Town Meetings - 1888-1911-2. <00 0^1-77 \qs'j$'0-i«l|( A OUP«^ TOM Meetii mmil. It^l.MkrAUI.K, St. I To BITMKB "I TUB i r'iMAIlt.l't I* THl; TuW.V <tr VAKBorTii, m TUB (oixtt or iH-AllLB, i>nBaTI.V<i Is llio name <i( (Un I omninnvroUh t'f Uacea •-hniciU) J<"< arc tiErtti)'•ilroricil (<> imiiry itix liilialiiuiBli nf Um Tuwb u( Yarii>«tiili. <|iinl1flcsl l.> vu(c In clerUune anil Id town alTnlr*, to u.cpi ni llic T-ivn lloiixi, in mM lonn.OD MOnDAV, (lie Thlrtvnalh nay »r tXtruar)', iieit. :>l icn r>l Ilie cUink In inv fiTanuon. lliun aii<l tljUr II ni-i <'!> Kid fullnwlnii srlti ira. \It. Arl I. T" A Mulara(»r »o |ire"l<lt,' In f.al'1 nn'cltn*. Arc i- 'I'll olitwM all Kic namunr)' Tumi •>( lor I'm aimutng yoar. Arl D- To hoar lUo auouaI ni|)ciM nflbc Selurt lorii. nii'l DDt tbfiiaon. Art t. T'l hrar Kid miuirt o( thf n«)i ( niu nice. ni«l nil iillmr i i niialilDM. au'lari ttirm-o To ••Ih'ow a Mrlinnl I ommlllvp to oil c vii\: .ui y uf Km iinu vx|ilre«l. .■.ft. II To Dliieiav a l|i-a-K<>n<llil**Ionar to tillIliu vm nncv ol Itie ouc vAiKni-l. Art " TueoDUlIm loan will i-Ihtom a KlUi iiniulK'''' O' l^'l wlO> « Hiuller i-inninlllair <•' llii-ti n ol I'Dioile to rr,ijlale ihn lli>lii.Tlv« In lliii-ili't'i-r, l-'oilloe' i'oc'il. All'! aircaini rontiocic.iiiii'mnltii. uiiil all uKiec pofxia vnnirollinl by llm l-wn-Arl To •'booM a roninllMa h< isllla with •111' lAli' Town 't roa»U*rr. Art n To AM wiMt aum mnnrr llin loan1 III raUn (ot Itui BU|i|<'ir( ..I I'oor lur Ihe ■■iiaiiIok ^ri III T'l iHM wBai AKRi lit moan)' lliu inwnl',l I:||..<| to lotf Tnwn lllimri' ami t-ounnltiuu-' ,in I'll 0 roiieillng rmr. \ri II To aaa oliai •iim nf inonrv Hip io«nI I r,il»' lur Km ■«ivi~<ri of kehiHiU nir Um an>u - •II v.-nr. Mt I' 'f.i MO wlia'Aiiai of iBOitar lilv l.tan.; .i r-1 Km reiiaki ol IU«K* ami Ini-lilr ■,, 0,1 . oAiiloH rear 1,1 1.1 To Mr ahni •nw of axiaef (ho lown,1.. lolrv I'll/ Toain .Ml M To •TO wh*'«nin of aumor Km man.III mill' lot reiiaira nu fahlin iMilhiloir* .... ae iaU" (or lalMllaawnii* Itafx ^,1 1,1 To Mvi *< iho loaia will naliiwtao il,n on TVaoaorx to a'ra loiinv} in lam Iioah 11' 1,1 n To «•«■ wha> Ai'thiH iho i"wn am wka .1,. il.i' rAiciltuaMD of Kv» Initi* of Kaeklnl < . I mm na** lom trtin uniUr iiriKo*! .tr< lA T I aaa II lia («Mra vtit m a tininty ill I .ikiato .M< 10 To no U Ika <n«a «HII ln«»H tho To ■ of Ho..n.oto. allh (>«•'|"**"*aa M'i "( l..aii II'lamiier,la Uo wilUHhinat H>«aa t ,f ta T"» we If th* loan will gram l.lmi*"I (lir rail 'A InUiAl.aSlaa l.i,|oor« fo If iiv laaa alii aalhiiri.i' Km •A I.aliiol tliO lo'K ntMA l.allillMI, aiH oficr:,011, foiutiMiwI aka liM nabarloa orall A t, fl TV«fo If Ida hi1»n Win mile a> Iti'di'MMI> ri«h < "mmlUoA I" an In favor of araoiliiai.aioKU loi raUhliiA alawlMK •nil oeA-h wllBu inra In flaw llliar aail r'fllllii I'oO'l | Kf re O'tll Art f« To na If ,W Iowa will AIMtnlkl 4 I'OI"tnlllxo i« "I'llK'lo' li'Xl mi-nH AIM" Km •oiilMI olAinltfaltnd lhol'*lh InAlnrou, .if lU Itmo'oaUoii In 'red. tIIM'I,. ,to>iiooi1oii Wlil. ikoonjfl IhiAHl*. lit hIiIi iim. aaK .iKoi Iowoa All H to K M* k.«a wU) auKwrU" IB*inKilWUM IB IW.ijT** RflHlK of lite MBIBil* ofVI (owfiilr f^»VB aW, (in aw-ual. awT (ifWhnai ftiiiwUil (liy«Wi|«aai Ml ra 'rnaarlfllMkwiH w(ll«A*«M Uw Iiaiol Jtuvia. aa imwilM hy ilia ^taetaWti. Awl >'"> 'UrwMtl M awM 4M* »aimnl t>r irnrdat aMart«K «ii»|p» H>w«n at •••olillr pUk*M Ik Wl Brira, urn* At< Ih* BaUtB • I'll •"'< <«" ** "'***> **'<« *""• ''"Bitoailna U" Kwcaw • -I Iwai a'.k 'b K" *•'«oiill> Kac'X" ""Kr'*', • At frati Bafora **Urae .'I hoiKti< wlK ••wiiwt llviawf, 'iKi 'ml. A"l arAlA lorrvliiiH of IHta WRrtnnI "Kh imn 'iniBAa ite.nro, lo iB» Tu»» I'latt At Kf Itweoiel I''*). .i| ihwKbr ainrBBalU ..I,. OA let .wi Wan'» ihl> (|i«.' I o.^j, in n. ,<«, ,1 ««r liktB ••• l«Mf *>»><■^•.aaafiarwI i i>'ii. , , ■ t'tniw Ah Mj- ■ a;ii, i c ,1 'am I II.i-Bl ,• ■ t .1" I Bm I ' ' ,,li I .a>IaI>I' PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION Tuesday, April 30, 1912 OFFICIAL BALLOT or TKE Republican Party YARMOUTH Precinct I SMrctor^ af t/u ComnwitwtM OFFICIAL BALLOT OF Tl TO VOTE FOR A PERSON MARK A CROSS Xn DELEGATES AT LARGE ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE To the National (onti-nUiin (ii nominate randidates for PreNident and Mrc President of Ibe I'nited States To the National ConAeotion to nominate ( nndidates for President and VUe President of the l ulled Slates Vote for EIGHT Vote lor only EIGHT candidates In this column Vote tor EIGHT Vote for only EIGHT candidates In this column I)t at L.itl'* —<(riiii)» I CHARLES S. BAXTER of medfoku For ThwHliire Rin.nrvelt 6E0R6E W. CQLEMAN uf bus tun------- f'^or Tfarnilurc RiHjncvcU FREDERICK FDSDICK of fitchburg^ For TbiHxIorp RouhpvpK ALBERT BU8HNELL HART of Cambridge — i AltfrnnU' I'i - at — (Iroim I JOHN D. LONG uF hingham I'lt-UKPd ti> AAllllani lioniird Tnft BENJAMIN H. ANTHONY OF new bfdfuRD I'lpdc*"*) to \> llilscn Howard Tafs For Thpodnrc R«io»»«'vc*ll OCTAVE A. LA RIVliRE of springfifld '(» JAMES P. MAGENI8 of boston—— F r Theodore Rooapvell ARTHUR L NA80N of haverhill^ ALVIN G. WEEKS of fall river - or Tbrodttre RooMpvrlf For Tbpodore Rooarvrlt JOSEPH MONETTE of lawrfnce-———- ••l<-diir<J to AAllllBm Hoirard Tnft CHARLES H. INNES of boston———— I'lrdiird to WllllBm Honoril Toft WALTER BALLANTYNE of boston^ l*U*dKrd (o W IJlinen Howard Tnft ISAAC L. ROBERTS of boston--'— I'lrdBrd to Mllllam lioonrd Tnft ERNEST G. ADAMS of wurcfster rivdicrd lo \%illlotp Howard TafiFor Tapodorr RooNeTelt DoIogAta at Larsn—Onmp AlUimRto 'Pelrcmtpa at Group 3 8 L. BURR LL OF BOSTON-'Iri ;TI For Tbmdurv Roitnrvclr mm ill .1* I THROP MURRAY CRANE u; i al ign LARRABEt of melrose For Ta«N>dorr RooarTrll l*U*ilRrd lo M llllnm Hiiwnrd Tail JOHN L. BATES oi bus ion — PIrdicfd lo M llllnm Hownrd Tnft OF BHUUKl INF-^--—— I'tcdKpd lu tMlllnai lionard Tnft UF SPRINGFIEIO rnr Tkrodorp Honnpvpll CHELL uf BOSlOit For Tbrodorr Kooorvelf 88ELL A. WOOD of caubriOGF SAMUEL B. CAPEN (If BOSTON-'^--'---'- I'lcdsrd Co millnBi Howard Tnft L J. ELDER 01 v/iNlhfsifh I'lndcfd to millam HuMard TatI 8 F. CAVANA6H of mfhfm-— Fladsad tu R llllnm Honard TaK Far TkMidorr Rnnarvcit ■rrrTammrr //y /f'=^C> - L^ ^ v^ -/k-y / '^' c yw ~ (^yA-c^-'f^ (^-o-y^c^y^ :4.ap vM-'t c^arA ^ ' 7 >-■ , 2^/ -7 ?" ' ' / ^^ ✓'"V y ""/^^ /-at 9^/(9 ^ ^ ^ -V <ilcZi^rLO^'4 '7 0( t -Li :> 7 } /i-La, c /M -> /> , ' ■'Ti/ /-?-t -/r i ^A^c^y<X ^y-z^i-t- y ■ 11. V m / ' \ S ....■^ r- (/1 f J IfK f 4 ^ / i ' / (Jlotturjianritt^, S^irf 3nfiitranrp Amaviofta ^uiiwn Ixw. Oo. of Amorloa Prondraoa-'WMlilnirton OoatlWDtel of Hmrtibr* EDWA HY 4 Trader* and Meohanlca Morfbllc Pbenlx of New Tork Pbcenlx of Hartford FltotabnrK Fv D L. CHASE NIS, MASS- Ina. Oo. of Nortb Amerloa BoWoke Dorobeeter AblDffMO Lloyda Plata-Qlei Fidelity axid Deposit Oo. Boyel BxabaQse AssnraBoe Oommerolal unloa Bna Koyal (XAAJ^76 (FA^MtA Jk.yl/^ <5cW' c Jy(AAA^yg^J^AAAt/ n ^ AJ J 77<yK$) 7'{/a!A<^^Uj■GA/(A^A^ ^ 0 A^iAOurjrjLTi^J'A 'To^g 5^ (0fe 'A^TnlTuT^ /^•vr' y /*"/ St /.%^''Cj'x '^' J(^f\ /'-^-O r>—- Cc^ t-jJzeJcA,\•w3.i V>V ^S.^ ^ V$ ^R.// ^ ^ i \■0^ - v^- ' CVX' r.-i n \ A ; ,//.. ^.r. '"-■-s JE\»' ^ ^ a-\>y t5^Doii.^ / ^7 J/ ^?^«rfs-t-br)'=!t=<.— / f-^ P\ •,, . jL s ■ Q^. pj. (iJ-.rg-l i -y >T d:i- -v I-Ss'f 't-S T yf; ^ rr, /c> ^3/, A B F G I* .3 0,^, ^A?-. -'-J3^ a iJ M N O u TK-t.^.i255> Q S91<s T U V W n n i '4«X^ , > ,1 14M^^ '' • - V ', iJLifflitftfni f 1 C-Ka.rT«v~<^-r Cm-V*. ^ aJr. ddr. V^ ^a-M.ojt- Co- "3^ ^raw U n~c^ - 73f^. S hi c D. E a -pj V ' Jj •/<->^/ 'A ^ ^K -3a/ -r Xj M N S3f Q Debt*,- I i Ta Y^ci^ — /e^— s ^ n-c/^ ^«fv7 Cujr, t> ^ ^ ;<2c^^ v3-3/a ^ 'ff T "-^ rn..K^ 3y.« . Hi H %i:' -J ; K * T"' n ' — AS>' 9-,7jy- JfcM^o— fta»y ^-13=#' f -^0 H't, s-va^, A-^j.<„ i-/3s..y7-y^ ^ -V'^- F ,r- /*iV' 'l- f^. aJr. /Ph- 6/ « j/-yx^ y^(# I •' LA^^ '3. £7^ y^-/£2y J K L M N O OaJ-- r- ^ i. - «2/-£^ yf - *2/-.n^ Y boo-Ts^ bu.lAj^<j4- ^if pi^0y9.tvX^ w-V: «5 ' r 5:- "TS- 'i^c<U<JTs ' Av .3<£2 <y-y/a ■V-^-i1-3Ji L yjrss' y/, / /O, //fO ya9 ^ ^^ ^ S ^ y /3^ r^. /-t i'#. ^ /7 a / -Sd 6 / ^V 96 '^>'-9f A3t: /tf* s-'" // ^ =^^3-^0-5- ^77 S -"^ a oi_ 3 3y6 -<^<7 r 0*6 f y9 0 i~5 <=0 -yy y^7 ^9a ry^O ^y y 9^^ y^yy S^v^f ^tiea/^-/ ~7oi^Ay 8u<9/ - M N O 'P Q 591 |v.- r^r h^(uJ^4 j d^. ^' .< -5/^^, ~Id^\X^ t^Tr<> Ofr«-a<^ X){ (S (V 17^ CV^.V/7/ 3/y^/is^ ~Tot<J»9— 'p -- .ro^ )CM '/-a^ ' ^juJ- 591s "i£^ o?«^. ' ^ "S '> ROADS- dlscontinued- Jeremlah Chase to Alex B, Chas< Art. 27, Page 17- Crossing old celony'Railroad 1' Art. 32 Page 17- ' ^ Tov/n Roads- A-28,P-88; A22,P$4 Art. 18 Page 346 :t, River Street A16 P391 1 Eliakin Studleys (V/Y) 27 391 Lower River A 15 P^390 \tt' Alex B. Chase, Weir Rd. Ed. CoviH^, Art 27-17 . Barnstable to South Yarmouth > 23.88Barnstahle to Bass Rlver-2,117j ^ Barnstahle to D0nnis-2,127-14,2'T8 i Baptist Corner 29,347-5,358 , Bass River Low®^? Bridge 15,194-12,225, 13,452, 25,347, 26, 347 Baxter Ave.-28,1V 24,31, 23,61 129,73 27,61 25,88 17,225 12,56V Berrie Ave. 25,324 11,369 23,39? Wm H. Bowen to Thomas Blanchards 29-17 County Rd. to Wharf- 22,72 9,252 County Rd. to Edward Cole 30-17 Center Street 23, 347 Bunbars Corner 15-324 Dennis To S.Tarm. 20-375 Deureax Cottage to Lewis Bay to Point Gammon 31-50 Friends Village to B. River 27 60 24 88 Great Western 21 347, 16 369 George Hallett to James Hallett Lower River 15 390 ,?yannis Park 16 279 50 347 Improvement 16 305 Macadam Rds. 16 346 0y«4er Shell Rd. 3 358, 24 Wm Giver to Beaefa 12 194 Pleasant St. 15 482 Quaker Crossing 18 524 River Street 12 410, IV 410 Railroad Ave 15 346 South Sea Ave. '26 *50, 28 61, 26 88, 265; 334, 19 482, (uJr.fn-- fx ( iSL South Yarmouth ti) Yarm# 12 452 28 73/SO YO |°"th Yarmouth to Depot 20 279,3 289, 21 370, 17 426, 18 0« State Highway 2 178 2 178 1' 10 252 ^6her Road 15 452 Town Roads n 452 Village'' 2I 50 •(M<^ Yarmouth to Yarmouthport 14 36' s^^ahjbhnSon To Lewis Bay H Cash 20 t ^} \ O*.- •r-ln. • f Uu^' - ft -l?,' t3-Y?y ^ /¥>- t> "• ■2—^</«»l, ^'5lZZ/ ^ O >"> yt ov\ I I lieC- - : -^jn, ^t s>£{x,<uIiC* ~ ^ .. •. •■ :* * I ^4 /' v*x<^ k'.^^ t r ?• 't - ^ -iB. tZCJ^ 3--??^ J , 'V ''Tr . «7-73,A^?L S T .^JjUj^ch.,^H^-i£l. u V w Y t i a<JL.O^. p^.aU.^o^. /f«.m77rfl.Mce. o^ ej«.A-/<-l c. o UacTb t-- ptt^tr- <»^—Cn<.asoreT- a-o^/y bfc. 5T>, -2-'^ J r-~ces-0,4/^- f><j • ^ » ■._■ r^/jeye.xt- ^ €.»>1 0/Cl| - li ^'~SPS ^~ ■'?* ^V'-2a vj. / <J-<-<AAl. i. T' TJ V W V ^'^CUAJl^LhtA^ •Cfij' •e^~±L -\ V W yy-^9 w Y tf 5- ) <• S" " f 0 f I " n n ryCri^^ryt^ f- /^ ^ Ct/n-t't^^ /yue/yy^'^ </>»'tyyyx #»t (-ty£jCt J t n .a ^ irx^t. c/f/iyfftacjL ^^^ yy. A - - z - y-/l A^e^t €^jycyL<A^ , ^ U'ot^L^ 6^ foiAor)^ tA^ Oy?&Zfci^(Uy^ A^ //r/yAy-^-u^ &Tf/rnyec<a^ /ne/rC^ /.; A ixe</cfh c/j(j f/t^/Octfc/. £c (Jt<^ fh ^C^yct.yhy cJotA/rr. &^^ee/%a y/^ > t te^^^*o/rt/^f:kk.j4/iicZ^e^ A A^-te 4>lA^/Z>rfAtzfXAj CiAxd Ct/^^ <* y^fZo /:^f> cAc trl^ l>2.'C A irtrZ-Cy f( fx 6 <^0 Accf/i. ft <Dv AfCtX t'AfJU ^ /-Ce^jLAi Ct-ytAL c/ €<.0 ^ (A e x-*^ t/zt-tyA.c/ Cf. O ( Jh. e. 't-x^ t/Zt- «—> 5^0 Ol J<tJit/xt-C-£l?^'>*'xznx(A« ^f Al /Az^ ^ c/ *—> /z/<IC o V t')t i/t^c^ ^ ^6 '-^■'^^ rl€ryAA:)C< Q>Vr ^''CA,^,ryxL/uA eoA■^^y>>Ui'A. ejZ f /y^AA^A rf /e(K^ Ct^^Ac/oU t^cAAiAi'tk, CaaaaU caI^^Aca fyyii^ f tA,/HZZt/aU ^ . f A S- / t/t It i 7» V / ^ * y y-v/ A y:# IfJe cA IjC, Ca f''ey>tyt/7%yt t An y^A/A tXrZ ^t\ f ^ cA<^ ixyAtuy{ Aiff-yyi ^ t /Kh. ^ Ac ^zyiAaxe x^j /yccf^ Azc CxJxai 4it<^i ir^rht^-yify fJu. ftrtxyt^ 4-Cff^ ^i^t rxx^f oc^Ac/ AVty f^J cA'ijr U-^itx/ ^A<. <^0 Jcz-^ y^/4^v / f Ax^ lotxtt u z 0-^€k f .'i.c fy /X-t lf/fU€.r z yA /XX I/If J^U rtytj^ ^<*1 ,A V 4 € (. Ixi'lti^ 4 fiy*'^ <y ('^ f Aa, I tytXr'H, (<"<^4. 'tti.x tc /X c7. »-<H. c?. »7 / ^Cc(/ly^ Oil t*-4. ^C^f ^ ^ I ^ 1/ ^.A<-X^ t i/^tt.0^t £/^0^>X.€'y-t.t,y /-A oh Cc f I ^-4 ^ 1^ e ££c</^ Jy /6 , ^ ^(r ^-tJ-- (-4^1 e^ 4^ 04 h/x- xx t //o^tZOix. l< 4 ^/ /ot /< Jtl t f^ t/i-x^ f />r'h*t OO^ ^4t-X (ory^ju^ (yy El Xjt. A-ZzA. E. /5 hz Ajp r / -AeiA- 'A. CZ/0-<- Ae^/^ ^ Ct ( A tx../!^ Az^JtzyxAtAI- /j O r '■X-A^ {0-tAAV\ t-C-x y.-i ^£<y Ox-(rtrtAA»x.ti, O-i^Ayi r<A-o' ^ ^ rj/ t ix^ /ciix.-7x t<^(/.■( l/yxoi-t'^ i-4\Aj <Ao4a% ^c-Ctxc.yt^ i t t ^ i\ji^Hx Lc Cv^et cO^ lAox, c^t'X-«--z^ ^r>z c*-^xxa_a-x^ lyhx fA\A f triJ^C /i^tnx. f/^tuAcM^ ^ -0 rtt4. ttnx^ix Lx-r <y^ezj7x.y /lCct\ h<^ A^ f Aox^ t/^ f c C<tt tt-p /e e^ y 1 O ^ ^ooh O ^j/ yiCx ftrvtzjx t<^t tl CvtryAezT^^^ /Jx^ J Ot /4^ - cr■f"/ Ax> A 9- CL-h-^ IrzAz/ c/ r.x^.Ao-(y^ 7^^^ /c/CxAf-x e/ zk ^Aajt^/hc^LiAi f* yy 4 c fx Af h tijL, ^ 4< f4t4^ /zAicx^ tyt y<. Oirx/tx, It (A^x/yfyxx^xA fAx cA t >A A COoyi yyx^ f tfiX-At ar? ^Cziyvx-- ^ yhrz/yiiy^ Jth'Z^hy^etS O f,/r^j Ct ye-tAyt^y-4^ Cy-t^ cf ('y-xAx- /A. - Z'>xa-^ C^x Aczhy X y e^rf-4^ fzn^cf /^ ^cyxx^ y « y „^ ^ tertx.yx. /f c< 0* / /jCcx. ^ 6 0> z ^OZAZXC/ ^h-e^c^A ^ fAjx y^ZAAj^zzyf fof CfiAj iyy^Aiyj 2.rc^ Cx-Xxy^ yz^^y (Lp tyyircrft^cttriPix Aix J ^z/kyL^ c Oxi ^yix Z 1^X4. (VVv^ ^Qjy-LaxA^a CTh Zx^zif^ ' . (rf ix Lf tXftyo \Al0 MCz (•^ ^ ^_t ftrtA/Xx txx'yf. Ckxx f 4^txx_.xx^. tAxji^ t-Ct>ioii lx^j t-Xx ( Aa^ ^o~tAn>y^ /h) C£/hy\t':P 0-^Cx ti Jxind tryx^o oy-f ojExyyxxx.^ fit a/ , / ^%jt^ Jii .4ri /'ixA toitj, itx/f CZ eez/tA' ( ixst. loo-f oxxS ^ lilt 'Je/zc/i-^zftx^ I. ^•4>-A y.v-tt Aihzly C^ltrztxM ittiE l l I'Cf/lAl Lx^j t-Xx ( Aa^ ^O-tA/^K^ >4 X0 exx'P ohf Cfixzyxxx. * fit c/ . I lyO-ez/zxc<^x.l (oxj ^tyt/ft-fj OAfA^tU 141 za./~ z ^/c, tu^ lOcttA OytA^ , (Az44.aj (yx^ foL^ Aot^fk- JzAy.. Ctx^^ Ot^ G £zyi^ ^-Aa. a (a^xa^^/q JC&nxx., ^OAiof. tyix (Axa. fLfc^tO- rt'^Y A/'^ /A< ZfXxxA. At^Urxy 'PzAaU ^*tAc/Aty Af^zyxcy^ Ixtrf- £<zneA Ohytu-At. c/aUaj Azlftzf^x, y/ / At c/44.ztx-U hx/tAA cflrxv-yp (At-UOG*^ fixA. /eytzyix <* A^xa/c I 4xa. 6<ypzx^^ e^ -f (a tAJCflrxv-yx (At-UOG*^ fixA /zAtzyix <* A^za/c ( Aa 6<AixA.^^ Cz^ e^ -f (a tAJ /yyUjtlCx a^4zl4^Cz ' z.f '§^XaC<a U'Xx.c/tA. OtAtA JttZA.e^zP fAtA^ IoLaAaAax/j yCAXAA/^ Z2/zz^ Yycf^ yWt c/<W lAp^ lAzAt^oCzxzM JchA^Z^Aytz:^ CZAtAGf Z^ykl*^ CAy^ ApffX^ ^ yAoiiMyixxZ^ Xz.cAa^ > } 7 ^Cf4 tyZAxt-f ^:Al4a-%.o ^yflZ-x y^xx zxx. a-€4'Xyaxxz<x. I I-'aI'-Caa AIa^Ia-AX^X^ A oil. C-tox^ C O'xxx. A Ot^ lr'i\ iAx^ €t(iy\rz^lz*A-t>tn'>tx-yf~ Axy. Y^/i^AOiy— ' / ' J CiUiul^cLctoY'tA* toht(i^l*^Al(ruyvxy^^€z<^^ fI !/iiOtoJizz J./fc/izt iiCiA'Px.cztfl^fiyi} f(hxi AjctA^zAt^ri, fczh/-^tt^S/lht y iiiefz^vtziz iA. Jiz^/tJu^ Axyt4.-CA 'Vx , J ^ hioxxj£vJyat''y^^^Oz-lLf CiJUo Ca ^ZzAy Av dcA^ E^cW Jtfoxxz Ott^e.'l ^/04OPz4>^4ytz/^- ilc^'}(tA , Ciit cAczt^yO AtyzyheJ oicfc/fxxj J)o4ez^ )ixxAx^.x4l^-zfTAy i-Co-iy^-it ZX.10A /^- IS^f^ fe/A C(^A<y^ ^C'Xx-xAf* ^id^y-Cjr-tyz^y E>oz^ ey^ iAeaitccyx^ t r0&/4Z4y»i^ ^AAAqJ / /AAA^CzA^'-Xa^ &€^4y>t SApxAc, J. Jjj t-^i^ J)£lt,i./ l-L-i /^/t^ I ^ n cf^ ^ f 'y / ^ S S' n ffCle,ct(/t*^ ^iry /J^J_, J^tt^^Jttaj-- f-^y. 1^1 i4^,/tl'e.t.*^A".— / jx^ f-^n-i •^?tS' it )/'^/'/fr/ li— ^ cf l-t^f yh ■^^Ut^UJVx V (?//• j.(/ Ht. *r^ cC'. «y.>--<-. rr 3 c.*^ A^ Crt^^e cA \ ^i-^rA ^L-^ tt/i\ b £^ko<? ^ /tn*^ j Ij^irig tA. f 0 f^J<A^ C*A^ Ci^ b^ b/ a-'/ t* y^«^>-T ^ t^l /-f-^Ae-L -5~^ ^ ^ A jj f" C^t^i ceAtt^ /he J2^ * ^ - 1 ^Vvta-x y, H ^/t it j-bt^irx^i u cC^ fit. bty^'bt. i-b^ A/ <0 iy/< /lbA*t_ ^7"^ ,i^ cA tA ^tjjtJ) /A^ I't^f i /o y ^ e ih-ltbl^ , >7 te■'j^ Ib^ tr^ /bxAAbA'^ ^i^- S^€c^"A^ 2j2-/ j ykc<ekt^ oAct Oe t AoLbA ktta^rfi^U Cbx^eA ^^J'l h f^Px. ^ c €7. ^-<f / tu £/ A tfy^ie4.it4_c/. Ct -bt.tA /Ai. f f)vi *x^ ^ /t ^ /tb'-U^ *^" ' /Xa Cb'K. € /i c-e :bvi Jt bx tA t k t-f'^ cA A^-bt eA £^txA_J ^k.7. ^ ^ i ^tJb Ser^x ^-ybb »/A^ l4-^7 ^ ^ jiUui^i-t kbtoA eHt_ kttucAa^Uc^^^f JA^AAetfk fJ i €<r:(kc t-bO icA AA?^ k UA^rtT^cA e^^bA /A4^<^ty t A^4bd Cbb^^yAkce^a^ 2/lb^ C^ k^^cA^bcA ib^bA lA^^ly hy^^/c hr ^/pkfy ii.3^ ^ kr. y ivx ' *•/(T iw'-e ^'>1/V->»^/^ ^xrib^ ^trt^ Cl ^t^€b.d>A^S iAybx^a-i'Xjt.A^e''*^*^ | Att^^eAoHcA Ck^£>t iy<hJAi,<J\jAy . -///i > Ac-,a^.l3,^ Xtta;c*n^Uc^ A]<A CiAf ^ ■ y I f V / /' cA^yv, li^ a /Y C, .MKaa. L^U tn.A M e h / « A- A'ci/fp / J A ^ktt_ ib^ Alri/ fA-y /aJlc^A 2. i 3 kuo-f iA-f e k it/yi e^Ar ct ei'bt.c/ ItH^p ^A^ Oa^oA "S.- fi-Ab/Csn ko-e^ y? y-y• C'€rp^^ (kt/PiAbt^ L-btcA AaIa '^ fi.fy ^Cr-tt/x ■'SaJlc^A fit bt cA. i '-~b*<3 <^k tP9 *Ah ( 0 irp^A J/. Jl/p i^bt 'Cr-t(/X I, "fku^ Ptrtn- t, y^ff^cl yp'7^ t-o y "tx^XAyubx }, r t(H% Ch^ ^^AtlAbbVl )t4 bjtxA^ (J t < cAi /4/X7 * /7x f/X'i^ bx. Cb* -tV JL u ltb'U. Hi, ^ ke^/Ai,^ jZ-u- /<f/ ^kaeken / /ktiy*/ ^' f e/a^iA Ct /Hfpkc ^ Ajlrji-k.^ <it£i.t^ " e,*pAAA^Alir c4a^ c/(<-CtA.-eA bA/hbbA(>L^<bA. ^trxd^ c/b-bi*^ y)a X-<...eA. cf. fy trbxA. j yti-A. lAyhfAL^Pli^Pi.'^^/b^ 1 trA^ y*^ ,V<^Cb7 C ypf iApctyi^^ f' //Ci/x^y kti^cA ( plj-- ,A /1 ^/t*'7£.b^ ^luu f C-*V kiAY f- j Px.'b*^ /£ (? t,^A"^t-^t bA (U.<.^b{ y £l ' bf i^i>\ I ^Apyt-XT^ ^ cAy/r bbt^ . /et.-bA-t-'b-bbO Jit^ CbtboAbbx-^ ' /i /lAj^ O-^ P bAbbb^t O bb Abj y4.t b/tA^ Lb 'Pbb t.bbAAi^^ /f <* i AAbb-A / r/o U ^ k t-A iAbb <A Jbbb <Lbx^ />, /A ^PtyAbb— t/Kb e (t.-/- /AjL-b^ Ji 'l^ a '■ ^ O'-t'At. A-t x,_3 f i i'-bb. It A rA (Hbfi^'^Ax e^ irvA^ ^ 3 ykcc CbC_ A $P* fA- k tL tA £/X-4^ -kx cA''p*-*A. p^xty/ A-bb~t-bAA^ ,9/ ffti-i. t^xeM tb b, f Abtnyb */ //"^i. \ Sflk kitH yirtt^^ Ap cpA bA / c A^b'-b'-xA^^OIrc^ ^-fbx-\ b^ AibA^ J~^ fk^T^x tPAbbxAt,^ Px, ^y yAftf/ibt y )^P< Am- X Sh/t^f^ kfO*? Pb^tH /tAccb^cA: Jp^^p*-r A4^A»Ae^ lycrtAeA /i rJtt^-C^ flb^ 4^ Pibb^ A ttArU^ Ct^xbA tAxx PTbPb^Ab^ cy CbbA/.bA't. tvt»7 /Ha. hit-b-t ef-^tcP CbK-b/ /it-o S^A/^p^' /k\ u bA fPl^b k tt'Xt cAn. I cA Cbbxb/ 4tX C-bt \ e Y tbbi. * 'Jpdx kibbt C'yi^ if(/)tcA^pc/ Ptttbf /ib^ e^bxbP u-t^ \ lirUtA A cAti-b^ fAc/xrcb^ kff^AcA Jy^A^ ^ rA^r^ pSft/A.b*x y [AcA'btbA^ .V Jr/A M AA£fp?o^,^A£^ . A. SA^t^u^ ^cAibb^toA S.AAit ^ Y YiPj , ^if-tc, f AJtCn^lxxci^ /•/A',. P.»'<yb^'i< . J-c^/,4. ^'^xaHc h- /•/<^>^<'<-' (% Af.x, <y^ A PtbiMPt iA3^t-tpJ^ P.AAetftk CPb'7 I ^ir<b.C^( A cAii^yty^ l^Pi-LAj ^'e-PtCJL.!^ Cbttb/I p^yAA hi. HexP»^(pA^^ yct^7 c4 jtc,%7 P^b.tA ^Ci.>'ip,p.-J k Aib:, ktribt^Y /» tAl%.tPbb<^ /^»-*^ <f thrift-* ytp*^ (P^ y.HP^tf~<A fArxx^ ^ti^bi l\ jecpyfTtt Ak^xA*^ (hipt V ..4A4^A P PAj. *J A Y AT^.cr-e 'XA^ T$1 4—t-X Pprt-t-bxbA l^-< t .-h'■*'7 **" oA.^Hbb' keAk hi- Alctt»^ >7 Iy Ia. )Acy>-iPit cttcA ^t-^\,4bXbm S A^€*Jctb. P cAbtP /'i /* A b-b-Xb h ixXAA. AucA^Im CtiuH Yt/tb%b f At b^-Pb-x, acTS /4.<i Ixt K5Jj 7- f 6 eJA. (\ t\ f / d n it /Z- fu \/<■-{■ /s 1/ f" <p ^ "C i/'iyt f ^ j/e QrviA.jA. f t Ci.ec.ey/vd. Cytdd ^ /l-C^Ariyd-.., ^\eil/di..0d f^diA^yd /y^iXA-y ^i.'ty.JddA. "f e/VO /-(_ ^-«'«-r " IavG^aA^ f'/i.yu.yi a, G. (/y^^PVAyv-Z/jLA. ^tyvy'i-'*'^^ Z-~i_ tyXA.^ i/Z*y^ Opi Cr-e^A-VtydtA., /j) jt/yXy/t^Aye.j C^yi..^,.jfid. /lA.^eyvd C<. /lyt^J ^ ,, O^CvMy-XAcd. (yfy^yyodty^. ZitytydvcZjLyt ^ Z\ /i / / »-t^-O tC^i^Lxyiyi. ^tyeyitjL^ -^CCv t/^ , j^'Ct^uv caA /i /"Ptyt /c<.^ . J /1 t v ^ /^Z'^ytAytydd Ca. i.y^tA ^IyCijtyv<t /ILCiy^y^- Lv-caa—Cy^t/l e^ty-ZvAyi / ode__ Z Zxyy^^^rddey* t^*^y ly*jZp'*- ^/v L^yeAyl Cc C. CtAyZ^AjL.^ (2-tydc.cd ZZvA.^ t^**Ayf f2^ fnr- fyt /\/t la/i • t/~J Z'^tAj ^€/~e/~y^ ^/i ^ dd ty-tAd> cf eyZCe^yy ^ ^ ■ (CtAf t, ^'CrVutyv-lr^f (gy^ C^y^ed ^ (/yvxO'V'l f ddeA^y ytA^yZ/P-i. Jl iA. Ayt cdtX^Ad ft ft fyZ\.A.. Zgyt^ /l fyi/t er/ t/t CArC» //i /LdU—i/f- Cy-«yt ^0 C(yt^ ed C /*y€/.e*y^ 1 toZ i lertf l.trtrd) 'l_ y^e-Zccytyt. A eyxyZty? " ^l^JtCfttyiy^ fr^ /Iv-tyAdyf h/^ tVt ct ^Ay7-. ^ffyCyC- //Jl 1/^ dJ CA '' y/dyiyiy ^t^ VA. C^yO ^2-X-C /% lylyiyl. edy^LA- cd C'*y%yL.ad. f> t/Px. <f€ CtAyf y/4-*-..,^ Ol. t/yi^ /Jt,ddyPtftZ/tyf ed.— '' Zl^C-^ Ce.t/xyi t/iy\. PtAdr-t*A.. Alt^ j/tyllti'v^ yiiyp-fyL) {yt^iyt..odt2yL cd_. ^et7 eAZZudPuari^ Zy/ifyt.^ 14.^. 4^ Z/yhA_.eytytyO ix fx u iP^fytytAyZI fA^'^.td. Ci. fd/P-e-'vdy^A^\iTdlyC yjlyt^/Pt. cdciyf 3 (TO. 5. jro f 00 3 0 0 / cre/-0. f O 0 ~Trnr^fl^'dced yixAAyi ynyCe<y}4Aajly1. , tXy^Zh ZAxa.. Cy^ ^ ty^ z4^ le^C. Cc^tyx t ejty4^tAA,d. fli /eyr^yirtyty' QT^-I ty^y^Uyy ZZl tjt ed € eZ. Cyiyt Cky^-vdAAfyt^^ iAdX, (7ytyiyey»nytAJL^ ^ Z\ (>t. f oiyy^ytyxxAy.^ji:' Z/ix^ di-^-'UAyl em /J) Zd^Ld. Cdd^dtUcZ. ^ f-iy*.»d tyOtyxjd^yx-^^yfyt/ZtycZ ^ | ^ ^ J^ ^ (yty-tyviyyt^ SgAr-tyVx4^ ^^ly X., O tyVvZ) ^ cdi_ /-t ^ ety- Zke^ifC^-h Z'^^'fyPVtpJfyy-exdo' • ^ | l/ ttdtyA /h typt ly^^' O irZd tctedkr fyXy fdZx i /? tx (V t i fyxyZxA^x^ 0 erZd t e /e^ /udetyy - , ? (lytriA. iyvi_ / 4^^ Cx tiyZx e ddEy iAyOytyty 14^ <° UyeZ< /iyi^ C^^ rJ. yt-uAtuA ir(r^ lA^^yy? ^ fy-tAdi f 4xy^ Zh.* ^ ^yvty**d y'Ct^y C i/^ edjLe.^ (rt Ctyty. typ<yCL /keZt €4yO /L e..^^Ayx...ty'te ed. tAyJyy I tytjiAA.4< tA *"0 ZdyxA. i/^ ( 'i'X^ ■ C(yeA/ix^ J XyZt/vdyX^cdyx. 'Z- "T- Aj ^ fVe^cyi itC^- 4rx lA)yPAyxy-- JliJL<^^i C* ft /LxJd lAxjC Q_yZ (^AAAyt- Zf- *^t>y» ZyZuyj Z/tyt^K.^ Zc t'^e.*y4~~~ <—, ^txyA ZzL:^i £4.eA.,.A^ ^ JtAy/^ . /Ueyen^ <3 U-^e^y)c4.y^tgA /TiZeyx^ c<. Ofy^yu^fldAd. ff- c *y^^yf-e.<Ziy^ Z4ZdL C^y^cd-^4^ gxA U, ^uZvAyxy^ (h^ CjuZZiTj (%-vdyxycd^ fl tJ^/viAyUA^e.Uyfteyxd ^ ^(rU cZ fz €i e cyy/dZ lAZy- f^ ed^ ^dxyjyv^ ^ yixyx^ j4f^c/dlAyXyty^ t iy*yvyx...J>l<.ee.ottL Ca. ^fyfy*yv fpiA-tyZZjiA.. ZO iAy^d/k- (ydz*. ZrZcZ .OfAAyC f^€yc--cZ^4oeAy/,€tyy. CxAty^AyC 'cd^ e fy-^-Ze^ty e.ty^ dl^yiAyxAAy<-</^CZ/^CayV^^^ ^^ c/^ ^ z^/liaaaa., A, l/^<yyy- U Zyd2rt< yty-n. ^C/lAy-•d/ f^PVAA. y/dteyyd - )kei mtrZee >e^tfefZ Z/k< jd rfeye Z^St k e, t-e d ft fz.^ ^rf^rex.f tko ''Z^"" t-",y/""<- t" /" ''''/y fcT.C'Jrti. r>lttf,c.^, 'f; 7";. ylrlf j /v (yy,,^,.y,.,,ty>ru<^ /i— t", eh.y t.U c^r./yy^. / \ it .<ic/..^< Jc./t/,(<^' f-- <' yy/.r„<-y /• y dt '^' •/•"'/'-^^ "T C.M. cy.'.^y kc^c/U^ ,^^.< fl^c^..,/,.y.,..^./t.^<^^yy/y--■1. ,t/li^a.^ /""'i' " ^ '"^'k//", /'/'7 j/"J '/ Z\is'\ ,j r t A ^ ^/(fx.dffet '/ f KC ifOttxx^f*-x£vrtt f/I'y^ d(c*dx^x< /rtc.U r^J^f.c.^ y J..,./,.f.L r.,.yy... t f ( j t,t X ffe *-x1 • f lyCy e '■ ' ' (, ,i^ (•• ■'* (<■>""'/ <-""''..S^Zf f I -eff /f f^ xj' ' ^ ^/Arty^rxA^x/cfvefC (./i < cd t Zx.> , ej jjdA t p*xxx xf Z CXi>\ xe f (/ & eZce-x. t y < c f f fy (/ f f-». t< ex n- j ^ - / S ^ 9 ..■4_ ( GC CtJj ^j?jt I^Ciyiyt Ge^t /—■ £^ f ^fyc^yi^ Ty ^1 /^ £<O/n^0 Ice ^ s-c^'£'ZZ^ fy^uw /7GC^/?->x^ P^£'>iyiyr^ert^I'*^Gf7 /// C Jl-t^ e £t-t ^ 'flj ^ f Zij f/fy^re/ic/ fe /yi-cy/-<J^^ / /t c f r</-f f eZf^ fZ^C<^ /ert^K crj' /A ^Uey/f'^t.£^ /i> f»^ C^yT^r e^£ ZtrtA/f^ ^ A/' fAju tj-€..<yiyt, ^C Tt- t-i^j t k-\ €'^ e. c-Z €'e^t.,y3-^ C—tt c^/yxc/et/l; Qzf/kl /y^ e^Cfyt, C^f /^yiCco^-Pt ^cZo C^Y AX-t G'/e/s/c £ l-tr / / ^^PZZr-n^eyty-tyyi^. Ccyi^ c:£ ft ey>~c. fl Ct (• £ f ^^—f-£ iy-t^ty'l.''X^ £"€1 ftfi ^0 G t cyi.^L £<_ /Ht trcf X./lc-i /trt /i ^/i-^- f cCl. £ii yf Ce e c^ /?£l CC / J-ejt^ C<fitcy. / Ct c/e ey^,^ fyt-C /C fi/^yf-^ t^ty-f f €lyf<x^ /)—£ P CcZeeriy-t -fZ /yte^ ^A Cfyi C'< G t C (/I. rZZx. f 0 /-Xo /li Cl-^3 ^yirCt <tJe.tY — 0% c4 ' Cfy^ f/Le ^ Cyf-t/V-e c ftc£. /t /? <, fAiP ^</>Cf yyt-^ GlTCoi^ a£ £ ft ei* C*yf^^f'VA^ ^yf t-pGe e, ^-f Ct. C-aA P Ct t ^ /(n-iyfl , fyt/k-e^ c^-t f4%_*^ Pcyfyt(-i\ J( cCty , C^tc£ erkt (A.ty /Pi C^yf A J € cfe_, ■— •-ypf^o //n (y ^hf p/ec Ct/fiyhu Clt ^ Ctytyk^tyi-t f L /ZjLg^-CA fZ Ctttr-G Cti. fZtA. ^oYct- 6>o^/ ^ffryyt. y/)f/k-f/%yi cfCvt^A PtCtnA' tx^£y^ f Aa^ feoyyx^ Cf^ yterfc/ A^Ct t ct Chn oj t ( ^ K.^CyCft/Y CtyMcC f/n Ctkj— c/tA^ flyf A* toyi-L ^ (A ^^C(/lylC(yyi.f (yiy-ftA. ^/y%rtAy\_ e2tc-et-\^ ft A.er-e Cyit. //> fyt-A- c/Wk^t c-^f~ leyykXAA Ci-^at ^Zetoju irY Ch^e^liOA^ Ct^-trx-e A Ct t. ct ■ ^ f'ty-C C^X. C<y) I ctfiyt. Crt-yyK. t Ct yl-t £ ^ a tA /fyfy^ /Ctccny ^Y CCj^ <2 t. . U I y . 0 ^ ^ .^ (SC/^ts/ £>-XJLyyf4tCyyLyiACfnyicJt C Ai I t/y\ ctof c/ Ck-i^tyL CtY^f-y tfe/i ti CtJiy^ ^ jljyAA/>^C -2y^ ^Lt e t. 7f V/ ./ft 4." ^ l> C/tA £. It tA Jy CVytSyO P ^y^Cn^jAyf-^CAyt (4^ t\C<Ay^££/yyt^tt^t.»t tAy-t/Ai /At. Ct-ttyi-t^- J'lir^/t'yt^ er Y^'^/"ct CeYtfcA tA /X, ^tri/AyxyXy^iy^-y Ji/act^ ^ Pcrtt-(^^1 Ca, ^CtA tyt t / A , J/ €OA. e^ ^turiit.t^..pfet//cZ lctytnkxtt.(LYc>4-^ Pit^ • A f Vy^^'l"CC/yyiiUtH */}^Ct it/JxAttyi tici tA-r .Oyiy/ACL^ . /Y f/h^ to ^ CAtyktt CAA f f ^ Ctf t-t^ ct PtcYy^ h X<-y(/ Sc/rt jteyy^, rty^rJ tf.t.tir^^icyvtiii Pe ^('y/tyt Ctyf-t 4 ecxyc-^A ct uy^ 4-eY^ny<^ fA<_. A -mt, (£^ tfy/ctifiAj Vc-t/cA /yi't..i t/tZty ie/iy JcA-y/tyt. A c ki-t /ci ir(t, ^ ' ^/7.. f /)r^P hftyv-KA> GjUyk Ayt^ff^j (Jct/c^ /yt'U t/tZty ■Afytt (itt^ jpyCt ct*— Act ^ A^^tctYt/et^Cj f4iu (cY ^A^tA^tCAt/P ^/A-iytty^U^ h /ly-t/ty. /a- ItxA/f^c^^ J^tYet CtA fyLt. /trcty>.y Aerct^ it, f/^Uykt. Cyt. fyYtA/h/AA/A c:tc.y.j lA^ /?>7 Ct yt c A. / ^r4rt CtyiAy^c^^ f/T tU^t4 ^ /t.t^JxAtyt.Y'n^ fh^Cy^A^*^ ^ ^y^ACt^ ^tctUyCA J/Ayf ^' ^crUcy/ /}%t.crC<-tyty^ oA Ac-ZCct fyAZeZ/ £aaa^ ^Aaaai PLcY'lytA^AyA cTZ/ZYtA^ Ycryftnyt-Zi (V~trtA^ jpAytyTy^y^ ^ /Att S CcAyJ tZ^AyAA -YCtOt e*4. CUyyj^ct /Yxety/~ ^ ()/< CA* fc-t, 'A CAZt/Acy^ocC /ytciyf Axa^ /AAyy/ (Aa fP ttAAyC- ^ fttA. TtZzZ^ CtytLtZ ^CiytY<^f^ /rz.tA>A.eytA CAye Yca^ Y ^ty*. Yct-*'^ A*a^ ^Aytrfe. C ft. cA -yY^Ajty^ /O CAnytA^ c/ty^ & cy^ cY C-'y^yyf d-cy/ftA fa C(/Attyttet fyptA.. /lyxrfL y^t* fAZA Zf rht.*y OACttt I ^ pAA C^h ^tyz /YAYck-'-^Ayr f///fZt^ P< Yd OArfc ^Cfytytny- ^ ^^y^tfTZAj Ct cAotytyYZZ f>> ACty>yy /2tAytA. Scaa^cU^ cY ^^ £ytA/tyy<yU ^ it*. l^^ rtr^yiy , y^»/ /Ay. JyAyTyRyyyy £t A <A/«- I ^ I ft ly*y^*Y^Y Ag^U CcyCtAXAA/ Ct^f fAcy^ Ct^y^ ^ \ Aei/ttyl. ft yZfAt^ ay.ety.tA.trY Ot^ c4ty^^tf/)ctt^ I .j4-f/ty%yt /AAZfCfytrty? tPcA c* ~ <^yO<yfC. 10 I r*. iji \ ... I I • I v5 V s V % n » jj- :11 BAJi^'f<TAJiLE, BE. ' ] To either of the Constables hi the Toion of Yarnitndh,— Oreelhtg: It) ilio uuiue of Lilt! UotiimoinveaUli of Mti^sa-' cliu«(ilU,.yoii lire liorcby lumiii wl lo ii<«it >• ih^', iuliaiiitfttiis of itic itnvu of iaiiuouLli, cjuallflttl] to vole in elecilous. to mt'ct at tlic Town ? Eloiise, In said loivii, on TUESDAY, the sixili day of November ut-'XL, U being ibc TntJsdayJ after ibe Muuday of said inooih, ai u Ine of [lie clock ill tbe foieuooD. to bring In iheir voles for PrcKidential Electors. Uepreseiiiaiivo . ill Congress (First District). Govornor. Lieu-' tenant Governor. Secretary of State. Treasurer ' and Kccciver General. Auditor. Attorney-Gen-® n erui. Cnuiieeilor. Senator (Cape Souutorlal" rv Oistrici), Keglsler of I'rolmte and Insolveuev, County Treasiirer, one t^ounly CominUsiruier for tbice yeiirs, one Comity (^niiuissioniT lor 0110 year, one Speoiiil Coaiiiiissioiier, Kiafistcr of Deeds, and two •l#prt'speiiinilvt's ■lii IfciieralCourt (First District),You are jctjiieslod to bring in your voteaprinted or disiiiielly writleu ail on one linllot. And yoii are directed to serve tliis warrant bypo.sliiig ultesied copies lliereof iti fi ve publicplaces, tliree on tbe Sojtli side and twooutlic Nurtli side of said town, and by one inser tion in tbe YAUMOi-Tif IvEiitaTKK and Cape Con iTUMBuveu days, ut least, before the lime of iiolding said nieeiiiig.The polls will be opened at nine of the clockpoiJ in the forenoon and may lie closed at one of theof (Ills ^ciocK ill the afternoon. Hereof fail not and make dac returnswarrant with your doings thereon to tiio Se- icciiuen. at the lime and place of tuecilDg. oa 1 aforcsiiid. * * Given under onr band this si.xtocntli day of October, in the year one lliousaiid and eight hundred and eighiy-cii;ht. Stei'MGN Si:aii3, 1 SotectiueuTiiaciikh T. Hai.i.et, J- ofEdwaiii) Lewis. ) Yaniioiiiii. A true Copy,—Allest, cl ETU TAT1.0U. Constable. ■sr--'. ^ ftOlC ((lk. 0/z e-<^ ^ ajt C</(f r/t aC <* €t.* € it. / 4iX. ^3'^ i f t e. CSS /3 Cc f C I'f. ^ ^ ^ ^ /5 ^ ^.t €rt.< / / , a /l O - e.'t C/Z/f & . ^ S'~S S" tf y {t/x. ^ /'V-V.fA. f* fti ^L* Ac X /4~ ^ Cs'f- / A £''*.x f^x.t. e.4. /trXc^-^ c Z.X ie^£.y c/ey )C cie7*\Axt. A £-t.-*s.c/ f 1\.Aj ^ dlt I ^ d trx: A ^ «■>« ^f £le£teyss. d A er t^r rAt Cs > ^ f ^ (ry^ AA C^y*. (AlJf(f£Ay /i { 7^ S t \Z 'Cy^ ^ <Ja y%Lzf //• ^'A-v/y ^ Cf t>x l-t esij'ch'yx ^ Sj\%i iyiu dz*//cA fJxc/i^ tnx /Kc ex.esy Z <c A f > H.€rrP'^ (Sai dttc^ Ayr^zzf/ktr/(taxo/ yA£>7.7 £4 6. ^c*y S ft y» i/0^ P't/Y ji' A . ' Jb ^ tyf SAciU ^tA.■-U. /'A'- CV-<. aMa ^^c4m\.' ^€( y^lrtt ^Ivo 1<^<A.^ fl^ €-<. ^f.^ /t t\,\i 'Z ^<? ^ Or/}rcf TPt e*» C/^ fc <r^ ^ It > t cZ/hx Ct-1. ^ Z ,^-C ^ 'yyicn-7C-- ^9i3€-^/y .^-e/p-ey>^ j'yyxt 4^ c'^ ^Cf.t4..y^ JL L^Ucf^ c>i -iejL^^ie 'yi4'/\/^c/r€.i^cf ^fy /k « ^-c ^ tecZvp }-^ kct:eicf^Jytrf if /S I'y/I'U //ct /l ^'y* c//v-c r/ Ckf^c^ ^-e-^-^^/y yhcp/k^f/t^ ^ y /3^^v?V^, jJfyZy r C-c-l^ir^ fyttc/p^ C'-e f ^*t //1,4^ ^rr f /-»'», J)f ft*-*-''-^^ C^^TK/t- I PXa^ Jk ! f\ t\ Ly k^-4y£tJzjkliAiet_i yt, y{£i(ei\ k)iyfi>f / ve«j /iti) ^ It.yf cf f€c4 Co^^f/ pkctTT%^4,i^ £/~y (y €o-tc y*. J<yi(*j Jcp< ^ ck/i J- ^(y Ci ^ {c /3 ^ p f c i-t '" c/^ < l^ixiCL. L}tei>>xl^ cy IfxXtvt-i ^i/h ^ C/e^Zpf^/- &ft<. ^kffc k^of'^Z^cZCk-^M/ rh iJt^ ^I^')y4^ n H A 4 yz4y irr II !' I' y ^f>7 /Xf//J c^ ^ t^yfx. lytf/^^ ft^t kcx pir/Cyt4:i Sk^e^pCt^f kf.^Jre l Ye-y ^ kit^y/ci^ ^ < K /^ Ayi c4^t:<^r yrxft^^j e^ klc yta, ^lyit. p4a^ (yitx yyi/rft. ^ XTlx^p/PeeV Ot<l^^i>tt JfTfi t^^y yA'ttJC. A^xrtc/vrrZ / A ^7 ^itfUfohe4Z<n^/g^n c^ /5tV«>n ItX^ ky^.4i€i/Pr^ i ^y ^ t^rytyy i3'i^^c4/t^Jir^fht^'^<^pp^ ^c\t^ Jf Jfcot^cfZ C^ Jyy^xt ^y t^ye pv i (_ t*^t£(x Q^itit^iftt y-4x <^f'lff-x Ittx.^ ^Ai£f Al tx Pk t:/i-tc/ ctt^e/ikt£^ d I'j ^c r £• t.y . Vcy-f <Kc</ /3 C i-y y kvc A €<-ytclt-rc^ £'4.f'tc4 4y , jr^ky ^?k) Ci/^ f f ^ Ay. ^/7r-f^^pt.€yZ ^Ald.c<rp\.C Ixi.'y ^'^xLj^yp* ^iu l^ir^ OittyyyiA^ tr/ ^Vf- fkjiele^ li-^ c-^t^l^cJ- f. i-^tc f ^flo~eJL- /^tcyidyi-^ci C£^.e^ ttirpx^ <^ ? ^tn- Skoi'i-Ziy) i4 i'}4.44 V €^ Loxjti A tA/yt cf :\ t of rpytdZ J (?/P£ryi4y &nxy jl/fl^ £ ^ cstcu^^f^ ^r4y Z/htCcMcyy^ / oLr.^ dfchpklUi^^rX, (j S-4c<yr6d^ ^4-444-^ ^ JYeUkiJc kcc^ ku^y^c4^^ef /tftitc^r)^ ^ A AAcc^/jyi /ht /beriArt^ ^Lc Ottt^t^ €^ £r(/4'crty ^ '■' f. u JO ^/Ptt/rtA P ^i/tAJcff^*^y Akorc^f^ Uut> kftni€4^< ot cp*,^4 J^yt-c^'Cy C£PiX> kcClH-extc^ ly^okf ^fycrr^j^i^ ^4>^/py A k^/P£/PA lAr~£A^ " " " Z4 I Akj^h^ S. AiCtA^eT^^U.e'^^^/i^AnJy C-n^ \^0-£c4yA^ £ J. A prAt djiyx^ ,d<'ydy M Ay>A I ^A-£ i4/ktdc ^Att/^4rCi r^Ac/p>- Ot a>^-4^ yjz At^Aef/>i.&tA^d ca.-*^*4 ^AajuJ ^3 '' '' '' Z7_ ^ k^/yit^c Af ^ J iii/zktfyndnudcM^^d )}cU4£a- AftZT'fAAj ^^Zij ,4</P€/^ L* k ktAAb drvX ^ (P ^ PotA^pp-- k^/pxo4fpid efpxtA ^-<Ay4y /yit/n^H /yf£.££a/put S kltt^irM i/^ £44xky jd^arC/^ feiA-Ao Ay ^-trttiMAA ^Ax CpAcZa Ax kp*x 4~ri ^p-y q//^^/# i»t ^ ^ ' ?f4n^ tXr-X^ 2/A AC4- k ■£X^dA-cd Ctt^c/4-€ArX> ^4yV \ JdklA 2 J! kfiA-a AifAKd/V^doinid ^PA^'A^4y yj* v^ jvlfXA )y. &lryxien-tKA^ £ i€A>l.ftA^ ^/y/j v^V^ ^ \^ jv4i%^ fifCiACcx^-d/y. ki^A'Pi sN Oi t^/7%z,Cc^ ^u '^C4,'Ty ^ ct^d^ tt^ IZir^ ^trx, i S<yK,dj ^^OC cr^ AfA C-y^ irCjL O7. .1A /yyt Im^ i/^ S-t^/-&rC\ ^v- /a/i t.^_d'i,^-o^. /P/ je.eA-^ c^-^ S&a.* b^ /t (-A. Xl,-€c^t c/.A^ e>C Ct.-'i^c/ fXi/y<A3 ^ ^^Q^CC'^c/e.^ i/^ <XxjH^<M. ti. trb ^ t* -^--f c/r^iT rj c/. ^ M.^'hctolxt^ tf^ (^€tA./yyi£^4L A^<yU4^ j''tXvv^ Qyi X^e/tivt^ ^'J t/4i4£e 4rzarrf^ ttAt^4j^ f}x4^/-y-^t C~c^ ^ Xu. -ix *^4) Tc/>' l i-TSc? XL I j . ^ft-'Ct ->1 c4 'X^ c^ Ct I. ^aL ^1 kc*o^^ ^ J_Cic/cL^ J/viXy^yj^^/U led 4ttA/Ke4^ cL e/^ ^Xret^a^ . ^^Xu. f>i£t.y?^d<. If-t //i^^ ^r>- .^J-^crrin S flt^f/>icL/i^ C.4 Cf%i£4 firdo /^-i^ ^Ai. .)Xc-ttdmrict^ iTj ltd JitA^ci^cL c^*-^ €/yt^> I ^ey0tj>z iT^ jYct^Ut il<Le^ A<rxl^fyL \ idz t^ rn ^ XtAZdd Ma fi/yA.4^A^4oMA^ la Xtt^UnAf/ c^^c/ ^-tjLy Or^ hcta^^ J llct/yiclu/L'*^J\Q4j*3 Zu-o An^otnA bL Ovitld y' jtrecrxtAJz^ [ "^A-t LuXtoLe ^ef^xLn^ irj ItAltArCf ^trtAyi^cj^lLs/y- ^A-iyGn^o^- 4 k.tA^c4^M ou^d in^ /Wi y'txr- j C J\^ i\.Q.i I4i t/^ l^trtt'^^itAJ ^et/^ MtA-t^oLfx^oC. eA^t'*~e4 ^('irCnn Cj (ji4i^ ^dflcttx^At^ y Xcecn. hCiAtA^ ^^ I ^e-kiOA^y i i.^ fhitjUU4i.lvr^^ j IpAd-f hetr^xtL^ '^^l-c^Ac'Ct ^ X*- -^4iA. L^c*Ac 1 fA A t-cyytcdrc/ £<x-^ c4 ^-di^ 'l^t^xt> '^' -hctcf-t U 3-/^ c^jst Ca-U -Xi ^tA-t'^ t4o-t. c4 JSitrc-*/ jS^/Vt-*^ >\ / "V v 1^ 0^0 \s ,Vn / .« Itf'iA.^ e*~e^ /y^€^£dZ( £f^ ^AAAtld ^cf'y 14at /XlfL^ ZtAA Jecfy^ I XAa Ca/Ix. dt- d-K. e/^Izt/Le^ /Ic-^a/aa. X)eAo^A Cat**^ [ Xit/le^Al(c%ccL^^ cc^^ ' ^/^yiof/l^ceAj XSAtA/r^ct/^e £kAj%x^^^Aa£A^ Xit/hio4aa.o4 t*-*^ iXttA-Z^ Aaa^-^ ^tr>Lc*.lAx C<A^'t-»-i^ Xyt tt?^4 Alct/Xtt^e^ ^'trtt/x /aa^ ^Aa Ca/A cA4<_yit e fy>^ Lc-~ e^Ati 4^ C^i. ^t_*A tA?/Sl*i*t^<*--»tj^ It^AAAi XAAyi'AA^--^^f'^icj4a-<.c4 Cxaac4 '^Ko^ia /Irv^^t>x, f/yyiCi'^ ^ /^itA/yt^4.xlr6c. qXa-o AAf/ii^AAcZ £^*■'*■<■*4. I/ACAJ ^Vldx^cx. y Pctd^ y' ^fqc/^ XffAAvy^ XZ^ZiZZt. £^c/-A^c4^ ^£4/>A^&d iXlldAAA^ XAa- l4ylldA />! rATi'^ L~t^ c^ Zcx^lL^^d ^C'~l<^^4.y%y (X/f^ct-.'A^tt'iA^ A'C-e^ iA Aa (c/r>^< a4 t^e/ /2-Z^ jtr^ SA{(ge^e4e4A^^ ^Ac:^*^lk£f^^ cA-e^ AAi.^e4yt.A^ ...^d^/yA/^^iCy dtrA> dMxAt JAdn^coZ y. V.te^ t'A.ZAx^ A 4(A^ 9h.tfAAd^r^<i4a^A4 Gt^o^ t/yxA> O'-t t t^iff^7>x£/yx I i4-Ctl/el4 £^ Alcc//xzt/»s^ Idre Aa e,^ &6%^c/ lAA^t^Ux^ ^ ^ A^4-iA^/*d> <ffcxl^ ^4nr<j fl(IZct/yi^ y^ ^Xlcx-a td c^X jee?i\ Ja^t ^Ak- Ox^i.t^'n^ C-H^ i/^ A~c<.Z4^r4i Jd- ^ u^ A 4e'>^£4cMi ^-*--vy4yyy o^jyA <J^-€ttellx It^v-t At^yp^a4n^eZ Ct^el €y?vC^ PldT^Zpa ^A £H 4lli.fit4>^ t/f 'YLy cX>Ci./p^t fd ^ SAfi^4?yt Jtf.^c4ci^ei ^ppx-x ?A. t^-px a4'*-<^ c</^ cZ lAdtdy >^L£ 3 y.Hpf-A^'*^ ^ f(Pi/Pt.^ffv^*n^ Uatv Apt^dn^d :^t y^'riH./ex^ y /yfi4^t^4- a^yx 4a^ 16 .V J^ty9(yi-1^^- Cv-tAy:3 J'%/U'V*<e4. ^}>trL^^/4^ £^ ^ (P^yiryt.^ CC*yt Jz'^-1.y*x cCt^^ ^ cl .-2^(^/1^^-t/yLfp 2^p^' iy i ^ •<:^€ jf >Or^-2_ xs^Cyi^ -a- /)Z € ^ly t<yf {jp-y..^ /i/y^ c^ l^ \f)r^ P^ /)iuJly<^ ^'€i//y>x i,x^l4r- ^lA^^SQ,4a*<//J2.'' fTj ./yt^/yt^ fii^ Pc/^Zf f^i-^ &'l-*^^e^ (I^A-ot-A C-t-x. / ^4t, ZirCx,*-^ fx-fc-t-c O tyH..%^ft. e4 Ci^t-f f t\y' .■ y^/ly^rPY^ Jt<i 7^ c4 Aj. ct Cittr/ PA/T-CXj . Ck. ^>>-T/ ' * t,'t'^\ t '^t^t t t''^-\ f fx4^ 4 It- i,4,'l^ f .Ax-yx <--, o^yy (P £ 'f £4 f xx-^ O-f r c yy^< Jr^^jJ-Cf t i-'i -y^ e.x^ ^ y/cxu t (2-f / er^ C^-tftP^A -7^ Zt-'Z'-^-} Y-1^ 4-^9^/7^ a4~ ■Ayiy^kyt-lyt/L-(fiXM^ I P!>C<^tx ,. Stc^/zx^^ CTl^ _^Cnf-c^ryx ■^'y-f'kj /8^S- A^lu^ y^yxxx //l^ O-t^iryiyJ c (l^ ^odx'3-tn-T^■Yniiccxt. in .^'f- J tey^{.L^jyxL4z cluyt^ aj x^ittidL. ..fVcriYy^l^ ■ zX4. JUrtnAd llcWcl^ y /6( h ''iAAXx/f ^i'~l4_/tyyxy-iiizu^ fl itUx flox^xy. 'iy^ikdjyL^.U P^U'fU-^^tk^^^Jj-tdwx J. idxfU^U^ 3 ^ ' ^ ^~L.x.y. f ^a-Ccj5< ^ ^Ctttx£lct~<^i<^ h.pR,^yt/*-l/€^Lo 0 Uu.s-ixC ^ ia Li ^-5 7 1 /7 3 U 3% J 0 if /zy 3 Taz ! 0 <C ff ^ii-y it (a Z CL ^2-7 ■s-2-3 A 0-7 r %. t u U / / 1 (»% 3 / i }%ot. y\4 / jx. 17 Jtc£/ljtt:C£^yx.x^ Sxx^/Z ^ ^4^ Pi ?^al7yLcl^ ££^ /iiyty^^-^ ^ 2.^4^ CVx,^ Cte^e/ZZt Ca^- Acyn^Jl^/»..£*y^< /s / ^-pCA-yr Oy^/f/Pyi PI Ji^fi ^C/W.<^y%y9 <®^c « P/T'yttyvx t/p- 6a C£ ^ pi ^cc fxx. yyxt-^ 44c€y4y^ ^ /py^jyr^ /yc4.(tc^ P^'Ayx Pux- ix^4-0 ^ 'y^ Pe W/ ■/Pi ct-x^A Town Meeting- Warrant BABNSTADLE, ss. To eUhif of die Con.ttablpK j'u (he toicn ofYarrnaulh, iti the ConitUy of Jinrnstable,— (freelinn -.reeling In tho name of Iho Commonwealth of Measnchii-p«ite. you sro hereby dirocttid to ooilfy the (ututbUMnte of the town of Yarmonlh, qnalUIcd to vote Inelections and In town affairs, to meet at the TownlIouHo on MONDAY, the uluveuth day of Februarynext, at (on of the clock in the forennou, then andthere to act on the foJInwine arilclee, >-li!:AqtioleI. To choose a Moderator to preside In said mcetinc.AnTtutE x. To choose all nccesaory town ofHcerafor (he cnenlng year.AdtuilbQ, To heir Uio annual report of the eicleciinen and act thereon. AdTiuLBt. To eve If (he town will raise a enm of niouuy not to exoae<l ouu thouwiid dollars to defray the ex|>cne(>6 of the two hundred and (Utiethuniiivcreary celcbrndon of Its Incorporation.Artk-lg 5. To sec If tbo town will appoint acomaiitleo of ten as a committee of arraogements.with full power to carry out all Ihc necessary plansfor (Ills coiobroUoD, Ibo expoueea not to o.xceeu tho Bum npnroprbitcd.Abtiolb S. To liQur tho report of the Fish Oom* mllui! and all other coramlcteea and act thereon. AuTtriiT. To choose (wo School Committ<K> men. oue for three year* and otto to flti (he unex-plrcd lurm caiisud by the resliCOBtion of Wm. J. Davis. AUTCCLB S. To choose a Hoad Commisatoner toail (he vacant^ of (ho one expired. ACTiotab. Toeco U the town will choosa a Plah Committee to act with a similar comniidoo orUio(own of Donnls to regiiUilo th<! fisharlcs in Bass Itivet. FoIIIds'poji'I imd sircuins cixinecled therv-witb and all other ponds cuulroJJod by U«> town.AaTtona 10. To ehooao a eommlltec to ecttlu wllh the late Town Trcsnunir.Ancii'i.a 11. To eeu what sum of moiiny tlu-town will raise for the support of (he poor for on- suing jriuir.AtTiotB ifi. To ere what rum of money the(own will ra iau to pay Town Ulllcore a^'Commit-tee's fees lor tbejmninK ynar. lyAuTccL* IH. To Bee what sum of money thetown will ruire lor Iliu support of schools tor theeuriiliiR year.AuTK'be 14. To ess whal satOiQf money tlu-town will ra ise tor tho rsfMiK ef raiae and btldge*f the Kond Commissioner Ic procnre twospriuklcra, one for each side of tho town, and ralsg, ia sutn of tnoncy for their purcluiso and nee. [Bs;ireiiaest.! "■■■AnncLE S3. To sec If the town will inslrnct thi,'Roud Coininissioiicr (0 hanlen IK- lows way le^liiz from the corner of Wto. Oliver's homestead 1(A to Iho old public way leading from (he resldonceotMlllurd F. Jouex to Base River, iiud sec what sutaof (nouoy tho town will upproprlaco Vhur<ffor. [B4rcc|ues(.1 Aaritxa d4. To son if the town will anthorieaIhu rumuval of the pound from wtrare II now etnndiin Ihc town's land In Uiit rear of ifao old Church oa the North Side. [Dy r«i|n«il.1Anri' LE Sb. To wo it the town will rsfso moneyto remove ihu pIno tree® from the cemetery on the(forth Side of the town, (fty rociueat.jAnTiOLE BO. To H« If Ibo (own will anthoria,(he Road Conimissloncre to wldau thn road lesdinsfrom Jerumlali Cbasu'e to Aiox. B. Olitiso's. fBsrcajnest.] iAbticleST. To SCO if tiio town win dlseoDllonliheiowuway from dereminh Chfls<!'s to Alex BlChoso's and authorixe the Rood Coinmisaloaon Idlay out a new road irom Alex. B. Chaae's corner toa point on Uie Weir Villaftv riKul opposito ^waC'ovU's residuoee. [By nMpissi.]Abtioi.gS3. To mo If the town will snthorixthe Itund Cnmmissiiiiicrs to riiailuiiu ^xtorVavuLiie ill West Viinuouih to llie shoru. [By rol IpU'St.] fAbiioleOT. To eoa If the town wlllvototolaj ^ (.,x f ff" J ^ Ay. /ffiifjtj ft t fx/fti/te/ / Jly. ^€p/cti.ftxj //t,: /V t * »* // ^ ^£ J, y rt P. yPy^P/f I out u tcovD n'ny forty feut wlda Iram tlia b^rlsfonieroi Wm. II. Brown s liouiosteiui lot. in SoniMYarmouth (Lower Village or till- fiisuiuB year.Anricua IS To see what sum of wonry the townwill raise to my (own dahle,(I. I'o aus wliiii sum of monuy (ho townAimois Iwill raise Ibr repair* on puhHo tHiUdininAaTp'i.K n. To sen what sum or ra oony thetown will raise fur uilrccllsuaau* stpeoiaa. ABTtcbE Id. Til sou If rile (owu will nuthnrlKsilicTown Treasursr bi UIro mumey to pay town dubta.ABTtoka 10. ToKo It Ihu town will pay a bounty oomttakrais.ABtiOLB 10, To m If Uip tow* ttti l lovMi ihc" as.KW.te"''"''" aniu , to the private way olTiiomHS Bhinchard's, Also tn *><< u|,nt Hotn olmtiiicy (he town will apt'topriato Uiercfor. [Bi reiinest.l xARTiuUi ao. Tn MO if the lotvn will vote to aelfcpt thii way now In part open In South YarmouUillendiuR from the l.'ouuty nniil at the S<iuth-wust«rlauormirof Chas. If. llanvanl's hnmontend lot to Ihlniihllc way iit Ihc corner ol the hixbesisad lolformerly ownsd anil itcciipiod by ilie tato Etlwa^Cole, and to sos what sum oi mnnny the town willappro|>rlBte thereMr. |Uy rsqiuM | rAKTiObsMI. To toe If (he town will Meant thJllrt of .luron'. as presentcil hy the Selecduun 1ARTtuuBSS. To»oi( Ihi-(own will dlaeonHnnlnil thtt town wnraotosAiiiU limOid Colouy Rallroai]III or near tJho Sntitli Yaruiatilh Blnitoii and aoB^Ithu two DOW Road J[ /?>// Al/ pA? y^xe'B'f/A , JPtzx. ey /P- A yJlYf If Pi^tA--e-x P/'mypx yPox. A )"t '' J^*t fX s m tirumuwd hy thn'oid UtflOnJHallrmU aud InU opt ^lirMtod ti) Iwrvp ihlswarlra^^^^pMlfog ailcafail e>iptes irisrv>id at oi^naldiJplautmli) nid town, fhrv on the Sonih Side amitwo on thn Norlli Side. Also, miu pulillcnilou la itYarmuotii RitotMiBnnd in hm I'spe tM flain]suven days at )cu»t iMtuta Uiv IIhui of htdAna i mi-uilnK.Hereof, (nil hoi, atxl losltt due RUnrns of HtliWarrant with your doings ih rvon to llioTowiu '■a: Ill iho VMnr i,l rttip I si^alJnnuiiry, lii the yeor uf our Lord one ft cmnuiialgiit liundred aud eiglily.nlnr. KTMPHim SKARS. ) %la(HWnrtTHAUHKR T. HALLVT.i-KDWARD LtCWteU f TtoMoUi.A eopj—AUMt: ' ■ ^ ff I yt tc If / P>4 o et f* 'P y 11 Pffjfi i f ri y^Pc >"v», 4 f ) t y Ct Y 4 X f ^ i' P/ 3 f I r >■? ci(*yJ P^/ €4 Pt -it-a L t t f ■yx.A •.Jri 4 t/ P' *■ p'4 7 t j/tei,.-P. I y-VX < O tr A ^ P) ( > <r cjtr / P^' £ »■* X / 44 / J r f A, ■ Pliyt-X /V* Lt-a P'/ftXi U <-A. / r / V - / /yk ,v N / / /vV ^ v->' L<> \ ^ 11- ^ t ^tj t''^ / Itx^ cJ,'} t Art / f /^re j f ^ *"2^* C/^ " AC/Het I, UtU A tt» lAecAtC^x^ c^tt.»i f it ftrtf-H a.. /£■/ e<^//Ju. iitto^ ■'Aci^3^_ Ci.t ■^€<.t.cf /I'txi- r-t't / Ai-c £/r K i-T f A €'fri^ ^r /-yirc* y / ^ T y>cra A Cti.xcl J^t>- ^ Jl ( t f xr^ ?/^f r A < *r /Ax^y/t'*-t^yt'*>-y t ' _ 4 ftfff A {%'' Jvf(L'L^xx^ Al it'ti-Z f.l C./ 1^, *-/ /A ^ i t Jitt\\tl-i^ cy JA ( ^ ^^l'>/y /^ hkutU^ ^ klir,l^-t ^S' A At^j-e II A.Alfi-xxtA Aucl /2_ Acu.i fo c<t/ tz,x y't $ 1 r '^A ^ 7t t t^'XA.lrt^ ^ ^rrt.z.j_ A/ri/t i A7tr_, ^fALctu^ fi jA'ftizx Ac<r/ irktr r^i.t/etc^-x^Ar try 7'ii^i ^i-i AAet*^^ yirmrti^'- ^7//re.>z. A>Arci.. Acci eAxt^^^ A r y jAa Aft / A ct 4j( 3 c y ce.\^ c-^ 11 -CA.X r* *-^^x Acll^<xxU Mt^t 1 Jt.^ ^of cz^M J/e^7xe.z.. St^Ai-nxi. Asic^^x /3 2. J ait.^i J. A^-7' y y v. ?* /le />T rr t^y yAi^Jirii .^ Af A\Uc< fl-> I7txy^r<^ it t-xL. Jecui,^ Ae*o4 / ,. „ // t, f / /A'■■ iLh <Lfirz,z^^ /iL /> y i ft r^ f/ ^ "t At £. /jt I"t t M. ■*..-, j /^ . f.-^.'t, J ^ ! ■• ^ •■> /'"txy . -t-J / *-3— l£-^ t C «-*z ^/i ft f< ^1 < C-t-z c A-^ L 3 i. t f l/trf•^ i Y €^-^J O t-Z cn,xA.- t^ y. yA,y^,y.- y,„^ a^n.^ ■ ff'/,k^-,.h,ot^ " .. „ „ ,, V /'' }7 t t i I I I -ex cy ^ t/i ^ hx- 'Actxt^ Ac 0TtX -J-Zf £ ■a:J e /ytt ^-i l.trtt.f 2~S - «lic^ A^FftA^ iuc< f yi^ t-t-c^ t Jt*/l,ci AA y/( Ci f (r\ *■ % '-' AA U (A4.f ^ ^ c4 U^tA \ c4 tt-xx t-4 ^ /f^«'H /K r -IXJ4/'U>.(pa f^yet Jftit i/y t Au. Pv'v^i^ /yy Me-i^ t-^<-> r^O aA y'V A 4^^ \> V 3 l^^ft()'> '' ij I Ac e ' ^ ^ ^ ^ i /.. Aa ^ /Axa, t. Ac^c. A, / y4 AcfJi jatjAtn-- Af^^A A7(£htt*.xrt^t^4 ftx^ yfz^t^ r^t^c/Fctx,, II 7A r,.. js^Aiej^ A/a Ar /s Au. Akr4 ^ o, y ^hAt ^^ ^•'Zcttx/c /feFft^ ^ A A frj^ ^A( it./tc^< ^/ yt^ c/fiAt Sci-z^ fiTtt- ur.x tyFi ^ttc^Ax p. jAff At Ai«y A6y t<t*^ F/ttitt iAP eft, , , e4 J ^ )Ar/Ay A^ ett^ €/rci^^ ^r< J- {Af/t At<c4 f^U Cttx.ri c4 P //2, ''Ff^rt.x. y yset/-^ Ac£^ /Of Pfr A Art ^ — ilUe/ 'Arv.z A^ Cf/FrrF.r/ Ai/At. (It fAic <J(tyi^ fi cztt^/tAtt^ r., /cx,^/ /ir, »../< ty %T,tc^ ^ 3 S^- J JCi^<( /i ^ 3> (Ait^^. t./ /f(^ /,tt Pf 7 Ax /" ■^XAX t».i Ci./ yA^7- a' ('■C'-*y ii/t"/ A"' (Atcct^ A A\ ^/sA ^ _y )y I i,t> t A A/yr< Het /c- Ap^ c/y ( £.t^, 7/Akrt Haif^ C?<I^I^U7 '/ C.Ac.4 7t:/<.( At r/tt-"> ('^7c/x(tc—f ^Acie/f^ « ' le/i./ A r/,c... f/i J X t ^ ( t-t ex iO[ e. C4^^ cx. ^At *"WL ^AuPciL /k cAaAi-c^ JAc^^ I e Ucf At cAi'-^'z^ ^3. ^ffr/e/ J^cV/i-ei^ MyAxtc. y <Ac(%t.£^y~-, Sc^Acf^^ Sc ^-(C > J vt . }j Jhz ,// ^Aetx/c^ UA*^, i'rt-^ji. AA7^rt/<:c^ , /AA.-.( //,ycxx^*. 5" /J €t/i t hixc^i yv Jcrf-^x Jt^-x/xA , yc-tJ^z.x,^ A A/tt , /-eifzt^, Aiet/ntte/ y /oyAci PcAefl/ e'/xt-t^t^ IxxrXi try Oz^X-t.*/ f/ttrt-x, j*^pixix ?/ J{(eti C*x^r( AcAotxf^j A*} /\i<e< Af (/tc*^- Aixxx. Pc-tt.*,e^ rtx.f/ (*/tf-tt. J: -Ititrtfi^ Jit^Aitcx-z , . A c c, * At f / t%.f ic A c* Ix (tz^e / ^ /}(rf-%/( i t'Uc7 ft Cteei/ii J'/ee/ ^<^0-/- i /v Jie-A iyeexe/ ii-xt / A ('-*\ rrtjt^F cAc'^/uto 20 -i . „ c u / o. n // ft I,.,df ! -it c fz. ^ >' </3 ittc /Lf <,il /^ ^ i e id 'if 1 0 dt c /! S < f t\ if 0 V// ^ U i I V ^ ! ! 2 L i ') % . } the/ /) 0/t/if,i.i^J yC^iLx.-ij ^ P/tte^e t (J f }i t .J:/(f^l t ^t 1 ^ ^I ^11^ ^ -^IlCAi-h^ C t t i £^~vt^f (d ^eyX.-0-c.y J^fCe.'y), i^/t. Ctf^t £l o.£ht-i Ci^ t.{ </ M e 1-1 /^y" c ^IC-vl ft ee---t C< c r e /t {e^h ' ^ t ' f ^.( e. h e.y C -^X £-^7 f t C-/-1, f iri.j C< 1-^ C< C !. c.£-t t* /t « L-^ /d £<.-/( (-( I t^Cct>i f Ixe^i f f® Aft t ^1» T-uc^ £'^ 6 CZ-yt e7£X-t I'^C ^f LytZ-Xc. C£-L.L.e/ /^-Lcj ^-et£y>x^ c.'^ /)'>\ O'^yty k\ y~c_ /l-eC£4-t^^ f^"-^ f^</^ h'A e/ - t Cf 'ii jJi /< i_.? J t et it. - ce c /t e X r< /"A /, ijf t /i if t-tx y? ,</c </l. }f }frt 'iytkyit-t f I t-i^ f ^ y/d €t.'yi C*^kx ^ i C ^e*i.*f fLeet I. X Ctect/tt^ef €t i-x e< hyder/ /'c /Cc-t i x'd t< C C^i -u. >ix-e CxC^t^/- 2 -t-^ fti. <dce ft jxc.^i fl^ fic-€f f'kt.t^0C€yte-f ^cy- , c*x.-^ 4fy>t yi-xtl^t^ ^ct-^ ^y^fiteci^ c/cd/y''^ f' r Vf-7t /l e f yirfiY-rd fit-t-tedi fKitcdp-x, ^A f i d /fib Jfftity/itcd '> t)'tf /S^e-c-x-i ^ e-Lxx e-d 2? <./t7.-C f-f it fd2 e f-d Jlxi^dtde. (/-€*.</cft7x^^ Ji tfii rdlt ^clitt^i kt,t^dc, d At-i it cdf^ t/ 'f ^<xmd A A /fciy O^Vt AtXA tf'dlc ed " {Ai^t €--* cdj. t-xde-^-dy f f / A t 1.7 I cf t-e (-/ a-ti^.i f kc^l A^ Ae Cft-t Uxot^^u Itx Cexxdt.-e/c^/tt-^ c/ dCty^ i/t /<t{ dt Jj ety €x k C t.< I it-^ i/^ ^ £-e-i*dy e'.x dld-zx^^^/tL ' i/Tdct< (At^l Aa. d.c U /(.xdi fdx.t..4 Jt y-e-tAtt-x A^xed h.d A Ite^x-x^y 5r Ac^. / 1 tdc£< d t cy/j/, ly.^ I y , cd<J-t -u f A'^ ixi<r/ d\ yt^ct/K. ^-f-t-b A tt.-zt rd/2 ( c/ rtz.x&/ fd bd-dcx-uA C-%^xAd (Jx.ee. / ~ ■c<L tTxtif A t7xy, f .g ,j^ ^ ^ dd- AA- /-cm^ c-f Lte/ft/ >X^/ As Icito/ d t, IxAt tc di'i( A tA. I ^ cd cf ydc-d^c..^ /f. d'i'tA^ Jx Pt ! A* i'tx- f( ft ft i e, f y txif'l^ f Si tf.t( Atrtx-i ytxA-^i t f 6 fi-istf -u« ft cA*x ^f !.'< (* IxAtef f, /(x-^ td /d-^ dud-<x. /k I X d k ou-t e< , td fbfybx-tXl, C'^14 ^ Of -Lx e/ cdot.'d.%,t^ o^vt A KA triAc cd d* c C ^-V deL ^ -gj^d-o fi "L A o. ( ^ I^iV> t /i UcU. If s fCt J 0 Udcrf do C^tc^eJ ' /fK Att ,tef.xeC fdcd/e.^ / lKd^.-C de rx f re/td d kxA ftt<~^ Cc^( .lre,-i^ dAtt -/tt-'tted'Atfi rdcd/e<^j l-ctc^e-C Au ft f ^'/ ic-dxei di tixc/e^X AA-t .Obte^dtt'ox If^ Mfvtcd Jj /dtJdty - QAx-d.^e-d d Ac.<y1 d Ja. J'fi.dt ^ fif 7e^*^df^x, tCxidttAt'f Ae At-vk ftx dA<, rf^-trt £,xx.d/t titrdj fi r/x^ dcfAxxt^i t/ ikey^.>iiJ-Atdd (texrd I'fTXiy.cj , ^^y f^ve^ yie .T^ted dx 4tydcd ft di^t.y AA<.yt Li^^d de de Jt-i/f-'che/ t'Y ^-x^cdcd /it i^ y/ti xAftcdtdei-t jitv dAc,/y<£tt. d^ss Aj^t-c e^fity-tUf^ dfrentf ixcfd dAta. dAc 4.ei^2.€e.d Jitt^ dyAffy^ /ff fAc Jetted K<ft\ regxedAfl*^^dUl\ l7Xcedt£*, d A t t Z A fe t ,cf, fAc Al^ct ex/ ..f,A ,f^> ^e Jde^- i A ^ Jrfk A )dU'>^^f^^-^ fdcexed Sce-tcy^xc.g^ / 3f j Jdccxt ed Jf ff*f Sds>fj.3i /tOiox. ddh. A/xC dic^ee-te^' et.t Ce^ e/ J f At^-i S €i*xlig-t x dU< -A l-CzccJet3 d A^ dJe^ dc^/£ d Ac j d^freAftit. fYJ€t<:tex/ /lecc-xd /t-e d^Adfc^^ de^ c^ Ju/x/dexy /ty (cAce-d. td t-o cdAYJ<*^-dd- dl> f^Adexty^ YbcAe^l-eyeceAe^^ ^ \ /)re l.e j/fte dyt^ dhy i'ix^-c- ff/nT-t /Ac fthe H7.cey Af.tf tu.^-dex Jffcc. ;/x^ 'A A'*'^* Jlltl/cc. 2-^^^.// A, dc/d f^dcte/tcH deey-^/t^.h^ dcxx ed Ar fee\ ' a ^I edct/^ Cx.xcd /}£ yttcxitt ic X /H te/dA^ ^ €f ^ e tc iT^t^e e *0, €/ i kc \ tJdte/^ y tJ fd /dAbdU7.t.d ikccd Ctltc-y^dt^^x /l dAtJc h^ietdTixy, II IttU ddtA^ ^IciKAC dkccdl/t^ d^ii t rk ft i^c cxtxed Ctil itxtcetxtc A hi Ix ff / A)- (7xf ^ ttdt /t^A//df*Hee.A & f i'tc-t di / t'Y A d-f tef e c d li Ad / /ex 7 1., t.cx.^'1 ^*fJi f / ^ yf dt.\x.c i y'Xy Ity . fdtxxi Ai\^JOlcc -..J-tt-*,. dde.^ / 3 fx €■ f ^6 dJ.S s .>f y V reA d /tl- to , /(Lt^fcnL^ ^€/h€ly ^6 Tlr^n, ^ ryyt^^ r^ /h?^^r.2^ /Hr,^ ^ z:^ ^^^A ^ T^e-t^ ^ £^ A' . 6. Ct^^e ^ A ^»a- ipt^e/ A< eAirX£<A i^/t co^ e»^^A /-^ A^rr^tyy-t.^ 7y^^ irjy, z4^ Jc^./i ^Az-C, ^h^yC Jlt<7^4y^n<y^ ^ M-O /(rre/4.<. 6€^7 /o Jt6^yy*>-^.. ^ f //,^ A^^fz:ye.ey ^ jAcfo^ et^x^/<^c4 eyt^^A CLu ^ ^ OMx^U ^€y^lt^ l^x rt^^y JTv^ rHic<c^t^'y ^ ^'•^Ax^Z ^e^iZ . /i->-/ €^^ex h^ i-f ^ f<t^>*€ * tf / Jit^ y' M n }h(^iAi^<^ /C*-f-i ly^A/c^^ :ffii<. \^Sf). ^'■^*'*-<^'*^C'** f C<f}€f Zt <* A ^ Cf ^t4. Si>^ *^Af.o%^ x^tie7 ^ ^,i^*re *■< : jlc(^ytlAtl €J( cAc^ Y ^fyc7^7 ihttxfi^^ y/^f fz^ j iL^y^f ^ ec'j*^ H'C^^e*^ 7 *A >«^»^ <- -Asr»* ^ ^■'<rt,», ^ /, ,./t !/C€y% ?>? t'tt (I ^ <-£ £./ ^ (l^trC4, L-Z^ C-^jLO/f c^t'^ /^C'^e^ /c~t€r>t^ ^''**-^<— ^2^ /ert^y>9. O^^^c/et^ fy^v<, % e/^ i / S'tJ ^t^c4 ^t^^trx4^ (y%t eA. 1.2^ Jt/l^ f 1- , ?u e Ct ■'*'^ f <J -^fj! eA ^b €'i -cf i-x_ l.--^ ^ €f C cy^ //ic J^C^jt c( J-tt e t-i. — f.-*rkir- *y*- >-t /Hf e-^ cfc^4-K. y^fpy^ t/^- Cf-'t ' /cjet.^^x k 4 (J^it^cXA ^C--yA c>^^€^(^l^cC Z-r rA f'zyroy<~ ^Cr£/^tf ly*^^<4. Ir*^ O*^ tj C-<-^\ eA /^-tf ^-*1 ^ v^xjX , /6 ^^y^yztKx tt,-ttZl. (lyt/it^ ,— t/'^JL (AX f--/ ^'i ' i tr-iy\ 4ctL„^yCcyA^ fytJ~^-t. -"7 i^Yr 7 ( 'Z-^yt't^t ikt t -y tyl-t t '^ypX cyt-< J f £'~f.tjt^ ('k\_^ ir—v^ tytyx. I ^ eti-/^~cA€ax^/ Jiutyty f yk_^ Ir-ty^ tyfyx. O^ ( <^ Ic/T^ l/^A /^t-c / k f ■k^ /^ie.4 ttx Ot \ C^ /^f ^'-7 #t.-> (° X-e c- Ay oC ^ tycyky^ eyC^ tXy^A_ I^i< >7 c/t-t c( <"» A kju t ty>-cf C<y_y_yA v^ CH-X. ^Ay^yftyt U-t f d ^ <Ay.n-tiy^ 0(y/^ trj UxA. hcc tyx -et-^ J D (</t^^ J J 4AL/<^ fe. 26 ,T' .X... Election "Warrant. BABNaiAnLE, as. ?l> fither of ihe C-omtalAee in the toitn of T>ifmouth,—Qruting: lu tbe nftine of the CommoQwealtb of Masaichiiiibtts you are hereby required to uotify tbe irmabitaats of tbe town of Yarmuutb. qualified to vote in elections, to meet at tbe Town House, in said town, on Tuesday, the rina day of lIovoml>er next, it being tbe Tuesday ttfter the first Monday oi said month, at -rynft of the clock in tbe forenoon, to Sing in their votes for Governor, Iliioiwenant-Goveruor, Secretary of ;3tate. Treasurer and Keceiver GeneraJ, Auditor. Attorney General, Oouncillor, Bonator, (Cape Heuutorial District) Bhcriff, one County CoininieBioner, two Special Comuiissiouers, two Represen tatives in General Court,(FirstDifitrict) aud three Coramissioners of lusolvenoy. And you arc directed to serve this war- rant "by poatinf' attested copies thereof in five'public places, three on the South i^de and two on tbe Kortb Side of said tpwn. and by one iusertiou in tbe Yab- OUTH Reoxstbb and Cape Cod Item veu days at least before the time of )ldlag said meeting. |T^ pulls will be opened at nine of clock in tbe forenoon and may be ' at one of the clock in tbe after-luaed 1 fHweof fail not and make due returns this warrant with your doings there to the Selectmen at tbe tune aud ce of meeting aa aforesaid. I Given uu<ler our bauds this twonty- btirth day of Out<d>er. in tbe year one aousond and eight hundred and eigbty- " le. Thaoher T. Hadlbi.) Selectmen jBdwabd Lbwih, > of jUMPHBW Wwa, ) Yarmouth, attest— ^ ~ f /yt-X Cr t-'X { iy.' c^l^kack ^c<^ yP/£/y^ Jp7 Cc ^OT^ik /t-yy*T JiUiTT h^^Vri^ ^ Ct /P>t c ^ 4 X f ^ty^lxCtA^ t (C.>^ ("txji- 4oxcrtx- ctA<.'px<tX^ /j> (i,-xr4A^ iyyx. ? ■4jt.eZtey*'t^ l'i.d^oC Ct'-I jlc^Cy*-€^ ty\ kifiAk. *-vt. ^ Prcn-cry^ .yyTyx c.-c^ tyv^ yA € (rcAc/x-c. ^ jTh^^yy J'. £>*-■*. A Ci. ^ Ve,. ("f, e L^c<^A/-%^eA ^ cA L C\ ^.1^4 Ly l^Lli Ca. 'i-c ^ Pki.-*- Axy /Hy- d-'cAtyxAt' /4 AfA it (/>x^ /^y^_ l/l\^ i4<^ t Uy C ii^eX. In^ lAxy- X.-^'Ax^-Tyj Cx ^ O er-*^ te A. cA C*-'^ C^,^,asX. Al^^i-eyp* Ay .^-^■'V i4AU , CAcx. C-ex-ifxrX- "^"V e CxAe lAxxj 0Ct't'***- C-e~t^ C'^x^oC i-u- l ^ k*- ^ 4 0\ yxA A C-eyx OlA4 e — A ^1- c^Aa-'J L'i*-*' caA i .■ tyvx XX. tilA/ L l^ LrCr txy ttu iAt^At*~A I4xu. L< -U-xKi^ -Tt-M ^ L.eAjLLxAyf ^')^c^ (P A cM-a-aA, <«t. 4-t. * / 0 -*jLt ' -t-fixA. ,(/ / y f/A A.V K4'A P 27 ^L/luyx. fi)latl<y^^ c'j SjlO-tyxx^^j%J.icJ5-ib^cf^/CxyfV £/j \A>4f^^^4T^ Plhc Ccyyx l/yi c4yL/ / ^ <r i ~j ~ Y " " A ' Clyfyi /9tc^ lyy€t-9 {^.yy-o C-tyv^A T^a -tA/J htiic f. IA Ccyyx l/f4 c4yly / ^ t ^ Ly' ^Cr-ty^CcAttAt. (Jt. c t (j-c^ O'^ ^-ox-- i- 0*■ C^/yx 4 ai c/A Oc A/~ /v ^£/>- C (r9-c< -*< <yt (c/n-t / A <4 4y i^. /y^ 4 4 ( Ci PP ^Ct < iuj ^ It -n f {fA 0>iJi Ai€( >t£A 14 a O'** cX Ah-f>? r/iLxyxx. ^ ^ ^iAUn ^ i''<yAx4f- }vit f Ll^ ^Cx X'"7^ iyty €h (/hX-> uyifiAx efcx/ty (AZux h-^ £/>n/yyic^i4reCC UL t eA^ 4J>7t Atx r7^ c4 <4 cl ga^U ytry-fy ^e oyy^ ^ (^t ^7»< zvZ<"»«- c Z^ Zlctzu^^ Z^ly/itA'h~( lAcccy^ AV". 0trAf^ y4^(^ /IC-yy jyZ OyLt Jz-^y /yj ^ CAyyx^ APxjL, Ct/itcA(. (H ^ i-ci-AAtr^A7/HLe4.q^A-4^ 6*^e4 Ctyt:4yq 4f>t-4 C*^xyX fht ^Co>-yc, J^.(hxt^iyte44^ e/^Jxr4.€^M~- A^-ct^cXayixA cx^xeyC Le^4xfi^^ A cCtyyv^ Ji ^ /*x Au^ rHtk^ CtAvU,^ (Hiy^irx^ ^ Ohxx. thx-^cA rUx^ /eA^yyOyi dl J.CicA:cX ZZA4rA^ AfAlcceny^ jb {PttaCy tyyitcAt Z^ y l-CfAdcA^ ^trr AiTtntuty 14^-e^ ClxA A^i T'i cit^c/ CfhcX l'^) AfPfth (pt^h, Act^hltytcka t* h4pUxkcc h MctfyicttcA y 'C^T- A'^i.cX fYc* y 44UiJ.yfXef 0>f€ kit.-ytcX >tei Cetze/■yt I'tktr^L Ol it^ *-/ ^ZZVA Ii/i, tifcr C/y-ui Au htd f1/ I' c%.^sM y*yXj I tA, ^'*-yVt As tfxyeiA ^ ^ ^4% Z-iyAti^CtfActt^c^y ^O-fa Afit i,-4fh iAt^4y ^J/fLfxo ^ ^Pk'^tdA t/i ^^(rv4 ^^ty Ch-f >tr4 ixrJ et^e/ At // / fhHO^ 't^^ c^ l^tA^£Ci^^ ^(T/i c / j^ft/>vi£y C-t^Li ^/yi t JxAtjyi^ct^x^ cL c^v^eA t/ejL^ ^ ij ifioc7^en^ (/)X ^-Jl ( r/htc/yULtyi ^-fy^ f(l£/*^^k C^kc^^^cl^^ 4 £)fty tr^ fSa-x^ ^7/nTrC. I /7^ tiyy>t/rc<.. (y^ ,^f.//(^t» ^y iny- L^-ca^ jI ^'^u^ fxAiyncta^clck^'yt tiAAt /ir^ Jca^ '6l.(h'<r-u^_/Z- <f^ Of O. C Oir^ 0)'Xri.'i^QjtJyAA>t ^>zx AAxyy^cf^c4 y% <_ fTt e f ^-y^i f/^^ 7ci//o't^ C'yyt/yfA^ /S y^ f ^ f u^4 TSrK^ Jiuo tcO^yrA Cy^iiA /T^fyi-'*^ /IfTz y4^ 1 SYc hf/yki I ct j* f/^ ^Ct/yy>n.L «</^ iA^y> J ipc74*^ p. 6lc^c /Yo/a^^ajO- /At'yt^y J C4 ^ >6i ^ C-U'^^ tr^ JlH/>^c7yi^ C^ Ge.^^a/ tG^i4y<j> a 4 tA^Tt cAy Ga. tet A. f-^ cJg^ J. PiCf^iO-x hpy^f^t^ ltc^y>tAy ^cxa^ hf 4i 6kx <y^ Jcf/yfCli^^sA txArA^ruo j-umA^ kr ^ ^ iry^ay ^'^yyyrCf /9^ yyxe-t^i rk 7/>i< Aerf^c^^yyc/ Ifyi^TeX^ ^| ^ ttfyf ,^J\ t c J<x f d €'i-^ ^hu/'^uj.y^ ZyAAyn^y •■^■^4. tyyi^tAjX. (yttAyy^A-ly-c^ ^ SAi'^kcyto f ^yt-AJLS) Pofy^->y>^ t/^*^ ty^ Jot^eAf%^yi^c^ (pyyiA jtUyk I dy^A A Ca^c/ .hxil,.c<n^ R ^ y tci^ (y Oa^ Setnrp %o^jyrxj c^f SAccrR^,^ Ui^x,xiy AHf-rhi/Ut^/HA. p. Rpyy^cAtfo okitZiU. fynekiff^iA^cA cotuj \ eliyiyf c If y ^Cfl'O^C-t.tt'k Ot/tAfA ^'ertA'^ J, hr^ y Ua/^^ tt^ a)i/^ 7h(4i.fAApo^in^ S(tyyt A ia^ ^ k' O^ f^e/y Ae -yif t/y-n hx-t (fj i/1.-^ f ^Cv Jp'^r cl/c^ ^<41 ^-tAiAnAAiK^Ac^tffltrMfykct^fu^t ^yyvtxrtU /Aix'U, itie- ; y^Jctiic/ P:)C'>i/y\^ (/yuLy^ ^ >1 A/ia A 4f/-y ^Siikh^A^ .SoeffG trf ^n.yy>\.tyt' tyHy. JVb CfAAy ReAA^AA^xj S^ytA-Aj Ru^ IziAfrof/hfAtyA*^(Ai£aj jC^ ^kf.CA^cktAA ^ (xa- ■^7^xytt.,^>^.^ /^/ix^n-X^ ^ ^Rxert^i CA^Ady/yxA^ i/^ /I^(n4.i/>x^ i4Ar<nAA^~ Ote^yixJ ^OytAx-C ^ ^k-yx-ff^cA/yx (/^ A4aa.»4\.-4^ ? fy/R^ Sptn-yt ? ^ fy^ ^Ca v-^-*-l!■' Alt/y-^^AAj R^axaj yt^i-rc CA-AA Axyi £/i-v~e tcx^R4-^ ypOCcZ^^fiA<'^ 7^Ay>c^ ^ ^■i.Axx. A/tJFZ^ lvtAf>tc(AA. •t <^'ax^A^CtA-v^ ? 3 ( ^ 3kcffA*A.CA.tXAy. COtX-^ toAA^ C V^ y y /l< y t c4 Ota. e-eAt^ /jypiya 7-Ac.7-e I At ^ f /-f 0)1 ' f 7 * t J*/ /l4 yp tta» 6^ 7e t hy y f klA-' /< / t J» »y '/(fr*. ^rAitcf ) P' 7>14 "' ^ftfAt ^ e^ /So i.^ ) fetl-C^ /t rtJPf^A&et*^ lxki.fy4/ij<i.:> /^frt c Ixt^K r/^cRct Rt/j^^ AytLA</ J^A»t^t. A y I f (t X (j»j I < ty ' \ t* r^ i /a. ^/'(t X >*y 4 c c<..y /A-*. ' *'^y *'^ /ct~t ■ t/</c nA.'m/fx/tc^i 'i-y ' ykc..A..,y ARcc ^'''> ^kttt (.LI / ^ /iff >%t '' f XXA . .Apti, tU A< £/c* XI t>if't X Jet i'rfc < tt 4^ f rcx^c. X /Oec/iL-. //tXec^cXxx ^x.^/u/y JlfL^-^A.tiyxI ^4i f Jt 11 Xx ^ c (J ex y ^ Ji Ce* t 4t-A^l^ Jt' Ix.^, t Sr^^'t-Lc4 y Ae,4>%.ex.ft \ fcilxx S (Ytt-rUX •• y><e(>'^Ltt,li- .\Oct4... " ^ y^tL y^" yAc- yA^ yA^3 \ ''>\ ^('> 10 J 3V f> "J ^4) 14) J/v '' ^9 ^ O / -2, Cy V / ?- -5 3^ ^ ^ r />> /I js f /; If t'9 93 /f S 33 ? 3 / ^21 c?/e. yf s<> 4^9 2 S " ^ ' y ^ y If o t6\ j^ne.-i-,.x IR*. ^A^ttett.-! t.4n^4 f S/erxl^ «t-jT»* hc-tkcctx. (cXttAo. /ici-Vi-'t^ (Rk. kc^i,*.*4 htc>*^4-ex. 6^ i-< 4 4.^ Cc ik f^tc^xA ^4<Act4 ct4 Je,^fAcc<r4i . > ^ 3/(e xit. J ^ J^ct i /<^ y. iOn-/t-(4^ yf' t/t*.t^4 Ap' fX iAx ^ /) re/et c Jy 7^ /Yrv< -t ■»» > Ac Ji ce ''. /C ■>> ' *"* //. /Sec i ry^x i.<.>-vi /< ■ /S S" f //etc.,, 4^cA Y ^ „ » /Se ft A >».<.. ., rt <1 3^ f >» »• f 4 " rt 4 >»•«« ». #/- •' " '■ //re t/xRf «.<.-• O- t> t> J ftHt Aettx rk. • > et f >*f # ^ tlj/ /\ e\jLt <*«;?y yf ^^ircxUt Y JL(f».<-/ hn tiTUy Arc tt t t.x (e /%*. A & t/^' /r / ^ tA' ..4-11^ y2_ V . C' r ;■ ,'dt'Xi.xx C9 ^^iti. TOWN IEETIN& WARRANT. DAKSSTAr.LE, SS. Xo eilhcrof tilt CoiistiibUs in the Tmrn <■! J'./r-mouth, i»» the i'oiiiil'j pf HiirnalulU, blSEF.nsc : Jd chennrac of llio Coturaoiiwcallh of Maasa-ohuselta you are liereU^ ellrccictl to notify the In-hftUliantfl of the town of Yarmouth, qualltled to vote In elections and In town afl'alrs. to meet atthe Town Hnueo in sale] town on Monday, the Tenth day of February next at ten of the clock In the forcuoon, ihen and there to act on the following arUciee. viz.:AKT. 1. To choose a Moderator to preside in aald incceing.ART. 2- To choose all the necessary Town OflU cers for the ensuing year.ART. 3. To hear the nnniml report of the Selectmen, and net thereon. AKT.t. To hearihc report of the Fish Com-mlilce, and all other CommUtees.aad act lUcrcon. Art. .1. To clioOBC a School Committee, to fi ll the yacancy of the one expired.ART. 0. To choose a Itoad Commissioner, to fi ll the vacancy of IMC ono expired.ART. 7. To sec If the town will choose a FlehCommittee to act with a eltnilnr committee of the town of IJcnnls to regulate tno fi sheries In BassKlver, Folllns I'oml and streams connected there-with and all the other ponds controlled by thelihvn.*AKT. 8. To sec what sum of monev the townwill raise for the support of the I'oor for the en suing year.ART. 9. To sec What sum of money the town will raise to pay Town Ofllccrs' and Committees*tecs for the ensuing year.ART. 10. To see what sum of money the townwill raise for the support of Bohools lor the en- Biiing TCOr. iniM-i II r rtiirsiir I' • AUT. ih 'in iA . . ®will nilao'tor the renail-'.*""' oiooev thp 1 Tux;^C.'le;-t.fr"w!?u%'hV1fr,l?;^" '»vcst theA?tri".^To sceTf'tV",'' of"E ble oiUce for tlie transaction of sulta-ness uail for the «ife fc f»Ai\in,? ^ town's buR»rccoriis anj hook "on'he'^ruill'^ra^': town wi^imS'c aity thewmi'ih '"c town wt??'^,''®®"'°uee."'c town of I'enulflor "nltoble, as may accm mootadvianiup ^ Jiarnsta.of eraijioyinif one Biij)tTlnicnrlin» » ® Purposeschools In bolt, lowiiB In pJUblicprovisions of aLvtlons tl "n 17-''''''."" wl/h theihe PllbH<J ^•rArl1rAA .... • . ' of Chun, n■he Public Smtmcrani tS'' 31 a.^' Conimlitee to decide with whii-h . ® Schoolftdvaiiuigeoui, to unite ^ le mostClmlrman ami ScorciarJ- of ii^>thel>ay the town's lust ..""'5 committee toimy the town's just "■n®lliee to snh-S'lpcrloiciuloiu. "" "■« salary oflag KVadlmtes 'of 'West and south Yarmtuuh Schools InSchool iq ynr,ma of .Jer.^i , ^ county road nou-iiflBo Akt. 'J;. To sec If the town will grant a wa^ Mmm 'P Cjcorgo B. Lewis for a lot of lanV the town-will vote 10 fog..Old «JJ persons except the town uniieriafcors from removing hearses from the hearse honsea."I""Ihc town will accept the pro.vtsluns ot Chap. of the Aots and Bcsolvcs ofISHi for precinct voting in tovos.I Anr.ii. To see If tnc town will accept the Useof Jurors as made out by the Selectmen. And you arc hereby dlrectci to servo (his warrant by posting nttcsici! epics thereof In llyo public lunccs in said town, three on the SouthBide am! two on the North side. Also one publl- callon in the ) nrmmilh llfi/mlrr nnd Ih tlKi C'APtCol) Item seven days at least before the time ot holding eulil inceiliig. Hereof, fall not, and make due returns of thisIVarrant with your doings thereon to tiio TownClerk at the lime and plnco of mmiing aforoaolii.(Vlrcn under our hands this twunty-elghth day,of .fiinttary. In the y&tr of our Lord ono thoii-sanj, eight hundred and ninety. ji TuAciiEii T. IIalebt, I Selectmen of KuwARi) Lewis, t Y'annouUi. 1 A true copy—Allcat, '>SCTU TAUOB..q /l€cx^' l4i^ €k ^ f<^ Pifylw s-r,, - --- - ^ . C^/_ 4-//y-^ 9 ^4 ^ />>« 4^4^i <? tr 5 C-t^ tt > z- *.. lA^ / £i /% 9^ 4 C* £*■ t ^ Z?" iT /-t. j /%^0 aYycJic^i"^ lo f it c ^ (L4, \ / ^ J / t4, -Ut*^^ o /Hlt^{t.^ ^ A-tyC:, - ^ .-.•/ X-<- Cf^ £-4 ^ Ctof^ fa{ oe-T-jt/O ^ 40/ /6 £>< e /' 4-^*^ e f> £y9 ^ y ^ f*( * ' 7f tr (Z/^C4-y^ ^ J'^Ct \ *-:* a.* i"-St^44 ^ ^ Ar/^ / 4) 'C / 3 ^/it /y^r e -* ^ci£// )y fyz^ Auc{ //>7 e Jtt't i-t c/C<%xe^( C-t^ ,/ ^''fxA^ /^ CX. ^ ('2.-«-*t jJ Auc--^ C^yz^ *1,1, ei^yz^^c/ c^-T.% d j/c-e^^zfy* IrtrO^ M. CA---^-^ ^1-w- -r e>( \f/^^A { o-CA. < CVyt 1^ fyt-t (P /t tyZJL-^ ^Jeryy />t-^-»U^{ c-t^ < Ci.'yi Cyt fZ^t-t n Oi^t t ^h-^/Xl. ^ yh^<cttt't NcxA^'C^t ^c((<£i^e( j yy ("A C l£ tt, C^A. r J< < -K / ixM. t /' A-t^ ■'7l *->«*,/■ >T /^.Xc IK.^llX L*. ^ e l>i^ IrfyL C^ t C^tAA? Ou dPt. CKcC O'T^tr-y?^ t Z^" (AaXAA Oty-€f<> /a<.-«, Ji yZ-tAyf ^{/JaA^ a ty< >Z c(yt- CA. ly'KM €*A-ttA Aa^ ^ A A £4 C^ f) f f .' t / ktj Xy-e-Xyl ^ t-oVi <-^< (H £t i,yCx^ ^ ^cy%x. .Hy e e/y^ /z? r/? Z:^y^jKCKC^k P.^UcLtjiuL^ ^'Cyyy^yy, A ?/Ik.:, ry\XA/r>vC-ey^ LtA-fy-tJL^ ckcZAyTyt.^AyCy ukt-O. (HtA/yyilfi-c i, lytri_jL.^ ^tn- J( e A o/X ^ZkI- (iv<uj Afli, cUA J t ' Cy*==^K3yt^X C-<. XA.f c Alx t-ety*. K Ix-ft^cX Zr c/zc^x^ CtC-KC /x^ t Cyx^.cA tZ ^ '4^f ^ 4l ^^zAy^ciy- f X--^ 11_- t.ypte.c'XK € ^y-K t. ty^y^^ O-Ax z/ zz «_. S- c<- ^Z. IxeA Zxxxy^ Oz<,Kt^ ih -c-iy ' I P^^p4 /h ^yAyv-t^ Ck AtzCxzAz/r ^Ci/t*-:* kt, e cA-C^ X ^f C<-y i-j 4)^yyzeA c*y*y. <X C£'%t.C'4-x itcyxy** c-<y? 4tx/t-i "tj/cz^^ / o cy/c Az vx ^^1<A ett'-A kz' ^■* o.dy*^ Cyf/x Oy f f -et^ tJ Od. ec e /^ ^cz p<. '-< Z< a {<K-^x cz -^-T t ^ ^ /i cr-jy-r/H. ^ro/ht/xj cy,e tz fz^ ^ / ( /<exyxc<Jx /oKxr-u-XyU yA'zek*x_ 2 ^ ^/c^AA-y? ft£.t.z. X f iiytyf^K*-L. y^^zeizto^ iexfA .'LiCAi. i^y^y c ^ eix 1 ^ H t.r < n. -v-^ rrv^ t<^^ IXK?, /■, .■ ^<^<'>1 5? 1^-kXo / ff fitrtKUj Xhtu.^ I / /? /Ll4^ I Li '^V6^ A &lf^XK. LkKk^kk^ ^ ,M,K.UK.Ay -4c/4j yezyUy. J^€<czJ^ /?Z/z^^^Z A Jyief ' kH^cA k£ZA< ^ ^ L^^rn/Z-i-t 4o l.r/^LzZ yAyLu Jltfiykc.^.. y^/.a-'Kz^y- ' 44y^4^^ ^ i/" '(')(Cn^c n <-' ^ ^ t Aslt^z^Ly^ / ytv, AA^y,-£>''. M/a ->*zx 4x.)f(4^i ^ .i44^'Y/A >-tcL^ /4)Ct4^-*~ , AAliCt^iAyCi^t ^ Sa'€zy^, ^z'y>y*- c4^£ti(t4y ^ 6 ( 4kz-^ ^ t4xAyy eJzcx^ Q^<rl<€-'C 4l cAcXy'^*- ^4ly*ylKtry^,^'^ ^ffyyiyxCz^ t zA Ay^o/ii€(/iLz^ fjlt fb/itAy . 3yOd-t zkAx /^/t^7<y J^je/^ 4.r/^LzZ />ixc-^ /<CA. /Zt^/z-^T Z'4X^{ ^/zz^C^^/'XtZK.'L kzi^J Vxm/ ^cnz/xk h HztyXK^y^ )/kk ^y/u-xi yf (4,-- y^'rc/f^y t\ tz/tyt4L7 y^,/4tA /^ Z^-c^ «<'i Z<^ /xx^zl Z'^- Cy l'xeAyt.'X ix-^ ~ f'-^ k^A SeL-htAtzxy {"zot^t-i/Zcx. '^<'*'^ z^x'-^A CzJUxzf lLr(zz< ft Jt CiK^x Z^zxt aI c^ ^ 1. 3 Z'£f ?yo(^e.< f\ /'^j\^n.ZK^*f ^ 4il-tttMyi(K^ r'^c^'f^z / ,tf ft O I (<zyL /-£, A'Ani/y JriAyi Aziz^rfizz/ r<zAzzx, 3^*?' ^ k t C< cf r^yiz^r^z^ / ' ■" ^^ /4?/lfy Atz'X.^k=/a.k 3.L4 1/z Lxcyf iz) flyz^PzcL A*< yzr/'tz /.?<■«> l/c/zzZ /o z4.La f hyy^4.^ 4.dZi^XZ>f^ZyL nL t^o^, 3f^ //cLzt^ /a e<-7/t'yt'/t'>tf^-^ ^£zt€n. A^tztcAziyx,/ t/<y€ft4^y yyf ^ Izlzc/ Zc^ r^/K^^z/xtzzUz ZZ>r^ A/z^ZZt/yZyZ faA.^y<tCy ly^KcA u z-ylfirxf^^^zP^^ Jay Azzax^ytzr^ oCzJ^zkkz., e^y, eyt^z*JzCC -3 > > o 44Ax 4idZK, {zi^^C liyd^ H, ZzXy^x^Ay.^.^ ^ 14.Z CJIa CkcxCKxZ^XyxZ.^ ^ kctxJ "AUx. Cxx.X^ 4J,x^ A^x.'^xUkx. €x Ct^^.lAz^ ^ Z^«/ PCUs-C f, lUrz/xyA rfu*zKZe4>xxY izzy^ / 2. ? 0-» IftzLei lAcyt At It fttx tkv** I zy^cU f n jxiK ^ Ct ^ 0^ 9-i Czr*xL ecxrk^ ■ -z^ f 4z^- 4- At Zr «.-*-< tyrtK-sx. tnrUM <UxJ hCACAf^^ U CuM*4 (O Jf /># i/tiKf^ (hZxjtiAzA kxr^ if*z^ - A., ktK-z/i^ Lix *x<ft, >xtY i2.1 <y* (t ^ t A-l-l /i ( L oitrC^Otr^ \ ^c-x <ylx, Al /£ co. c/ e^t l4x.^ Olcti^^ <.-e^l<j l/txA^ (rt.*^<yx lP(/t*.*J^ l/ii^^ </f e ? / /'^ Cc-c^ ^ /c yX^£^ £?z.£r/^ o^£/c">^ C-'^X tr*-^ __ / if-(-t cA- ^C*sy ft c-x^ {yit^ f ^*'-^4l_j trCr^M (o ^Cty it <'e ee_c^r rtu /r-xyc^xyC h tyUM. it, Ct e fx/up (P^x^ f (A^c^ (Akx, ^(l/y^t7t>tei.t Ak Cc< t /A v>x^t^cC fe^ Cx. £^£i hcCc-c^ {\ t/ Cf e t 4 £^'^t^y Cy^: ciyfxA fA'>xy(e^fc,/y4^ ayit-^l Acce^-'**' C^ t4 V-etfy ip c- f f e-C (Xz €yf Ct_ c c Q Al' 'IxU^U (c {4x<^ tr^ ^c(<r( (Ak. J Ac r/.tyuyy- (yy^ f Aft^f y/X^ex t fz->* x A py-ett-y. , ^ i tyct. fitc*/ /^c pf f A c f>>z eyi-t- A 'te^44dy^^of A £yr \ r rx^-x.-yt ir ^t-V ^cteA Cx^ fi Jc_ A 'h£J ^ I it^ fOix^t^ ^a t f tx f A^ Ci-Tyxt'^'x >-7'/^ ->-7y^ K el /< ^ t-t e A r* f fi C 4i t xl ^^ e^ / f A^- Acy-e^xyy^ ^ /X.. /y I r Oicl A./l€^yCxyiy Oic/e< /Pi Cue A jf^^Aext r.y;y,.ty ^ ( te f ( f A (X / f A 4. ft I ^fy:^£'itc/e r>/ A ft ter -?7 4-^14 ey^ £A-*~> £x{(ix. <j\^ A C'fxr/y e A Ar ffi<x/y fA^. yyu-x / ^ f O, ' t tZe/ <rA.x*yf ^ ^ t f Ay-x C^c/yt^ /^^Atet/C Ur>^ i/l ex^x'^l 'lne.^ig^ ^y (Ivjx^ a AcA Ivt (Al<jye«4i ? / < i^a-/ AAie^i ( ix^ A^'f C>A A I C/.* X /y / >i j/V*. « r ^ A% ta/xLu.- f 4x. .tixp fx.y\ r>fty ck_^ 0/xj Cl-14t ^ fy ^ jP A& // c -4-4) (■<'ix /A i /(x.^, f^Af^ ye^^t /Sf €> ^At-j px Af ^uA/ x^ t *'txyttx t^ rxt/T l-i/^ lAx^ ^ t C{~Z C-v*-^ j^h~ «" • . . .,£!,. r / / / 62cnL^c/ Cl^C^ O Jrt,t^1- C^L^ itc^^±t.^€^^ c/y~/)rzr^£i ^/£ ^::£<7 y__/ y /t ./M -yl // -J yf ' y I t y-_/y / ; / . C^d _l\rifrl/iii Q/kx. fVi-i^ C'x>-*-d ^1<.^ *.v*~^ C^^X. ryx^Ci^ lAi_4^ Jy^^/xCrX' CJ^£^ /Zc^-t^ /?7o /fC-C, yl'lf. t ^ /rc^cy%\J^rJ. /77 O /f c-c, ft/vi-^-,^ /rc^ey^x ryi-A^ ^ f (yi\ C* c^-£*yXy— ^ f cX l__l id^ jt f td (f t.1 i f/yf^f dy ''S €/2yx.r/7txXy^ ^^y I t-lyl Z- Cl f/t dt fy'^^ .-^ Ck f~A A irC^ C^^.yf /| d' I'-f e kt^ /y^^ C(^dZ<J~ /d>? ^ d fdi U^f7 ■>>t<j C^t -Lt c(0£ ■> rix 7 o f y^i-k 0'7 £ § /t-^yy e cY .. £^<y y-^eY ^ £1 C^ z. c / ^,./.C /yAyf^y. f-tir...,,,;. d-C_ /i d >y e-rr -kf^ C'^ ^ Cf^djt.^ /}^ £-Y A-^ C^t-Ltcf ^ ZC^QjO Y^ t <£ e e y*'^ 0^7 z tr/ f. C<y-»^eY C>.^-Y ^Ctif4.t.4 I t^^Yte t fJlJe^er'k^ I « (ytrC-^^^ j\ a gyj ^ y^-iY < CfcflyV-tiy^X'e / ^liu) dek^cY rYitc.cti:U.j ft f X J D. fl&f r^Y- f'Ax^ ^ Ji Cct ce^ f l-Ux^^ rA-£b Y)£YcU ^cntyyt/j ^C/hyy-Sykyr-^Y^t^k^lf'tyO C yY Cl-i'd httfytcY Q.YY^£eaYt^^ dpyT-^.iYe cY fJt f x e Zz^x, , c^z^eyf z ^r^h^cayffd. a{cry Jtt fy^ jf /). /^Sp C'd cx fe f A<. -^o^fitx ^Cyk-y, -2-( c i^ iy^y y^rdcY^/i.t. Cz / d'ix^, f} CZz/Ty Y dfty^-tA^ Cty/ /i ZZ i/t'd-Y f JlG*^i.«1yy7t^ CifY r*/- /»?*>»< C ix ly^/yt t £ ki rti, d Y'it^ ^/kT£*.^c.-t £f^ fL^ ^JitZTe 't^T-key^ dfity^Yd ^^^oYYed, 4€ay<y>zn,y.,fd. Oftcyxj o^ ScfU-^xf^ / ^Y>/aY(4^ f'A\_£^ OYcA foidLy^y ffc<.tYk-tyf^d lyyyt. C^xy<^ Oy-fYCcL^K:, ^ ^^f-trf^Y. ^Xyk f 1^ j*y<4yx^</\^ tr^ (.C4.yy£.ytyty CTfX ^ ^ €£< o£ ^ f y^iYl^yyA ££>-Jtctni. y ^^j)nrrtyt..£d ^ yS) -' I ' / 'Yh. CiY-r c C //\ €4 t.i.-L.^j Z/Y^Oi yyttyfAyi , {f\<, ry f Ylct^t.d /y . cXuy S (^ iYhyyi dt^ jd.h. / S S-f /Ylyy £ d d 4xJt- {AJirf d t d ^■l.ztdj^/t-t'ftcc/pd dc Odyif} C cyiY d < ki 1.44- C^J i ^ C4 'Y i-^Xyx. t pdt y -^/J ( C^/->i Ujijtty^ Sdx^p^ ffy fteAdayxAx. ffitezd" Jtr/fcrtytyj a CdyY dJliui^ctxd L-iAtfyti ed (T-^^d R eyf^Tfytt e-**^d4df. Ort/de^^ y JctlfL ^CCy£/^yt.cyt,-i ^ d ^6 Yfd ^cYc-XZ'^ Y^»^ad'^dtfYv%y^ o>/ Zor-t/ij ^-cx.tl'kT-r f t-t Cikxcd X-^2-ird/.ykiy fiy-ifdi edo. y tiyyi c df <rtyt £tyf 4 i hfft /4tyj ^li rh ' /Qc (i Ct iied ^ \ idyXlty£Vtf €^> (2t*^ YZcL xA'<^ ^ fd> yBc^X.iyily, ^t>cd ■ d^ eytyZy,yX7 ,yty €k d d^X-J^ (>>4 t t 1 ?( IX Yfx£ I'^dy y? «Wi ^fy^iit4^cty COy-^jkcyd YAx^ Yfy-mY Ayty^yj-l/T-Xfl^^ dZx^ -Jcyiffd // /^ C/fd ^f4 f Y-'Z f tt r ( ^*^"^4 t d £ f ^ 'f- yY*- f /yi-t (yt ^ iTZ-t t d ^Z4 -XX/Pl f tyf J yd-^M i d yt40^ O Yz tyt^ Jh^dfx^xYy C4<"h4yk7 Scdiy^ty /(^^t., /x^ad 6b {/Uyzy ^ e^fy^, C£4£>yi-f_i OL o^ yx^yXJtd e^yy 6l^^ n-trrtd Odfy^f L /y fju, hzyd/c Ac/y r/f^X. /6z/SrYx->y f^c4,d 2^,,-.,/-/^ ^CzyYxyty dixd A fT? £ Ux A (zytt^eyt^-r-,y a ? J^rYYc.,,, cd d/in.Xy4^ ^ ^ ^ dyS /hcyd I f-Y^ dYYcf SfyYcrit^y 6?CZy(/OyT-^c/ 6Jx< 64y7X^ f4yZ, fcTyt^ Jo-Tyi M f~S Yy 7 ^ 6fyfytd JLltC Yy/fXyXre 4Ly JrrxxzyC fi eyet^xyfyc. z/iy^yX 6r^..d er^ f Yj>ij24^^ 6^ dYhcy (i^xxy 6eYd4y £c.dyi^^d ^yrcOZz^; YJ(e.y, . o ^ (^£4^ Arzyz^yLj C< cfyti^d* c xf dt.ei dfxed C C^Z-ryk>^ eyiyz ^ (Tt-n cY' .-T^ ^ f'K dY^yX \d£Lt.(d^4.d L^d4C4^y 6t/c4.^ /YL 6?c.,Yd.£.d .d ^^ryd4., . , d ' Ye-nYXixt^ £'Jdf^< jle-r^^d e^Y 6(efKCxr-^,r( S eyk^,y7x.tr.^j.^ ^ ^ Ariytytyt^^ €-t k Ct.y7-td^j (xAfcf/yyredJ C4r4^ f/>^ Y'Axy /credfciyt y f 4l<^ ^Yd Scdfiyxy dykx^^zd^ 9d Yrzy 6ctyx.d ££^J4:fY^4^./3^4yA, 2^ /dp^YrO /d d'c C4 dxZ4y.try4X^,ed cd d4xAyJ^,dd.tA^ l^xfL dA^J^t£Ct^.^~4^4^d £ ^ 4 *4 ^ Ay ' fU 6^ d4,A ^YYY4,JX^ 4^/ Jc^fY ^6x.x C< Y*^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *^'£ <i (a t €X£C^ d-'^XA Y'^'4'fYcidy Af'kt.C. y ^extd ^e^Yet'^zy ixdtZct Ix tc Uf>/r6^ex^£/r4, dAyxty-^t^i^o^f.^ ^ rrC4t/.£A£Xzdy, £/6£-X^4d ftJzydd d£4rd tyO/etzd AW" I •I CzyYYxttyfd Hxx^td dtv4. cY^Xy ^6^ C f yj 4;yY^ YH^O /-^-t cdx^eAk 6\ Ay<.£^<rk4^fyV 4.^dj£txxx^ ^4^4XCA, £n- dA^A fy S^ Az^Y fAx^ .>>^€4^ A' yO/ft it odr'-x tj eit dAf.. d £'£'kx xxj - j ffrtAyXyx. y Ae^aXHyxc^tri, t) /^ i.ir^yi<i /) Bl z 0Y I dl tr <4 e( lyTA fttn/kzYtdCyA '9 ted /Arf4?^ fd £4 4 pYa^ ( i^t d 6tA £*0/k4/*mY. : jxctf^ dZte^giY i C/t ra/yxecY /f ix, f Aa. re-kf/xx., cxy^x eY dh /lotx oYtyPx lyiA^ ^Sfk-^re.' ( t- f dA. c6c4y 6(4X4.^4 *< ( C f tA r drt YYa /?9'trfdtX4*.Y f% /r txx iL fftYA CxA^d ^ ty^icYity^ lypt cYpY^ fA liAt cxt it-eYY ^rTttid Ay^t dc^d /trtxOAt lY ^tA'Xfhet (ndezrtd 61 t*<*/< d*^<»Y <}tr£*td rff^piAptf^^ /ff fAz ^i-itdt. C^fyVex, ft, r4%jL Yd**>x f^Y /A<. /yk^fAd i'iityt /7y//fri/ , fitted de /(ff4< <df4tiY Y YtAtd /*• /tit*, a ^ SoCf i f ~ ■C^'t-'TJC/ ^ G--t 1/it.Jy*^ / C^ £rt^ l/ty^^/ly^ IA-XjO r^'V'L^ ct(Gj i/^ f)^Ciy . J}. ^ S ^ 6 . 7/ ■ ' fi /C7/i fj^ Ci /,^c tt^f/ y ofO 'y^? f^T ct,3 foix^ IhtQ^x - t/'lCtre «-/.,^0< f-lTf'H /^7l/Ctx ^ ^ / <, n ty //'/i-O c*. ^ey%^ y^tCc f^ j<(.ix^ o^ f ^fyfC cfeO/u-xyy Oty'fx^Cy'i^ /O Ax -^t-r f-fiyXy ^Q ^y'~Cy(yX'Xyf'^ X f Ct'^ '' 4fc<,4Cy Crrc^eA'c/ f~C ^ ffxA /-C^-»-C-<^<^ ^ e^t >3 €.yxxy^ ^fict.fx Ca ^y-ZxYxOO^ f^*> T4L<j ^OA^^iAC. -- ^CjLx 'ix ifixf-Cx. J^e 5^ f9 r\ <J^ect cx4x 6~ ^xrtx^^y ^ ^ JZCx aI <f'7'>.*f/ L ff ) fty/iJc A^ i-<--»Z<<-^*^ 1-^ Cyj-X-A, i V ' J I ^ I •■ - • ^ ^ ^ t r t ty ft. f If Xy<. / I C tn*x XJ' I-'*-* 'yf^t c^ ■ ^ICxtAt-f ^7t't ^ ^ ff /%hp O^feyi.^ C/^ Sho^ (/tZieyA? 71^ ceY ^X!-^c/<yU.^ fjf^ CcAfnyty^ Cy^c/^ fy4lA> (-^-y^Z/ey!-* f4 flct f<ex //., <4C , ^ / f yf^ ^ r. ./f. /h /^OfA<f i^iA c * '-- }y~e4ff'^^^j /^fAr ^O^ f f-y Zert v^t ~ i-vc<y^ Oca/r/?>f/At ct--^ ^uY~ f^Zu. JVoiAk Fc<Ahtfy Acyxiax. cr^c^ //r'f e^ /c-<y/ffY (^CAltt^o/Zxj fj/yfAZl/x yCf yftA^ GtylAjO 04,C/iA O/ft^ftt-tc/ O^ZerA/t Z^K-La ,' f'4lfAtCA QC(AxJ tPfAt^k Ciye(^<A^ 0/x.<c/ ^'01/ty ZcxaY- r^A /Aa ^} {ht^C/y t > ■ ' ^ ZZtA. c/ ^Ct-M-t Att t C /y-t^ J X c ■/■( 7Z _ ■ y/ffantY ^avt^ ^OitA 1//If . Cr^ft f>c/4x /Zf.^x^ v^ <fcyt.yf.c^ ZcrixAt Oz-axy ^ l4iAA l'^ f AaxY j4c-ff YaC/Y/^ a/ f fe-fJ^rM'ty^ 7A.AfyZ /^Zla f^CyAty^^Yy A-trxxY Cvtt/yf fAx^ty Acfy. Ct/^xY f 4xaX My f'^ ytt. rkj y^/M4 tyUXcYx, Cf^-iCf ZZl( ZfttA Sct tc{ flirvcxy. OtitY Y^r^Y> oY//Ycc^ fA/Ax^AtAt.^ Otx^t/Y OcM.^j/eYM lAA^cy CdftZc a y^Za fx''p/UA /rAtyc^ ySox^t.O <foeCA3 r-x /Zx^c/ ScAxtAx^.t^//My/xx.r v/eoA ZfZYc/yx^yfJiYfy^ ^ c t-f rZ yj fnMt-L Cc4-^l Qx/fy^ ^ Zctc^ K^y C/y^yZuyXxf trxxY /-J fZx. /?ty^f:YS€y/.tyHxxy^.^ pf §exxA.^MXt(k <t c: ^<fcxc/l/Yx//^. c/ 2>c<crY fybjuZl/Mj exxtY c-zA/t^j , JcA/yU Ur<y ^ T/^ ^ ^ / U-foYtz/j Oaytici pf fAe Ac3/tM//feMxcY /^i ^ Zh/Ay Z/Sgt/^yfyy^ ittActtiU Z^Pt^t/l^ttclx/A (ZZcm^x^cY/^) fa P< /o^ytArxYk erZp^Yty fj /(/_y,tY ZAc/-,t/<4 SZc/t/t/ZrryLY . Ctite./ f-Tf^fj fZUy^^A.^ ^(HxY' /Z3 tx-k-cY* Cy/^'Ax/" I <yil t fcf/^fAtf^ /c.'9A€^ </^ J^ytXcY ^x<>, iylyx:ay^ /-'>/«<: J C* f fAc. \ J)ftii4x iex^tftx ixj CvYr\t\ C^ ^C<teY iAC-y x t ( x ft « Y Z0 • i V > ( c/ k X iC yt Y > A c / t / A }y V t If t 0'^ Of-3 f Zl t. ^■^t G e M /Pt e (.Xy Y f^M ttY* O'lnfff Act -**. Yey .^CfcY h" fZ 6a C'€M ft ^ ^eet x GftYtJ ,o,,Y f 0, ^ Zt-y/ZOtf f fAr^to/., . Zc/cyyt < ie tt.i 4 ft «-t fct >kY f/^ 4 Y/i\ ^ / k A-M At L4 ktYty-* d- AfY f C^xmO (iitXA ZiltUf, cAt^<iY' ctft^y Zc/vxfY Uffc^A/ytV: McxfrkoM ^trt/ / rt t'Y} Ox ltd ^ fct/H t't/fi.kf ; fZn tVt ajx 4*tk^t.0 0 e/T.i y IX f-'Ki-i ff/AxY i ^ nfh ^ <u^,e^ ^lyif^TjL£^t i Ja/n^^ ^ Ctyvt/*'XAj O'l^x ^^4te£<^-ef. /^ccJcc<.. ..^-c/^-f/yt. /2-c^r^c? / Cl/Z€^ry^ /fine/ cy /}ci^iyi.xe^^^/ Jo :> Q/t^if n , Ok f/Ji^ Coii.n.'l<,y} /Jn4.7 ^<tt tc> Cx Ca- t (^ltJ> fHcrtv- ^S^C4.-i^ eC , / 4xt'l I J I cCn'^y^j J hidi, />yu^tt^ f'LO ",. 1-0'') /hyi4' <'1^ /ci^ud Cf^ y^ t el, iSce ■*/yi Ce lxAt e!(/i,f /■t<,rC-t-i 'Ij^ fyirclO ( /C/ t^ OU'^te/ 0/^l& ^Coly^ J/rt^Cf ( lAt/>i<t.<j Jc tt (1^: ^In^ C0e.^p~c,^ dfi/lAV-x,^ /LiA^et^ Ce^i^el / e.U,.n^ Joacttc^ J))dk-l/^ Ct^^ /yt^clj /c Jf/l fyi-r^{e, Ocrey y Y I el e.Ot frtf JC4,t^t:A.'i cl 0/^cle^/x^tci-^^yo ^ ^CiAXx,el Orf-t-^e^j Qyf C4, irx^ c<X <A,^f JoiCi.iy} c/c^/^ t Of Ci,,%Axf O/e/^O^Ayy J O ft J (loU,^2x.,.x^^. J5aei^c^ JcOfi^ O 6c^-^ 'H //Bif JolL^ J e>^ 0P Ocry*.*^ iry /j^jyco/v^ f <>-.CroJ J S'.OO^J ^C^ecl ^ C A^ ( f ^^ cle'y f( cix oi<_ /c't^t-'^x li, f-i ^y OaI^ ^Oe-x. xA. c-'' t ^e^ctj^i'e?i.t.yi.ite>-d.fv>xe-i , e^ 4^..,^ ^ ^ , ft JatUxc/cxy ^axe^<A.^ '2_<$ . / S/ U ftiA^ ^etlTllAx. y li ;4r,aii.^xx^0 rx.a (^OAj^ , JCcec^ CAy/^ekeexy itxA, ^c<.x.uU^ Ol cAtucf l-ct^-x-c^x Jeo-c-e f I ^'■e^^i ( C txe'I /j^OU-x x ^ t A L \ 14auu ar. e.x.0 Jo^.fl fA ot.^^a Jc^x. d~- I ype^^Ux (nx (Ax. Crte/Aolc-xxy Cx.^ O /ic^d - V C^t^J tAVx t^rof et oAncrz..^,.t,^f tx.A cHf^. CnrOen^4-•^Ax xAoxx ftx.x ty Afat^ 0--0 t cl /c-'t-xX't O-t'^Oc.y O ^'5-/'2_.-?'i^ / ^ I t4x<. dl^eyft- hctxA fO^/4xe^ Jz p-yyx e 3 ^OeAxl /cri ct ee/f ^xx e_ L ! Ctt^jcO e-f.( (exx cO-1 y 6^ /yo^A Jcei-tal yO^oMpy / f e> ^-i f: % fAo^xx a X.., d C-i/%-Ptx, 0c/~t*t Ae^'xx^ Atc-x-Xi ^ k.» ''> '>.,1', n „ ,, „ £A„^u, M M«ac^^c/ t ^ a Atyi^'j /it ^41.^ if Ao.<4*4j c^.4t- /^ y. (7 rL,c r<f<.oc<e{ Vr^elo<e>xxr< Ic dc^xxA-l J~-^ JyrcA^ d ydcd/cfx^ ^'7^0 ? //rt^x fd JctAi Ju,^ .. 6A cx^ Ai^'" ^y&'x i Sf O/lfeA^ Zx.-xXtvtc-x'- dj.S-Z-VSr/ rN ' \. fy of Cfit C yA / o, anJ xO'/Aelecx J 9^/^rx.f- ^ . 4 lf. ^f /rr'A^Ae . V X ^-V., Sdei do ^ €j7i Ale erxx, Ao^en-x, Cc^xy <=^01 /cxclo Cr^c^f~ iJx. J.£a^ or^ ^at ^-px-cxx-okr 3 /%^ te/nAx-x. Ji(.lZtTt.t^ tr^ yAxx^fi^xx^ ^ th-ex^Cx^ef rire^leLX-^x. Ay ^OxO^'u ^ fe O ii~/l .3feu.AP,^ U J-Ceox^ ^ Atc^ 4cretd. deTzlcf C y A^e^zy cz ^ Ao ^x./3^c (S lc^t<.x^ C1x~ere/^ /Jx C'z,j- ^ r. /.cl^,^ c'^ fPk^ Tvr^cX (yij!ei^x ZOlx /itfxt^-e-x^ I J Xx, tPcXext^ Zo Ox.txx^x ^ ob Uaxeet l^. T'PcAXX.-CXxX-d C-t-Z-LA^ ^-p'A.-XZ. ^y. lA(K.^ Ig^ _ ^fxx. CJ cx dx/ixyiAAle €^ A>^ OtixL Acxgl^ ly .ytA3t,<j f/^f A , ^ ^l-ir-cxp^ ,— y3 0yCi.i/t ic^-M-xy_ 0^1 lA^ ly C-xtd /iyOOA,^, £<-Tac^ O* /paaxa^ /cxeef iJ-v<J- Cuxxxledf lA^ Z^.A^p^X~/y I A £<t^ c/^ ( / exi Jo-txfA I f "t SO^'App/ (iAt4 fizxxd e^-j' ^i.r/rtz J./^cer/eAZ . dfey a t^etd, ' Jc^xx/A > ^. /T' fee^f fOrtlt /cetxzd rk^. /Aenltx.^ /(t^e-fy .' (Aere^g^^ Joe,/k fa^-PA/- Ijlxx^cr^lAi Ooeeyxi.*^ ft f-PX^. 0 IA^^Ga^ ofopxrA '0 9 I tzo' ^>1^ t c^fkx^ ^Ci'P^eL' 0" € I e.d^ I lAcifrcg^ Acfzfl ^ t 4 i~ '/Vv^ / /oe xttf e/l' f-ixe 30(nzx< (}cdf; PAeAt^c,^, Je.ff/ /<^?/^-' /Ad <o^^ fcx.d C-/ LA< 3nan^ 3frupd^^ ^cff /r^ JinaA «?. '^. OO^ /re^l on^A^ y^xyp-xel eyy^ JjP aee^dp. /e/Ztgy, A^ept/Cy /fl €< OkCX-f\l ( A4lf/Pie,P.. Jct^ o/i V. 4j ",. If S ^ fced' <''^* Au-xxd (O^ AfAciif*^^ ^ ^iii.y 4 t/'yf deef/t f^ftcPe f/y fjt4J /o A t p4x e <--ey/p^ f )^>x an A r-j zAe txf'^ 4 o O a /ft of X A^< }f e\ A t-»-t od t t f't r le tl letttxj A 4< (A^-tn/y A^ff) foef l*yc>//4 t AePt^xAj^c-x. f f/a l^A f'i. JAe 4 at-ytpt/ 0t«.f4tclt:d /« ikt 4f-v^fcU Aotne/ft^Pftxp O-c f C I Cx ^fe-e'cf* /ozlOei' fet\4t_ Of <i ^0 '*» t )"if ^Cfjy-i Q /t ScA^yfcct^^ J3-Cin--t'c/ Jff /"< 'V-^ 'Lt-'i 'i Jt f k U ^ Ut A y^. ^S S f ^ ^ , ^'O /a. <-0 fr, IjSI /?^ <^cJ ^Cy^t j^t C-c^.'■'i-'X^ O cTi i. j c- ^^C-c<. £^ I 11. 3^-^ t c-t j /X. ( ^ CrX / /j ^ -r. /^ f n//^"'^ Cct^C ' /3 ^ ^ C r.r, c^'C't't^ c^ •:/GAr <.-7 M n } k^O-Ct. <V* X ..k/-/£ti.<-i. /X.tOC-l£f ^ '"^^^•''S-H e-H a-, k?c^c< <V I ^^V-c-r.^ t t /(.c-tc/ O/-*./^oZ^f / ^'z/^J'' f C'tt.-'i.i €*^ k(<,tc/ f it^. iAi:^/iie^/y Jxat^ y^c^i.ffr i o] J ^ ^ f c^x-f ^<T<fr'f^ ^ Jt f.t -4-^ ^(/X 'i f/ (71 t (_- O' Cyy^ k~c Ci£i_ o c£r-fy J / 9^ — fy /) Cr Li c/ S^ c f'k /f^ .3^61 m IrCt-^ Ct^x^c^ ^.-etn y^c^L f'-k . 0Ct f &<yiiyyi^y a G Ctc^ rkiec.£t /4l^ /d>^ < tyf ffyyrQjL. cr^ /i^C.^^tyyy^c'-cU. 6AcL^4y fo /tcc/G^ ^ rj^ r^"vyxngAM^ Ocoti^ttc^ 6y ^(^yU. /^tctC^l^ ^ ^^fJ/O Ot y^n c^ / X Fc<ytrd^-^ y^-^t ^ (-*-1 <y (L.t 1,-t I fx-ffr^j , / t c4'' f(.-ti,'it d.'ft/y /c frc f/z ^^J yke^.^ /Ci^ryya.. t Ux gi.£ (- otyfivyjL. 1^x7 '-. ^ ^ ^'T^ fyxi f £X ct .1 l^yt dL<. .JV^ryi'Ae/t 7p -X^/A?-^:) 7-4*^ ^y^4yyr^c^cy , yhc^yofiLy ^-t^-z^ 7'4l^ Jc^x/i h^<L^79nlx Cc/-r-rfey^ ir^ f tt c, 0^ €a ( tytx-LC^ t/y ^Qjt~t.yyyi t g L (s k i.<.y> ^ c-t^t ^ tn-i-eL. O~o~ey d.-^x c4 C-f fjo ^<'i.J(j cyi^ff^^i (ks^t.y>z^ f rkj-atfUL Jyin^Az a^t^c cffxyt^xo y/^tfht (Hit >,t£ti, ftti,7\ c/h-f I (cj yic/ X4-^ y^ct^'V A ^Ae^yH^ 7 f <yk.i (I c-of^ k^'f't-^ 4^ £yyx,yc-j ,' (U, Cta-^ I 0 C.-t^O'-tjL^ fOiryx 4 €^ dk.Cf^^^ a^e/yi , A t /4iiy}^(i^ , Jly.y}^-(^ fi c^* i-zySi ty i^y t^t/H X^ (i7xLf^-e . ^f^'7ik> PI ^'irti-o ^/c-y XX^x. Ct.''yy>-< ^k*,ig( /o%uv\ / (-tx 'f f 'i-x.e. Ax^ i c4£ypc Ca. t 4 ^ rrc u /Ldi4 7y /^ /U-i^ T^n.^ V/ "^ 4 C4. (i (4%u^ y4^/^-lu£ .^C GLAtJ I^ A fpt qI^ Electionjlfarrant. _ BARNeTABLE, SB. XoeUhcrof ttie Constables In the town of Yar- mouth. Greeting: In the oaioe of tuc Commonwealth of Maesa- chuBctta you are hereby retjulred to uollfy the In- habltantB of ttie town of Yarmouth qunliaed to vote In elections to meet at the Town Ilouse In said town on Tuesday, the foiirlh day of Novem ber next. It being the lirst Tuesday after the flrst hlonday of said month, at nine of the clocE In the forenoon, to bring In ihclr votes for Governor, Iileutenart-Goveroor, Secretary of State, Treasur er and Jtecelvor General, Auditor, Attorney Gen- eral, Bepreseutailve to Congress (First District), Councillor (First District), dcnntor (Cape Sena torial District), one County Commissioner for three years, one Special County Commlaslonor to servo the unexplreU term of one resigned, and two Ileprescniatlves In General Court (First Dis trict). Also to bring Is your votes on the follow ing nmendmcnts to the (Jonstltuiion, vlz.: Flrst. No person otherwise qualliled to vote In clecclous for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and ItcprescnlailvcB shall by reason of a change of reslUeucc wlihin the Couimonwoalth be dlsquallfled from voting for said olUcers In the city or town from which ho has removed his residence tintl! the expiration of six calendar months from tho time of such removal- Second. No person having served In the army or navy of the united States In lime of war, and having been honorably discharged from such service, shall bo dlequaflllcd therefor on account of receiving or having received aid from any city or town, or because of the non-payment of a poll lax. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof in hve nubllo places, three on the south side and two on the north side of said town, and by ono Insertion la the Yarmouth Keglster and Cape Cod Item seven days at least before the time of holding said meellng. The polls will be opened at nine of the clock In the forenoon and may be closed at ono of the clock In the afternoon. Hereof tall not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Select men at the lime and place of meeting as afore said. Given under our hands this second day of Oo- tober lu the year one thousand eight hundred and Dluety- Thacher T. IIallet, ) Selectmen Edward Lewis, > of SrEEHEH Wing, ) Yarmouth. A true copy attest, { Seth Tatiaib, Constable. 45 lA-tt li i4%<. a (^€4. c t Jt C-1 tT-t ( Pc r> /- ^; A-TL.*. Sl ^£<. ^ ^ ^ Styy^ Ce ? Pyt '.<yxyt. 't-€ Cc. (? /■€*^1 Aa-t r -J^f ^nr X < / S ^ /T 4k / ^ C*t 1 1 tie Ck f .•/a,/A* C4 i<^14.4:4. (X-Cc. ^-l-a- 4^1 ^U€3£^<Ay 4^ 'H 43^ / i f 43 4^4. j^cJL f ly€4/t't^ Jr%^y,ytA.4:^4^4^ £4. XeC4.^A 4^JtC4.£/cC4.yi- j£e.^,:4 Of ^ 4 £>£4/f /s^ /zj^c/liAy l4^ 4?/a4/c ^ IC-^PA- 4r^4t^ y/jU /. ^Jt £*.£ lixA. ^i<rx tU£ UcAclclrCy CC^*^UcU ^trP4.^C^ y4<r4r <A»44>4 l4u 3u^e. trt i £^4^ ilre-OL, <? OXA. M. {i OC ty. C.//^C. / Ju i U if £4.44*^ 1%^ tvhir^-c H£*-£y^^ let ^ wt-- *-9-1 trh^ I Ixj H i Vt I rtry^ £1^ ro4iit Ttxc^ ^ .'-jjvnrzyj-lxlci ^'c itti % J!.lh<rz^fU.Zi; kcc^cl^^cl hrdLtc •yyt, 2 (LccA^'itlL' iT^£paa^ lyz^jtyj c^ c^y- Cl/it ir^4. )l.ie/yy^ IrC/k^ £r^ I'-^xd ^ ^ 'i-t c/t^ ^ A ^--< y^c/Cc->t-c/ /y h^ Pt. irj ^4Cry ty d-^ y^7 ii4.C4.f>%t^ 2^ £/^ Sjlyt^i.y^u.lcX. l/y^L A-C< nc/ Air-^ .A<-X! crryc. Me yv^y_lcrpt £r^ J JtCt I.iy?-i tk (yl i^/iyyy > La^i c/Ce >zv^ yyt £r^ IrLftX^ 77a ^4y~o jv*A ^ cl^yi^eL Cc vLr/ LelZ^ ^dc/yyc ^ Titpx cf^2^itcJ^7c4. pt.cC- /c PI « j &lL^tciy:> &U^7^/yy^c<t^ <s££iidA.MlU> ^iTtCy £ < yUP~ )Yct(cu.yt\, di l/tct\ tr^ fhi/yTT/i* C'Pvc jtUP^^7it^c^ c.e ttcC yjiA-. l-uit crC^ 'h-.t,ify>ti-€t. cr^ V-t/CZyj Jin, yoA^A'jAAypt^ T^Ze^jCCcc^ ?SytAe,^aL^ Aw> h.L< ytc4. KtC C^j,i.cC 2<-<7cp-*^ii7^ O-aP^ Jty^' /iTdLce^ pyc ^ ^£CtA%<yPt- ir^ (bcMZ^ / 5d.cyyc- M- %iccj%clet^ 1/71/. jiAA^ytAU 0 Cy^e-^ Je/TAA- ^ c/tA-ppi y, OtlU-piVL lt^ Jcpinj Jt'CC) J'kctyUt^ /-t/ii Jcry Jlct,cUl<n- Ca.-cc^ 07xe kt-£ t-A £.{■},-£ cC cC d<.^Cy pLi>tA> ^AxA^C^y /Z AActyicC SftiyLtAy^clct CPljC /lAA^lCltAC/ C't^cC rAAitTCA^ tc*,i S yyit ik e£fi aSc^(cjc^ k. —,hllUtAyy^ _4.y ^ /}hjAd-Ulu-a-^ y LaMi t^-Cc-OA.£,tj'y-i.'t. aj fPtrCa ^-e. t tAA-^cC- Cf*^ kccpo ftCt-^tC^XAcC iUtAcC (acT* (Ix^ y^Mc c{Z' ytfl^/yyili- XP t/k>> Li^AcJ — Zf /A Cc . fhtcA^ AtcxAcC J Sjon- Pt^Aicl tArt^ Jtn^ tj J(4f^^^LTrc-yl 2, Pi^i/iirtAX^ fr^ ^iJyic^ ^Tt hcA >t c/tec/ ca tArk^^ic, (HiA,^ Iaa, tf/ /cp* 7jtt^jA-Pt.'lt/eL/tT-c ctd T^CAfUP**^ ^ k Ct it£7 t-ec^ £^.t,^c>C £ A 2-*7 ^A,- ^k-CxaM-x /t 6)<>W /iOx Pt.vZc,Ou- tptcPtA-' ukxA. ^ y* •i.AXx,^-' /? C-L^ idix Td^tu.t'Ca S flcpt-t^a-tC /.-^Jk^cct^/^gc/yfyx^ k-AAXAt^^^ c t.-A^ J 0 tn."^ ^crU*. v// 7// \pr Ly / Z / z / yLe Cckylc Oict^yAbc^ Jy la^J Ac y/t^./ Tclto lic< - icAxca,/ rxcC Pic >i.«,.(jc.e-^ i/Mj-c ffpt Jjl T^C* /JTc^CCtA-y £rj ^'^CA L Ac<L-t,*t. ^CpC^J^JeAeA-e^jA^ cj 3pv<ip<a, ^r%t^ /MTcjO hrtddcpu^ hn^ JTectc^,^ JAdccccU y )ykA^cXc*c 6n<A/ yix,A, CA icc^ ytcCpyxAt*. li-nCt,,^ ^ircA'^Cy ^ CTPyt y*^ PA-f<o^>u_ 6t-^ ^CcrC ytA-OCcCXcAC Cax^£,C Zc-P- *-«-y4^ /lr(dcA</yyp 6l IxA^ryy^cc.*± c/j^ SCc>ccCccc,e/i.. htCc Pkt^^yccAy J fc^cPycCcA,^ /^CAxjy^ OTx A Aaa P^cAcacJ ">^1 MjOyyIla- CAykcA^ ^ 2rtrU.y Jcyi- Scpy*.y^ /l^ fvcox-d'^'^ Y- Iny^6 ji Xccy J-/h^^^ J ^OtUAnASZ Jz^cu^ ^^CPX xAj J. 6crcr/c J fn/</^ jJcrrZ^JctApc •£ /liSU Jfi-yzrp-pp^ctjtpc^ CTz^ kceAP^dci^U£^u^jf/y (^/ic- lA'kc^ Tccx py' 2r-c/CC,3 y^' Ac PtctCcp IcT^ ^'^-Y {kctZ^y A-cnC On.^ J~c~ ^0 TzcdxAn J k-AAk-Z ktccy*^ Acce-y-tCtj £cp^jc/h-y^ ^ kcuo Aaap^cZlacC c^M ZhA/cctcy. ^ JcAPxUcc^A^'>ZZt^L-Ad /Uc ock-^ (H-OcpptTcc. cy drcrG^^yi/y- AcaZaa^A-Pcc CtyccC ^ f J /hOt,<'X 7lt-injA Aaa^ ^cPj-c i ^hyyku^J ykc/pttcc^cM ^Pt-^Atcp^cZt^cC Ccy^ 7Axn Ay yCtlXXCCtX /3 ^^CVC-clA c^ a//Z't^X^TkzcPc ^^it iUzcM, Zci/ctcC^ /lo-tyPct/Ad-C, kcXPiMx-AUcy^JL^nC kdCX-Zt^yk {akccTPLirAXjActypcC, cj ^cA. Jyt J fSixAyycticcZr-U. <Pte. y . i ^Xxct^U ^ fc-ct Zt ^'7^Jlct9PA*U IAa cU cj^ ^h'tepy t<ec<<* hc zf Ct J 0x^ i.ce/r HCA^. CA^ 6 i/>*y fxAmtx ^U^ccftAL ^ </>**. *nAtm. c- -LcCyC f lA' 4-CC COy*^ 48 H, if ^ OZA/lytT__^ t, ^C4jyL/icc^^j^ ^JCl^ A , I, t4=: ^t^ol ^Ccclinr-t iA<^ <J^y t\.4 i /" Aun.<0 ^^7 y ^ ^ (jL^Z^C ^ X ^ -y-c j^L^rr^t^ ot ify lA^ cCc "O-///// J ^ 2.3 / i.3 fl ^Adi^iM ycci^t^ y~r^^ Jyo^4c^^ ^ /S a i4^t. j.i /r ^'f'-t* it-, ^zi ^Ctyr-i-oCcj^tf/L /A^£< Jb^^ tt <y? ^ec^ I ^ye^kc. J)r<^ct<^ 8c/o^ A (Ja. KlcA ^ '7 Uvcr^ C4^U^Cc^/^ ,y,^c^UM. (-^ OL^ fv Hy V-, . ■" C/'Vt't^ ^ ^c< /•*»* C--*. < / t /bot^/i '*t^ Sseclal'Towii Meeiui Warrant,49 BaBNSTABLB. 6S.To either of Ihe CoDslablcs In the town of Tar-mouth, Gkketikg: Jb the name of the Commonweallb of Maesa-chusetia you are hereby directed to notify the in habitants of the town of Tnrmotitli quallfled to vote In elections and town afTiilra to nicet at thetown house on Tuesdny, the fourth day of No-verolier next. Immediately after the adjournment of the meeting for the election of state and county ofliccrs. then and there to act on the following articles, viz.:Art. Ist. To choose a Moderator to preside In salt! mectlog.Art. 2d. i'o see If the town will choose a Com mittee of three of its citizens to act with a like Committee of the town of Ocnuls to examine Into the condition of Bass River Bower Bridgeand report to the totm at the next annual meeting what special repairs may bo necessary toput said bridge in good condition, and authorizesaid Committee to employ e.vpcrt bridge builders or civil engineers at the expense of the town toesttmate the cost of such repairs as may be needed. fBy request.)And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof at Jive public places in saki town, three on llio soutliside anil two on the north side. Also one publl- cation in tlie Yarmouth Ucgtstor and Cape CodItem seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Jfercof fall ne t and make due returns of thiswarrant with your doings thereon to the townclerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid.Given under our bands this twenty first day of j October In ilie vcar of our Lord one ttiouaandeight hundrci) and ninety. 'Thaciieb T. Hallet, ) Sal<^tmcnEdward IjEwts, } of |Stephen Wing, j Yarmouth. ' A true copy attest,SsTH Tatiajr. Constable. J^ct>t^ C4.-c/i Pea4~ z >3.xOt<^ //en^<- y^ AIZ-At£a 'fPPAtjO Acn-<j^t c</A-y ^ ■>'--t-xz.^- ctcf^yf /% pf I C€ f)^ 7X-.A- AoxA£*Zrx.^£</yt^ Jhrzx^^ / S C A A rA. &€^zl As-Ac4.tJjut \ fo t^cx tdu- Z'e^xUiAU^ zr^ /^u^f Az/t^z^ A /x> lix.t e Ca-a. ^ Pt Zt f C-A J■*d ptzz? t-x- ^ f ^Ai <»V /■?• * .*< /t •x^ l^c* * * A ^ t<^ .%^JU 50 I 4" A- / 7 I -y^e-O" ^"<4 ^ 7* TOWN MEETING WABRANT.' BAKN'STABLE, 89. 20 either f/ the Conslabiai in the toicn oj Yar- nouth, in the Connty of Barnstaiile, Gbeetino: In tbfi name of the Commoawcaltb of Masss- clinseccs you are hereby dlrecteii to notJfy the la- nnbltante of the town of Yarmouth quallfled to yoie In clectloiiB and town alTalrs to meet at tbe ttwn house In aald town on MONDAY, the ninthJtey of February nest, at ten o'clock In the fore noon, then and there to act on the following artl- .ea, tIs. ; ART, 1. To choose a Moderator to preside in- lid meeting. Art. 3. To choose all the necessary town offi- tor the ensuing year. ART. S. To bear the annoal report of the Sc- imcD and act thereon. ART. 4. To hear the report of the Flah Com- Ittce and all other Comznlttees and act thereon. ART. 5. To choose a School Cominlltee to flU e vacancv of the one esplred. ART. 6. 'To choose ft Riiftii Commissioner to Oil 10 TocADcy of the one expired. i Art. 7. To see if the town will choose a Plattlammittee to act with blmllur Comrolitco of the I wn of Dennis to regulate the ilsbi^rlOB In Baaa' Fotlins's- Pond nnO sirenms connected. erewlUi nod all other ponds controlled by the ART. 8. To sec what sums of money the town in raise for ibtWsuppori of the Poor for tbe knsutng year. ART. 0. To see what sum of money the town rill raise to pay Town Officers and Committees' keea for the enbulng year. ART. 10. To see whut sum of money the town lit raise for the support of Schools tor tbe en suing year. ART. II. To ace what sum of money the town Iwill raise for the repairs of ilo&de nod Bridges Blor the ensuing year. Aot. 19. To see If tho town win Invest the Tax CoUeetor-Wltta the privilege and power or the TowftTceaBazBr in the collection Art.20. Toseo'lf the compensfttloo—lor ina collcctton of taxes shall be fixed by I'ubllc -Auc tloujind the lowest bid establish the rate. L"! request.] ,, ART. SI. To see If the town will grant llecnsos tor the sale of Intoxicating liquors. Art. 2'2. To see if the town will accept tno provisions of Chapter 2V2, Section 1 and 2 Of the Acts and ncsolves of 1867. [Byreqnest.J Art. 23. To see If tbe town will direct tho M- lectmen to enforce the requirements of Cbapwr 1S7, See. 2, of the Acts and Ilesolves of 1890. Ley request.] , ' ART. 24. To see If the town will build a new culvert under the sidewalk on Ualletc street ne^ the residence of Gco. T. Thachcr; also to bullttl a larger drain on the land of said Thacher t(»i conduct all surface water that may fall Into saltli culvert, tuy reauest.] i ART. 25. To see what sum of money the towniwill raise for repairs on tbe road leading fro^. the Main street at the residence of George Hal- let to the residence of James G. Hallct. Ll>y re quest. ART. 26. To see if the town will accept tho roari as laid out by the Koad CoinmUslcnore, commencing on South Sea avenue nC tho norUi- east corner of the land now owned by tho lielr# of Henry Crowel) and running In a northwester ly direction to the County road [By reqiiOfit.j ART. 27. To sec what sum of money tho towa will raise to harden or Improve tho new road leading from Friends' Village to the Matthews Neighborhood. South Yarmouth. [By request, j , ART. 28. To see If the town will appropriate a sum of money not to exceed two hundred ana fifty dollars to Improve the road leading through, Weir Village. [Ryroqucst.] AliT. 20. To see If the town -wUl accept l.ho: llstot Jurors as prepared by the Selectmen.Art. 30. To Hcc it the town will choose a Committee to frame a coilo of By-Laws for th® town and report at this meeting c4 e4'* /•Ccl ART. ir'^gsec^^^ of money the towa 1 road as^VaiaVut^by Uie Uo"d Commissioners, wlU raise to pay town debts. t as "uu o" Cottage on the ART. 13. -To see what sum of money the Creek, to Lewis Bay, to I.w °° Buildings for Set the road leading to rolnt Gammon. [liythe ensuing voar. ART. 14. To see what sum of money tbe town will raise for mlscellaueone expenses for tbe en suing year. ART. 15. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the purchase of Reboot books for the oDsalng year. ART. 16. To see If the town will authorize the Town Treasurer to hire money to pay town debts, ART. 17. To see If the town will accept the provisions of Sections Gt. 65,66, 67, 68,68, 70, 71. 72 and 73 of Chapter 27 of the Public Statutes relating to the eleutlon of Selectmen, Aaseeeors and Overseers of the Poor. ^ou arc hereby directed to serve this Warra^ by posting attested coplec thereof In fi ve publicplaces In shUI town, three on the boulh bIoo andiwo on the North slrle, also one pub tcatton In tbe Yarm<»uih Uegistcr and Cape Cod Item sevendiiys at least before the time of holding said "llcrcot fall not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Totra Clerk at the lima and place of meeting aforesaid.Glvcu under our hands this twentv-fieyeuth day of January In tho year of our Lord one thousand clgiit hundred and nlnety.one.THACHER T. U ALLET, < Selectmen Of EDWARD LEWIS, \ Yarmouth. A true copy—Attest. _ , .. Seth TATi.oa, Constable. -ytA c. ^ i ' ^ OHcAirktAA^ icrUr<A. ■»*r <u to f (JLe-y^U.G. CI./X. ddOAC./ •772 £-aZi,<Lt i/1 11 ^ ti i'i-tyCA. <yTx. <4yt.-Ly:4 •eriA^ I tx ^ tt-rCAAtC I'ttA.^tdtAreA-Xxy tx-et.'tx.A oxcdtc^ ^ ^AcAt^AA C€t.xci CytAyxAt Cy-€ 1% Ca ^ "y" -d- tyt-^ I Ct-AA-A. ^ 4cr\AA. ^.4 - I* i ( it-C^ Ct't-^LeJUi yiyAr^<^^ ^6 CAe 1^/4*4 ctAy Jl'i.^ytyxytAtA^ ju*~ UU 0S> "J % LXx Ial t 1 ^ A> f tli. Xy^AA-^x-A^ ^ Jc4y*^ ti y* (nytA-4-e-C't--' ^tcA Pi.-Ky\-- / J, C* a 4 /i- / a£.4aj ^ y if c*x y 4, ^C* O 1 < « /. *^i3 — Jk'U tlA ^ n H U '< V 51 'tyzdc. yCz- ~ id-j Jc.^ Cite jt' Pdyyit-J ^trx- ^ erf (P^L A ^ CUa.~ tt x-v Cyt. % < ^ ^ / X. ( 4x iyxA. ^ C^Oxyf^ f I C X r ^ y-A A It 'Stt. ft t eAAyjf / ^ t/'erx -Ly Pfde- ^ cte e.x y. 7tcKi^( 67i> Jtot.xty4 Ca^c/ f/r '2- f tyx txAiI „ /CflxAk-iyt.y^KUye.d f k ^ ^4, (ax^a, y4 - / tAAt AIAa - S(.1^, hx<^cy^,/ iAcxi^ r,, ( ^ It ^ ^ ^ y-t * f C-- y /tx -t ^ c/r^i /'^ i'^'A n^-O. <?/. 2 x--Ca >/ Aa tA-Axf keyVAx. fixxyXx-yUyC ^ ^ A. {^AAy 7kexekex tyCA^ *2. ^-^.OtyAx y- Aa. £a n / h 0I4. yi-Af 'SteffiA^ iA fC x ycj JclL Cx»xa4 ^Ae^/f £r>t^ - if'tyxo iTziikAA k£A./ y^yA l^-CAy/tTT SC A t. Ay^ &d<.^A ^ ,/;Ct_A €A.-^ k.tA ZtCllAf^ lAiAtHAx <1AI ^yy~ ^ C-tiilzynvA P 4/\ K. k £ e *< JUp:ke.iA S^CA-if t^i^A^yy 44,7^ yLACfA^cyii^ J-tyxy~ ^ i t L t cxx ii^ >0^ »-a J'Loaxa.^. P hxeAd Uaaa LclU CXA^^< lAyxyx , O^k^y*^ ,V'(A<i'AaA*xh ^txedx 1.^-4 ^^Ctxejdy £4^ Z* IaUjLa4 i'£A*4 CtAA^ tyA<C Pedcx M.,i #4^, ykx c-i/A. c-€a. itto*. tAx Iaa kcd^irC, ,4tx. e-Ci /fS-r UAau<. L lAy< ii. . ^444 itxn A* ^tci<<4 Y >A t-e m 4* lA ^ t^y^flA, t ItA i tdk. f *A,^ CXtAxa.. 9 /t< tumL J c ( it yccy/ J—i/^'*^ StTT^Ctx h.£t.e/ £/^L^ L-t^x^'7 ^ JL. C c *i-tA C<.x^c-^*-%^ I tx^ l*t-^^l <^(- i i*- t<jUt^<. ^yicx^^Lt^ Cx t^c/ iv t-c Ct.i (xj^-i ly,XUx^ i-xrCe. cX. (O ^ A i^i. <_ / 3 ^IJl£oL jy>T^ t-X^J (J -V'l^ /, (/iCcxrx^ i^txC4c4~ y^ "2- ■z-*-*-t-» ^ c<.£-£^^ ^ ^c4x^ cir-t.x/ S (s^itcx-t^A^ ^ O A.^At>-r^ ^ /^ cxVc^x^ 'T /<^ ^ ^ Ax^^xJ> y /? ^ ^LCX^i C. \.4-^^ /I (fi. A J^ / i? yx i-U/it-^-x^ /i L^ I *Z J^rx-x^xylL y\^i >3. y (n.ci<,^44 \ i^irX^eA. f? A,<^-t.^*__ frXX-X^XrX^*^ ''^~~-0^'t,.Xj-X,<^ J^xcaL p. jU^it^i^-t ^4^Ac^t^6. So-^^crcA^ Ir 1,4c A {ii Iz tx.±~<^ La,x^ S, ■»»>-t,^»*v, P^ x;^'X-'x^ ^kc^4>-t yzx f^T^xuy ficcx\>^xU-c^ S C Cx^ N . S y%^t^4; ^ ScxxXf ^/3 'l ^i'ixU c\^x iitu. SxU^^ Za.14 £t4LA- Z irCt-eX to ^jn. jl in Jt.%.xxUi^ {4niej. X^crt^Cx-ty IfLx^ ^o ^irCc^ (xi/t*. jtC</l^cCl.cx^ x.'liAf^cA.x^ i' .y>i,. <■ AAa \L£^-lvot^rc4t4-Ct u, ^ AtAjif^t^ i^kir^ Ckx. I lrv4x.tJ ia i i-<yn r ct <A> tV^ $it^UJ h li.'i ' (2 Vx xi tix/i4ct^ y4»~ ■'P^/i.cU*^ Z^itAtAf t^JL' ^ 1 V V te.A (o Cx.jt y* ft Z< Ci.L^ <xtx' '\-C-t ^^Ai^xA C txx^^XcAA / *•■ /l x*y *^a* c/ i /-Cf XxZ^ c ^^z~Atx.A-> iv<x^^xx4 to /z x,*j C-*^^X t-cx/f o^o-i Jc^x^ ^xy^Lx^ >—. Z~^tx C-C (d L-c €x4L < >t£/AxA^ cv't.-^l^i.c^-*^ h'c/t. OXAf^ txt4z^^-. ^>£,c^^4.x^x t-ixjt^ i- o^t-x-c ^«-Y ^i»-^ i,-tyC<.A^ A'd y< Lx/^ ^4 V A-£.x~-ax t--> y / x tx,*^ /z^xAixx H.xxxt. ■%. Cxt-X-i^ C4t.i/tX<i,X.£4. LX. x4 Xx XX x4 t^^4xxxx A' ''■»*^-»^ 4x.-'Jxxxxxj y,Axxx. to4<x4 11> £^t £X ^t. txAcXx. ct~Cxxt Axi>tf4l^x/ i4'^4'A<cx-, 4A^^x.xx x^xxx^} S'ctcxxA t't.c-/OA / i ix^-fXXXxx^ t^AXx. in, 4x x/ 19f £d. txf A,x-^Ox.i* XJ C^-*..- ktXAx J /XJOx,x /m> /t t XX, i'^xx.extxx^^ * C4x4iy l/ortc to ^Xx,^ £x, tx'^xxx 4y C/^ t-iXrXxa,4y O-X,, C-x^c. { <xxA^ ■^— tIn/4<A4 tb £ t-tJt-t,,*4. ttxA, ^txxxcxx,,- ^£>4S^.x^£/»- i-x^x A O'C'Ox txL,p4^- £Zi,xxm4 ^AXOXX^ ^trtxAx xjxxxM 1x ~ / t t, -xx4e 4 ^,xxy£xx. t,x~. 4'txx, cftAx-x^'^t e-*_ ^ VoAxxt nx ytxxxU-oxy ^oa tkx A 4c ta xx/xxy ^c,p£<xy*~^ 'S~ eox^x,^ t ^Z\rb, x-^ ^x~^Ac xA t a iSiL s tz-ox^A iP^o4<xxx^ /0 t *-._•■ f / /. ix^ 2x ^ZlCAxa. -J^f oAxxAx,^, If^a,^/ ^iAAt ^OX. S< Att Le^,txjt.-i4x A fb a-e^*yxcA*t x^,A,- ^k. tx^Ax,^ 4^7 <£xUc*x,^ ■£ / s -f - t^cxf /4tA. £7l£t^^ /i >?^/>< £4tx. r>-yzcxA.'»r ^tt-e.'o4- 4ax-x*4 C4. oa 4Ce-x (r^ ^4 yixAx e-kx^ e x,xc,A §^C y. j tt£<,^ t/x. t ^ 4 I %x ot ex. yZAoxy Ct-xx.^4 ff 4A.-oA ctteox-** ^C<_ tZ, kx ^€a c o4 4>t <rf ^ -a tttA4 ♦x %..0 tZA. rtcoxAxtCd^ Cxt Jeirdx^ c-t<yi.ik (4 ftxtCA, A't-C. s^ Ci'V^c €.e' £ t- 'A. .dtox. ^-HntxA CAt-eoteA ct< ^4oyy^ee/A»A^ CA,^ ^ - J^zxA £4i£i.tox 4£.tj c £4t€x1 n c t< (/c-Zto ee-xx^ ikx. Tto^k ^ie4^ o/l^A. i•z,^cx ii./^ 4>nxc4 £4^x^£^ t e^^xt y ^cnfA J 7^i£xc7nc ^ IxaA t4en4 O c %4~ cU4 >z o t IxtT^yi livn. ^Aitcy ciluztA. Cx-i- ftvi eii^ptx^ J^nr^Cex. CkcA. at. ^t'zfy <r/y - ^kexx/-^ t^xl-t iT^ I'Lc. ezltyoA UoU< tZtu*^ £, /l/*.xajkt<\'ko4 ^ C£ ll4f At o4yi i4t.xi y O tt. ^ y^-xr^t. « 44.4AA. < Irejiyt-ck /% Ooyzflfl^/lO'OX^ttx c tiy^JixAA ./n- hx^tsox^f t£^'' Jc-oxW Z'xA^c^. .M.^/ (o n<*CA'7*'t ~ i>-/--*tV«. l/-irlxx4 (b It ra^Ax-xxCM. i/7t I k A ax A *,< U x.4.»x.oC k *» * A ^ C vtx t,i (.W'Xy to-o*. iLa fJ- <V Xt ,4 InUM. to tx,^j^t,yxAcUx. UxA) Ut^U t<ctteniA i*ii ^C'ii t~t, ( £ e> r C ^ i ( .-L-^ /e . Jtc*.^ £ruty^ ci*^ I 3 l'^*^ ^it. hi^cJu^ 3 l^tC<a /vufiCf/4./ tk^ S ( Cx^i a-e Lt y c lie/ (~i Ct~ e c c/*^ i fi^- ^/itjiyiA4/ i / A-^> c^£'>^ >-t^ e£^^ Cx,^ /o /^("y A e< 6 J / At^ e /■'^. (/t-et /4i<^ if f ^\ji^^ ^ e-^ %'4^ C-V\. CAi'C Jt^t:*-i-z U4 C^ /- Al-C. t^i/ «. I. >* <5'- > / Ax ^f J // J^ln^- i Am^ £lt £>^£:-C^ /- <Pe't^ AAxm,- ^I c At Gl-z. X f Acn-x..^t^ /t> A-zr-y-fti^ lit C-t-tOC^ oC c-/^t. !'■> C'I'X lA-ttC I*. A C^1~ i^XXyAt_ (fr^^ h-irt l^-\z o^i>t/t.-x-x^ L»'J%^ Jl c-t r> j2-%^4-^ /x~ 6 (y'^**-y x l £-■( 1-tu Axttr^^-^ i A IcrXf^ X J ^ x*^ ^ At /Cjt, c Cl--*-*. f-I-rf ^C'lf C-Ai^ ^ X'C-'*'M^- ^i-.-C-l €/7-Cj t J /-A-t. A-£ c ca^ ^lii <1 txx f k^ 3 ) Ax o I'h jx ^U t-x t xx itx^ J-^l xax^^^Ad-tx**^ /■■X't. cC^^c-c-x.-A Ai^ It^-Cri^ ('h c-^c-fx^ C^Zi AtM.x x'^'-j ft. Ayt^xC^x> lA^ Ae t. Ayi xX^ />i^rzx^ 3A^x i^xA, , cV i/-x:^xj /l-t£>Cf /3 ctiryf , X-x/CC - O e^-»-xA'1^4..£.A^ /^'*' '' A*- *5*2 7 ^ c-T^ f-^ CUxjl^ (fh^xtXyi^ C'>'» X'>'>X£i ^tjt-jtA Xe xi-xtit-fLtX di.^. L\rX'n/}(^ ^ t-^t.'^A~ ■At 3->t £ '.-TT'tt, p 1^ V,>V:'A.- rT^,!^ \.tW 11 • A'lt ''-v _l<lf ■*. rf - r.A'j ■4'v.s% ■I, ¥j .UPftyvU 56 /I iBllL ill 111.' Toivu of Yai>-1| nAf!H-TAllI C. a«. 'I'"' il 'Tut 111-* rons-Libli mi uili. ilri-'cll'is; III till-oniiKi-i| (III- Conimeniivi-alll. iif Maicnclin* ■•tils vull anr lu-reliy illn-cu-il Ki notify ibi* itihabi-niniaiif ilic-Town ui y.-irmiiiuli iiimlljlixl vote Inl.'lllI•^l<lu^mllI in lo« ti air-Irs 10 miwt in lite Townlloii-ir iu said town on Tl'K-SLlAV, the third dny.If Movi-inls-r tiexi, at i-iu'lit ami .mi'-h:ilf o'clock Intrio (orvooon, Uion mul ihi-ro to act on tin; follomnc iinicli-s, vi>r:Article 1- To choose a Moik-rfllor lo preside in said inecHiisr.Article 2. T.im'oiriln* Town will accept the pro*vislfini. Ill ('Ii(ii>ii*ra8ti iif the Acts and Itesoivesof 191*1, and as iim'*Ti.led hy C'Implcr 5ft i-f the Acts and l£.-»oi\>s ijf is!»i. n-luilntt to the use of flieAuslndlan Uulloi System in town-niecUiij,', and Uucceineil, to d.'lerralno what oflicers, if aiiv, notm|uin*l liy iaw to Ik: cho-ien liy hallot, slmli l)c so Rhiiscn. alpu iJie nirmher and icnnB of all each oOlcers.Article 3. Til sec if the Town will ajiiwopriafe the-Sinn of Tlirce Hunilred and I''iiiy dollars for UiopurvoK" of carrying the pnpIU of Souilt Yar- nionih aiHi WescVamionth tnand from the UiphI diuiil Imliditjg ill Ynrmouili; Ihie apiiroprlailou to be unportioncd at the discretion of the SclioolCotomliliH;. And you are hereby dlrecteil to serve lliis War-runt by uosling at levied cuptes at live public placesIn tain Town, three on the Huutli Hide and two on llio Norlli Si'le, also one publication ia the YurinontlillKutsTBii aii.l In the Cape i.'imI Item, seven days atleast iH-foie Iho lliiii-of iioliliii); said meeliiiE.llerisit fail imi and inuk>- due lulurus of tiilH War- niit, with your doiiiKH th.-min, to tile Town Clerk,at the time and place ol meetingaforenaid.(llv.ni iiiider our I1UU1J tins, the twcnlletli day ofUclolwr, in lire year one liiuusaDd eight hunared and iiitn-tv one. THAfUKU T. IIAl-I-ET, iSeloclmtn ElnVAItli LEWIS, V ofSTKI'IIKN SKAIfff, iYamiooth. A liuu Copy, tt UeHt; SETD TAYf.OR, Oonstablc. CaAtC ^ ^ Cfi. OituJ jx £^2^^ i ^ i(C4^ V ^£r>4— ^ uP ^ C< £A-£r c<^ <2 t.t> ^ x-c. -t/ ^ c-€. Ca. C4^ c-^Cc-y^ JSrLnj~ 1 i ^ ^ f AixtU^ ^Jxx c^. O"^ /c^/hCT" i ^ -yr ' -y. ^ Ze-X-A- dx*. ^ ^ ~-~ ru /- \ N / >' 24 / - ELECTION WARRANT. Il4!lNSTABl.K, SH. , vTo ciilier nt the Constables in the lownot tur- moiilli, (ireeiiii;;: , e.,• Ju the nainodt the Cniiimouwealth rf Massaclii-Helta yon are hereby required lo notify j!tu luliftlit-lants of tile Town of Yarmouth qinlilled to vote inelecliniis, lomeel at llie T.iwn llmise in sSal lown.on TUESDAY, llie third day of November next, Ubeing lliu Tueialay after the fi rst Monday of sulUruoiilh, at iiim- of Ibe clock In tbo loreuoon, to linugin their vote.- for (iovernor. Lieut. Oovoriiov. Conn-cilior. Secretary of Stati'i 'l'rcii«nn-r and Uecelver-tlencial, Auditor, Anoni.-y-(j.-iieral, Senator. (CapeSeinuorial IH-lrici;, Two H.^.i-iseutalivt- in OeiiernlCourt (l-'irsl Uistiici), I'ierl; of llie Conns. OneCouiilj Cmiimlssioner, 1". gislrar of Deetls. County Treaeurer and Amendmeiils lo tlie CoiiStiUitiou.Aud yon lire hereliy dlr.-cted 1.) serve this Warranthy jaisting atlL-steil eopii-B Ihc-reof in fi ve publicpliices, tliree on ih.: South Side mid two on UicNorth Side of said Town, and by ono iiiserlion itnthe Yarnioutli UroisTER and Cape Cod Jietn.Hcven days nlieast before the lime ill holillns said meel- 1"C-T'lc jHilIs will Ik; opi-ia'd at nine of the clock inIho fon noon iiud may be closed at ono "f the clock In itie ufto'iioon. Hereof fail not and make due re-tiiniRot this Warrant with your doings thereon, totlieSclectuieii at the lilue and place of iiiecllDgnB aforesaid. (Jivcii uiidor our hands tide twentieth;day of t letolier, in 1 Me year one Ihmisuud eight bun-,dred and iiinely-on.-.Tll.^CHElt T. HALI-KT,) Sel(H*!menKDWAKD MiW'TS. V ofSTEPHEN SKAKs, ) Yonuouth, A Irne copy, uttcstrSKTII TAYLOR, ConstAbte,, , 57 Olm.^ -^*2- ' r-^-cne^ *■—, McPiu CC/7X^ ? /4L.. ^ c/i^ez yt<A~ hr c/pt^ ^ LxA%.P<J^ ^ tTTrC^ jftT 5^, ^AyL 4j*^ oC ^ -H. -Z^ SzA^ty^A*- ^ it pxCvy^ ji^ iJ. M c*^ ^'zjf iczj-o Xxc >t c^ Licc . X u.^e H aj' hifitJcyyt. jf >•014^.. 4-ct.^*A.^ [4.4. i /Z A Tt. t ( ilCc >tcii.-cj^C C^->ic4. ^ ^^^^-yttXx cr^SccjvlCCSl- ^ CrCc-^i. £/^ /i£K?Tci^ ^~crt} ^S'/tjjCjx I /. Y ZjUSyH^ CX- %l.&A^}~ cY cPYc^Y^ £• ic^ 0>^^ >C^ cYZx^-T^, ^^'Lc. 'T^te t'y>i.lrc<. O^^ltLm^ t*} <,*■ j^x/'^ ^/T^C4.y9-€^a-^^ ^6*--w^ i.'^^ yj.jt^ )^,^^ ^^c41/^<-dJC f''yt^t-'yt_£_>Sk-oi^Z^^ ^/Tx^cte^ aj /3cy{xa* /-cxYoJcc^tu^ J. ^Xhty>i.^e£L. c-^ S/yt^>t^xta. ^£rHy ^<'V J. hrc^t^^ aj iryuL ^A»-^ Lir^t.4^€(^,^ £^/yy..i^Ye^ /Irt^Zd^ ^£/y~ ^^x^€>Z cZt/>- £^x.-et^ 1 4 /(llcc<^ O cr^ /A 1^£>%4 ^/Y/eYk/^ /y^^ *l^,qy^Z%4UjC. • C^ i fi' It. irvxy ^Ctn> AjXX'XXoZt.ea/. c*. ^ ^ ^ cy Q>u^^C£x4t^^iuU (3. h-iuZZt^xZcC c/J'U.yy^ ^Axi, ii/Yt-trCtj Oxcc^-vYrt^ (Irirtc^ YZ^\^x_g^ ^ / ^x^crCB cYc<y>vx.YL^ £fy ^A>>Z, Jla'TtZ^ xr^ h-cnr^U^ Y3c'y(ot^ /u/ o /l4^ PtcZ'tx^ Cc.*^^ ^-^xy-Cy CJ^ CAi9t^L.MjL^ ^tr><'y ^exz4!i^>yv<^ hrcticiacA. ifY /icrylot^ yix/y*.^^ A^OX^t.* ^ cZjCca^ Cx--^ - tr^ JSrUxr ^LAJ4^lu^t/cYtyyt i/^ t/f^tiL>x^^ A-tx^-t^ty C^>%Jtj Ji)<4.cxjlJY y^^xcit, i/l'fhui^ Ht^ ixA^ t) fit<i«Yxv<ci CaLiA^ t> At< i'*^c4x\A.dt x-z^^ CAtM-xty ^XArX^ / v >/ / V /A) ^ J / .</V - r £rtt. zZx X-CJt'\. Azz^ CC4.^ jA^ly a 4^ -JnxA/A y{ ytTc'/i/^t.x^x ^ /iz^x '>4.>l£rZ<^ IxA^t^ c:.^^ /Lx\Zy zH:^:^ h^y- ScxX.A^ £/^ yZCXXJAl-C^ IxXjtLz^Cy ^ ^/i^U-^tAr€x^ aXX4.^XAZz<^ ^CXAO^ Au}i> Ai^*<rZ^LzxX^4,^xY thx^x^Zy ^cUaJ ^yC ^1 / A^Xk XA.xZXx. tA.-Z. A-CX^^A^ Za.4^ Xa^xm^ IY^Yz. fx^x y dx^xt^^ cy C4^ yC6!^c.Ux^x/y A^ zAZtj^ /h4U,-t4B4A^ A ^C^Zy o^4aJ At^xt^xUxAxZ. XU4^XJ1 ^tfly 7Atc4.<Z4XA y A^a^^Ux y y^exAzxl^ ^Ax>l/^At Acox .A^ %^Hi£J)^xx,>x. xrf kLct^Uct^ Icc^ AxA^tMa^xYM^ ^x^Ax^y J^/la IxitxZjL. AAiLf^&z, A^itaZZ Xx-e^ AZc^ Axxx^txU^^x/^ ^k>xx. txA ApktwUA^ A AeA^^jrtAxZ ^ Jx^*^A€ZxA^^ jhx£3X!XX-XA,AA Axx^ ktx>».€>X^X4. €l.c^ PAxcixZx*^-^ txxx/y^UxA A Ai yxM> AvXA-y^c/*Ax/. X2x^£^ Ax^Zt^ t^~- / izAtx^j J.fiytxxxZAxy cj A^>c4x^e^Jci^ ^ Axx^*x^^ri AxTx^ Axxx^cAx^^ ci.zzU^A^y JjUt.X,z C'^ ^A\-Cxt.xZu<.xJXM^ A kx X Zy Z^AAi A>kx Vtkx^ ^X ^ tu^ £-z^ tx-£^J Ztxx ixxXx*-^ <5«.*.tV' ^€. iZy Cz-t^ JxLx_^z^ /J AZxxA^^ ^/ -^^xx-ZlxX^ .YcLxH^txtZi A^. ficiicx^L^^ yixiAx^.x^^uii i Ixc x^c^M. A> lt- xx^ZZ xy ^^xt*xzt^xic Axx. z> *'^V^^4vt^ AAAxxx.xx<-x a ^C€y c^ Z^XXXM. fZxxAZ*^ Zct^xtC^ Cu,^ 6Ax4.*Z4^/Z ■k'yx^ Ahx3L.x.*x-hZx4.I<^ ZxHckxxx'KXjZtx^Z C**^ J-XS! ^ixijx. 2 hA-xt U^ X'^ JcrItxZcxxek ^^f^xxA^nz^ t^-Xx^-Zx h.-c^mn'y^^Zjx^ ifCt-, ^.^.^ ^**H <^——-. Xf^ _, ^ x-xCtUtA^ Zv (/^ *^zLu^ cxy *-^rO^ Z^Ux^A c<.4^*Z l^ox xu^ l4tAr*4j X'Ul^ %.<) if Ux^ /'A A' t•*<-vv^ Z^Xxj, V H yu ^ '>£/U<Z*.^ fU. -^i< Ct cr/ / I tr ^4A.,tr%-t^e-^ •it-^.-^c-'C^ £r^ £yi\^ Sj.-«. ^- - < / {%^t.tx/.'%'Cx:jC CttA^22y /T^iv Jn K.4. <1 X c ct -cl ^ ^ {Cx ^y^^ly~iU 1.x.-, ^ Crt /X Jyz^//ytC'f' J)ro^ {/It.^ Cc/i >-i/>-t£^.^<^ In.-^ C ^ - cixx-*j cr^ J)rcn^ii.f_ irc*^ / ir ^ / / *^x ^ ^icLXL.y,. 1 Cu.^ (fb£ri4.l1t.<^ u. i^ix. ^C4rtxx^Cx4.-%^:.i^ _J, ^. ,C4.^t-^-Z ll Ccltt Cc^ c Jkti^ /«' i/o ^-4^, town meeting warrant.1'xi^ivii{ikc ^uir »uui ux XMU" iiuutireci U0| iirs to repair and harden the road lea ing from Cyrus Hall's corner to Cai__ Pond, so culled. Bj- roquo^i Art. 21. To see if the town will choo^. a spocinl Committee to e.tttmine anft' report at the next aimiml Town Mccfe ing^whnt are uecessarj- Town Koadsatta" ho'^rinthorizod to present a plan or ma|^ of all Btich roads, and that all others bp: dLscoutinued. »■Art. 22. To sec if the Town will r^ scind the vote whereby tliey voted to PiaJltA 1 M- C4jyi<. \7kfi U.X. i A/'-' J>aA.i > ! 'K.C-O it 1 ^ 4.'-it «w I '^CX jt. (y(cx.t. ^ 't-i Ia.^ /V T® Ci it. iX ^ i-^ i< « Ck / 1 Ba1!SSTABI.E, S.S. To either of the Constables in the townof Taruioutli, in the Countv of Bnru- Btable. CrREETlXG: In the name ot the Commonwenlth ofMaBsnchussetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town ofYarmouth, qualified to vote in townad'airs, to meet at the Town Houseon Monday, the eighth day ofFebruary next, at ten o'clock iu theforenoon, then and there to act on thefollowing articles, viz:— Art 1. To choose a Jloderator topreside in said meeting. ;^t. 2- To see if the compensationfor the collection of inxi'S shall be fi xedIjy public auction, and the lowest establish the rate. Art. 3. To elect the following namedofficers all on one ballot, as adopted at±hc last State Election, viz: One Selectman, for three year.s; one AHse.ssor, for three years, one Overseer of thefor 3 year.s. Town Clerk, Townfor Treasurer, one School _ Committee, forTreasurer, o»i -..omv.,, wommiiiee, lor three venvs. one Kcacl Connni8.sionerifor three years, Collector of Tuxes, twoConstables, three Auditors, three Fish \L tififl nlsn tr) r*>o ifCommittee, and also to see if the town will grant license for the sale of intoxicating liqcors. , Art 4- To choose all other neceSsoryTown Officers. Art. o- To hear the annnnl report ofthe Selectmen ami act thereon.Art. <>• To heai- the report of theFish Committee and all other Committees and act thereon.7. To see if the town will choosefish committee to act with a similar of ♦i,o town of Deuni-S. to regulate the Ssh-^ies in Bas.s Kiver, Folliu's Pond andstreams connected therewith, and allother ponds controlled by the towns. Art. f. To cluioso a committee tosettle with tlie lute Town Treasurer. Art. f. ToBce what sum of moneythe town will raise fur the support ofthe Poor for the ensuing year.Art 10- To see what sum of moneythe town will nu.se to i>ay Town Officers and Committee s fees for the ensu ing ,4rt. 11- To see what sum of money♦be town will raise for the support ofSchools for the eusuing year. 4rt. 12. To sec what sum of moneythe town will raise fur the repairs ofroads and bridges for the cnstiing year. Art. 13. To see what sum uf moneythe town will raise ti> pay tuwu debts. , Art. 14- To pee what sum uf money itlie town will raise fur the repairs on'public buildings for the cuMuingyear. Art. IS- To .see what sum of moneythe town will raise for miHcellaucuna expenses for the ensuing year. Art-16- To see what sum of moneytlie town will raise for the purchnso of aohooi books for the eiiauing year. Art. IT. To fl ee if the town will authorise the Town Troasuror to hiremoney to pay town debts. Art. 16. To see if the town will pay abounty on muskrats- Art. t9- To see if the town will in-yMt the 'Jkx Oolloctor with the' privi4 c—- and power of tha Town Treaaorer^i adopt the ".\ustrnliau Bcdlot System"of voting iu Town Meetings. (By request.) Art. 23. To see if the Town will ap propriate the sum of one hundred and fi fty dollars to imi>rove Baxter's Ave nue iu West Yarmouth. Art. 24. To see if the Town will re- iuibiu-se Muiitou H. Ci'owell, theainoiuit of twenty-two dollars and fifty cents, for the burial expenses of Mary Farris. (By request.) Art. 2^>. To see if the Town will ap^propriate a sum of money for keepingthe Town Clocks iu town In repair. ... (By request.) A^. 2C. To see if the Town will ap-'propriate one hundred and fi fty dollars for the enforcement of the game laws. '(By request,) .\rt. 27.-- To see if the Town will ac cept the road as laid ont by the Boa,dCommis.siouers. leading from the low<M end of Baxter venue to the Lane road,, at the Noi'theHst corner of the'<4iozuei> biead of Ales. Crowell. Art. 'IS. To see if the Town will aq^cept the road as laid out by the Boa^Comuiissiuiuirs lending from the Cour t3' road in West Yarmouth, commenoin. at the A'orthca.st corner of the hom<stead of Joseph ^s^Boiirne and termnatiiig iu the Eiuflrruad at the Kortraft coriiiT of we homostoad of the la Henry CrowelLArt. 2!). To see if the town will joi wlUi sbme other town or towns for tbemployment of Supcriutendout Schools. Art. 30. To see if thn Town will struct the Selectmen to procure a sei ii>r the town. The polls will be opened for the eleu taou of Town Officers at ten and une-hal o'clock. A. M.. and may be closed at tW' and one-half o'clock, p. m. Yon arc hereby directed to serve thi warrant by posting attested copiethereof in fi ve punlio places in saii^>wn, tliree on the South side and twi on the X^irth Bide, nieo one publicatiu:ill the Y.AitMoi ru Keoistbk and CapCod Iti'iii, seven days at least before th timfe of holding sjiiu meeting.Hereof fail not and make due r^mof this wnrraut with your doings were] (111. to the Ti'Wii Clerk at the time anplace of meeting aforesaid. Lriven under our hands this twent;i«!Vpnth day of .lanuary, in the year o| .lur Lord one thuusuiul eight hiindr< and ninety-two.Ti[.\( iiKR T. H vi-lkt, ) Solaotoie HTEi-iiRN ln.vua. ofEiiw.vun LilfinB, y YartQO A true copy, attesl: 61 4 Jk ccvr. <*c»x/t Ccici ^^<xCinrt. LifttH. t jl J\ . flM Ptiyf" /Zcfk^x. t< {(i //xry-x... tr'^ yf C S(>juc . xu.^£, I, €£ri/ ^ ^trt^-x.. X- Ci-t. aX St 4 S f 2^ c -j 4)rct I n Y A yiyLM.A.U7zj_ crj (Atyx, JH ^i. c^/JL />*• ^{'t.x:U.4 4* tY-t 14 /tr***-" i XlJxU 1%^ Do-cx-x-^ c*x )^ic^o<c<j /4u. c/xt.y y ^t-cXr /x^»x^e.xe^aa/ t-x (At fr^ y Utx/4U Cx , ix'x C' "■«V-irZ4. C Hh. Z^'~i--Ctt'i Co^ C~^iC^ /'/*^ Li_"^^' Ct'-^e ^'^/C-cj^-Z^cy Cc ^ <*->-> t f 1-. l-t i '1^-vCz^ / 'L 0 ^-t ^ / 90 Ci^-t-^'^ C-*^- St<k 17//V^- Cc^ui^e^f ok ^ ta- i /¨ A ^ 199^ -c'<J. 't ^wzS^tfv Pi ^ kci/)^ kc-e£ cuu.fi okcrfLeu k/y '%4^ttif3 '5 11 Co It t n iH. / ^'txj. c~c4t.c4^ JSyx,ccf c-p^L^i Jjci-t-tcl ly /Cc^Cuuj c<rc-t* c. aZd^i-^ Z» l*A.4h Laj^ Li\^ c Ljl-c ( /'!-*-«- ni.xc-c4£p<-pCpx. Cu^ j<t.pt-<-C^t4 ^f>4u.<r^ A. c/c^Zi-fcw— L'-u.£.4^^ ^ (-^^ic. C* '-^t(_ ^ ^f- 4 ^It-e^-uA- i ^ f\ IZZ/^u, __ 7/t^ Lc<XLyC c T~zr^ C-^ f ^ * Lc-.^M'uC-fU^ lAcfu tdz^. L^ip*rU CpZ CLk. hl^UpfUu^ I^CP., ^77 CtP.ci IL^ ip/i^4Cf a-J 1 ^ k-XA <,•■ tf^i.t.tX:ci iJpcA t/ Co-y-JC^ - 14l^ /t-c^-4.4^ J ^*=*-^*7 ^7^*" ^ — 2- / f _jH Jy^itUcc^.. p I^xyyv-t^ ixy^fZ^. "L f 'k t-iriX, ^4t^€n.y^ ZJ, ^ ^L^lUc^ Succ^y /'Z.^ 4* Ict-U- 7)^£v2-t c^ -^'y ^ y /}j-ZJ-^.*^ C^-t-y. f^ i^k^z.^.-t_-, ^Czv 2. U / "SLrjrkc-^p 5cc4l^ J^c^u / /-4"- ^L p zz /. ^oy Irinyz.^^^ Y ^ ZU> Jz.zi^4>7 kf^uJ I i I f. /3<i ,, O.k-C'^ ifC t^'hu. tLy_ ^ i f--X. 2- "2- C/ ''I/T/'"^i7 ^ ^ P k^TUt t> it£*.c/ Z "Z o n^-<r^-Pi Oc^ t< C <* k 2 /z 0-z> iv~if4.4—^j-irii^ H iUrU-cp^ ka.fU 2./<y 2^-^^ hlk :7c../^ yu^t., i_uv X 7(' 0h.c<3^ AcfU yo i^-u^ 'iP^/ k^iic-c^ 7/ vAivsy % iry kc crp-t^ M /i/i' 2 > ZJ LrrA^^ Irr 7 <^.l-c o4cy-~ P /h-^iyt^yit- li u4 ^ ip c/i-f. c4.j^ Jlc..u4 ^9 '' '-'^ C^T-c^z^t^ A: 7kn^tc^ ^ ^ Cc ay-i c^ S C cx yt A cf.tC / O "Z h-x/Zi.^ oc. i, ^V c^c*^ 3^ f>i.c.*^ <^Za py'l^k. ^ iy»x* £a^ ty'^ f At tt ^Acc^^r A/ Pi^cxp /33 c.,f^ i*^c4.c cAt&i^ Ifcliucc-fU S. Askcxi-c. Af^f< S/ yt^ty-z / C-Cc.<» Ac^ u 9 k ^JPcx 4tcc3^ hr- ^ i-Z-4^'k. Ac<fy4 / f "y C-^-p.^K.X. C-*-'C^t k r -,_ 4ic.C£ik fl Jkt i! /~k4lc^uu^ Ac^tX / fr 9 c^n.uu< Ct^-c^r^Ct yryc O 7f- c Z^: A 3 2 ^7^ c/p 3 .y7cc..£Z-< 7) Ci tc tt- Z /3.6 yxyc A-Cl cZ. / ^ y Irxri^ z-x^^i-P'Cc.-J cr^-ct^ i>Akccpv^A ^y-XrttX-Zl Act'i /^3 ^ /I ff fr ^yc^^pt ct-p^ 7{cnx'c4 tt / ^ o (x tt, ft ff tfActZ^ y.CC^i *.-*-*■ f Ar^ Z'Aa-. cc^Zx. c/^ 7>tZirv ff ecZc'aZ^ -ALcyxy-C^ Ctx City-.^ li/u/y. Z PAcct^My 4i<fyc-^ {fit^ ■ Av^-t ^ cZPC <X CiptZ tk i/t ^«- Aiktxi^ /^. ^c(CcZ JJ>ti^^ Ay 0 ACXXy k€c<ltc.Z'- /HxtuZtyf^ ^ ^cZiPAi^pcl p. Skct.%-C) — TPfOAnrppt A ^■ky^A 7Zjh<y JitUcpA A 6Acx^ _ £^cx-ti- /^ /W^ ^6. ytn-tpt^u >u^^fipL.,~ yApccikc.'H. Acc/cm^ _ -i^v' A AAcc^ - ^c-pcAA ^ t. Pt — 76 ^ >1 t^ 7k Zk Zc 4 , ^hc-i^ 2,. y l^cx. iTi-e^Cf^y (y J 2-C4.c.c.t i^ Px CxCZ'k.tpiX.c Ct,% U .,7Aifx^ ^ Sltcctr- 2 StVX.ixyC'P^ ^ {^kctP<^ 7*» Pi O-C^t^ CP-^Z fi cc.'t Jc.tAl<tX f^cc*t (iTiC-cfi £4zpt (L^ SeAcc^iA A- A ^ / ^«- ' kZc-t. ^*1*.,^ 77 Syt^fZt . ^ U^-cxd Jict -y, l^'Uft itict-i ikc. i e 4.4^ pptx^ f/i^c-*w* uU i-Z4xj^ humr'^'iuy (fr%t^ <ir t, i izz, X <"^7^m t-t-«-'1 )-€.^ L/i.'t fs U. e / ItPi^ ^cyult 6> A i-Xt Uk k. (I 'V H /. S'^trtJ ff y4a A~t^ I'M h *■ 5.8'^^-' /t /f 'A ^ tr^ -Pc A.t,-r-^ '• * „ 5'6 6r-0 /I // U fx n Li trO ♦ /s c-Ct- '• A 5 O /( Z^'"*— — pt At.-*.-*^e^ ix ,, u / ,, ,, Ct-c/l'-€.t,€<>*'t^ It h ^ cro 5 L'-O / A «<.^~~tr t> 5 i~W ir-L> i U a a-tp .. oC /» "i*- *■«— ^ ^ L'x^c^tA. {x ^ AZa^ /7^.CrX/~t>, riZ h^ lA^ i 14^ >, A ^ Q^ c-tr^ . <- / L-l /'m. ^7l( « . iTyGi* (i ^ "ZtrtP- , x/C4^ 'trt^'^ c*-x. f CaA-Cx^ '«- fi ft fi ^<, *-< Zf ^ ^ /t trt^^ tA.<AjjL^ ^ O, ^ I o i<.^^ ^ «-Xl /^T- '9. cdtjt. ^>{^>1 ^ ^ U If ir ti if l^crt»U A C'^ cA- >t<^ O ^4oa,4., t^cA^M lix_9A4 £4^ iA.x^tt^9>f*'H /t Jp^^tiOi.^'*-^ /:ox^ /i!*^ ^ A'T^' ZV;^ t.^ » 2 ^ t« ^ ^< t^/ I <■ iL-^C *-t. C-t^/*U/9.-L^ fc -<- - PVc^icCi-^ P L)X.4-*-'An PiiU'tk Ct*.^ -C X /jl 2-x;Zet£A/€/X SLljilx^A-. f''y £ lZ, . aJ/it^ J ^ a A ^ Cc*^ £t.x - ^ M- "* tt-*~C-CA. Ct.AA.A4. Pc ^ Pav* /p-xe £^C *■ ejAt, J^/U.ti^£ S C£t.*.j. C P££<.■*. 711^ f-^ £■ t ^ /c-Zaia (4 Ct-Ai_J^/U.ti^£ S Cii^A-x. c P£ cii 711^ f-^ £■ t /ct^iA c* £l*-Ai Jl-x PpIau.^ ^£-A% Pc^tt tiiA4^ £*a~^ Pit *^i^y,.nJh P%-1.£a.^ Pc-tr t *1-tA 4.1- £*a~^ Pit aIxi 7a^ /C^^iA cA£*/c Att.*^ /Y mtCl'-i M C^JctiiA^ P,4t£Ut k*^ £*i.a4 titles Pc^t^At^ f J\^4 *j14 P ^2-fcT. ^ A lCtl.A.AAAA^ Ani.'tl^'Zi. ttAAA^ ^-2 <-C ^ ^ t t)£tf*■— " C€tA^ Ap£/4<tf J £ i'z c €£*.->, t4 ^/pA£-\t \/I Aril £14 £. - ^i-f-/A£■'A-r-n .a.£it 7 Cci^i^ /? ^f ■i'Aft Jjizt-t^-w J Ay CAxi*^ J4-t<.££t4 ' At^i-u^iA ^ /7 /rUo - /C Au/£txi 7 X yl'"'/ e /7^-«-'»w <Zc-t-^^ JTVu^'Hi / t^Ak't.A.,^ At Sf.'Ufti^ ^ Cxt c.4_ ^ f ■l'^ S^CAA.^ f 66 ELECTION mmi Babxst\bi.e, ss. Constables In the town of In the name of the Commonwealth^^V \?o' sacbusetts. yon are herebv required trf the inhabitants of the town of vLrn?.? n''gualiflcd to vote in elections, to miet "St"AH: Town House, in said toim, on TuelA^-eighth (8th) dav of November ne?t it Aef the Tuesday after the flrst Mondaymonth, at eight (8) of the clock in the fo?l Fifl'e'Ln'Til; retary of the Coiumonwe.alth. So far aa the ^ame can be made applicable, the provisions«« law applicable to the election of state ofH-chrs shall applv to the taking of the vote oil said article of amendment. fifsolTcei, That everv person qualified to vote a.s .aforesaid may express bis opinion on said article of amentiuient, and the following words shall be printed on the ballot, to wit: — Shall the proposed amendment to the consiilulion abolishing the property qualificatiion for the of fice of governor be approved and ratified " YES. NO. 1 COSSTITUTION QUALt^CATION HRKOR. Ciller. Sena^r (Cape Senatorial Sheriff, one County Commissioner, two <2Special Commissioners, two RepresentatiJilin General Court (first district) ihre^^Commissioners of Insolvency, and*'DiG,i?Lj Attorney. Also, for hiistricW THE PROPOSED AMENDMe'^T OK Tnn- •CONSTITUTION. (Chap. 03,] BE80I.VES PHOVIDISO POR SUBillmNG TO -rx,.. PBOPt-E THE ARTICLE OP AMENDME.VT Tntee^Vroper?? fOR THE OFFICE OP OOV- Resolved, That the following article amendment to the constitution, havinL L ^ agreed to by the last and pieneotcourts, and published in the manner rl^ui,- J by the constitution, be submltAd Apeople for their ratification and adoption • I ARTICLE OF AMBKDMBST TO THEABOLISHING THE PBOPERTv\cHuF' TtON FOR THE OPPICE OP GOVERNOR I So much of article two of section ., chapter two of part the second of the consH tatioDof the Commonwealth as is I »in the following words: " and unless I a« the same time, be seized in his own 1 SP,,.of a freehold within the CommonweHTth of®A,: Shned pounds:- ishereb/an!I JBeaotved. That the people aha?) . fortihe purpose aforesaid, in their , .polling places in the several cities anri'i®'"'"® t^uiiV:n?ht°ALlL^Al'^ warned, and h^onrwhich meMings all : for state officers may give in ihi!- ?'ballotfor or against s^ard Hi"-ment; and the same officers shait amend- «aid meetings as in meetings for the^late officers, and shall in opm, meeuH°'=^ ceive, sort, count and declare re- niid against the said nrilcle of ^'otes for,and the said votes shall be r, Lo •clerks of said cities and 'he turns thereof shull be made o.?. "■"®Ihamds of the mavor and aldLrmen and^® «bsclcQtraeu. or a major part of ii.t ^ ^heKlerks of the said ciilA anVH®'"-of theIftlvely. and sealed up, and ndthin«i«l maatin«. tmnmAHud'HS And if said article shall appear to be approved bv a majoritv of the persons voting thereon, it shall be deemed and taken to beratified and adopted bv the people. ^fso/irrd. Th.at his excellency the, governor,and {he council, shall forthwith open ami examine the voles returned as nfore>nid; and ifit shall appear that said article of amendmenthas been approved by a majority of the persons voting thereon, according to the votes returned and certified as aforesaid, the sameshall be enrolled on parchment,and deposited in {he_secretary K office as a part of the constitution of the C'ommoiuvenlth. and shall bepublished in immediate connection there-'With, numbered according to its numerical >qsition, with the articles of amendment ofthe constitution heretofore adopted, in all future editions of the laws of the Commonwealth printed bv public authority- IZeaoIi-ed, That ilia excellency the governorbe, and ho hereby is. authorized and requestedto issue his proclamation forthwith after the examination of the votes returned as aforesaid, reciting said article of amendment, and announcing that said article has been dulyadopted and ratified by the people of the CommouwenUh. and thus becomes a part ofthe constitution thereof, and requiring anmagistrates and officers, and nil citizens ofthe CommouweaUh to take notice thereof andgovern themselves accordingly; or that saidarticle of amendment has been rejected, as ' the case mav be.I?cso(rcd, Thaia printed copy of these resolves, including tne said article of auiena-ment. shall be transmitted as soon I®. ®by the secretarj- of the Commonu'ealtn to luemayors uud-aldermen of the several cities anathe selectmen of the several ®CoronioiiweaTth. [Approved June I", And you are directed to serve thisby posting attested copies thereof ,5^'®public places, three (3) on the Sooth sine anatwo (2) on the North side of said town, sey«n(7) days at least before the time o' holdingsaid meeting, also one (1) insertion m ineYnrmoulh Register and Cape Cod Hc"'- , ^The polls will be opened at eight (8) °f theclock in the forenoon, and may be closed attwelve (12) of the clock, noon ,Hereof fail not, and make due returns ofthis ivarrant. with your doings thereon to tneSelectmen at the time and place of meeting as Aforesaid. .Given under our hands this twenty-second(22d) day of October, in the year one thou-saud eiffru hundred and ninetv-two.THacheB T. HALLET, ) selectmenedward lewis, }. STEPHEN WING, ) yarmouth.A true copyi—Attest. ..ui-Beth Taylob, Constable. PtnA e-w ^ I (U Cx. /d /llfAA ■4 ^ J -if y & E. t. C<1 ft Lnnrx. / y JLt^U (yf' J)Cj.Lyi (h o -JthL ^ 3 iH i I oClCcUx.^ S l4^ Ir-ce (Pcyc-*dye.4 Lf. I C-yy yf lA-y^ /It J'd 4^ -C ^ f-JtteA , /jJtA ^07. f h e ft/y, f L-M. j ^ cn-x -^S U / . 67 d^CkA/Uxfi n AcOlxnyt ^ P)e^r/(z^ /Lael .'4^ v M. /-A /}t-'iffdc'f (/'T"G Ct(e. %/itA A J^T-t O-f t'Vt^ (911 Ao.t( (J, A-x-c-o /^kcxrv&yi ^ Aexse A, O.Jyfi- xuCc /h err y/trt, Aa, ZSloCci^ J)ro r 6 k^-u^ Ji'tiik.Us.Uy. -A-" fnr-y- //h Jkre^ 6ku,r., yhi i~u,.r„. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^f'trM.'C-nn.y tAm£-e. ' A. rz t cy OlCi-tuL. (.It i^. foO-p h. jy~i/yieA€r<. tr^ <=LrUr<M (F&Uat is erf yA>,c4efirys. /?i fr*t a A€.xfta('eAc^ ckrtt. teC ^ dece'tt /y J/eA/ttt. 3:.■yC4.i-e./e a jt i -W ^j hr(JJt^uv<.■,(l^ (^<U fii^^eA.i tA h ^ AersAc/tn ^ i(/y- ^ (tr/t/yi izt/n c.^ ./'Hfr y (u'Ct /ht ir>r,ck Lp i U ht Sc*-H,l^rk ^ /V /(■/Irt.n/y i'Ax ly* M/y-c^ y rfhu ^r,f< K /A < . ... in.- r J\ru f ^ jrl/i/lt^ Pcl Q u 7^ e/>-l^ 1 3^ eAM^OrUl^»^ct ^ ifj ^oL ^^^■>xjyo So'yK^vi CiLc ^ ^l->- £leUcrtr7 Jytiii^cl JVo h/ >t^ 'J }yi 5 i-€t.ij ir^ /3 ey>it^^{yi L^ c> /{ ^ )ce-^ hr ^ ^ J<rytn.U Q-L-ctK.&*^ i/y -6^CI-c T^ /^i l^yi^ 3 ^(/k%*. ^ ixLCc^- ifj Z7lv»-tX-. /-i-^5^ l^c^ ^ ty |l ^ -fZ £-^ t/V"^ fl^ ^lUA't-CL-i ir^ JytU^-lUii n PA^tttcL^^ Y Lh*L^ kct J ( ^ ^ i: ^ (t^ 1 hrtlU^n^ ^.^A<Z2>^ rhi^ J- ^ r>tck^ P>c I ^ Zi-cZ^-* .^hLi(i,^^4~ Z^~£iZcZ-*-^ I /^ciL<^a ^7 // . * ^ cry 3^^/Z pZttr^ Otza^^ ^ti/lxiA. ^ ^o.<.ia^t^ik Ch\ujih.cc>zcCL^cCcz*.^ Lu^zfly ^4 1^^'ti-oA^ fi x c-c l*t Ir-trO^ Soi^ i-L^iJ. tct^ Cii^cX '^x i/ZucA.^ <^/iA C*-th i CUx^ /V Ur^idx c^y ^h^ tdri^ k< i^t^u-%-ccC c<. »tcZ t k/m^ |l/vU<'< ti: ^ Lcir^U^ '- /hiUzurur Z R4Aj^rU ,, Gc^ -r^UricA^ I <c^ (y ^''"' ^7 ^''k. 0X*-' ^ ^"~<tx- l/^ Lnu-k*t ^■l-^ ^4.cj^le^C4^ SO't-ex ■»<</*. it<-^ ^ ^ S^^^Ud i-T^ fu*^-%J 1(^*1 L/i^l y CciA'-^ir^-^ Uy^ V)7dUU\^ ^ y.i k.i.au^ ^/iy , o / I>v^ yV'oAacrlX. c^i filMc^ Lck^ A£«-*-t cZ*^<^ (.♦•-"< Jk^ixjUi^C- r^ 5<ry OLy S'hcd^^, jr p/tr^r£/^ i/^ '^f^cLy y^ey-^/irZ^ cy Z>txj C-i't c'%'r^, ^ rO^t^ Y' l<-<ro hc<.i.-tt^c**^ ^.4-c*tVj ^'/^p4^ Jcczx.^ A M^yzkL^f/k lyn^C4 ^V€ 7-drx P0<ui1r^'^ ^ 6 6 tt 2 ^^ 2^ At ( i'l'irt^ ^lC4.tya.^ S t-y ^^rvz-tM. Cd-^U aztid^:^ ^lir ^y '2- L~IA^ -Z-t^ ^4^kc > ^cyu ^i/k^ /y yifc^i^ddM-. y ioi^dCat>'>*^£y O'T^L^d^t.^ /y^ct^^uxd^ S/ttt*^yt'u<j. ik^ Jcnr.'^y /3. fh.Utr^'y Z- V ^ 3ici^ yu. 4 /Crc^T [ fi 'uj C^'y tj-/ie^t^" c.^ Of.<>^<ty I ; ' ^kccxcXj^c ^ /(ct/i-ttUtUf.. i^y OlAdd. Pcr:iyi^tJ l<Mro kirt*xcA tcci Cx rt.U cy ^eLZ>^icca^^ khl^xpl^ t €*^t \ *^Ot Sc^**-cZ/^cx^ Jkic^trU^ Clc^ ytr^ ^ C. cy /32*C'f<^/y^ / A'^<X> Az^t^rA'Z^U Cd^M Cx^rm ^ {/Z Jj-L-titirt t.4 CZ^-2 xey 4vx^ld*.t^ 3'i i 7/tyxx.c^fh^ ^4>ictt^P^ cy J\r£4d.^fo<y<n'>^ ttkx*. ^ I (4^ Ol^ ^ it.'t *'7t*-£'A^ ^ert*.»'ty 37 o j fUx^ > iU.xd.^ ^y I ZtV^iu»4 v^(^(< L<4 M Pye't'^%<^ y /?iiu tkyttt€- i ^tnf.y.k. ,^1 l-i t'f^t^rixk tryfil'*^f**-^'klM^ fAttc.y.ixA^cOt^U Cidd.A -' /^f J. ^ /Vj /c (/It (c ^ c^a-'O.-i r Acth-y^/x. ^(n/i^u^c4i^ i^iy n-ttn^ /I f e'U^e^.'L^ I o-t^ ^ Aoti.'y^ ftC>e di 0^tf>-\^tt^ C'l-rx.* « 'c/t^ ^ S& Ci-^p (Jjr ^Coyv^tf 'h [_ ^t/t/-c-u% t^ hf keyii/ f/^k P.i^CiJu^ ^ Ze^-L tvur. I n 5f /5 jfcirt^^ k\ /SttAi^Lty ^ ^^-t/yt^ -C-'X't-O -p{e Oy\ h CtA.v^ /(n-^ ^kX^-yk}Ct^ ^tx^Lrt^ l/J jrCtz/t-t^C-^^-k l^-trC W Ct^i/t ^ct-y-'i^ S, 1/y-^^iA Sc'(^>itP4^yte'k CsL^ (/-^ J)o^/y-e^A-.CA^c^ ^ ^ V ^<aO^ 'Pr^^/<a>~ ^ i^ku'i^-Un^ftty^js^ C4 M-en.<.A-x. . ^ CiAi -ii/iZ ftOC. lAAr% k Ct,'t.''i^ .-t^-O'T^'enf-^ ^ e c^/tA^?kcA^LM^ ^ irl ifAA^ tAe^Ui- 1^/h^ 7p-<*-di^cc^^ ^ lu. f--2^ St (Ai'yc /y~k<-t^ C.i~,.a^ ^-tAiriPj <r trk-^^ ''h-1 J/jf, (4 u^ Ai-eALr-cy^ ^ cr^ LtAj-t, h. A. Cf-^tA j^Q/l/~&t^ <^60- AByzxeA^j^ As UIa<__ jy^y) (/t^tA- A (o ^^yvLt^ (l/u^ tc^z^ct tAA 4c. ^ t/^ (yyQju.^^ Lc^y-t, Pt t4.*^c/. i^MiC 7-1-/^€/~ytjL.. ^ J\rLe. Icccaaaa. ly-^ J) C-z^ Myf -v .yP^/V-<y*A. ; oC i-^aC cypxjL.. tA- Cci-t, t^ xlmA €4.0-*a-4 (yy* / ^ /) fli* >»«/ ' -«*>^ ''^t <- -'?--^ x,-T^..i a<.L.A-..A^ (x*<^U <-/ 4fcr^'y/O^a-cu. 14 tc <jU^ . Lba, aa ^ ' / _ a- / *^/) ^ Axji/lPtA^ Xy.iyb lccA.^^U.A-e.i4 0-m.v^ ^<1^ ^ {}-{C^4n.i^ i/tXA- l.lztt^ Ctfy^ L-ctt> fIe^ zxyS^y i C^A,A^ /-i, / AcLaa,/- (A* Jy-Vff/ZK^ f\ 0, Cliu, s4 fA-S't^ A C'ZAyzt ^ ^ ^ ^ Z </C X^yt^ Ia~Ca. J ^ ^ 'i. ^'-■y C4,-^ ttJL*AtA.-z'Z'x.A. (j Zc-*.-^;^ £ ix<y ICT €.->^1 /7i_ Pct.t.ft jy<L.x.4 tA~ c^ ^C*^c4*^^£ i^A." £ tzt / 'i^ 7— /A/. ~/^ /y V. . /v"f £9*t.o£^ y / -py a/z/m z/^'///-k x-x-tict. O-Ci^U 7. // 3 /3 3 t Gy i^ CZX 1 JCCJ / U<i 2, 3 / // > 6 ri A ^ Xx.^ ^5 -Ly / 0 i%3 Z. /3 / 3^it Aprt otzltir 2. S- 6 / <r / U y 2-J Cr V Ah Cc/i k i~/k 3 3 r ^ \^£x -Vt c£tt. tck / 6. <~Zo i 9 i / / ^/ £0 9 /T. Z. ^ £< z J-yt t-t c 2^9 9 7 / G 2_ 8-2. , / 6 ? s^ I 9 2-f t 5-3 /. £ y 9-0 £^99 Cit^ci f ^ kcizx ~U~ Au.€m^£A. y c*^tA J)rty.- ^ yOJ=C- kcmyt-t^ lit^ kc^*^ y.Ci/yztCtJ^ C ^''I'X'tZs ClXa^ £ A ■ ^ Z'Cc/l/Lza. ^ r 1 Si'Syi^ /yAyyA-z^t ^ Ac</£-^ /y^ kk }-c£A.'iA<'x*^ AAccX k{^)Yci. -it'- f^tC'i-t c£j"^ Ai ix Jh^ /( ^ ^ k3£x<i.-»^ Ci^ u i>K. tf ft. 3^ S^'H^cyvc /Az M 0 ^ )kAlU ^l^ctA u : . f/ot t eCi i.'Cm.^ '"'A rt. -y*^c-tA.£k . 4-<T<uir h'i^ir-at Xt yC^K. C ^*^4 /( a 12. 1 /£/ ^ /£< u / /6 '< y r I- y ^ h 1 O <5^ oii^t. </f I W, ' ' X I-C^wy ^O <£4.C^^^ ■ls.t,'j-x-> L'v^ Lov^'L^ L-i fSC4yv4iy^Z^^ -' - /•frw i7 '^ (' I Ii-<, >*■' C 1-iiAr^i.i li/C £r j C ^ /^-r (o ^v<^ £*. t^ctr^^ Ct.*tU C>* l^T^ A —L»fc<l—#3l %UfiX£itUj ^ O ^Agy^i, £U-*-^ /I/^^^TxLk^"-\^ c Ct^ ^"p /}£.**.£. f j'?*^ . <- fxi*.eU^ 0 ^ O- X<.^ I.J ^ f /iry~/lyi*^ >V'^BzV4:7 yu^U^-C^f O -'-x^jK^fc*! r^r ' *to«x- t*--/2<-*'»i^t-<»c« «» y>'»^/i. ^ ^ £>- /^X 4 f ^ £^X< ^^-t.%e.pA ^'U. LrCt^ •<ii--M_£fcr*<- i-t-«-c^-< C^i.^ Irt-A^ .&J'Cit.4^'i*^^.- Cli*^ .vw^S"-"-^ - c*.3 c^cX t/^ . £rj C-i^ - fc . ^LTLlr^ ^ £-»X<. Xy£.C* t. _ ^o-tx^ i -e C'-^-4^ jffi^ £''%XX— . - SThx^ V . . ff . '. ^ / . / . . /7 . y' - . ■ , . Z, /«. fc . ^''V^ yi c.^-*^ , ^ ^ Al j^9n^ ^T-c-C tj^C< i. ^ ^o-cx^ i -t C^'^x jff^ ^-^-cx-I V>-«-t^tc-- /'■^-t-c*-' ^-Cj^ I £>tt-* /Z-H-K ^ ^ ex^*^r^ Xc^O - ~I ClLa^ Lb J-L^ ^ LAt^ L'f-i^tX. yi.<^*-X Z ^ c*^Ct.. CL^'*y•^.^vA^cjLl—yi4 *. ^w &.it.o-vxA- £>-^Ax» 0\t.ejt^^*j Actm-x.. ^-{_^'C.^.e^ -— ..-„—I tx.C.iL^ lAxX C4,'*X txXX uA, Z-t.A-XJX ^ ^AdjK-^JZtX <-»< £!-<-*«<lV ^ <» ^ //Ajt*.A., £>*»^ ^ A^ ix-t^ ^ fxx. tx jxc-x't- Cr-^ CLx.X- ^ < Otyt^ >»-« t <£*-«-.. «^ Cx^'f c^<» ^ l/iijUjL, tyx. ^ i V' - -»1 Jo c^ Lix^Joii^ Cx^.c c Uc-x^-x^ Cl <'» CSecX- £-«-«-^ I /Lcxrx^ . (Pc*.,.^ CX*>t.t.i_ ,y^7Ci£^ %*x^ € CAx^-x^ X* x,-^ I urixux^ JUt^ oi CAZx X-X*^ 1^ 'HaXx.JL j4^ -Jt.ofv^-drzX. L4^fv^ Lk^ ^I •/<> £x^ <?^ ^o»« Xx-v^ Cx^AX- y-cCx^ px Z-^c-y /^X ' ^ 4-7 ^ J' J!r^ Kfkc^ o^ (Vt-xc^^ lAt^ J-otx^ -^rt^-xxj ^irn-- itl^ Axx/t-U*^] \. ' - rxx.'t ^l/y C >c^ C x^X-acx.x-ixx ^ye.-'xx. 4-7 ^ 4-^ U/if-cJ- oY (U-xcnx^ LA^ J-tn*^ ^Xt.xyL.x> firt- itx^^ xci^. ' ^ ?^x.£-*-iX-. X*«-x»_^.*-<.-^'i 'JtSx-c-t-ci iX.4- Lkx~ O-^Lx-cxx-^ *J / ^-t/l-vv< Xcxx^ Ch-xX^t^ Ik* Xcrzx*%. Oxy~tyCX TxxixJP /X—. ^ ^ ^ ,. I ^ ^~<~<- A-o*-o*x. ^ ^'^ucx^xtj Yk^Lotx/Px Cl..xJX. i)-^*-t-<xi JtCx*j Aotx*^ cAt IrX t O ^ <7xi4>«,4^ ^-<t2 L(/xcx- lji.yt.,A'P <i~tC*,t,xx ./-tr- x-» AuJJ <i-at^x/7.x, f c./ OAz CZ<^^ Li t. Cotx*^ L*xXJ. (2^44..^ «■■ » fa. CAxj ■tfe.M.4^~x< Cr^J-,^g., /y- c » 1 ciXu- tx.4.^^ cxxuAa^xx- L4x^ /»JaM U^S^ty tr..^ ^ ,t- t/ I- **"*^ t'ixi.xx.l Lkx Xlt*yf LtrtZxJi^ IxtAi C4xx. /vt^vxloy^ Cx*^ ILlrurx. i, / llu 1. . 1 . J ^ , '-tax--«t 4- '<- ix4. t/ r/,r <*4 /< < , / ^<04/1,. '-CX.«.KA-i4>»- [ £|' Z;^ t-i^U a ,ri I jUfU c/oj/ux-, /t xrCt.' Cx L 4 J . / , (, (. A £- Cx CtdttM^xc^ '/ L^^xj Cxx*J- ^'Xkjy F-j-i*/ ^ -fZ. / xy.-t/,. 4*/r.>y~ ''i/.//. 4 / zZ:,, Zr<4.^ A, > -> ^ LAu Ck^ ^A-ir^ t,C^ LtSSt. C-jxP- ^ e-'k.A^ aAcA-^AX* W yiL.. •Zs-t/X/'A <Z4 *, of/iii.x- t* I l^yor Xt. 'X£ tX. tr-tdt^ iP^'U c. /t U oo^x^YLu. /v U^tfY A ^ oi ^'-'Y rf/«»A x>y /Ax- J Oxxxot tf »i zJxx^.J^ AAk ' ^■y*^U*-<lAt4 L* L*x.H*xA^ y-t LcxX.. Ci*. t4u f>t^ / ^'^ ■U.t.xctX ^t/^xxx/u. exh^ ^ it C iJ /.- / n . . ^ // / 'it OX*X2 VI " •'■^ - ( ^ 7 • X... •^cnkxxtrUJL. iUX*x y-t ^civ*-.. Cx*. C4u f>t^ y <5e<s»^4<.£xcty ftjtxjun* ex'a.^Crl^^ tx* LuxJ. (rh^ Uptiii^ jr " V y^^'H, C*-CU /A* Hccux ^ Airo >^£f Ix-cJuxri ^Zc^/ct.*"f ^M-y^x fVx'i*(4, 'xcit'ixt ^ O. e-^ IXX, Ahou.- Litu, PixvtiLy (i-^aeAy .Iz LUxC4.zI ifL*. tUl,4d 'ikuiO^ytotxilfcAiC LcAx.cix^ r^ Zv/i I^< 2_ "3 '/^ A cZ- zy. ^ <- 2_ 6 c^vLtx ^ /A. /iU^t /' a-^ftxL^xOr f Ax ^x tAxxx ^'^ Ctx itcvt^ ^ cxx*^ Lcf^f LL. ^ '^ly ftAc4.€.x. ILi^ cz^^iry^txAAix- y4e i-^ lA^kc.^ ^ /> cit.-d-A ci'^<fc^ ^ cfi-L A^rzxxj: (l^ ZAa c*e^^ lt.,ZA te-'ilx Q-^x*Ctox. /r ./Zx.:£ Zv (T yZ«_ ^xA'ACxx V^/<-yA.^^/.fc4x^ y-«^ i^t<-4 cV fv-ixx. vOx-t Zi i*^ Ld.x/< at C*. fh t *^-iAxtx^ oit^ ^vtx^ A> c^** >*• <2 C4tJ^ / f\ tu ) C4P** txx clxxx^f- iycxx/n f^ '*~^^cc.4iX4x^ tx .x^ ( /> 'U^ixxxx^ ) ^xy^Xxrt*. 4^ ^ ^ y ZZz ypt***- £ >t4. Jli/tx~4.-t- Ckx StAcxAftxxXx, /i Ci.e-f' Cx7 / ItXx'x <xy4*J-» -j ("h fx A cil j/^-*^ C£tt4^ Cx'ixxcA. /4x*ixy C oxtxA, I* ^ Axlxy 4>Xx.v»^ f tx* , ./, 91, 0 ffjtpi- ^tx. n f. Cf*^ dxx^A. tAiii^xxxij L-Xt <x tx* /xt4. «~»A t >44 /)XC'A I' ^ C C«x. y 2-<^ C^ I'ixx y Cl.t-*x Ixx IL Cx IX cn XX*^ LAx*. Apo^-x UxxOXXXXx*x At O-xoi^x* ^ Qt.-£XX^/ ^4-44 A 2ty 0*.>X4*X^ ^^440*44^^ StxU't lxxUA* ^ iZ Lx^cxx^j cxxxY £xA aAx ^//Ax /X/XV^, ^ y^^--x-ZrZx:x*«4^C-, ^o ^XX, i 2-^^<4.-V i*4.tx.€AltXlJ. i^xf-oxxx ^^XXXXAXM. ^__,^ ^Cf U.Xr aLkxJ yU i'L. C4CfO,*X.^>4^A4*U4^ (Pj fux-r^i af li^ C^xtiA /Z.- ^U*»^ - U 4-/4.i4X44i y/- y /[^«. C'^ft.*^ ^/ o'eluck *.^A^ fHx£4^ ^fAiTxi^i a/ iA«-«*yy'Zxx*. c'f/xx/c y<^^*- ^xrx*x_ ' t-Z-x. Cx tx.kjipxL^ oAi^'AlU (h i<^LA^ (^H.f l<r<44.t£4iuA ^^.Z-Xxy "y'' / . - xV .4 aj ^ 4^ 4-*. t-* M- - — •- ^r1 j^'i^ )ttxUt44 /xC^A^ «X L>f4*2d (tfkJpp. it! l^L* SoxJL ; £4^/Kc-vtAj.CbL*> t A£^*4/ ^4, 6-C. 04*lxV4* £u £4xx dci~4'tt^ </tc^l r^V' Aei^yi Cr^<iyx L Aa^ ^<ax* » (. f At Actxti .h-ti* Lt4*j-y. cx.^ r-^ yixxV" .w A, /V»/W -ii .x/(^^ t ,4^ CxAxxw tx.-x'Z'^ y t/*XX. C Z^-Ac ■* ^ /Ax. ^Vi^ A-'^XX. ^ 2^i.*xM4 7^ Coi- yiio it ^Ct it c^t. h C1. >t cJ^ L iL-t ) ' J-^. C t-K cC l-l^ iL*j ) C j L'X < ■V- ftZ. x,^ CTI l_J {'4tJ^l J x^.'*^l4^ ^ C ^ ti-i tX l-* c/^ ^ i^T-X^-n. t/itj f y IJ^UU t-^ Jc ^S-X.'CCt.i I ^Six~^ cM- It^ i ^ Cot- yjx OK. ■(^ i/ot.%4^ i-UH^ ^ i^Ol tr^ C C t-V\. i fxM ^ it/t'^ t O-OO-fCO^* -Ii,^ i/T^-O Z<^ Ct.i'Lc^t (^cr^tC^ L-vC CtiU y4'-"^-'' C*^ ^ ou.'t-i*'- -^OOirt^ t^Ucc^ Slr-t^cL *t.t-c ^ tp ^£*^^0€t^ fi^j4^UC UCC 7-€^Ot^^ cOKyf Jc4^t.^ i.o€i^ htKl2^ ^■4tuU }irf^Vr^t/09 Cc /'Th C^K. ,^>1. iL<i--A tT^ /•'^-O /ot'*.'-** ^/ £^-*-4^ ^'/uult.jtu.U n.xfU <--»■* cz »A»-v c^ <'tK-t-t- C^ ^iU-ccX (cz*-^ lypxo^xC^^ cit^ Cf*'Cn4jLC^>t4^ir' cloy z^ ^^in-zt-zu^-g / , i/l-c ^ Ct/I Ci^ j-x.,CC£n,(f%-%,^ /rt^^itjO*'! rV-gy-C^ Cty*^<- LKZy^ SiLtrg-O-t^ Ot;^£t,.cU^>^ lrt.cC 0f tuA- /;/j_ y^ _ CcA. lcc.-(^ /yfrzi-0-c^a.U^U. Ct^^cx^ ir^iK iLz^ Cc^UcU Cj iyfj^J-tri .dyaCZz**. ^It-C^rt-^ ^tOL. ^ f\£.^Xy- J 7 *jLt 'aic-c-^ J\"i oitK^ tyt^ C^^yCZj c^ i (/"ivxya^ ^ ^^5tA^ ciyt,cc^^ y cIk^ OxcM.i^ Irvy. . vi^ n^.v.t^4rr>- {y^/^cC, by ci*^ bnM^ <-»v 2-^t- - C4xx. OtAtictin^ L-j oozgtycir 177 cAcz^ ^ 2 7 h^^/Jcxt^y*^ fi l)-CLyV4-i ^ (trU^ Cdzch /7 9 Met^L Cy % C ItOtcz^ OcUt-UtttC S C4*.^ ^/ C-il^ic.^ ' i,,, i ^^4^ .fcti^w^i ^ ^ ?6 A U- S ^ /^'- dl^LjU. Vt /J Wik../L /4 U« <• ■>— ^C/y\ icc fOcfutr trj^ y Cx'^r.J <S C^ */\A (j)vn^ f 4 (jty- 1 .iTA- :<<>' * ^ f ^ / >f C'O ?"'< <C <-^ f ^0>- ^"ItttM-Or- ^^iCttOZA*^ a£.CXCt.r $ C *'5 ^ h<X.cr4cx,^ <-y_ /, 6.kz^o4zx (ht Ot~e^at.c^ (ixy- P{nr*^ kjuoczy y.x Cc^T O J^o4rn Ct^^4~ Lc Cct^ (pk.cx^ f {epAoz-c Jccc-Lx G-Z. ixy^tiUay^i. I ^y -^huU^ }u/3a.j 3 3 k^^/r 2 <o J-'Cn y Crtx^ZV P/yc<yc^ kz.a^c 2- ? ^ 4U,. W' doy^ lco-£> kioytttt*Ar^ - '^crk^ Ji f{^c^ } Jc^G p/cztK^ /z/ ^cn^ Jeti yczr,/^ 2/J 64. ScA^U-zzt^^. S h^rl /^o tzrCa^ ^^£a.<-/c //^ ^ 0>~ ^ ffcxtz^ ^ yuy/z^^ ^Uot^ ^ fi ^(/yiuxz*. f /l^kcA. If 2L7 A. / 2- Juykz^ hrcAt^ yjiz^^ y ^^CU /2^r ^ 7^S Ax /Z%ay Ac/t^ > ioU^c^^t 7.'>J'4cx 6c y^<.t^^LP fj^kt-oc yA'*t'C' - 'Tt-Z^Cz ^OXr, JyZ*'X.%.-A' /? -^ozizoz. Az'Z< f 9 Cf- <^«-t<rt Cfzz-x <?-^0-tc_ 1^7cz^x^czA Grztzi.^^ '• /f7 4r*^ 2-^^ ^XCPtiOcZ. )fctz-<.x t ^ oiGxZaa^z^/iPkztJx.^ / } kzU^ Xie^PitAx A ^ixzatOgyc liocP^tA^ ^ 4c<W,a«^ Jcp44z^ li^ ^y Jro. /33 /zP^azA /Of <zr-xt^ /x^z.9t./<, T.. Lty C'^4^ oiGtg // P/utJz. / y^<-^ -Cez/ JT%kz,-c*-z IritKn. iA-Ziizt, - c"^ IfO.^ '^Ofr^ut-tU ^o/tO£t_^ t.1 f, /^kuto ^/ktAtU I c<*x zhciitti hkztUeu. ffy I kA CL-Uz. y & u kc-x^ . fixr/x »x 4 oa <§ LcVxau. (\ l4.U*z. ^ LtxCu fhcikat /ftilOvjti yt-tz*' •■ C^Ct't <LC ^<*<.v<*-, J40x k / '^ *■*'•■ ^l4\Xt*-r /' t'^irC^i C S A mC4t- ^ti-cCL l-t L' • (4 aC Ct. <• a ci_ ^ Lx-V j iL-XOrt^lyO^t C-^ (r*^ Cj^ I\- Ct-tU^ fjl 1 /3 d'C*^ ^ C^yl- 2t Cf-^ ^ 6. Ct^ •*-> ^k. -y-K^ ^ j-Ci-i^i^^ It J.y-iu<.ib £)cLLt.il !e.£^*^ J-cn^<.4^ / .-y-tftcTLi crj C^i jiLt^Uu ^ a.t^c U/c^ /t^i l/oi^ct Ct <3/co,,t^ C€t.^£< t4t <»V_ Iri^l u Z^Jytro j/^ J-L^ft^-2.^vi c4^ fcr-cTT^ ^ ^ 1. c^ • ^A ^ Ct-C-Lo (/~^^ ^ cY*-^ ^ (1 ''V^ 'ft C4.-c^ x t/-^ ^ ^ ^ '' ^ ('b ^± {^ ((^z.t^ C^e tr^ ^ " h ** C C-f n - -^ ^ Y ^ — 2— ' ^x^(t^f.-c t » 1 ^ e £-i-^ ^ c/"0 ^Z^-»T. S is ^ uSn -^tJ-O e^^.'i^c<XZss --^<_ CyLi^ ^_a.'t^'A*^'US^yr- _ ! "y.-Kiri. L. 1. 4. /.. , /^. ^ ^ :5 - ',"0-0 — (r '^' 2.£>^ - 3 f £>t> - £-~£r ". > O — 2-^ 0-£/, - ^ 0-® 6r-C; - //<~o - t* t4i-^ li^ "1 V (j~^ C-^-t^^cn^ t-^*S. it G C/"0 /i ('^Ix^ t~(f^ (6 j;-^/ f ^ t L.-^.-tSJ^ t itutS ^Xct4^,-£^ fu-^ CI 4H i4s4, Ul, '^kc^cU^ y %/^ ,/t^ « hk n.-Ci^ i it-'tw V jxptJl.^ £rt^ " ^'^h- A^*-tLf ^tLci C' f trU'^ t /^<- (^^^r,-\.t^ Lg K* Jc^ttu n pLtU^ P- A^^cct^ V ^ e^ *) L,' 1/ eJ i» / Li^ ,-■! l-t A' ^(yi-i^ /g^.*^,.cC% (.^l /j £-^ /A*- / I trU t4 ((4*^-- As iacr t Ct A A'«<««. (L, Ct^ ft cA, tk'c^t t if/g^i'i'tfC^A^cccUi.ct^.ct A> A ^ /c^s 11^ '^Z a^cU /« ^ <■-**» '**■*-£-*--4.*^ ^ C^CpZ t'i^ Ot--*, ^ *'Z ii^h'gt.i L i.,^ fttL. C^ri *V, /I. /i A /</ fA^ /A' b-VKii^ JfU^ /y^ iL. y/aU £<-^-'4 li^j i Jcf gZ s^ £S c— js't^ ctt,iit£-^ A < c,ji jp*- /t-^f If' I iU^i A ^'.-./^ J ^:' /« y/rxr/t //^« is /*ti jZtp /i^t I -»! <*<•«< «./ «»t ^ Ct^-3 C<^ l^t^t /A^ t4^ ^'*J t,J /?^ •» >*^1 ^ Ac-t /i..*^ - cJ/?e ^ h f'i f ^ ^T-*t^tU. t ^^,/^ €^ i/u- /t'**^* -"-I a / /i^ (^-t-t»« ^ /j Ci'^ I iu. -^^/.*, 9 et^ rX ^ftm , e^ fjut- /t f) dtA.y C^ f-€^ {^ C'«>». i L^ ^i/t-x Htyt.-*^ , /Jiey^ r««^ «./ I^ & "L-t- fi Cf e/ f ^ ^ I /i ^ ^ Z"-* t C ftx.ted^ ^*-- J^<A lee^-K, '■»* ^gtrc^ . y^-t, f<f/^ 4-£-*€-^ ft fr^ rfee^x*^^ /^ /■*-€■<*■* ^ , ^<- ftytt.^ I't^.'d. Gt^r €x^-/e£t -^-tr-*** e* r *-^ <" "^T a/c. a? / f Ju^ *Cm. I ixa^ f I'tA-y^ •- yet J<jt ^'*- /f y?o^ /r^ ) O } <JL (^ f Lu ftxx.,^ t /< fy*Jx4 A. /i,.V erf^M^ >>?/>T^7 fA^. JcAc4.~/ lit Jetxf^ ^ Gei ^/y 1 ^ Cfyx rtC< ^y/^r^t//^ /<- ^ -^/V »y ft^'ittf li^-»^€,^ fl^, ^C€, .< ^ e^ //- fezxd rt*ty/ Z'L] t^x / A.4^ hzy-^t. oyj /.>T^ Ju^^e4U^x^tlx fLa. Jm?■?■>zixi cti^tf f^c^4,^ y^,», O /" -A-/" X f Ax. f-* A»t < ^ t f Cx t d dX ff Ft tx^ )f4UCj ^ttt{ yit ( c*^x ef 'hxexA^ ci^xA. Xi^ti?»,A y /j4^ / <.«cf4c«^# t^M. /i TJL f/cxA &/ fyfrA'fcC^ ^Mt^tx»f Oyitxtfrnuxf ^ ti'*^ ed^ ctt\ Aetaxc^ iAxt I dtyt^xfA*^^ '** ^Ye/I y f £Mx. lAxxlu^xti , S^^A4 ^<r»i^/c.<4/ A^.te/ FJUa^ i « /■«^/< >/ f t r ^ < V n^ dgtftt<it •jZeM«9 Ji At^ A'I'f t-i^ ffA.^ A>te^ ^•x. 90xt^4z ^ c, ^ ^ iyL^ f ^ n Acr-ff^ JCt ^fC^ ^-v^ C^1/\ / S C4. y>-c-€ & (c vx^ /■ 2t- tx ^ f ^ ^ I-CCaxXji^'/-; 't'^-' c-^ 7 U»-^ y. yf€^/4c< /2-< re/yi'/'c^ /2-e-^ c-c^f r>- - ^ C.-6 c/ fl<4.t-i.x. ^ fcLO^c-^*^ A t<'-i- i c-/^ ^ A f-* ^ /r ^ Ct-<,-«t:? ^-2^ l/tx^ . jc/xt^-tj-^^C'r'Xytxj <r^/ i-lx^ cO'f 'J f fit^ IL./V. f/fV ^V t-^o/ f t e-^C^itrUt^ f& yv. yi(fac^ yye-pw^ t i*^i 6 ff A c-t^^ c^-f~^t^ C'.f 2 '*'«-«^ ' c?-r <r^/ Ah c^/^ '-^ f S S's. ^o e^f/lt^ r.j! /^ Sen t/fr^^ £^ ^ (TJMi A^ittliy /o/z i}<-rMc^ to iJx^ ^ (^^vU^^,<ji<£. Ch (Vxrtx 0^1 ZXc^tiAx^ , Ai tyytxu^/ c<J' 14l^ /ot^ A-*-t^^ c^ tcA^fc/^ tivc> j o/cxy .Oi^rt-f", 0-&/.^< e^ ■ ^-i/yt/ytoxry^ /-Az-** Cx^ ^ t. A&<Ajt^ /V-tr^ S^u^C*^ Cctc <y^<. Artt/&y- ^t^OxU , c.7^^ «>u p^^. -^ctxxrj 4c^x^c</^x^ Po^U^ ^ ^4^ /^r/ 6ol^^ ^ tL^x^p-a^ ^ ^ A I dx/^ i-o (h^^fU cpovxti^ ^ ' ^ ex^.'Zf^^a C^ p^u*^ u^.r>^ (irii^ tuc^^y t tl> <^4,.^ (Tltft o^t^Ct^-i £!'«-»-/ AlXX 't'O' Athx. e€yA^(^^J Ac ctcyixc^ r./ o^cJ^-cA Ae-ze^ A /£tij €<^^4^-^ tj Oy, y4^ ^5-Jti>, (^y .<Ae^u^ O^T^U txx.^ (^ij/ tn^ cix. ihcMJc^U^J c>L^fixyC^U. {>}g/4U.^ Cx^ AcO.^ i'L.UA^ (yA4.^c/4^ cUm. Oi^txnK i4^ lA^lfk yn^x. ctcTT^^ iAtotx-x^ . th ti^ cU^c AU f(y^ ' c^.yi ^/ftctJ Y ^-^j" ^J^£cxtc£ ^ Sti-i^ n.^eit^ Cr^fL kc<7>xd'9 /^c> ^ ^ tP) doy ^ (McA At ( j I. X ^ c Auu^ ^ 4/<^ r\ vl (<IU^ 1^ #k6»oA^^-, c^ &teww. / ^ Jh^cut-c. t4u.. €kJ-^^%-c ^ Ct-i--t t^_ £-<-^-^ /^tn^ (C'l-xu. i] O^Cxyi y<i Ct^t eA f>^\e,.iTtr^ t Cx ^ Ja\^^uJrt4rci.n^L ^ iM-^ /Crfi^ e^ ot^ "^-c-C^ €<-A CaA^ Ji_crc<^f^ L^ ^ tA,^A.4^,^c , ^c^eAco''-^ 6--tiAcAA_ /</ ^ ^-cA€a^ Ci-L^ ^W-<K ^ -c ^ C^UU^~ A ^ - c*—< ^^^c<a^u. ^ fLx^ L^cr^ ^ -y^t^ Un.l^ a4,a^■^A( Oxtf^iU^ jc Ia^/jCv-^ CirtJ.^ 06/- /^✓y /3 .V ✓-1 C '^ C^ Pi it^ e^ ^yc^ (fc,ty/< ^ CcyU^. y^ijiry^ 7f. ^CAxy 9 f-cx'n/t c /y.. cXjCrt-vxM. f^trC ct^Jx /-^ JtPi'i-L. I Pit4^lA cJje-tf^t^ f/iA 'Jfxfp v^ / • hi tx AcA^ Hu^u, LaUir-Cj Ju.4.Ux^c^ ju.%^^ /l/pc^At(Ai Y -J^f/^ff J^C'UPA /<" kui,^^ y Uexa^i^/M ^lArXJ fioY^hoirci^ Y /(a? i^ct ct^^ (^'Vx y) tj ^^,e~txA. i^xAtfK-htn ^tj. ~ r j It^eAx. ^o. i/^e-tj J^C^ cJe ■< >-e y i xrxH.i 3 Ix O i'^ yy. Thf yhfeC/^CifHv -^h.f (p t,^ ty^ Pitnifyl^ J IX'XJ *-t ■»'c/Aa c// C.^ t/ .J /i i A rv/i Y ^ ^ f ^ ^i(A r^f" fy (A k/.!'i4\M.-^ / MP•tt,." it t t/^xcfxxe/ Ct t,e(A^^i-^^'^^A^-t*< cir U.^ 5A4. Z) U'.^A / e-cf lU, 11U^... J.A-scAa.. Y A^rpyx^ k y SoyA^cx^ kccu y Pr kk^^^AA. y <^€-oxj Ae^ i.xe€^ Ae'vex^^ / kcr^.p^- y <^Lx. y ^ 3l,t~ ^caxc^pH kmoixXn^ SPlCixA., J CrJ ^CxtA^ J<^ ^>v, ^ y i'^ fiA/i<^ Luc^ 3^,/ ^ ^UcA d Pe</ t N.Po./,^aa. (2 PlAe^^c^^ kev-f *X^ f <f/l<P- iTyt y /}&t-3.i»/a^ tiU^ i^d-O/f^ct/i^ U Jxrfh^ ^ Poi^-^UCA^ f^g, y !h f Ctn^ Jcf y<i^ PpPt y JPie y ^JvikuiA C((o-(^*i^(^' i^l <^u-t £„^ t'r^U^ &itM J^fjUo^f<i //l<A <3^ ?Tt< t> ^ AWc k4^ y (»f j/a (*4 cyiTy Pi ' t.-vV< ^1^ l^xxtick ^ C'^.OUjUxaao 4^a-e%-<^ tkfx^ ^hoLxiOrtli-Sa^cic*^-^ 2<s^,£^i^ ti.tt».'tii ryitycx., ^Ixt IxOf-'t-vxiri.i. (!^ (rc*.((x^ (jU/o Cj l7. ZS/J-t/iAi-t crjj jc^i-uitA^ck ' ^ - 5^ t*-iC cr^ jyt-i-iyLt^ ^l^t/ }i.4^.-ytM.4'<-et {jl_ £il^ tr^ 6b >^Wri^ ^ClX6a.<-n% ^ ^}^^C(4Ct,-jxju.tJGJL} Cti*.'*^Tfl'iAja Sccryy^ ^ ^Virtr /LtAO-'ccL't'^ r))x ov't^ CM^ k.ttnA.Clri^cC Ca^x^ ^ I (\ vtxA (hzt'^ci^ /- /^H ^ (yk-Af ^e^oAA^ 'So-xy^yy^ C-C- Ci-^/t Caa^ Cy ixi^C<_ O'XjAyyxn. l^tA^ i/^ S^-l/c/i7 Cyxy^ l/ixyj t^--^ /Z/'2- t'' 4-€A,Xaa- ^tc^ ixijyiAxXy^tA.- Ca-xaM Icy^AA.^ ./-e<jt^ '^• /Zxet.^u i4a^<- It'U^ C-Uti ^-c\ /t U U^ ke^/iA^ , t<it l^Zo ^e^^cA^xU, ioApxAyr {y^^ J3-L->rT6c^ Oh^ £^ C^iA^ l/f-X'TPt In^ /'2 /jb ' /^ /v^^ '■<)• |/ ^ /// ^ /6 ' y /' y />' J /^ 2 / / V/ / A/ A / A //v^ / A ./ / V //fWU^/H 22^''Vyy/fW 6^ o. la-x i-/n4/C~/ b 3.^f ^-(c (6tyXA.-l rxA^/ &/ 3 A U<i C y>t r lA^-*n ■L(^ L ^Ci. l/yyiirt.^I &f t-A At ^ CA%xAyi-iA,A tA. / 3 3 Z/3 / ^ U / <73^ Cp t y>x CA^t /-^,?. i 0 Zj ^ _ / t L ir ^ i ' 3 / / 2_ / / %0 5 Z. 6 5- 3 2 5^ i ^ 2. /, 3 / ^ 4 /V uu _%^y , ^ <1 1 i-bUi. 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