmouth Register, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands and the seal of the town of Yarmouth this twenty- fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two (1902). • CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, JESSE W. CROWELL. Selectmen of Yarmouth. A true copy, attest, SETH TAYLOR, Constable. Financial Report OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31,1902. matta VARMQUTH^ONT. HASS.t C. P. awiPT A SON. PUBUSNSRS AND PMNTHRO. Clie F,re«$, isoa. TOWN OFFICERS. Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board of Health. Charles R. Bassett, Yarmouthport, Henry Blachford, West Yarmouth, Jesse W. Crowell, South Yarmouth. Town Clerk and Treasurer. William J. Davis, Yarmouthport. Auditors. E. D. Payne, Yarmouthport, George H. Loring, South Yarmouth. School Committee. L. K. Chase, E. W. Eldridge, Wm. A. Schwab. Superintendent of Schools. William E. Chaffin. Collector of Taxes. Luther R. Brown. Road Commissioners. Alfred Gorham, Joyce Taylor, Allen B. Baker. Trustees Sears Fund. Stephen Sears, Thacher T. Hallet. Tree Warden. Alfred Gorham.. Registrars of Voters. Wm. J. Davis, Chas. F. Furrington, D. B. Crocker, T. F. Drew. Constables. Seth Taylor, John H. Stetson. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Albert C. Snow. Special Police. H. F. Studley, Henry Arey. Inspectors of Animals. Isaiah Crowell, P. E. Hannan, Frank W. Homer. Undertakers. Seth Taylor, Joshua S. Baker, Manton H. Crowell. Surveyor of Lumber. _ Charles M. Brav. Isaiah Crowell, Fence \'iewers. D. F. Sears. Forester. Joshua S. Baker. Albert Taylor,. Pound Keepers. Dustin Baker, Charles L. Nickerson, George L. Ryder. Field Drivers. Joseph Bassett, Elam S. Mecarta, James A. Ellis, Benj. S. Cotelle, James Baker, Joshua S. Baker, George L. Ryder. George P. Matthews, James H. Smith, George H. Baker, John Baker, Timothy Cotelle, Joseph F. Nickerson, Ii.. SELECTMEN'S REPORT. EST1MATE.S. A table of estimates as prepared by the Selectanen in tiie different departments for the coming year in aocordanoe with the by-laws cd tiie town: Support of poor, Support of schools, Roads and bridges, Town officers, Public buildings and repairs, Superintendent of schools. Miscellaneous mqienses, Interest on notes, Interest on •Sears Fund, State Highway note^ School supplies, Sloyd schools, Remittance <d taxes. Suppression of crime, Transportatimi of scholars. Tree w^rdmi, Stone road notes, Forester act, Coiy road note. «f2,500 00 fi,800 00 -1,600 00 1,800 00 500 00 100 00 MOO 00 130 00 900 00 3,000 00 275 00 500 00 500 00 100 00 800 00' 100 00 3,000 00 100 00 tSOO 00 TOWN DEHTS. AI.MSlIorsK. Polly Shenniiii, acct. Kiihiry, keeper, %87 50 " " supplies, eggs, 7 69 Alfred Gorliam, labor, iiS 68 - " supplies, 50 David D. Kelley, " J. "W. Howes, « I. n. Thacher, 2d, " Isabel Lewis, " S. W.Ilall, A. f^ilver, ** . A. A. Knowles. S. L. Robbins, Sylvaniis Robbins, T«»WN t»FFM-K. Wm. D. Loring, janitor, " « " hay and gi'ain. J. K. Hall, supplies. MIst'KI.I.ANKOl's. Stephen Sear.->, trustee Sears Fund, Edwin Thacher, rent polling place, P. E. llannan, horse hire, A. <Torhain, tree warden. Dr. E. JI. Parker, 8 birth returns Stephen Sears insurance ix)licy, • L. R. llromi, tax collector, i>ostage. 895 19 4 18 60 7 73 23 25 1 00 21 55 3 20 6 85 .5 70 40 850 00 2 85 8169 15 852 85 7 00 815 00 10 00 10 75 3 69 2 0(» 9 25 26 00 846 45 7 80 42 50 4 00 6 00 10 00 TOWN* OFFICERS. Isaiah Oowell, school committee, 825 00 " " horse hire, 6 00 ** « school census 8 00 " « election officer, 2 50 ** " inspector animals 9 95 Isaiah Homer, inspector animals P. E. Hannan, « « M. H. Crowell, return of deaths " " care of hearss A. C. Snow, balance salary, sealer, PUBLIC BUILDINGS. C. M. Bray, lumber, almshouss 84 14 " ** " N. sehoolhonss 52 A. C. Snow, labor, town offlcs Taimton, support, S. A. Baker, 8 39 43 Medfield, « M. A. Chris- tensen, 836 80 Medfield, « Gus. Hinckley, 86 80 Dennis Morris Gray, 894 72 ** Myra Cash, S. W. Hall, " Arch. Phillips 86 26 Alex. Crowell, 70 " « « E. & L. Buck, 2 80 119 72 A. A. Knowles, supplies, Arehelus PhillipB, *39 00 I. F. Homer, reut, lilelissa Baker, (> 07 Ur. T. 15. Pulsifer, xned. attend. Mrs.' W. Bakei\ 4 GO TKAXSJ»OUTATH»X. I. F. Homer, 57 days, C. W. Ellis, 16 days. Muskiats, 1.4* at 2oc. *114 00. 16 00 .\irsKi;ATs. *291 1« 180 OO UOAItS AM> imiDO£S. A. Gorham, catch basin, *56 07 « « • paid labor on snow, 24 05 80 12 A. A. Knowles, supplies, snow plow, 23 Joyce Taylor, paid acct. labor, 10 51 I. L. Ellis, u « u ytate road, 10 00 C. E. Chase, « u « u « 10 00 Town of Dennis, repairs I'pper Bridge, 44 18 J. B. Hall, stove and fittings. rnexpended Italanee, Amount raised by town, *1,200 00 State Heimbursement^Inspeettirs animals, , 30 12 1.55 04 *1,065 72 164 40 *1.280 12 *1.230 12 TOWN OFFICEHS. Selectmen, assessors, overseers of poor, IV m. .T. Da\ns, toxvn clerk, " " town treasurer, « " recording 19 hirths, n " " "41 deaths, " " "21 mairiages, E. D. PajTie, auditor, F.F. Collina, " L. B. Brotni, tax collector, Seth Taylor, constable, John H. Stetson, " Clias. F. Purrington, registrar, ■\Vm. J. DaAia, « Theodore F. Drew, « Daniel B. Crocker, « Board of Healtlv J, S, Baker, care hearse, Seth Taylor, " " " 13 death rotuniB, School committee, " " school census, Seth Tayloi', truant officerj Jas. H. Bohinson, " " S. W. Mitchell, " F. (\ Swift, inn<lerator. *15 50 76 00 1-i in Wm. A. Schwab, moderator, T. F. Drew, election officer, David Kelley, 2d, " " Richard Sears, " " Henry A. Cobb, " " Joshua E. Howes, " " A. A. Knowles, " " Oliver Hallet, « « C. R. Bassett, " « " John H. Stetson, " " Charles F. Purrington, « « ■Ernest P. Baker, " " Jlanton H. Crowell, " " T. S. Holway, R, H. Harris, • ** " A. C. Snow, Alfred Gk)rham, " " E. "Wi Eldridge, " N. B. Burgess, « « Jas. A. Ellis, "Winchester Johnson, « « S. W. Mitchell, Isaiah Crowell, ** ** Unexpended balance. Amount raised by the town. » 5 00 5 00 2 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 8 50 «il,815 55 184 45 ♦2,000 00 $2,000 00 $2,000 00 i MISCELLAXEOI'S. IXrinKXTALS. T. T. Hallet, justice fees, ^ 25S. Sears and T. T. Hallet, trustees Sears , 15 00Seth Taylor, incidental labor, 15 22 J. Hinckley «fc Son, lumber, polling place, 8 20 P. E. Hannan, horse hire, n 00 J. G. Hallet, moving safe, 3 00 "Wright & Potter, schedules, 2 50 Seth Kelley, rent polling place, § OO E. S. Bi-adford, court fees, C-otelle, 7 44 Joseph Bassett, rent bam, 12 00 Matthews d: Pajiie, fuel, town office, 11 69C. R. Rassett, meals to town officers, 4 00 J. G. Sears, labor S. Y. school j'ard, g 85E. W. Hallett, stationery and stamps, 16 20 J. W. Crowell, stamps, 5 qu 1". C. Swift, attV, settlement Xickerson 150 00Toun officers, travel expenses and horse .858 28F. C. Swift, director, insurance, 46 87 P. P. Akin, director, insiu-anee, 12 60 Frank Tbacher, director, insurance, 12 50 C. H. Bassett, justice fees, 1100Dr. Sears, two birth returns, jjj Dr. Binford, services vaccination, 1 50 B. A. Nickersnn, <listTib\iting tou-n reports, I 60 T. E. Kelley, distriliuting town reports, 1 00 T. F. Drew, lalwr, lulling place, 2 00 A. Gorbam, new snow plow, g 71 H. F. Ci-owell, lalM>r. S. V. i-emeterv. »5 5o 1 14 C. U. liasseti, ix>stage, telephone and ex- prews T. Taylor, painting X. S. hearse, H. S. liobson & Co., repairs ballot box, Globe Stamp Works, badges, town officers, F. B. Goss, town clerk's printing, W. J. ^)a^^s, pastage, J. W. Crowell, postage, X. X. 11. H. R. R. Co., mileage book, Stephen Sears, B. R. road com., Allen B. Baker, « « « Henry Blachford, « « « Chas. R. Bassett, « « u J. W. Crowell, t. « « W. F. Cahoon, labor B. R. roads, D. S. Taylor, repairs S. Y. pump, " W. Y. pump, II. Blat'hford, J.E. Crowell, Bond Bros., W. S. Fisher, E. B. Hallett, X. S. town vault, ^1 75 1 00 \V. D. J.,onng, janitor tou n office, ^^18 00 « « supplies, « " 9 22 John Falvey, bound stones, B. R. roads, 817 50 John Falvey, repairs on va\iltv 9 25 A. F. Sherman, recording deed, 8 67 ** ** book of abstracts, 15 00 A. C. Snow, building fence, « lalMjr polling plae<», 820 98 14 57 814 54 17 00 7 15 8 67 5 25 1 00 3 50 20 00 14 50 15 00 15 00 14.50 14 50 2 00 4 80 4 15 1 00 20 10 75 8 40 2 75 27 22 26 75 15 67 85 55 81,012 46 % 15 ST.\TE Henry Arey, David S. Baker, Lucy A. Currier, Mercy C. Crowell, Elizabeth Hurst, Thomas W. Harris, Hannah Lovell, Joseph H. Robinson, Marj' H. Ryder, George W. Ryder, MILITARV ADi. Ebenezer CrowelL FIRES. Jashua S. Baker, labor on fires, Henry A. Cobb, « « u F, W. Homer, J. F. Xickerson, SXOW. Alfred Gprham, Joyce Taylor, Alien K. Baker, rRJXTlXi; W. Soiuhworth Co., Register Printing Co. 848 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 54 00 48 (K) 86 00 48 00 9 00 8 65 02 170 75 2 00 4 00 898 Id 28 70 15 50 8 2 10 188 60 8485 (»0 r2 00 241 142 88 190 70 82.094 26 -3aM ■''V'. 115 STATE.MEXT MISCELLAXEOUS. Cr. Amount raised by the ^il,400 UO Received from X. Y., X. H. & H. R, R. Co^ acct. fi res, II 60 « " Commonwealtli, State Aid, 426 00 " " " Military Aid, 36 00 Expended over appropriation, 220 66 Dr. Paid for incidentals, $1,012 46 « " State Aid, ■ 435 00 « " Military Aid, 72 00 "« « fi res, 241 77 . « « snow, 142 83 •* " printing:, 190 70 $2,094 26 $2,094 26 SUPPORT OF POOR. Amount raised by to^m. Reimbursement by T. AV. Harris, S. "\V. Hall, calf sold, Da\id Howes, cow sold. Poor in almsliouse, Poor out of almshouse, Unexi>ended balance. $2,800 00 40 00 6 08 25 00 $ 035 65 1,383 17 552 26 $2,871 08 $2,871 08 HI K FROM C ITIES AX1» TOWNS FuK Sl-I'PORT OF POOR. Rrewster, Falmouth, $48 00 52 00 I'Ain FOR srppoUT OF STATE AXn PITY. Paid Stale, acct. Abigail Oage, $ 25 00 " Boston, acct. R. Fairbrotber, 121 72 $100 00 $146 72 i: SUPPOJtT OF SCHOOLS. E. W. Eldridge, Chairman, to jwy school bills as foUows: F. P. Comings, services, teacher, Bessie I. Parker, « « Mernie L. Kelley, « B. F. Hicks, Dora il. Baker, « •» H. F. Fhsher, « « Helen J. Edson, " Martha W. Howes, " « J. A. Whorf, « ~ C. B. Oliver, fuel. .\llpn B. Baker, fuel, II. B. Chase & Sons, fuel, Da^id Kelley, 2d, clock, Fi-ed. E. Baker, janitor services, , E. Chafflii, Prof. Holmes, travel, (*eo. A. Baker, telephone service, Register Printing Co., school reporta. $70 00 40 00 4U 00 5.5 00 3.5 00 42 5o 5ti Oi» 50 00 12 50 5 50 3 2.5 14 00 4 90 10 00 90 GO 41 50 $♦75 65 1.. K. Chase, Chai^nuI^ u. pay schoni bills as follows; F. P. Comings, senices, teacher, M. L. KeUey, B. I. Parker, B. F, Hicks, 1). M. Baker, .1. Whorf, I. .M. Level], II. J. Edson, M. W. Howes. $192 50 90 00 no 00 1.51 2.5 96 25 7.5 (H> 20 00 100 00 UMl tMI il; w is H. K. Fisher, services, teacher, ^50 00 AV. K Chaffin, " « 25 00 E. Baker, janitor, services, 25 00 Dustiu Baker, « « 16 00 James Gorham,« « 50 00 AA'^m. F. Kenney, repairs, clock, 2 00 II. G. Phillips, stove repairs, 6 95 IL B. Chase & Sons, fuel, 14 00 Afatthews & Payne, _ 23 79 T. S. Holway, horse hire, 1 00 B. I. Parker, services, teacher, X. E. Ix'wis, « " M. L. Kelley, « « P. B. Reid, « F. P. CiimiiigR, « B. F. Hicks, « " Kate Maher, " " E. F. Peirce, " « Dora M- Baker " " 11. J. Edson, " " H. F. Fisher, ." " M. AV. Howes, " ** Etta Baker, " F. E. Baker, " janitor, .Tames (iorliaiu, " " and extra labor, Diistin Baker, " ♦* Jeremiah Chase, cleaning sehoolhouse, J. M. Kelley, " " and labor, Phel>e Baker. Ansel L. Baker, lalxtr, T. E. Kelley, distributing selu)ol re]>ortR, 1). Frank Sears, labor, bla<'kboard, Z. P. Ihuves. lalK>r, white washing. $1,148 74 90 00 120 00 210 00 150 00 867 50 123 75 120 00 100 00 78 75 220 00 291 25 220 00 1 00 55 00 • 54 50 42 00 17 48 10 85 8 00 6 00 50 7 80 75 . I 19 Isaiah Crowell, fuel, C. R. Oliver, « 1. B. Kelley, « F. P. Hallet, " E. AV. Eldridge, " F. B. GOS.S, printing, OosR Printing Co, printing.Register Printing Co., printing,Real Bros., school sundrieea, B. C. Sears, « u E. D. Payne, « u Easterbroook Pen Co., « « Lyceum Hall Co., rent, G. Alatthews & Co, flag, A. B. Nye, paint, Masury, I.ound & Co, fl oor oil, C. R. Megathlin, « « H. AA\ Taylor, lime,E. E. Rabb & Co, rublier stamp, E. AV. Eldridge, stamps,F. AV. Kingman, travel expenses, I). Kelley, 2d, scliool diplomas, " " . " " clock, " " " sundries, Fnexpended Iwlanee, Amount niised by the townReceived from County, Dog Fund, " '• school Ixiard, State Fund. " " old fl oor sold, " " Isxiks sold, $3 60 4 90 1 75 *12 00 8 50 83 00 30 00 11 50 18 00 2 58 12 88 8 50 78 4 OX 8 40 9 00 6 85 2 20 12 00 2 00 7.5 20 1 tHt 3 10 10 25 84110 49 5 SO ♦3,800 00 177 40 183 09 5 00 KO *4.116 29 Hill} 29 L. K. Chase," Chairman, to pay bills as follows: Leavenworth «fc Co,, Oliver Ditson, ' E. K. Ihibb & Co„ Ti* Bnrtlett «fc Co,, 1 Ed. Knbber Co., 1 Miss Ixjvell, bell, E. D, Heath Co., W, E. Chaffin, express and supplies, American Book Co., Hegister Printing Co., printing, E. E. Babb & Co., (iinn & Co., Silver, Burdett Co,, D. C. Heath A- Co., American Book Co,, Ihiblic .School Printing Co,, A, T, French & Co., S. A. Wesiver. Anmuni raised by ilie tow n, Expended in excess. m 8250 si.ovn H tuiOLH. 50 5 00 57 18 1 25 1 88 55 S 92 5 85 2 70 7 50 00 90 ti:ansioi:tath»x of si-jiolars. Amount raised by the town, Paid Chas. AV. Ellis, 158 days, « Julius E Crowell, 164 " - A. E. Baker. 28 - I. F. II«»mer, I7.> " rnexi«ouU*d balance. 8 99 28 37 55 29 08 4 99 1 04 57 97 8 65 15 65 1 75 8250 96 8250 96 8250 96 8725 00 8158 00 164 00 28 00 850 00 25 00 x725 OH 8725 00 Amount raised hy the towii. Paid Isabel Shove, by Mrs. Aga.s8iz,8500 00 8500 00 8500 00 SLTERlXTKXnEXT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised hy the towii, Received from State Fund, Paid W. E. Chaffin, Supt, Pnexpeiided balance. TXTEREST. ^Amount raised for Sears Fund, « M 44 interest on notes, Paid E. F. Peirce, . " A. H. Eldridgo, treas,, " D. B. Crocker, « « J. H. Clark, 8100 00 166 87 8224 56 8266 87 8266 37 8900 00 30 00 .53 33 447 50 8 900 UO 1,400 00 " AV. J. Datis, « and cashier, ' 692 00 « E. T). Payne, trnstee, 20 00 Pnexpemled balance, 157 17 82.8<Mi (to 82,800 00 THEE AVAHBEX. Amount raised hy the town, Paid Alfred Govliam, tree wardem 8100 00 8100 00 81iHt 00 8100 (N) I HOADS AND BRIDGES. .Vmouiit raised by the town, « " Berry Avenue, vl,500 00 100 00 Expended excess of appropriation.111 06 Paid to Alfred Gorham,8700 00 " " Joyce Taylor,888 85 " " " repairs. Berry Ave.,100 00 « « Allen B. Baker,481 18 " " " " " 4-10 repairs B. R. bridge.141 68 *1.711 66 81.711 66 SOI'TII SEA AVENUE.- Amount liired by the town.8600 00 Donation received.200 00 Expendeil excess of appropriation.2 25 I. M. (Iiase, labor.8 98 16 John G. Sears, labor.9 60 Allen B. Baker, «9 00 Alfred Gorham, **11 00 Joyce Taylor, "679 50 8X02 25 8802 25 FORESTER. Amount raised by the town.8100 00 Paid J. S. Baker, forester.859 05 « H. A. Cobb, asst. forester.88 GO « J. F. Nickerson, F. warden.1 25 Unex]»ended balance.1 10 8100 00 8100 00 $ 28 REPAIRS ON PIULIC Bl\lLDINGS. AMISHOrSE. J. U. Baker, labor, Simeon Baker, « Gilltert Studl^, L. F. Nickersmi, " H. W. Taylor, « C. M.Bray, lumber, Kelley Bros., pmnting, " " extan labor, William ^lattliews, labor, J. Ilinekley & Son, suppliea, WEST senooLHorsK. Joseph Tripp, labor, R. L Taylor, " P. H. Baker, L A. Chase, « II. E. Ward, A. L. Baker, « n. W. Taylor, « .M. H. Crowell, " J. S, Baker, John Hinckley & Son, material, J. K. & B. Sears & Co., « M. G. Bradford, Matthews & Co- 127 60 Nonrn smooLBorsK. 01 10 if I 00 •20 87 22 60 61 97 26 68 6 00 2 00 2 00 12 00 62 84 8 91 8 80 4 56 8167 09 1 86 217 38 24 Mtl'TIi SOIIOOl.not'SK. J. G. Senris i9.hoT, P. F. Sears, " H. AV. Taylor, " J. K- & B. Searis material. « 1 22 20 85 C 53 81 35 8109 95 TOWN IIOrSE. n. \V. Taylor, labor and material, A. C. Snow, « « « W.H.Eldridge," $17 90 42 12 33 00 93 02 \mount raised by towit, J. K. & B. Sears & Co^ lumber returned 8350 00 S. Y. school. 33 95 194 79 $578 74 $578 74 RE-MITTAXCE OK TAXES. Amount raised by the town, Expebded in excess of aiipropriation, Taxes remitted, 1899, 44 " 1900, IfHU. • $ 61 98 259 81 179 (J4 $500 00 38 Ronittanee taxes to Seih Taylon Amount raised by the town, special, Taxes remitted 1894-5-6-7-8, 8500 38 $228 88 $.500 38 $228 88 *22s NiS «22H HZ 25 BURIAL FUND. Paid C. M. Bray, trustee, Paid P. P. Akin, trustee, $25 84 18 88 REMOVAL TOWN HOUSE. Amount raised by the town, Paid Myra A. Farris, land, « F. C. Baker, labor, « E. A. Kickerson, labor, « N. Goodwin, labor, " C. R. Bassett, serrices,, "W. H. Eldridge, contract, Unexpended balance, $10 00 7 00 8 00 4 20 16 50 845 00 9 80 W \Wauatus. $38 67 $400 00 $400 00 $400 00 Amount raised by town. Paid T. T. Hallet, s. acid, $ 60 " F. Thacber & Co, fire extinguishers, 77 00 Unexpended balance, 22 50 »100 00 OIOO 00 y. ;• '2*\ -AIACAI-)AM KOAD. V. A. Hull, coal,8 a 00 J. K. & B. Sears Co., stakes,12 75 I. H. Thacher, 2d, oil,5 69 Central Cash Gro., oil.3 14 B. Stockwell it Co., catch basin, frame and grates,18 00 Jlrs. Thomas Collins, board, engineers.5 50 F. F. Collins, team, engineers,1 75 Frank L. Baker, engineer sersices,2 50 Isaac Studley, " "2 00 Joseph Thacher, painting signs.3 00 P. E. Ilannan, team.4 00 A. B. Baker, clearing byroads.8 40 E. A. Xickerson, " "2 70 Boston Daily Globe, advertising,8 75 Xew Bedford Standard, **4 20 Register Printing Co., "7 50 E. A. Xickerson, lighting lanterns.17 40 A. R. "Wixon, " "44 00 Freight, tel. and sundries.10 21 .1. S. Baker, carting coal.1 00 A. W. Cahoon, labor, d^i^ing stakes.2 00 Committees' fees and expenses.202 35 Henry Blacliford, overseeing work.149 75 Arthur Slulvey, contractor.7,608 98 8S,128 57 Unexpt'iKh'd balance.377 43 Aiuount raised by the to^^•n, Watering cart sold, %8,500 00 0 00 ft«.50r> 00 S:S,nO« 00 I SLTPRESSiON OF CRLME. Amount raised by the toum, John H. Stetson, A. F. Peirce, F. M. ATixon, H. F. Crowell, W. F. Cahoon, S. Chapman, Joseph II. Robinson, S. W. Jlitehell, H. A. Cobb, E. A. Xickerson, J. A. Ellis, Henry Arey, Unexpended balance, »100 00 « 8 50 ■T. 00 0 00 0 00 5 00 4> 00 0 00 0 00 3 00 !{ 00 a 00 9 0(1 Hi 50 8100 00 8100 00 aveulixgtox case. « ^xitnessfees, ,? ?? - - Dr.Faunce, Unexpended Kilanee,900 85 81,000 00 81.000 00 J^IIEU. FISHEIiV. Amount raised by the town, H. F. Studley, police duty. Unexpended balance.m 00 15 00 850 00 850 00 850 00 •>« I. INSURANCE ACCOUNT. TOWN OVFICE CONSTRUCTJON. John Hinckley & Son, material, |106 14 "Wra. H. Eldridge, labor and material, 96 66 HOOKS, SUPPLIES, PUENlSUDfOB, 'W'EIGnTS AND MEASURES. i)a\id Kelley, 2d, clock and labor.# 8 85 Orphin Bros., furniture,42 00 Register Publishing Co., printing.65 80 E. W. Hallett, stationery and stamps,18 20 E. D. Payne, office supplies.1 25 A. A. Knowles, office supplies,8 48 T. T. Hallet, office supplies,B 80 Freight and express, office supplies,1 79 Samuel Ward Co., office supplies.81 61 Thorp, Jlartin Co^ office supplies,14 45 Hobb, Warren Co., office supplies,8 75 Secretary Olin, special laws,18 60 Little, Brown «t Co:, special laws, # 52 00 " tOAvn oflBcers* book, 4 Ofl " ITSvol.Masa. . Reports, 225 00 Priest, Page & Co., cabinet, scales, weight and measure, J. Hinckley, materials, Sno\\ ' & Jlatthews, labor and material lxK)k case, \V. II. Eldridge, contractor, labor and material town vault, m2 80 281 00 277 25 19 05 100 00 200 00 1,084 8S Unexpended balance, Insinaiice money received. *712 32 ^2,000 00 ^2,000 00 #2.000 00 STATE inCHWAY NOTES. Amount raised by toTN-n, qq Paid First National Bank, 1 note, # 500 00 " " " « « a 2,500 00 #3,000 00 #3,000 00 TOWN MACADA5I ROAD NOTES. Amount raised by tbe town, #3 000 UO Paid B. Coimty M. Fire Ins. Co., 1 note, #1,400 00 " "" «««« 1,600 00 #3,000 00 #3,000 00 tax notes paid. Paid A n. Eldridge, treasurer, #i,000 00 " E. D. Payne, trustee, i,0OO 00 " D. B. Crocker, treasurer, • 2,000 00 " TT. J. Daxls, trea.surer, casbier and trustee, 6,700 Od T.tXKs PAID. Paid Slate tax, " County tax, " lligbway tax, National Bank tax. #10,700 00 # 9611 no 2,946 39 439 50 1,676 34 #6.022 2-5 su DUE FROM CX)UNTY. "\V. J. Davis, 1 seal bounty, 8 8 00 Allen B. Baker, 2-10 expenses repairs Bass River L. bridge, 70 84 873 84 DUE FROM DENNIS. .^Vllen B. Baker, 4-10 expenses repairs B. R. L. bridge, 8141 67 STATEMENT. Town Treasurer from Jan. Ist, 1902, to Jan. 1st, 1908: Town debts.8 1,065 72 Town officers.1,815 65 Incidentals,1,012 46 State aid.485 00 Military aid.72 00 Fires,241 77 Snow,142 88 Printing,190 70 Almshouse,985 65 Outside jvoor.1,888 17 Due from other towms, poor account,100 00 Paid for support of poor, state and city.146 72 Support of schools.4,110 49. School supplies.250 96 Transportation of scholars.700 00 Sloyd school contract.500 00 Sui»erinteiident of schools.224 56 Interest,2,142 88 Tree warden,100 00 Roads and bridges,1,711 66 1 81 South Sea avenue, \ —8802 26 Forester, \ gg 90 Repairs on public buildings, 678 74 Remittance of taxes, 600 88 Seth Taylor, tax abatement^ ^8 88 Burial fund to" trustees, gg 57 Removal of Town Honsc^ ^ 390 70 Fire apparatus, 77 60 Macadam road, g^28 67 Suppression of crime, 67 50 Wellington case, 93 Shell fisheries, 85 00 Town office constmctimi, 202 80 Office supplies, books, weights, measures, etc., 1,084 88 State highway notes, g^oOO 00 Town macadam road notes, 8,000 00 Tax notes paid, 10,700 00 Taxes paid, state and county, 6,022 28 Due from County, : 78 84 Due from Dennis, 141 37 Amount of orders drawn, 852,547 18 852,547 18 802,547 18 I 82 FINANCIAL STANDING OF THE TOWN, DEC. 81,1902. TOWN OWKK. Sears Fund note, State Higliway note, Macadam Town Road notes, South Sea Ave. Road note, Bills unpaid estimated. ritEDlTS. rncollected tsixes, 1900, " « 1901, « " 1902, Due from to^vns, " « County, Selectmen's balance in treasury. Outstanding orders. Net debt, Dec. 81,1902, XOTK. iloneys appropriated and hired, 1902, w expended less reimbursements. n5,002 89 17,500 00 9,700 00 600 00 2,000 00 ^:44.802 89 58 75 586 90 7,108 52 241 67 78 84 8,096 66 1,722 00 Ti>i;il unexpended appropriations. 12,883 84 ^1,969 55 is37,908 88 86,968 56 8940 27 38 LIST OF JURORS AS PREPASBn BY THE SEWtCTMBX, JAS. 16," 1908. Ansel Hallet, Edmund W. Eldridge, Joseph Bassett^ Geoige H. Kelley, Henry A. Cobb, Daniel B. Crocker, Eleazer A. Nickerson, John H. Clark, Thacher Taylor, David A. Nickerson, Charles F. Handy, Charles R. Howes, Joyce Taylw, Joseph F. Nickerscm, Herbert C. Hpnua*, Lafayette K. Chase, Joseph IT. Baker, - D. Frank Seare^ David Eell^, 2d, Isaiah F. Homer, Gilbert Studlgr, Ernest P. Bako*, Fred. A. Baker, Warren C. Brown, Zenas P. Howes, Luther R. Brown, Daniel B. Thylor, Lysander A. Chase. BASSETT, ) SelectmenHENRY BLACHFORD, C uf JESSE W. CROWELL, ) Yarmouth. ASSESSORS' REPORT. VALUATION, MAT 1, 1902. Real estate, land, «« » buildings, Personal, $821,570 00 656,880 00 839,298 00 Total valuation. May 1, $1,817,698 00 ADDITIOKAI. valuation, BBC. 20, 1902. Real estate, land^ $ 925 00 tt tt buildings.1,950 00 Total additional valuation, Dec. 20, Total valuation, 1902, TAXES, MAY 1, 1902. 2,875 00 $1,820,578 00 Taxes levied on real estate, $12,719 20 a u personal estate, 10,910 87 « « " polls, 980 00 Total tax. May 1, ADBITIONAL TAXES, DBC. 20, 1902. Taxes levied on real estate, $87 88 Total additional taxes, Total tax, 1902, $24,610 07 87 88 $24,647 46 w 4 i d h q 35 " cows, ** neat cattle other tiian cows, Number <d polls, <* dwelling houses, Persons liable to military duty, Remdents assessed <m property. Non-residents assessed on property. Persons assessed poll tax only. Rate of taxation, $18.00 per $1000.00. 490 681 244 185 4 20 10,728| 101 244 526 451 158 TAXES RECEIVED. National Bank tax. Corporation tax, $ 900 48 8,649 41 $4,549 89 TAXES PAID OUT. County tax, State tax, ffighway tax, $2,946 89 960 00 489 50 $4,845 89 CHARLES R BASSETT,) Assessors HENRY BLACHFORD, V of JESSE W. CRCWELL, ) Yannouth. REPORT OF OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Iniuiites of the aluisbouse Dec. 81,1902: John Gray, Nathan Sears, Samuel Baker, Herbert M. Taylor, Number of tramps, 1902, 9. Total number of inmates, 1902, 6. Ace 57, 80, 87, 48, Committed 1893 1898 1899 1W2 POOR DEPARTMENT. AI.^MSHOrSE. J'olly H. Sherman, salar}', « « " supplies. 8278 20 12 50 S. L. Bobbins, labor, " « supplies. 88 25 8 94 A. (lorham, labor, " supplies, n u 44 services Iteast. 845 50 35 1 (Ml Ernest H. Bray, labor on wood, Chas. E. Chase, u u u Jeremiah Chase, ** 4* ^ Chas. Cahoon, 4. 44 u Lewis F. Nicker.soii, labor on pump, Amos L. Phillips, lal>or white washing, Harriet A. Nickerson, labor, Scth Taylor, ser\-ices and team, C. F. Swift & Son, subscri])tion Register, 8285 70 12 19 4(i 85 l( 00 12 0(1 10 50 5 00 5(1 (i 50 1 20 7 90 2 00 f ; I'l 87 Amos Arey, 20 fowl, Henry A. Oobb, sendees bea^ Edmund Walker, limbs. Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance. Dr. S. H. Sea^' « E. W. Eldridge, supplies, " j. E. Crowell, - « J. E. Stndlqr, « Mary H. Bassett, « Ferdinand H. Bassetti ** Philip Cotelle, KellQr & Nickerson, « Anthony Silver, « T.T.Halleti « John Lnndberg, « B, T. Gorham, « Matthews & I^yne, £. D. Payne, F. H. Hinckley, A. A. Enowles* I. H. Thacher, 2d, J. W. Howes, S. W. Hall, Orders drau^ Cn, By board of T. W. Harris, " Da>id Howes, 1 cow, « S. W. Hall, 1 calf, 840 00 25 00 0 08 .Net cost, "1 8 8 00 1 00 10 00 12 00 18 90 • . 6 80 90 8 04 6 00 65 4 50 2 80 82 40 4 00 1 25 7 75 14 17 40 85 24 90 48 90 88 98 108 51 109 40 8985 05 71 08 8864 57 8S OUTSIDE OF Al-AISIIOUSE. NORl'JI S11>K i>ooi:. To Mrs. "Walter Baker. Daniel Cole, To Allen Cash. T. T. llallet, nied. supplies. To Ida Chase. Ruth Chase, account support. Dr. S. H. Sears, nied. attendance, T. T. Hallet, med. supplies. To Fred. Cash. W. D. Baker, ren^ Franklin Crocker, rent, Fre<l. A. Baker, supplies, J. E. Crowell, R. J. Baker, « B. C. Sears, " Joseph F. Xickerson, fuel, J. S. Baker, fuel. To ^IjTa Cash. Dr. S. II. Sears, med. attendance, Dr. E. M. Parker, •* " Dr. Ginn, ** .Seth Taylor, ser\ices. To Morris Gray, To Archelus Pliillips. H. T. Gorham, supplies, S. W. Hall, ** A. A. Knowles, ** To Ruth Chase. Dr. S. II. Sears. luetlieal attendance, ^8 00 7 75 2 70 1^1 00 15 00 5 61 76 76 03 00 50 48 3 4 3 4 3 7 50 5 00 19 00 3 00 8 2 00 19 08 54 63 » 60 00 20 40 58 45 105 66 34 50 30 00 75 71 1 50 8386 22 39 SOCTU SWK I'OOg. To Melissa Baker. To Iddla Edl^« I. F. Homer, rent, L. K. Chase, supfJies, To Alice Robinson. F. W. Homer, rent, 836 00 M. F. Jones, hiel, 9 00 I. B. Eelley, « 10 00 L. Fuller'& Co., fuel, 17 25 To Isaac W. Baker. I. P. F. Fariis, snppli^ WTEST STliE POOR. To Adresta Homes. F. P. Hallet, 810 00 Isaiah Crowell, 4 00 Account support supplies, 52 00 To Alexander Crowell. S. B. Marchant^ supplies,. 8 1 40 S. W. Hall, « . 2 58 E. D: Edley, 3 72 J.E Crowell, ** 10 57 B. C. Sears, 5 64 T. T. Hallet, 1 0« Isaiah Crowell, fuel, 13 90 J. S. Baker, 8 00 11. Blachfoi^ 8 00 Ellis P. Baker, labor on fuel, n 1 00 Susan L. Baker, nurfdng, 9 00 A. E. Montcahn, «* T'OO Dr. Binford, med. attendance, 42 00 M. H. Crowell, undertaker, 84 00 833 83 5 00 n 72 25 6 48 8117 06 866 00 144 76 40 To Onib DeSilver. L. K. Cliase, supplies, I. P. Farris, « J. E. Crowell, ** J. E. Baxter, ^ " B. C. Seai-8, * « S. W. Hall, - E. D. Payne, « Dr. Binford, " $ 7 05 8 76 9 20 6 90 15 28 1 54 5 00 1 00 To Emily and Laura Buck. L. A. Nickerson, rent, 812 00 J. E. Crowell, supplies, 12 87 S. Vr. Hall, « 50 Isaiah Crowell, fuel, 8 00 L. A. Xickerson, " 0 00 J. S. Baker, « 8 00 S. W. Mitchelli « 8 00 S. Marchant, services, nurse, 8 00 S. L. Baker, u u 5 qo Dr. Binford, med. attendance, 25 50 J. S. Baker, serNices, grave and hearse, 8 <50 M. H. Crowell, services, undertaker, 28 00 To liiura Buck. L. A. Xickerson, rent, 8 G 00 .r. E. Crowell, supplies, 2 00 T. T. Hallet, " 2 00 Ellis P. Baker, " 29 00 M. Doane, ** 10 00 To Josiah F. Baker. F. P. Ilullet, fuel, 8 8 75 Chas. C. Crocker, rent, 17 82 849 78 105 87 49 00 21 Oi 41 T«» Ebeii Bsixter. F. P. Hallet, fuel, •T. F. Xickerson, fuel, T" To James Holwaj:..- Dr. Binford, med. attendance. 83 50 1 50 5 00 1 OU 8441 98 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. TikrXTOX. Walter Cash, supplies, 8 1 25 xnw nKDFonn. Harry II. Cliase, supplies, TAI STOX ASYI.rX. Susan A. Baker, supplies, IJzzie F. Chase, William Dixon, . MKIlPOItli ASVI.l'31. (iustaviis C. Hinekley, supiMirt. Mary A. Christensen, ¨¨ . 4; IMI .8180 18 86 68 . 45 50 8109 2(1 109 20 212 31 218 40 8437 9ii ps::' Tw 4-i rOOl{ OF IJOSTOX. To 11. Fairbrotlier and Wife. R. Fail-brother, acct. supiHii-t,*20 00 L. Fuller & Co., fuel.8 68 Baker & Homer, supplies.4 77 E. D. Kellej*, "1 26 R. J. Kelley,8 21 Dr. Parker, med. attendance.22 75 Jlrs. D. Whelden, sertices^urse,18 00 ^I. IT. Ci-owell, burial expenses.25 00 Airs. R. Fail-brother, removal expenses.28 10 «21 72 FOOlt OF STATE. To Abigail (iage. .1. G. Thacher, undertaker, *15 00 Attendance and clothing, 10 00 STATEMENT. Amount raised by the town. Received from T. W. Harris, board at almshouse, t " S. W. Hall, sale of calf, « David Howes, sale of cow, " " City of Roston, reiinbui-semeht, " " State, reimbursement, Almshouse, *9.S5 05 Outdoor jjoor. North Side, 386 22 »» " South " 117 00 " " West " 441 03 " Uoston. 121 72 " " State, . 25 00 Raid to(»ther cities, towns and asylums, 437 90 Unexpended balance, 552 26 *25 00 *2,X00 00 40 00 0 08 25 00 121 72 25 00 *:t.0l7 80 <01,017 80 1 43 DUE FROM OTHER TOWNS. Brewster, supimrt AdaUne Nickerson, *48 00 Fahnonth, « E. B. Studley, 62 00 *100 00 CHARLES R. BASSETT.) Overseeiu HENRY BLACHFORD, I of JESSE W. CROWEI.L, ) Poor. TREASURER'S REPORT. l)i:. Balance on band January 1,1902, Received from Town of Dennis, « tt « tt Brewster, ^ u u Barnstable, " " 4. Falnioutli, " " Citv of Boston, .1 udge F. C. Swift, court fines. County Treasurer, bounty on seals, « « repairs on Bass River lower bridp:e. County Treasurer, dog fund, Luther R. Brown, auctioneer's license, Reuben Howes, auctioneer's license, Allen Cash, billiard license, Chas. A. Bursley, pedler's license, Fred. A. Long, i)etller's bcense, Lorenzo 1*. Wilson, pedler's license, I'riah H. Sears, oyster grant, James R. Baker and Robert B. Clark, permit to erect fish pound, Thomas W. Harris, for board, interest on Burial Fimd notes, T. C. Day, attorney, sale of watering cart, « « calf, " " cow, X«*w York. New Haven & llartfoi-d railroad, aeet. forest fires. «i3,518 83 158 72 48 00 75 67 52 00 144 50 121 72 64 05 3 00 71 86 177 40 2 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 2 00 1 00 40 00 38 67 1,000 00 6 00 6 08 25 00 11 60 i - 45 Received from Joshua Crowell, cbainnau joint school board, " I-K.Cliase, sale of floor and lumber returned So. Yarmouth school- house, « school committee, acct. sale of books, town of Dennis,' « school committee, from Mass. School Fund for support of schools- « C. B. Corj', acct. South Sea Ave.ioad. « acct South Sea Ave. road, —~ « from Treasurer Commonwealth, viz.: Corporation tax. Bank tax, Siipimrt Stite jinupers, Temiwraiy support Statepaupera. Bunal State pauiiers, Comiiensation iiiKpection aiiiinalg. Military aid. State aid, " Barnstable Coimty Mutual Fire Ins. Co., " « notes, macadam road, " « M anticipation of taxes.' " " « South Sea Ave., ** " Seth Taj-Ior, collector, iftflft " « U IQQJ,'" " ^-"^'^>'B.Brovni,collector,\901 " 19«i 8 166 87 88 95 80 183 09 150 00 90 00 3,720 08 955 10 91 64 52 00 15 00 80 12 86 00 426 00 ^000 Oo 8,500 (K1 6,350 00 600 00 871 80 280 62 ",469 68 19,268 88 > 14 4»; I'lS.DOG FCND. R Paid on orders from selectmen, Balsnce on hand, Jan. 1, 1903, Due from collectors of taxes: Seth Taylor, year 1900, Luther R. Brown, year 1901, u *4 « vear 1902, Town owes: Xotes given account State highway, « tt " macadam road, u -4 South Sea avenue. liui'ial fimds: Notes town of Yarmouth, Cash, Received from: Geo. N. Smalley, Est. Belinda Nickerson, Jolm F, Crocker, Eduin Bray, .Massuchusclts school fund: Received from State treasurer. Paid on orders school hoard. Balance in hands of town treasurer. Received from ^Irs. Geo. R. Agassiz, Paid supervisors drawing and music, Balan»*e on hand. ^551,457 48 4,818 60 856,276 14 8 58 75 586 90 7,103 52 87,699 17 817,500 00 9,700 00 600 00 827,800 00 8500 00 850 00 88.50 00 8500 00 50 00 250 00 .50 00 88.50 (Ml 8458 71 845 58 8118 18 8500 00 188 90 8861 10 Licen^ for the year 1902: 84 male dc^ at 82.00, 6 female at 85.00, Fees, town clerk. Paid county treasura*. .8168 00 80 00 8198 00 18 00 8180 00 WM. J. DAVIS, Town Treasurer. il VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1902.iMirnis IN ii»)iUmImtL Crowcll("hostcr W. Holiltins,lU'i-lriim If. K^'llcy,Kol«4t. ficwiti Ilivxtor,Ktln'l Louise Darling,Mary Maud I'shor,Klori'iK'4'. Celia Smith,Ilai voy Nuwell (.'rowell,Marion (larissa IIoliiu's,Until llieks,Kieliard Coj^swidl Uo(,'ers,Norwrnnl Allen Wnrnor,f,ydi Sofia Hill,Kenialc, Vincent,Female, Chase,Arthur Winslow Cash,Jterthft Apncfl Clialk,Wallace Haymond Cotelle,Porcutfl.Winchester and Ahby Iv..larvis W. and Mercy M.Jnsiah and Maud..lolm U. and Mar^arel.Nathan II. and Lottie \.Henry JL and Sylvia M.frviuf? and Lillian May.Lester E. and Uebecea Li'iia..lohn T. and Grace E.Hlanehard F. and Mai ia E.Arthur II. and Grace .1.Frederick and Cornelia L.Marten and Kannie II.Herbert and Mary L.David M. and Lucy A.William W. and Eva .1.Effln G. G. and Ella I).David IC. and Anna L.DEATHS IN 1002.Natliun Diirlin^r,tliarJes Ellis,.Mary F. DiiKose,Ejiiily S. (Jifford,Thelnm A. M. .Jolinwui,Ebba ir. .rolinson,.\Jlen Farris,Emily llmrk,Uichard Fiiirbrotlier,Ahiffiul-JliillHenry B. Chase,Polly Hohinson.Isaac W. Hall,Elvira Baker,Elizabeth Anderson,Aliipail Baker,.fane A. Larkin,Isaiah Homer,David S. Taylor,StilllMirn, female.Ira Hyder,Eliz-abeth Mayhew,Edward Edson,Pleurisy, pncninonla,Cancer of st<iinaeh,Lnrynf^eai sjinsms,Nervous asthenia,Whoojiing cough,Whooping cough,Bnmeho pneumonia,Old age,r.a, gripiic,Paralysis,Pneumonia,Old age,Cerebral paralysis.Consumption,Old age,Caneer of stomnelr,•Senility,Heart diacase.Heart disease,('ancer of the Imwels,Paralysis,Anemia,Ago.V.M.i>.008704172071028I•iH70h:i5KO4HO7H1020'84»1200n21.52H72ir.7.58010158742584100041771112867721 DK.Vrns IN 1002.luni' 2. Annie T. Oi'ush,•2i». KUziibcth dertvudi' Arey,j,,1y I. Ilannfili Matthews,:l. Knnice Crowell,H. Annie KldridK'O Hiilh't,,17. (Mtlierine Aikcn,•22. .Imnes A. Unhinson,3n. Iliinnnh K. Ilullet,31. Helen xMarIa Diivis,.\ng. I. Kdwiu'xl 11. Mnttliews,10. Jesse Taylor,Oet. 2o. William Hall Crowell,Nov. 1><. Mercy W. Knller,27. Gideon T. Crowell,Dec. 10. Jennie W. KldridRe,17. Kdward C. Meltitehh',21. Alice Hray,25. Uetsey II. Crowell,Old afie,Apoidexy,Old ufie,Old aije,Grippe and hroindntls,Asthenia,Hepatic cerchrosis,Heart failure,Pulmonnry tuherculnsiH,Senile cystitis,Acute gastritis,Scirrhus carcinoniii,Consumption,Pneumonia,Typhoid pneumonia,Atropy,Amorexia, asthenia,Age.V{ M. 1».85 G 12-598(i 118771 8 15751 1150 1 14G5140 9 10511 8 2196 7 1970 11 2504 « 1453 23624 347 8wUBBSSja^aniiiWPP' i mn I'lim0y.ue-<uu'sri->>tii'aFeb.(h»0or•3£<<£•-JirtP<5»•3op*P"' Ps(»ys-1Pcep!<:■-tUip• ?'pK>pICifucaMPp= M r.2; ^ 2 3x"-< 't- K M A'X~ S B 12? a t c.i? Pi.C ^ Wi I f31?^ r 2^55i > ir 2 l>i-r2. S. ^ v, »22 —^ sis: ai .0 ^ i?W 3 r i£ 2 2 1*1'?2 7 2 XaiQes.Edwiu M. Parker, Matide Allen,Edward AV. Matthews. Marietta S. Everett, George p. Bliss, Esther Lm-etta Baker, AUen Cash, Jr,, ilyrtie F. EUi^ Herbert L. White, Angnsta Berg, M. .1. DAVIS, Town Clerk. ROAD GOMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ALFKED GOEllAM IS ACCOUST WITD THE TOWS OF YABSlOtTTU. LABOR, ETC., OX ROADS, BRIDGES AXD FENCES. J. A Cash,7 hours, 30c.,8 2 10 James Gorbam, 14 loads gravel, 5c.,70 E. R. Hambbn,20 hours, 20c.,4 00 Alfred Baker, 1 hour,20 F. C. Baker,H 41 30c.,1 05 Geo. IL Baker,7 U u 2 10 Osbome E. Baker,m 4 u u 2 10 J. W. Smith, 1 hour.20 Albert Taylor,ik 20c,1 50 Frank Whelden,71 u 44 1 50 A. D. Baker,S3 u 44 75 Patrick lleffeman,15 u 44 8 00 Edwin Thacher,16|u 80c,0 0(» I*ati-iek Morgan,20 u 20c,4 00 M. Keveney, Jr.,2 tt U 40 Wm. D. Loring,7 u 44 1 40 Edmund Walker,13 (4 45e,5 85 Jona. Usher, Jr.,IS u 44 5 85 E. B. Dean,18 a 20c,2 60 M. Keveney, Jr.,18 u 44 2 GO (ieo. Robbins,18 u (4 2 00 W. E. yiontcalm.18 it ii 2 C«) Patrick lleffeman.10 u U i 20 Patrick Morgan,m u u 4 .50 J. A. Ellis,8 kk 44 OO Benj. Phillips,8 u «4 «)U ■\V, K. Marchnnt.,8.S M U 7 «MJ i I I 54 E. S. Mecarta,85 hours, 8Uc,$ 10 50 J. E. Olar,35 44 20c^7 00 Warren Ellis,85 U U 7 00 Heuj. Pliillips,36 U u 7 20 E. W. Eldridge,34 U 30c,10 20 « "2 hours,15c, 30c.;73 loads loam, 5c, $3.65,3 95 Jona. Usher, Jr,71^^ hours, 45c,32 06 Edmund Walker,60 U a 27 00 J. G. Hallet,60 44 44.27 00 P. E. Ilannan,60 U U 27 00 R. W. Park,71i u 20c,14 25 Jonathan Usher,69 44 a 13 80 Alfred Baker,69 U a 13 80 Jos. Keveney,31 U 44 6 20 Geo. Rohhins,60 U u 12 00 Wm. Morgan,60 u u 12 00 M. Keveney,60 u u 12 00 J. T. Cliase,60 44 u 12 00 Patrick Morgan,60 U u 12 00 C. A. Chase,42 U u 8 40 1. L. Ellis,GO u u 12 00 Jona. Usher,9 44 4.5c,4 05 M. Keveney, Jr.,164 44 20c,8 30 II. H. Baker, •4 44 u 90 Patrick Heffernan,134 U u 2 SO J. A. Cash,• 104 U 30c,3 15 J. W. Smith,n u 20c,35 E. F. Smith,504 u 4fc 11 30 Geo. Rj'der,30 u 44 6 00 Warren Ellis,40 4t 44 8 00 Geo. Rohhins,234 44 U 4 40 Edmund Walker.234 a 45c,10 58 John Keveney,7 44 20c,1 40 Oliver Hallet, Jr.,49i u U 9 90 n n m H Albert Taylor, 18 hrs, 2Uc^ W.UO; i bra, 15c, 8Uc, LL. Ellis, 88 hours, 20c, Frank Chase, 80 " ^ Patrick Morgan, 9 " « Patrick IlefFeman, 124 ** " James Gorham, 5 loads gravel, 5c, « . " 1 hour, P. Howes, 5 hours, 20c, LL. Ellis, 10 M. Keveney, Jr, 5 " ♦* Jona. Usher, Jr, 224 hrs, 45c, ^10.13; 5 hrs,20c, ^1.00, Geo. P. Matthews, 8 hours, 20c, Thos. Ryder, . 4 «* " Seth Taylor, 8 hours, horse, 16c, R. Howes,24 hours, 200.. (I 2 90 G 60 G 00 . 1 80 2 50 26 20 1 00 2 00 1 11 13 1 60 80 . 1 20 60 P. Heffernan,19 44 44 3 80 Henry Arey,2 to 44 40 Patrick Morgan,44 44 1 80 Wm. F. Morgan,6 44 44 1 20 Geo. P. Matthewj^8 44 • 44 60 Jonathan Usher, Jr,4 " 46e,1 80 O. Hallet, Jr,4 " 20c,iUl P. Morgan,H U 44 90 J. E. Olar,2 *♦ -.40 Albert Taylor,6 44 . to 1 Ou Geo. Hallet,4 . 40c,1 (iO Geo. Rohbins,18 « 20c,3 GO Est. Solomon Taylor, 22 loads gtavel, 5c,I 10 J. Usher, Jr,4 ■homs, 45c.1 80 O.HaUet,Jr,4 « 20c,80 J. E. Olar,H to 4ft 1 70 P. Heffernan,m 44 to 3 70 .Alfred Baker,24 to 44 4 80 M. Keveney, Jr,G to to' "1 20 Gea P. Matthews,5 to ftft 1 00 I""' .'Mi n n • j I O Duiiiel Cole, '2 ]hours,30c.,¥ 00 P. Heffernan, 17 a 20c.,3 40 J. E. Olar, 8 u U 1 CO n. R. Usher, lahor and bolt's.1 00 Geo. l?obbins,u 44 4 40 Patrick ilorgan, 4 u 44 2 80 H. M. Chase, 2 w tt 40 Geo. Robbiiis, 04 u 44 1 80 Jonathan Usher, Jr^ 24 u 45c.,1 18 Geo. P. Matthews, 3f a 20c.,76 Geo. IL Baker, 21 u 80c.,6 80 .Toiiathan Usher, Jr., 2^u 20c.,50 P. Heffernan, 11 u U 2 20 P. 3Iorgan, 9 u 44 1 80 E. W. Eldridge, 12 loads loam, 5c.,60 F. C. Baker, 5 hours,, 20c.,1 00 Frank Chase, 12 U U 2 40 Albert Taylor, 9 hrs., 20c_ %1.80; 4 hrs^15c., .60,2 40 James Gorliam, 7 loads gravel, 5c.,85 Geo. P. Matthews, 7 hrs- 20c., $!l.40; 4 hrs- loc- .00,2 00 Geo. Bobbins, 1 hour.20 Frank Arey, 2 loads tnrf, 25c.,50 Edmund Walker, 74 hours, 35c.,2 03 P. Morgan, 12 44 20c.,2 40 Alfre<l Gorham, 11 hrs., horses and 2 men, 50c.,5 50 J. E. Olar, 2 hours, 20e.,40 Gw. Ilallet, 3 »4 40c.,1 20 Albert Taylor, 3 44 20c.,CO tliarles Koffman, 33 u 44 0 GO Alfred Gorham, 3 u GOc.,1 80 Lewis Xickerson, 24 u 20c.,50 Albert Snow, as per bill.1 58 E. L. Sears, " «1 86 J. Ilinckley A- Son. " «10 49 Daniel Cole, « ».3 80 57 ' E. D. Payne, as per bill,4 1 00 C. M. Bray, "u 2 18 Kelley Bros, "«1 50 J.B.Hall,—u 1 00 fl. R. Usher, • "u 50 A. D. Baker,u 1 66 Joseph Thacher,u 14 00 Alfred Gorham, **u 108 36 Drawn from the selectmen,4700 00 4700 00 4700 00 SNOW ACCOCrST. P. Morgan,2 hours, 20c,,4 40 E. W. Marchant,2i «tt 50 J. E. Olar,tt tt 50 Eleazer Nickerson,.2 tt tt 40 Seth Taylor,4 tt 40c,1 60 C. M. Bray,tt «1 80 Albert Taylor,2i tt 60c,150 Amos Arey,2i tt 20c,50 E. W. Marchant,Si tt . tt 70 Isaiah Ellis,Si tt tt 70 A. L. Phillips,tt 44*1 90 Wm. Cash,Si <4 tt 70 J. E. Olar,Si tt tt 70 J. Usher, Jr.,Si tt 44 50 0. A. Chase,8 44 tt 60 Seth Taylor,8 tt 40c,8 20 C. M. Bray,H tt tt 2 20 E. B. Dean,5 tt 20c,1 00 Geo. Bobbins,8 tt u 60 All)ert Taylor, 1 hour.40 E. B. Hallett, repairs on snow plough.25 'Afifm m .'iS *fifl ' 1. L. Ellis, 1 hour,^ 20 Jos. Keveney,8 hours, 20c.,0 1 GO Alfred Gorham, 15 hours,20c., $;3.00 roi>e, 20c.,3 20 John Silva,H « a 1 70 J. E. Olar,3^ hours, 20c.,70 (Harence Chase,H u a 1 70 Seth Taylor,U 40c.,1 80 TTm. Dixon,H U U 1 70 Amos E. Arey, 1 hour.20 J. T. Chase,7 tt tt 1 40 Geo. II. Baker,10 U 20c.,2 00 Chester Chase,8 tt tt 1 60 Oshoriie E. Baker,10 u U 2 00 Thos. L. Baker,24 tt . tf 60 Alfred Gorham,5 u u 1 00 r Collins Baker, 1 *H « 16c,28 0. yi. Bray,4 u 40c.,1 GO 1 Warren Montcalm,2 « 20c,40 Wm. Cas^u 20c.,90 W. E. Wiley,H « 15c,28 I. L. Ellis,u 44 90 j Alfred Howland,H « 20c,25 Isaiah Ellis,4 u U 90 f \ Seth Taylor,10 « 40c,4 00 Eleazer Niekerson,4 u U 90 ] A. E. Arey,H « 20c, .70 Wm. P. Bray,4 u U 75 .' Albert Taylor,4 « GOc,2 40 J. E. Olar,54 u u 1 10 ^ E. C. Bray,G « 20c,1 20 W. E. ]^larehant.4 u u 80 ; Ernest Bray,ft—•1 20 Sylvanus Rohbins,34 tt u 70 , Jeremiah Rolnnson,6 tt ' it 1 20 IIenr>' Rohbins,4-C4.u 70 1 C.E. Chase,G tt u 1 20 Lewis Nickerson,2 u tt 40 C. L. Xickerson,G w w I 20 S. L. Rohbins,u tt 50 'Geo. Vanputten,G u u 1 20 E. B. Dean,H u 44 1 70 n Russell Ellis,G tt ^ u 1 20 Alfred Baker,74 a 44 1 50 Benj. Phillips,5 . M W 1 00 Patrick Morgan,IG u 44 3 20 J. A. Ellis,G « 40e,2 40 Geo. Rohbins,12 a.44 2 40 ; Z. A Sherman,5 « 20e,1 00 Everett Arey,If . «4 15c.,S. T. Cash,5 « -tt 1 00 E. F. Dean,H u 2ilc.,1 70 Jeremiah Cliase,'5 U tt 1 00 II. M. Chase,H 44 44 80 ^Frank Chase,5 tt tt ——i Thomas Ryder,H 4*1 70 Jos. Chase,5 tt tt 1 00 \Vm. 31organ,04 U 44 1 30 Fred Buri)ee,5 " 10c,50 E. W. Eldridge,2 44 44 40 11. A. Cobh,3 - 20e..GO Chas. Cahoon,34 U 44*70 E. 8. Chase,n 5 tt M } 00 Melvin Terry,1 u tt 20 j Frank Whelden,5 W tt 1 00 M. Keveney, Jr.,s 44 44 1 GO . J. A. Sherman,5 tt .U I 00 Oliver Hallet, Jr.,'i 44 44 1 50 F.Marchant,5 U tt I 00 John Keveney,s 44 44 1 00 D. C. IVlielden,.5 M u 1 Ou • bum.t; X liwrt,.!'. J CO M. F. Gray, Winthrop Cahoon, Alfred Gorham, Warren Ellis, C. M. Bray, Patrick Morgan, Gee. H. Baker, Osbome E. Baker, E. S. Mecarta, John Hinckley & Son, as per bill, H. R. Usher, as per bill, E. L. Sears, as per bill, Dra^vn from selectmen. 5 hours, 20c,$1 00 H U u 70 12^a tt 2 50 9 u 44 1 80 9 $4 40c,3 60 14 44 20e,2 80 15 a u 3 00 15 tt u 3 00 u u 50 85 $180 89 TBEJ2 WAEDEN ACCOUlfT. Wm. Shields, 5 hours, 20c^ Seth Taylor, 8 " 30c^ Geo. P. Matthews, 41^ " 20c^ E. P. Smith, 62 « « Allen B. Baker, for trees at South Yarmouth, John Hinckley & Son, per bill, Bowker Chemical Co, « J. Breck & Sons, ** E. T^. Sears, " Alfred Gorham, " D^a\^^l from selectmen, ^10® 00 25 61 $130 89 $180 89 1 00 2 40 8 30 12 40 15 00 1 60 33 18 1 50 9 24 15 38 $100 00 $100 00 61 ALLEX 11. IIAKER, BOAl) C0MM16S1OXER, IN ACCOlTfT WlTn THE TOWN OF TARMOCTH, 1902. I.AltOR ON ItOAOS. William N. Stetson,3 hours, loc.$ 45 Thomas Collins,8 44 tt 1 20 Watson Cahoon,7 W 20c,I 40 William X. Stetson,14i «tt 2 90 tt 44 tt 29 U 30c,8 70 Watson Cahoon,28 tt 20c,4 60 Benjamin Cotelle,9 U tt 1 80 P. P. Akin, 115 loads sand, 2c,2 SO George H. Loring, 22 • «tt 44 David M. Chase,7 hours, 30c,• 2 10 u w w 10 tt tt 3 00 David Baker,21 U tt 6 30 Lenny Baker,21 . tt tt 6 30 Xehemiah Goodwin,20 «44^6 00 Thomas Brown,20 tt a 6 00 George H. Batchelder,19 tt tt 5 40 (iilbert Studley,21 14 tt 6 30 Beuben Baker,21 tt.tt 6 80 John Sears,20 41 44 6 00 Charles Sherman,20 tt tt 6 00 J.eander Baker,21 tt 20c,4 20 Nelson Baker,21 44 tt 4 20 Isaac W. Ellis,20 tt tt 4 00 .Leston Gray,21 tt tt 4 20 W Rtson Cahoon,21 tt 14 4 20 Lemuel H. Baker,21 tt tt 4 20 Sturgis Crowell, 171 loads clay, 5c,8 55 George 11. Rachelder,10 hours, 80c,3 00 Lenny Baker,10 tt tt 3 00 Charles Oliver,10 tt tt 3 00 Thomas Broxnj,10 tt tt 3 00 ;i!ii William liurat, .Tolm Sears, lleuben Baker,. Prank Collins, Da\id M. Chase, Charles Sherman, Leander Baker, William Oliver, Clarence Baker, George Kelley, Leston Gray, Isaac Ellis, Sturgis Crowell, Martha E. White, I. Freeman Homer, Fraiik Homer," David M. Chase, Edgar Baker, Frank Collins, Joseph Cotelle, F. 3Iyrick, Chester Cole, George H. Loring, John Sears, Osborne Baker, Clias. Nickerson, 129 Fred. B. Campbell, Eniest Baker, Albert H. CoteUe, Cieorge L. Ryder, Freeman Wixon, A. W. Cah(K)n, IlaiTy Cole, Clifton Baker, Hiram E. Baker, <12 10 hours, SOc^ \ 10 « « \ 10 " « 10 u « 10 « « 10 « 15c., 10 « 20c., 10 « « 10 « u 10 « « 10 « .tt 10 « « 104 loads clay, 5c., 52 ** ** ** 10 hours, 80c., 10 « a 18i « « 20 « « 20 " « 20 « « 20 " " 20 « « 20 " « 10 « « 70 loads loam, 5c., 22^ hours, 20c. 20 " " 20 " " 20 " 20 " " 20 ** « 10 lOc., 20c., 80c.. $i8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 20 2 60 8 00 8 00 5 55 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 8 50 6 45 50 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 05 I' 08 Robert Clark, James R. Baker, John 6. Sears, Lemuel Baker, Watson Gaboon, Harry Cole, Wm. B. Fuller, 8f hoars, 20c., H •" . « tt «12^ H 8 8 7 10c., 20c., John HincMey & Son, lumber and nmls, Walter Cotelle, 10 hrs, 15c., $1.50; 9 hrs, 20c, $1.80, Harry Cole, 24^ honi^ lOe, Osborne £. Baker, 80 posts, 6c, Leander Baker, l| hours, 20c, David Kelley, painfang street signs, Walter Cotelle, 10 hours, 15c, " " 9 ** 20e^ Lewis Y. Eldridge, 2 days, 2 hours, Sidney N. Chapman, 18 hours, 20c, Freeman M. Wixon, Sj. u « Harry Ode, c lOc, Peleg P. Akin, 85 loads sand, 2c, David Kelley, 20 ** « « Reuben Baker, 6 hours, 20c, Luther R. Brown, 81 posts, 12c, Sidney X. Chapman, 8 hours, 15c, D. F. Sears, 5 signboards and posts for toum landings, Allen B. Baker, 598^ hours, 20c, $ 70 70 2 50 90 60 80 1 40 18 82 8 30 '2 45^ 1 80 80 2 75 1 50 1 80 5 55 2 60 75 60 1 70 40 1 20 8 72 45 6 25 119 70 U.\fiS ItlVKtt I.OWKU UHllHiK. Wilburii S. Baker, 9^ hours, 15c^ Jolm Hinckley & Son, spruce plank and spikes, Watson Gaboon, 1 hour, Fred. Campbell, 1 hour, Allen B. Baker, broom for bridge, $481 18 $ 1 48 80 04 20 20 50 <:4 John llinckU'y & r<oii, tii)ruce plank and spikes, Gilbert Studlcv, 5 days, ^ hours, at $2.50 per day, Bertie Studley, 5 days, ^ hours, at $1.75 per day, Harry Cole, 4 hours, 10c., John Ilinckley & Son, spruce plank. D. F. Sears, 4^ days, #2.50 per day, u u 4J " 2.25 « « Oslxun Cliase, 8 hoimi, 15c., John Ilinckley & Son, spruce plank and spikes, D. F. Sears, 5- days, $2.50 per day, " " C " 2.25 « " John Ilinckley & Son, sjiruce plank, OslK)rn Chase, 7 hours, ISe., Manton Crowell, hoisting draw and care of bridge, Allen B. Baker, 1G9 hours, 20c., Cit. Hue from County, repairs, « « Dennis, « SNUW .VirOrXT. David i[. Chase, Luther R. B^o^\•n, Allen B. Baker, 2 hours, 40c. 24 « " Luther R. Brovk*n, David M. Chase, S. K. Crowell, Allen B. Baker, Win. Fuller, James R. Baker, H 3 154 G 24 4' 1 1 20c., 40c. 20c. 883 08 14 86 10 45 40 32 83 32 41 11 66 10 50 1 20 . 57 79 14 45 13 50 29 39 1 05 25 00 33 80 8854 19 8 70 84 141 67 212 61 8141 78 80 1 00 1 40 1 20 6 20 40 50 GO 20 20 815 50 '! mum L JOVi-K TAVI.OK, R0AI» COMillSSIOXEIt, I.V ACCOCST WITH TUK TOWX OF TARMOUTH. •Dustin Baker,12 hoiuij, 20c.,82 40 lIoraFcT*. Baxter,5 U 16c,75 Ilorace P. Baxter,15 U 80c,4 50 J. S. Baker,9 u a 2 70 E>erett Baker,14 u 20c,2 80 Fernandas Baker,14 u 45c,6 80 Luther C. Buck,17 a 20c,8 40 L. Baxter,14 M u 2 80 L. Marchant,14 u u n 2 80 Zenas Baxter,18 u .28c,8 60 Joyce Taylor,883 u 15c,58 05 Joyce Taylor,90 u 20c,18 00 W. F. Baker,45 u U 9 00 Ed. Howes,45 u u 9 00 Dustin Baker,45 u 44 9 00 J. S. Baker,36 u 80c,10 80 A. J. Johnson, 307 loads loam, 4o.12 2X D. B. Taylor,11 hours, 80c.,3 30 S. W. Mitchdl,45 (4 u 13 50 Lemuel Marchant,644 U 20c,12 90 Horace P. Baxter,88 U 15c,5 70 Horace P. Baxter,43 u 30c,12 90 X. Baxter,86 u 16c,'5 40 A. D. Taylor,22 u K 3 30 R. Lewis Taylor,63 u 20c, .12 CO Darius Cotelle,45 u M 9 (Nt Darius Cotelle,IH SOc,5 40 J. P. Nickerson,45 u u 18 aO Isaiah Crowell,27 u a 8 10 Edwaivl F, Chase,82 u 20c,16 40 Ihifus Gorhani,38 u u 6 60 .Vrtliur Baker,9 M M 1 80 Fred Howard,18 U 15c,2 70 ■•'I'.. ih; 'Ansel L. Baker,45 hours.,30e..813 50 Fernandus Baker,45 U C(IS 50S. B. Marchant,30 ii a 10 80 Ellis P. Baker,45 a 2DC.,9 00 Timothy Cotelle,45 u u 9 00 Timotliy Cotelle,8C it 80c.,10 80 Benajah Whelden,73 u 20c.,14 GO Luther C. Buck,82 u U 10 40 Fred Howard,42|u u 8 65 Frank Rich,41 u 15c.,6 15 Frank Rich,9 u 20c.,1 80 Reuben Rich,194 it 15c.,2 92 J. Taylor,58 u 45c.,23 85 J. Taylor,77 u 20c.,5 40 Horace P. Baker, F. A. Rich, ]{. E. Rich, Fred. E. Howard, A. D. Taylor, y. A. Heikel, Kittler, — Herman. Alex. H. Oho, .T. S. Baker, J(ilius B. Clmse, Ilenrj* TVard, Fernandus Baker, Timothy Cotelle,Darius "Cotelle, Oeorge S. Taylor, Joyce Taylor, SNOW ACOOrXT. 14 hours, 20e., 2U « « 6 C 2^ « n 3 3 3 18 24 - 8 " 74 " 8 H 94 414 *437 a.T 80 80 20 20 aO (iO 30 GO GO GO 50 (iO 50 CO 30 90 30 *2s Tu GT LABOn ox sourn SEA . L. Baxter,23 hours, 20c_8 4 60 T/cmuel Jlarchant,18 a 15c.,2 70 Fernandus Baker,18 u 20c,3 60 it it 14 «80c,4 20 Luther C. Buck,49 a 20c,9 80 A. L. Baker,30 it 80c,9 00 Timothy Cotelle,50 it 20c,10 00 a u 27 u 30c,.8 10 Zenas Baxter,18 it 20c,8 60 Everett Baker,27 u tt 5 40 Dustin Baker,27 a *r 5 40 Horace P. Baxter,314 u 6 80 Frank Baker,27 a u 5 40 Howard Kiekerson,22 it u 4 40 T. F. Drew, bill.8 00S. H. Hallett, bill, turnpiking road,52 00 Joyce Taj'lor, bill.542 20 *079 70 AUDITORS' REPORT. The Auditors having examined the accounts of the several officers make the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, January 1, 1902, v 3,518 83 Received from tax collectors and all other sources, 52,757 31 raid orders from January 1, 1902, to January 1,1903, %51,457 48 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1903,. 4,818 66 ^56,276 14 856,276 14 Outstaiuling orders, 81,722.00. SELEtTMEX. • HAS. I!. nASSKTT, CIIAinilAX. Orders dntwn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1902, to Jan. 1, 1903, 852,547 18 Amomit of receipts and vouchers, 852,.547 18 TREE WARDEN. ai.ki;ki» ooitiiAU. .\mouiit drawn from town treasurer, 8100 00 Amount paid ft)r iKKllime and lalmr on trees, 8100 00 itij M 459 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. alfb'ed oonnAX. Araount drawn from town treasure for roads, ^700 qq Amount drawm from town taeasnrer for 180 89 Paid out for repairs cm roads, 8700 00 " shoveling snow, 18O 89 ALLEX B. BAKSB. . Amount drawn from town treasurer, " paid for repairs on roads and bridges, " drawn from town treasurer for snow, •* paid for shovding snow, JOYCE TATLOB. Amount drawn from town treasurer, " paid for repairs on roads, 8887 55 " " out on Berry avenue, 100 00 " « « tt avenue, 679 70 " due tonn treasurer, 1 10 " paid for shoveling snow, 28 70 8880 89 8a^2 81 8572 81 815 50 815 50 81,1-17 Oi 81,147 05 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. STEPUEX SEARS AXI» niArUER T. BkUXT. Note held by tnistees Jan. 1,1902, Interest on same,. Paid trustees. Interest on partial imyments, Received from town. Note given Jan. 1,1908, 815,085 06 902 10 ' ] 8 15 00 19 27 1)00 0<« 15,002 89 815.987 16' • 8l5,9!lT 16 7»» stiimLs. 1 Scliool committee drawn from town treasurer, ?4,3tJl 45 Paid for support of schools, <4,110 49 Paid for school supplies, 250 96 M,861 45 TAX COLLECTORS' REPORT. SETH TATLOn, COLLECTOE. Jan. 1, 1902, amount due the totsm, jsTll 28 Amount paid town treasurer in 1902, .652 48 Jan. 1,19^3, balance due the town.>58 75 I.CTnER B. BBOWN, COLLECTOR. Jan. 1, 1902, balance due the town, >7,996 53 Amount of taxes for 1902, 26,867 85 Amount paid to town in 1902, Balance due town Jan. 1, 1908, 834,863 88 26,723 46 >7,640 42 E. D. PAYEE, GEO. 11. LORING, Auditors. TOWN MEETING WARRANT. Bauxstarlb, ss. To either of the Constables in tbe Tonn of Yanuoath in the Coimty of Barnsfable, Grektisg : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town House on Monday, tlie ninth day of Pehniary next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: Art. 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. Art. 2. To elect the following named officers, aU on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, ^iz.: One Selectman for three (8) years, tme Assessor for three (3) years, one Overseer of the Poor for three (8) years, Touti Qerk for one (1) year. Town Treasurer for thwe (3) years, one School Committeeman for three (8) years, oue Road Commissioner for three (3) years, Collector of Taxes and two Constables for one (1) year, two Auditors for one (1) year. Tree IVarden for one (1) year. Also to see if the town will gj-ant the sale of intoxicating liquors. .Vkt. .S. To choose all other necessary town officers. Art. 4. To hear the annual report of the selectmen and act thereon. Art. 5. To see if the town will vote to.estnlilish an annual salar>' for its Inmrd of selectmen, assessors and overseers the poor. [By i>etition.] MSa Aut. U. 'J'o see if the town will vote to establish an annual salary fi)r its board of school committee. Abt. 7. To hear the report of all other connnittees and net thereon. Aut. S. To .see what sums of money the town ^vill raise for the support of the poor, town officers and committee fees, supiwrt of schools, rejiairs of roads and bridges, town debts, repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school sui)plies, interc.st on touii debt, superintendent of schools and t.ransport;ition of scholai-s, and for other neces-sary charges arising in this town. Aut. 9. To see if the town will authorize the town treas urer to hire monej" in anticiiiation of taxes to pay tou-n debts. Aut. 10. To see if the tou n Mill appropriate the sum of twenty.five (2.=)) dollars and ninety-four (94) cents for the reinittiince of taxe.s that amount being the entire balance of taxes unpaid for the year.s 1890. 1897 and 1898, the same 1>eing abstdutely nncollectable. -VnT. 11. To see if the Iomti will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the tnistees of the Sears fund. .\rt. 12. To see if the tow n will accept the list of juroiw as reported by the selectmen. .VUT. 13. To see if the town w ill vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five (2o) cents each on nmslcrat« and crows. [By request.] .\uT. 14. To see if the town w ill vote to purchase a lot of laml adjiiceiii to Yarmouthport, to be used as a dumping- giouml, and appropriate the sum of twenty (20) dollars for the same. Financial Report OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31, i MATTAd VARflOUTMPORT. flAAA.C. K. SWIFT AWN.PRI^kM. "V 1908. i ! i . TOWN OFFICERS. i * .Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board of Health. (■, ■Jesse W. Crowell, South Yarmouth, i Henry Blachford, West Yarmouth, 1 i Charles R. Bassett, Yarmoutbport 1 ' . Toum aerk and Treasurer.William J. Davis, Yarmouthport. •Auditors. M E. Dexter Payne, Yarmouthport, •George H. Loring, South Yarmouth School Committee. Edmund W. Eldridge, Yarmouth, Elisha L. Jenkins^ South Yarmouth, William A. Schwab, West Yarmoutii Superintendent of Schools.William E. Chaffin, West Dennis, •Collector of Taxes. Elisha T. Baker, South Yarmouth. Road Commissioners. Alfred Gorham, Yarmouth, Joyce Taylor, West Yarmouth, . Allen B. Baker, South Yarmouth 1 * Stopben Sears, Trustees Sears Fund. Tree "NV ai^eii. Alfred Gorham. Tbacher T. Hallet • Kegistrars of Voters. "William J. Da^•^s, Theodore F. Drew, Charles F. Purrington, Daniel B. Crocker. Constables. Seth Taylor,John H. Stetson Sealer of Weights and Measures and Weigher of CoaL Albert C. Snow. .Special Police. TTenry Arey. Isaiah Crowell, Seth Taylor, Isaiah Crowell, Inspectors of Animals. Patrick E. Ilannan. XTndertakers. Manton H. Crowell. Surveyor of Lumber- Cliarles M. Bray. Fence Viewers. D. Frank Sears. • Frank W. Homer Joshua S. Baker Albert Taylor Dustin Baker, Forester. Francis W. Homer. Pound Keepers. I George L. Ryder. Charles L. Nickerscm Joseph Bassett, Elam S. Mecarta, James A. Ellis, Benjamin S. Cotelle, James Baker, Joshua S. Baker, Field Drivers. George P. Matthews, James H. Smith, George H. Baker, John Baker, Timothy Cotelle, Joseph F. Nickerson, George L. Ryder. . ..... . . , SELECTMEN'S REPORT, ' kstimates. A Me of estimates as prepared by the Selectmen in the drfferent departments for the eonung year, in accordance with the by-laws of thetowii;_^ Supportofp-mr, ^ 8,80000uoads and bndees. 1,400 00Town ofBcers, u vv V A 2,000 00Public buildings and reoairs. 500 00Supenntendent of schools, Miscellaneous, ^^ 1,400 00 Snow, T . \ AInterest on notes, 1,300 00Interest on Sears Fund, state Highway notes, School supplies,' 276 00 MO 00Tax collectors' postage, ^ Remittance of taxes, gjg Suppression of crime, ^ gg Transportation of scholars, Tree warden, Stone road notes, ^ ggg Forester, ^ Toiradebta, TOWN DEBTS, 1902 BILLS. ALMSHOUSE. Seth H. narablin, supplies, J. B. Hall, Frank H. Ilinckley, " Isabel Lewis, Edmund W. Eldridg^ S. W. Hall, I. H. Thacher, 2d, " James Park, " Amos Arey, keeper^s saLny, one quarter, Amos Arey, suppUes, » .818 26 7 27 2 95 69 18 76 5 91 8 89 75 98 80 5 00 TOWN OFFICERS. Wm. E. Chaffin, travel expenses, »Selectmen, assessors and oversMrs of poor, • balance of ser\ices to Feb. 9, I'UBIilC buildings. L. K. Chase, paid repairs, S. Y. schoolhouse, » 4 65 51. G. Bradford, " W. T. C. 5f. Bray, " Y. I* F. E. Baker, labor, * • Kelley Bros., " town office, Geo. B. Sears. U 80 17 4 02 24 85 2 50 8146 78 168 00 50 49 PODR. Town of Harwich, support of Sylvanus Manton H- Crowell, burial of Sylvanus ' ^ M 14 35Crowell, 8 5 00 5 00 884 11 125 88 73 60 , 8 50 5 45 y, 70 85 20 84 1 18 1 62 M. Doane, board, Laura Buck, Adrestn Jlnmes, aid, Tov^ti of Dennis, expenses, 5fm Cash, Taunton HospiUil, Ixard of insane, Medfleld " u « « S. H. Sears, medical attendance, Ida Oh; S. H. Nye, supplies, Morris Gray, A. A. KnoM-les, supplies Arch. Phillips, E. D. Kelley, supplies, Alex. Crowell, E. T. Baker, supplies, Idella Kelley, 8868 16 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS AND TRANSPORTATION. E. E. Babb & Co., supplies, iKwks, 8 6 59 Ginn & Co., supplies, books, i 85 (\ W. Ellis, transimrtation, 17 00 .Tames Gorliam, janitor and labor, 57 20 Alonzo Kelley, lalwr, S. Y. school, 6 75 Loring Fuller & Co., coal, S. Y. school, 10 00 George A. Baker, telephone, schools, 60 L. K. Cliase, sundries, S. Y. school, 1 25 -M. G. Bradford, .supplies, W. Y. school, 40 45 Frank P. Hallet, fuel, "W. Y. school, 12 00 Silver, Burdett &. Co., Ixwks and supplies, ' 9 25 162 44 ROADS AND BRIDGE& .Vlfred Gorbam, snow, .8145 16 A. C. Snow, snow-plow, ig 04 Allen B. Baker, snow, 55 Luther De.an, stone, 7 60 MISCELLANEOUS. Henry A. Cobb, fires, 8106 80 Alfred Gorham, tree warden, 22 65 231 58 r I: 10 Alanton 11. Crowell, 27 deaih returns, E. 31. Parker, 31. D., 8 birth returns S. IT. Sears M. D., 4 birtli returns S. F. Letteiiey, officer fees Edwin Thacher, rent for precinct 2, N. E. Hopkins Co., repairs weights and measures, D. C. Pabner, freight weights and meas. ures P. E. Ilannan, horse hirs E. B. Hallett, repairs N. to^^^l pump, F. C. Swift, counsel and court fees D. S. Taylor, stove and sundries to^\-n offlcs J. B. ITall, supplies tOTvn office, E. D. Payne, fuel and supplies, to^^-n offies Orphin Bros.,' furniture, to^^-n office $ 0 75 2 00 1 00 2 75 15 00 6 75 60 4 00 2 15 81 03 26 15 6 50 14 GO 20 25 1903. TOWN OFFICERS. registrar. E. D. Payne, auditor, Geo. II. Loring, auditor, Charles F. Pnrrington, registrar, « « " election officer. T. F. Drew, registrar, election officer. ^ 318 98 6;1,946 43 Selectmen, assessors, overseers of poor, Wm. J. Davis, to^TO treasurer, $75 OO u u u town clerk services and fees, .37 00 ^il,200 00 25 00 137 00 12 00 12 00 838 00 2 50 35 50 823 50 5 00 28 .50 11 Daniel B. Crocker, registrar, Luther R, Brown, tax collector, Elisha T. Baker, « « Edmund W. Eldridge, school census E. L. Jenkins ** u ■Win. A. Schwab, • « „ • Seth Taylor, truant officer, " " 10 death returns " " constable services 8 5 00 4 00 42 00 Board of Health, John TI. Stetson, constablsIsaiah Crowell, inspector of animals F. W. Homer, " « « P. E. Ilannan, « « u Fish committesS. IV. 31itchell, truant officer, Joseph H. Robinson, « « Wm. A. Schwab, moderator, Charles 3V. Swift, « A. C. Snow, sealer, Richard Sears election officerStephen Wing, David Kelley, 2d, F. F. Collins Wm. II. Brown, Sanniel H. Drew, Henry A. Cobb, Joshua E. Howes Alfred Gorhain, Jeremiah Chass E. W. Eldridge, C. L. Xickerson, R. H. Harris , A. C. Snow, 8 34 00 285 17 180 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 51 00 31 00 SO 50 11 30 10 00 55 20 30 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 5 00 2 50 4'50 5 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 12 S. W. Mitchell, election officer, Winchester Johnson, " " Wm.H. Hurst, M. F. Jones, " A. A. Knowles, u « Amount raised by the town, >1,800 00 State reimbursement, inspectors animals, 38 25 Expended in excess of amount raised, 408 92 >2 50 2 50 5 00 2 50 2 50 >2,247 17 >2,247 17 miscellaneous. IXC1DKNTAL8. B. C. Fire Ins. Co., Selectmen, paid for stamps, express, tele phone, etc., E, W. Hallett, stamped envelopes, Wra. A. Schwab, telephone, A. C. Snow, labor and material, town office, David Kelley, 2d, supplies, Uivm office, E. A. Nickerson, distributing town reports, J, K. &■ B. Sears, lumber, W. Y. cemetery, J. Usher, Jr., moving town safe. Selectmen, assessors and overseers ofpoor, traveling and exi>enses out.of town, Theo. F. Drew, labor, polling precinct No. 4, C. IL Bassett, meals to registrars,' Thos. E. Kelley, distributing town reporta, Dorcas Ryder, rent, precinct No. 2, A. C. Megathlin, supplies, Board of Health, Dr. F. A. Binford, services, Board of Health, C. R. Bassett, jmstice fees,Andrew F. Sherman, recording deed,u u " property abstract, E. S. Bradford, officer's fee, D. Cotelle case. >45 94 21 88 29 76 1 00 15 88 17 50 1 50 1 80 8 00 66 32 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 50 1 76 12 75 9 25 47 15 00 5 94 18 11. i... Bourne, officer, serving warrant, C. Cobb, Di-. S. H. Sears, services, Boaid of Health, Dr.E.M.Parker, " « « a Dr. Keck, birth return, T. T. Chase, mileage book, Marsh JITg Co, book case, town office, Carter's Ink Co, Henry Blachford, wood, town office, Da\id S. Taylor, repairs, N. side pump, Alfred Gorham, fencing dumping ground, L. H. Baker, labor on wood, tomi office, Yarmouth Register, tax collector's bills, E. L Baker, labor, precinct No. S, E. L. Sears, labor and material, precinct No. 2, Seth.Kelley, rent, precinct No. 8, Geo. 11. Kelley, treas, rent, precinct Na 1, C. R. Bassett, board of engineers, Matthews & Payne, coal, to-mi office, John Hinckley & Son, .lumber, precinct No. 2, 1{. 51. Taylor, labor, town vault, Hiarlotte M. Hallett, six years' rent hearse house lot, Wm. J. Datis, posUige,Luther R. Browi\, collector, i>08tage,Wm. M. Olin, Sec. of State, reg. books, " three ballot boxes, Seth Taylor, care of hearse, >6 00 " labor, town house, «4; » wood, « " 2 46 " expenses tax suits, 80 9fi # 3 82 9 75 12 00 25 10 00 4 00 1 26 3 00 8 70 19 08 45 4 65 2 50 5 55 5 00 10 00 4 00 9 40 11 09 25 6 00 I 00 28 00 3 00 150 00 46 88 >611 81 14 STATE AID. Henry Arey, David S. Baker, Lucy A. Currier, Mercy C. Crowell, Elizabeth Hurst, T. W. Harris, Charles F. Handy, Hannah Lovell, Joseph H. Kobinson, Mary H. Ryder, Ebenezer Crowell, Alfred Gorham; Joyce Taylor, Allen Baker, F. W. Homer, Joshua S. Baker, Henry A. Cobb,- J. F. Nickerson, James Lack, Yarmouth Register, H. M. Dolbear Co., •C. Bagnall Co., F. B. & F. P. Goss, fil5 rauskrats, at 25c., MILITARY AID. SNOW. FIRES. PRINTING. MUSKRAT8. 948 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 54 00 60 00 48 00 36 00 48 00 958 05 59 30 9 00 9 98 88 36 60 128 50 8 86 4 50 9197 40 7 10 90 5 25 480 00 72 00 121 35 271 84 210 65 153 75 91,926 90 15 STATEMENT MISCELLANEOUS." C*. Amount raised by town, Received from R. R. Co, acct. fires, " " State, State Aid, « " " Military Aid, Expended over amount raised. Da. 91,400 00 8 00 435 00 36 00 47 90 Paid for incidentals,9011 81 « " State Aid,486 00 " «. Militaiy Aid,72 00 « « snow,121 85 ¨¨ " fires,271 84 " « printing.210 65 " ^ muskrats,158 75 91,926 90 91,026 90 SUPPORT OF POOR, Ca. Amount raised by town,92,500 00 Reimbursement by L. Buck,52 00 Received for produce, poor farm,8 87 Reimbursement, Ellis P. Baker,1 50 Reimbursement by Clarence Hallett,18 57 Dr. Paid for poor in aimshouse.9 695 79 f Paid for outside poor,1,618 88 Unexpended balance,206 27 92,575 44 92.575 44 16 DUE PROM C1TIE:J^AND TOWS FOR SUPPORT OP POOR. Falmouth, ^52 OO Brewster, 48 oO Dennis, -- 43 gg SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Edward F. Peirce, teacher, C. H. Smith, 6er\ice8, teacher, C. H. Osgood, « « Helen Eldridge, « « F. P. Comings, « " P. B. Reid, - « A. J. Sykes, " Alfred Taylor, ** « Win. A. Schwab, " " Kate E. Maher, - " A. J. Gray, " X. E. Lewis, - Helen J. Edson, •* H. S. Haskins. - .M. Ix Kelley, " M. W. Howea, »» H. S. Donne, " ** Emma G. Hall, «* « R. M. Baxter, Fred. E. Baker, janitor and extra labor, James Gorham, « « u w Dustin Baker, Hyannis Pub. Co., school reports, " " « printing and supplies, F. B. «t F. P. Goss, « Yarmouth Register, " J. S. Baker, carting and freight. ^143 8100 00 . 100 00 180 00 150 00 210 40 510 00 273 Oil 2 00 7 50 330 00 45 On 240 00 2.S0 00 14 00 240 00 320 00 SO 00 120 00 120 00 100 15 158 70 65 75 55 00 18 70 12 82 25 75 3 01 11 fuel, labor on fuel, T. Ci'ocker & Sons, .Mattlicws & Payne, F. P. IlaUett. n. H. Sears, Loring Fuller & Co, Isaiah Crowell, Elnin Slecarta, Edmund Walker, I. B. Kelley, William B. Fuller, Band Kelley, 2d, 2 clocks and repairs, B. Robbins & Co., locks, Abbie Montcalm. labor, H. X. Brooks, « Emma Baker, " Jeremiah Chase, " S. D. W. Mitchell, " Ernest P. Baker, fuel and ciuting, S. B. Marchant, supplies, B. T. Gorham, agent, rent of hall, L. M. Eldridge, rej)air8, piano, E. h. Jenkins, telephone, Eaglestou Bros., supplies, Edmund W. Eldridge, travel expenses, " " st,impK and telephone, " " " labor, " - " fuel Win. A. Sebwal), telephone, " " iabor, Amount raised by town, Received from County, dog fund, " " sale of school property, Expended over amount raised 83,300 00 163 99 2 20 148 15 8 9 80 107 93 36 00 20 00 80 00 10 50 S 00 3 00 2 00 1 10 11 45 1 02 9 10 5 87 8 20 21 98 3 00 •X 60 00 9 00 2 5(1 75 17 87 3 04 1 69 2 45 9 00 95 2 75 *4.109 84 M.lflS 34 1 IS IWtJ BILLS PAiri. For support of schools and transportation (see Tomi Debts), SCHOOL SUPPLIES, J. L. Hiimmett & Co., supplies, Ginn & Co,,- " Bunkio Matsuki, ** E, E. Babb & Co., " American Book Co., " D, C. Heath <t Co., « W. ITowland & Co^ " Silver, Burdett & Co., Beale Publishing Co., Kenney Bros-, Walkins, E, E. Butland, Funk & Wagnall, Eiisterbrook Pen Co- .Alaynard, Morrill Co- " Milton, Bradley Co- ** Eagleston Bros., P, S. Printing Co- Yarmouth Repster. F, B. Goss, Goss Printing Co.. ** W. D. Baker, <i. H, Daniels, •* .7, E. Crowell, David Kelley, 2d, ^ym. F. Kenney, Wm. E. Cliaflin, travel expenses, E. F. Peirce, express paid, E, 1j. .lenkins, sUimps and sundries, I'mixpended balance. Amount raised by town, ^»27S 00 »1C2 44 MS 75 24 37 1 19 71 71 32 60 14 81 3 75 2 34 12 48 4 08 40 9 65 4 92 6 00 1 28 75 5 10 10 17 1 00 3 73 2 24 50 60 1 65 3 75 5 60 30 12 30 22 08, 8275 0(» 8275 00 19 Tn.O'SPOBTATIOX OP SCHOLARS, Charles "VY. Ellis, J. E, Crowell, I4. Baker, Joyce Taylor, 1, F. Homer, Unexpended Inlance, ,4raount raised hy town, . ^goo qq 8227 50 25 00 55 00 29 00 H60 00 103 50 8800 00 8800 00 SLOTD SCHOOL. Amount raised by to^vn, Paid Isabel Shove, 8500 00 8500 00 SrPERTNTEKDRNT OF St^HGOLa. 8500 00 8500 00 .\mount raised by toMH, Received from State Fund, Expended over amount raised, Wm. E Chaffin, supt- 8100 00 169 89 100 69 370 6s 8370 58 8370 68 INTEREST. .\mouni raised by Sears fund. 8 yoo 0« - " for other notes, 1,200 00 Expended over amount raised, 87 18 Paid E. F. Peirce, by order of tnistees " "Wm. J. Davis, treasurer, cashier and trustee, /" John 11, Clark, treasurer, ** 11, II, Baxter, " E, S. Britdford, state treas- 8900 00 614 81 589 07 40 00 43 75 82.1S7 13 82.187 1! 20 TIJEE WARDEN. Amount raised by the towi. Paid Alfred Gorhain, tree -warden, »100 00 ^100 00 «»100 00 $100 00 ROADS AND HRIDOES. Amount raised by town. *!l,600 00 " " for South Sea avenue, 400 00 " w « run bridge, 100 00 " " Ilyaimis Park road, 200 00 " expended over appropriation, 84 91 paid Alfred Gorham, ?i595 50 .« « Joyce Taylor, SG8 07 . ». • .4 South Sea ave. road, 400 00 ,\jnount paid Joyce Taylor, IlyannisPark road, 200 00 Amount paid Allen B. Baker, 4x9 32 •» i4 u w 44 ^4^ repairs B. R, bridge, • 230 4<5 Amount paid Allen B. Baker, run bridge, 95 5(5 82,3X4 91 82.884 91 FORESTER. Aniounl raistxl by town, - . paid Joseph Nickerson, Tnexpended balance. 8100 00 8 1 50 98 50 810(1 00 8100 00 21 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND REPAIRS. AI.M8H0D8E. Jo-seph Thacher, labor and material, Albert C. Snow, « « u Henry W. Taylor, « « « John Hinckley & Son, » Albert Taylor, labor, J. W. Hamblin, labor, I 7 50 61 87 12 10 49 49 8 88 NORTH SCHOOLnol'SE. Wm. Matthews, labor, A. C. Snow, .« James Gorham, " WE.ST ernooLHousR. R. Ij. Taylor, labor, J. K. J: B. Sears & Co, material, J. B. Brorni, labor and material, C. W. -Megathlin, Henry Blachford, school fence, Wm. A. Scbtt-ab, oil, L. A. Chase, labor, Du-stin Baker, labor, A. B. Nye. nwterial, 8 81 75 2 80 7 00 8 65 6 00 1 50 5 00 20 DO 20 00 6 5ft 4 65 8 61 SOUTH 8UHOOLHOU8E. George B. Sears, labor and material, D. Frank Sears, u «• J. A. Boyle, - Fred. E. Baker, • H. A. Stevens, « *11 61 24 82 2 55 i; 00 A 00 *187 72 U 55 80 91 49 48 TOWN llorsF. 1»1U>I'KIITV. Alliort C. Snow, ImiUlinpover vault. " " " lanting InnUliuff. " ^ laKir and uialtriul. I). Frank Scars, •* « .. Ilonry W. Taylor," « " Klishn T. Baker, " George B. Sears. " Amount raised by to\A n, Expended in excess of amount, raised. t r)0 00 6 00 7 60 25 0.1 4 62 285 00 88 08 «i500 00 140 29 v300 08 8040 29 8040 29 TOWN nor.^E IMPBOVEMENTS. l*aid Beul>en BaVer, lalmr on ground. •* I. W. Ellis, " *• James B, Baker, •» *• R. B. CJark, " - A. W. Oihoon. - L. n. Ikiker, - Benj. S. Cotelle. - C. B. Cole, n - Wm. B. Fuller, - Albert n. Cotelle, - D. M. Chase, - S. X. (Iiapman. *• " Ernest P. Baker, - I,. I». Brot\7i. .50 i)ost«, n. S. Tayhir. pumi». ~ John Falvey, stone and laljor. *» WatsoD F. Cahoon, labor, »• George B. Sears, lalxtr and material, - X. y, X. II. & n. n. R. Co, freights - Alonzo Keller. lal>or. Paid J). S. Taylor, Iniiips, 1). Frank Senrs, Inlor and mftterinl, floor. " Eldridgc l»enlK)dy, 250 cliaii^ " A. C. Snow, Inlxir and stock on cliairs, « Elislin T. Raker, labor, " J. Ilinckley A Son, materinl, Unexpended Iwlance, Amount raised by town. ^5,) 00 8050 00 KE.M]TTAN'CK OF TAXES. l.ullicr 11. Rrown," aliated taxes, Amnimt raised by totvn, Paid W. T. Inuift, 1908, « Setli Taylor, collector, 1S99 and 1900. " I.utlier R. Brown, collector, 1901, « " « - " 1902. Unexpended Iwlance, 8 6 50 500 00 8 0.5 '• 34 24 278 91 179 22 13 48 8500 .">0 |i5rt0 .50 HY SPKCIAL VUTF. .Vniotint Jaised by town, Paid Seth Taylor. 1898, m'llIAI. FUND. Received from Wm. R. Fuller, I^id Wm. J. Datis, treas. 8100 Ou 81tNi w 810O 0(» Ou •2-i MACADAM JiOAD, XOKTH SIDE. Paid Barbour, Stockwell & Co., 6 catch baj;ins, $ 54 00 " Joseph Thacher, labor ajid material on signs, 4 50 " Buffalo, Pitts <fe Co., rocks, supplies, 2 60 " A. W. Chesterton & Co., rocks, supplies, 16 95 ** J. Lundberg, wood for roller, 2 25 " Jolm Ilinckley & Son, tools and lumber, 64 64 « John Falvey, labor and stone, 6 catch basins, 112 00 " Matthews & Payne, coal, g2 42 " E. D. Payne, oil, tools and lanterns, 15 71 " A. C. Snow, erecting pump, 7 go . " Henry R. Usher, lighting lanterns, 20 00 " " " " iron ^^'ork, g 50 " Henry W. Taylor, lal)or and material, catch basins, 8 60 ," Edric Eldridge, 61 loads of sand, 1 22 " Tarniouth Register, advertising, g 50 " Ilenrj* Blachford, committee, 9 00 " for labor, as per pay roll, 91 " John S. Lane & Sons, stone and freight, 2,714 81 Amount raised by the town, 1:5,000 00 Received from F. A. Abel, sale of stone, 27 00 Expended over amount raised, gg qj 4.5,116 01 A.5,116 01 MACADAM ROAD, .SOUTH SIDE. I'aid R. K. Farris, tNvine, " Charles II. Sherman, labor, « E. E. Ellis, " L. H. Baker, " " S. X, Chapman, " " Chester B. Cole, " Walter F. Cotelle. 8 25 40 25 82 05 47 42 158 87 19 84 4 52 2.5- Paid Herbert Cbtelle. labor T. S. Holway, , « ' " D. M. Chased " John G. Sears, " Fernimdus Baker, « " Charles JI. Bro^r^^ " Jeremiah Eldridge, a " J.S. Baker, " Charles W. Ellis, « " Allen B. Baker, u " Frank L. Baker, - " D. Frank Sears, «< ^ Benj. S. Cotelle, . « " E.B. Chase, J. T. Goodwin, i; " J. G. Hallett> « Geo. n. Baker, « 31. H. Crowell, repairs on mller " Allen B. Baker, suppiieg^ " lighting lanterns,'• J.K. A-B. Sears, labor, nnd material on tank, J. G. .Seai-s, suj)plieR, ;; advertising,J. M . Crowell expense.^ f^Hinrfiam telejihone and express, " 3fatthews A Payne, coaL " «ond Bros., lal)or and raateriaL tank" D.S.Taylor, supplies, • - Jolm .S. Line A .Sons, «tone and freight, .\niount raised by toam. Expended over .iiimnnt raised. ^ 183 91 # 4 62 55 75 57 00 56 2.1 44 75 117 50 120 do 28 76 17 2.5 207 58 28 75 6 87 24 (H) 38 OK 9 00 27 (Ml <7 00 9 00 10 50 . 1 50 85 24 50 _ « 8 65 6 50 14 90 21 89 10 00 11 80 1;243 08 82.0S.H 91 42,0,8S) 91 SlTPliKSSlON OK CHIMK. Amount rnisod bt town. Jolin H. Stetson, H. F. Crowell, F. M. Wixon. E. K. Kllis J. H. Kobinson, W. F. Calioon, S. K. Chapman, S. VT. Mitchell. Henry Arey, UnexpendHl Iwlanoe. i(iuo on 9100 00 *100 00 I)rMPl.\« iHlOT'Nn, NOHTH SIDE. Amount raised by town. Paid J. Usher, land. 920 00 ^20 00 A20 00 ^^20 00 STATE HIGHWAY NOTES. .VniouMi raised by town. Paid Win. J. Davis, trn-stee. u Jolin 11. Clark, treasurer, 9:^,0(M) 00 500 (K» 2,500 00 *3,000 00 *.3.000 00 TOWN MACADAM ROAD NOTES. Amount raised by town, Paid John H. Clark, treas., 1 note. *3.000 00 *1,400 00 1,600 00 *3.000 00 *3.000 0(1 < OITTH SEA AVENUE HOaD NOTE. *600 OU Yarmouth, OO *600 00 9600 00 'I'AX NOTES PAH). Paid First National Bank of Yarmouth, taxes paid. Paid State tax, " County tax, " Highway tax, " National Bank tax, ''f River brid^^'' T>UE from DENNIS. Paid Allen B. Baker ^ • bridee- ' River L II SELKCTMKN'S STATEMENT. Amounts paid by orders of ti)e .seiec the town treasurer: Tonn debts, " officers, .ViRcellaneous, Support of poor, Due from oUier towns, poor account. Support of schools. School supplies, Transportation of scholars, Sloyd school contract. Superintendent of schools. Interest, Trc-e warden, Hoads and bridges. Forester, J'ublic buildings and repairs. Town house iuiprovcinents, Ueiuittance of taxes, Seth Taylor, taxes, abatement^ Burial fund^ Macadam road, North side, " South side, Suppression of crime. Dumping ground. State liighu ay notes, Town macadam rmid nrjies. South Sea avenue note. Tax notes paid, Taxes paid, state and county. Due from coimtj', ' * " " Dennis, Ammuu of orders drawn. tincij and drawn upon ¥l,94r> 4S ^,241 17 1,920 90 2,309 17 148 4.109 84 2o2 97 <>90 fiO i>00 00 370 fts 2.IK7 18 100 00 2,384 91 1 50 <>4(5 29 525 .30 40.3 02 25 94 100 00 5.110 01 2,088 91 50 00 20 <K» 3,000 00 3,000 tlO 000 00 5,950 00 •%157 OS 121 23 230 45 ?^40,902 20 ^4r..902 215 *40,902 2<i 3' VVNXNCIAL STANDING OF THE TOWN, DEC.81, IMS. S^rs food note. State Highway notes, Macadam Tax note, Bills unpaid, estimated. yl5,033 49 14,500 00 14,200 00 1,000 00 Tr „ credits.Incoll^tedtaxes, 1901 and 190'> n * " 1^3, ***Due from towns, " « Countv, Selectmen's teiaace in treasarrOutstanding orders, $47,738 49 %1,224 16 31 33 28 65 47 8,579 380 121 2,693 692 18,691 15 %34.042 84 LIST OK Jl'WOHS A8 PIIEPAKED BY THE SELECTMEN, JAN. 15, 19W. Edmund W. Eldridge, Xatban H. Matthews, Joseph Bassett, George H. Kelley, Henry A. Cobb, paniel B. Crocker, Eleazer A. Nickerson, Oliver Hallet, Alfred W. Kelley, Obristopber H. Howes, John T. Cobb, Obarles R. Howes, Joyce Taylor, Herbert F. Studley, Herbert C. Homer, Lafayette K. Chase, Millard F. Jones, D, Frank Sears, Pavid Kelley, '2d, Isaiah F. Homer, Gilbert Studley, Isaac B. Kelley, Fred. A. Baker, "William H. Hurst, Zenas P. Howes, Luther R. Brown, Daniel B. Taylor, Lysander A. Chase. SelectmenI'poci? W. CRO^VELL, k Select ilEXRY BLACHFORD, [ ofCHARLES R. bassett, \ Yarmouth. 1 ASSESSORS' report, ^ALUatiok May iMAI L 1903, Real estate, land, " " buildings, ^847,050 00 Personal, 663,625 00 818,689 00 ADDiriONAtVALUATIOv^.Real estate, land, ' ^ >2,650 00 Total addiHonnl valuation, 1,824,364 00 Total valuation, 1903,2.660 00 taxes mat 1, 1908. >1,827,014 00 Taxes levied on real estate. " " " personal ^tate n " doHb • ^8,577polla,96 Total tax, May 1, raxes levied on real estate, Omitted t 962 00 axes, perRonnl, Total tax, 1903, 30,190S. >34 46 18 00 824,678 78 52 45 «4,781 18 jjuniber of polls, " " houses, « ^ horseN " " cows, " " neat cattle other than cows, « « sheep, u M acres of land assessed, • " dogs licensed, « " persons liable to military duty, " " residents assessed on propertj*, « " non-residents assessed on propertj', " " persons assessed on poll tax only, l^ate of taxation, ^=18.00 per $1,000.00. TAXES RECEIVED. jjational Bank tax. Corporation tax. 9 985 06 3,816 4" taxes paid opt. County tax. State n " nigh^'j^y tflx. 490 700 •221 119 5 86 10,081i 88 188 588 458 . 158 $4,250 53 $1,491 84 1,600 00 489 90 — $*2,681 74 IIEXHV BLACIIKOKD, ) Assessors JESSE W. CROIVELL, C of CIIARLES R. BASSETT, ) Yttrniouth. eport of overseers of the poor. .Tohn Gray, Age , v .u ^ ConmltUNjNftthaQ Sears, ]g93 Samuel Baker, 189J James Holway, 189t Laura Buck," 190STotal immlHTof innm^K, I>EPjkt.MEN*t. -Vinos Arey, salary .T.W.Howes *■ . — S.W.Hall,Fiauk H. Hinckley, .« -Matthews & Payne,' uI. H. Thacher, 2^ Klain Mooarta, „ • Edimuiil Walker, « Benj. T. Gorhani, „ •. . ^a^^d D. Kelley, All>ert Taylor, „ -V. A. KnoM leis" u K. W. Eldridpe, « A. Sherman, u Kaglestoii Bins., ^ Wm. F. Kenney -h "7. }IA Frank Arey, exchanjjing cow,820 00 Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance.21 05 T)r. T. B. Philsifer. medical attendance.6 00 Da>id S. Tnyior, repairs on pump,12 75 Henry R. Usher, iron work.1 00 G. Frank Chase, labor on wood.8 50 Mrs. Ellis, "8 00 Albert Taylor, **8 00 Alfred Gorham, *•812 75 " " supplies.4 45 17 20 Orders drawn.8695 79 Cit. l.utUer Uuck, reimbursement l>oard, Produce sold. ^52 UO 3 87 55 8< Xet cost.?t040 42 (»rTSlDE POOP. NORTH SIUF.. Walter Cash. Paid city of TuuuW)n for support, Ida Chase. Paid Ruth Chase, support, " Dr. S. II. Sears attendance. a. 88 82 %52 00 4 10 56 10 Archelus Phillips. Paid II. T. Gorhain, supplies S. W. Hall, " A. A. KnoAvles " Dr. T. R. Pulsifer. med. attendance. 4 25 18 30 24 96 12 00 .59 51 Jeremiah Chase. Paid Mattheue & Pajme, fuel. f $ sO « S.TT.HaW, sttppWes 9 00 « T. H. Thacber, 2d, Buppliea, 1& %% Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, med. attendance, 21 CO " Edward L. Chase and wife, nursing, 42 00 Morris Gray". Paid Marcus Hall, rent, Chester Chase.Paid Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance, Mrs. Walter Baker. Paid Daniel Cole, rent, .\id Refunded. Paid Dr. S. H. Sears, i 00 60 00 38 70 n iul79 W »<>rTH SIDE. Melissa Baker.1 aid Isaiah F. Homer, rent, " h. Fuller & Co., fuel,040 00 16 00 .56 00 Paid H. C. Homer, supplies, " I. Goodwin, nurse,8 6 61 15 00 T> M r. T, Pobiiwoii. ,Paid F. \\. Homer, rent, ^ ilbum Baker, .n. . „ ^ D. Baker.I.uda,e,toB,Cole,tart, W4 0.I " E.T. Baker, supplies, j" ^^ouisArenovski, supplies, 3 00 21 61 39 00 58 29 Mis. Isjiac ^\^ Baki*r.' Paid H. P. Chase & Son, fuel, " Henry Blachford, fuel, Jiulah B. Chase. Paid Lnriiig l-Mller, fuel. WEHT SIDE. Alexander Crowell. Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies, " B. 0. Sears, " " Alton S. Cole, " " W. P. Bearse, " " W. Johnson, " " L. P. WilsciD, " " J. S. Baker, fuel, " Henry Blachford, fuel, " E. T. Baker, labor, " E. T. Chase, labor, fuel, " Dr. C. E. Harris, medical attendance, • Mary .Jasper, niirsinp. .Vflre.sta Humes, paid J. S. Baker, fuel, " Henry Blachford, " « F. P. Ilallet, " Cash aid, if.2S U7 65 2 IG 66 1 31 1 00 •26 10 6 50 50 1 50 1 50 37 00 ? 4 50 3 00 16 00 .51 00 » 7 50 fcl04 39 fHOl 95 "Lam Buck, Paid Dr. F. A. Binford, med. attendance, I W bO " M. Boane, board, " Josephine Bacon, " " Hannah "Walker, « « Minnie B. Eldridge, clothing, *' B. K. Farria, « « JaraesE. Baxter, supplies, « Josephine Bacon, transportation, " Town of Barnstable, expenses in quarantine, Benajah Whelden. Paid J. S. Baker, fuel, " Br. Binfor^ med. attendance, Stephen Marchant. Paid Alex. Marchant, support, Josiah F. Baker. Paid Henry Blachford, fuel, James W. Holway. Paid Br. F. A. Binford, medical attendance, Aid Refunded. Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies. i 1419 61 PAID IX OTHER CITIES AXD TOWNS. Susan A. Baker, Lizzie T. Chase, William Dixon, E. A. Ilallet, TAUXTOX A8TLCH. support,21 126 75 126 76 18 67 '■a —XW :{s MKDriKLD ASYHTM. Oustavus C. Hinckley, support, ««109 20 Mary-A. Christensen, « 109 20 218 40 VAOnAXT. and trnii6{>ortatinii. *020 18 STATEMENT. Amount j-aised b3' town, -deceived by Luther liuck, " " sale of produce, " " aid reimbursement, " ♦♦ Clarence Hnllet. reimburse ment, I'aid for ttlmsbouse, " •* outside poor, " in other cities and towns, I'nexpended balance. 02,500 00 52 00 S 37 1 60 18 57 8695 79 993 20 020 18 266 27 82,575 44 82,575 44 I>l'E FROM OTHER TOWNS. Ilrewstcr, sui»iK>rt of Adaline Kickerson, Falmouth, " " E. B. Studley, Dennis " " Wm. H. F\iller. " 1- M >1*^ t^ase. 848 OO 52 00 42 88 1 50 Total amount due.8143 88 •JESSE W. CltOWEIJ,, k IIKNRY |}L.\CHFORD, V OlIARLES R. HASSKTT, > Ovemeers of Poor. L TREASURER'S REPORT. J>n. lJulance on hand Junuarj- 1, 1908,Received from County Treasurer, dog money, " " " acct. Bass River lower bridge," " Town of Dennis, acct. Bass River lower bridge, " ' " Town of Falmouth, " " " « Brewster," ** E. C. Matthews, treas., Bass River fisheries," " Judge Swift, court fines, ** ** Frank Fisk, salarv overpaid," « E. W. Eldridge, 84,818 00 168 99 73 64 141 67 56 00 48 00 18 60 17 04 IS 76 GG 10Ilenrj- Blachford,52 4(44 ** ** trcastirer Folliiks Pond fi shery.18 82 44 44 sale of school proi>erty by sclinol - board.2 20 44 44 money refunded by Ellis P. Baker,1 50 «*Clarence Ilallett-, Ijoard of El>en A. Ilallett,18 5744acot.b(«i-d Lxither Buck at alinsliousc.ijy 0044fromWm. B. t^iller, acct. Burial FumL,100 00 a sale fann produce, aliushouse,. 8 874444interest on Burial Fund notes.82 00 44 44 sale of land to Mrs. Idary M. Howes,25 004444sale of broken stone.27 no 40 Koceived from .Toslma Crowell, chnirmnn joiitt school lK«ird,8169 89 M u New York, Now ITavcn & Hartfonl railroad, accL fires.8 00 4A 44 L. R.-Brown, rebated tax.6 50 C(Clias. M. Snow, license to Mav 18, 1904,. 6 CO <4 <4 Alton S. Cole, license to May 20,1904,6 00 «(u Fred. A. Ix>ng, license to ilay 26, 1904,6 00 44 44 Wm. H. Kelley, license to June 1, 1904,6 00 4ft Warren Montcalm, pool license,2 00 «4 44 Reul»en Howes, auctioneer's license,2 00 44 J. R. Baker and R. B. Clark, permit fisb )>ound.1 00 «4 State Treasurer: For ooniixTi nation inspectors nninials, Corjwratiou tax, lfK)2, " 1908, Xational Bank tax. State aid, Mililarr aid. Note, macadam road, I^mstable County Fire Ina. Co.. note, macadam road, proeetvis notes, anticipation taxes, Scth Taylor, collector taxes, 1900 (in full), Luther R. Rmn-n, collector taxes. 1901, T.niher R, Brown, collector taxes. 1902 38 25 18 61 3,296 8r> 935 06 435 00 36 00 2,500 00 5,000 00 8,950 00 58 75 511 82 , - Elisha T. Baker, collect<»r taxes, 1903, 17*76,904 44 17,795 44 851.317 91 41 t> j .1 aid on orders from selectmen. Balance on hand, Jan. 1,1904, l3ue from collectors of taxes; Luther R. Brown, year 1901, _ " " " " 1902,Ehsbn T. Baker, « 1908, Town owes: Note in anticipation of taxes,Noto given account Sute highway, macadam roads, Burial funds: Notes to-wn of Yarmouthne,n,sitNcw Bedford Savinga Bunk, Received from.: Geo. N. Smalley, John F. Crocker, Kst. Belinda Nickerson, Edwin Bray, Andrew Crowell, ^Vm. B. Fuller, Massachusetts school fund - Balance, Jan. l, 1908,heceived from State treasurer. Paid on orders school board, B.alancc on band, Jan. 1, 1904, <(47,981 79 8,886 12 851,817 91 % 25 08 1,199 08 8,579 31 89,808 47 t 8,000 00 14,500 00 14,200 00 881,700 00 . 8500 00 550 00 <(1.050 00 8500 00 250 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 100 00 81,050 00 8118 IS 268 17 <i87G 80 271 88 8104 42 >yj01t 1i \I Isg'g Ci E.!!Illl!?Si® 2•§eeD•»3o? 5* s:^a« :>i*>tfrsso«•40*taCOce©*oon ©COC1ffiwa-tMoM00th00o©©©©©i><ee>eoo©o©©CO©-1©©©VITAL STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1903,UlRTIIM IK 1908.Mar.AprilDat<>.Jan. 2.29.Feb. 28.•fune 18.€10ialy 26.Aug. 26.81.Jitept 8.4.. 18.26.()dt, 6.10.10,Nnmo.Henry Winsln'p Collins,Bayron Norman Johjison,Frank Sears Crowell,Hladys Pearl Crowell,Clifton Willard Ellis,Dorothy DeVerde Crowell,Isabel Irving Dean, *Catherine Abbie Taylor,Eineline P. Baker,Shirley iMay Campbell,Olive Linwood Sears,Viola Natalie Afnrchant>ICarle Kittila,Mildred Thacher Goodwin,Mary Agnes Cash,Snsan Campbell Dean,Annie Welch Keveney,Sarah Margaret Usher,Magdalene May Gaboon,Male child.Female child.PorentR.Franklin P\ and Kate H.John A. and Clara H.Stephen and Annie E.U M M MBenjamin W. and Josephine B.Lester E. and Hebecca L.Edward F. and Marjorie II.Thacher and Jfary J.Isaac W. and Deborah.Fred. A. and Alice C.Ernest L. and Annie F.Nathaniel and Ora Belle.Karle and Hannah.Benjamin P. and Lurana.inward E. and Mary C.Edward B. and Carrie M.John B. and Sarah L.Jonathan, Jr. and Catharine S.WInthrop I. and Bessie 3f. BIJITHH in 1W)8.I)BtO.Oct. 27.Nov. I.2.Dec. 8.2«.NftiOfl.Jlale child, Baker,Male child.Keziah Gertrude Arey, nMabel M. Lord,Milton b'reeman Kelley,Parcnti.Fernandufi and Inez.Amoe E. and Charity 13.Wm. H. and Mabel M.Willard M. and Mabelle W.Diitc.•fan. 1.22.24,Mar. 10.April 4.19.May 21.Aug. 6.19,NnuiP.Peleg P. Akin,Coni M. Cook,Sarah B, .lohnson,Miriam G. Forbtieh,liilda Gr.iy Jlolwny,Franklin 11. Chase,Charles IJasselt,Grace E. Ifoiner,Henry Gilford Crowell,Nathan h'. Crowell,Mary J. Hopkins,Miciiael h'eveney,Steplien Marciiniit,Alniini Pliillipg,Afaria Matthews,Julia 13. Whelden,Cliarles Francis Swifl,Hehecca H. Bangs,Thankful I). Matthews,Magpie A. Cohb,Francis M.Whelden,Pebornh Ann Bobbins,hhzabeth Stetson,Alice Eidridge Ryder,DEATHS IN 1908.CnuFe.Interstitial nephritis,Tubercular meningitis,Old age,Cancer,Valvular disease of the heart,Organic disease of the heart,.Malnutrition,Pulmonary taihcrculosis,Senility,Accidental drowning,Meningitis,Strangulated hernia,IntcrHtitinI nepliritifl,Pneumonia,Heart disease,Heart disease,Abscess middle ear, meningitis,Old age,Senile gangrene,Gastric carcinoma,Chronic bronchitis,Intestinal carcinoma,Hypertrophy of the heart,Tuberculosis pulmonalis,Age.y.K. I).706 4341 2902701 28lu14002 6uv748 122711 28'816196 867778 2269,-4 1698 1278 860 1177 10 14 •88 7 26108674824 161 6128 107 20 1DEATHS IN 1908,Date,Nnme.ISept.f).Eunice iMnria Cole,Softening of the brain,f).Dorothy DeVerde Crowel),Cholera infantum,11.Alice A. Crowell,Carcinoma intCRtinalis,D).Ofltherinc Holfcrnan,Heart failure,'J6.Eliza Gibhfi Lewis,Apoplexy,Oct.7.Edward Thacher,Diabctis mellltus,9.Julia A. Crowell,Astiima with weak heart,16.Abby B. Crowell,Gangrene,19.David Kelley,Senility,29.James S. Kendrick,Chronic Bright's disease.Nov.2.Infant.18.Cordelia C. Baker,Acute pleurisy,Dec.28.Francis Beecher Crowell,Cerebral hemorrhage.30.Zerviah Sears,Old age,t'ou*e,Age.Y.M.n.60427618762728292282119411466102948676720001870618•86912B■7K a» X1 '-1•oMM e>H-®""®fjisteg»ggggg ^«"^-«»n»0, ocMMfooeRSoSwH' r Dat«. Nov. 16. Dec. 29. 4S! Clarence Chase, Margaret E. Lynch, Russell Hallett, Betsey Cobb Ilallet, Age. 21 21 29 32 WM. J. DAVIS, Tou-n Clerk. * • ' L tree warden account. 47 hours, 20c '>o. K. F. Sinitli, R. Wm. Park, •Tonathan Psher, qi 'loyce Taylor, trimming trees C " K. K. Smith, 8 hrs., 20c fin «t annouth, Alfred Gorham " ' ® ^Oc, E. F. Smith ' ^ Rours, 80c., f'"m selectmen 4sl00 00 9 40 4 40 4 20 5 00. 2 40 60 2 40 10 00 50 104 3 47 5 50 4 22 19 25 5 60 21 00 ftlOO 00 »100 00 ALFRED GtlRHAM. Tree Warden. ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. VI KUKO t;v.llUAM. IJC ACCOI-ST WITH THK TOWN OP YAll- AlOl-TM. UAttOK KTO..OK UOAOS ANO lUUDGEi*. M. Kovcnoy, Jr^ ^ hours, '20c^ ¨ 1 00 rrttriok Jloffernaii. 24 « « 4 SO H. A. CobK C " 1 20 J,A.Kins. 6 . . 12C r«triok Morg-.uu 22 " 4 S. I- llobbins u " I 0( F. 1. Kobbius, ^ o »» " 10' F K. llamblin, ** - 0 Ksxato Xailuiu llallot, 20 Uxuls pravel, 5c^ F. I. Uobluns, M. Kovenoy, Jr« Jos. Kcvoney, 1.1- Ellis. Wni. P. Edward Cash. C. A. Chas*., P. Morpan, Edniuud "Walker, Jonathan I'slier. James Gorbani, tieorpe Kobbins. E_ R. Ilamblinu Charles Cash. Alfred Gorhani. T J. T. Chase. M. Kereney. J.-4in SUx-a, 04 hours, 20c. 3^ ^ 30 - 16 - - 16 - - S - 24 I - - >> .. .. 1 c li> - 45 - •» hrs.. 2«"kc.. horse, 15c., 14 hours. 20c.. 34 " " 22i - ■f- (.'lareuoi- Chasi'. Harry Chase, •T. Usher, Jr, .T. A, Cash, H. H. Baker. Isaiah Ellis, 51 16 hours, 2UC,, IC^ u u " 45c., " 80c., 20c.. 5 8 8 iHJ. E. Howes, 25 loads graveL 5c p. Slorg-.in, *' ^ ®*» "^^-1 %1.85,H. Wm. Park, hours, 20c., •Tonathan Ueher, , " .'ona. Usher Tt. n t ^ " ".Toseph Keve'nev 20J hrs., 45c., «i9.12,Allen Cash, ' ' - hours, 20c.,P. Heffenian, 44 « «■Tames C^rham, 17 loads graveL 5c ^ " Est. tdmimd llambliH ioa **P- C. llaker Albert Tavlor i e * ; ^ hours, 20c.,Allen Cash, ' *~.80, J- E. Olar hours, 20c.,Warren EUis, ^ "E. S. Mecarta, ,qE- W. Eldridge, IS 3,,^ ^ 40- sn 13c., #2.40 =^.40; 80 loads sand,I-cwis Xickerson, j 1 «- Thomas Ryder, "T"'<^Teo P.Matthews, 2" .• eth Taj lor, 164 hrs., horse, 15c_ t 17 hours, 45c,•John T. CobK J4 " oocIsaiah L. Ellis, (o u ■ 'u L. Rohbins, 74 u ,S. I.. Robl>i„.s, 9 hrs, 30c, #2.70; .# loads I.Miin, 5c, 40e, 8 20 8 25 2 25 2 40 1 CO 8 10 I 25 1 45 2 15 1 50 2 40 7 20 II 82 6 70 8 80 1 00 85 8 72 5 20 11 40 7 20 7 20 7 20 5 40 7 80 1 (K) S 80 .5 80 2 48 7 65 2 80 1 30 3 50 8 10 52 C. A. Chase, l^atriek Morgan, Alfred Gorham, E. A. Xickerson, Willard Ellis, E. P. Smith, 17+ hrs^ 20c^ *3.50; 2 hrs., 25c., 50c., 5 liours, 20c., 9 3+ 9 45c., 20c.. * 1 Oeo. Robbins, E. F. Smith, Wm. D. Loring, A. 1j. Phillips, H. Howes, Patrick Morgan, 10+ hours, 20c„ 1(5 44 20 44 „ 10 ^ 44 1 + 00 25 4 05 70 1 80 4 00 1 J. E. Olar,4 hours, 20c,,80 1 John Silva,lOi 44 44 2 10 1 Albert Tajdor,H 44 SOe.,2 55 1 Allen Cash,7 44 20e.,1 40 1 J. T. Cliase,10 44 44 2 00 1 W. P. Bray,H 44 44 30 I. L. Ellis,2+%4 m/k 50 E. C. Bray,25 .44 44 5 00 1 E. R. Ilarahlin,5 44 44 1 00 C. W. Ellis,15 44 44 3 00 C. L. Nickerson,15 44 44 3 00 - J. A. Ellis,15 44 44 3 00 Geo. Vanputten,25 44 44 5 00 Ernest Bray,49 44 44 9 80 Geo. Robbins,23 U 44 4 CO •Alfred Gorham,27 44 30c.,8 10 Geo. II. Baker,17i 44 44 5 25 C. A. Chase,12 44 •20c.,2 40 Geo. Robbins,9 44 44 1 80 S. L. Robbins,15i 44 •4 3 10 C. M. Bray, 19 loads gravel.5c.,-95 J. E. Howes, 14 loads gravel 5c,,70 3 30 3 20 4 00 Go 2 (Hi 3n \ George H. Baker, Osbome Baker, E..R. Hamblin, Geo. Robbins, A. 1>. Baker, G. A. Chase, G- R. Bassett, « ^ Albert Snow, « E. D. Payne, « E. L. Sears, « ^4 Hamblin, « Joel B. Hall, Alfred Gorham, « from selectmen. 58 20 hours, 20c,, 20 «« M 10 « « 4^ «* u 8f « M 5 M 44 M, Keveney, J- A. Reveney John Reveney, Ghester Chase^ John Silva, Geo. Schmitt, Glarence Chase, John Armitage, Thacher Taylor,: Geo. W. Ryder, E- Smith, E. Smith, G. Hallet, Jr,, E. P. HaUet, A- E. Arey, ^4 P. Bray, E. Montcalm, 8KOW ACCOtTNT. 0595.50 0595 50 0 hours, 20e„ 4 « 44^ 4 7 7 6 4 4 H H 8 H 8 5 4 6 14i 44 44 15c., 20c.,. u 44 44 M 0 4 4 00 00 2 00 90 76 1 00 100 99 5 60 10 00 1 50 20 46 14 00 1 00 106 48 0595 50 01 60 80 1 40 1 40 1 40 90 80 80 80 10 60 TO 00 80 1 00 1 1 1 1 '1 A 2 90 54 Gco. Robbins,10} hours.20c,# 2 10 £. B. Dean,10} "«(2 10 I A. M. Chiise,7} "1 5u A'. A. Sherman,7} "1 50 Frank Chase, 3 hrs, 20c, 00c.; 4 hrs., 40c., #1.G0,2 20 Geo. Vnnputten,7} hours, 20c,1 50 Jos. Cliase,7} "44 1 50 Jere. Cliase,6 u 1 20 Seth Walker,7} "1 50 Benj. Pliillips,6 M 1 20 H. A. Cobb, 5 hrs..20c, #1.00; 6 hrs, 40c, #2.40,3 40 Alfred Baker,9} hours 20c,1 90 W. P. Cook,4 44 80 Wm. F. Morgan,3 "44 GO Patrick Morgan,10 U 8 20 C. M. Bray,4} "40c,1 80 B. R. Howes,1} "20c,30 J. E. Olar,18}"•2 70 j Isaiah Ellis, n 2} "44 50 I. E. Ellis,1} "80 Collins Baker,4 M 80 1 E. F,Dean,5 44 1 00 i C. A. Cliase,8 1 GO Amos Ai'ey,5 1 00 James Gorham,8f ""75 Echmincl AVulker, 8 hrs. 20c^ Si2.C0, E. E. lliiniblin, Allen Cash, F. I. Robbins, Elnalhan Eldridge, F. C. Baker, Winthrop Cahoon, Chas. Cahoon, E. A. Xickerson, 20c., 81.G0; 13 lirs., horse, 20 hours, 20c., • 7 " « Hi " 14 « " 14 - 9 - " • 12 14 4 20 4 00 1 40 .2 30 2 80 2 80 1 80 2 40 2 80 Warren Ellis, Willard Ellis, A. PhillipB, Albert Taylor, E. S. Meearta, Howard Xickerson, 8. L. Robbins, Frank Wheldeu, J. A. Sherman, l)a^^d Whelden, Fred. Marchant,*'^ Jona. Delfesh, H. D. Bray, J. A. Ellis'", W. W. Eldridge, .7ere. Robinson, C. L. Xickerson, J. W. Ellis, C. W. Ellis, C. E. Chase, 9 hrs., 20c., <(1.80 15. Howes, A. D. Baker, n«-orge II. Baker, Oslx>rne E. Baker, -\lfrt»d Gorham, •7. Usher, Jr., E. C. Bray, E. II. Bray, W. E. 3Ioiitcalm, Edmund W^ilker, .7. A. Ellis, E. F. Smitli, C. M. Bray, Wm. Shields, I'. Hoffernan, 55 14 hours, 20c,« 2 80 14 u U 2 80 7 44 '44 1 4U 12 44 44 --2 40 7 44 44 1 40 8 44 "60 2}U 50 4 u 1 40 7 u 44 1 40 7 u 44 1 40 7 u 44 1 40 7 44 ¨¨1 40 H 44 U 1 50 10}U 40c,4 20 4 "20c,80 H 44 44 1 90 8 44 1 GO 8 44 44 1 60 7 "44 1 40 ; 5 hrs, 15c, #.76, 10 u 5 •• M 15 «• 10 u 80 « *. • 4 ^ 10^ 5 " - 5 M M 5 n H 4 H m *' 40c, " 80c, " 40e, " 20c, 2 56 2 00 1 00 8 00 2 00 O 00 80 2 10 00 00 00 00 05 CO 25 50 ,• • i' 56 Fdnmnd Walker, 8 hrs., 20c.,>1.00; 3 hrs., 85c., >1.05,>2 65 Edmund Walker, 28 40c.,>9.20; 8 « 25c., >75c.,9 95 Chas. Cash,6 hours, 20c.,1 20 Allen Cash,a M u 60 Klnathan Eldridge,6 u u 1 20 F. C. Baker,6 u a 1 20 Howard Nickerson,6 tt 1 20 F. I. Robbins,6 u u 1 20 Albert Taylor,Q to u 1 20 Chas. Cahoon,6 « "1 20 Wlntlirop Cahoon,6 to u 1 20 E. CTialk,5 to to 1 00 A. Phillips,to to 20 J. A. Ellis," 40c.,1 00 James Gorham,1 « 20c.,20 E. S. Chase,5 to to 1 00 J. E. Olar,6 to to 1 20 M. Keveney,8 « «GO J. A. Keveney,2 ^40 Alfred Gorham,25 « «5 00 A. E. Arey,2 to to 40 Benj. Phillips,] to to 20 Frank Chase,} to u 20 H. A. Cobb,\ to to '20 AVillard Ellis, 34 hrs., 200.,70c.; 7| hrs., 40c., >8.00,8 70 Warren Ellis,hours, 20c.,1 50 C. M. Bray,11 to to 2 20 J. W. Ellis,2 « to 40 C. W. Ellis,2 to to 40 C. E. Clmse,2 to to 40 W. E. Kickerson,1 to to 20 J. A. Ellis,fi " 40c.,2 40 Z. A, Sherman,6 to u 2 40 Wm. Matthews," 20c.,45 Alfred Baker,50 J. G. llnllet, Geo. Robbins, Frank AVhelden, Millard Gray, K. R. NickerRon, Repairs on snow plough, Rrawn from selectmen, 2^ liours, GOc. 7 « 20e. 8 u 8 ** u 2 « 60 1 40 GO 60 40 46 %198 21 4)S Jl. UAKKII in ACCOUNl- WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH. LAHO!l ON ROADS AND FKNCK8. ^^idney X. Cliapman,15^ hours.20c.,B 10 1 30Fmher ]?. Browji, tilling in washout, Watson Cahoon,9 liours,1.5c.,1 35 Sidney X. Cbapmnn,14 2 10 u (i t u 20c.,20 U li 7 (I 15c.,1 05 N'ehomiah Gcxnlwin,20 11 30c.,0 00 David S. Baker,IB u it 4 50 Cliarles Brown,20 ((ti C 00 Warren Brown,20 u u G 00 William H. Hurst,20 i(tt G 00 Fewis Eldi-idge,20 it u G 00 Georjje II. Batebelder,20 u u G 00 Charles Oliver,"20 u u n G 00 Oilbert Studley,20 u u G 00 Harry Cole,20 u u G 00 Sidney X. Chapman,20 u tt G 00 Thomas Brown,10 it u 3 00 Isjuac Ellis,20 tt 20c.,4 00 Eddie Baker,20 u u 4'00 Nelson Baker,5 it u 1 (10 AVilliam II. Oliver,20 u u 4 00 Freeman Baker,20 u u 4 (10 Aliira Baker,20 tt 44 4 00 Herbert Cotelle,10 u 44 2 00 Reuben Baker,15 it 44 3 00 Martha E. White, loam.15 95 Isaac Ellis,O 4m tt U 40 .Tohn II. Stetson,30 it 30c.,9 00 John G. Sears,30 tt tt 9 00 George 11. l.,oring.30 u tt 9 00 Frank Collins,30 tt u 9 00 F. Myrick,30 u tt 9 00 JIO liours, 30c^David M. CImse, .Tost'j>h Cotello, Isaac B. Kelley, Harry (?ole, Sidney X, Cliapman, Frank Homer, Hrnest Baker, Freeman AVixon, AVilliam B. Fuller, Albert Cotelle, <icnrge L. Byder, Frank Jolimion, -Arai tha E. AVhite, loam, Herbert Cotelle, ^ Kjy, lutiuh sano, zc- •irorge H. I.oriiig, 45 loads sand, 2c Joseph CoUdle, T'' Uavid M. Chase, " 10Si 30 u it SO (i a 30 M 16c., 30 ' U u 20 u 30c., 80 u 20c., 10 u u 30 u M 30 u U 80 u M 20 M ti 30 u u 10 20e, dney X. Chapman, niarles Xiekerson, clay, Stephen Sears, ,,se of driveway, c.nL; c!'!'!!'' "f driveway, 10 bours, 30c 10 « « Gilbert Studley, . Fewis Y. Eldridge, lienjamln Homer, butber R. Brown^ Fenny Baker, < bas. Bi-own, I>^aac Ellis, Feander Baker, Yelson Baker, Klmer Ellis, Martha K. IVhitc, loam Allen B. Baker, David M. Chase, 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 28G 5 ** 20c. JlOe., $ 9 00 9 00 9 QO 4 fiO 4 50 G 00 C 00 2 00 6 00 6 00 C 00 4 00 20 15 6 00 1 20 90 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 30 2 00 3 GO 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 57 20 1 50 m heinuel 11. Baker,10 hours, 20e,8 2 00 atson Cahoon,5 " 15c,75 Ernest Baker,24 " 20c,r>o Charles Sherman,4 " 15c,GO AVatson Cahoon,.4 «t w CO Lemuel 11. Baker,174 " 20c,3 50 Sidney N. Chapman,174 u u 3 50 Sidney K. Chapman,44 u u 90 Lemuel H. Baker,5 u u .1 00 Ernest P. Baker,264 u u 5 30 Seth Kcllev, 39 loads sand, 3c,1 17 George II. Loring, 55 loads sand, 3c•»1 G5 Osborn Chase, clearing rubbish from street,25 David M. Cliase,20 hours, 30c.,G 00 Clarence II. Crowell,20 u u G 00 Jolm G. Sears, -15 " 45c,G 75 AVatson Cahoon,20 " 20e,4 00 Albert H. Cotelle,10 U it 2 00 Charles Niekerson,53 loads loam.5c,2 65 lliram E. Baker,53 "u 2 Go Clifton Baker, Kliner Ellis, Charles Sherman, Elmer Ellis, Watson Cahoon, William B. Fuller, 7 G 2 10 m 4 hours, 20c^ " 35c^ " 20c^ " loc^ ' 20c^ Seth Kelley, 30 loads sand, 8c^ Allen Baker, -55 David Kelley, 2il, iiainiing sipilmrds, D. F. Sears, 2 sign bojirds, Manton II. Crowell, bill on road scraper. Sidney N. Chapman. AVatson Cahoon, Watson Cahoon. Allen B. Baker, 2^ hours, 20c^ 3 u u 4 43 loam, 5c., 7 30 1 4u 2 10 40 1 50 2 70 80 90 51 00 2 05 1 50 1 75 5«i 00 so 8 GO 8499 82 ni SNOW Acoorxr. ^ hours, 40c., H « u ^ ..,u oeursj " 20c., *■hours, 40c^ 5 Allen B. Baker, u tt u John Sears, Uriah Sears, Herbert Cotelle,'All»ertus Cotelle,f^tephen Crowell,hnther R. Brown. R- Homer, Allie Ellis, ("lifton Baker,John Baker, 'heander Taylor,h. Chapman.H- Chase, Allen B. Baker■ Ha^-id M. Cha4Allen B, Baker,'"'ram E. Baker,Clarence CroweH, 1 1 54 4 a 3 3 3 3 3 8 4 8 134 1 1 it 20c, 40c., « « «• u 20c, u •'"Im Hmckley rSon""'"" ""'Dge.«39 ft. 3x6-7x8 .s,,ruce soo 836 ft. 3x9.10 ? MO ft.'9x17 M-1212 ft. 3 in. . *2, "1205 ft.Si„. . ,23 .:1 Itpff GO pw-t. wire nails. U 80 2 20 1 10 1 10 5 30 5 20 1 00 20 20 1 10 50 fiO 00 GO 60 60 1 20 1 20 1 60 3 20 5 40 20 20 835 70 814 70 15 90 8 2.5 28 09 12 50 27 Sa 27 72 8 00 tt'i 10 hours, 20c. H 15c. u Osbom Chiise, 10 hours, 15c. D. F. Sears, 6 days, %2.50 per day, « " 5^ " ^2.25 " " « " 6j " ««1.50 " " u « 4 lbs. spikes, 4c., Allen B. Baker, J. R. Baker, Robert Clark, John Hinckley & Son: 796 ft. 3 in. spruce, ^28 per M., 1 keg wire spikes, 1206 ft. 3 in. plank, ^28 per M., Wire nails, 894 ft. 3 in. plank, %23 per M., John G. Sears, 7 Sidney N. Chapman, 4 Benjamin Cotelle, 10 " " Allen B. Baker, 10 days, 5 hours, 82 per day, John Hinckley «t Son, spruce plank and spikes, hours, 16c. « 20c. William Fuller, 110 hours, 20c., J. K. & B. Sears, 1203 ft. hard pine timber, at 840, D. F. Sears, 16^ days' labor, 82.50 per day, u u IJ " " 2.25 " " 8 1 50 15 00 12 87 9 07 16 2 00 68 68 „ a u 4. 1.80 « " Manton Crowell, iron work for bridge, Care of draw, from January, 1903, to January, 1904, George Sears, 37f hours, 28c., Prawn. UlTN imilJGK ACCOUKT. J. K. & B. Sears: 376 ft. 2x10 spruce, 825 per M.. 474 ft. 2x8 " 828 " 18 81 3 00 27 74 2 66 20 66 1 05 80 2 00 21 11 96 68 31 47 16 42 22 00 48 12 41 26 4 00 24 8^1 3 5u 25 00 10 57 8591 14 8 9 40 10 90 ■M 68 hours, 16c, « 20c, 77 ft. 2x6 spruce, per M, 240 ft. 1^x8 « 828 « Matching,11 keg galvanized wire n^ls,Sidney If. Chapman, 4 Albert H. Cotelle, ig Benjamin Cotelle, jg Benjamin CoteUe, Q u ^ D. F. Seajs, ^ ^oura, »2,60 per day. Allen B. Baker,Manton Crowed iron work. Prawii^ ■% I 896-66 . tt4 JOYC'K TAYLOR IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH. SNOW ACCOUNT. Lockwood Haxter, X. E. Chase, S. ITittila, Fernandus Baker, George Baker, Adelbevt CoteUe, Joshua E. Baker, George S. Taylor, Alex. Wali, " Joyce Taylor, Tmiothy C-otelle, L. C. Buck, H. E.Rich, Horace Baxter, " Frank Rich, A. P. Baker, Benajah "Whelden, J. S. Baker, Lemuel Marchant, R. T^ewis Taylor, A. L. Baker, Frank C. Tripp, Darius Cotelle, Dustin Baker, Drawn from treasury. 9 hours, 20cv « « 12 20 7 9 3 25 2 94 5 H H 204 4 6 n 27i 8 8 5 10 44 ^59 30 John J. WhiU', Lockwoo<l Baxter, A. L. Baker, Darius Cotelle, %59 30 roaos and bridges. 15 hours, 80c., 20c., aoe., 20c., 30c., 9 9 10 314 n 30 30 2 40 4 00 1 40 1 80 CO 5 00 40 10 90 1 00 1 1 4 1 1 90 50 10 90 20 50 50 90 tiO CO oo 00 90 859 30 8 4 60 1 80 2 70 2 00 9 45 Timothy Cotelle, J. E. CroweJl, ^^Ilis P. Baker, Kemandns Baker. W. -Alitchell, Xelson Baxter, Isaiah Crowell, l-enmel Afarchant, 11. Lewis Taylor, •1- Baker, ; ^itmajah AVhelden •h 11. Rrowii^ ^ Afarchant,11. C. Sears, Baxter, V, p •>»!,. 'Lrocker, u •^^'nas Baxter, : Taylor, . from treasury. 05 23 ]liours, 200., 32 u SOc., 32 u 44 234 u 20c., 4 u 30c., 35 u '45c., 9 u 30c., 44i u 20e., 314 u 30c., 5G4 u 20c., 23 44 •J u 23 <4 30c., H3 U 200., AC4 «4 U 19"U SOe, 18 u 20c., 18 44 "T u 124 U «4 18 211 352^ 20e., 45e., 20c., 83G8 07 JaA Cotelle, 1 [/'"'andus Baker, I^Goxiwin,'•"<kwood Baxter I^arius Cotelle, Crowell, ' '• Taylor, 07UABor ox S(»rTn Hp " ^yESVE. 29J hours, 20e., 58 u 30^ 494 22 714 cri 074 u u u 50c. 20c. u 30c.. 8 4 CO 9 60 9 CO 4 70 1 20 15 75 2 70 5 90 9 45 11 30 4 CO 6 90 IG CO s so 5 70 3 60 3 CO 2 50 31 30 16 67 8 60 n 94 95 70 60 8308 07 20c.. 8 5 95 17 40 24 75 4 20 14 SO 20 2;j 20 25 14 40 "Setm m Frank C. Tripp, J. E. Brov-n, S. B. Marchanl, J. E. Crowell, S. W. Jlitchell, JJelson Baxter, Isaiah Crowell, Lemuel ilarchant, J. S. Baker, D. B. Taylor, Horace Baxter, J, J. White, B. C. Sears, Joyce Taylor, u U .. Drawn from treasury, 714 hours, 15c^510 73 80^u 30c^11 85 m u,• a 4 05 14 u tt 4 20 71i a a 21 45 7H u 20c^14 30 674 u 30c.,20.25 714 u 20c.,14 80 624 u 30c.,18 75 714 u 15c.,10 72 71 u 44 10 65 40 «•50c.,20 00 50 20c.,10 00 185 45c.,83 25 120 20c.,24 00 ^00 00 ^400 00 LABOR. ON UY.\XNI8 PARK ROAl>. 8^400 00 Timothy Cotelle,14 hours, 20c.,82 80 u w 14 u 30c.4 20 Fernandas Baker,2»i u 44 8 80 Lockwood Baxter,82 u 20c.6 40 Darius Cotelle.14 44 30c.4 20 J. E. CrowelL 14 44 44 4 20 J. B. Bro^sTi,9 U 44 2 70 S. B. Marchant,5 44 44 1 50 S. W. Mitchell,g 44 yk 2 70 N. Baxter,14 44 20c.,2 SO Isaiah Crowell,9 44 80c.,2 70 Lemuel Marchant.22 44 20c.,4 40 R. Lewis Taylor,14 u 44 2 80 J; S. Baker,14 30c.,4 20 Benajah Whelden,89^u 20c,7 90 .Tohn Brooks, stone work.80 00 Horace Baxter, N. Maichant, J. K. & B. Sears, Joyce Taylor, « u Drawn from treasury, 67 72 hours, 15c. " 20c. 358 155 %200 00 %10 80 2 50 10 50 52 90 31 00 %200 00 5200 00 . Wf ... AUDITORS' REPORT. The auditors having examined llie accounts of the several officers make the following reports: TOWN TREASUllEl^, WILLIAM J. I>AVTS. lialanee on hand, January 1, 1903, ^ 4,81® 6® Received from tax collectors and all other Bouroes, 46,499 26 8=51,317 91 Paid orders from January 1, 1903, to January 1, 1904, 8=47,931 79 IJalance on hand, January 1, 1904, 3,386 12 Oirtstanding orders. 8=692.47. SKl.ECTMEN. 851.317 91 .IKSSK W. I'KOWKl-n. t'HAlRMAJT. Orders drawn hy selectmen on town treasurer from January 1, 1903, to January 1, 1904, 846,902 26 Amount of receipts and vouchers, 846,902 2o TUEE WARllEN. Al.FUKn tJOUllAM. Drawn from iA>wn treasurer, I'aid for hcHlUme and lal>or. 8100 00 8100 00 69 KOAU COMMISSIONEHS. A.« a™,,,. Amount drawn for snow.fPo out for repairs on roads, shoveling snow. So 50 198 21 8595 60 198 21 ¨793 71 Amount drawn from Amoimt paid for reiv,irs . l>ridgeR, I on rtwids and A.n„„„t paw ^ " Hynnni« P„,t "Ae, 400 00 59 80 8798 71 ¨1,027 87 81,027 87 81,222 22 Amount Oran n fr„,„ »■ B akerT " l»nid for ren.',ir« ^*'®asurev,u t, ^♦'pnjrs on roads" - : " «u„ bridge o? ^Bridge, " Kuen «i ""'d'—i."ve,inga„o..., "85 70)"T o^- Tire TnrsTEEESTEPHev sEaro aVp " "I'A'n- "inreston Ksune, '> 81.5,002 89 Piiid trustees, k'iven, Jan. i. 975 1« 8 15 00 29 58 900 00 *5,088 49 815,978 07 -815.97^ O; lii.' TAX- UDLLKCTOllS' llEl'OKT. L. 11. imoWN. C01.LKCT0R. Jail. 1, 1903, amount due the toun, ^^7,040 42 Amount paid to town treasurer, 6,416 26 Balance due town Jan, 1. 1904, E. T. BAKER. COLl-ECTOR. Amount of taxes for 1903, ^^26,374 75 Amount paid to town treasurer, 17,795 44 ?il,224 16 Balance due toAvn Jan. 1, 1904, SCHOOLS. ai8,579 31 Drawn from town ueusurer, as per order of school committee, if4.360 11 E. D. PAYNE, OEO. H. LOHIXO, Auditors. town meeting warrant. BarkSTABLE, ss. (^unty of Yarmouth in the are heX" toecM toYarmouth qualifled to X iu t of the ^ of X^e °TT the eighto a thent nine o clock in the forenooon fi! February next. folWm^ articles, viz.: there to act^n S Aux. 2. To XftheXoX "h meeting.Wlot, under the Anstmlia„ hallaf "T"'' <^0 - ' M2.: One Selectman for as adopted by thefor three (S) years, one Ovp one Assessor years Town Clerk'for thXlw"'one (1) year, one .School ^ Treasurer for one Dead Commissioner^ W for one (3) year Taxesc.ar. Tree -Warden for one n) xJ Auditors for one (J) "rr t XfeArt. 4. To hear the r!nnnl^^'^''"'^ officers. »ot thereon. '^Port of the selectmen and of all other committees ami ' for the support of tlie support of seliools, repairs of t- 1 committee fees, repairs on pnhiie huihlinrrs n,^ bridges, town debt^i, Haneous expenses school ii iYi ifktifrii'' I supplies inwrest on town debts, superintendent of schools and transportation of scholars, and for other necessary charges arising in this to\%'n. Art 7 To see if the town will authorize the town treas- urer to hire money in anticipation of taxes to pay town debts. Art 8 To see if the town will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the trustees of the Sears Art. 9. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as reported by the selectmen. Art. 10. To see if the towni will vote to pay a bounty oi twenty-five (25) cents each on nmskrats. [By request.;! Art. 11. To see if the to\m will raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to macadamize Berry avenue, from the corner of the state road running from Hyannis to West Yarmouth to a private way, known as Broadway, as shown on a plan of lots at Englewood Beach. [By petition.] \uT. 12. To see if the town'will raise and apiiropriatc the sum of one hundred (100) dollars to repair and improve the sidewalk from Baxter avenue to the Barnstable line in West Yarmouth. [By petition.] Art. la. To see if the town will order a town landing to be made at the lower end of the road leading from the Btat<' road, between the residences of Fred. A. Crowell and Wm. N. Stetson, to Bass river. [By petition.] Art. 14. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro priate the sum of four luindred (400) dollars to repair the continuous road leading from Main street in Yannouthport. near the residence of Francis Alger, to the wharf, and return ing to Main street, near the residence of James Park in Yannouthport, commonly called Wharf and Mill streets. [By petition.] \iiT. 15. To see if the town nill instruet the road cominis- .^ioners to clear the rubbish from the road leading to the dumping ground at South Yarmouth, and enforce the law forbidding such deposit. [By request.] 73 ^ ^-ote to accept as a town uli way lending from the Great Western road. r«c.^}}ed, near the house of James A. Ellis in Weir , point on the county road leadino- froT« v to ay»rmo,.th, Deb's hill, so'called. [By requ^t t Art. l4. To see if the to-wn will vote to re* pnate the sum of three hundred and seventv ^ to reimburse Mrs. Mabel S \eassir (375) dollars warden, to pay for labor expeS ^vanced tree mouth highway. [By requestT ^ Abt. 18. To see if th t sum of five hundred (500) "PP^P^ate the -arden for the care of the tr«s (n I'h ''^P^led by tte tree [Hy request.] the town of Yarmouth Art. 19. To sop if tv. .etreasurer to pay to the\rearurer' ^f°^ nuthorize the town association, of Varinouthport!th i Yarmouth Librair'^;bgman, late of BrocW ^ t] proved and alW^ • \ ° Yarmouth, •jniouth county, when paid to the Probate Court for; said legacy to be usLi bv ^ected in saidpurposes specified in said will association for the Art. 20. That the ¨ fBy petition.]road leading from DenniJ'linr^'^'^ re-locate the county station at South Yarmouthon said road will not exceed fiT-1 i f of the repairs petition.] hundred f.5O0) dollars, ^y " priate the sum of flve^JmiSr^S /"ol appro- macadam road, now under e ¨ dollars to complete tlie Yarmouth. ^""^truction, in Lower village, tiws of the loM-n by add^nt^vote to amend tlie bv-be authorized to school committeehap. 42, .Sec. .^9, Berised Laws. « 1'^- Fl -4 Ti wiU vote to amend Art. Ill, -- Aar. -iS. To see if by adding after, tlie last Sec. 4 of tbe by.lav.-s of tbe word "board," ^ majority of the school committee.'' town treasnrer, signed b> a m 3 ^By petition-^ .. toviTi vidll vote to authorize the Abt. 24. To see for 1903 the compensation pro- school committee to Hevised haws. petition.^ videdin Chap. 42, will further recompense Af®*. Abt. 25. To see i ii^Aviries received on the highway. Harriet A. Nickerson for [By petition."! , ^ serve this warrant by posting Yon are hereby . „ public places in said town, three attested copies thereo i north side; also one on the south j^outh Register, seven days at least publication m the meeting- before the time of holux g returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands and the seal of the town of Yarmouth, this twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one ttoueand nine hundred and four (1904.) TKSSE W. CRO-WELL, ) SeleetmcnIIENRY BLACUFOED, [ ofCHARLES R. BASSETT, ) Yarmouth. A true copy, attest;SETII TAYLOR, Constable. OF THE FOR THE YEAR ENDING } ^ December 31, 1904. i MATTA •'A; i VARnOUTMPOW.n^.-- c. w. iWiFT. PWfreR. i90». 1904. Town Officers. Selectmen, Assessor® n,".arlos R. B.sset^ ®oa.^ of Healt. Henry niachford. West Yarmouth. . esse w. Crou-ell. South Yarmouth Wiur^ Treasurer.ni . Davis, Yarinouthport. n. Dorm,, South <^arle.s R. Howes, Tarmoutb Edmund W iri i -j School Commitfee. • rarmouth,illiam A. Schwab,■ West Yarmouth, Ehsha L. Jenkins, South Yarmouth Superintendent of Schools,n ilham E. Chaffin, West Dennis. CoJIeotor of Taxes.Elisha T. Baker, South Yarmouth. ,,, , ^ Road Commissioners.Alfred Gorhnin, Yarmouth, Joyce Taj Jor, West Yarmouth, T.ufhcr B. J>ro«n, Smith Yarmouth . ..vi ,. T Stephen Senrs, Trustees Sears Fund. Thacher T-. Hallet Tree Warden. Alfred Gorharo. Registrars of Voters. "William J. Davis, Theodore F. Drew, Charles F. Purrington, Daniel B. Crocker. Seth Taylor, Constables. John II. Stetson Sealer of Weights and IMoasures and Weigher of Coal. All>ert C. Snow. Special Police. Henry Arey. Isaiah Crowell, Seth Taylor, Inspectors of Animals. Francis W: Homer. Patrick E. Ilannan Undertakers. Joshua S. Baker. Manton II. Crowell Burial Agent. Joseph H. Robinson Surveyor of Lumber. Charles M. Bray. Isaiah Crowell, Fence ViewerB. Albert Taylor. D. Frank Sears Forester. Seth Taylor. Dustin Baker. Pound Keepers. Charles L. Kickerson. James R. Baker Joseph Bassett, Elani S. Mecarta, James A. Ellis, Benjamin S. Cotelle, James Baker, Field Drivers. Joshua S. Baker, Frank Arey, •I; II. Thacber,.2d, John Baker, Timothy Cotelle, Josejth P. Xickerson. r* !'. { 't:; i i - n I • ' »i 1- L Selectmen s Report. estimates.A table of estimates an -nr «iifferent departments for th eelectmen in th® tbe by-laws of the town- ^ year, in accordance with SuDnnrt —Support of poor. Support of echoiia^ Roads and bridges. Town ofhcers, PubUe buildings and repairs.Supenntandentofaeb^^ Miscellaneons, Snow, Interest on notes. Interest on Sears fund. State highway notes,, Stone road notes. School supplies. Tax collector's postage. Remittance of taxes, Suppreseioa of crime. Transportation of scholars. Tree warden, Forester, Town debts. |i2,500 00 8,800 00 1,400 00 2,000 00 800 00 125 00 1,400 00 500 00 1,100 00 900 00 2,500 00 8,700 00 275 00 26 00 300 00 100 00 800 00 100 00 60 00 600 00 I iiifci EXPENDITURES FOR TOWN DEBTS, 1903 BILLS. ALM8HOU8E, A. A. Knowles,supplies.^'2b C9 David D. Kelley,44 2 25 Isabel Leuis,44 3 00 T. T. Hallet,44 1 00 J. B. Hall,44 15 04 C. M. Bray,44 8 90 F. H. Hinckley,44 3 95 John Hinckley <k Son,44 4 76 Joseph W. Howes,44 3 00 I. H. Tbacher, 2d,44 7 18 S. W. Hall,44 1 58 Kelley «fc Nickerson,44 3 00 Amos Arey, balance keepeFs salary.112 50 Alfred Gorbam,supplies.2 00 E. W. Eidridge,U 50 l*OOR. A. A. Knowles, su])]>Iies Archelus Phil lips, S. W. Hall, suj»plies, -Vrehelus Phillips, David D. Kelley, supjdies, J. B. Chase, T. T. Ilallet, supplies, Jeremiah Chase, T. T. Ilallet, supplies, Alex. Crowell, T. T. Ilallet, supi)lies, Ida Chase, C. B. Cole, supplies, Everett Baker, R. K. Farris, supplies, Everett Baker, W. Johnson, supplies, Alex. Crowell, J. J. White, supplies, Benajah Whelden, J, J. White, supplies, Mrs. Isaac W. Baker, II. B. Chase & Sons, sxipplies, Mrs. Isaac W. Baker, Dr. E. !d. Parker, supplies. Lesion <iray. #^30 00 2 13 1 04 75 3 00 1 20 10 00 1 80 2 18 2 o-''. 3 50 «il94 Ou (»0 50 Dr. E. M Parker, supplies, J. B. Chase, » suppUes, Myra Cash cnila, Medfleld asylum, board of M. A Chria- ^ tensen, Medfleld asylum, board of G. C. Hincklev Taunton William Dixon^Taunton asylum, board of S. A. Baker Taunton asylum, board of Lizzie T. citse.Taunton asylum, reimbursed, ^ TOWX OFFICERS. Trustees Sears fund,Isaiah Ci-owell, election officer. T T TTMl . I^OADS A^^) BRlDGfeS. J B H \i ^ stone road, north,t »U>ne road, noX^■T.S^ane & Sena, auppHes, ' south stone- ulm B "kS bridges,^len B. Baker, snow account.«7p:r'h^id"^'-"»~«-«iverJ. s. Lane & Sons, roads and bridges. t 1 25 11 19 272 SO 4 20 14 85 92 95 22 35 4 50 M'SCELLAN-EOUS.-lanton H. Crowen, 15 death returns, T 1? tr 11 " repairing hearse,J- B. llall, supplies, tou-n office, 43 75 1 00 1 91 e-. %457 49 28 50 423 59 SSOM 10 E. B. Hallet, repairs, North putnp, J. E. Crowell, transportation of scholars, Muski at bounties, C. M. Bray, trustee burial fund, interest, Stephen Wing,« « « « S. H. Sears, birth returns, E. M. Parker, « " F. C. Swift, counsel 8er\-iceB, J. B. Hall, supplies. North side Bchool- house, C. M. Bray, supplies. North side school- house. $ 1 25 18 75 6 50 22 66 9 84 1 50 2 75 79 45 S 87 1 11 153 84 111,257 Amount raised by the town. By Taunton asylum, reimbursement. Expended over amount raised. «.1,000 00 42 71 215 11 »1,257 82 »1,257 TOWN OFFICERS, 1904. Selectmen, assessors, overseers of poor, Wm. J. Davis, town treasurer, " " " to^m clerk, services and fees, u u « registrar, P. E. Ilannan, inspector of animals, Isaiah Crowell, . u u « Francis W. Homer, " " " T. F. Drew, registrar, " " election ofScer, Charles F. Purrington, registrar, Daniel B. Crocker, « School committee. Board of health. ®1,200 Oil 75 00 33 111 20 oil 48 oil 14 vr. 12 Oil 31 -,11 2 r>o " 81 r>i.i 81 r.ii 150 oil 25 OH 11 Fish committee, Charles "W. Swift, moderator, E. D. Payne, auditor, George H. Loring, auditor, E. T. Baker, tax collector, John H. Stetson, constable, " " " election oflBeer, S. W. Mitchell, truant ofBcer, Joseph H. Robinson, « « Seth Taylor, « « T 1 constable service, care of town house.J.uther R. Brown, harbor master. Trustees of Sears fund. A. A. Knowles, B. T. Gorham, ' Oliver Hallet, Joseph Thacher, P. E. Hannan, S. "W. Hall, Richard Sears, Henry Blaehford, Manton H. Crowell, Frank F. Collins, Silas K. Crowell, H- V. Matthews, Isaiah Crowell, Winchester Johnson, S. D. W. Mitchell, S. H. D. Drew, George B. Sears, Havid Kelley, 2^ Joshua E. Howes, A. C. Snow, Alfred Gorham, Henry A. Cobb, election ofBcer, « 30 00 10 00 12 00 9 00 163 73 26 00 2 50 5 CO 5 00 5 00 89 20 5 00 15 00 5 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 5 00 50 50 50 00 SO 50 50 50 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 6 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 ■sr-iPT^^" 12 Edmund "W. Eldridge, election officer, C. H. Howes, " ** Charles L. Nickerson, " « Amount raised by the town, $2,000 00 State reimbursement, inspectors animals, 87 88 Expended in excess of amount raised, 89 90 $2 50 2 50 2 50 $2,077 28 $2,077 28 MISCELLANEOtrS. INCIDENTAia. Trustees Yarmouth library corporation, $1,000 00 F. Baker, distributing town reports, 1 00 Thomas E. Kelley, distributing town reports, " 1 60 E. A. Kickeyson, distributing Io^nti re ports, 1 50 Watson F. Gaboon, labor, to^vn house and grounds, 12 05 T. F. Drew, labor, precinct No. 4, 2 00 A. C. Snow, " « " 1 00 E. L. Sears, " " « 2, 1 25 Setb Kelley, rent of precinct No. 8, 6 00 George 11. Kelley, rent of precinct No. 1, 10 00 0. R. Howes, treasurer, rent of precinct No. 2, 10 00 Joseph F. Cotell, labor, town house grounds, 4 00 Ernest P. Baker, labor, town bouse grounds,. 2 50 George L. Ryder, labor, town house groxinds, 6 80 Osborne H. Chase, labor, town house groimds, 5 80 Elmer E. Ellis, six posts, town bouse lot, 90 18 D. Frank Sears, supplies, toun house, Eagleston Bros., supplies, town office, David Kelley, 2d, justice peace, - Henry F. Crowell, labor. South Yar mouth cemetery, Henry Blachford, wood, town office, Loring Fuller <t Co., coal, toum office, C. A. Clark, map, town office, 3/anton 11. Crowell, repairs. South side hearse, .T. B. Hall, supplies, tou-n office, " " foresters' tools, T. T. Hallet, supplies, touTX office, Charles R. Bassett, justice serNdces, Stationery and stamps, X. Y., N. H. it II. R. R. Co., mileage books, David S. Taylor, repairs on pumps, Frank II. Ilinckley, material on pumps, .To.^eph Breck J: Sons, cups and chains for pumps, Edmund "^Yalker, labor on toum pumps. Board of Health, sujiplies, E. S. Bradford, sheriff sendees. Cash brothers, Wakefield Item, legal blanks, I'horp, ]\Iiirtin & Co., office supplies, Allen Bros., " " Town officers, travel and expenses out of town, To\m officers, telej>hone and exj>ress charges, llcnry Shaw, office supplies. Little, Brown A Co., office supplies, Alfred Gorham, con.struct/on of fence,Andrew F. .'^hcrnian, abstract book, $ 1 50 11 50 1 00 6 85 8 60 7 2 31 50 50 10 50 90 82 70 8 25 21 20 30 00 35 40 4 26 2 70 1 85 20 84 18 52 1 76 JO 76 2 00 36 96 n 88 2 00 4 00 2J 29 16 00 MS. . .. . i. 14 STATE AID- Henry Arey, I>avid S. Baker, Lucy A. Currier, Mercy C. Crowell, Elizabeth Hurst, Thomas W. Harris, Hannah Lovell, Joseph H. Robinson, Mary H. Ryder, Charles F. Handy, MILITARY AID, Ebenezer Crowell, Charles F. Handy, FIRES. Seth Taylor, paid for labor, Henry A. Cobb, paid for labor, F. W. Homer, paid for labor. PRINTING. Yarmouth Register, F. B. Gosa, Frank Thacher, director, insurance pol icies, Fred. C. Swift, director, insurance policies, E. L. Jenkins, « w Town clerk, postage, David S. Taylor, supplies, towm ofBce, Seth Taylor, care and dri\'ing hearse, « " death returns, Joshua S. Baker, care hearse. $12 50 28 49 12 50 2 00 40 11 00 6 25 8 00 $1,459 81 $48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 40 00 40 50 48 00 86 00 48 00 60 00 $24 00 24 00 $20 00 48 70 10 00 $228 65 7 00 $464 50 $48 00 $78 70 $235 05 15 STATEMENT MISCELLANEOUS. Cr. Amount raised by town. Received from State and Military Aid, Received from Kingman legacy. Dr. $1,400 00 528 00 1,000* 00 Paid for incidentals, « « State Aid, . " " Military Aid, " " fires, " " printing. Unexpended balance. $1,459 81 464 50 48 00 78 70 235 65 641 84 SNOW. $2,928 00 $2,928 00 Alfred Gorham, paid for laTx)r 3 oyee Taylor, « « a ' Allen B. Baker, « « « Luther R. Brown, ** « « Amount raised by town. Expended over appropriation. $484 88 148 10 27 SO '48 40 $500 00 208 63 $703 68 $703 68 SUPPORT OF POOR. Cr. Amount raised by town. Received from Alexander Crowell, " " James T. Cliase, " " S. W. Hall, produce poor farm, " " A. A. Ivnowles, « a « Expended over amount raised. $2,000 00 433 67 5 00 18 84 25 09 65 87 ■Pjxid for poor in almsliouse.Paid for outside poor.t 957 43 1^586 04 «;2,543 47 82,543 47D STATE, CITY AND TOWNS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR. btate, Dennis, Brewster Faimouth, .^ 52 00 Sf PPORT OF SCHOOLS. Edward F. Pelrce, services teacher.Ileleii A. Eldridge, " m Helen S. Poane, « «Martha "NV. Howes, « u P. B. Reid, It. M. Baxter, 44 „ Emma G. Hall, 44 „ A. J. Sykes, 4« "4* " Carrie E. Crowell, 44 *4 Kate E. Maher, 44 44 Kelsia Lewis, 44 44James Gorham, janitor, " ** extra lahor,Fred E. Baker, janitor, and extra labor, Dustin Baker, " 44 44 44F. P. Ilallet, fuel, Loring Fuller & Co., « Matthews & Payne, " Isaiah Crowell, 44 Edniiiiid W. Eldridge, ** Edmund Walker, " 8900 00 450 00 300 00 SCO 00 585 00 8G0 00 360 00 150 00 277 60 222 00 120 00 150 00 17 25 90 20 61 00 28 00 82 50 85 19 9 75 8 50 8 00 192 48 George B. Sears, fuel, E. D. Payne, supplies, J. E. Crowell, " E. L. Jenkins, secretary, oflBce supplies, David Ivelley, 2d, repairing clock, Henry W. Taylor, labor and material, Da^-id S. Taylor, supplies, S. W. Mitchell, labor, Yarmouth Register, printing, William Matthews, labor, IT. N. Brooks, labor and supplies, Lj-ceum Hall Co., rent of hall, Ida Fuller, cleaning schoolhouse, J. Chase, " " Abbie Montcalm, " " Puexpended balance^ Amount raised by town. Received from County, dog fund, " trustees of Sears fund, _ Wm. E. CbaflSn, Educational Pub. Co. Ginn «fc Co., J. L. Hammett Jb Co., E. E. Babb 4t Co., American Book Co., 3Iilton, Bradley Co., Beale Pub. Co., Varniouth Register, D. E. Heath 4t Co., Silver, Burdett & Co., WIneliester Johnson,F. B. 4t F. 1*. Goss, St'HOOn SUPPI/TES. . supplies, 18 David Keiley, 2d, supplies, Vnexpended balance, Amount raised by town. 1275 00 1275 00 transportation of scholars. (paries W. Ellis, Joyce Taylor, J. E. Crowell, A. L. Baker, I. F. Homer, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by to^^'n, e 1 25 18 40 «i275 00 |;171 00 94 00 28 75 58 00 418 50 29 75 8800 00 8800 00 SUPERINTF.NDENT OF SCHOOLS. William E. ChafRn, Amount raised by toum, ^125 00 Received from State, 426 18 Expended over amount raised, 11 28 8800 00 8562 40 8562 46 8562 44) SLOTD SCHOOL, Amount raised by town. Paid Isabel Shove, 8500 00 8500 00 8500 00 8500 00 INTEREST. E. S. Bradford, state treas., John II. Clark, treasurer, Hannah H. Baxter, William J. Davis, treasurer, cashier and trustee, Stephen Sears and T. T. llallet, Sears fund, 8 87 50 573 76 40 00 015 00 985 50 19 Amount raised by town, Exjiended over amount raised, 82,200 00 51 76 82,251 76 $2^51 76 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Alfred Gorbam, road commissioner, Luther R. Brown, « « Joyce Taylor, " u Barbour, Stockwell & Co., acct. L. R. Brown, Amount raised by town. Reimbursement state highway, Expended over amount raised, 8503 SO 615 28 301 70 9 00 81,400.00 8 SO 25 98 81,429 28 81,429 28 FORESTER. Seth Taylor, rnexi>ended balance, Amount raised by the town. 844 25 • 5 75 850 00 850 00 850 00 tree Warden. Alfred Gorbam, Amount raised by the town. 8600 00 8600 00MRS. AOASSU rr,mbi.„8emekt. Mrs. M. S. Agassiz, Amount raised by the town. ^ 8375 00 8375 00 8600 00 8600 00 8S75 00 8375 00 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ALMSHOUSE. A. C. Snow, labor and material, • Henry W. Taylor," « " John Hinckley Son, " NORTH SCH00LH0U8E. H. A. Stevens, repairs on piano, George Matthews, flag, A. C. Snow, labor and material, John Hinckley, " C. M. Bray, " L. A. Cliase, ^ • " Henry W. Taylor, labor and lunterial, Joseph Thacher, « David S. Taylor, « « « SOUTH SIDE SCHOOL. Dighton Furnace Co., supplies, George Matthews & Co^ flags, D. Frank Sears, labor and material, Chandler & Co., desks and chairs, Lysander A. Chase, supplies, F. E. Baker, labor and material. tZl 19 6 00 26 46 I 7 00 5 75 60 87 86 30 58 06 5 00 6 63 1 50 10 00 I 65 4 76 53 82 96 20 5 00 9 15 WEST SIDE SCHOOLHOUSE. M. G. Bradford, labor and material, ¨ Eagleston Bi ns., supplies, Cliarle.s Goffin, cleaning house, J. D. Brown, labor, Uysander A. Chase, labor and material, David S. Taylor, supplies. TOWN HOUSE PROPBRTT. George B. Sears, labor and material, 186 25 D. Frank Sears, « « " 2 60 Amount raised by town, Expended over amount raised, 3500 00 93 87 3598 87 3508 87 SUPPRESSION OF CRIME. Amount raised by the town, John H. Stetson, constable, Thomas E. Kelley, police duty, J. P. Brown, « " A. F. Pierce, « " r. H. Sears, ^ " ir. F. Cotell, « " I. B. Kelley, " " E. A, Nickerson, " " II. R. Usher, « " .S.W.Mitchell, ** ". E. S. Bradford, deputy sheriff, Unexpended balance, * 3100 00 3100 00 3100 00 REMITTANCE OF TAXES. ' Amount raised by town, Luthei- R. Brown, taxes, 1901, J M '« « « 1902, •• E. T. Baker, taxes, 1908, j u « u 1904, 1 Unexpended balance, 3650 DO 3 4 93 312 76 139 83 27 56 164 92 3650 00 3650 00 TAX COLLECTOR'S POSTAGE. Amount raised by town, E. T. Baicer, tax collector, Balance unexpended, ^i-25 00 125 00 BERRY AVE. MACADAM ROAD. Amount raised by the touTi,■Winchester Jolinson, supplies, » 1 5' Barbour, Stockuell & Co., supplies, 18 0 Bond Bros., labor, ® ^ Y'arinovitli Register, advertising, 9 i Luther R. Brown, services, 10 < Frank L. Baker, engineer, ' Joyce Taylor, for labor,Lane Quari-y Co., for stone, "05Expended over amount raised, «,500 00 ^il,542 99 «il,542 99 BASS RIVER MACADAM ROAD. Amount raised by the town, II. B. Chase & Sons, Barbour, Stockwell & Co., Yarmouth Register, advertising, Matthews & Payne, coal, Y., N. 11. & H. R. R., David M. Chase, labor and cart hire, Jesse W. Crowell, paid for telephones, Tmlher R. Brown, telephones,u « " paid for labor, Lane Quarry Co., stone and freight, 1800 00 » 14 00 18 00 14 50 C5 2 00 4 10 2 70 2 10 404 90 232 54 John Falvey, labor and material, con. structioQ of three catch basins, $56 00 Unexpended balance, 48 61 $800 00* $800 00 "WHARF AND MILL ROAD. Amount raised by the town," Alfred Gorhain, labor and material, $348 64 Unexpended balance, 51 86 $400 00 $400 00 $400 00 STATE HIGHWAY NOTES. Amount raised by town, Win. J. Davis, treasurer, " " " trustee, $3,000 00 fi 500 00 2,500 00 $3,000 00 $3,000 00 TOWN MACADAM ROAD NOTES. Amount raised by town, $3,000 00Paid John 11. Oark, treasurer, $3,000 00 $3,000 00 $8,000 00 Shears fund note. Sears fund note given Jan. 1, 1904, Piud trustees,$15,033 49 83 49 $15,000 00Amountof Sears fund note, Jan. 1,1905, $15,000 00 TAX NOTES PAID. Paid First National Rank of Yarmouth, 1908 note, $3,000 00 " " " u tt u 1204 u 9,000 00 TAXES PAID. Paid State tax, « County tax, « Highway tax, " National Bank tax. due from county. Paid Geovge A. Jainieson, bounty on seal, SELECTMEN'S STATEMENT. ¨1,500 00 1,985 82 439 90 1,811 87 15,737 59 Amounts paid by orders of the selectmen the to^-n treasurer. Town debts, « ofBceta, Miscellaneous, Snow, Support of poor, State and other town and city poor. Support of schools. School supplies, Transportation, Superintendent of schools, Sloyd school. Interest, Roads and bridges. Forester, Tree warden, Mrs. M. 8. Agnssiz, reimbursement^ public buildings. Suppression of crime, Remittance of taxes. and drawn upon ¨1,257 82 2,077 28 2,286 66 703 63 2,543 47 192 48 . 4,827 97 256 60 770 25 562 46 500 00 2,251 76 1,429 28 44 25 600 00 875 00 598 87 61 84 485 08 Tax collector's postage, Berry ave. macadam road, Bass River macadam road. Mill and IVharf road, State highway notes, Town macadam " Sears fund note. Tax notes paid, Taxes paid to state and county. Due from the county, Amount of orders drawn.Amount of orders drawn, 848,257 09 848,257 09 848,257 09 FINAXCIAL standing of the TOWN, dec. 81,1904. town owes. Sears Fund note, State Highway" note, ' Macadam Town Road notes, Bills unpaid, estimated. CREDITS. Uneoll'.cted taxes, 1902, " " i908, " • « 1904, Due from state, cities and towns, « " County, " " N. Y., N. H. & H. railroad, acct. fires, Selectmen's balance in treasury. Outstanding orders, 815,000 00 11,500 GO 11,200 00 500 00 838,200 00 8 146 60 829 32 9,130 89 192 48 3 00 208 46 467 56 737 94 Net debt, Jan. 1, 1905, Net debt, Jan. 1,1904, Net debt, Jan. 1, 1905, Net reduction of debt in 1904, t.34,042 84 26,493 75 47,548 59 CHARLES R. BASSETT,) Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, V of JESSE W. CRO-\YELL, ) Yarmouth. LIST OP JTOORS AS PREPARED BY George H. Kelley, Joseph Bassett, Henry A. Cobb, Daniel B. Crocker, Eleazer A. Nickerson, Christopher II. HoTves, John T. Cobb, Albert Taylor, Victor Schmidt, Da\id A. Nickerson, Sylvanus T. Kelley, Reuben Howes, Daniel B. Taylor, Herbert F. Studley, the selectmen JAN. IS. 1905. Herbert C. Homer,H. Frank Sears, Isaiah P. Homer, Gilbert Studley. 'jv Fred. A. Baker, Wm. B. Hurst, Luther R. Brown, Zeiias P. Howes, Walter G. Hallet, Alton S. Cole, Charles B. Oliver, Silas K. Crowell, Joshua F. Crowell, James E. Baxter. HENRL^IlactoorS^^ SelectoenJESSE W. crowell; Uar^outh. • '..u • '.V Assessors^ Report. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1904. S352,1G5 CO 070,260 00 793,575 00 Real estate, land, w " buildings. Personal, Additional valuation. Total valuation, 1904, TAXES, MAY 1, 1904. Taxes levied on real estate, u " " personal estate, u " " polls. Total taxes for 1904, Number of polls, " " houses, " horses, n " cows, " " neat cattle other than cows, " " sheep, " . " acres of land, »« " dogs licensed, " " persons lialde to military duty, u " residents assessed on property, " " non-residents assessed on propertj', " " all others assessed on property, " " i)oll taxes only. Rate of taxation, ^14.50 per §<1,000.00. .§!l,816,000 00 125 00 81,816,125 on 814,826 54 11,507 2»» 952 00 827,285 74 47< 679 211 121 4 2s 10,56; lOo n 227 429 43: 1 129 29 TAXES RECEIVED. National Bank tax. Corporation tax. 8 952 76 3,017 46 83,970 22 TAXES PAID OUT. County tax,' State tax. Highway tax, 81,985 82 1,500 00 439 90 88,925 72 CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, JESSE W. CROWELL, T,) ;• I Assessoia Yarmouth. Report of Overseers of tlie Poor. Inmates of almsbouse, Dec. 31, 1904: Jobn Gray, „ Kathan Scars, ' James Ilolway, I^aura Buck, Lutber Buck, , « , 00 Died during the year 1904, Samuel Baker, age 88. Total number of inmates, Dec. 31, 1904, 5. « " tramps to Dec. 31, 1904, 8. POOR DEPARTMENT. Committed. 1893 1898 1903 1908 1904 Al.M9HOrSK. Amos Arey, salary, keeper, u " sundry supplies. 8350 00 13 45 Elam Mecarta, Edmund Walker, Matthews & Payne, I. II. Thacber, 2d, T. T. Hallet, Frank H. Hinckley, Joseph W. Howes, E. D. Payne, J. B. Hall, David S. Taylor, Kelley «fc Kickerson, S. W. Hall, Joshua D. Baker, supplies. 8363 45 15 00 17 50 63 49 71 02 1 00 80 15 2 69 51 88 53 87 4 70 5 00 20 05 8 50 A. A. Knowles, supplies, Isabel Lewis, « B. T. Gorham, u James Park, « E. M. Taylor, tt E. W. Eldridgei, « Z. A. Sherman, « R. Bassett, « Alfred Gorham, supplies, ^ 5'59_ " labor on farm, 19 20 Alice Fergtison, labor, Albert Taylor, « Joseph C. Cha^ « David Kelley, 2d, repairing clock. Dr. T. B. Ihilsifer, medical attendance, ? V medical attendance and suppUea.John G. Thacher, \mdertaker. Orders drawn. Produce sold, ^gs. Pork sold. Net cost, 825 09 18 84 orrsiDE POOR. Ida Chase. " Ruth Chase, support, ^ 4g ^ Aid Refunded- Paid E. D. Payne, supplies, William Chase.Paid E. D. Payne, supplies, clothing, |7 60 " Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance, 6 75 John Silver.Paid E. D. Payne, supplies, " B. T. Gorham, " " T. T. Hallet, medicine, " Matthews & Payne, fud, Washington Nickerson.Paid Damd D. Kelley, supplies, " Seth Kelley, fuel, " George B. Sears, fuel, Dr. E. M. Parker, medical attendance, 1 76 Clarence and Edith Cash.Paid town of Dighton, . Morris Gray.Paid Marcus Hall, rent, r, .. . Walter Cash.1 aid city of Taunton, r, ., „ Isabel Stokes.Paid E. D, Payne, " Dr. S. H. Sears, medical aid, " Fannie M. Chase, nurse, " John G. Thacher, undertaker, Mrs. Walter Baker. Paid Daniel Cole, rent, Adrcsta Humes. Paid F. P. Ilalletts fael, " J. S. Baker, « " Isaiah Crcwell, « " Cash aid. m 94 1 80 » 2 79 45 00 14 00 25 00 (14 00 3 00 8 00 05 00 19 84 2 00 1 76 5 15 t 5 00 18 25 28 29 86 79 00 OO 80 00 11 90 83 00 2 25 Mrs. Fred Cash. • paid Frank Crocker, rent, a Helen Baxter, " « Richard Sears, fuel, « Henry Blachford, fuel, u j. S. Baker, " u -Winchester Johnson, supplies, a J. E. Crowell, " « J. J. Shuley & Co, ^ w S. B. Marchant, " « L.K. Chase, Archelus Phillips. Paid A. A. Knowles, supplies,a S. W. Hall, ^ a B. T. Gorham, " w Edmund Walker, fuel, , 400 M Dr. S. U. Sears, medical attendance, . U. S. Grant Chase. Paid Dr. S. H Paid . Sears, medical attendance, Jeremiah Cliase. 1.11. Thacher, 2d, supplies, 4 00 12 50 5 00 (26 00 24 80 1 50 1 50 (11 91 4 63 1 05 8 15 Matthews «t Payne, " S. AV. HalU " Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendai Edward S. Chase. Paid I. n. Thacher, 2d, supplies, II jIatthewB «fc Payne, « T. T. Hallet, medical supplies, " Carrie D. Bray, nurse, » Jlrs. J. F- Xewcomb, nurse, « Dn S. lil^sVars, medical attciulanc " Dr. C. W. Milliken, " " 4 61 (25 85 4 68 28 17 CO 00 90 00 1 60 1 00 74 45 57 80 (5 00 28 15 285 CO Alexander Crowell. paid J. E. Crowell, BUppUeB, « Winchester Johnson, ^ H C. Cotell, labor on woo^ ^ « Henry Blachford, Buppbes, ^ tt j. S. Baker, ^ 75 « J. U. Baker, ^ 8 25 « Isaiah Crowell, 7q U Ruth A. Smith, board, Benajah Whelden. Paid S. B. Jlarcbant, fuel, ^ « Henry Blachford, ^ « J.R. ^Vhite, " Judah B. Chase. Paid David D. Kelley, *^^7 00 " Loring Fuller & Co, fuel, ^ ^ u George B. Sears, « E. T. Baker, shoes, « Mrs. Emma a Baker, nurse, 8 00 : d" f. M"p"Cm«lical atendance, 142 68 27 00 8 00 75 8 00 1 00 »162 SI Melissa Baker. Paid Loring Fuller & Co, fuel, " I. F. Homer, rent, Everett Baker. Paid Louis Arenovski, clothing, u E. T. Baker, shoes, « John Falvey, board, " Chester B. Cole," 815 00 40 00 Mrs. Isaac W. Baker. Paid J. S. Baker, fuel, " Henry Blachford, fuel, " R. K. Farris, supplies, " L. K. Chase, shoes, « F. P. Hallet, fuel, " H. B. Chase & Sons, fuel, " Dr. Binford, medical attendance, "• Cash aid, Dustin Baker. Paid Dr. Binford, medical attendance, Leston Gray. Paid R. J. Baker, supplies, James Giftord. Paid George L. Lewis, board, " Dr. Binford, medical attendance, « ., „ _ n Abner Wixon. .Paid E. T, Baker, shoes, " Dr. E. M. Parker, medical attendance, Aid Refunded. Pmd Mrs. F. N. Chase, services as nnrsc, VAGRANT. Aid and transportation. Paid for pauper aid. CITY OP BOSTON. STATEMENT. $3 50 3 00 4 85 5 65 2 00 15 00 5 00 4 00 Amount raised by the town, #2,000 OO Received from Alex. Crowell property, 488 67 " " produce sold, almshouse, 88 93 *• " aid reimbursement, 14 00 " " n " - 600 I Expended over amount raised and received, $6B 87 Paid almehouse expenses, u for outside poor, «t u poor in Boston, t 957 48 1,568 04 32 00 82,557 47 82,557 47 paid state and other cities and towns. Paid state for poor, « Dennis for poor, " Brewster for poor, " Falmouth, 800 47 82 01 48 00 52 00 8192 48 CHARI.ES R. BASSETT,) Overseers HENRY BLACHFORD, V of JESSE W. CROWELL, ) Poor. i i reasurers Report. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1904, Received from Clarence Ballet,- for board Eben A. Hallet, « « County treasurer, seal bounty, y " dog money, " " " " account Bass River lower bridge, " " Anioa E. Arey, reimbursed. « " taxes, " " town of Brewster, " " town of Falmouth, " town of Dennis, for aid rendered Walter D. Chase, re imbursement," from James T. Chase, reimbursement, aid 1904, « Mex. Crowell, through T. C. Day, Esq, estate Abby Kingman,interest on burial funds, Mr. Goodwin, license to erect fiah trap, R. B. Clark and James R. Baker, license to erect fish trap,II " Arthur M.-Wyinan.licensepool table, « Danfortb "Whelden, license pool table, « " "cense pool table,Frederic A. Long, pedler's license. 8S Received from Chas. M. Snow, pedler^ license, tt « Wm. H. Ivelley, pedler's hcen^ tt " Reuben Howes, auctioneer's license, u " sale of eggs from alrasliouse, 44 tt tt u pork " " . M " James Lack, for crushed stone, u " trustees Sears fund, tt ''IIenry Rlachford, FoUins pond fishery, tt " slate treas^ for burial state paupers, " sUite treas, for repairs to sh\te high- wav, " state treas^ sUite highway loan fund, tt state treas., account superintendent schools, etc., tt " state treas., compensation, inspectors of animals, tt tt state cori>oration tax, tt " " national hank tax, « tt u military aid, tt " notes in anticipation of taxes, " " L. U. Rrown, taxes paid after alrate- ment, tt tt L. It. Rrown, collector taxes, 1901, in full, tt tt Brown, collector taxes, 1902, tt w Elisha T. Raker, collector taxes, 1908, « tt Elisha T. Raker, collecttir taxes, 1904, Cr. l'ai<l on orders from scle<*tmen. Balance on hand, Jan. 1,190a, Due from e(»llectors of taxes: Luther 11. Rrown, year 1902, -JS-BS- 0 00 6 00 2 00 25 09 '18 84 9 50 983 49 88 65 15 CO 8 30 20 00 420 18 87 38 3,017 46 952 70 528 00 9,000 00 5 20 25 08 1,052 48 7,749 99 19,943 14 ^(49,387 03 M8,192 13 1,195 50 W9,387 03 % 140 00 89 Elisha T. Baker, year, 1908, " " " « 1904, Town owes: Notes given account State highway, " " " macadam roads, Massachusetts school fund: Balance on hand, Jan. 1,1904, Received from State treasurer. Paid on orders school committee, Bidance on hand, Jan. 1,1905, Burial funds: nep«it Kew Bedford taUtoUon f<» . ive Cents {tarings Bank, Received from* Reo. X. Smalley, John F. Crocker, Est. Belinda Nickerson, Edwin Bray, Andrew (Sowell, William B. Fuller^ Hatsel Crosby and Hatsel £. Crosby, Mrs. (ieo, R. Agassiz fund: Balance on hand, Jan. 1,1904Paid on oj-ders from school committee. Balance on hand, Jan. 1,190.5, ^ S29 S2 9,130 89 810,100 81 *11,500 00 11,200 00 r22,700 00 8104 42 464 93 4^9 35 333 65 ¨235 70 ¨700 00 550 00 ¨1,250 00 ¨500 00 250 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 lOit 00 200 00 ¨1,230 00 ¨833 36 816 66 16 70 B E- Se. ® gCD &• 9t? 5"S- «» SMIM%|Vital Statistics for tke Year 1904.JJIimiS IN 1904.Name of Child.Wilber Earle Nickerson,Percy jNfelvin Cash,Edna IVIae IlasweJJ,Alex. Ifetteller,Hilda ^fay Nickerson,Alice 11. Nickerson,\yilliain Nordstroin White,Freeman Jlunroo Haxter,Heatricc IlowJiind JVlontcalm,Emily Eldridge Thacher,Male, .Jolinson,Eouise Grace Clmse,Curtis Francis Chase,Oliver Lambert Studley,Ivenneth Crowell Baxter,Female, Bassett.o®pry Vernon Crowell,I-onisc Montcalm,Wilhe Leroy Cash,Peorl Vemon Morgan,Parenta.Howard F. and Mary.Ensign S. and iMargaret H.Amos K. and Hattie M..fohn and Hannah.Washington E. and Bosa.David A. and Lila N.Edwin M. and Sadie C.Horace and Blanche C..loshiia A. and Abby E.Isaac 11., 2d, and Clara HFrancis M. and Jennie F 'Ilnrry M. and JosieClareneo and MargaretGilbert, Jr., and slara^Jobn R. and JVlargaref.Charles R. a„d M^rcv Tlister E and Rebecca L pbirths in 1904.Date,1004.Dec. 1.6,15.Date..Tan. 1» 1901.Mar. 15, 1908.Sept. 28, 1902.May 26, 1908.Name of Child..>Iale, Uobbins,Thomas Edward Cmlin^Reuben Ellsworth Rich, Jr.,Births not bwia.Ralph Burgess Ilowland,Gladys May Howland,Millie May Nickerson,Gertrude Almira Silva,Parents.yJarvis W. andFranklin F. and Katie H.Reuben E. and Carrie W.Parents.Wilbur A. and Mary T.„ « .i «• "Frank G. and Emma A.John and Almira A.Date.•Tan. 81.Feb. 22.March 12.26.80.April 1.9.DEATHS RECORDED IN 1904.Name. DlBease.May10. 17." 2.12.12.July 17.Sept..Tulia A. Smith,Eben A. JIallet,•Tames Crowell,Julia F". Baker,George II. Van Putten,Sally Cobb,William WestjEbenezer Crowell,Franklin Crowell,Samuel Baker, 'Susan D. Jackson,Mary E. Ifelley,Alex. Kettellcr,Edward 8; Chase,Maiy T. Smalley,Kezinh G, Arey,3Iary P. Loring,Eliza R. Chase,Alice R, Nickerson,Frank H. Bearse,Patrick Stevens,Joseph E. Sturdy,Meroy Range,Emily E. Thacher,No return.Erysipelas,Cancer, ,Organic disease of the heart,Consumption,Chronic bronchitis.Drowned,Paralysis,Weak heart.Fractured hip.Cancer,Chronic nephritis,Pneumonia,Gastric carcinoma,Endocarditis,Pneumonia,Old age.Cerebral hemorrhage.Cerebral meningitis.Heart disease.Disease of the heart.Shingles,Chronic bronchitis,Bronchitis and Innutrition.1Age.Y.V.D.8727827481261620838721366761122620896911601141246664678267771871846112864a18168088118088 10 T\>DEATHS RECORDED IN 1904.Date.Sept., Montcnlm,Hebron V. Baker,Susan C. Harris,Grace C. Cash,Lizzie F. Chase,Lillian Crowell,Abby L. Eldridge,Isabel Stokes,Pearl Vernon Morgan,Olivia S. Lewis,Nicholas Dixon,John N. Baker,Susan H. Sears,Mason W. Morse,Charles A. Baker,Enow Kittler,DUease.Indigestion,Brights disease.Pneumonia,Paralysis,Pnetimonia,Senile dementia.Valvular disease of the heart.Heart failure.Pneumonia,Endocarditis,Acute brights.Nephritis,Brights disease,Marasmus,Age.Y. M.4447672182180 274 147598065 508 1080 95 2832817120520o.x}.tcOP.rpA25.beF.naJ19M..naJCOtoCO.82MlMlM00;5c'v)07?5ocjPKEL$Sf9S®5'«g 5-I ^ f S g- SH.,^ I 2, & g^ > g a ®. w S S £? w ?. i a f!. ^2 S cr«oSg >Striaf^wS 8 £? a g t> H;^ s: j U ^ p H 3d w e .f§ L e PoSjuaSaH'ooE ® Es?"^ c^ £s* 1-4 g m= fi i 9=1... 2 o 2 2 HP o J2 ^ 5^ n iI-W2.^^ ^ ^ S§'^4 2'S'i I3"^3^"3gQ§ag2oiS^lssS^siiScajf-" - - -t'' 9s'i's'S'^«i09 52 ? SiB K§ ^aaow03$ei9iutofc©»-'t«wt5eoo,eo»«kk. ^rf^;^eowoo9-»-eowofcoSg»lo~ O M ® Tree Warden Account. H. L. Frost & Co, spraying elm trees, as per con- tract, Geo. Robbins, Alfred Gorham, "Willard Ellis, Frank Nickerson, p. E. Hannan, Tbacher Taylor, J. T. Chase, C. B- Bassett, J. L. Ellis, Ed. Cash, Allen Cash, Jr, Alfred Gorham, Ed. Cash, C. A. Chase, ■W. S. Smith, Alfred Gorham, Bowker Insectcid E. B. Hallett, Jazer company. Alfred Gorham, Drawn from selectmen. 1500 00 19 20 4 tt 30c,1 20 10 40 5 tt horse, 15c,75 5 tt tt 75 11 tt 20c,2 20 4 u horse, 15c,60 8 tt tt tt 45 4 tt 20c,80 4 tt tt 15c,60 87 tt 20c,7 40 tt tt 1 80 79 tt tt 15 80 95 tt tt 19 00 tt tt 2 90 19 tt tt 8 80 H tt tt 65 89|tt tt 7 90 Co, as per bill,8 00 U tt tt 11 45 tt tt tt 1 87 tt tt tt 85 tt tf tt 2 43 $600 00 «G00 00 mo 00 Road Commissioners' TLeport, ALPRro GORHAM, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OP TAB-MOUTH, LABOR, ETC., ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. AmosE.Arey, i hour, 20c, $ 20Z. Sherman, 6 hours, ♦♦ S.T. Ca^ 5 a ttH. A, Cobl^ .. 6 u gQg B. R. Howes, 12 loads, 8c,Alfred Baker, g hours, 20c, S. L. Bobbins, 214 « « F. I. Bobbins, 6 « u Ceo. L. Bobbins, 89J « u rr . " , " 35j « \nth team, 80c,Heits Solomon Taylor, 20 loads graveL 6c,J. E. Howes, 22 loads gravel, 6c,^.^bbins, 8J hems, 20c," bor^lOc,Willard EUhs, 26 « " ** 7 « 20c_James Gorham, 14 loads gravel, 6c, Pw TT ® 80c,17 hours, 20c, •Jonathan U 1 00 1 00 1 50 86 40 4 30 1 20 7 90 10 65 1 00 1 10 70 8 60 8 80 •1 40 70 1 80 - 8 40sher, Jr, oj Clarence Chase,.Wra. D. Loring, 24Ed. Cash, jgj John Silva, 4 Thomas Byder, 9 Seth Taylor, 4 Edmund Walker, 12 with team, 60c, 20c, horse, 15c, with team, fiOc, 8 90 1 80 50 8 10 80 1 80 60 8 60 48 12 hours, 20c^ 17i « « 8^ " horse, 15c^ 5 « 20c^ n. n. Baker, I. L. Ellis, B. R. Howes, Geo. P. Matthews, James Gorham, 5 loads gravel, 5c, Est. D. G. Eldridge, 12 loads sand, 3c, P. E. Ilannan, 22i hours, horse, 15c, 88.88; 2 hours, team, 30c, .CO, ' P. Heffernan, 5 hours, 20c, j G. Hallet, 9 " with team, 60c, J. Usher, Jr, 9 hours and horse, 85c, 83.15; 9 hours, with team, 60c, 85.40, H. H. Baker, W. S. Smithy. John Silva, Clarence Chase, "Wm. Lack, James T. aiase, Alfred Gorham, Herbert Vincent, E. P. Smith, J. W. Hamblin, E. S. Mecarta, Albert Taylor, Patrick Morgan, J. E. Olar, Seth Walker, Edmund Walker, J. A. Cash, I. L. Ellis, B. R. Howes, James Gorham, 2 loads clay, 6c, S. H. Hamblin, 5 " " " J. T. Chase, 6^ hours, 20c, C. A. Chase, 9 - " 27 hours, 20c, 18 " « 27 " " 18 « « 4 tt « 4 tt « 20 4- 8i 9 4 2 15 b^ 10 25c, 20c, with team, 80c, 20c, with team, 80c, w U u 20c, 22 7i with team, 80c., 20c, U horse, 15c, 2 40 8 50 1 28 1 00 25 86 8 98 1 00 5 40 8 55 5 40 8 60 5 40 8 CO 80 80 5 00 80 1 05 1 80 1 20 GO 3 00 10 90 2 00 1 05 70 4 40 1 1". 10 25 1 30 1 80 0. E, Hallett, C. W. Ellis, J. W. Smith, Alfred Rowland, Wm. D. Loring, J. TJdier, Jr, Clarence Gb^ H. H. Baker, Edmund Walker, David Parker, J. A. Cash, Wm. Matthews, Albert Taylor, 18 hrs, 80c, 87.60, J. £. Olar, Geo. HaUet; E. W. Eldridge, Arch. Phillips, 49 21 hours, 20c, 8 « a 2 « « 4 9 8 8 20 26 H tt ^th \8 4 20 60 team, 80c,1 20 «20c,1 80 tt with team, 60c,1 80 tt 20c,60 tt «4 00 tt with team, 80c,1 65 tt 20c,1 10 tt u 5 20 «M 80 48 hours, 20c, 18 « with team, 80e, 18 • « « a —r-, 18 « 20c, James Gorham, 95 loads haidemne 6c_ K.M. Taylor, 57 « « ' « Thos.Ryder, „ h<nm,J6c. Sett Taylor, „ « horse. ISc, J. Gorham, 19 loads gravel, 5c, R " hoard, SOo,w* L. RoDDins, . 4^ ' tt tt ^bertTaylor, ij . wift team, aOo, Geo.HaUet, j, . jjo. H. C. Davis, E. R. Hamblin, B. R. Howes, H H 8 5 8 hors^ 16c,James Gorham, 15 loads gravel, 6c, P. Morgan, hours, 20c, Herbert Vincent, 2^ « «« E. S. 2} hoom, SOe, .60j 6 hoare team. Mo, 11 10 8 60 5 40 5 40 8 60 4 76 2 85 4 05 8 75 85 2 00 90 45 80 1 60 1 00 45 76 25 60 2 80 David Cotell, E. F. Smith, P. Morgan, Ed Dean, J. Delfesh,J. Delfesh, 5 4 14 2 u 50 hours, 20c^ . g hours, team, 80c^ E. F. Smith, 34 hours, 20e, .i«, ^ W. S. Smith, ^ ^gam, 80c, c. wl'Si M ho"" 46 hours, 20c, C. L. Nickerson, « John Silva, - g men, 70c,Alfred Gorha^ 84 hour hours, 20c, Geo. P. Matthews, « 30.2 hours with horse, E. F. Smith, 64 hours, 20c, 81.80, zno Sbc, .60,12 hours J. E. Olar, Seth Taylor, Thomas Ryder, James Gorham, W". S. Smith, p. Heffeman, I. L. Elhs, John Keveney, J. E. Olar, S. L. Rohbins,- H. H. Baker, J. A. Cash, Alfred Baker, C. R. Bassett, John Silva, Willard ElUs, , 20c, 14 « " 24 « " 22 « " 84 " " 10 " " 10 « " 7 " " 7 « " 14 " 14 " " 9 « with horse, 80c, 10 hours, 20c, 9 " with horse, 30c, 17^ « 20c, 84 " 15c, Edmund W alker, 61 A. D. Baker,64 hours, 20c,1 80 KF. Smith,24 « 80c,75 Alfred Gorham, 34 hours, 2 horses, 2 men, 70c,- 2 45 Geo. P. Matthews, 20 hours, 20c, $4.00; 12 honis. horse, 15c, $1.80,5 80 Thos. Ryder,294 hour% 20c,5 90 S. L. Rohbins,2 « ((40 F. I. Rohbins,124 « «2 60 E.F. Smith,8 <* with team, 80c,2 40 E; M. Taylor,24 « 20c,60 C. A. Chase,10 » «2 00 Willard Ellis,9 «1 80 Alfred Gorham, 84 hours, 2 horses, 2 70c,2 45 J. E. Howes, 24 Iwids gravel, 5c,1 20 James Gorham, 80 loa^ gravel, 5c,1 60 C. M. Bray, 22 **tt tt 1 10 F. I. Rohbins,69 h(Rirs,20c,18 80 George L. Rohbins,28 « «4 GO Alfred Baker,12 « tt .2 40 Thos. Rydw,11 tt «2 20 £. W. Eldridge,8 tt 2 40 E. S. Mecarta, n 8 tt u u a 2 40 Elnathan Eldridge,8 tt 20c,1 60 Winthrop Gaboon,8 tt tt 1 60 Arch. Phillips,8 tt tt V 1 60 Albert Taylor,9 tt tt 1 80 James Gorham, 64 loads hardpning^^ 6c,2 70 Geo. H. Baker, 20 hrs, 20c, $4.00; 14 hrs, 30c, $4.20,8 20 J. E. Olar,^ hours, 20c,60 Geo. P. Matthews,20 tt tt 400 Alfred Gorham,98 ** horsey 16c,14 86 Geo. L. Rohbins,154 " 20e,8 16 Paid John Hinckley & Son, as per bills.18 46 " Henry Blacbford,« tt 8 00 " P. Morgan,tt «1 00 Paid Joel Hall, as per bills, " Alfred Gorham, " " Drawn from the selectmen,1500 00 8500 00 ^600 00 H. A. Cobb, J. W. Ellis, Warren Ellis, C. M. Bray, Willard Ellis, Alfred Gorham, SNOW ACCOUNT. 12 hours, plough, 40c., 5 " 80c., 5 " 20c., 12 " plough, 40c, 4 " horse, 15c, 15 « 20c., E. B. Ilallett, repairs on plough, Isaiah Ellis, nn 4 hours, 20c, Benj. Phillips, 25 « « C. E. Chase, 30 " " Jos. Chase, 25 " " Winthrop Cahoon, 27 " " Frank Chase, 30 hours, 20c, 86.00; and 5 hours, horse, 15c, 8 .75, Jeremiah Chase, 25 hours, 20c, John Delfesh, 26 " " Seth Walker, 25 " " H. A. Cobb, 25 hours, 20c., 85.00; 12 hours, horse, plough, 20c, 82.40, E. C. Bray, 30 hours, 20c, Ernest Bray, 25 " " Warren Ellis, 25 " " j.W.ElUs, 28 « " C. W. ElUs, 28 " " C. L. Nickerson, 30 " " j.D. Sears, 17 " " j. W. Smith, 12 " " David Cotell, & " " VT-nnV Whplden. 30 " " J. W. ElUs, c. W. ElUs, C. L. Nickerson, J. D. Sears, J, W. Smith, David Cotell, Frank Whelden, David Whelden, Millard Gray, E S. Chase, Z. A. Sherman, Geo. H. Baker, T. S. Holway, Osborne E. Baker, J. T. Chase, John Silva, A. D. Baker, James Gorham, Samuel Cohb, E. W. Eldridge, H. Sherman, J. E. Olar, Chester ("base, "Wm. Chase, H. D. Bray, E. F. Smith, W.T. Smith, Clarence Chase, Thacher Taylor, H. R. Usher, C. A. Chase^ ~ C. S. Bassett, Bernard Stevens, Geo. I;. Robbins, Walter Cook, Geo. Schmidt, Patrick Morgan, Herbert Davis, J. A. Cash, B. W. Ellis, E. B. Dean, Tbos. Ryder, 25 hours, 20c., 25 « « horse, 15&, 20c^ 7i hours, 20c, 12 " « A. J. Dean, "Win. F. Morgan, Alfred Eater, P. E. Hannan, Danforth Whelden, n. \y. Da\'i8, Geo. W. Ryder, ■\Vm. D. Loring, C. M. Bray, John Keveney, M. Keveney, J, A. Keveney, Chas. Gaboon, ^Vnl. Matthews, Edwin Rohbins, Lewis Kickersoii, Jolm Lundberg, Isaiah Ellis, I. L. Ellis, "Willard Ellis, F. C. Baker, H. F. Xickevson, Chas. Cash, Ensign Cash, Ensign Cash, Jr, Allen Cash, Arch. Phillips, F. I. Robbins, Albert Taylor, J. I'sher, Jr., with team, A. E. Arey, C. C. Arey, G. Pulsifer, . Geo. L. Robbins, 28i « " " " 17 u u 23 " " 28i " " 4 u u 3i " horse, 20c 23J « 20c 17 " « " H.05, labor I8i " 17i " 10c., Edmund Walker, 17 hours, 20c, 13.40; 28 hours, horse, 20c, 15.60, Warren Jlontcalni, John Silvft, E. F, Smith, - W. S. Smith, Jonathan Usher, Oliver Hallet, Jr, A. W. Kelley, Alfred Gorham, H. H. Baker, Ed. Cash, C. W. Ellis, J.W. Ellis, W. E. Montcalm, Geo. L. Rohhins, Alfred Baker, II. H. Baker, C. M. Bray, 84| hours, 20c., 2 u u 40 7 u u 1 40 u o 1 25 ct u 90 H u «1 05 n u M 1 95 45 u tt 9 00 u a a 25 15^u u S 10 224 u lOc,2 25 8 u 20c,60 6 u t(1 20 4 u U 80 1 u u 20 - 1 u u 20 2i u plough, 40c,1 00 40c, « .80, Ernest Bray, 9 hours, 20c, E. C. Bray, 4 u a C. M. Bray, « « Willard Ellis, 4 u .« 11. A. Cohb, 4 « plough, 40c, Edmund Walker, 4 hours, 20c, $ .80; 4 hours, with team, 40c, tl.CO, J. E. Olar, 18 hours, 20c, Samuel Cohb, 2 " « II. A. Cobh, 4 « plough, 40c, A. C. Snow, 2 « 20c, .Tames Gorham, 8^ « « C. -M. Bray, 1 hour, 20c.; 12| hours, horse, 20c, 82.50, Isaiah Ellis, 124 hours, 20c, Warren Montcalm, Edmund "Walker, Geo. L. Robbins, Alfred Baker, Patrick Morgan, G. Pulsifer, "Warren Ellis, J, "W. Smith, Jos. C. Chase, C. "W. EIUb, Seth Walker, J. W. Ellis, Willard Ellis, C- W. EUis, ^ G. F. Bray, W. F. Bray, John Lundberg, Lewis Nickerson, Edwin Robbins, Wm. P. Bray, Albert Taylor, Chas. Gaboon, Cbas. Cash, Allen Cash, Wm. Matthews, Thacber Taylor, Oliver Hallet, Jr^ A. W. Kelley, Wm. Lack, J. T. Cliase, E. F. Smith, Jona. Usher, W. S. Smith, C. A. Chase, H. D. Bray, 24 hours, 20c., 204 " horse, 20c 60 1 50 20 2 30 2 SO 2 20 2 60 . 2 00 1 76 45 2 65 65 10 1 05 80 80 80 10. E. C. Bray, T. 3. Ilolway, G. H. Baker, 0. E. Baker, Alfred Gorham, 1. L. Ellis, Benj. Phillips, Jere. Chase, John Delfesh, n. A. Cobb, Z. A. Sherman, Charles Chase, Frank Chase, A. E. Arey, Amos Arey, H. A Cobb, J. E. Oiar, C. M. Bray, W. E. Montcalm, Edmund Walker, C. A. Chase, Alfred Gorham, Brawn from selectmen, 12 hours, 20c, 10 U r 10 u « 10 a tf 10 u tf 6 u tf 12 tf tt 8 «tf 6 a tf 2 u 40c, 4 tf 20c, 4 tf M I u tf H «tf H «tf 4 tt 40c, 8 tf 20c, 6i tf 40c, H tf 20c, tf tf 12 u tf 84 tf « ' REPAms ON WHARF STREET AlfD MILL ROAD. Amount raised by the to^n, MOO 00 .M. Keveney, 10 hours, 20c, C. A. Chase, 16 « » John Silva, 16 " » Joseph Bassett, 15 « with team, 80c, Oliver UuUet, 14 w « u Thacher Taylor, 16 « « » « Paid for lighting lanterns and oil, Alfred Gorham, 124 hours, 20c, Jos. Keveney, 7 hours, 200^ { Winthrop Smith, 2 •" team, SOc, Estate D. G. Eldi idge, 29 loads sand, 3c., Jonathan Usher, Jr., 30 hours, 300^ $;9.00; 35 hours, 35c., ?!l2.25; 5 hours, 50e., 12.50, P. E. Hannan, 30 hours, 80c., 1=9.00; 10 hours, 850^ $3.50; 40 hours, 50c., $20.00, C. R. Bassett, 30 hours, 30o., $9.00; 50 hours, 85c., $17.50, Ed. Cash, 30 hours, 20c., E. F. Smith, 10 hours, 20c., $2.00; 30 hours, 30c, $9.00, 50 hours, S5C., $17.50, Wm. Lack, 90 hours, 20c, John Silva, 70 « " W. S. Smith, 40 " « Clarence Chase, 70 « u Chester Chase, " 15c., W. F. Morgan, 20 " 20c, M. Keveney, 43 « " J. T. Chase, 9 « a Simpkins Est, 650 loads clay, 8c, Alfred Gorham, 95 hours, 25c, Edmund Walker, 10 hours, 30c, $3.00; 50 hours, 35c, $17.50, John Silva, 38^ hours, 20c, Ed. Smith, 10^ " 30c, W. S. Smith, 5 « 20c, Alfred Gorham, 43 hrs, 20e, $8.60; 9 hrs, horse, 15c, $1.86, E. F. Smith, 14^ hours, 30c, John Silva, 35^ " 20c, Alfred Gorham, 7 hrs., 20c., $1.40; 9 hrs, horse, 15c, $1.85, C. R. Bassett, 14 hrs, horse, 15c, $2.10; 2^ hrs, 30c, $ .76, E. P. Smith, 2^ hours, 80c, Jona. Usher, Jr, 18 « « Hardware, nails, etc, E. B. Hallett, as per bill, John Hinckley & Son, Drawn from selectmen, Unexpended balance,$348 64 51 36 $400 00 60 LUTHER R. BROWN, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF TAB- MOUTH. LABOR. ETC., ON ROADS AND BRIDG^ J. N. Baker,25 hours, 80c.,87 50 S. B. Baker,H 14 tt 2 16 S. B. Baker,19 U tt 5 70 J. N. Baker,20 U tt 6 00 D. M. Chase,2H tt tt 6 45 D. M. Chase,8 tt tt 1 50 A. W. Gaboon,9 u 20c.,1 80 £. B. Chase,18 tt tt 3 60 0. H. Chase,14 tt c;2 80 E. S. Bakfer,45 u tt 9 00 E. S. Baker,21 tt tt 4 20 John H. Baker,10 tt tt 2 00 John K. S. Eldridge,7 tt r CO 2 10 J. Baker,24 tt tt 7 20 Ahira Baker,15 tt 20c.,8 00 Ahira Baker,16 tt . tt 3 20 W. H. Hurst,6 tt tt 1 20 Nelson Baker,18 tt tt 2 60 Robert Clark,9 tt tt 1 80 J. R. Baker,9 tt tt 1 80 Benj. Homer,H tt 80c.,1 85 John Falvey, stone work, J. P. Goodwin, 4 Reuben Baker, 88 Reuben Baker, 16 I. W. Ellis, 16i R. C. Baker, 4 R. C. Baker, 10 James Maker, 2 Clarence Baker, 10 A. T. Pierce, 20 F. 0. Baker, 6 G. IT. Bachellor, 5 20c., 15c., SOc. 10 60 80 6 60 8 00 8 80 80 2 00 40 2 00 4 00 75 1 50 CI G. H. Bachellor,17 honrs, 80c., F. TV. Homer,10 a u J.P. Brown,5 U tt J. L. Baker,10 U tt L. H. Baker,5 « ISC- L. H. Baker,164 « 20c, TVallace Kelly,2*« 15c, Sidney Chal>man,17 U tt J. G, Sears,5 « 80c, J. G. Sears,10 M tt 20e, Geo. B. Sears, catch basin, Geo.B. Sears, lo hours, Thomas Collins, 5 a L TV. Fuller &. Co., M. 11. Crowell, F. Wixon, g W. F. Gaboon, 4 ' J. G. Sears, J. Goodwin, Hwrles Sherman, 10 • « « Charles Sherman, 11^ « u G. H. Loring, 94 loads of sand, 2c, I>a\1d Kelley heirs, 87 loads of sand, 2c I-Irtlier R. Bros-n, bill, 30 daj-s, 02.OO jir day, team 24 days, 81.50 per day. 85 10 3 00 1 50 3 00 76 3 30 30 3 30 1 50 3 00 19 00 8 00 1 50 5 80 45 1 60 80 1 80 3 00 2 00 2 30 i 88 1 74 96 00 Removing trees,Stoe^Md, Soath ride, .Ira,™ mm. treaaarer, RIVER LOWER BRIDGE. Town of Y armouth, Town of Dennis, County of Bamstable, 8278 28 847 80 8407 00 424 00 8113 70 113 70 .Hi 85 8284 2a i JI i j i nsa" if I 62 SNOW ACCOUNT. F. Homer,28 hours, 40c,8 9 20 L. R. Brown,8 «tf 1 20 G. F. Matthews,8 «tt 1 20 S. B. Baker,8 «' tt 1 20 6. F. Matthews,2 «20c,40 J. N. Baker, 2 snow ploughs.5 60 L. R. Brown,8 «40c,8 20 F. Homer,^ «tt 1 80D. M. Ch^8 «tt 8 20 F. Homer,20} «tt 8 20 F. Homer,45} «((18 20 Drawn from town treasurer, 158.40.158 40 JOYCE TATLOE, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF TAB- MOUTH, LABOB, ETC., ON BOADB AND BRIDGES. KUarchant, S. B. Marchant^ Eben Baxter, Clarence Cotell, Darius Cotell, Alfred D. Taylor, J. E.Crowell, Timothy Cotell, Howard Nickerson, Femandug Baker, Kelson Baxter, Lemud MaTdinnt, Lockwood Baxter, S. W. Hltchell, J. S. Baker, Heuben Ri^ A. F. Rich, Isaiah Crowd], A. D. Makepeace, If Joyce Taylor, 86} hours, 20c,87 85 12 tt 80c,8 60 88 tt 20c,7 60 21 «tt 4 20 21 «tt 4 20 27 U 80c,8 10 80 «20c,6 00 8H tt 80c,9 45 89}tt «11 85 70 «20c,14 00 70 tt tt 14 00 82}tt «16 50 74 tt w 14 80 46}tt 80c,18 95 25 tt tt 7 50 126}tt 15c,19 00 80}tt tt 4 55 27 tt 80c,8 10 )0 loads 81uid,iks.6 00 . 222 hours, 45c Joyce Taylor, , n 99 90 97 tt 80c,29 10 160}.«20c,82 05 avenue since completion;8841 80 15c," material and labor constructinE catdi basm, highway. West Yarmouth, Orders drawn on town treasurer. Balance due Joyce Taylor, t 9 90 8 80 84 10 8389 10 801 70 887 40 C4 LADOR OX BERRY AVENUE. Ellis P. Baker, Nelson Baxter, Beiij. DeSilver, Horace P. Baxter, 2024 hours, 20c., 74 U U 411 " 15c., 151 " 80c, 2811 " 20c, 225 u U 87 " 80c, 474 " 20c, 32 u U Lemuel Slarchant, Loekwood Baxter, Darius Cotell, Timothy Cotell, Frank Tripp, J. K. & B. Sears, bill, Geo. B. LevNis, bill, Frank Baker, ejigineer, 4 days, ?!2.50, Geo, Bently, " 4 u « II. B. ChasVs bill, coal, Fernandus Baker, 87 hours, 20c., " " placing lanterns, Joyce Taylor's bill. Drawn from towni treasurer. Balance due Joyce Taylor, SNOW ACCOUNT. 334 hours, 20c., 2^ " « A. F. Bich, B. (iifford, George S. Taylor, Timothy Cotell, Adelbert Cotell, Ferd Baker, Frank C, Tripp, Ernest Baker, Lemuel Marchant, Nathaniel Marchant, Siverth Kithla, 24 H 21 23 13i 17 114 8 08 840 50 14 80 0 20 45 30 40 30 43 00 11 10 9 50 G 40 17 35 12 25 10 00 10 00 22 80 17 40 11 75 394 52 8721 17 714 45 80 72 80 4 1 4 4 2 8'40 2 80 1 00 18 00 \ Clarence Cbtfell, Darius Cotell) S.M. Crowell, J. E. Crowdl, Alfred D. Taylor, Chester Marchant, S. B. Marchant^ Nelson Baxter, Artbur Baker, Warren A. Tripp, N.M. Chase, Benj. DeSilver, Gea W. Chase, A. F. Rich, E. P. Baker, J. S. Baker, Ernest Baker, Fernandas B^er, H. E. Ward, • Adelbert Cotell, Darius Cotell, Geo. 8. Taylor, Nelson Baxter, Horace P. Baxter, Loekwood Baxto", J. S. Baker, Carl Rich, Joyce Taylor, Drawn from treasurer. C5 I'l hours, 20c, $ 8 50171 C u « 3 CO 0 tt 1 00 H u u 1 80 6J tt « 1 10 5 tt 0 1 00 9 tt tt' 1 80 Hi tt tt 2 30 «tt I 50 «tt 90 2 «tt 40 101 «tt 2 10 1 tt tt 20 IH «tt 2 30 tt tt 7 10 72i tt tt . 14 50 7 «tt 1 40 llf «tt 2 80 8 tt*tt 60 24 «.tt 480 10-««2 00 19 tt tt 3 80 6 tt tt 1 20 28^«tt 6 70 6 tt tt 1 SO H tt tt 70 7 4S 10c, .70 tt 20c,38 10 8148 10 8148 10 8148 10 f Auditors' Report. The auditors of the town have carefully examined the accounts of the several officers, and suhmit the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, January 1, 1904, > 8,386 12 Received from tax collectors and all other sources, 46,001 51 «i49,887 63 Paid orders from January 1, 1904, to January 1,1905, 848,192 18 Balance on hand, January 1,1905, 1,195 50 Outstanding orders, 8787.94. SELECTMEN. . CHARLES R. BA88ETT, CHAIRMAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from January 1, 1904, to January 1,1905, 848,257 09 Amount of receipts and vouchers, 48,257 09 MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL FlTfD. Balance on hand, January 1,1904, 8104 42 Received from Mass, school fund, 464 98 Paid orders from January 1, 1904, to January 1,1905, 8833 65 Balance on hand January 1, 1905, 285 70 8569 35 8569 35 67 3irsic AND DRAWING. Balance on hand, January 1,190^ Paid orders January 1,1904, to January 1,1905, 8816 66 Balance on hand January 1,1905, 16 70 SCHOOLS. Drawn from town treasurer, as per order <d school committee: Support of schools, 84,827 97 School supplies, , 256 60 Transportation of scholars, 780 25 Superintendent of schools, 562 46 Repairs on schoolhouses, 491 47 8383 36 8333 36 86,918 7% BURIAL FUND. Deposited with town treasurer, Deposited in New Bedford Savings Bank, TREE WARDEN. ALFRED GORHAM. .\mount drawn from town treasurer, . Paid n. L. Frost & Co^ as per contract, 8500 00 for labor on trees, 100 00 81,250 00 1,250 00 8600 00 8C00 00 ROAD COMUnSSiONERS. ALFRED GOBHAU. Amount drawn from town treasurer for roads and bridges, 8500 (W RS*" 1 08 Amount draum from town treasurer for Wharf street and Mill bridge, 8348 64 Amount drawn from town treasurer for clearing snow, 484 88 Paid out for repairs on roads, 8500 00 w u u w u Wharf St. and MUl bridge, 8^8 64 Paid out for clearing snow, 484 88 LUTHER R. BROWN. Amount drawn from town treasurer for roads andd)ridge8, 8567 48 Amount drawn from town treasurer for removing trees, 47 80 j Amount drawn from town treasurer for clearing snow, 48 40 Paid out for repairs on roads and bridges, 8662 48 u « « removing trees, 47 80 « " « clearing snow, 48 40 Amount due town from Luther R. Brown, STONE ROAD SOUTH YARMOUTH. L. R. BROWN. Paid out for labor on road, u « « repairs on watering cart, Amount drami from town treasurer. Balance due L. R. Brown, 81,888 47 81,888 47 8658 68 658 68 85 00 8389 75 85 00 8424 75 407 00 817 75 JOYCE TAYLOR. Paid out for labor on roads and bridges, « M « clearing snow. Amount drawn from town txeasorer for roads and bridges, 8801 70 Amount drawn from town treasorm^ tar clearing snow, 148 10 Balance due Joyce Taylor, BERRY AYE. MACADAM ROAD. JOYCE TAYLOR. Paid out for labor on Berry avenue macadam. Amount drawn from town treasure. Balance due Joyce Tayltn-, SEARS FUND. Note of town in bands of trustees. Interest on same for 1904, Interest paid by selectmen, 8685 50 New note of town in hands of the trustees, 1^000 00 8889 10 148 10 $687 20 449 80 887 40 8721 17 714 45 86 72 815,088 49 902 01 815,985 50815,935 50 TAX COLLECTORS' REPORT. LUTHER R. BROWN. COLLECTOR. Jan. 1,1904, bal. due town 1901 taxes, 8 25 08 tt « a u tt tt 1902 « 1^199 09 Jan. 1,1905, Amount paid to town treasurer. Balance due town Jan. 1, 1905^ 81,224 16 1,077 66 •146 60 70 F.LISHA T. BAKRR, COLLECTOR. Tftxcs of 1903: Jan. 1, 1904, amount due the toTv-n, »i Jan. 1, 1905, amount paid to town treasurer, Balance due the town Jan. 1,1905, TAXES OP 1901. Amount of taxes for 1904, #29,074 08 Amount paid tonm treasurer, 19,943 14 Amount due town Jan, 1, 1905, #829 82 #9,130 89 CHARLES R. HOWES | ^ GEO. H. LORIKG, ) Town Meeting Warrant. BAItVBTABLE. SS. To ellber ot tbe Constablee In the Town of YBrmontb, In tbe County of Barnetablo, Greeting In tbe name of tbe CommoDwealtb of Massacbueetta, yen are hereby directed to notify the Inbabitants of tbe town of Yarmontb qualifled to rote in town affairs to meet at tbe Town Hooee, on MONDAY, tbe thirteenth (13th) day of FEBRUARY next, at nine <n) o'clock Id the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, Tiz.: Article 1. To cboose a moderator to preside In said meeting. Article 3. To elect the following-named otBcers, all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by tbe town, viz.: One Selectman fortbree(S) years, one Assessor for three (8) yean, one Orerseer of the Poor for three (.3) years. Town Treasurer for one (l)year, one School Commltteeman for three (3) years, one Road Commissioner for three (3) years. Collector of Taxes, and two Constables for one (1) year, two Auditors for one (1) year. Tree Warden for one (1) year. Also to see If tbe town will grant tbe sale of intoxicating liquora. Article 3. To cboose all other necessary ofBcers. Article 4. To bear the annual report of the Selectmen and act tbereoD. Articles. To bear tbe report of all other committees and act thereon. Article 0. To see what sums of money tbe town win raise tor (be support of tbe poor, town officers and committee fees, support of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, repairs on pnblic buildings, miscellaneous expenses, sebool supplies, Interest on town (]el)ts, superintendent of scbools and transportation of scholars, and for other necessary charges arising in this town. Article'. To see if the town will authorize (he town treasurer 72 with the approval of the Belectmen to borrow durlog the municlp year In anticipation of the collection of taxes such sums of may be necessary for the current expenses of the town, bu exceeding the total tax levy for the year, girlng the notes o e town therefor, payable within one year after the date thereof, debts Incurred under the authority of this vote shall be paid the taxes of the present municipal year. Article 8. To see It the town will lustruot Its treasurer to sign the aunual note of the town to the trustees of the Bears fond. Article 9. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as reported by the selectmen. Article 10. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of twen y live (IS) cents each on muskrats. (By request.] Article 11. To see If the town will vote to purchase two pieces o land adjacent to South Yarmouth, one near the upper and one near the lower village, to be used as dumping places, and that tbe select men be Instructed to erect signs and make suitable arrangements for tbe instruction of tbe public In tbe use of tbe same. Article 12. To see If tbe town will vote to approprlaW and raise the sum of thirty (30) dollars, for the purchase of land for the dump ing places and otherwise as mentioned In the preceding article. ^ Article 13. To see If the town will vote to discontinue tbe us® the preseut dumping place near Long Pond, Bouth Yarmouth, a ^ depositing place for rubbish and to instruct its proper officer enforce the same. Article 14. To see If the town will accept the alteration o Lower, River or Back road, as altered by the selectmen, ngrcca the petition of Benajah Crowell and others. Article 15. To see If the town will discontinue that pa o Lower. River or Back road, as recommended by the selectmem^ scribed as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner o an Borah P. Howland, being also the northesst comer o Freeman C. Goodnow, on the southeast side of saidthence south, slxly-flvc (65) degrees west, over lands of e Goodpow.one hundred and forty-three feet an bundredlbs (ia23): thence same course over lands of > nuvls, one hundred and flfty-sli feet, to the ^ the lauds of said Naomi iJiwlon Davis; the hereln-descrl e 76 the southeast side of roadway laid out by the road eommlaaioDera. ZZZZ. ' ^lole W. To see if the town will vote to dlsooutinne tbe publio^leadiDg from River street, through the land of Osbome Howi. Article 17. To see if tbe town will accept of Ifr. Daniel Wln^ gift, Indian Monument and site, near Long pond. South upon the conditions that be has named. * Article 18. To see If tbe town will vote to appropriate and raise the sum of fifty (50) dollars for expeuses covering the before-men tlcned gift. Article 19. To see If tbe town will accept as a town road tbe road as laid out by the selectmen leadiug from tbe macadam road near the easterly end of Long pond, by tbe Indian burial ground, to tbe town way leading to the Baptist cbureb. Article 20. To see If the town will accept tbe provisions of section 85, chapter 91, of tbe Revised Laws, wherein are provided regulations for fisheries. Article 21. To see if the town will Instruct tbe school committee to provide for the transportation of tbe scholars from Weir Village (listiict to tbe Yarmouth school building and appropriate « sum of money therefor, from November first to April first. Article 22. To see If the town will instruct its school committee to provide for tbe transportatlou of tbe scholars from Weir Tillage district to the Yarmouth school building from November first to April first, annuaiiy, and appropriate a sum of money for tbe present year. (By request.] Article 28. To see If the town will appropriate the sum of twenty- Bvebundred (2560) dollars for the purpose of macadamlxlng Ben? Avenue, from a point which is now macudamUed to tbe southerly end thereof—dlstanoe, 2,470 feet. [By petition.] Article 24. To see If the town will vote to complete tbe tnaeadam road leading from Yarmouthport to Hyannls, from the Ice house on :^nld road to the Barnstable line. Article 25. To see what sums of money and for what term of years the town will authorize Us town treasurer, with the consent of the ^cleotmen.tohireat a rate of interest not to exceed (our (t) ner cent., for the const ruction of the macadam road mentioned In tbe foregoing article. - -.u 72 with the Approval ol the selectiDen to borrow during the muni p year In auticlpatlon of the collection of taxes such sums ol money a may he necessary for the current expenses of the town, hut no exceeding the total tax levy for the year, girlng the notes of t e town therefor, payable within one year after the date debts Incurred under the authority of this vote shall be pa the taxes of the preseut municipal year. Article 8. To see If the town will lustruot Its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the trustees of the Sears fund. Articles. To see U the town will accept the list <>' 3"™" reported by the selectmen. twentv- Article 10. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty five ('25) cents each on muskrats. (By request.] Article 11. To see if the town will vote to purchase two p ec land adjaceut to South Yarmouth, one near the upper an one nthe lower village, to be used as dumping places, and that t * men be instructed to erect signs and make suitable arrangemthelnstmctlonofthepublVolntheuseofthesame. Article 12. To see if the town will vote to appropr a an the sum of thirty (30) dollars, for the purchase of land for t e Ing places and otherwise as mentioned In the preceding Ltiolel3. To see If the town win vote to discontinue the use ofthe present dumping place near Long Pond. South depositing place for rubbish and to Instruct Its proper officers enforce the same. the the Article 14. To see if the town will accept the al r ,oLower, Elver or Back road, as Altered by the selectmen, agreeable to the petition of BenajahCrowell and otbers. T...e« ... tow. w.U Lower. River or Back road, as of lands of scribed AS follows; Beginning at the j londg of Saran P. How,and. Lower road; Freeman C. Goodnow. on the Freeman V. thence south, slxty-flve (65) degrees . twenty-two one- Goodpow.one hundred and forty ..undsof KaomiLawtnti hundredths (1«.2'2); thence same course ove of navls. one hundred and ^ ucreln-deseribed line being the lauds of said Jfnoml LawJon Da> 1 . 79 the southeast Bide of roadway laid out by the road commUsionew. said roadway being forty («) feet wide throughout the above-io- scribed length. ^iolelO. To see if the town will vote to dlscoutlnue the public leading from River street, through the land of Osbome Howea. Article 17. To see if the town will accept of Mr. Daniel Wing a. a gift, Indian Monnraenl and Bite, near Long pond, South Yarmouth upon the conditions that he has named. Article 18. To see if the town will vote to appropriate and raise the sum of fifty (50) dollars for expenses covering the before-men tioned gift. Article 19. To see if the town will accept as a town road the road as laid out by the selectmen leading from the macadam road near IheeoalerlyendofLongpond.bytbe Indian burial gronnd, to tbe town way leading to the Baptist church. Article 30. To see if the town will accept tbe provlsiohs of section 85. chapter 91, of the Revised Laws, wherein are provided regulations 1 for fisheries. 1 Article 21. To see If the town will Instruct the school committee to provide for the transportation of tbe scholars from Weir Village district to the Yarmouth school building and appropriate a sum of money therefor, from Xovember first to ilprll first. Article 22. To see If the town will instruct Its school committee to 1 provide for the transportation of the scholars from Weir Village district to the Yarmouth school building from November first to April first, annually, and appropriate a sum of money for tbe present year. [By request.] Article 23. To see If the town will appropriate tbe sura of twenty- live hundred (2500) dollars for the purpose of macadamizing Berry Avenue, from a point which {g novr macadamized to the soutberiy end thereof—distance, 2.470 feet. (By petition.] Article 24. To see if the town will vote to complete tbe macadam road leading from Yarmouthport to Hyannis, from the ice bouse on <ald road to the Barustable line. Article 25. To see what sums of money and for what term of years the town wiij authorize its town treasnrer, with the consent of the srlectinen, to hire at a rate of interest not to exceed four (4) per <-ent., for tbe construction of the macadam road mentioned in tbe foregoing article.