Town Meetings - 1911-1926Z^Oo^ y -7p iC' -// zmm RECOIU) CP T(;inT MSKTIHOS 1911—1926 May 13, 1911 Auguat 17,. 1011 March 26, 1912 June SO, 1913 Septemher 10, 1913 July 0, 1914 Jixne 14, 1917 April 3, 1610 July 31, 1916 September 2, 1919 July 27, 1920 May S3, 1922 July 3, 1923 Au^it 16, 1926 September 16, 1924 May 86, 1926 May Sf*, 1936 iAlBe 16, 1926 List of Animal Town Keetlncs- Jtf'ebzniary 12, 1012 Adjourned j?ebpu«rj- 10, 1913 Adjourned Fehraapf 9, 1®!^ Adjourned February G, 1915 February 7, 1916 February 12, 1917 February 11, 1918 February 10, 1019 February 0, 1920 February 10, 19S3 Fanuary 2G, 1921 Februaz^ IS, 19SS February 12, 1623 February 11» 1984 February 9, 1625 IHMiarF M# 26-27 71-75 118-119 170-171 341-812-246 308-309 978-373 390-894 ?realflT>tlal PrlaajT- April 30, 1912 Octoter 24, 1916 April 27, 1920 Artlola pj April 20, 1924 6«tebar 10, 1922 Map ok 21, 1682 Prifry offig»y gor •loot'on of Poli%leal rnrtiot Aptll 86, X916 BSS List o; Saptenber 16^ 1011 Septaaiber 24, 1912 Septoniber 23, 1013 Septosbar 3, 1914 Saptamber 24, lOIS Saptembar 26, 1916 Saptember 26, 1017 Saptambar 24, 1918 Saptanbar 25, 1919 Saptambar 7, 19S0 Saptanibar 12, 1922 Saptambar 9, 1924 Baptaaitoar 14, 1986 Blaetloaa^ BoTambar 3«1911 19 loTaabajF 6,1918 es HovaHbar 4,1913 111 Bavatfbar 1914 18S Havambar lols 19T Baranbaflp T,lOlS 884 Baaambar 9,1917 990 Hoaavbar 1918 808 Bavambar 1919 894 Novambar 2*1980 847 jiat of State Elections continued* Voveiabtr 1, 1922 IFov^raber 1924 NoT«mbeF 2, 1926 ionatltutlonftl GonTentlon- May 1, 1917 vote Special Town Veetin^ja- Yeor Article Roads- Tofwn Dodk Baxter AYentie Droadwi^ Wing Ave «r-47 Pleasant Street ■yy-47 Crosbjr street Uomer Awenue *yAf Akin Avenue v^47 bnlofj Sti-eot to boutb Y"UTIOUtil (c-11) Yarrioutiiport to Bimeiable Sout]^ Yamioubh to Bees Rlwer IMO Depot ableYsrmouthpert to ttarnsta Ysmouthport to ilymn''kls (Reeurl9aS faee ) Termeuth te South Yamouth Mekl Ooat Uhtfeh street IMM Center street Old Churoh Street Pltjrgrouad Lane xiidlar Memorial xrell remui'tnl ITall BxLehilon-: Hi .'.(ink eeiof' I nl Annual Town JSaetings- Tovn Roada (TaJPj Appropr ie tloua Statiozi Rd te Old De- pot Baxter Airanua 26^27 S« Tarmouth to Depot 1913 T* - 05 Arlington Street 71- 78 m-jf Sevhanraliire Ave.7/-70 Wabiter Street Celunbua Ave« Englevood UAM7- Are. liroadwar Appr^yri* tXena a'-7S •W-70 ».7Q Willow street Center Street OelX around Koad Viaa Awe. 8out}< Sea Ave.2S«-&7 Oreat Islkml Road (04em ^(04em »♦«*•-> A §1 TarwoutUport Pier 'f-137 £ni lewood 'r>*en Arlington Street 137-0 //1 -*»/ 141 firookton Ave e7-M key View itfkekten Awe FlOeant OWMP ikrot Aieer : U'eet m tL.XS AnmiAl Tovn ueetlngs- Ro&ds- South Saa Ave 1915 17 Homer A^e 18 <"-101 Plaesant Street 18 Brockton Ave 29-30 "''-185 ij'xv Vlcv/ Street South i,e& ivvo. lOlC 20 32 -*'f-220 l!aln St.40 •*y Cantor street 41 Attsr- 220 Vortb 8tat« tg Yu*indntht>«rt PImt Alcin Av*. Hhmrt Road 1917 Wti&rf Stroat niTor 5t. to So. St. BTldga Wood Rd. Oouat^^ Ad. aaoip Mt. 6: OArna, Lino SuMnor St. Xtl6 Wliita Path kmA aionoood St. BvoolctM Sd. BOf Vlow to SoiDoraat St. ooeopi poad AppropplatloD for naw road 42 ^kj> > *220 43 -t'f S20 11 12 ^y/254 IS ..y/-8&4 16 255 24 .y^2CV-•201 26 39 k;^3 11 in 13 66 14 6ft 16 .;fto '-d« ," fov I ' '.'1 V' di.iifdy I road rafua pro) . Eoads; trpp«r Brldg« South Seo. Ave S,.Yarmouth ..to Yar, ^Soutl! sea Ave, worry Ave, Id Canter S-^aet 10 3. Yam* to B. R* Depot 22 Yajnqprt. to Hyannla 22 Yer« to D« R. Depot 2S trom Dunbar*a oop« Derereeux Rd* to Oleiw wood 0t 24 niAoher iUiore Bd« 25 County Road 27 Oov. of Main S Bride* 1921 10 Hii^lAnd Are* 16 Vbarf Street 19 8* Y* t* B* Rf Depot Renqprt to iiarne* line 2t Berry Are, Bngiewood 22 RlTor 6t, to Run Rd, 88 Upper crldge Hd, 64 Center Street 28 Jhttbar'e Ooraer 88 00* sea Are. 66 ft* 81 lionaa- River Street Vernon street Cwnp Street Yam. to SY Rd. ® Brockton ave. So. Sea Ave. Cmiter Street CountT Rd. Yarm. to ST Rd. Brookton Ave. Beaneraet street Hl^lan Ave to Hrannli Riui Bridge To Parkers River Pleasant Stveet Homer Avenue SY to BR Railroad Be. Set Ave Old Depot Rd. Stpawberrjr Lano n,No. Kaln Slrtet * Mas 10i^l'ualttfl Ave, Town Rd. liwoher Shore Rd. Somereet St. liahlendlld. Hroekfon Avo. (ilomrood St. n -11- tkin 1T0. 1925 20 491 Pleasant 21 491 Ccntor Street S7 492 Pine Street 29 492 Lorry atq SS 493 rielocatien of Town Hd. 1926 12 509 1.'OS per Lane IS 509 partelcw So, Slaor© Rd. Case 14 509 01 .i-ir cl i s t r o ft t 15 n 510 Lp'^oRton Af/e. tO ParR ivo. 10 510 Arlinrbo:- street -'IB,! 510 rlc^aant Street 19 511 SLfi'^eGt RS SlS' ., erry Atg, . SO $13 Cr-oj;, S'roet nx^onslon 5© n 517 ' /Sl- Land- Ryd«r property C Abell Proper-^ Old Town Pound New Town Pound Almsbouae Proper'^ Crusher Lot Lyceum Hall Corp. ' Property foot of Bay View Sale of Woodlands Bajcters Wharf Blaohford Property Eliza A. Baker Homestead a.and south of Loring Puller Ahlra Baker Hcunestead Harry Cole Property Cordelia Chase 7 8iiQ)kins Baeon Ihhabitwats Wbayer of Taraouth Agassis Charles R, Bassett Maria E« C* Hallett Luther R. Brown Edward T. Chase Boundary of Tarmouth A ^smkis ('S (n Jonathan K« Baker Freeman Wlaoen Long Wharf Oliver Hallett Cr'9i*) PHOf V,1 10,1 11,1 11 71 12,1 3,i'Y 10,71 12,118 15,118 10* 19,ITO 28,170 27,241 56,248 24,308 1,387 7,588 w.878 «*888 1*»872 12,880 408 10.488 K 848 1,448 14,446 "V w.478 /id> %*74. PELTkm Revised Lftws relating to parks Grab's beaoh. Little Grafts Beack Bass Hole River Eleetlen ef Park Commissioners 5, 2, 7 effer of Mrs* Henry C« Thaoher and children Rnm Bridge to Parkers River 29 26 Town Landing -Long-lteacrf— Parkers Rlv«r Hastings Property ImIsJh Sears VeedlaaA Parkers Heek Lower Bridge ■lllard Jones BlaOhford Lot Bees River Borlsere-Neek -/V- Dumpa- Yarmouthport Claarlng West Yarmouth So ith Yarmouth Board of Baalth Cametariaa Weat Yarmouth South Tarmemth Anolont Oeaetory Woedaldo CoMtory Vatorana OroToa rtx*^ fei IWX S'-'-V , ; , l">, ' 'A y. ' ' V^-:v Article 15 28 9 11 2 5 6 S7 8-8 1 8 14 81 81 10 11 81 10 IS 11 'd D Page 1 26 44 444 580 520 442 479 680 78 119 179 804 444 170 804 84 £84 7^- Sh«llflah Regulations Planting Prohibition of taking of eela Committee Reimbursing of money taken for licenses Pool fisheries Committee Oemmlttee Protection ©f fiaherman Closing^of flats 25 26 29 204 35 205 29 242 25 286 17 288 18 286 15 342 22 478 24 500 Water Supply Act to Incorp. Tarm. Water Department Aet to Inoo»p. Tarm. Water Department Catoh baaia. Strawberry Lane Hydrant Serwioe Commissioners of Waterways Construetl n of dam at Hill Pond Catoh basin. Winter St, Drainage at Winter St* Aet to autherise Barnstable to furnleh wateri 0 N " » It " 30 26 31 26 30 204 57 205 32 S6 38 205 8 327 9 286 19 286 19 478 3 496 1 520 Atfr\TOZiI09T09TOSt0316TT-*•0■Xooiios Elaotlon of offleort Revised Laws (Section 353)8 X Precinct vote Chapter 11) Acts 1902 Chapter 346 9 1 Election of officers 2 26 3 26 Bp Laos 8 26 9 26 Moderator 10 26 16 119 Xlectioas 2 Sc 5 71 2 &5 118 2 &3 170 2 &3 204 Prooinot veto 9 170 ^oetioB 2 k 3 241 2 k 3 286 2 k 3 308 2 k 3 342 2 ft 3 972 2 ft 3 990 2 ft 3 426 2 ft 3 4*6 Bom Troasiirer 25 446 2 ft 3 478 PftfMiit of effleora ■•rrleea Toan CloPlc Labavers Saloetaen , Aasaasors, OT«ra««pa Laboravf 9«vfi offlaara & Xaborora Vas CollaotcffBainiburaamnt Uaatlva offloara 19 71 11 118 29 14 241 16 241 11 378 18 426 26 479 11 3^ 16 390 17 908 26 908 8 908 9 960 11 800 . . ^ . 'tloM fartalalag to Vawa Propor^4&]|§p« fiovoff Wa^« Boats and Bath gottooo■ottlhpo't Whavf Estaollahing Gonunlttee Forest Act Chapter 45 Oeneral Laws Road Coiamlfisloners Election Salary Lord^s Day Licenses Athletic Sports Pirs- Equlpnent Purshase of Equipment Housing of Equipment Prerentlon of fires Labor Traffic officers Main & Bridge ST Main & Railroad Ave* Willow & Main Einner & Main Main & Bridge Main & Bridge —i'T- j Jw a—Auditors- Town House Construe tiav addition Bridges Run Run Bass River Advieory Committee Electione- fanee Abnteeiont tf fovn TreaaiBPT Deduction of unexpended 14 204 Payment of unpaid Taxes 19 390 Expenditure of unexpended 10alance of Treasury 9 446 w e n H a a 9 478 Surrey Coimittee 24 479 4 368 Support of Poor 7 150 Suit againet Hew Yorky New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co* 11 150 Soldiers bonus 11 478 Bonument for veterans 18 204 Certificates of appreciation to Soldiers and Sailors 10 308 Farm Bvupeau Boys & girls 20 886 Dlreotor of Cape Bed Farm Bureau IS 308 Direetor f " n s 9 342 a N a n a N 9 372 11 390 a « a a a a 8 426 a n a a a a 7 446 a a a a a a 7 478 TiBSpor tirr of Wires 10 286 FisU Canvass 66 248 ■•■erlal Bulldlng-Oeorge Washington 26 17© Tssm Plsrs & Wharfs Ohaptsr 680 Acts of 191S S5 78 Tarmouthport Wharf 6 94 Yarmouthport I'ler 84 170 Estate of Oeorge W* Hopkias 19 241 Lorlng Fuller & Ce*80 841 Wharf 18 478 Yormouthport 2 327 T. Doek YHrmeuth 80 390 Zaraouthvort Wharf 4 680mSIL iSXt..J>»............ iivt fidnwutfe VMt IbnMttth Tiw 8tr««t dmrtb Tiunwuth & Bitafl Rlvmptftmoufch & TftPiMutbp«rt U aoeir m It m Bf^biws of VMM Rm1««4 AJMnd AM&4 18 86 16 lie 10 176 8 804 f 804 B7-Law8 of Town 35 242 19 309 32 372 Strike out aection Amend Amend Board of Health Hospital Rivlsed Lews Public Hursing 28 26 30 242 10 308 8 342 8 372 10 390 Town Machinerj Storage Purchase of SprajiBg machine 14 118 9 150 25 204 Purchase of Spraying machine Disposal of old machinery 20 308 License for darrying paasangers 6o\intlea on crows and muskrats BoBdlBg «f fMnai Officers Slectric lights Main, Station Avs, Pine St., Eij^lamd Awe., Bellsyae Awe., Pleasant street. Bridge Street, Akin Ave., Hosier Awe., Hnien Street, WiLg Are., River Street, Crosby Street, Willew Street, Sonth Street, 16 590 Resident lAl Portions of Town 34 79. Cennlttee Centraet wi^ B. Bay Electric Lights o4* A^iropriatioa West Tarmcuth Bay View St., Soserset, Brockton Ave, Tar* ft Tarmouthport ft 3. Yarmouth Polos ft Wires for Electric Current ApproppiatiQBs Sleetrie Lgt, Service Villaoe Street lights Installation Str et Lights Willow Street South Street Pine Street Kelley Chapel Baxter Ave. Mill Road Veaper Lane 6 SI 3 4 22 17 SS 19 M M 1* 5 se 81 88ft 84 6 Berry Ave*, Broadway Oolwshus Webater St, H. B.Ave 89 Berry Ave,, a^ewcod BeaA 18 8es Street Beeoona SoBiag legalising Clearing ef* Cap# Ood chaadber ef Osisree Bpeew rsaoral ef fallSB trees Resepwe fund Besrd ef Puhlle Weifsre«» CSNg 79 Aeti ef 1991 li 86 FHUo S9f9tp OOMlttM aracuL Town ippwiiOi n0%r trr, isu. T« ••• «httth«r th« torn will adopt tea proriaioM of tha first fourtaan saotions of Chap* S8 of tea Rarlsad Lawa ralatiag ta publla parka* (Dp raqiaast*) Tata on Artiala 8* Vatad that thla artiala ha adoptad. Artiala Ta alaat a fiaard af Park Canaiaaionara oonaiatina of tttfaa paraaaa and ta praaoriba thalr tanaa af affiea* (Bp raquaat.) Tata an Artiala Hm foUaving Park Caaaiaaionara wara daolarad alaatad|» Siaaon Laala for S paara had twontp*airht rotaa* Williaa A* Donald far 4 paara liad tvantp-alRht Totaa* Thatohar T* BaXlat far 6 poara bad taaiitp<»ai|^t aotaa* Vatad ttiat tha tarn af tha first naaibar to rvm mtll tha oMraal torn naating In 191S| tha tarn af tha aaaani MHbaa ta run until tha annual taan maatiag In 1915| tha tarn af tha third nanbar to run until tea annual taan naatlng in 1917| and that tha fatura tara af auah paraenn as Mp ha hara aftar alaatad ta this baard ahall m ain paara* Artiala taw Will Mtea m drad daliara far t far a pnhlla parki lianti lha Baaah linaw as *CMNLp.*a Baaah»* WHM at tha aaat bp tha Baaa Hala iwr, at tea aauth tr Claps craak« than runaAng aaat unta "Littla arap*a Baaah®* and alaa a atrip af Marsh Land Iptag An» nadiatalp bahlnd said Baaah| aaa|ndi Littla drapU Baaah unta ita fMTnte at Baaa draakt teAgdi tea has hi Land Iplag hatwaaa t mivn «|d Bf BrapU Baaah and tha p naaad UaSkm m ^ Baaa Mala Biter* teindi tea npBh Land wlten «|d Bf hrapU psBsd laateM an ^ Tiptejssr fhtB an Artialn te vntai that a appraprlatad* ana nat anaaadlng |M00*00 ha raiaad and niM im •ir%— OprUM • SUM Pf MM purpAMt f«r Li^MfV« ••• iih«th«r th« town will a oo«pt th« affar aada to li la writing by Mra* Uoary C« Tboohor oafl bor ohlldron to poy ouob SUB as aay bo aoeoaoorx to Mot tbo ozpoaoo of •old ta lag for a publio pork^ up to Xnt not oxooodlag WiiFii bEundrod dolXan (|AOO*O0.) (Bp roquoat*} ■onrp C« IteiBoi lottor la fallI Doap SlJroi* 9m vtdow oat al^Xdron of tho lato li horoby aaroo wltl%MM will aooopi 9m Rovlaod Umn, aad tako. a pi^llo park, aray*o Doaoh* Llttlo Oray*o lMaeh« aai othop adjaoont laad. aoro faiXy doooribod la tho tewaarpaat of May IB| IMl, tbat ttioy olll pay for tko ipoaoo of ouob takiag a oua not oxooodlag ^00* Ikoyfuptkor agpoo 9Mt ^ tho oald toMB ^11 aooopt aa a Tfl*m tioad aad Toon Taadlag tho book Laadlag# ao laid oat by tbo Board of :^oXoo Mood ooMiooloMPO# aa pop doaariptieao and plai ia 9m offloa of tM Towa CXork oa r ~00 tho Rydop ppopop^ doooribod ia isaid toon will a|ppoo to roooroo fopi ppopopty fop tho pappoooo of o TovaVooB Londlag* that 9^ «dll agpoo \ of ouo) toidiiB* RoopootMUy with tho Tom of Xi i ttM firot 14 Bootloao of Chaptor 88 , C« Thao flla »loo of 1 af thoao proolalona, for lag by 9 flblldran* PaXlaoiagia 9m to It ia orlt: Bootaa* Hay My 1911 hootO B« Ti>a9»i hop, .9i tbat if 9m aald d' I£y ibUy and al« laXo 7, and if tho » all tho ohooo tod aad a pohlio pi^ for tho ooot V*t« M •• V«t«d t« % Mid fMdf mad a mvm met aseaodlac |d00»00 ralMd aad appraprlatad* THaalmw wta* irtUla 7» T» ••• irttathar tvmn will -vet* to iaatruot ita board af■•loetaaon to porohaoo for tho tem th# pioeo mt load oa tho oaotorlj olda of tho toan dook road la Tamouth« Kaonao tha Ry^or proporty* aad raioo and appropriato a mm afaoaof thorofor* (By reqnoot*) Tata an ATtiala 7* Vatad that ttio Saard af Salaetaaon ba haraby aatbarlaad Mpurofaaaa tha land haovn ao tho Rydar proparty la Taraoulh noar tho town daak aod that tho oua af #7d»00 ba ralsad and apprapriatad tharafar* dpaaUl Taan Haoti^y—soptonbor 1» l9ii* drtUla 8* Ta oao ahattiar tha taan will adapt and aooapt ■aataaaa ana ta faortooBj laoluolTO of (^baptor twenty»oi(-Mt of tha Ha*> Tabo an irttala •- Tabad thnt thla artlala ba adaytad, fb alaat a oTd af BMrtc Oaoaiiaal ta paaaariba tbalr t Tata an ATtlala t* af adnaa« 9m Mlaviag Mh Ocaeiaeioeero «ara dtaUyad alaatad an»aninoaalyt* ItnT" Lavla for 8 yaaro bad ftftaaa aatadaiXlian km Donal far 4 yoara had flftaan wataafhndhor T* muat far d yaara had flftaan wataa Utid that tha torn af tha firat nintoo ta rvm antll tha•Mbl tamo naatint &a &tl»| tha tarn af tha aaaand nahborta vaa wotil tha aMnal to«i naatlM Itldf tha tam af thathM Mhtar ta van antll tha hnwiil toan nootinf in 1817|and that tho fatara tomo af aaah para>>na aa nay ba boro oftor alaatad ta thla Baard, ahall ba alx yaara* drtdaha ^ 9a aaa idiathar tha %mm ain mk% an apyraprutioi nat a»> S5«3-p;5SinSr! riitmtt Thm b«Mh imoum as *or«j*a bMieh«* bouadad at Hm aaat bj tha Bau ilaXa rlvar* at tha aeutk&*01*7* a araakf" tbanoa Ruuilng waat xinto *Littla *a baaah«" and cvlac a atrip af Barab land IjlJit adlata^^ bahiad aald baaab| IdttXa Ora7*a baaah aata ita waatara aad ai Baaa araakf fl|yN|« Urn MUriitl Xaad Xjlag bafaaa Ham aaataragnr (hpa7*a baaah aad tha prapaaad laadli^ mm. mm Artlala Tatad that lha artlala ba aaaaptad aad adaptad aad a mm aaaaadiat |B0O»0O ba ralaad tharafar. Vatad uaaalaaaslye 9a aaa abatbaa tha tava will aoaapt tha affar —da ta it la tipltiaig bj Haary C* Thaahar aad hav ihildr— ta par aaah a— aa aap ba aaaaaaary ta aaat tha aapanaa mt aald tdkiaf far a pablla park, up ta taa mat —aaadiag rnrmm biiailrid daUara («800,00)» Pata — Artlaba At the Annual Town Meeting: hold {''obruary 10, 101!^ The following Article was Inserted in the Warrant, Article JI5, To see If the town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter OPO of the Acts oT 1012 in relation to town piers and wharves. The Vote Actlnf untler Article IR, on motion of Mr. Thaeher T, Mallet, It was imunlmoiisly voted that the town accept the provisions of Chapter htn of the Aeta of 1W12 in relation to town piers and Wharves. ' '^^■ ' v. YarB«ut||f«rt, Norealber 14, 1924 i Ile«*r4 af tke V«t« far Hepra^aatatlre la Geaeral Caurt is Platrlct Na S, aada I17 tke Tawa Clarka la. aal4 Blatrlat la 2, aa tha akare 4ata« ^ ^ ^ S X ^ Ckatkaa Baaals Harwlak laraautk ^ s ta tka uadarslgaai Tawa Clarka af tka 8aaa>< Baraatakla Rafraaaatatira llatrlat* Cartlfj tkat tka akara Rahadala af tha rataraa af Vataa aaat la tha ilffaraat Tawaa la aal4 llatrlat I^kar 2> la «arrect» aad that •f •u' haTlac tha hlghaat atuakar af Vataa la a^^ llatrlat iaakar 2, la laalaraa lalj alaatad lairaaaiikar 2, la taaiarad dalj alaatad lairaaaatatlaa t *-**7^ TfC.Tawa Clark af Chathaa Tawa Clark af laaiila Tawa Clark af larwiah f. V Tawa Clark af Taraawth 7^ -'»-*-'-T^ ^-<^^^'.-^'3->-t C -t- ^^-r^-^T-'-p--^; 7^ J"!-^^—3 "'7^^ "-^e tX—- £> ~ <K6 '•x-* -♦w ^<:y C -"^C^x- A yy^y'^'^ '"'^ yy^ -^JLy 0>f^^ ty^^ 6? Zy -1^ 'y^'fyc* Cy Xy\ y^ O ^-(j^ Artlrle H notion dnly nade and aoeon^p^^ jt wan unanlwounly Voted} Tfcat the Town Treasurer wltli the apprijwal or the teleetaien, he and hereby authorixed to horrow noney rrnn tlw to time In anti,ip,tloTi of the HOTenue of the financial year. fceglnnlnK Janoary lot. And to laane a Mote or jotes nayahle wlthla one year, any dehta Inourred under this Vote to h« paid fron the HeTenue of the ^ald flhaasla) yoar. THE COMMONWEALTH OF UASSACHUSHTTS CeuBty of JjamstaWle At a meetimg of the quallfl^^ retera of RepreaeatatlTf Matrlct Nunlier 9, hel<( an the fourth May NoToalier laataat, for the eholce of RepreaeatatlTe !■ the Geaeral to he helden oi the first Vedaea^ay of Jaauary Mext» Charles R. Baasett, of -^aroouth, was elected to aald office OatoM at Tar«outh, the feurto^^th day af Nereaher, la the year eae thouaaoM alae hujMlreM aaM tv^^ty-faur. Neary K. Baarsc Acustua H. Bearae BaaJ,, JF, Bears (teorse R. Matthowa Tow^ Clerk af Harwich Tow« Clerk of Chathaa Towia Clark af Beaala Town Clerk af Taraouth "7/ yyo -y ■a^T6> >Saf a79^ S^o ^r -aTfe 30 r 3?^ 34>o •^nc- / e-K / a/^ Z-V^ -3. ^/:>nLCJ 7--C-' /i/ y y -A- ^(2/ cz-^-L /So T' /Su^^AcSf. /Se^ '//r, f^ r^ cS <J^o? ^y'of -cyy?^ C^- .k2^f / Si^/ / ■/ -z^ .yS/o^ O^ ^ (2/ O -ou »- V /So O.X-^ cy'^^ ^-f A c^ e-^^o o %f o-^^ez ^jC 4 ^ O Sc^ ^ 4£v^^ /$: /9 /cPo tJ y <I/Z^^ 4- i^/c c I A/^ y.H^c/^. rZ / C# '*y -sif /Z ^ ^ y-a^f^// h't i Si 3,y y 6". 6c) / 2^-^ 6'C . c e "(If 6 f 6 .e/ o JJS^6.2e 3 S~ fi c .e (■' / ^ & ,£>>9 JS'.fi / 6~2 (^, fi sf^/y i) I 6,2 6, / ^ / >3^ i-t 1 iTl (b-',^1/ -y t cy£^. -r -■€. ^y-CuJ ty /be c^ o I 't' tc r c<7 <^*^0 ? -zy 6.I'f </ */ n <C ?C .y^.c^^-'y c-<y O- ^ i c <y '^:7 Cp -/^c^y-y c,7^<y (-/i..?o Vr. /■ c/^'c/-bL y y y ////_ / 7 b't . Z-<^ V f ^-u./Z7v y £/ t.<y 2 / i' t-t' <i. ^y r' y f 7 f 4 'aD o *'■/ :? y / o j 7 'p 4 i- 'f ^ * X i/ (p yt fy /& py.y't i 1 o ( e ■</{ -i •■ JkV- ■•" \¥N •Aj>'." a ' n. .;V, / ^ / 6 s/ Z'f -'J ■? f c ^ r- c^^-€ ^ ^ ^ 6^y i'J t ^ ^ j ^(). y ^'/ff * 7^ // r Zf S^O /ifod4^ / ^ ^ 6 fy d SL-/ £> ?.-t^ ^f ti t jp 4 / f ^ ^ y c- V y -f r/y r" y, y. S. ^ r ^ A/j ' y ^ ^<- A'-f Ay^ -2^ 3 yp /i.<- f { '3^, f, /f \ ^ j fj ^ y^ cJ ..y/y Ay'r 3~ ,>,.y / ^' A.y Af c (y y ^ cDj^'t ^fA c*^ ^z-c4,'t^ ^ (y y ^ / J 5 ', ^ y (p / J f f C 7 * C> i-1 n J 7 ^ -C ^ t7 Z.X^ (T-^^ r ^/- ^ ^ 7 '^ ^<- / > n / ' y'-• / f -i * -f 3--^ * <" / e- i / j cA. ,y//r/^ ' Z r-A ^ -T^iy 7 2^ ^/ /-» J C ^17 <r// .ry, ^€ 7 y ' / r ^ * -f 3--^ / €2 7 r J y -3 45^ ■* L ^ ^ x-«- i ^ C' f /* ■*. .^-/c- A - - Z -r If < ^ .^- y C. /< ^ ^ . 2-. x-^ y r.-//.^ir -/f-f7.< /z€7 -2^if C 2 7 C'- z/l i 1 'f 2^ \jr y/f v 7 S /^J' . ' .f t. -». £.< ^ ^ k2 '/7 ^ 'v" r iA/fj ^..a4'i/ . %X >z /f ^ C C-2r./^7.y y-t Az ^ 2-€- £:■> 2-r f A^y. f <^ *' ^ 7/^4: a. ^tTZy^ - Jf n-f >e'c • 7^'/z r^-'I^ Ay ^Ac- X<z 7>c /&: c' -yV'T Ayz /Xt j» -A..0^ X c//''c- X7 ttc Ac /A, 7 A/'V X'z A X ^ 7 Z f 2^- 7^ U 2-r f r 0^- 7^* C ^ ^ ^ 77^/4 <^Ary y ^ Ayy_, -^-4:X' Ai. '-'^ ^4 iy z^- Xtrz-'tX' X^-^'^ 7A7 / r A'f 2Ly^ X. r f 2 'z . S X .'XXi x^ .7 7 J cZ 'J ^ J C/:4 4. ^ z'-/^ cA^-l■2^'t 1_ 'Xz < yA t -''X& f 2> ^<- jX' y O /r e.\,A ^ / A^-A^ z-A' ' A .A^ ^ A -Vy // ^z X '<7^-4 ■ '-f/-*y o /r e.\^A X^^ / tx7.yy r A aX-t. A €-4 y-C" < y/ <y s-e 2 , ^ '-7 7.. n . 7^.^ , ^■ At,*2 CC7 ^ -.<XA. r At ,> -L ^ r .y/x '*'* Cc7-7. .^-C' 7 - y> t cAcy^ ^- x^ X' 3 '%^Xo c* As Xy X-C. sff^z ty f* L '4,^^ 7" -7yAy ■ A c7f €^^ 7 (tA ^-. y. ■ «v y 7: y 4^ -t ? e.^ t 4 ^ X74 4 c Ay 'Acf z^ kCt 7 / 7 4* A' ^yX* ;r y^ r- Ar ^ 4 j / < - i^v s-Acy^ 4 A 4,7^ f ^ Ay 3-'%-2 i,' A7 7^ X X^ 7: -2 7 7 7 7 Z . ^ 7 ^ X74 4 47 tJ <. 'T^ i!" -X't-ifZ t x. ^ ^47 .f* A' ^yX* jr y^ f Ar t/ -X^ tf* >^7 ^ £44 7 AXy-it-.* f 'AtAtf U iy' cA^ /./. /-v .. ' -'/jr ^ r- '7 , ^ z ^ , A^-t. X /f-z ,.-^ , ^ ^ ^ ^aXX A7 47 ff^X^ \ ^ g jf y r>^ ^ e -^ \ A.y 7 /■\. ^ 4* ^ A. / yX^ : AJ.iV^ . V ^ .-'/^ y . / ^ //-C j' ^ i, A7 c X-i V'T. < A^ 7> 7z 7 X f aX-^ ^ Xy -r Xt 1/ A eX ^ X^Ay <A7 A^^^ 47/ ' ' • - - > y y , Cr-^'zA^7 "^X^A^A-x,^ XA^z a ojXsrXp or O XXe^s. ^7 ^7 7^7 4, <>' ^ ^ X^ Xy , / tz A7 ci^. ,Xg,P--^Xy 7 X^ -p 'V- ^ ^ £> 'f ar^ I AX4. c -f" sCy '-S^t <5? Ac.\, K^ 7 AX ,^-p tf ■'*■•' 7 7 A/ ,'Ay*yyy^oiz7 - AX ,PA A7 tTt .A zz g ^ y..-r*- A ' ^ .V yy^ r* «' * V / ^ 'it., y,' f yy ■-.' 7 wT ^^ ) / ^ /^ ^ if <:( J^ ( i Y / ^^ Y r , c, . 0^ ^/ f'" '£<■/. t-*^ y yy /O /■ / ^-v /X. ^i' ^ f t'Y, ^Y^-i ^ifek-* K. -^Y/Y^/yy'y, Ci J4-i/.c.^ ^ f Jt^ e ■z.f.y r /j. ^ ■^^70'} YiTf ' fk o-f ^.■Y^'i'^'S-t-f /6i ^ y^-^^'%.1 c.«.■ity^-f-* y"^. Cr €>1 /<L ^ ^ S Yt L j Yjck^-? Y c-ifY ft,» Y ^ ^ j t X ^ e/^ < ^ y^Y^ -*^-, -'<Y, Y'- -c^ •<«• ^ ■"'YYi O f Yr / ^ / /f t f f^Y Y"(T YjLt^' aY^ Y Y'' Y-.^-t. ^ YJ ^ Yi'7 £:t /y Y % Yj YY<< / (^y / -Jf , Mt t y£^ e ^< %.- 7 y if -uf ■*% 7H. -W> /t. t iy- 1^) (>;_j . f-yM : - 'W^ : ^ %• I T r^'-JiV- r:3%e'' y?m:- "■^. 'V'-v,^u;;:-v- ■■it <. :Mi (Eommnnnifaltli nf ^asfiarliuspttB OFFICE OF TH^: SECRETARY Boston, October 1, 1918. To City and Town CUrks : Section 899, Chapter 835, Acts 1913, as ameoded by Section 8, Chapter 109, General Acts of l^l?. provides that "The cily or town clerks, in Beetoo iho election cooimismenet*, shsll, wlihin fifteea da;s alter an election ol ateie, cicjr or town oificeT*. certify to the Mcreiary of the coraaonwealtb the tot«l number of Bamei of male and of female eoters checked on the voting get at each election in each voting precinct or town, oed a tiupUcate tapy ^laflTaof, ttaitJ, to be by bim trane. milted to the governor and council; tbe committee of the council tab- niating the retnma of vote* ehall Inelt*^ in their report thereon tbe number of ballota cait in a dlatrict wbeteia a ,|aeation b aubmiitad to the voters aod a ret am tberemi is made to tbe secretary of <he commonwealib." Blanks and envelopes for both the return and duplicate retom are sent herewitb, and your attention is called to the importance of seating each copy in a sep&rtte envelope and sending both to this office within the fifteen dwys after the election. Very res|»ctfully, albert p. langtry, Satrttary »f Ou C'ammatmam/l/k. ^ J;- irv 1910. or tke iowr oh Artl«lr 29, {'kat the hmb of TeH-lhooBaHd Dollars ( f in.ooo.) be raiseO and approfriatPd for tbe purpose^ of ibis Artlale, aad that the noaoj be hired in fJ^re notoa of Two-ThoosaHd Dollars ( ^ 2onn.) eaeh, oar ante to fall dae aanHally baglHBini; la tbe ;rear 102(1, aad that • the Towa Trrasurer aad ^e]e«taea be antborlred to alca aald aotea la the aaae of tbe Towa. Thla aotloa was sarried hj a bead Note. artisle 89. Ts see If the Tewa will rete to raise aad appropriate bp the aerial lots aetkod a siw aot to eseeed $ in.oon.on. for tbe followiay purposes, wla: to repair aad widea with >'ii alxtare the road leadlap froa Varaoatb to i.owtb Taraseth, aad the read leadlar froa yaraoiitbport toward iiTaaals aad to oil nbarf btreet la Yaraotitbpnrt. AvtloB «r tliB Towb »* Art]«lr 00, That thm BUM of tOB tkouBBBd dollBro ( f 10.n i t) b« riilaod «»d for tiM piirpOB# or tMo ArtlolOf tliBt tlio aoMf lie klred 1b fire soteB of two tfcoBBBBd dollar* ( i L'.oon.) eaok, own B*te to fall due »BB«*lly boKlBBlB* 1» tk* ymr li»00. BBd tkBt tke Towb Trtasuroi mod Keleotaieii b* BBthorirrd to olf* ••Id ••te* 1b tke or tke Te«a. .jr •sm'^'^' Artl«U S«* To ••• If tk* Tow* will Toto to roloo &■« *|i|»roFrl*to by tlio *%riol »oto sotkoi o ■m not to «*ooo« i lo.Ono.OO. for tl» followloK korpoooof to ropo^r Aim wIAm fltk oil ■Ixtoro tko roM loMlOK froo Toroonth to bootk Toroeotk, oM tW roM ^oMlOf fro« Toroootkport to fironlo. oM to till WWf f^tpoot 1- Toniovthport. Ar-l. Irlr 'in irotlon •t"ly ntndn utiti »ir«nridn«l, \i WHi, nnn»ilri<miily Tr<»ii»urnr with Ihw BpuroT'il "T lh»> bw anil b#rwV^ U MMthBflKWfl 1." borrow iiioiwy from to tlmo In nntlfi^tlnn «r INW hw»w»iM» of iht flnnnwUl j-Wftr, kti^infiina. JontMtf^ IHW, Apa t .> 4i.«h» n Nat# m' Hotoo ihnroror INiyolilo wUhln nnr yoori «in^ diklvi ^r tfoMn Iwefrod onilwr IbU Votw if, %m l^ld r,;m tb* INirN«i* jrrar. CtyCi ^ Z> I ^ "2,^ ^ T I % IC3 cuU "Z-S^ ^ d^t/^ Article '''• To BOO ir tliB TMm will TOtc to «ittt»orlre TrMBuror witl* tiM approTml of the to berrov bomj In «Ntlcpatloa of ik* roTomw •t thB Biirrpai /•timi or ik# Tova oo Artlil* T, fWat tho Took Troaowor witk tko Brproool of tko CUU. p^tc«kMoo» W ftJii kopoky -«• to kehrou ommoj rrow t|M to tlmt la aatio|Mti«a or tko i ooo—o of tko riaovoloi T—r, koclaala« Jaaaory lot* Aoi ta laowi n aoto or aotoo tkorofM* payaklo wlikla Mio pfM't oay kokt or aohto laowrroA uMlap tkio Voto to ko poU fro* tko rooomo of tko oat4 Piaooolol toao* rhoTT-as ii. Crowell B* Homer Henry H. Uaher W- Herbert Vincent Seorge Robblna Joseph U. Baker Leonidaa H* Taylor TRUBT^a BUniaJ. John H* Clark pouni> iklfred Uovilauid ty ?i:2Lj To Surveror of Lunbor Ooorce H. Larlng Qerbort T, fltudley y Oeorfjo 3« Taylor U'^rbort P. atudley y l*irlu8 Y. Cotelle ^ Jjavid H. Chaee Henry T, Crowell Jullua B. Brown * Harneai L. Beara y iL£i^jni2) uf wou:^ w lathus H« U«ttho«e y mOiC niflfSTB Ham eat !• Heara 911ba»t ftudley, J^' ^'rHvk b. Homer Hearj f), Uaiier Herbert tieeeet tteer e L, BobMaa JMieph t, hefcer Beerfe Taylor na4»ipa T. Cotelle fee 10 H. l/lMoe Ireeat 1. Keera AlfroU HowlavH Natbaa K. Mattbewa Herbert KtNdlev Took Ibe 'iBtb of OffiB,. Admlaletered ly tbe TiMra tlerk Febroury l», lf>8i. uilbert f-t«Hley Jr. jtt*e 3, 102^2 Article 0*e tne Vote fe y i-reelmete .reci«et ^*e 83 Two 51 Tfereo e% Fowr 8 "§11 Actlnc uiidpr Article 7. UB ■otlnM or Mr, TuaeCier T. Hallet, duly seconded, xt vao unaBlBOUBly Voted, TBat toe Town Treaaurer with the apfroTal of the SolectMea, he 0*4 hereby la autharleed to borrow Boaey froa t1«e to tine la aatl<l|»atloB of tat ReTeaiie of the flnaaelal year becianlag .faaaary Ist, lh?a. dad to laaue a aote or aotea payable wlthla oae year, aay debta laaurred ander thia Vote to be paid fron the Hereaue of th* aald flaaactal Year. / j. I 0® luntloB nf Mr, Cbarlps W, fiiTlft, riiily seconded, Tt was f BnanlmonslT Voted, Tbnt tlie Ton® Treasnrcr with tiae a^proTal of tlHe BGleotnien, ho and harahy lo authorized to "borrow ironay from tiraa to time In antlsipatlon or the HGTenuo or the finanoial year, fee^lnriR^ .Tamuary 1st, Ind to isBur a Note or Notes of tlie Town tberefor, payable within one year, any debts Incurred under this vote, to bo paid frnm the lievenur of finanoial Year, ij-fis-yvKfii A.J . nn :y A :^-r n n n n n n n Article 6« To oee ir the Town will Vote to authorize' the Treasurer with the approtal of the Seleetmen, to borrow Money In antielpatlon of the rewenue of the current financial year. Article An aotlen tuly mAe an4 oeeonAeA, It was vnoalamisly ToteA» That the Town Trwasurer with the ajiprowal of the Seleetaen, he ant herehy la authorized to harrow Moaey froa tiao to tlae in awticlpatiofi of the rewenue of the financial /oar haflnnlnf January let, 1934. AMI to laana a note or notea payable wlthlB out year, any dehta Ineurrad wudor thla woie to be paid froai the rewenwe of the aald flaaaalal year. Twtal Aaiount if liouii duihorlaed $ 93.n9S, 9«t« K« 0# lube wf loaue May «, 1f>34. i it.tfM. hob# •« 9T l»ie of isaue June dp 1994, I d.ddd. dado «• M »««• 9t laaue July IS, 1994 9,999. 9«ta §9 99, lute of laaua duguab let, 1994, 19.999. On i«otlon of Mr. I.ilwarii T, Choar, duly Berondrd, It was imanlinously Votrd* That thrre he apprnprlatrii the 8UW of ^ rt,5f>n,nn. for thr piirpoar of rrsnrfacln with liitiinilnoua concrrtr» Snmrrsrt Strart a portion of Highland Awenur, Lrockton Avrnur and Ulrnwood Mrrrt from Brockton ATonur to thr Beach, And to meet said appropriation that there be raised In the levy## of the current year the Sum of # i.noo.nn, and that the Treaaarer with the approval of the Keleotaen be and hereby la authorised to borrow the auM of $ n.Snn.on. and to Iwaiie Bonds or hntea to be payable In aocordance with the provlalnna of Chapter 44 of the General Haws ao the whole loan ahall be paid In not more tban five Yearn frnm the date of laaue of the first Bond or Note .» ProTlneetown Bar^^l^alile, NoTemlirr 12, A Record of the Vote f Representative in General Court in District No 2, mad^ "toy the Town Clerks in said Bistrlet No 2, on th.ahove date. <"/ 3'^1 // -/ a 3-3 C o ^ 0 /f 00 7V ^7^ ny '9J 3-^3 -ifc; 7/; /y /jy We tlie undersigned Clerks of the Second Barnstahle SepresenLatlve •iatr'^^t, Certify that the shove •sbedule of the re Of Votes east is the lAlfferent Towns In ^Id Bislriet Ro % is sorreet ^ -y / Jt4 Of LU f /t\ hntV^J the hi|[»fSt munher of Tsih— ^ 4 iB iald District Ifo 2> Is Declared duly elected Represontatlve I l^S--#-*--a_^ X Tl I T« To To To t yf" wn elerk of Breweter wn Clerk of CTifttkaia Town Clerk of Dennis wn Clerk of Kastham Town Clerk of Harwlc»i Town Clerk of IV^ovincetown Town Clerk of *ellfleet Town Clerk of Yarmouth Town Clerk of Drleans Town Clerk of Truro Jut' '• , j, E95. S-'U. 1M. No. S401 OlnmmonutpalHf nf iiaBHarljuaptta Novkmuer, ,1926. To the JP^.V.. /« Representatwe District Number JP.P i>i tke County oj. that at Legal Meeting of the inhabitants of. .the. T.o.!'?'?. PT. .X^rPtPt^th in REPRESENTATrt'E District Number "^*9 in the County of,.. .^?rr.®.^9h.l.e qualified to vote for State Officers, holden on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, being the second day of said nionth, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, for the purpose of giving in their votes for REPRESENTATIVE in the General Court, for said District, all the ballots given in therefor were sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made, as by law is directed, and were for the following persons, namely: ITbe Bumbs U BtlMt ib be ewefidb wrilKB Ml ia weaA tl kiiilb.1 J!,Fer.rj. iKl .of. JiUB^.ed4*P.<wrty.-.thiroe (348f) Sianks Wkok number of ^v FT* b mmM to Tmm « Car Ofcm mm mb* w | . fw {'oC Ci^lWi b to wetf -ivi*. O-hWiiii^ (M|M d'toil CMh to ito |M|M« 41 bMrtilMl ^ fiMM tow Im ttobi llto el *«*•**•»■*■** <b <*A b e* I toi mm Wini, U17 •> Tawa, to w r Yarmouth Octohrr 20, 192fl Mr. George F. Matthews Town Clerk. I write to iBform Yo\» that the Memocratic Town Coitimlttce of the Town of Tarmeiith, Mass, hare this lay Organised as follows: Chairman, Mr. Patrick K. Hannan Secretary A Treasurer Mr Henry A, Cohb Other Menhers Mr Thomas L. Baker Mr. Franklin F. Collins Mr. Theodore T, Irew Respeetfully Tours Secret ary, Yarmouth, Se|itcm1ier 17, 19SA, At a Meeting held at the Town Office at One O'clock F. M, On the ahove date, Mr. Charles R. Bassett | Mr. Fdward T. Chase Mr. Ravid Aellej ) ) Selectmen ) ) Mr. George P. Matthews, Town Clerk Mr. John R. Stetson, Coastahle The following Gentlemen were drawn to serwe as .Inrors at the Superior Court to he held at Barnstahle Monday Ostoher 11, A. B. IMS, Charles Cash, Laborer Arthur H. Bowd, Farmer William H. Jennings, Carpenter /do .Tarniontli, April loss. Mr. P. Mattbevs Bear Sir! Town Clerk. The Benocratic Town Ceanlttee of the Town or Yamouth, have this Aay organised as follows! Chairman Mr. Patrlek F.. Pamnan Secretary and Treasurer 'Mr. Henry A. Cohh. BAher Memhers of the Cosnltieo, Mr. Pranfclin F. Collins Ft. Theodore F. Brew /ir. John P. Heffernoia. Heapeetfully Tours> eeratarj Copy of Voto on APtlclo ft, FpI* 1ft, On notion of Mr. Lharlrs W. Swift, Duly 8rconM<»d, It waa unanlmotiBly Voted, That the Town Treasurer with the approTAl of the Selectnen, he and hereby 1« authorized to borrow money from time to time In anticipation of the reremie of the financial year heflnnlna; January lot, 1025, And to Issue a note or notes payable within one year, any debts Incurred under this Vote to he paid from the reTenue of the said financial year \-t: : fr f * I ,1 special town meeting warrant. the commonwealth of MASSACHUSETTS. Baxnstable, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Yarmouth, in County of Barnstable; GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town, qualified to vote in elections and in touni affairs to meet at the Torni House in said town on SATURDAY, the TWENTY-SEV ENTH day of MAY next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, then ' and there to act on the following articles: ^ Article 1. To elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting. Article 2. To see whether the town will adopt the provisions of the first fourteen sections of Chap. 28 of the RevLsed Laws re lating to public parks. (By request.) Article 3. To elect a Board of Park Commissioners consisting of three persons and to prescribe their terms of office. (By re quest.) Article 4. To see whether the town will make an appropria tion not exceeding three hundred dollars for taking the following ; deseril)ed property for a public park: First: The Beach known as "Gray's Beach," bounded at the I east by the Bass Hole River, at the south by Clays Creek, thence 1 running west unto "Little Gray's Beach," and also a strip of jgMarsh Land lying immediately behind said Beach; Second: Little Gray's Beach unto its westward end Creek; Third; The Marsh Land lying between the oastem end of Gray's Beach and the proposed landing on the Bass Hole River. (By rcfjuest.) Article 5. To see whether the town will accept the offer made to it in writing by Mrs Henry C. Thacher and her children to J pay such sum as may be necessary to meet the expense of said f taking for a public park, up to but not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300.00.) (By request.) Article 6. To see whether the town will vote to accept as a town road and town landing the town dock road and town dock landing as laid out by the boards of selectmen and road eommls- ' sioners as per description and plan filed in the office of the town clerk on May 12, and appropriate a sum of money for thei taking of land for said purposes and for the improvement of same. (By petition.) Article 7. To see whether the town will vote to instruct its board of selectmen to purchase for the town the piece of land on the easterly side of the town dock road in Yarmouth, known as the Ryder property, and raise and appropriate a sura of money therefor. (By request.) Article 8. To see if the town vnW vote to accept Section 353 of Chap. 11 of the Revised Laws, which provides for the election of town officers by precinct voting. Article 9. To see if the town will vote to accept Chap. 346 of the Acts of 1902, which provides for the election of moderator for term of one year on the official ballot. ^ Article 10. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen tq> pass title by deed in the name of the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth for a certain parcel of land in West Yarmoutli ta Ferdinand A. Abell, located on the Abell road and known as ke "old town pound,'' and to receive in exchange a deed from the said Ferdinand A. Abell for a eti-tain parcel of land known as the "new town pound." Article 11. To see if the town will vote to rescind the vote )i whereby they voted to sell the Almshomse property at the an na^ town meeting held on the l3th day of Feb. 1911. (By pe tition.) Article 12. To see if the town will vote to authorize the select- len to sell by public auction a certain parcel of land in South furmouth known as the "Crusher lot.' at Bass Ai-tiele 13 To see if the town will vote to raise and appropri ate tlie sum of $50.00 for the care and improvement of the town cemetery ground in West Yarmouth. (By petition.) Article 14 To see if the town will vote to raise and appropri- ate the sum of $300.00 for the purpose of repairing and harden ing Baxter avenue in West Yarmouth, from the state highway to Lewis bay near the residence of Mr. Chas. J. Devereaux. (By petition.) Article 15. To sec if the town will vote to raise and appropri ate the sum of $100.00 for the following purposes: To purchase land to enlarge the dumping ground m Yarmouth- Port, and to purchase land for a new dumping ground in Yar mouth-; and to remove rubbish from along town roads. Article 16 To see if the town will vote to macadamize the road knmvn as Broadivay at Englewood in West Yarmouth, and authorize the to^vn treasurer and selectmen to sign a note of the town for the sum of $1250.00, said note to fall due in the year 1914. (By request.) And von are directed to serve this warrant .by posting up attested copies thereof at five ptiblic places, three on the South side and two 'on the North side, also one publication in the Yar mouth Register, in .said town, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and malm due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to tlie town clerk, at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under our hands this l3th day of May, m the year of our Lord one thou.sand nine hundred and eleven. MATTA CHARLES R. BASSETT, LUTHER R. BROWN, WILLIAM A. SCHWAB, Selectmen of Yarmouth. A true copy, Attest: SETH TAYLOR, ConsteWiB. /f//.I \^'(J ^ / Ji ''Uc--:.' I . n iZ! '-C' .1 yy-^yty 2yyrt^iyyy\^ ^ Myrt^ „.yt^ (:u>c^^Zy /Y.£eyiX^ T-y ?Yu^ (KZy-^-<i^<-y ^ ^3^1 '-^^Aa^. £z^> SZ^ ^ „, ^YeyectZk^ Ix^^ yZ^n A X y ^ /^- M^A/Zya^tC^ HXZy^ i>UYy^ lo-i.^.^. oiJuA 3- AXl G^yL ^cr2.t^Z^crM.cy33A^.^^y:y^. - i^^yAc /{/ <2yiy>~^ .-'>i-'y~ -C/^C^CXjAZ .yiGcC ^Zocc/Z ^ ^ .e_^ (XG^ y3^.YL^ ^ <iy,^y^y~yxjtG,. ^/iCf<-^ yZA^ ^^(^G^Zocu f^. ^^YPt-^iXeX ^yiy ^ iCt^ ^ tEtfu, Giytyi/i^CiA- y^G^pc^ ^ /9Z^; ,y^o /Zfe*^ ,<tccyn^ GvUamMx^ IX yCiyiG^y^ y^Uy^ <=zX^ /^ZZvi ^ /f/6~» (ZPU£/Z^ ^ t^Lc/ y^ ydxYV^ ^TTVLr Zi./ ZlA/VA^^sf^Uylj^ ^.£ocY^tGO yZ^ X^ff'-^5>r--^£:^-4Az/^ yy^ GCt^X^G^ &<- y-^ yX%Gy^,:X^ /"^y^ ^ Z2yyy^^^ YpY£^ Z^-tJ^y^<5__ O/oYZe/^^ Z<_ ^Lotyu^ zViyZY~Jyf^CAZeJpYy'^'t^^ B-z>-z3> . yX,CuxLs-^ Acyty^^ (X^Y^c^-^aZ ct^^^ZYi ' tY&-^ yUyx^Ziy^ yyytyyt^.^ Q, v5d>^ .^. ^/Z^xCyJ ;^.<&<;, y cMyft^ tr it ^ H^aAa^ . /^yi^-xAA^ y '-'Z^'LeZiy^^ Zt^x.^0 cZZZt.*^*^. A'^o^'A^A> tZuc, ^ Z^' X)crztiyvx , XLf, i^n.2x^a- a-^Y-^YXn/xju^ ^IX^ ^^Claaaa. (j^U/Uy^ V^^', - \J y^ / / lvvc;6iar^ cMZtdAMK, ^ lYU ?w2aaM W./Zl<P'<'^Y.^C^ ^ (A>JajU^WO*^ JjtHTIA- j 7lx7/Uy»^ (f'-'t^ Z<:^Zc~7^ 2/o-Z3eZ, G'XX^ ZZo /^='-z5^t.->--y^ (^X^GZXZZy-xyXy^ Ctxjx^Sk. lytu^Zy U Jl/AA/X tX. /<3Airtri^ Cc<, ZCZdl MiuuaiiUB«b ^ C-AZ .7^ cZc^ '^/tc^<^AZ', (3i) Ajl A c<^ 4!C Ct'x^ (^xji^c^Ayc a Z< yGtcL V - A 4A X Zzxc, ^a y'W^ C zZgY^ ^<n ■^'i-VKxy^ /a ^ J'. j4. Qi^fi^ ^ ^ ^^i/£e~eL ff ^ .yli^ 7^- ^^a^uA / 2^ tAA^AcA ^ yZc^zxu^pt..^r^ >/-<✓ ^to^ ^2AUAAA4^a-t<<^ ^ ^ jJl^/Lt^ Z^- cAM AC^ ^0<yi^ ^ cAA-oAyiZcL^^ , (Ica^OyK ^yiiX/Srtyx. y__/ y/ ^ . ^^2^ o. z:zA^tiz ^,^c/X^ CAaSL^ ^ tAx^ ^^yZAy^ /f/z^i >^tCiyyL<:zL>^ » Uo Z ^aM± ZL- y ^ Ct/t ^ '^''^fer •© trwn'W.-M'uVlitA- ^ / 'J ' I -VWJL/, ^ (r^^Z^tAy^zA^ /^ Z9^/^ / ^ 7^ (^yxjAy^ ^^'ytzziAA^^^LA- ^yA^rt^r^ jZyf^ ////, /2j^<^c^Ji-^ Z7<ZtJLy Ty^ZOi^i^ & ' _yte^ut<- (Tvdl- ' lfk2<rv\ ^ (A4pyiy'V^X^,yVC^^^ y-t, > A -AI, Q)«TAya£^ Cky,^ty^ ff-eCi^ ^J^eAL ^ ^,^zryiAyyyiAUJ>t^^ ^ Zd.eMmg. 0c^-r^ ryv\xJf /f^y.jeJa4Ai^^^ a^L^jiyrtyviAt^ ^..ClXzdz€^ /^^CI<z:'(Xa\AJ z9zz. y^jyV-A^ Xd _y4jlAAl, \ M <ZhX/ ^A^azdi - X, ZtrtyZf ^cX ^ jjz, /^/i, y^AC <j~^tXZ I1II;Z' Z\ 0/ j? f^-vM, (/. x¥mxauAf: C/ t' ^/'f (t^ l'i'/ '' .,«j| 6 ,. /3-'-^<ru-i^hnJj, 7'/'r /A C z/-^/- 1 (T-Tt^^ ^ ^ A ^9//y f//. f X^ z^//. Jzsf-/ /y&, f ^ ^ y^/f// \^y-/c /c a^,.<_l^ yf, z///. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANI ^ Commonwealth of Massachusetts. H fl Skumstabie, ss. j^ To either of the Constables of the|^ Town of Yarmouth in the CountjS of Barnstable, GreetingI la the name of the Commonwealtlt •f Uassachusettg, you are hereby dt| *ected to notify and warn the in^ babitanti of said Town, qualified tO' *ote in elections and in town affairs^ to meet at the Town house in said Yarmouth on FRIDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER next, at tw6| •'clock in the afternoon, then ant^j fbere to act on the fallowing artlclesr! Article 1. To elect a Moderator toi^ preside at said meeting. Article 2. To see whether thS' town will adopt and accept Sections i one to fourteen, inclusive, of Chaptep, twenty-eight of the Revised Laws) authorizing cities and towns to lay out public parka within their limits,' and cure any possible illegality or faregularity in the proceedings of the special town meeting called for th# same purpose and held on May 27th, 1211. \\ Article 3. To elect a Board Q» Park Commissioners consisting three persons, and to prescribe thej^ terms of office. 1 Article 4.* To see whether the town will make an appropriation h^ exceeding three hundred dollars taking the following described prop erty for a public park: ■First: The beach known as?Gray's beach," bounded at the eaet y the Bass Hole river, at the south "Clay's creek," thence running •west unto "Little Gray's beach," and jslso a strip of marsh land lying im- iRedlately behind said beach;g Second: Little Gray's beach unto western end at Bass creek; Third: The marsh land lying be- iQ the eaatem end of Gray's ich and the proposed landing on le Baes Hole river. Article 5. To- see whether the iwn will accept the offer made to in writing by Mrs^ Henry C. lacher and her children to pay I such Bum as may be necessary to :4ieet the expense of said taking for public park, up to but not ex- ling three hundred dollars L$300.00). And you are directed to servo this arrant, by postiug up attested iples thereof at five public places, iroe on the South side and two on le North sido, also one publlcntion ''.M the Yarmouth Rogiater, in said'. |{owa, seven days at least bofore thb time of holding snkl moetiug, 0\Hereof full not. ami uinke due ^torn of this warran'. with your dot^:Jihoroon. to tho Town Clerk, <^^101IliDe atui plnou of moettng. aa ■tojjlf Olven under our Jiands this sovflft-,eenih day of AuguiU in th^oar <$ur !-oril one thousand uluffHuudrod nil eleven.ml eleven. t/ ^ y-t-n-e^ . clzT V (mA/6^ ^ ^ - /Yc. ZZc/,, (Yn^ ^ ;h.\iii.es n. bassett.AmWH R Blf^WN, 4^irTTriAU A QCMW.VH "VU 3Ll(t^U-X^' \y — •'v.-'- r (TV \ *vwiK? yr-txr w -iLlAM A SCHWAB,Sclcftinen of foriliouth.l 4 true copy AtCMi;tt UNRV K. UBHII^, t'lW' cAx-cA C\AX- ^X.AAX.XK^ .(Ivw CvA'\a.-wN ^XK.-}- ^,' —A-w^z/>;. 1^ ; ftz: yhr t 't- ^ ^ (a.\ t y ^c-^ >*«\a -k - a II fitin -4l ^ V ***"-•- Start R- 8 H \ ^ /^j[, ^ j^OL /2-£^<oi_^ 'Jot.z^-v'V'^-"--*- to ./t,i,-wP\. y^TWjx / ^ / ^ l^tMjl iTT'U/vV-^-'-^ /^A-v-w .-nX I "^ • ~7, Isju^^UmM. (Wi>v«-'^ ^'£zA(L,«-j^^ 0 , ^ /Xt-cX^ 0~t), ^ yCp^/t _ 0^7^ ^ Zco^^z. =t J ^ 2^ . Jix. C3w'' t/ bV&»c, if CcX-Z^aZ cybx^, TZ7f/i ZaZuXy ^ /Y^^" - ^cZZ (y*Zti ^ <l/HJL '\ ^'*' V, ', Z' STATE PRrMA'RtE^. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, j Barnstable, ss. " ' Yarmouth, Mass.. Sept. 5, 1911;: To either of the Constables of the.; - town of Yarmouth, in the County j of Barnstable. Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth! of Massachusetts, you are hereby di rected to notify and warn the inhab?, itants of said Town, qualified to vot^j in elections and in town affairs. t<|~ meet at the Colonial Club building. Precinct 1, Yarmouthport; Centra Club building, Precinct 2, Yarmouth Owl Club building. Precinct 3. Sout Yarmouth; Schoolhouse, Precinct i-. West Yarmouth, in said Town orf TUESDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH da~ of SEPTEMBER next, at thre o'clock in the afternoon, then an there to vote for candidates for nom inations for the following officers, tc be voted for at the annual state elections in November next, upon ballots of the several parties entitled I to be represented, namely: For Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Sec retary of the Commonwealth, Treas- ' urer and Receiver General, Auditor of the Commonwealth, Attorney Gen eral, Councillor, Senator, Representa tive to the General Court, County ' Commissioner. Clerk of Courts, Reg- 1 ister of Deeds and such other of ficers as may be entitled to be voted for, Also, to elect for the several parties entitled the following officers, namely: District Members of State Committees, Members of Town Com mittees and Delegates to State Con ventions. The polls shall be opened at thr^e o'clock in the afternoon and may be closed at seven o'clock of the same day. And you are directed to serve this warrant, by posting up attested I copies thereof at the following [places: Postoffice at West Yarmouth; Postoffice at South Yarmouth and R. J, Baker store. South Yarmouth; Postoffices at Yarmouth and Yar mouthport, and also by publication in Yarmouth Register, in said Town, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due re turn of this waiTant, with your doing thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as afore said. Given under our hands this fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven. CHARLES R, BASSHJTT, LUTHER R. BROWN. WM. A. SCHWAB, Seloctmcn of Yarniuiitb, Mussucbu- ' fdtla. 4 ttrM* ao^y. Attvat: 9 , Jj. n yXf // C?¥<x»^ . z z ^3 / (kZ6 2-z> tL. y. 3 ^ Pf Pjtf Cf. Yjc (P. AXj. 9PrV\j •t^. xj-ZT_-<Z-Z'^ , Or <f, ^ ctii^ , V> O ^ j). P^r<x. VV-tvK c Cv.Ve (C4,©<^ v'Mi ): trtiimai iiMlMii A ISk 1 — -p..' // i /. 5 // ^ 2yX ' y (^^2/ / jfj ; -N cCp.'^Z^^Z^ <L i S~ Y^Yi^U-,y^Z-K J-O r a a^iM—, Ov\ajA^ - t/VlX^- ujc^y ^ 7fm 12 2-(r C^6 V A — - — '7y<'j:^^iZ . i/ / i(H- Z^ / CZ-tAyU^ ^ (/ ij .\)^ /^ rf 0 ; "^7 7 Z- sz 3^0 /I /// / - 'HLMak V^-^/A\X-^ I V ^yA^OL^ \^.(Ay\Ajhy\^ C\A/\J 13 w y / / "2--— '/ J3 // /r f 3z- jy / / I 3 " 4 y ' - - ^ - c^- ' ^ I 7r 3 2. <5 r AjL'tvVv^^^ \ Jcy // ey^eZA. d2^ Cery^r-^t^^ G^ray^ e^^y^^^'/iexy^ ^v^>y - liiAJA-, ^■- C-crT^yr-'^-^- — ^ 76-^ ^5 a-^ J^, (am^ yWw^eeC-Wf^ ^ ^U^4^(/', > I ■ C_>M^ „ .. --- L-^(..(:,y '.'2-y \\\) "5^ 3-c Mo 3^ u»i \'X -(5&.«M-C. - —/tiX&w - 0 0 4 i-> 0 0 a 3\- 1 1 \K 0 0 0 c. TS.•■;(•.' "_!9 1^>X/ ^ (^ c^yyvuA/\ « <Zy^^ (dlAASL.^^^ A'l'UX '1 15 * I 2—. '< J / ' L^ / J / / 2-^ -(HuA —' ^ ^<rr€A/vuJ\/, (YYa^ ^r/^ Q^'^- n 2_ - J 7 y z 9 . Of ^ , r.^ '^' /V-CCA/-^. X^VT7 ^ ^ Vv — ' /'X'CA/vAfc^ \ \ ^ - V. 0 \ '■ S ■ H ^--f -^AAAl^ a / (^tCCi/\Ajt/^^ n /. 3 y ( Ly- 2_ 7 3 C7 C5 / cv\aIia Yid<jcY<yl{Ai / ' Z— // -i o 7 / 3 Y^^^7A^TAyty!i^ yyY. 'c^'i''x..^L^' ^£e^-<r\A C^A^-Jl C^viy'^/-M I' .'/ A < f I ( II -i u Z' 7^ 6 / ) f O^ ^rzAy\/^ (y / / 2-. '^U.OvtC^f o // /'^y ^/ / y z_ /3. Jf _ , '! '' > '' V / -Oi-eKv/vy ^ (pAio^vvuiA^ \ ^ _ A/vVjotlx/ irVWx/ ^--GqJU.. <A/vve^^ _ \ 'U 0 o M 'U 1^ - ^ / /f 7^ /, 3 '/ 6^ 3 // V J% / ^ Z- " J " ^ |f--X-COi/v ie, ^ ^ // J L/ i .^_ 17 / if / 2- Z, CP yJ? Z_ c/ c / Z (f''/' ^ a 0 7 7 ^ /5 (<-^■^■^ '^0 C^i. f J[y 0^.M,?vtAA-^(s7 rC.: C ly Vv^^ -' (T Cliki^ y^<SAA., cyc?n/>f t' 18 iA/t^UL. ctlM^MTy^ ^ ^./tyL^-yi^ ># ^ ^ //d ^^C<yy^ ifu^VO - . ( 'i^y^yy^^y>y^ ^:n{Z^, ^d<yl^l ^ y -'^ "a^r ^j'^ybL,-&S.tyCyC^ Z/^. ^ C^ t&A_ ~toyt^ ^ ^ £iyz.tyyx ^ ^Jcyiyyty ^"7 / ^// ^ S',/f-/7~^ A /9/i iiilk cMMIi State Election. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Bamstable, ss.' JTo either of the Constables of fchel ^ ^ towTx of Yarmouth in the Countyl I, of Barnstable, Greeting.' ^ir the name of the Commonwealth'' of Massachusetts, you are hereby! Reeled to notify and warn the in-' ^aMtamts of said Town, qualified tol^te hi elections and in town affairs.; to meet at theh several Precincts,! viz: Precinct 1. Colonial club. Yar-| ^uthport; Precinct 2. Cape Codf Central club, Yarmouth; Precinct 3,):■Owl club, South Yarmouth; Pr^eciuct' 4. Schoolhouse, West Yarmouth, inlsaid Town on Tuesday, the Seventh! W Of November next, at six o'clock! y 'the forenoon, then and there to;-|ote for Governor, Lieutenant Cover-''^r. Secretary, Treasurer and Recelv-'iier General, Auditor of the Common-1wealth. Attorney General, CouncU-il»r Pirst Dis^'ict, Senator for the^epe Distrin^, Rcprosentatlve in the''oneral Cov^, Second District, Conn-!T Conuni»ioner, Clerk of Superior!''ttrt. and; Resister gf Deeds, all the;iregolnj^ on cue ballot. i1.^ rhe polls w.Ui be opened at six'^ck In the forenoon, and may be|to aed at one o'clock to the after- ^ And you are directed to serve thisfVarrant, by posting up attested;Copie8 thereof at five public placestwo on the North side and three on South aide in said Town, seven^ys at least before the timefolding said meeting. Mereof fail not, and make due urn' of this Warrant, with yutulolngB thereon, to the Tdwn ClerkIt the time and place of meeting ?3 aforeaaid. of re- your Oiven under our hands this twentyfourth day of October in the yearpf our Lord one thousand nine him ?rod and elevi-n. CHARLES R. BASSBTT, LUTHER R. BROWN. WILLIAM A. SCHWAB, rak'otmcn of the Town of Yannouthj Massachusetts, true copy. Atrteet: HENRY R. USHER. Conatabh 19 , r \ / \/ ^ cAtAAA r I cAwyy-tyy^i ^ ay6 aA£^ A. 0^^ A, .^■Arv (yC.'ny^-y-. AAAi y<S. .s..^ oA czA z>, ^ m, Ayty^y AcyZ^ oA AAcc-yyCAt /^-> ^ /ni. \y2Ay^.-<yA&-<,e-A -CyJAfyyiA - ^Py-D /A^^^''APt-CyC^ 't'X. A>7y>yC CA-tyb^y-A'-^^ A-}*b.- Mm . /duZZ^^~^ 4^ /i^Y Ay<^^~Miyte.c LjuJLa. (y\. ^ (2 ,1 ' /tQMy<tA^ A^' vf- )ilM^^My^ 'Aiu jfllAJ)^ (j^A^je. www (AaA-»(^ ■ |9 AS-oA -^fyTAy ASL^-<iii'UuiK (.Im,-*^^v/VXAaKJ^VjA, VINMjcV, N^ASVVv • ^ \ywV\ 20 /3'^y^ Ga^ ^ /Vc^ (:^<>c^^/(i*M Ss. s ^/i^^^iy^AXr- ((^ (Tt \f {Tfyiyyu^-I^, ^ ^ n>. /f'hyr 21 J' A/^ ; y Yioyy- J1 z.'J J^/5^ P. /J'-i^ -)? yhi.Q^ I 6 9- \j^t- (y^^ iyu^^^^yC«. - 3-f ^O O / ^<3 O O i ipv ^ I ^ 2- -2- t \ / <5?J) Q?^ (n^ C^Ay^hy^ U-X^' ^ ^ .^(Xj£^ <2%kvz? a-Pt^ 7^ m V, mmM^^ fevv: ^ ^ fl/ULfVuM- ^/I^yuM-^'dn^ - /f- 0sS" 0 ^7 J^7 2-, / 2. 12^ 3 / ^-ytHyiAy^ / 3 9 r o o Z /;£>"/ C^^&-<5t.-vt.«^ / p^^^Ly^y^-yiXeuJi (A ^ ^ yi^^yyxJty^ J^I^^T^XX^xxo ^ ^,^^^'7''Pt£i>ir*y7z> Qi^yy^ ^7'^t/tptx,,,iy^p*^ p yTCyp'C'x^ /? y-i":5~t?^6 '» /f <7 -ZZ /V ? /Z C=»2 £5- c> > '^^QiAjL. A^4,yyi Ao ^ {^ JlAnls^ /3 V ^ C£4.<rA£S^ (5^-K-ev\ YjAiJx ^ ^X^4^uAjh ^AyZeX ^Orrv y^^-tx^. (?vv>y|v<^ ^ (^ /VTf^wA - (^.cor-^^ - V,'aa.^ -^ M f ', 3 1 1 0 0 0 - hr^\^ - f'rH^'tyiTvv^^ / L ? ;7 3 7 z. /4 ^ 1^"" 5"C> n 22 V: \ ytjLCi/vi^ {^(A^I^Jii.— ^(yiA'y-tV, ^ ^ 2- i H P V- ""v. >» "Ns / 2. 'Ki l^ "i 2 (yU/yixJ i" 3 - "¥(o f-^ 2. iT 0-uyyi (UyE£cyx^ ^ ^ C^TrTyy2'''f^'^ ^^2-^ t^Cy-y^ ^^-.yue^C Zyyiyy^'Xr^ .^^^y\JLiy^ — 5" C <Z 23 / 3 4^ >^/ yiypf / o X r Oytyy-L-c^ ,,---^^(«-<s5<;:^ «a-t_ //// 0 -J V ^ C c P z_/ o c 2-; // 2- /^ 2^? ^5 23' <2^^yt-^y ([U4^fvv\. ^n^ MtcLujAV^ - 4 ^7 ^3 2 V- jAn/IA/^ ^ CWa '•'^-e*w-cX^ (]2Vsl G -f ^ ^ z^v\yviit -^^231^ - (3y^y<^ ytyyiyfta^P (jyOU^ / ?f zt K^ P r' -AyiSkyS!^ <3^Mt^ /y^cf - /Ir^ ^7 7S ^U^c^v^ulJ /T-^- // /Z. ^Z- 2 / 7^7ia-^--v^^, ^'.^yunc?j^LC^ (;Z,'Z^t-.^7 (D^IajL.c2-^AAy /K^' - V // y^ 7^7 ? ^- z ? cwW- ^3 <J3p^(2yyi^ Ll ^ of / 77 7 ?7 /ff ^7 ^ ^ 3 3~ 6r J2 J^a^n J7, ^11^ yT^-Xy ,je^-^X^ ^^ efSo^ 26 innual Town Meeting Warrant Commonwealth of Maasachuaetta. Barnatable, aa. To althor of the Conatablea of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of Barnatable. Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Maaaachuaetta you are hereby dl- tooted to notify and warn the Inhab- Itanta of aald Town, qualified to vote In electlona and in Town affaire, to meet at the Town houae In said Town, on MONDAY, the TWELFTH day of FEBRUARY next, at 8.30 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articlea: Article 1. To elect a Moderator to prealde at aald meeting. Article 2. To elect the following named ofticera, all on one ballot, under the Auatrallan ballot ayatem, aa adopted by the aald Town, vU.; One Selectman for three yeara: one Amaeaaor for three yeara; one Overaeer of Poor for three years; one Town Treasurer for one year: opa School Co nmlttceman for three .jfcara; one Road Commlaaioner for ytere; one Town Clerk for one iJiW (unexpired tcmi; one Collec- Taxes lor one year: two Con- flea lor one yi;a-; two Auditors one year : one Tree Warden for Tree Warden for one year. Ata® to ae« if tiit Town win grant Mia of .Mtox..atlng liquors. ArtteU 3. To cieot all other nac- •ory offtoars- Arllola 4. To near the report of *** ®*'oot'nsn and act thereon, Aftlola 6. To near the report of *t»or eommiiteca and act thereon. Artlel# 0, To see what suma of ronay the Town will raise and appro f the et pport of poor, aup- ^ achoola. Town officers' and i®w«l*laa fees, repairs of roade and frtilOo. Town debts, i-epalre on huildlngs. miscoilaneous ex- acheul books and supplies. «S«rtiMandant of achoola. interest * •wn debts, transportation of•lara. and lor all other necoeaary arising m this Town. " the Town will ^own Troasuror, with I'OfreJ***^" ** Selectmen, (q f.sT^, """"W municipal on •"••alpptlon of the colioc-" lf» such sums as mayI'f oxpcnsoe Iha fliving -a, f the Town there-^Pjhrabu within one year after " All dabta inourmd -olhorlty 0, in„ 'hr taxsa of the prea •Hihlcipiil year. ilmi* " *** " i. hy.lawi of iha VL '' ««t t'-om Artiola■SdWen I, Tita election of Town <•••(" or sny other sieiion Ihst••PMlei rdlh the accsptanoe ofIf* • of '•\ii wpfToni. pnct <0 act I 'V ffHreanAHMIc », To lea If If,, rown will ' i« lb pufpf Seciipn W of Chap ''M if the Rsvfaad Laws, or any i P#fdH|fAMtif« UlPfffo, whlth NrovKli •ffloW* ' ArttclV^. To sei^lf-thTTOwif'-fiAll vote to accept Qhapter 346 of the Acts of 1902, whiph provides for the election of Moderator for a term of one year on the official ballot and to amend any s:c:ion of the by-iaws of the Town which may confilct with such acceptance, and to act fully thereon. Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the repair or construction of sidewalks in West Yarmouth. (By request.) Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to Instruct and authbrize the Selectmen to revise the by-laws of the Town, submitting new laws at a subsequent meeting for accep tance, and to act fully thereon. Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise, and appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of surveying and preparing plans of the ancient cemetery in Yarmouth, the property of the Town. Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appr-opriate the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the care and improvement of the Town cemetery in West Yarmouth. (By request.) Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to protect the Town roads with tar preparation, and to pur chase all neccsaary equipment and appliances, and to act fully thereon. Article 16. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) to cover article 16 of this warrant, said appropriation to be raised by tv/o notes, one for three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). due In three years, and one for three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), due In four years, and to .*ct fully thereon. Article 17. To see If the Town will clay harden or repair by any other method, the road leading from the station road to the old depot road, by the homestead of Lewis White, South Yarmouth, and to ap propriate the sum of one hundred and fifty dollara ($150.00) for the same. (By petition.) Article 18. To see If the Town will vote tb pay a bounty of twenty- five cents each on muekrats, and to raise and appropriate one hundred dollara ($100.00) for the same. (By request.) Article 19. To see If the Townwill vote to pay a bounty of twenty- five cents on oach crow, ar^d to raise and appropriate a sum of money therefor. (By request.) Article 20. To see If the Town will vote to Instruct the AsaeeaoM to commence to revalue the real eatate in order to establish a unifbrni rate of valuation ,tnd locate the un recorded property. Article 21. To ace If the Town will vole to pay the Asaeesora the compsnsution as provided In Chapter12, Section 90. of the Revised Law*, to cover article 20 of ihia warrant, under suoh reetrlotlona as m«y advisabla. Artioln 7.2. To sec If the To. will vote 10 raiee and appropria hundred tf ollato fXpinded m tAoh roads. Article 23. To see If the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to repair the stone em bankment and construct a railing in front of the residence of Mrs George Hallett in Yarmouthport. Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to instruct the Selectmen to appoint an Inspector of Wires, as provided In Chapter 122, Section 18, of the Revised Laws, or any amend ments thereto, such inspector to serve without compensation. Article 25. To see If the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to revise the Fish Regulations of the town, and incorporate such re vised regulations in the Regulations and By-Laws of the town, such regu lations to be submitted for approval at a subsequent meeting. Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to repair Baxter Avenue In West Yarmouth by oil preparation, from the State highway to the resi dence of Mr C. J. Devereaux, or any portion thereof. (By request.) Article 27. To see If the Town will vote to properly repair Baxter Avenue In West Yarmouth, from the State highway to the residence of Mr C. J. Devereaux, and to raise and appropriate the sum of tfireeI hundred dollars ($300) therefor. (By|J request.) I Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to authorize and instruct the Board of Health to appear before I the Legislative committees to favorI any measure which will repeal or'amend Chapter 613, Acts of 1911, in i regard to the "Maintenance of Isola tion Hospitals," and to authorize the Selectmen to make any arrange ments which may appear to be for the best Interests of the town. In forced, by arrangements with adjoln- the event that the present law is en- ing towns for the use of the Yar- ' mouth almshouse, to comply with the law. Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum not exceeding one thousand del iars ($1,000), and to authorize the Park Commissioners to take the following described property for a public park: A strip of land In South Yarmouth, on the south shore of the town, extending from the "Run Bridge," so called, to Parkers River, the same to extend from a point three hundred (300) feet north from the bank or bluff and from thore to the sea. throughout the en tire length. (By petition.) Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to appoar before Legislative commit tees for the purpose of protecting the town's Interest in the matter of the bin now pending in the Legislature, oonoerning a water supply for the town of Yarmouth, which ha* been presented by the Barnstable Water Company. Article 31. To see If the Town win vote to author^e the Selectmen to have prepared a proper estimate by expert engineers for the Installa tion and maintenance of a water •upply under various systems pro- poead, and to appropriate a aum not sxoeading three hundred dollars ($800) to cover the coat of such •■timatos- Article 32. To mo If the Town will vote to appropriate a sum not oxeesding fifty dollars ($60) for the purpose of eonatruotlng a oatoh hn*ln at the corner of the $tnte highway and Strawberry Lan*. near the rail- dsno* of Mr T- C. Thaohor. (By no' qussN.) And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at five public places, three on the south side and two on the north side. Also by publication In the "Yarmouth Register," at least seven days before the time of hold ing said meeting. Hereof fall not, and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands and the seal of the town of Yarmouth here to affixed, this twenty-fifth day of January In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve. CHAS. R. BASSETT,[L. S-1 LUTHER R. BROWN, WM. A. SCHWAB, Selectmen of Yarmouth. A true copy. Attest: HENRY R. USHER, Constable. / ■f <3/y^-zZ . <2/ ^y^^y 9S'cy4yZytyO'--^ y£^^ y zy^ /f cy^ yZy yZy (2/ ^Q/ zyyu »t- y^i^^y/c- / -"zyy ^ y a-C^yy Z~~ 3 < r -fM _ / /6~ /3 y ? y ■€/ iy/ < y-t •2- t? ^ ^y-M^ h J i; y2i/£¥-^ '^Cf '^.d..'C^_^^ ,<s^- \CC^ CC' cT-e^ y (T y/^^ ^5?yy 0. / (^, /C? yyyi^yzyzyr-^-y^^^CZ^-d. 1| 2'^^SeyiZ4/<yf^ ij J^{XyU-y2^ytX^yn), 0. / (^, 1 -yy^yy^X^yt-y, cT y<^ay/tXy(^ . y^, <2/!yfleyfycCy , ^ c^ ^.Xya-A^ 0 /c? / ij e0^0Ctyi^dyC^ ^y^y j <^C^-^yty.^Cy^ ^-C^ ^ O'^ ^ y^, ^Jly2yz^-^—- '■^^y:t<? yi^-^^yCf C>^C<^ . y^z^ yt^ dyiX ^ C-yX^-^^^lx CXy^ oC ^<^5^6-^ y2yW.^^ C>^yCl-0>^^ c^ Ly^yfyTyiyCy^ ^-C^ ^ O ■C^y^ c^ ytyf~ C^-yi^ C^ -2-^ <5. ^-iy*^ , CXyiiyT C^ y2yW.^^ g^ y2^£:Zy:? yy£.^0 Z'fy^ ycyZ<-y- Z> / <S^ C>* yi^£y S^y^4^-^-^'*y^ z3<^ --2^ i?*--*' Cy^"^ CpZi^.yZcy -y/.^-TyZ^^y<.y€'y<^^0^yr,y^-tytyy€^ y^iZfy^ .y^ ~ CXy^ yyi^C^ ^yV yC'Cr^j yG^ZZ^oyC- c5^ «c^ €^^2-% cZy^yZc^^^y yti/C(y:f ^yV yC j yy \^ ^^ZyfyC y^^ C^-y^y*- ^yz^yt:/^ y-z^^y^yzy Gty^ y^-ZyT Gk ^y^yvy ^ S y^S^^yy^C 02/y^yyy^ ^ ^y^y^ycz-^yzyyyyu -y:^x^y yZyt^^^yZ^T zy/y^ -<^^^7 -y<:^ey^yc-y^^ y^ yzyzy^y^-^y^y^ o/€yy^^ky^^yZyZyZyZyfyZyf^ ^Zpt^ ^yzyyZ^y€y^^y<=yy^^^ y^0^ ^^~,-y^ y^/ ^ - J ^ A ' ^ — --<^^--^^^-■2^ ^---? 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'tAAZ^^ ^ da Ay^,_ d ZAAAA^Az ■ 0C'A^<k-^d^ (2a, y-dZ .<kya A SA^Y/k' z^-z. dy d/rd (t -. a^ca^ z^^iHy ' ^ zA-<^i Z£^ ^ z<^.yidf^ ^ dcf A d.y / 2>^ /acA2<Jtd dy^ A d C O'd d dX~ ; '- 'ddt / di / v/d V dX^ APA"/Ai, ^A -7 t.AC. Af A S^-AyA iyfy.^yJL J'-^/^/JL yzodz- jdk'yAfyCa _ / <^. 3df-^yA<A Ay dy^d- A€y dlAyd.^^Oy ad-f r yd- a/a^aA 'd-?'^ /-dd^C Af dO'-Aye^ cdck^ddk /cdA^yd-^PA^ ^--d/dk^ -djA- /Cp /C> CkAyA-c dd— ^.^kyj Zkd adcy 2d>Ck.cA0/ A ^A2yyk.^uc ^zAc C0^//-Akd ^ ^ A ddd'A C y aT^d^ckk ^ / a Zk'Z^ 2 -Z^ dd^ d 0/ A ^..yA.^Zy^C zk /-A^kPk^ 00AAar/.-z. Zk'Z^ Z 'Zy' ^ry7Z-Z7 7yi^ - -AZAA'yZyr^ (2^ A -Z^z ^ iA^z^ A(dd€Afda. /S /<dAka/yAd&~yk0 'dyyyjy cyd^^y^yu^Ok^ctA dd ASUf^T/r ^Ak.-Zk.kp/kAA Ck^a//-'Akyd,Ad-AA / S^0 — cdV-d^ a/ / ^/0 a/ A07yy Ck^k^^rd'- <zzk^yz^Ad— ^a0A^^.A_^- d0'. / Syy/ay-Ad <kidyu/-J-j^ dd ^ytAiyz^-c yO/^ 0^ A -z-o ^ ^ a/ a A k Cz -0^0--k^ Ad cdAkOd de^y^Ad,^lykdy -'d-^Ad ddy AkydydAA-zzcd a/ O/a JdAd^ q^zz-^a-JOaa ,^A0r yy^A /0' / f /-^ / 2^ y-0y^^y/0r^ -zxy J-'U y /V 00.-f^ :/a^ ^ ^ y, d 0dA/A.-^Z-PA-A Z^OdA0. 00.-C ' /dAk-0^iA7.adAd/ ss cdyd'py^kd d d ^0^A^-k0A^^.^^y Ckd/yAk^.-C^rd Ad~dc. Ck-d<^-t^y- -^z^^-Az^-dziaz^^ed^ ^-ydd.'Cky^^.^ / ^' /(/A-^-^-^'ddA kyty<y .ada dp c^^d: a^-c ode ckd^^^ zpyC/^^^de^Md^a- dcJy^dd- dyz^ddA a/. (dd^o.^ iy/,-C^yyi <0 A -n- •fy'f —■:> d d^d-C od^7' o-d^, d{ dA 'p^jy^d k'-t^kkd- Ad'j.k dz0 ^yx-Ai^dkkdf y'y-t.A0^ dtydyfdy s yy -d dO^y yd-Az/ k-0^dii,kd ^ d {04k*rd •y -ozty d'0 d /f/a^ d'^y dd^d cd J'c.j.^ced Ad^ d% ^ COMMONWEALTH OP MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable, ss. To oitlier of the const&bles of the town of Yannouth, in the County of Barnstable, GREETING: In the name of the (.'ommonwejilth of Massachusetts, yott are notify and warn the inhabitants of said town, uaiitied to vote m elections and in town affairs, to meet at the a lSt '"1 TUESDAY, the NINTH clay of t^not ® afternoon, then and thereto act on the toUowmg articles: rticle 1. To elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting. the followiog-named officer on one ballot,imder the Austral.an haUot system, as adopted by the said town! One Park Conimissioner—to fill an unospirecl term. Also;—LBO ;— by the General Court in the year 1908, en iront loT,,!.. to proude for tlie protection of forest "ior tided general Court in t.„ ,Trout lands from fiiT-^*^ the protection of(Prou. S to 7.30 ^.\:r !'• Ui.; Pier, at the will vote to construct a Town to authorize the SplwAf River, South Yarmouth, and ^i^-ing a deed in the nai^^of h necessary, re- Tarmouth, and to raise «nri inhabitants of the Town of•■•wding tiiroe thousjind fiveu\e hundred dollars {$3,500.(X)). By PetitionArticle 4 . To s T i, Petition,"•en to imrehase Urn ^^oflowh,"^ will vote to authorize the Select- m the name S the rLV receiving aa Town Landing: of the Town of Yarmouth, The ™ Ynn™ntli Port, ond>»i.ww.OO). "le sum of one thousand dollars By Request.Article 5 To • • — TownarmoutJi known as Wmg Ave. 6. To sec if .1, m Petition.« Of money to AVai^ appropriatewith 0,1 Wing Ave. in South Yarmouth. Article 7. To raa \« tu ^ Petition. Ahi« A,.f'^^?-the foUowing rllT.^X to the»tate Hrehwav^°/"Pr'- o 1 from fifteen feetAkin Ave aSlV'? foUowing strcc^r fv to theof money ^ ^ «treet and to r • Ave.,.to cover this article. appropriate a sum Article 8 To ?.^n dump, laud ad ofo?«n to purPhnse T Town wil vntri"' for same,dump in West yi'X dump land tj;' the Selcct-Jroi n Rfiid TayJor owned by .Jovco presentTown of Yarmoiifh tlie name of r' receive•hi. .Hi,do. »>>'l to "PPropri.to ,w!;:trdSa'l„'" An A over WWHh Rcgiator ^'"db Ride, «{«, ,,v n- ^-w meoti.,. • '--"t »v„„ a.,, , Hweof fiiii nnt c • - piacc ottwven under onr i of our yMATTA ^"HARLRs R. BASHETT, UUTiiER R. BROWN, WM. A. SCHWAB, Shloctnion of Yai moutli. A trim copy, Altcat: irmnY r, rrsHRH, p,m>,t,ii,i.... 1 45 ^6/sy&f yO yfy't-.-Cyy C ' £/-zy,'<y^3^y3'3Ly — / 'ZyiJ Cy^^C. C y (J'a?-ZyO -2^ ^ (2/'C^y /-y^jeyy £> --^0 0 'ZyT £/-t-yU \^-62- -A:«.TT t'!,«' ,'r- ■•Xi..-.;.- moL ^yy-yf^-^yy^y^ cyczyi3/3r.yycy. yy^y ^y^ycy^i^yy-tfy ^^2^ -jyiJ yS/ry>^yy/<:^ y^y^yCy^A- C^/yiy^T'r-3 y^ MyCytZ-^y^-^-^O'yyZyZyCy c3zyf yXf^^ yyZ^^y^yC,^ ^ C^ -Z^yC. yy^'^ y3^€^ C^t^yysi3^ ,cy^^>' ^^^y/y/^i^'-^-ZyZ-tJ /S^z:z TXy'^y^ ^ y-z^eUy^ OyCCy^-y^ C2y7y Cyy y^y^y^ P^C pypf . ay^^^yC <3Cy^yZ^Xyyf^- y^Z^'y -^ -fy^Xy CZy^ ^y^y^^ -yX^C ^yy^ycy^^ ^TX^yf^y^yC 3liy/7^ ^ CZy^yZ Cp cyPyy^-cl 2^,3(1 P . yy^ py. -SA^/c:, yy oAs/r .^AA' A ^ jAyyiyy Auy P^y-zy^ zyAy Z^.£yCf y (2^^y33y^y^yy /C?.<yA/.- X. <2/^ 6>Aiyy-c ?A Afyy- .XAyy^y / /y/x A-yy.&y7^ y(yyy/A^ A /Ay Ayry ^yyzy'A yyya-y^ <XyyPAA^^y -^ yAt. AAy Ac yS zy ty^ /A S.Ayzy^ Ac^y: -'V/ / c A, AA'CcJ-c- A A? -o cl 6> AL y'^Ai'Z^y^'y/yP /dy P^y^3*^ y^y^^A^iA 3c<. ^ C9 V <3-3a c 33 a r 3-17 z ) i:' P/. f 48 WARRANT FOR PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY y8 xT. C? COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of YARMOITTH, in the County of Barnstable;— GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn tht inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in State and Town elections to meet at the several PRECINCTS in said Town on TUESDAY, the 30th day of APRIL, next at 7 o'clock in the forenoon then and there to vote for DELEGATES and ALTERNATE DEILEGATES to ALL the NATIONAL CONVENTIONS — and PREFBRETIAL VOTES FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The polls will be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon and may be closed at one o'clock in the afternoon. And you are directed to serve this WARRANT by posting up attested copies thereof at five public places, three on the South side and two on the North side of said Town of Yarmouth. Also by publication in the "YARMOUTH REGISTER" at least seven days before the time of holding said PRIMARY ELECTION. HEREOF fail not, and make due return of this WARRANT ^vith your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk. , GIVEN UNDER OUR HANDS AND THE SEAL OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH HERETO AFFIXED. THIS 16th DAY OF APRIL, IN THE tear OP OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWELVE. MATTAC OSAttt CHARLES R. BASSBTT, LUTHER R. BROWN, 1. WILLIAM A. SCHWAB. Selectmen of Yarmouth'. A true copy, attest: HENRY R. USHER, OoDBtable. 49 P-f. xj^sy 0yy^yn yy-L ~4/ j ^ iL-y C fy7' "y -cy t (Pa^y /S'oy^js yyoZe-^ y U' y <3/ 4:y'Z^'Z'i- ^yy> yy t ^ ^tyCyZ P^^Zyf'y^'^Zyf' y~ ^py^-^ Z^yp^ ^ y>y, (Zy^^, CZy^yf oZ 1■ZyZyyPy^^ tr/^-y^ycZ^ Oy^y uycPPy^ /c5? jS-ZyZ^^PPY . <2p 4Z yz^y eyyZZi'-yZySy.yy'-CyO CyCk^-P' ^^^"6 -y^yyZry C-^ a.y 6^6 ZZl^d>C 6^^ TZyCryZ^-f^^^ yZ^Z^.A^ e P 4y^. ^ //•J'^ y Xy ^czy / P ^.ycy'»^yf-*''y^yy ^ jg Z-t - Ck-yZy/yCy Ay^ , X -9/ . . V Z Z/' ^ y A . ^ Cyty. -2 P -■?, ». <?/Py -Zx CAy/Pie^2^ ^ i. <* a/y z Pzyty Z pfz-zy/ Z a f ' < 2 / A'A ry A t r^ r t>-C' A (A'' Pt A r^ /< ( of (/ AV ZZ' i ^ I ii^i mvi - a-^p^ c^, e^ oC- al^/aTjC 9-y iZ£^ cZ' Y'Y C-^y^^-ZYe cY £2-^ YYz^^<^ ,; 9^ ^ ^ cy^aZ C£Y^ / Y? £:^. y^Y Y 2^ 2^:.^pY^/Yy2^..Y-- ZcK /O-^-i^'ZA^yt) -^^£>-^2 .. 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Y//j..£j /'/./ €> A ^ \j / ^. z z Ad 4 cC /7 2Z^' ^ A< 4L t Y It. dii c Zs. x Zr . YfYyZx/jJ-dlxY ryZ- Zdd/yye/ Y d/xJ.t< dZ cZ. M.'^Z ^7 6 ^ <^7£y £9 d? <g r ^7- Zlx/7 fc. Zjd ^dzzytyz- - Y' 7d" r9 s-9 s-d 9-^ rs iliL 5- r rs. y/ ^7 g g' /S.or^o-^ yS, /tD^^l 'S><^-ly-c^ (Lr^£'^ y/ a-y/~cz/. I /c^ SytAJ-1 / X. 3 €-tY / 6-^ 6"'S~ 7 QPff-c. )erz/J/- aZ <esdii 0^o<- cZr /(Yoc^^^ M://. a/'^^/- ^cyYY-^Z:cr^.t:^ y. ^ oZjjC /X • /_ ! " JL I " ^.r/ a.^ /^ /? ^"/ t5" i d/d y^^ -c/Y'.'^ydr^ t/ o/-i^ lAY^ dd-Y>-ZyJ " / 93 7Y dt9^ c^ diL-, //^ cY^. Yd'^XZr / f ■S. 74- 77 ^ 9 / 9 ^ 3 0 ._ X- _ y ^ r d^lypdiY cdn. w t 0'tyXX X. r / 9 /<? x&X7 X 3 , <')/y r/ Y^.//9 7 7 . (X d d// y X(f t-*.d t X-£, f .e > ddry-f d -d- ca er/ ^ r.d (^V/J" /d C/ £/ 6- /7 / 3^y Zzy (y~My>y2^ dt d' <S)^6- ^ Cl 9)^ \ <2P, y/yy,4yzJ / 1x^-9^\\^o TT. dd^ -ly^ddytY ^\w ^77^{/? ^.-yddx-c^x^dx d, dzdt ^:, ^dd^cy-dz /df SdZyydjyA^ <7^ Cyxixx-t>C d. 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[^o^zZZy^^^.jZr rQ.^ly^yZ^yyZ ' =£1^-.^.- '^-t^Zz^c'^^i^y zz /(Z^o -z^ y zi-Z-- / 3 y yZdy^z^^yf o Zi. /y Zi^ Z3^yZr X c-^ /Z^ f^izyA^ Z/^ z-'-ZZ^^^yyyZe ^3/ 4> ■-'tZyp-tzz-^ ^z /ZZ. /(jZzZe^ZZ Zy zZ^^xZ^ cic^Z-^ tt^f y^Z jZc/3'€'Z^y ^'f^ 'cZA^ 4 Zr p r77'ri ^y / O^a/'aZ^ -cO ) <r>W-'iJ-2!-5'^,-y 2^2,^. cZc^ Zy \ ^ V -u (py // z^v 3--L. u ^ ZyPZz^ (3Zf^^ 'y^^-^ZZ <y y /^/ zZzc^ / j ^£^'z^'* "C^^' y. /p. ..-1^^/c - t Z-O^ r^-tpy Zf z cZ^ C Z^:/ Zor^ C /P^ ^ / ^ / z-- ■/Z 55 o/SpZZ- Zy<^ 'Zf^M^ '-Z-'t^y ^--ZZcyZ' Zypc^ -^Z yZZ cc Zipy^i^^ ^Z^zZy ^ 6/14^-P^ 24 2^41 ^' 0>.cZoZpy ^Z..^44'<^Z• /ypz— -Z^ /^, /Z2p'^y^z^ •zZpz /^.o/cP^.^-z^ yZ yc Ze^-Z^^t4^24yZ J yJC£4:^4^4.c^ ^ r 3^. -^-^^/c c'crZ: y^. ^4^ C 4/ 7.^ 4^Zl t>^ y^y / c^>. / Zc>-zz^^yy-Z-- - Z ^Z\ /Z a/y^y'y<^ ^C7U27^^ zZ y. /• y^pyz^y ^44^. 144 7^44 'ZyyZ ^^-^4 tZ^-4 ^444^ -tryZ^ Zy.r^Zy4>>i^ Zy ZZ2:yZzZZ a/ ^ <4 -ip-c ^Z-G-Zc^'4Z^^4444 (^4-7^ w 44 y^. ZZ"^ t 42 / Pyy-tr^^y^ /3. /pajj^y^ yy^^ /3- ^ ycr.4^>*t^i^4:' 42 y -yy ■44^ yy^ o<^. 't^4 ^<^434444^^^C4' Zfyyyf // /^yZ 24^- ^444* c^yy ^ ^ ^zyZ^y (3/0 *47 t-t "^ZZt4 /Z. I\a-ZZ7- o^- /O^y Ay-t- My'4 cAc^/y yy^t>AZf*Zi r/Z ■ £)-^/^o/'£7i^.<dZ Zh^^Z^y ^Z< PK^ct^-px.f -^ZA^^r A^i A/ / / /> Z ¥> (Zr /24 y t, 3 4 ^ 2j/4 2f .gt ^ 44cf4 /y /9 7%- / irrr imiiTiirn 56 57 '^i ^:^cy /3 V9/^ <2/ ^ z^ -2^1^y /9/ yy ^ ^ y JJ -^T^y.Ayd^ zy UX^r^ zy_/z7 7^ ^ £p<. z> z::2ey-^ 'y^o^^yzZ- S Su / ^^ .' c/y>y tw /^ y jl / S- / yck^^-^^yy / ^ -z^ ^ y/>c2 y2 y o c^^in / zy^ {^1-^-^^''7-^ yy^^yyi y. < cy^ L/ z::^' y y £71^7 / r" / p / -2^ y^-t/ c>o zy^ '9*t^0n PRIMARY ELECTION. The CommonweaUh of MaaspchusettB Barnstable, ss. To either of the Constahles of the' Town of Yarmouth, Greeting- In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in] Primaries to meet in the several! Precincts TUESDAY, the TWENTY- POURH day of SEPTEMBER, 1912* at 6.30 o'clock a. m. for the follow ing purposes; To bring in their votes to the Pri- mary officers for the nomination of candidates of political parties for the following officers: Governor for this Commonwealth. Lieutenant Gov ernor for this Commonwealth, Sec retary for this Commonwealth, Treas urer and Receiver General for this Commonwealth, Auditor for this CommonweaUh, Attorney General for this Commonwealth, Representative' In Congress for 16th Congressional District, Councillor for ist Councillor District, Senator for Cape Senatori- ^ District. Representative in Gen eral Court for 2d Barnstable Rep resentative District. County Commis- Bloner for Barnstable County, Coun- l^y Treasurer for Barnstable County. And for the election of the follow ing officers: Member of State Com mittee for the Cape Senatorial Dis trict. five Members of Town Com- mlttee for this town, two Delegates to State Convention of Political fartles. All the above candidates and of ficers are to be voted for upon one ballot. The polls will be open from 6.30 a. m. to 12.30 p. m. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof seven days at least before ttie time of said meeting as directed by vote of the town. Hereof fall not and make return of this warrant with your doings there on at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands this third .day of September A. D. 1912, CHARLES R. BASSETT, WILLI.-VM A. SCHWAB, LUTHER R. BROWN. Selectmen of Yarmouth, laaie copy. Attest: i^NRY R. USHER, Constable. C?. ycry yyyr y cy^^ty / S. yy yy /yyry^y y /(f yyy. ■c 7-<z/^y-- y ^yy^y^ cy yy -ly y .^^yyy.y c> ?y^y7 y c£ yy. ^-^C y^^cc- ^ y^ yy^ oar.i^y y 6~^ C^") y.yy y-y^ "^^^yy c.y y/, ^/yy J<C . ^ ..■-■2^. yiTty " 7^ /.yy/y/ y y-y cc2 <y ^ .'/y^ y^y yy. -2-. 1 I" ^2/yy^.■^y^-y y ^ cT-y (£>.3z) 2y y y-y -T^ y>, (?y o y-7.'^f -z-Tty oi-y^.y cy ^ /?c4c y/, czyf c£ c c2^y -yTty o -j? 2^ oy cy^ c€>f^ .f3J - _ ,. J^. 'y ^-0^ f7 i.{/ < 2 /yyy y O^Cr- ^y^ ^ / c/^^V ; c yy^ 2 (5*^ c >' 2 '/ cy 2 2 r /z y A e €-2.o ■it- f. -K> Ai * y <..e Yy^ Y: y ^.3 ^ rJr 3 -'2^ <2/ o o <2/^^ y 3£>yy^ y^2 o 2^2^ c^-^y' 6'^y ^ -/ty c2 ^ cy^^ 6.3 (J cJf. -^-cA. ^^£2 ^yyy^ ^ .^-^:p=hct ,1 y ^ £>---z^ o^- y ^ <zyz- c> -y-^--7 -e.^^ ^ y ^ry c6 L ^-2-u "T^zz c^ / (o^^^.£z6 -2* -t^ --/"^ »J j '■ / -a. t " X s? I '• 5 ^ ; " -y y £> tU>'24^o2y-^ S:/.? / ^ r i/j 6~ / r s ZQ) O /yy^y eZy^^ 2^2. 2. Z '.yZyf r. ^y-y^y y y2^^.-iy ■2 /2 y '3'^'^^ 2.-CL -2-^ J Zd 3 af ^d> / / -z c/^-^ / d> ^ z /<? / yJy^^y^, y2: iz/yzzzy^-^ 2. ^ ZZyyyZZ^£i> ly ^o y^iZ y. 22-^2^^- ^ ^ c^.z-yyizZ'-^'Zi 'Py-^ y,.^^ryy^yy£Z / .r^y. zzy ^y^ i yS £/ C--2> tyZ / SL3 Pyy^y. y JL/ / c7 -9 9 / yz^y -i^ / SL3 ^ 3 "Z X3~ 3 f 3 3 -2. J'Z ^7 3 7 / 3 .^-99 0 3 Z -^7 ^7 / y^zy^ryy t; z/yy/f-^^zycyr yy^^\c^yyy,y zz?.Ay ^ •0y^ 7^..c>z y, (zy^yy^^ ' 'I1; I /S*. /9. y(pyyz9^ ^ ^ ii oXyy-iz/ 2^c/z ZyC^ ^'y^-c/^ ^ ^ ^ ( y^y^rz^zz y\y^6X^4yzzyi^ Q^ cZ^Xyz/f^ylyi/ 2^ ^ zzXyy y<^, ^Scz-yzyy^iy^^K^ 1 / ^Zyzz -r t- y\y^6X^4yzzyi^ Q^ cZ^Xyz/f^ylyi/ 2^ y f^ozzXyL y<^' 3 jyy p f z. y / ^7 ^^ c? -7/ 3 3f ^ /9 (^'yyzyJX / -^7 / z> zz --^yy y^y zf -2, ' y "Z^t] ^ ^C-^ -T-ZZ^zzJ 2^'f /OOizZypte., /^ Z^y ^fy6^z ^zzz /7t cy9^ ^yy-z^y^zy pyz , <2pc9z4ZO'zyX 0^ z^^^tiy^L' Z 3 3 6 1 0.3X0.9^ -^£f z j y ry'/.f 9 X )y <) /f. ^/ ^r 3 / O 3 C2 3 ay / / 3 -7 3 3 ^7 ^ J -AlA. /S. 3 0 3^ ^ j^. -^A^-Vc. y^ -2- s^ 3 ^ // PSL v^^<ms^A / ^, / '7^-dJ.£..'^d^ / ^ / §, /(5^^ 1^ ^ y 9 y^A. ■'^Acyy^y/<3 -2^ /yt^. ^'^^ycy^yey / ^ z-^ -e^f-yC^ ^9^6^:ZZy -2.5 X-2. 3 c? C> c? / ^7 3 I fv9 S S A -yt^. AAf^yyu <A 7^ /^c/y^-^y^y ■£ c/ 99^A>J7 y^Ay, f ^ /3 4 S-/3--5 3 7?/ -zy^y^yy^-yy yyO -1^ /4^ (7?/ A^yy?6=3:yiyyy^ /^ /(7? <?yy'y^^-y^yr rJ^' / /? S/7^o -Cy^-A^ ^ A7^y3^y^y^cAl^y-^^^^^^y'llA t, 0/'{ y^ 0'Ay-^^2yf^ ^ / i y^^y^/ y''^^.y^^y.'ey^yy& c^ / / X- * ^ oA^y, yOy^ I^X ^ / y -^O yey^-^^O^ ■< -^y-Ttyf y'tyl / 2^ yj r / ^ i y^-y^yZ yOy -^y^.-f yV'i 4o^ 7? / S, <. -""i^ / >—7, <P (}/ £/ "2-^ 2-^ C6y^ <2/ Z^ 2-—^ / y.-'Zyf^ '^cp / ^ Q^^t> (U^~ / y^^yc^ z^" ^ y / ^ / 2^ i-O 4^ c/r~ yyi-zy, <y^-y~rj -s 6/./A:^:7Z^ ^ y <2/ O 2-T^ Election Warrant. TOWN OF YARMOUTH. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts County of Barnstable, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Yarmouth, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby re quired to notify and warn the in habitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in Elections to meet in the several PRECINCTS TUESDAY, the FIFTH DAY of NO VEMBER, 1912, at 6.30 o'clock a. m. for the following purposes: To bring in their votes to the Election Officers for the election of the following officers: Governor for this Commonwealth, Lieutenant Governor for this Com monwealth, Secretary for this Com monwealth, Treasurer and Receiver General for this Commonwealth Auditor for this Commonwealth, At torney General for this Common wealth, Representative in Congress for 16th Congressional District, Coun cillor for 1st Councillor District Senator for Cape Senatorial District, Representative- in General Court 2nd Representative District, Countyi Commissioner Barnstable County County Treasurer Barnstable Coun ty. Also Presidential Electors for this Commonwealth and such Constitu tional Amendments as have been re-, ferred by the Legislature- All the above officers are to be voted for upon one ballot. The polls will be open from 6.3U a. m. to 2 p. m. And you are directed to serve this' warrant by posting attested copie^i thereof seven days at least before the time of said meeting as directed,! by vote of the town. Hereof fail not and make return oP this warrant with your doings there-' on to the Town Clerk of Yarmouth. Given under our hands this twenty- third day of October A. D. 1912. CHARLES R. BASSETT, LUTHER R. BROWN, WILLIAM A. SCHWAB, Selectmen of Yarmouth. A true copy. Attest: HENRY R. USHER, Coastablft, 63 CZ-ypPf. -2,0 0/ c^y y / 9/y Cejyr/^^ 2.3 / y. ~06z -j- ^ cy^o-yy^A Sic- yoS. Q/S. Jl. 37 yy/r (p,3 ^ c^y. cyy^- ■Z-C c^y -^y^yyoy Cz. X '4Pc^ czA^.ty.-' y .y-oyTo 7~ y^^L^ -Vo r "Zaa .€ ^ y *^rL? 0 yc4T.7 y7.fJc, ^€z77 3 p ^.y\fcs 64 J-=£/ ^ - -^2^ cz ^<2Z7<^'<:i>^^7^i^32yL7 <2^J ^ "Z^^ Gr,-^^ o^ <2/ o / S~^y ---z:^-^ / c^ / >3"^ '^. <^-<7 ^^^-"O-Z) -t>^ c^y— / s-y ^ / /S-e/L a/o^/^^yC yy^ / cPzyy^^ '-^ 0/3^^ aC^ z:zy/~~' o^ S^^Sb.'-^>2^2/(J / .-y^cy-o dzy<7 -ty^yyt^zu. yZ/ -yy yi^T^-e, -«tt/ o^^t ^yyyy '-^ , V ^ TVZy^ / /'7A t 2/Zc^^ 9,yy.y^^.-yy',K-'Zy) /f ZS- 3/Z"/ ZZ.. 3 A r^ -^/ / p 7 yz-zy^ /9 / ^7 I. '^iyefcf /<1 y \ / ^ 6 ^ /\i.l \ 6y zy y^o ^ 3 <73 p /y^-y 79y y ^ y S /a 7 ^-: i,.:Ti I. !j t {^y^y^ya^yji q/ |j cy^T q3z;<ss y^^yiyfyCyC cyyiy£^.^-^fyt^ QyPt) ^U^yuy/(3 c^y / 8cy^/ct 3 8p y 'S. o/ofyuj i^o^yleX- ^cy^A^y-i^ \y^33^^f£' y / 8^ Qsy^yc^ / 80 y^f^A^y 33. zyy ^yyiyj cyy^^yM^y <^88 C/ylAAy8^ <2^ yf 'S^y^. Pi / ''88yCoCJL^ 1 oO^y^V oC -^yiyfyyf^^ ^-^^cyp'^ y / (3--^yy^3^ csA yp yAofyPfAJ <^2$yp Zyf^y. ^y3^..y3yd— Cy^yf.yc/A 80 1- yey^L <73^ ^yAGA-^ey^^y^ j3t0A'yiy8tA8 ^8 ACiyf3^^3H7 WX <38.CZ y ^AyiAAA^ziA. C^^y/^yy^A y 830, ^ 088^ /817'8-^ ^ £ yi 't A C/ A y y c8/t. 8088/ . /, jyA)/z: AG 7^2 2 t ■^/ (S^y^-AyZy^PtZ<2/y,^Cx^-Az ^y. 3^333a2a^ ySiz^-eA-.^ y33/^A^±- 3 ^yAyy^-A <^Azy(sA^y^y; c/p3Ac3crA8c8' Ay 73^^33 ACoA^yX / 7^yyy3l 3. A'Pr/cy /Tfy^^^-yy / T'r'; \ zo 65 337i3^^ P . V- , ' . \yAci'it^ ! /^3 //9 G 9 /o X / \3 A''/39 -99 ■/6~797 J Z /y f V /?■9 ' /9 ^7 \ ] /^-9 ZG // ■j ss /Z 3 c?r ■9?3 /9Z // // /3 G Z ?9 6 / i / ! 1 /:/ /3 \ i /7 6^?1 /7 1 s-zo /z 1 ^9393(o 99 / 6~93 9 ' 1 'z : /6 7 zo /z 6~Z. J 3 / Z 7 6 3 3 // // '9^9Z ■99 /^/ 9 0 66 67 (3- r &::^<ya-^y^ / ^yZytyfy^tyyCy^ ^y^.y^.^y^'^yZyCyy^yty^ <^, / s^> cy^^, y'tO't:? CK^ ^ /C^»t-». -< -^ . vi> , -^c? I '^^ci' 1 6 / L^ /S'_2.5 J'c?(a r 62. 7 77 /7 i 1 5.5, 7<^: 1 ■77- ,77-^6-^,/ 1 1 1 -2- 1 7 7 <^7 i 1 /6 7 /<5"^ 5"-(^ !77 1 S 6^ 1 / A -z^ yjtO /c?, / C/-yZ^/tyytyyO /^ i /4' P' . / .^ 5 / 2^0 6 / /y 2^ / g-^s /9'^ y"^ y^^^yCy yt^o r?^ -Zyy yyJL^.i-7 r ^/j' ; ;?7' 7 I 75" -2.7 75. 75 5 5-6" 3 7>/^ z>y c^ y^C zyy^ >^:iy /^^,^yfyy^yy ^ I ^y ^\ "^Z 1 Z *Z . 4^ 7^ J"? 7^ _ / 7 ^ ^ 5^7 c? 7 C/y^/^A^y O /Z^ c,, a^CA&' ^ ,- Gyz^ d>Z c/tyt/^ / 0/-^9 /t^^>.^y/t c-t y^^Z, ^^6' zyyAy^yy-yy^ / 9 S' 7^Z7 u'7 5- 7^ OJ K/-i^y 1-^ -'^'f^iyi.A^ 5L& y k 70 7xt. 71 14>^ yX^. 2/y^^c/^ li pp^ (2/' C/ycx.x \^te-o^ <3^ QyzpyxiJ X^'^a>/^^~ay7i\. '- " f J^c/xA4/^Xr^ yk ^xxy<P -^^£r /? cy^^Cy- ^^X^-€^XXJ'C) <2/ O ixy ?■ t-2 ^^^^CAx/t . y o 2^ ^ tyy J-(22^y^y^/ n y./^/a?. rySt i?y?X7 7? ^ /^2^z>'zxz y yzp c7 tyy^xp 7.y2 yxy-yy A c.^^-oxy^ yXo o pxA^^^yc.-t-' ry <yy 'y -<_ ty -^^ y ^ c^^y,^, _ _ _ .yyf~^ y/7_^J^<pC c/2^ /Q^ay pp yA^^y^^ yx/fAy/'^ ^ 2^/(2, y^^y^yyy^c^y^$^yC/^A y^--4^. /^ /C^fXy4^.A2^^^2/ S^j / txyAppf tppy- cyczXAAAA^iXyxy^-A yyy2y-eA.-Jy_^ ^y?yty yX. /(^y^yCt^, y^cxxycy ^ JrC^Ay^^^ZAyfTl f 7X7 lA ^rp^:z^7^pA jL ^y/^cx.Jx:^ ^cx i/'y^cyA p^p ixy^yx JXxXAAyt^ A-Z /^ydAX AfxXZ^ CzAytPAyO P Ay4n~ f,^C.XyL/-CP. _ ^ x^y (2/ zy z^ y^-^yS Annual Town Meeting Warrant. COMMONWKA.LTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet at the Townhouse in said Tow-n on MONDAY, the TENTH DAY of FEB- RU^VRY next, at 8.30 o'clock in - the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles: Article 1. To elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting. Article 2. To elect the following-named officms all on one ballot under the Australian ballot system as adopted by the said Town, viz.: • One Seioctman for three years; one Soloetman to fill vacancy; one Assessor for three years; one Assessor to fill vacancy; one Overseer of Poor for three years; one Overseer of Poor to fill vacancy; one School Committeenian for three years; one Road Commissioner for three years; one Town Clerk for three years; one Collector of Taxes for one year; two Constables for one year; two Auditors for one year; one Town Treasurer for one year; one Tiee Warden for one year; also to see if the Town will grant the sale of intoxicating liquors. Article 3. To elect all other necessary town ofliocrs. Article 4. To bear the report of the SelecLmen and act thereon. Article 5. To hear the report of other cnnniiih^.'s and act thercr on. Article 6. To see what sums of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the Support of Schools, Suppm t of Poor, Town Of ficers' and Committees' Foes. Repairs of Roads .and Bridges. Town Debts, Repair of I'uhlic Buildings, Miscellaneous Expenses, SchoolSupplies, Interest on Town Debts, Suporintciidonl of Schools, Trans portation of Scholais, Care of J'arks and Town Landings, and for all other necessary charges arising in this lown. Article 7. To see if the Town will authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Seloclmon, to borrow dining the muniripnl year in anticipation of the collection of taxes siirh sums of money as may he necessary for the cuirent expenses of the Town, but notexceeding the total tax levy for the .veur. giving the note or notes of the Town therefor payable wiltiin one year after the date there of. All delils incurred under authority of this vote shall be paid from the taxes of the present municipal year. Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five cents each on crows anU inuskrnis and i-aise aiul appro priate a sum of money therefor. (By request.) Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to pay for the borv^ing of the Town Officers,Article iO. To see if the Town will vole to accept ton shares of slock in the Lyceum Hall Gorporanon presented to the Town by the heirs of Roland Otis.Article ii. To see if tl»e Town will vole to instruct the Board of Soleclmeii to dispose by sale or public auction the Almshouseproperty, uud authorize the said aolectmcn to give a Warranty dei-d of samd in the name of the Town. Article 12. To see if the Town will vole to rai.so ami appropriule the sum of seven huncired dollars for repairs to the road luftUlng from South Varniouth to Hie dep<»t- (By request.) Article 13. To see if the Town will vole to acoopl and n<lopt Iho foil..wing pn.vi.mona for tiio pnymnnt of Officors' servlr.es. via,; The Buurd of Soieutmen and Oversnere of Poor stiall bo puti) an . iiniiuni Rttinry of twelve tiuiidi-ed doHars ($i»K).00) per ytmr. and thi, ! Hoard of Ahsossovs shall be P«bl f'"* ^hoir services by the »|ny imderth,> provlatons of the slntutos. (By roquosl.) Ai'tlcle 14. To 8«.' if the Town wiH aucnpL rruiii Mi-. I>hiiIoI Wiiik a lot of about two ami ono-hnlf a»'»'OH of Itttid uit the shorna of LongpniKl, South Yannouth. known a« ^'1®"'*-* Grovo, ami uIm) a .itrip of land «oinii!ole<|, forty font In widlh, Icatling fnun llm grove lo Wood road, unn-hnlf of the viiiuc of Ihifl property liavhig beeti paid foi- by populnr •ubfnripiimi afid tbe other half glvon by 'Ihkhtiit • t<nWflp t>f fbo 'I'own. to be uwri for .\jliile 15. To see if the''*fWR"Wffriebppt from Wilrnalil a lot of land, adjoining the Picnic Grove, south of Long poild"^ j in South Ynrmouth, formerly owned by Mrs. Myra A. Farris, to he used for park purposes. (By request.) Article 16. To see if the Town will appropriate (lie sum of thirty- j two hundred dollars ($3200.(H)) for taking the following describedlands in said Yarmouth by the Park Coinmissioneia for n pubUft j park, viz.: V- A lot of aiiouL one-half acre of land belonging lo Miss Luoy Ms/Welch oil Nantucket sound near Parkers River, bdween slakes Wosi^ G and 7 according to plan of V. D. Bacon, boundn.l on the west ant north by land of unknown owners and on the east by land of Isaial Sears et al; also a lot of land of about eleven and one-half ac belonging to Isaiah Soars et al, on Nantuckol sound, belw.ien sbakt Nos. 7 and 8 on said Bacon's plan, bounded on tin- easi by land ol| Lucy M. Welcli and iicirs of John Lewis, on the north and wMt by land of unknown owners and Lucy M. Welch; ali»o a lot of land about iwo and one-tliird acres belonging lo Lucy M. Welch, for--inerly owiiofj by Dr. Glcasoii. bordering on Nantucket sound, be-^ Iwecii stake.s Nos. 8 and 9 on .said Bacon's plan, and bounded on Ut^j east by land of heirs of John Lewis and on tlie north and weet byv. land of Isaiah Sears et al; also a lot of land of about five or steaci-es. unknown owner, bounded-^i the south by land of teajal^Sears cl al. on the east by l.and ^ heirs of John Lewis, on ttwr. north by land of Millard F. Jones and on the west by land of known owneiu also a lot of land of about four and oue-quarleif acres belonging to MiHard F. Jom-s, bounded on the east by land of John G. Sears, on the north by land of the Town of Yarmouth, on the west by land of the heirs of Braddock Matthews, and on llu- south by land of- unknown owners. (By request.) Article 17. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for taking the following described lands in said Yarmouth by the Park Commissioners for a publicpark namely: the parcel of beach and shore property extending from the mouth of Parkers Kiver, at stake No. 1 according lo a plan of V D Bacon, along the shore to land of Lucy M. Wolch, formerly Edward H. Gleason, and bounded partly on the east by land of Isaiah Sears et al. and partly on the north by land of RuasatllRobinson said property being now marked unknown on said Bacon's(By request.)plan. Article IB. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town road the street known as Arlington street, at Railway Bliiff« in West Yarmouth, recently laid out by the town authorities. (By petition.) Article 19- To see if the Town will appropi-iate and raise the sum of twelve hundred dollars ($1200.00) lo grade and mncadumize the said Arlington street mentioned in the aforegoing ArlicU. Numbor 18. (f^y petition.) Article 20. To ace if the Town will vole lo accept as Town roads the following-named si reels as laid out by ihi< Huatl Goiunds- sinners nl Eiiglowooti in West YarmouHi, us itor pbms and Uosci-ip. tioiis filed by them with the Town Glork as provided in sutih l^y. outs l.y Ihe slatutes, ruunely: Newlmmpsliire avoinio, Web«W)t-street an' Ccilun»l»u« nvomm. a di-slanre of iiboul 2,.1HU font, uid loading alntig the shore line ul Engl'-wond fi-nni Hi.rry avetnio U) the properly of Mrs. f-ewia und buck to Broadway. (By potBi^Mt.) Article 21. To seo what. Sum of numoy the Town wHI voln to raise and uppioprijilu. or will vole lo biro by giving lliu ho(«« of tim town thorefm-. fur Hm purpose of construcling n maeadoMt ronU suiTiicei! with oil, covoriiig tho ruuds iiumod in lin- arni-egviQi Arlirlt) Nuuibor 2n. 'By pi'(lt{f»n,) Articio 23. To see if the Town will timeiidHmi/.o Willow alr«$i, beginning at Hivor slr««l. onditig nl Mniii sLruut, dislum-o aboflk oiK' hair mile, and uppropi'iuto n sum of money Ihorofui. lUy pctiiioH^ Article 23. To sov if ll»o Town will vota to rulw ami itpiiio^rVato, or nulhoriEO tim Town •ITousuivi, wiHi iho advloe oi Uii| Soloctimui. to hli'w. Klving lh» nnliv* of the Tovvn Ihei^fyi,sum of three llmu-minl dullmn (WOWMin) for lh«v imrpow ol rt».' slrueting an oil and *uid mad on (hnUra »»nmt in \m niuutb, lug from tha W«,'iib atalo hlghwajt to tlio Twn ItMiolt LuHliqg, aiuM I I titt JH 72 ^ Aitliolo 24, To soe if Lhc Town ing from South Yarmouth to Bass River Upper Bridge, known as ! the Gojf 01*00111] rond. a distance of one-half mile, and to appropriate n sum of money not exceeding six humli-ed dollars (§000.00). (By petition.) Article 25. To soe if the Town will vote to accept as a iown , road Wing avenue in South Yarmouth, leading from the South elate higliway to I'leusant street, as per plans and description on file at the office of the Town Clerk. request). Arlicle 26. Thai the road in West Yarmouth called South Sea avnmie, leading fnim Llie state highway opposite the residence of Mr. Bradford Turpin, soiilherly to the residence of Mr. Carl Behr, that the said Town road he further ei^-ended southerly to the beach burderiug on Vineyard sound, and that a sum of money be raised and appropriated for the same. petition.) Ai-ilcle 27. To see if the Town will vole to raise and appropri ate either by taxation during the current year, or by authorizing the Town Treasurer, with the advice of the Selectmen, to borrow money lu iho name of the Town, giving the notes of the Town iherefnr, a sufficient sum of money for the purpose of constructing a macadam road finished with heavy oil on South Sea avenue in WoBl YsH-mouth,- from the stale highway to the land of John S. Piiipps and others, or do or act anything respecting the improve- nwut of snid South Sea avenue. petition.) Article 2H. To see if the Town will vote to rai.se and appropri ate a .sum of money not to exceed fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00) tlo od or r..puir the road known as South Sea avenue, leading from «U> stttio road iu front of B. S. Turpin's to the road known as the Island road. (By petition.) AHirle 20. 'J o see if the Town will petition the ..Groat and Gen- W1I CduH lo pass an act to allow the Town to appropriate a sum niuiK') foi- the purpose of dredging a channel above the Upper BO cttllHd. botwocn the lownt- of Dennis and Yarmouth, for passage of boats in Bass River. petition.) - "'i' To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions Iff 6«uii"" tlUupler 78, of the Revised Laws, which provides for " Board of Cemetery Ci||^ ^0 see if the Town will v tiiriMHu dolIar.s ($50.00) for the oare of the Town Conimissioners. vote to raise and appropri- f-y in V,'•Aiftej' request.)32. To so,, if Ljjj, to raise and appropri- Zm IL?'!'" suffieiout. to uurclmae a high-power spray- (By ...yioost.)'iu rp .. n " tl»e Town will vote to raise and appropri- &n and fifty dollars ($150.00) to repair^»ir I'oarl at Rosses Crossing. (By i-equest.) t 4 - Town will vole to raise and appropri- "^^"<'y to pay for electric lights in any of the« port ions of (j,g Town, diiring I he current year. -Ki ... i-eipiest-i Cnttpt^p *""■ Towtt will vote to accept the provisions relation to Town Mers and ■ ». To IU. ■ request.) jAlg nflcnn I ''''® Town will vote to raise and uppropri-to jJ"''"'''"' ''""ars (81500.00) or vole lo aulliori'/.e itsIn ' *"'i 'loUiB Of llie Towrf therefor. Ihe samehe jiimi.i'l"''"wlmrf at Ynrmouthport and repair 'same,: And yon arT"! "" " request.): attwi4,.f) " '"'ohy dlreflffi lo enrve this warrant hy posting up' "^dii «i„| two " fire places. Ihnio rt n the SouthHic Variiioi'n Side of the Tpwn, also by puhlicatioiilioUihx' ' BogjHior, al least hcvch Uuy« before the Lime of'K HIMd iiii'Uuyiijl iiij. MATTA'.Hl!r,aL/*Ti Harenf fat! not. and make due reiiint 0/ iliis warrnnl. with your didngH Ihnreon. to Iho Town Clerk, al llie Ltino and place of meeting, CK tiforosaid. Given under our hands and the <•««! of till! Tnwti of Yarmoufh Imr.ito affixed. thlK Iwonty-fifth day of January In the year of our l.ord one thousand rune hniidred and liiirleen. CUAKLKS R. RAmrr, MlTHWt 11. BROWM,iiPw copy. AHen; fl«l«etniqn of Yni'tqoutKvMKNIIV n. liaMRH, QoOAUhle. 73 ' ■ -y y Pffsp - ® i/p-tyy^ -2^ f" Sy y / '2/J ^ \ \ / ^ ^ 00 i.'Cy ySi^-yAl 9 '■7\ (2/7t^cy a/~ ^y.spj zyy c>y ^ yyy/iy ^ O y? /yyy y y yy -k. <y • -gy y -y<y y^y^yGy^- y^p4^ ^PC/yL / /y / c y / / / / / C' '2 f C''<y'-<yS y 62 izy 2^'6yyr ^^yy7y^ C/ PP 6'c/zy 66 - '6^ cyyy tJ ^ ^ ^62 CP/ y (2?yt tr^ yPypyCyy^ ^aye.€A . yyipp yA^y^ -^-A-zp/yc2'A~~ ^6>^py^ y o/^y^tir^PC. y /p (pp y^p A / 3^ P' y ^ ^ A ^'/ ^ QP y T ■A'/yP At P^yp.^. t- ^ (y/^^yc /'C6^^ r'C 7 €yA 6yAy rAfz Azy/ AP p ~Ay^cA O ApP-Z. / C^t c.'/ A <2^ dZpyy pyj yAA-P-Ac ^ 'C62?y. ct Ao r> /t yPypyt ^- ^ At-/ /tf" z^cPo^-yL -J y2^2 / €2 -12^^ ' ^ ^ P^ y-AA/ c> A AicAAo A y p' 1: Qp pAyPzt '6z/ f'6-Y zy zA^.'f jp €6 ic6 Z'l..' p-c -pp A cA ^ 2 -ztz £/ -f z i- ' Ap , Q AAA^^ yz t c cAf A C2 /2-e ? f < A c ^ A ^ ^ A. i.y^, {2/ A / ^c- y Ay Ayre t. -'■ f J f / A z z 'i a zp A z^y )Cr4 A * A<€ z-t /fA^yAzy 7 2Z C^pAp X >< (A ). /'/ / 7 It AAlX cz r € Zt^Acy2-e cz A ^ zkx /A ■ ■-' ■srffidtei 1 ty 3^^ <3^<5'-i & <^/t^ >6 2^ £:/ -z^ -T-'t^ -^Xi j o ■£ 0 ^^'rZ /^ S-c^A ^c 0^-7 o/^^ A y iV Cr^ (2/ ot^ cr--X7 -f -<2^^ [cZe^Ay-^^^^^ A2^ ^<Z (2/azA^z-o I CA^Z^ C0 ^ZaLA Cr^<A -<2 -XZ A .<^^.,-<2^ 1 o cT-'^'/--^ yZy^- , (2^'o~i. 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Ae-r 'Z^ -Ay 2lAe Ae-r ^aL ^ V1 e^AdJ-^ZJ 221 <1? 20^ esAt-f ZAdA^ / 3. /cAc^ 2.^ >-*_ / / ST/Ay0 ^ c/^ 03' -^dAz^-t-^ / -3j S^xz -f ^2L^ ZA' -^dAz^-t-^ / Zj S^ Ac0 / /zAx^ /<^ /ZtZf IHZ^ C0d-tzZ<^ f(X<Z cZ-C^ Z -de e deZ <2 ^ 2^ -^ -Ck-C^t?' • c ^*-< c y Z'^z^.^z j /:•-< (.zy Oz 22-<r0 cdxiy az 0 0?^ ZZcy-ZX. d.6^^ 2(dZc^^^-f04^.^ 2} 2 cA^Z 0cdtA/a-ycd 0, ^2yAz^.-o-X- --tAZcf^y c0y--e'Ao-z.yc0 c0-z^ 0:70. €Ly0Z^y^ -2 X't 0d r 0-^x iZ'^.22 C 22 222 25' -t 2t/ X,^2-CZA^ 02 0z/za^x.ZZ^7 a 2^2/^ is0x^ dZ^y-L. 2 d, 2uy^-x<zi^ -0/2 zz i-cfX. dd A 2(ZA-t>--2.f 027 ddz-i^-c. 0 2 p'd /J^ / SAZr p^zY dAyy^ 2 0. /Oa-2 --lyiyxY^iz x02-.<'yt>^^ .0^ cdcYd^022.02 20 2^X^X4^22 X C^A 0Ak. Zyy^X /^'' ^ ^2222^22 ^ ^S^(2 v}/'2l 022Z J22^ y^ /0 Z 2 iZ £^ < , "3^ A?C0ylZCZ^ cd 0 . 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Ox. zj «. 20 6/ 26 6 - ,- - - ^ - Y^Y- Zf-7i z7i 0r>~t3 06^/06 O 06206. 6100667 -Xpl-t /ly 6 i t C .c,? <f> vV 6k 7/c .,• £ '■vp^Tn,,p 9T//2 I Special Town Meeting WARRANT I Commoiiwi>altlj ol Massachusotts ' iternslAblc. I ' of Lh#> Coiistnhi.i^s of th»»' or rtriw hi. tuy .pMiirWfirnm i.r''"^'i» ii"- tmuth.euii) Mmu on ^■SMCNTV-lUUii-fij Ouy u."'•XU at 3 o'i'i.H;|t in llie af-"W' i».»d tu..iu Lu iK-i oni ratnwiiiK art.ic.loB:I. To 'aHcl a SlofJeralfn- fowUiiR7. To lioa,. II,« ,-i,portSjLitrhl GoininiUt'P ap-nl thp last miiuial lown IS mid Hi't Uito'Qon.Alijcio li. 'I'o 3o,. if 1|„, ,ow„votP lo .nslfupi and authorise« BfTurd i.f h<dnrlnif.„ to ,nak.> withiSi "* KlPrtrk;!?•! or oltu.rs. for tly i '»'SllW«Vs oi(Sim r'"™' «< "> /' "'mtnuo. 'Sr.;, i'„r"u, ,..i« n"»nihiu ui nut- r anmja <0.1 y,otr. ""■ fiiian vnlp'i. .J*"" '<*WI'•Sht noniiiimSUal tat,»iiiS ""V' am ">* "WMoiSl .if"'!?'"- " upon whirl, n Miere '•««>. ZJL an: ««nn«--.-iaI nrrvhi*" ft. To ifvtiiP to J'ttlrt Mil.. r?. oyptnni'iui'4iWlhTIi"f /u^*' ''Uiidrortooniph.ilo.. of t"**w»lf«iriinji work i,i ih t. wimrf. "Aim!ymi «•• h,.,i,Wy tti ,1■ OVIH, MinsiiolfHiiff siild riHKiUiof■nr.",. f.il J'Wlurii of ihtn Wmruiii, wlUi yoint^InwK tliorron, i., i|,.,«l Uii? Uiiir niHl plan- i,r riicoltnR, OM nfonianiil. "iilvoo iiiuior our Iniiidn uml ihr of Mio I'mwm of Vnrmomth4WI-h|o afflxi'd. tliu Iwniidolh il«y,m Jump til (lie y««i- of uur |.orU !»»»• Mtoiimiiitl iiitift hiMKli-Hi Mil »blrli..P oiiAhi-fcp it. BA»WF/rr l.l 'rtiKH H. JtRftWN, KMW,\aii I'. MtiAHK, H«*l».rtlMH)ii i»f Yni-inou(b» A fripr toipy, iittoitl: ' a'^>i! J /; ^'yM, yy / /y 0/ o / 9/3 ^ 9 Q O -7^/ 9-7^ (2^ ^ ^ c? Z/'C ct Qz C'-<-<7 "7^t ^ UA a y-iZ :Z> /(z>. / _____ . c Zy -c/ 2<.^ /./> 7 ' ' - - t f Z-e r Z-f cZ c/ </ z.'V-.€/^7 czCy 7<7 7 -TV C o -5 ^ c?^ cJ^.-rAc/ 4^^ ^Cf ^ 1-> -^TA C. T 7 ^. 2.-C- 1 <(2 C7 4 <ry .j^ £/ 'L'i.y 'T'-X //u! Z/ -4 €. 4 /-Z :/?U-e. -t t Ci 2 .,i/. - ^ • I S^:S5$$ _. ^. , f<-7^oC c/y^'f/Jy ^yzzc r>^ Z(^ ■ ^ I I n r-f (2/ o -7^ -^- c - r. t ^ ^ .Az 2^2.^ ■ iff eAd-^ Z [O, ^OUjJjfX A /-zgA.^ 7^ ..--AA -i --fiAy "C^/cZy^^c^o/ z/y^Zft c y i/^ 7 -c /OA AxZ' ^93/yy AyA. X <3/ -V' • -/ -'" A- yzy-c-y ■y o -^07.--y 2- ■A c <o-/ fj f_ A'a^ yy C/A f <Z-2 d^yZJ,Z/Z)-= c/Af '/i^ f o^ oJ^o . y< yyy-y c y X A' a X C-yyyAA-Ai y. ' ZZc Z (/P2X ZT-T- <7(2/-Xby '7 7 7 Z> ■9^ -Q/A 'Zxyy ~Z<7 z'- /I j Za '34 Cz. -ZL 23^0 A 'oC- 7. Z-7 Z.7 7 77 -;3Ajf3.77 7-7y . o/a C ■ ^ C7 T-V ' A7 7 .7.' Az ^-7^^ -3^-7.70--XoA </ z<y -A- cAi'f /-z/ 2y ^^^7 Z7 7 3 Ay • 2 o A oC 7^.1^7 cyy^^ A-f 7 7. r> £ / 7.-7^y <7 7.7. <3 Al. 2Xyyf -c/y4 GAi Af^cA (ZlX 77^-7/7 Al77 7 7^' C7 / '34 - C7. -d~ AO'^o Ae oC n y-3 o eX ^ 7'/.3 / "Cr 7 I 7 z-A ?-. /y X ytAp r7 / yA / y/< / r C7 C C c t / c/ 2 1 <r^ 07 r/o /» ye cC .<7%^^ Acy '24 <' '/A Z tc, A A <.7 4/ € y ^ y 3 / -€> A'3.t7 7 r <f oA. ' ^J/^3 oA A< 3 c?/ /^ (-^^ 7^A 3: f /?Af /• Z f X / s2-^ XtA C <2a /V C Ax/ xy ^ ^ A A ^ o f -3 3. r Cy^ < 4/ ^ A X.7y </ .t7 ZgC ' ' 2-i.7 CA ^ ^ e Of 4 -f 4 *' c£ ^ ^ A A <*• £' y? c*^.x A€, y y t' , ^ \A X? J ^ £( 7 2/ /7 J k- Oil C4 2 * f 4 i. f t^y i t » < < f A ^ ^ AAc> '7 c * y / * 7 A11 *. I /'A igt. t y t ''Ac * A 96 <2/ -t^^^z-J <g a./7.-,'^ c>/-^ C^ oy^ ■i y^Z ^PECIR TOWN MEETING WARRftNT c^ C^2-7 :?^^_--£z "V -z, ^XZ.^z z / <r^-^ ^ ^ / z'yZ' -C 0/ o z^ -i^ < ;? Z L -^xty 97 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Barnstable, ss. To either of the Consl-ables of the Town of Yarmouth in the Coun- ; ly of Barnstable, Greeting: ; In the name of the Common- Vealth of Massachusetts you are i ijereby directed to notify aiid waim 'he inhabitants of said town qua!- ' fied to vote in elections and in own affairs to meet at the Town- ' iioiiso in said town on SATUR- pAY. the TWENTIETH day of SEPTEMBER next, at 3 oVh)ek in he afternoon, then and tlu'ce to i ict on the foliowing articles: I Article 1. To elect a Moderator ' to preside at said meeting. Article. 2. To see if the town , will vote to authorize the Town , Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, to hire in the name of the town, giving therefor one ' or more notes, the sum of Four iThousand Dollars ($4000.00), said ' iinoncy to be used for the purpose of paying for labor incurred by the Fore.st-Wardens j:>epaitmont in the suppression of forest fires 'during the preseiif. municipal year, said note or notes to fall due in ' one year from the date thereof. | .Article 3. To see if the town will vote to instruct the Select men to make rules and regulationsgoverning the Fisheries under the provisions of Section 85 of Chap ter 91 of the Revised Laws and theamendments thereof, said rules andregulations and said authority to add thereto or amend same tocontinue to bo exercised until further action by the town.Article 4. To see if the townwill adopt regulations governingthe use of the Landings. PlergWalks, Boat.s and Bath House.s atthe Yannouthporl and Town DockLandings, as aulhorized hy thp ^ct ,.r the Legislature of the year IpiaAnd you Ri-e hereby diroetod toserve this Warrant by posting uo'attested copies thereof ul five1 public places, three on the Southside and two on the Not-Lb side ofthe town, also by publication inthe Yarmouth Register, at leastseven days before the time of holding said meeting.Hereof fail not. and make duereturn of this Warrant, with yourdoings thereon, to the Town Clerkat the time and place of niReting* as aforesaid. 'Given under our hands and theseal of the Town of Yarmouthhereto affixed, this tenth clay ofSepLembfsr in the year <d our Lord one thousand iiino humlrcd and I thirteen.1 CHARrjIi]S R. BASSFTT LUTHER R. BROWN 'I EDWARD T. chase' Soleolmen of Yarmouth. A true copy, ptLeat: p' HDNWr 'mrnh, eonatftble^-. . -jffc 0%y^ X s.y ^yf -/2. y <0^. y^. ^-fyzzyZz/-"L, " " ^y y^.z- z.a"- /f/j ■yz. a/ 6- Z.<-> ■>- Zz -Z-i, Tyy^yy (2/ zz (2/ -zy -C c7zy . (2zy^.y ^^77yy cy z^'-yr :Z c ^ 7' Syye e/<: 2)^ ziyz77 zz 1 cz /■ y -z y^^y zy y.ycz^y^ -cz y.z. ^ . .y z^ i az c C/^-zyi'- y-.0^ Zz -z^ z-n. yy/i, c 7a..7z 7c7a e-'^ /o7y7/y^ 7 '/ -C Tco /Cl / ^ c<^.c cx^y y-ix x20'( yycr^zZe, ■t'r o { Zl''\>* A is>, ^ 0 O 2 2 y 'j c7y z* < € 7C>7-t^ -^y z 7y <7 ^ €>. y zy./cJ z Cr Jc ^ ? -2^-/ . -€^ z/ -lyz "%■%. -TT e Cr.-< a/ ZZkx- AA< /< ^ A < X/ < JXr <% -$■ * < ^ iiiiikiiliiliitii^ 2y r x V 7j « zA o ^ ' A Y f /■> HiWii -r JZ\ c^ C-^C^y/ ; ^J2C. .1 C C-X^ (> '^- <2/ z-- -t^ 2^- 2^ £z2^ -'■^^.--fc' -Z- Z/ -^2 -7^ eZ-,--Z <2-^ / C^, / O^^-UU T^'Xy Cf^2^7 oO Cz -f -< 'f^ ^^ "^ 'Z^-€- c/ -3^ — (i2V <J* ., (M-^-f r ^2 f Qj-'/j^z) 3 *' ^e^ / ^ ^L 0''\> C— ^ ■ 32 z^ t- 232 "'^ -Z/ Z>' // ' C2-^''f.z t .^. vc 2^ 7'<. ^'2^ /^C '^C Z .a -O-CrZ <zC. 2>^ <>:/■ ^ <3^ ^ z-<2 (^2 ?-7't V l3l 3/.^:^/ £^'' 3^2' 27 C3^7.!'J -r* > L- . czC^ ^ ^ z/- e.x^-^ ^ ^ ^ '^x. -'Z'*'.-^^ 0^^-2-3^-T^ > 7 -i-c/ £, (7 e?::!^ -^^ez ^ ^ ^ '- ^Cz 2,7 ^ '-x-^.-e. t^x o{ 1-11-^ 2-1 -£^J C' ^^ O7 ^Cf^ ZY-C ^ ^/>yCi i-' 0 c. 7 2 2'Tx/i.t^ rQ(>c /i. ^Ci t:^(^ „ C7 lt^ 'Z^. 5 j 99 X)-c^ -c-^ <3^ -zfe? 2<.-0 3^ ^ -77 -77 - c/.x 3C ZZX -"Z-^? '/ £> 3r 3 -t^ C5s^^>'-'^ £^3-7^ 7 '7- €^ i'f 3 cz^ £>^^ 7 7^ ^"23i^cy // ^-2 2^^ 3-^^r C9^<i^cX.2^/ Z^-. 7^/A^ -e-V >/-?: ^iJ<.. C>3^ -^^0-7-^ \(>/^^-2^-^r-^-7<7^.X'Z2'£J 27 7 1 C-/ r/V^ -^^.^C/7 7- 3 -3'2^C, 7^' V^ ^2 / y^ / ^ 7>c2.2^'ici ^y a-z^-c^ 3^7/ ^ y /^y f r € 77 7 7 2^ ^'2^3 o /re-C^ 0X21 (T'l 2'1 > J'7 ^ C7j/ '^yy^ 0 yiA/1 I »y./2 r^y/f^x rt- /i-C/-i ■'2^7^ (7 y77 <- X ^ 3£ yc. o- 2^ h V C7 Z^ cy / ' ZTZ^ 77-7 ^i.-j 22X 67 ^ZT" '77 2 yy ^ y ' Cr y 2 yTz-yz y ^t.-j, C^ ^ ^ y y a» / V 7^ -i 2y 62 /A Zfc:/ ^ A y^ 77 7Y 2.6 d. yy7 77^yy -y^.y^ 2 a- y^ -7 7 2 ^. y ^7 2 y> (Tf .. y7 2 ^. y j .y '63'Z2 C3-2Z( ^ yj-ty .. _y x J ' y* . / / yyy i 32' 7f 7 f ^ j f. ^ ,^y .2 , ^^ z^-'^7^.2. / 7~/ f •^' y^7 p* >* <z ^ ■ yc « y2^f ¥ tX32^¥yy2 ^^^ ^£^r 2. it 77 ¥ ■i7 ¥ 2 y 2.2 / e cy 23' y 67 6 7 / C ¥7. Ccy.2 6y 1 //. 7 77 ' j 0 X/ 2 yyy /2 2 2 77/ 2 7^0 y^ 7> 02 r ci // 7* Z~r - -3 o a-3^ 32 V 7.f ^ c ^ 7Z7 Cf 7 / r <f Y ^ ^' ^.2 2: y -r 2. ^ 73'^ 2 c^z y'y-' y -4 ,' c A /2 4< .-y .2 ¥ ^ <¥ y^ Z'^.r J y ^ / ^ 6i 7. s (-'%C7 c I t /' c, y 7< ZV y21». 2-f -c yt x. C 'r A ' X-/ y y z:7 y* C. 3 ( c €Z^ .J yy y X 7^ , 2 t /» V V"-<7t €^ f ^.-'C i''<-y7 ' %-.' .1' -2^<Z-J_^ /d Cyde Z 6/ i !_ —-y -> X ^ zy^-y 7-dy-f. l^LyZZ / z>< o 'T^yZ-c /^z> 7~7^PZy-\_. z>'/yyP/yZ^-^-<&^ < y-y-Z'-z z> c>(ye^ ZZ ^yz/.-Cy^ /.^ ^ y^ -y/ly zyyy CZ^^dyZ Zy-yy^Z^yy^^^ZZ X^-yy-ZZZ^ Z /^zz'ty zc ''Z^^y^y-y^'^y-Z-ytZ -Z- x.y-ty- zy -^yyZ^y6.^.^Z>^/^-^ ./ Z> vy7-iy^ ^7. a/ c / ^Q^yy-ZZy^/yZyZ'-yif^y y -^^yy^ ^ ZyyZ yzzy^y^yyp'zy^j^ <2/ z/ zxy ZytJ zz dyy/i^Zxy^ ZZ^^Z^'Z ^~y€^ i/CP' iZ zzy >-i._ rz^y^ ZZ-y^ Z>C Jz: yyZfy^^:Zyyy ^y, ^ ^i^ZZy-TyZ Z>^J ^2^^Z> /z' J ^ ' ^y-iZ-ZZ zy2&" y-^-Cy ^ r -2;^ „ Zy ^ t-^- ZyZ 2 y<f y^y Z -Z- 2y^ y-^ . -Z^y^r- z -y^^-£ C^yZyT-.-y -^ydy-C/ Zy-Z 'C ' ^Z^yZ^ y '^Z'^ky G^^yy.^ y/,d'.-'C ^ 1 '^-/z i7y3y7yZ_^y y £^^--2-/ zzf ^2^^^,yyt^ ZZ^-Z^ y ,yy^^yd^ 4 ■€y^^yZ^ z yZ^ Z>^ Z . xZl/^y Z|J Z^yy^y-r Cyk —yZy CZ-'yZ-'Zy^ -Hy-dy-'^^y'i.^ -G^Z^ -y-^T ^ y-yZZL-^^Z y^^ Z yyy^' zk "^ ydyyfyyp /zy-e -pL y ^zP yzkzd'PzZ ^ r /iJ^e:'' C/yyi A .,y .y y^y. y y..y pk-—^ pOp- jkzr y yyk // -yy-Zd G? O 7yPf^P.y■/< ■d Cz tpf o Cf-yj 2 z ZU ^pypz/y O -l^y/ I, Z y ''>^ Z>yy2 z/~i^ ^ Cyd.yZ^ P / L ^ -k^^-Zyf-yZyy '•2-Z-7 ^ -PyyCM.^ C^yZl^ 2 iZUyPi.. 2--f -^-\y 6/ £-CP 'Jy t. ^y.ycZ,yZ ■nC.y' Zz Z Giyyi^ ^yP ?y^ 'rp d 4. If /JzpJk , /^ /< '7 ^ cr '^ ...A 7 : zG / P t5 7y<L.yX^ Cy^-y^ Zy{y yypG^PP yP< yZZr-y2y^.<y^ /. ^2yZP-> Z> , (j/-74_p.^ r/" . CZ P^yt yp'.^y^ 'i -P Z-tyz ZZ Cy<1 t y, ^ / f e ' Z^4£ < d O^Zt ^'typ P y-i -C^ .// zz Zyf^JZ.yiuL ytSfjCZ-'C -s yJL. Cy p/,yC^z2.^ t-* . zC ^ ^ ' ^ 'tyiy^-Zy Z>yZytP/ZZy-f Cp yZyZy^ ^yy€-/yyZ-P^ y^yO A,M y^yO-tpfAyyA yy<pZy^.yt>-y^^ y-d<yy y-i^yyOyy-P^yycG. ZP^y^-d^ Z>.2 yy'Jy</o /y^ yy/c .y^/yy-yC yd7 y'Z,yCyi'..d^€ cAy -yd:^ ^/yyfyZy<^y -Z 'Zyfy':> -^ydykCcA 7^y Z-^yZykkly2y^yZyiyyO ^ ^y ? -7 '?,-' <5' ye^Az ■G^-ZZyyf -'Z-z < .d^yp -yy^yyu yZy-r y<f Zf Pdy yi7 Z? -iyZyr P yy^ ypy/ O < yiAy■ZyPf-C- 0'''p-tpfyiy AA^Z- -y/'o y^ypf A^yp ty^y .y_^^yyy ^y<Z y^^O JZ yy€ - ^yyZy^ytyjd. yyfyZ P' C 7 d -P^JZ ■pf-^yZy'-V <z- y^ydyiytyjd. y z-^zCy yy-f z y c y^r Q/ Pfy yvPyf<3/. -P^yZ AZ^d-y'^'yZ yP^Gy7y7_^e y^ycZ C-^.yZ e z>-zyf-Z^^yc^ r.yf'y^ ye cP '^P. Z>yyky€> yyyZ^ Zyty^yy^kPo yZyfyy^ At> zk Z> 7y7 cP £> A~^yyO-ty7^Pyy^yZP yy-p-fyy^^yyv-t--^ .- A.y-^-yy^.yy^ eyZ:7 '^^Z- Z ^2. / y ^ O' -Z-f zA e> <P AP^e'yyyZyP yyP'y -A^£;'.-d^ CtAG ydzyyf y-ZyZ..^ kPyyyp-tyyfyyPyyZPZ? y-Pyfy-^^yyV -Z--^. y-Ayy^y-Tyye'yy^■^idyZ ypy-T-^ yO z> <P AP^Pkyyt^ o-yy^7yyZyyf^ -Zyf ■ PyPcy^ ' t Z-yfy 7 '2y 7 'Z-2-S' y Z~ Cp. z--' y^-P -Ty-^..-^ ■ i 7/ 2 <' C^y 2 -t d^Z>y7y}y^ y-f^Oy7 ^ yf-yf y-^ yC:Z ^yy j.y y . .pP ../' Z- /, '2y'^..yZyf ■f C^ t 2/ 7 Z C^y 2 -' Z. -Oyy? -Z .-tV--^-^ --«• -C/ -Cy d''-C7 Ac t Z' 2 y-2yfy7yyiyp7 ydfy^^y-Gp ZyALed^y-cX^ Zp yy^y* C yZ.. y-P-r y-^Zy-t/ -7- / ryiP^y r .e yiyr,d~ 7 -Zyyf .e -IP •%■ -Xy- -^V 2 7y- 7. /p O-^ O-^ -£^7 Cy dk€ y<zZ.yPy<.'yC - - (L, z- Z>yk --2-2-7 .2^■ZyC -T O .ydyC-XP ■9^- '7^ y(^. pp. -yp WydyZ' ydpz-z. -j e--yt r -z- } C-Ac K.ZP-y-Zy^ <7 ■< yyf y'^^.d-PfyZ ^ yPyP^^ C Zd yk A Ayfy/ '^■Z lyZP Zp -3-^-?-^ y^d/ yZ-^ Cp Cp.yP7 P^C'-C ''IZyty^P P^Cy yP^Ct-/kzz Zp.y7 -P-epx.A-Cy y/zlt- Ty -Z:^ (2/ i7 tyiy' 1 X,■ZJ ?-/ T. Cr it./ . Co-lyi - 22/-£^ Xy 2 c-' Z i^C- '^.pf .Zy^yxZ zdzyf yy^ytpf AyO^Pr^ 7y^Cy/z€>C 2 Cyd l^y-ed^ CP CyCyyf -i- % CfA 0?^S £^ ^y '^yiyt X S CP d Xp/ C^^^7 ^i/yC<f-i X <3/ ^c e^xytp j> 2/ Z ■ly\J i./> < /x 102 IPRIMARY ELECTION WARRANT CominoiiNVtfJilUi ol' .MiissachuscUs. lUarn^lablc, ss. ITo either of the Constables of the I Town ol' "\'!irinoutli. Greeting!; ' In the name of the Commons tweallh you are hereby required 4o notiry and warn fhe inhabitant^ iof said town who arc qualified to ivoLe ill Primaries to meet in the fcjeveral precincts, namely: Pre- fpiucL one, Colonial Club Build- Sng. Varmouthport; Precinct two, IjCape Cod Central Club Building, IVurnioulh; Preciiict tiiree, Owl i-lub Hull, South Yarmouth; Pre- ilCinot four. Schoolhouse Hall, West I'urmouth; Tuesday, the twonly- hird day of SopLemher, 1913, at o'clock M., foi- the following ■uiTJosea: To liriiif in tlieir voles to thef'riniory Officei's for the NOMI.NA^ 'ION of (Candidates of Political, 'arties foj- I he following offices;tik>venior foi* this Commoii- .jaiib, Lieulenuiit, Governor foP .bis CommoiiwoaM.h. Secretary of^ ,Ue Oominonwuullh for this Coin-iloiiwoallli, Treasurer and Receive'.• Gonorul for this Commonwealth^' •udilor of lh« Gorarnonwealth forlie OtmiDionwoaltb, Attorneypjj ^jueral for this Commoiiwealtlr,Soumulior foi- ist Councillor Dis* j-lol, Sonator. Cape Senatorial Jisli-iot; Gne Representative i ionerul Court, 2nd Represcntati^ielriot; County ComiriissionelarosUbie County: Two Associa^omraissioneis. Barnetuble Cbu y Disli-irt Attorney. Cape DiI'iOl; RoKistoc "1' ^otvoiicy. Boriis'-ol'le County;for Ihe ELECTION of th allDWing uffiners: District meirMM of Stul'- f^ommittee. two t^ poJitirjil party, for Oe;Mnaioruil Idfltrict; Fiv Membe it Ihf Ixniiouiulie Town (>oniiiMnvr Mi'mboifl of llie-ftepU tniiii I'own CnrnnuHwe; I'ive Mo"tlNn s of t he ProKfcSSive I own Co■iiiIVUk*: lU'lognlMH to Slate Conve tlMiN of PolHiu'il Purtiee.All Mie above euiididHtes anlotllcmi^ arr. lo lie voled for ugo nm» linllot. The polls will be ope from H A. M. In 1 I'. M.And ynn are dlrwcted lo aepv|tula wiii iaiil liy posting nttoatefnofder I hereof seven days at loa^ iMfore Ihr Imie of ineeting tilrecleil by vole of Uie town. Unrent '<>11 nol and make rotu(If thin wnrruiit with your doln al (lie lime and place Mlrl meeting. OlviHi undiT our tiaiui.n this /fay of SepiemtHir A. D, IPO. KliWAllf) T. OHABK. MITHHK R. HIinWN. CIIAH H. BAHHKn, ii tfalvetmuii of Yurrnonth.if lanw.iMtpy. Ali-'irt;LHiJfrr iffi ii 't""T (2/ Qy o ZY 4/ -j-(2/ JJ ^-7- L V JZ 3 ^ / c? C^y-t oC, . ■ cy~~ y. <2^' O 1 ^ cr yU , j/Z 7^2^/YyyO-y-j 'oi, 3 Cj 4z ty 7 yjr" .2/yy^yyy(y. ^ C.yt' r,(JO cJ-^ 0^2 /.OO y6- .1 103 oy ^ zy £> z--^ <yC -Y ct. 2/^^ c / 2^ c 3 (2/£y.yy -y7y^C...-^y'tJ <2/^, 2/^y> -ziyyyJ yt /,3£ ^ y y 0/ yzy ^y!Y-a'y^. 5 / -'ZY ccy^ 7.yj yyc. c c y^cZ cy r/ <7£ yC- Z' ?-!. 3 o <2/ z C- y-z C O^My y -fy / cjL cz/- / cz^. 3 a/Cz- zZ z^ <zy. / 3 ■.x. y 27- z>y.-f U eyy C zzy Z''^:2 ^ / 3 y c£- ci3 / ^3~ zryy 7 / zy y.zp -/^ •yz-1. 2/yOyL / (s>2 /y 2y^Ly--y'yy^-^''^3 / <L. 3^ 3^ y^' y 2 j Yy. ^/Sy^yY ^^ ^ 23CP <- ^yy iZY <7 c- Sy /^z t.^ Zf 3 -£7 czyi 3 3^ .2,3/. f y 2^ o.z c3--J7 z 3^ 3^z>yY7.^^^ jk. 3z> ty ^ /.3z-ZY yyyY7 -^22^ r / 2^ 3 ^ ^'^o/yTz'f / ^ Y< 3f Y . 3c-33,4P f ytf-i ,/y Z'O c/y't U 3 /dc 7y o Ty- t 'K.7 « ^-'3 z t ^ '7 3 Cr 3y-^ 32 'y>y/yy73yy /z3 32 <l.y?.y r /{ i z/ X ^yy c < t t c c7^.^^7.y y, t'YY 7y-2yyYY yyyf / <-y c tp c^ p7-7. c 1 yyyddzfc^ i,d^y / Zf cy z / c( / c .f> . c 3 I Yc t AL / 2 3 2 Xi: 3 // 3"'/^ / c> /3^d/ Cf Z Z K. i.y 3/2 ; * z t Z t c t A £.e. i t t ^/ X3Z iatM Amm xy dv t X 77 u *.(y .> 104 / -f^.--^^ £> ^c- s -'A^-'C/' c^ / (o £> jj:<^-€^-> 7^^:i yd y/A'i AAo 7^ /i:^ / r ^ V (j/y -t- jiiy^ MyCfAt^ t i t^ (' ^ ^ 3 y ,: ^ ,^y^-,''cr £>^ / y-A/ J^c < c-AA, V- tA 4^ U / ^ 2_ -2. 3 -y^ 3 -t >o y. y /t6.e^''/y /j^c / ■^•y y ^ .yi. <7 ct c/. y ^ /f J/'c I k4a c/ 4o ^ i fot c.y ^. -^cl ^^3 / y j/ ^ of . - ^J ,. dyz.&^yj. y y7.yi.f0t oy^, -L yy^cy-L c-y-y 7^ 'f tf'-i c ^, ■ A7^ yy"<^. '' -yy^^v^ yy.t / ^ 6 / ^, 7\ yz. ^ j J* 6 / ^/ y oo/ <2/'c "^ ^ y 7.1 da e y^d, 0dy!^-cr.Ayy ^ 4 d 7 / ^ Ce.J 7 X ^-2 ^ 3 r .7 o 4 -i^iyt yT. ^o ty ^4y y(y. ^77^1-7^. o4 4o.^ 4iyf C(_ c44c4yA^..yO'7y4 £>- y'^PO -7 7 7 ■ 7yZyf.y /-y<yy7y^O^ d 7^0.4.yZyMy.'-t.yyr -4C7 ct- O'/ y.'ddylOy^d^O'-'fZyf^ d-'^TtyCy //".O't^'tf fy-*-- &■& r ' O -Zyf^'Ci-y^-Pz O yCPyO C. 7 y4y 'd/dy^.oycyOf dd'~^A.yf'yC / 'If CA '2^17 ti / (3cy^o^.yf4:' d' yd4r. (* y/.d-Ly ddooyf^-e yf^yc^ t- ■''^do'Tyzyf Z'Z'-'^'f. - y-yyA--f ^ ^ 4 yiddo ^doy^'fyf-' -dyp-cy d/ /df-f. ^ 4'O ot d <ld4"Oy'f4l.f <- 7^ jyy-. A 4fydr4^ o^ddd^-f ^ 4.\^0^^A.yy c^7-4^ 0. yioy^^y^^ ^3/ odd-<7 4(d^d4fotd-^y^ dy / yy /^ 3 -V ll ybo ^3^ -3^ d ddd.y^ y^^.y'lyr y O-AyO/y-Zy^ P. '. <7-^4 A' P7 €A.f7 7.t^ yyc Ar,- y. c- co y. -f 'j.. < ru^/' i f /^^'ziJ o d44p4df yi 4od ^3 (yyu Ay ^ ^ J' ' 77 ^ddiTr 7 ' 4p >? / -yy /'/ ddty 7.-t td. osd^^y y r y< dc/^^ Q.- /pd 'f r /<o/jt dTf.-A ^ A ■T'f.r '4^-Cf^4 4-4 / d. C osd^'/ f y r O 7 7.t -7 € y <s did t tdC;/ t 'T-.vo <j -i y^ct:>'7^-^ ^9 (2/ ^ 7' Z^ >/<^ c/^, y^2'Cf.^-.yc /S. Zd^ -d^z? ^ / Sz:^ ^ t/->tJ r/ y- ^ /• / d>. 0l0^O4^'A. <0^z> A: O -Vu -c^ Z3 ZS Zb' Z 6- A/ ^ .y/ey^ r r Z-fA /yt^z-u ^ 3 JL 5- A/ ^ / (Oo U tZ^zP^ 7- L zz. Z b'^ -9 3 y \ '==.zJ^Mi^ ^yz c^ ocyy-rA^z. 0z '• (i' O-^f zs Z 5~ 46~ r aZa /i?a / 6) ^ 9^ / ^ / 9 y / zz. z^r ^=9 3 r .M^r- ,. •■rr' QA'y -l Q^A. -y y <39 0 0o ^'y Ao p-m'a0-^07Z-x OA'ox czAz^-o^z yy^2/Z^ Ak. zA, zA^AAz^ cZ 7 'P^^^'t-^- a^X c- ^y A z o f p A-^-^?',\yx^/y4 c. /Zc'Z -f P-A. Ac/£, a ^^744-9 Z 0A /A^z/A qAy. .pp -o ■9-4' Cc 'Zx04 A Cc^ yG-.-p^-C^ AZi-^ / Axe-^y^^-j-fp^y:? yzz-x y^A0' ^zAz/ z4-p. p y^ p-^4 ZZfxp j'-z (p. ^yy-cky o / ya^ pp-^-^^ yo A y^xf'pp'* ' ' A.? y G ^A'-Z., '^c/tpop cl ^ /Ao^I, ^ (b Z A 9^Pr4 cA aA, o^CfA C -39 t>-'94. PyPy C y Z o 34^^ .^3^^ -t- - i9r C, /Ao. <3 /y4 s y^ 09-4>.^ ■/ -^. z c^ .Acc.1.1 G Af c ^"V« yzz ^ y A-o..^ ^CA z ,7ppt^a A PL£ c^yy /^ ^ ^ /-ZSL c 4/ yp 4 c 9 4>Ac yc> 7p'^ T-i /4Z'Z-9 ^C 94 c .<- -y AA '^ -o -ZTp (£>7 rA^ -f -rZcy c <4^-74 At y. p/AyG r yy O- 'Z 4 AZ:.Ay AiPc A <^yAA&f 34cy^yA ■ zAz 94. 94 C'^ ^ c AZ'^ ' y ^3^ y^t71A 9 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ xs9y, y 9r C -p-t f 1t<9 / / //<r.. c^Ayj' <^31^/ / f ^'1 A/ ^ ■ £, y V.t cy< 2 £/ ^ (2p , '3^cy_,^,-Cr ■^'(- «x. -?r' ^y -c^ (2/:' - (223 ^ ^<^'- -^D cf ^f-f '. -i -7^7 "'^ \ -f^ a/ " 67 cy-i 1^-::? ■1 '/yr lyTz. f^ 2^- q/^2 o Ttyr y<2y'6>-^ y67 ^i^y/^7-^y y^y /^^d c^ Mddyi.^-6! / fft ^ / ^ CjtyiyC^^ ify 67'7-^yyiyy^ ^-9 ^O "Zd 'f yj / y yd-y332(rc6 '7-iy ■4 O 7^-e '^.y7d- r7'^ ? O y^ yC/^-67 iy y 67 y^y T 7f, ■ r y 2^1' ?fc / Z. 67 zyy-e -££. y j ^ZC^yT-i €.. /y.s. ^ \/czf- £,y ^ 2/i f e,Z'ty ^ ^ (At/ ti / Z.3 Cr ^-i., ..p^.'f o/<^^ J / 3 ^J/y^ C a J t-f/ S. ^k(y-M o/ /^ 6 L ^2^ ^y/ yt7Ve y^yt/^ &y, e^c / ^^iyf-f' <^/ iff ^ c 7 / ^// f fyf e tf <j/j, , , / 72. c./7cu frf\ , i A •tAi-riiuf 'f7i\ ^8 dj/ 777- 7a 7. 7.7^ 33^^.d^/yt. /y^y/yC-d / y. / yo z ^d.^y^ 6 'f 6yd d'7^rAt7 Zd wTy ' '9d'£yyf-f'77Z 77c. tZ dfryy ^67 ^3, /(J2 yf dy 6 y/ycy^^3^ 7367 / A .y 9 f OD-d^ y.^ £ y7d^ ^7 .ycr (3/Aid£_. 4y. 7 £' 'f> / ^ j6/7 / C— / /> /67 ^d ' -£ £,<<J£ .yy^y 67 6.y 7 / ~y7 y^y^ 7y7y/ (79/ ^ / V -1-/A yycz':f£ 67^ ^6y8 idd^6'6y 7^ '^-2 C^ c cyy/(c y£7^ yf-t7 27 6 / ayy9-7'f c / CfAc ^6:^?'^ 2dd£ <79At7yy^-iy ^yo^ /(y£yc6d^-<^ oy odyt^i/d ^y yy7£y/7 -iy< . ^ya^y^dyMA ey^d^^MZfyi^ ,- /S. /Syy ^Ldy >-L, yzd 2^1 o^ 6yyiy<^ A^y-CaT}^ \ty/cy £ <^.yd7'^y<? yZy/ d. £iyjc'/dy.^^'-2 y.fd^ ^ /^-e 67 y ■2'f t K. 9Q/~( oAd dW i.4r7 £ d c AA f'/o/x dd?y £y..1 9 J c te 'l £ 7 ^ y C7 2.7-/ '^^f -/ Ad C6- I 68L 67y 2'^'6 '^ f< /J ^'2)^^ 2'/^^ c-Zo ^iy <2/ cy-^2y'y-^z>^ /Z, /z^ i^L 0^'-i €2 '/ / Z-Z^z'i^ L / Z.'^/ c/c (2^ z2 l-zy 2^ ZtZ<:J ZM^ (2. <2^ Cz-Z.f A. V L^ ^£2 £/Zy L V 2 f tZ. / ^^2-/ c/c±^ 6> 7y2^/y^.y^y/A2Zi. ^O'-'i - y oc ^ £5^ J ^cZc?p;pj £Lz^ 2.^ 2^ / iPp /A^Z^ za/2- Cjy £> ZyCy 7-1. ■S-Aj /c C/-^ / zP ZV / ^2 zpZ^2 ' ')z> M^- 2€/ ^-^ 2-fZ>C Za£^^j ^ , .AyA-/ rA C/ -Z-p-tZ.^. z py7 /9/^ ^ /ff. Zu-'f 2 _ o/Ay^ tPl •/Yo yu-/-i.fyY / O C/-^ 9 /. ZJi <P Z-/^ / — jpJ- ZVA- P ■( P ' ^ Z f'£2 JS tirffptzYiyy,.^^ V >0 / 7'^ J' £/224)^ r/r yf' f f C 02^ y:?4 ^ . /_ Cp^' 2 Z z:2- 4 2 -2^ c ^tz ^ P' ^L . AA ^ ' ELECTION WARRANT. Coniniouwealth of Massuchusetta. JBanislablti, ss. ^ , 'To Eilliei- of tlie Constables oftlie | Town of Yarinoutb, Greeting: i In tile name of the Cominon- weallli you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants' of said town who are qualified to' vole in Elections to meet in the several precincts, namely: I're- clnct One, Colonial Clab Bldg., Varinouliiport; Precinct Two, Cape God Ceiiti-al Club Bldg., Yarmouth; Precinct Three, Owl Club Hall, South Yarmouth; Precinct Four, Schoolhouse Hall, West Yarmouth; TUESDAY, the P'OUUTH day of NOVEMBER, 1013, at 7.31) o'clock a. m., for the following purposes: To bring in llieir votes for the Election for the following offices: Governor for this Coiuraoii- wealLh, Lieutenant Governor for this Commonwealth, Secretary of the Commonwealth for this Com monwealth, Treasurer and Receiv er General for this Common-' wealth, Auditor of the Coinmon- wealLh for this Commonwealth,' Attorney-General for this Com- monweaitli, Coiinciltor for 1st Councillor District, Senator, Cape Senatorial District; One Represen tative in Genei'ul Court, 2lid Rep- i-fseiitalive District; County Com-' tnissioiu'i-, Barnstable County; Two Associate Commissioners, Barnsta ble County; District Attorney, I Cape District; Register of Pro]>ate and Insolvency, Barnstable Coun ty. All the above officers are to be voted for upon one ballot. The polls will bq open from 7.30 a. m. to 1 p. m. o'clock. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof seven days at least before the time of said meeting as directed by vote of the (own. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings Llioreon at the time and jPlace of said meeting. (iiven iider oiir hands and the seal of A Town of Yarrnoullv this ©ud of <.>ctoljor 1913. EDWARD T. CHASE, GHARt.ES R. BASSETT. LUTHER K. BROWN, Selectmen of Yarmouth. Itfue copy. Attest: " SmiY R. USHER, Ooii-stable. Ill'AZt /9'22 'ApSyZ- ?yP S ALA. Oy-''»'LyCf-Zy< cy^aJA- Ccz.-ypyA'ty£2^2: Aa /A(2yy1i^yC''y-YiZ A. A^-" cAZ-ZZaAaZZ A^AAZy^ytA / 2Z2.ZAAy A AiZ "'^CA-YP- (ZZ~rzZZAy2!^yLz/<^ .aZ^aZ-CQzO'lyU / Sa^A '^Ap/£ €>t ^(AAAA zAA^^ aZa ppypz CA A <2a^aaA^..J L A 2..yC/ (2J2AyrA.^AXr <t?y2ZA cX e.A^^A.AZ £aZ~~ pA, AAZZyzZZ^YYAAAj ^ / y Q/ £7 "ZyZ -cZ aAAzpZy (SAypZtApy.' -AcAyy^ y-AcyZ~ CAZZ fZ £> ^ py C o£ cy-2.% ZZa py.^Cr JZ'c/yAZ^AZ^*y2y.A. .A, ZyAf <Z t i^umm A li I A AA A C^Oi 2. Cz-yiy yApy y7.^L,y-AA .A CP ^.Pr-' A aA' pZ (2-2ytA. tA. <Z \3o y cA ^2r y ya/A -AAyA ' ^ p Ik^ '2 11 Z/a/. y c Zy t^\.my ■X'2 -tV^ a ' 4- 'P z Z% g. f7 ti ( Zt z Z eny^K, HdiMBriMlialUaaic.J 112 ^-2^—^::y ^ qJ* c<:^ 2T t^u (2C^^ ''^, 0/ y /So^/^^ -^-. cj^y^^ / 7^ ot'^i^ / 7^^ C'-^...€.^,y^_^ cyC^ C/-2.^^ (yy ^-^eyZy Cty^ y^. J ^r^ Q^ cj^ ^ ^(P. /(Pi-^ y>f^ "^-y , a ^ P-z> py^ ip yPz"^^ (3 t? ^y^ ^ cyy-y cy^ kJ* 6 -<2^^ <:>^ c/n^^ yyCf^ / pr c/^ Z'^ (2^^P' Po, ^^OyytyJ y QpPss ' A, y£y^^'yy^-«^^'^o^( Po J-o^ z S^/^Z/yAy P)py/cl c/ :Pc./j.-P U-'CrryZ'-jp Z^yjic/t y^. y'^i P r / / 2 O /c?a a/PtZc^ ///s ///// /(a c^"'/^ S3 s?/3 /// // /J p7 9 (b 32y // ZyZ^-y-Zy/y/y^^r^ C?yy.■yr-y^y-zyyy^ PXy^y <2? o/yiy<y cyy. ^)-^yyytJ / §^^iy cP (ZpP Po^^yP P) cy -yfy^^-P^ yZ^c^ S yiU^iyz-Pe^c>P^yy^.^^y^Pz pP. •Cy:^^y^ <ytZp y^' "-^1^ (pPPc'-ZyC^PZe^. Pz^yy 'fyyy'C^ /^ot'yz^yy^ Pk./ jsyPcyfy^yyy P) ^'7^y:yPyyf^^j l ^ /l^Z^yyyy^yiZ \yy?.PZ^. „ \PcyP^ <y/. y^/yy/j^ji. '.y-^ e cZ Zil PirPcy/L tS^. z(<2y^^^yy^^ <yyLy^ /(3^y 3Yy^PZp~ P Qy^ty y/yPe c>P: PP2hy-cP yCc ^ A /S^ Qyy^ r r/^/y / a . /OyU^^iV^PPy ', (TZPyyyryyf^yi^ ^^yy<y oP "^■ P)y^//Zy&^T-- y ay Cz^. , ^''^Py O'yf - Pa yPf^C' yy-, c I .P O/P'j^-e/Z /Z. yp^^a?y~G^ < c.' r/c^'/ c /l yz^cy-ZpZ^t j-p^/y/'cy c ^y / c f z y y^~t^ ^ i PP' P ^ ycZp 'y> lyCy''Z^ Sd Gyia.yf 'dt yP Oya<y . (jTc /ry yX c7 ^2'^ J/Z^y/y'ie It ^Per ) i 7 t , e-( Z ^ 'X 1/ J rye/ ^' 'i d j! /i (^v. (?r o Z-^ > Z. ZZZr ZcZy y /s 3/ / / / / 6> /X t?-7 //gt // /?7 6ff /X JX 3 S'/7 / / / ( i 1 / Z. ^7 // I i> ■9S-\ /3 3 / 3P / I / 6 / 3 r ! s''/ / ,| a/e^l- I JS 9^ / Zy6~^ / / 2^ 3-9 / 2y<e 5~ / X ?' G Sf \^f /Z 7 X X : 3-3 : // ? ■ 6 i /3P / X r 7 / / s / 3 3 3 7 X 3 s X s^a / / o ■ y ■^y i / 7 o / r/ O y<. / 3 '& O XL^ V o Qi^-{^-<:^ /O-^/i o / (d^- i 2-^ L- ^ 'Z^c -}X2^-^f- 7^ >7^^^ 2s /J) ^ / 2^ c? /J I ^ I /^ 21Pf^ \ / 6 ^ S"^/ n 7^ 1 j/ 3"7 ! z^" / ^ ^ .. :AAcC^2z.^ -t-- ' ApA-f^Pty S.S. „ SAyyrZA^ cA. /J /^ 7 c?/ J'c? «3'^ / 6/ 5 / y / c? / / yW ?,< <^/-««v 5^ / 7 J7^ /cT'<2,^ /y / ^ 3 ^a^^-3. 2P' \ / ^ SL / a 3 3 I ^ _ 2^3 3 / 3/ P <o / 0 ^ '^^AA-Oy^ppiJ '^'A^-p^-Hy <-AA /^ y S'S^ ^ ^ JA, <3pAy^^4.4-^ j// ^/ S'V / f / yf ^ ^VkZ' //7 / t/ 4 a^ / i>9 /c?; A ^ 0^7//2/^AA<rCyd^ /^ S'S . ^ / Vv^ ^ .y^ y^-. y ' y ^\<zAf^i'/^^ cA- aAz-c A^yZ^J-p^p-iJ 3 S 3 6 '£/ \.€z jA-a. ,/^. /Se ^£f a^Ac-y >x) '^-/^7-V' c/^^ - -2, V y ,,(2/^ cx^ y 4^. ^7 -y ■:X/i^.U(. t f 6.^tA o£/s^A/). y/. ' /fc- y-^^ ^-^zy -z y/ >)/ y 3 / 6 ^ / 2,-f^<Y-^^Az3j A-A- AAxy y7 .^y iz^A:2^_.y<iZ-t> -A-cey^-^. (^7- y-AAc y ^ / V - 3 & -Z^^-fa'yy^^yp yyZY. Q/Zi^P-Zy-PPfyypk-pJ S~& "Z 3 ^ ^ -2-^/ 3lpy-^,yyz> <^/ -z-^ ^.'-■J-<J y-yyAyP^y/-yA^^' -'Z^ yy^-y-y o^ ,y'Cy ^zC/-yy^Ay cp^ ypp-tj /yt^-yyO( y--zAp "fZzc p yp-p ^.-y^yPf .yyp/. cy y/ y/^^ -z-^ / ^ 3 -y . yy^jt iy, X.y // 33 /f ^3 yy /9 /y yy P ly, P ^ c/ y^Zt, Y-^-^-^^yp ■**y Cy--^ /JZ.\ y-^A'<y^Ac4^^ ^ £3>^ yy^-<y yyy^y cy(_^ .^A"7yiy£ A-aAZf, ^^ -pf^^ ^ zT-^y-zy yi.'P^ ^A / ^ 3 .-7-- 7i7 //^ 3 2. /y ^(i /^ ^ Z3 s y^P3 ^yYi, /S-^-ct^iZy. / 6~ 2^3.rj .-c Z3Z~ / -i </y37-C^>a A^y^py ■ ' 7"'^'Py.'p^y yy-<' » .-<^7«-<_ >gAfp7-PyC^pf.^^^ <ypp<^ c^ .-/,- f/o^Z'i^ z f yy '-'Ap' -z^ -^A-? ^ -z / A^ cz^.'O^ -y^ C^ y-'f zv ' 7 y y c^-i- f £. y- // z f -yy z t.y "Pf -f r w y/ e 7 ' ^ ^ 2^ yA^ a -C A A<y(y 7 39 jt . 7 / y y y 7 . A y o-cvy y^ 'ypy- 'A'—t .'A^£i^-pf-Af •/ p :> y^yCtp Z3 / 9 3 & ■93 /y /y 3 70.3-cf-^. 7 / j iL^ ^ iC Z-'f -i-/- 7 --pr/yiL. y^ 7^, y/ Zi ^y c^'r c yy j X /f/3 f 't4^^ ■■" V 1,1 / /iC' C/ />V yiSc/ 4 My /\ .X oL of yMy-yc. J >o c-y/y^ ^/Ay c ^ ^^yyOfyy/y ^yiy - /-X / o ^ 9^ ■ ^y <a 3 y j / / 9 ff / ZXX- / 9 SbX, 6 3 2^ /if^ ■ / -2^^ I yS-^M yy^Ct- y 2yC cy-^y/ zA-y^ fy/ 1, 0^/0 x 0 y/yf^^y / ^ /oMy-^ 0r /X>X/ O ■<Xw <X,,/, ■92^^ y>A CZA ZA, ; y^ZAA ^ 2-ry /^ x 117 AAA- 9^ /y /y -2^-^ Cr^ <A Ay o / -</ T^xy XX//G/M'y^AA^^ -ZXy^y^ y^ Cryy yf-Ai^ <At a/^ oA&a M^Ay o/A/fAy^ A MAAyyJL^ Qz £/ -zyy 7-^X^ ^ c/^'C^y c,-< C^ (^A J z^iy?-zyy'y^_ y ''y^xyfzh.yA^Cf,e a// y^^cA ypi^Ay. -</•««■y. / Ac/^^^AoGA- s s, cy'yy-y-^yyyZ yy^.y ^?r~Oz c 7^2 Cf -CA Q y OMr Oy2yi y / 9 /-G y y_., --^Aa^ a a ^ /<9L OC,/'^ MAa) 'fyy ~c^ ^yOyC^A^ .y^^Ajyui -eyi*,2ytyiyyy7yiyi -gyi* -(,yc/A,<2^ ^ 0/ ^ g/c '/mJi ■Z^o '' -,^^6/ iA>,^yiytyy^ " ^ x.' '/ y 9yi. AcMouA < - k /O y-^ ? ^ // (g/v-Xy <?-OAA^^Mytiy^ Oiy S6, „ V 7y^. Z. aJZy^ ---7 / ^i ■f I ' -y 2-t -C . (A-ty* ^ xy r / ,, AA~i-'2y A^ZA/TAA.^ 'A.'Qj O t^A..^/mJc- y /-^ -znyt aaa^ yt, l O' >- ■<• » i*/.X. ^ 4AZC,m ^c/^a„c6 <2/,ta^^) 'nofy^ ^ y./Y 118 W ANITOAL TOWN MEETINO WAEEANT. CUAIMO.\\VXALTH OF .\l.i.-?SACHUSETT5. istal^Iv. sa. either oi Uie Constables of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of BarnstaJ^Ie, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitauts of said Town qualified to vole in elections and in Town affairs to meet at the Townhouse in said Town on MONDAY, the NINTH DAY of FEB- KUAHY' next, at 8.30 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles: Article 1. To elect a .Moderator to preside at said meeting. Article Z. To elect the following-named officers all on one ballot under the Australian ballot s.estem as adopted by the said Town viz.: One Selectman for three years; one Assessor for three years; one Ovorseej* of J'oor lor tJiree years; one School Committeeman for throe years; one Road Coniralssiouer for three years; one Collector of Taxos for one year; two Constables for one year; two Auditors for one year: one Town Treasurer for one year; one Tree Warden lor one year; also to see if the Town will grant the sale of intox- iiiaUiig iiqiHM's; also three Oenietory CominissiouLMs for terms' of }U0. two. and three years each respectively. Article 3. 'I'b e'ent ail other necessary town officers. ArLicle 4. To heui' the report of the Selectmen and act thereon, Article 3. To hew the report of other counnittees and act Lhere- Artlnti! U. To see what sums of money the Town will raise and ,0pis>|U-iaic l>M tinj Support of Sirhools, Support of I'oor, Town ui- anil ComniiUees" Fees, Repairs of ItoudB and Bridges, Town Repairs of Ihihlic Buildings. MlscoJianeous Expenses. School Ii'leicflt on Town Dohls Supcrlutwnleiii cf Schools, Trans- lOliUftiDK ot Soliolurs, Care of Parks and Town Landings, and for' - pnoessary uhorges arising in this Town. Al«tlOlo '■ To «e« if tl»e Town will vote to authorize the Treaaorer the approval of the Seioctmoii, to borrow money in auticipa- the .rovenue of the current fiimnRlal year. 8. 'i'o see if the T'owii will petition the Director of the Mtvau of btiilietloe for an audit of its accounts, in accordance iMtt Uie provisions of Chapter Bl)8 of the Acts of iblfi atid amend- To eeo if the Town will vote to raise and appropri-(Artirle »• ... -Us • sum of money to pay foi- the bonding of the Town Officers. 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri-1^ a sum of tnunoy to pay for eleoiric lights hi ahy of the resi- portions of the Town, during the current year. 11. To see if the Town will vole to give the Town Clerk p MUiuai saiar}' of three iiuiidred and fifty dollors (3390,00). (By petition.) ik. 1o see if the Town will vote to acquire by purchase, IT oMieiwlse. a pluoe of land ul, or near, "Baxter's Wharf," so near Uu> fool of "Bay view Street" In the southwesterly 1^ of the town, for a "Town Landing;" and to laUe and appro- trlala " nmnuy tiiorefur. and to act fully thereon. (By pel (Hon.) H iMiiUrllata ik To SCO if (he Town will authorize the Snlootmon to ■Ml at piibilr tt UoHon and give deeds in the name of the ToWnEiavafor "imh oiitlriiii plocet of lands and woodlands an they mayKmb In llmir jiidgniOMl for ttie best inlerosl of the Town. (By request.) < AHIde 14. To see (f the Town wiU voie to roiso and appoQprl-a sum df Bhmay to hur a aaroyliig mifthfi|e. IBlJMmiLl Article 15. To see if the town will vote to amend and make additions to the by-laws of the town as follows: Amendments to existing articles as follows: In Article 1, Section 1, after the word moderator the following words shall be inserted: and the election of other town officers to be elected by official ballot, the meeting shall adjourn to meet at nine a. m. o'clock on the following day; and then, so as to read asfollows: The annual town meeting for the appropriation of money for town purposes, the election of town officers and all other matters that may properly come before it, shall be held at theTown House on the first Monday after the first Tuesday of February in each year. The meeting shall be opened, and after the election of a moderator and the election of other town officers tobe elected by official ballot, tiie meeting shall adjourn to meet atnine a. m. o'clock on the following day, and then shall act uponthe articles of the wairant, in the order in which they appeal" inthe warrant, unless the meeting shall prescribe a different order.The warrant shall state the hour at which the meeting shall open- Section G, after the word town, the word landssnail be inserted, so as to read as follows: The Selectmen shallhave the care, custody and supervision of all town lands, buildings,commons, squares or inclosures belonging to the town, exceptingsuch as by the statutes of the Commonwealth are placed in charge of other town officials. strkker day of April, shali beword- tMHv ? thereof shali be inserted the following?he Collet December; so as to read as follows:often al the .mi ' day of each month, and asdollars or unwipi " hands reaches the sum of five humlrelec eS bv hfm I 'Ppwn Treasurer all laxes col-December fn P'' i^^fore the thirty-first day ofthe same to the "P annual account and rendermoner h/?u pay to the Town Treasurer all the shall be stricken out to read as follow-" "-tk' inserted in place thereof, socommilUjtjs electeii r... - '-'""Poiisation of all town officers anoby the town, shall be subject tO^bcapproval of the Sejecfrn pn „when the same is not fixed by law ortho^ votes of the town, ing words shalj^hp^'?," words legal advice, theiKn inserted: anri „..r. i.q nafd fromI ~ vvurus legai auvice. tunthe slate sch ool fund." those which are to be paid frofollowiria wondl 'TI: '.'Pd after the last word in the section t ofollowing Wfirds sh.ll k ., \vun.i ju vm; o.v..""to read as follows: Aii t -n '^"d paid by the Seleclmm: so aall bills contracted bv ih' o salary of school teachers, an srhoolhnnaao . ® ochool Conimiffoo dilliop for repair «u u.iiB uouiracted bv iho o i . ui • schoolhouses , transnoti..- Committee, either for repairs owithin the province of or for any other pui'poscadvice and those whin, ®'"d hoard, except bills contracted for le?®'shall be approved bv fhV^ P'^'d from the stale school fh"!^"tioarrl, un,j paid (,v ' t, or a majority ofAdditional sections- asand sections as foliowa- known by numbers of articleArticle J. Section 4. Thn,. u «without pay at every anm, f f be chosen to serve for one ye®adjourned meeting o,i ti.. meeting, at the opening of the .. the second day. three voters of the town, i I who lugetiior witii tho 1^.. , ♦inen, .Assessors, Ovei-soor... ®®sucer and the Chairman of the Selee-Cominiesidiieis fihull nci . Poor. School Comrjiittee and Ro®I be to consider and mai ^ advisoiy committee whose duty ®ha/passing of any artirles' V,'^ '"oport xipon the advisability of thetaropriuiioii yX a,,v ' ' warrants which call for t»eliiereon. ' 'OneyB. Leihitj any action )>y Mie town Article 2. onction '^2 am , »slinll on or before the thi.l. Boards. Committees and Officer®scMli) tlieii- QCC0U11I3 anil r.a l>ecemlter in eacht"wn. P y to the Treasurer uU moneys due th® A rticle 2. Scot i.11, 23.tax nr olherwi.ie. hIjuH Pri^o,, inrjohted {0 the iown for pO"ot gcloidnion before pos-nu,deducted bv- (he TreBSOt®^ the town for wo,.k or lor lui.v sum tine hun ffOM® •town. Pcfin-ij,,,,^ jj, miy. doparlinent 01ArlhJie 2, Section 24, Tkf. * .aijy (own offUdni oil surety homis rcquirwl ^ 1ArMcl... o mid by tb.,LraiKjuotiun of low,, buhtM...y, meeting liejd forIho llM .rf voter, si,all 1,.. ' Z,name is not.snUHn 0, I "I-J the or rho'hoU. ,the aeloclmon. wmopL tn thr. » !.' wKlnmr. a llucnseauy flraorimkora. lorpodnes "i- of swno leHhl duly..tirkot-M'. hi any explosive or ftikcharge untlIioftr .iny .jw.jMing Ihoh,. hi)nr any vehicle pnsshiK thoWph■ ArUole 6. HiM-linp j; .j.|^llwil'l or frjiiiihi I,, ,, ,j,. ^ nmr., p..r.ihns fdinil n"l. rmitihUB mA or in any „u„ii.. pi.-v,.,. ..;u:h oiher on any 1<«aiMge iir lout "hoh n nuiiump nt lo ohfltpuci, lih.O I" or uoMi'o .x.Vi.. , ..... 1.^ «O A "'''•m.T lA hn 'mg iicmi reniie^ivwt Ifiif 3 3 '''''•P witiuMy or nmKidnU4)5' jiPf oi'i hhb.'.'M'd di no'Ire fueled for 'Of ,,,, nnn.'.M',! 0, no* Ire piHien for n fhoc,',,H| roihd,? building qr othlih' ! 119 Article l>. '^yctionportico or other projection from any liouse or building or upon any wall or fence on or near any street or public pla«-e (xfter being rrquoslotl by an owner or occupant of the premises or by a Con stable' or policu officer to remove therefrom.* .\rtfcle G. Section 20, No person shall suffer any vehicle oi- othev obstruction to remain within the limits of a street or upon any, sidewalk so as in aii,v manner I0 niistruct the travel thereon, o^i for more than one hour after he itas been notified by the towiauthorities or b.v any constable or police officer to remove th same. Article 16. To see if the town will vole to accept the provisions of Chapter 560, Section 3r)8. of the .Vets of 1907, which provide for the election by official ballot of 0 Moderator to preside at town meetings for annual terms of on© year, and to strike out any parts of the by-laws of (he town inconsistent therewith. Article 17. To see if the town will' vote to raise and appropri ate the sum of one hundred dollars fo be used to fill the road way leading to the pier at Yarmouthport. Article 18. To see if the town will vole to raise and appropri ate the sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty-six dollars and twenty-three cents to pay for the town's share [25 per cent.) of the new bridge across Bass River, by giving three note.s of the town therefor, as follows: one note for §1356.23 to fall due in 1915, one year from the date thereof: one note for SlOOO.tX) to fall due in 191G, two years from the date thereof; one note for §1000.00 to fail due in 1917, three years from the date thereof; and to authorize the Treasurer and Selectmen to sign said notes in the name of the town. Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri-j ale the sum of (§3500.00) three thousand five hundred dollars byj notes or otherwise, for building an addition to the High Schoolf,building, aod for improvements on the same as follows: plumbing,, fire escape-and additional lighting as made necessars' by recentistate requirements. Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri-'.. ate a sum of money sufficient to complete the unfinished macadomr.;a T.* >.% 4^1 \ And you are hereby directed to serve Ibis warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at five public places, three on the South side and two on the North side of the Town, also by publication in the Yarmouth Register, at least seven days before tlie time of holding said meeting. MATTACH A true copy, Attest: HENRY R. USHER, Constable. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warratit, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and pla'-e of said iiiHoting. as aforesaid. Given under our hands and the seal of the Town of Yarmouth hereto affixed, this iwenly-fourth day of January in the year of our Lord one tliousand nine hundred and fourteen. CHARLES R. B.tSSETT, LITHER R. BROWN. EDWARD T. CHASE. Selectmeu al r. ^str road at Englewood Beach. (By petition.) Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approprl- ate the sum of (§1000.00) one thousand dollars to surface with oilexisting macadam roads. Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate a sum of money for the care of the town cemetery at WestYarmouth. (By request.) Article 23. To see if the Town will vole to raise and appropri ate the sum of (8100.00) one hundred dollars, to be expendedthrough the Forest Warden's department, as a contribution towardtUe erection of a steel watrh lower to be located on Shoot Fly-ipg bill Barnslable by the State Forester's depart- Qjent. Artiol® 24. To see if the Town will petition the Great and Oen- cM-al Court to pass an act to allow the Town to appropriate am of money for the purpose of dredging and deepening thetrance of Bass river. Article 25. To see what euin of money the Town of Yarmouthlit vote to^ raise and appropriate towards dredging out the.(B /-^/c0 4 ^4 e.^ >7 rCA. rj"/ ^ c-ance of Bass river.y petition.) Article 36. To see if the Town will vole ,lo macadam any partf all of Arlington street, in said 'J'own, leudlug from WiUow-Irccl to Columbus street, at "Railway Bluffs;" and to raise andSnproprlate a sum of mj^ney therefor and to act fully thereon.^ (By petition.) Article 21. To see if the Town will accept the extoneion offipookton avenue to Bay View street, as laid out on a plan of(Shoadore f- Drew for Hyannls Pai'k Imoroven€enemt assueiation. with-tho town (By palitiou.) ArbicI® 28- Iho Town will vote to appropriate the sumfive thoiisaod dollnre (860no.oo) for tho grading of saiil ezteneUmthe nmcadtthuzmg^ of Brooktvm avenno its entire length a.hd iA mBoutiamizing of Bay View streetJU'ct'UuJo the from 1(0 junotum wlDx fiBf BnllMniii) p '7 t 0/C l- x V • 2/.-.<24}J f"' at c/o /< a 2 ! ? // f o -^ c 7.44 PC "V ^ ^ <Jf >*?aJ 0 p 4', u >. 7 ^ ^/hy ti Z?^ Jt/ y^^-^yC^-yoZ Zy ^ jZ^^yZyt^ ^^ycy z^ ^y yZ^-xJ^ .Zi7 „ y-cZ^ C/-yd— ^ \ l^UZ^Cyy^ <:^ytytxy:-^ ' cu^l ; ^Z^yCy ^Zy^^ <Cy^Z^fZey6ZZzZZ y^Z^^^^y^yt^ y^Ztyy/r^^ C^^^^Z^^yC-yZLy 0yZy7^ , ^ZiyZ^yT ^^_y / \. ^syZ-C^yZz^ysy^ C^ ^7y/y2y7 ycZtyi- ^yf .yZ^-yC-Z^-^ C^Z y7y2y7^ -^y^ yZyty -'Zy^.y^ytrZe- {y>Zzy/^yZy ^JyCyC^^cZ/Ji ^yZ^Z^ ^Z^.^.^^yZZZ-? ^^/.^LyC/Zc^ yZ'-tyy^ZoZZ ^-zZ> '^^yZZ^iy yC^^Z^~^ <2/yZxy/yZj Zz-Z^ ^yZ^ yTyly^ Zyi^ a Z^-Zyfy-Zyf^ yS-Z^y..^^ CZyZ" ^ yZ> yZz^ -t— . Zy-Z'-Z^y^ ~^y2yi yZ^cZ^ j/yyZyZy^ Z> 7^ CyyZ <2/y^ 2C^yayy2yf^yZ Zzy^yty -ZO ZZzZ7.yZ ^y^yJyZy ^y^yzy^ CZyik Z"' -^Z xy Z/^ Zy ry/^ Z (V 6/ ^ Ty I ZZZy .yZ . Z^ Zy^ Zxiy~d, ^-yzyyz^cZ yZyZZzY -2.^ -^7 eZcZZZyyy^ . Z^y f cyyvZ-r^xyrl rJy^y^yyy^y>,^/_ /oyj;^ ^y ^yA:^,.7c.. yW "^^"'y x^',yy ,/ Zz ' y'' r. ,.,,,, 2y. ,, ^ / y 7 <■ =^- 121 <2/yf^ .yT^ C-yzC^^ ay'y M^y Mzyy f- -r^y y.y. yr.j^-y, 4 ,/ 7,■' rZ. zZ/ZZ'yo^^^ "^ zZy^/oxAyi. X AAyjyyy^-^ y?^.yZyr ZZAz yZ, ZyyZ^yZc^'^ J cAe^ CyZ :AZZ -Z^ U ^^y 'V y^^^y^y}^ ycy ^ Z^y^yy Z/lyj -%y*^ (A^^Zyif-Z^yoZ 7''2y7 yc/Zoy ^ yZ^Z^ cZ Z^y^ ^ Z^? . . , cZ, -^— ^^ZZ^^^xf^yZZyZJ 'lyyZz" Z^6~6~ iZ, ZZ - y ya2y2xr <Zy^^ ZZo tyi^-^ ^ Z oZZr Z^y" Zy^^ ZZ, y€ry^ .zzz../ ^y ypxcyOJAc/ Ayfy^ :yAyr7 <2/^7^^ cyA-^'Tc- yy^ OA ^ Zr?Z o / 77Ax^ y^AAA' ^yy^y-- ■2- .A< A A/.y (TyOyAyA-r~y€i^~€.'4. O £ry-^ 7 (> f <77y-z<t-^ r<A / :i 07c7 -c •a ^y\. 2/'77 X, CAU'^AyrAZAiy7yt>y^x^ yZ X ^y AyCry^^AAA 77/yt^ Cryf cA <2^, ^ZZyT^T^A ZS S Z /Zy y2^f^Z t- 3r; Ay7y.. J7-^ y^ -c TTA:^ y A7 CyAyty.7 y Cy{ , ^ yAoAje. -Zx 8 Z/ZZoy/yy^ 3^ yAA72777.yf 77^Z .yl^Zjl, 2/^ O < yZ \.Z 7y3^^ ^77 c/Z7?^'^^-^yz. A 'Z/^ e? € - 7 /0.7f y/fy ^/2. a 'A 7/ Z 'fx >' \_7 T 7ry Ayy f 4 T'yf. A/ /j /> >> y /€:> A Z f '77 XA / < /^ Z Z3/ 'A yJAr^ y, //'^ 7 7 7/ f 77 V ''3, m ' >%, ^|| (A-77 (Z^77 tJ Z Z^ 7 yyy?.-7^j, v f ZZf' 7 -'PM 7 7 f yZ f v/ t7'73yji '/7^/.7./7Z ZZ A Zf Af •/ f Zcy € . ^ ZZa .. / ■€ A . f I ' 7-7 .-Tf Jii ^ T \.iv V y\1V "\ V V^ ^V X ^^ :^ > \^ iN MX 5-XNi* \ V ^ r^ Ik\ ^ ^^ k ^ N\XBRAY, CHARLES M., for Two YearsCROWELL, MANTON H., for Six YearslUTTHSWS, EDWARD B., for Four YeanC<lMiH ? \ O? o/^t<y c^ y oC /^, oy^/.^c ^-2^. 7y^ ^r-y^/^77 /o ^5-^ '-Ziy /h'-Z) --2^ y C7^'y r^ -f ^u^t. y;7,ytA7 -a -i yx7 (y 6/y 6/ /^t -WtZo ■>^.. / ^. , £^-^*^2^-fj 7 ^ 2^ G( .ytyry 7 O-T^ <2/^7^ \r.-2^ I, <22^^^ y^< \^- £y y/ip^^ 2^7?y02Gyyy Cz-T^ o^--OS^- £y /^\ ^ «-^. " /Ty^yy^ e.y7 r Cr -j^. 7 yf^ yy^ TyJ^-<«v-z<-^J,^ yy^, yyyy<' y^oct cyyyY ^ a^yy/L J^y-Ty y^y- -Syy^ Q^y V y /-- jH y y jf^y^ yy^y> 1'"yryy y I iy ^^yyT/J^-yXyyy^z-f t7. ^yr-- ■^-' ^ i Co 7^ CyC^ o ^ y. < -o -Gty 1: y y '^7 zy-^y'^^^ <> ^-<7 /)J^(y O-G/^y y ^ a Gf.y^^y^yCf^ ^c/: a^_ y(o..^c^^7^ tory^.■'7^-^7-7^ £7\y :y^ yy osj^/ y//Ay-^- ^'g-I (zcy^y^-cy ■ yy! rs^.^ 7 y^ j Ty^f -z^-<2^^^y^y'-y^f^yy y, a 7 ■f.A^y y£>^yy^/y y/yy^y ^ yf^ oy^0^f oyc-G/A y .y^yoyf^yy jtg, yyyyy^, aPoi ay 7"'7^ ii> £>y (^'5^^ --2-^^ yy yy/S/r^^ y y ^ycr-^yy /^ Co^t. cy^yt^ -^y^ y^c^ ^TTCcrT^ -^7^2^ ^:yy~ ^ -^^-orT,^^yy, 777^ s^a ry^.-r-y^-^-rG ^ cr^ Ty-y-y-^^y-A^ ^^zyyck^ cA..^yy^y y>y^^y oCyyAy ^2^y G.yf <7^^ ^ ^ G yp c/-^ <yc cyy-y^ y^, c.y^f' n^y^yry^^y^^ yy^ y c/.T^ (2/2y.^^z-^-7^ ^a^y y-^i^yyA^^ g-^z^ o7 -'Z^g^ -^ •'^^r^-'^-<5'^ ^ ,' y^^7 y^.,^.y7 /(j\ -7-^7 Gry? -2^ €Zr y^y ,cr-y?^ cy^T^ c/Tyy^.^G-^ y y^ .y<.^y^or ^s^^'fyy^y c^ y^r^yy ^z^Gtyf cy^Gf-c* i»^ ^ky^r4. ^ , yy €.4,^ y^c y^^-zyr yi yy £yc7 y^ C/--^ ^ O t/j^ GA tv / cT. 7^ Cr C y €-4, -y / (9 TF--^. yv <- t y-^ '<y ^-^ 't.'^je. £y ^ ^^€7 y (7 K- =sb^w -/ ^ -t/■-^t'*-^--f -*-' c^ 7^^ cF^ /✓."»•» c£. c7 ^ V^ r y o7 (^ 'G f-^ %■■* CaT. 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G-^ ^^ £>^oz: y-<^^y yA^Ac^ . g:. -^y^i^^eyy ^ CP-^^..oy-e- yy^.-f t-^^C/ < Gey /A. -GG-zz ; ^yy>y 6~^ ^2^z4' y> y 0y^y^ oyf ^C "2^^c^ -t^ -yz-f f zZz/A'0'C<z / P P P P O 'Zi/'Ccyz ^ / P P O p y^y-f V^/^ 'f.^.-'H^'? £> AyyjC ^& ^-f yy. ^y/■€9f'-MoPGv ^''l^'-'^y ¥ .4y 2^^*^ ¥yf gC -^¥^g ¥ ^ .¥y A*.y^4^ y G^.- o X- 2f'¥y /vi^ 2 ^ -fSt^ , 'V C>/Cc^ '^^''^0/4^ .^^o/^^JZ. (2/ 7.^^,..2<? 0/2' c^ ^ ^/4e J c2. 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'V / ' 22Z2- C> ^ 'Z'-'Z -iv 72'\ "2 2' (y X 7,- '7 7" 2^ 7^ ^9/'lyOl fC 9 ^ ' 9/'// f i / J / cy Of/^y*. i m / 8. / ^ 0--/'-^Z^-typt .0 0 , P . n zP^PM. /^ - (2z>c/^ oC (2/, -"t^^-^-e- / ^^■77.7/-^.77^ Z /CjiiT^-tAj i^i^J c,y OAy^io^uTC ss, C'77 cA 7^:^<7- -P. / 2 / 2c^^^7C g-^cA TZ^^T-^ <2?g77 7^^ -t> 07/, -zx^ -f -<7 7 (^P-^G C2y ^ i-^\y 'z-v ^y -TTZcJ^ (77^^77-^7:^ -z^r7 ///^ 7^, / S, /^CTdP^.-^^ PTT? g7/c.-c>7o c7<7^<:; . 7ZPo ^tz^ cx^ Ott' S" €77^7^^ X- . 7^7 // 1Zt7 Vx ^t--f cC ,^777^ 7777 'T^z^C'Tf y-*f^ y ^ 7 ^~\^77 y *</?/6~ 'CPc/yu/o7cl &■ '^Ao-tLc ^t^^ yz^.TT^ / i^, / (?0777777^.y^'^ S S, 3^ cr.y^^7 7 -77 t ,7 \ 7(2^, /(y^0.y^7 7U/^ Ox ^ o O -dx C. Cf ' iU ViA ^0. 7/, ./i^j 7 y t/ f / / ^ y, ^y .-O f <y <:' (22^^<L -i / (^ Cf X<x s 7 1 C'f^Zd/ 150 mH MEETIKfi WARRKIIT f " To see if will vole to lake the land knowii as Bsixtef's Wharf by right of, einitient domain or any other iegdl process foi- the purpose of a pub lic landing; said land is now, or was formerly owned by George W. Chase and Mary E. Eldredge la coininon and undivided betweett nwesltb of Massachusetts,: ie, 3S. BiUier of the Constables of the Town of Yarinouth in the Coun ty of Barnstable, Greeting: In the name of the Common-1 b^udod'iis folYowa" wealth of Massachusetts you are on the West and South by Lewis ber^y directed to notify and warn Bay, on the Noi-th by a brook, an j the inhabitants of said town quai- East by a town way knowir us Bay View Street, and coiitaina one-half acre more or loss, and to raise a sum of money for the ified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet at the Town- bouse in said town on Saturday, the EIGHTEENTH day of JULY next, at 10.45 o'clock in the FORE- KOOIV. Uien and there to act on the following articles: Article 1. To elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting. Article 2. To see if the town will vote to reoonsider the vote ofwhereby they voted the sum three thouaaad, five hundred dol lars, (•3,5(K)JX)) be raised for Im provemenla on the Yarmouth High Sohoui. Article 3. To see if the town will vote to raise by the aerial note mettiod, or otberwiae, a auf- fioieat smw of meaey to construct a Primary School building at YariiiouUiport and to make oer- loin improvomeuie upon the High Itebool building, aa advuaed by tbe ISohoul board. Article 4. To see if the town will vole to pay the Secretary of Llie ticbool Cunifnlttee an aimual adtlltional salary of Fifty dollars [»or year, and to raise and appro- ;frialo the said amount. Arlicte 5. To see if tlie town Mil vole to authoriae the School iloaiiiillliM to ooulimct for the ironapurlation of soliolars for Die Imuiu uf tti« scliuol year. Artteie ti. To see if the town bstil voiu that the transportation if seholars. eilhor by curi'iage or . KiiluaHfbiiit. Hliati tic placed hy ud- vdrMajiig I eopuiii-c oi rejecJimi of Hold bids Ui Iw iefl lo the dinurollun of the duhonl <ktiiiniili«o. Article 7. -j',, vfjic lo raise and uppt'opriale w# lutii of ^^nJ^ Hundred l>ol- lAl* foe (be support of Poof. Artlslt# H. To see If thi. town III vole lo pay a bounty of ilg-fivf o«nu aaeii ou Musk •fid Crows, aiiM i-aiae the sum 'bwo lliMidiftd iwiiais for said ^trpoac. jAldlole 0. To ami If the town WO vo(« lo buy a siirayliig nwdlitur (or lbs iiiw of the Truo WarMt, UfiH to raise Uh; aiim of JKMir Nifitdi'OiJ Dollara (•4(J0.aii) payment of said land. Ax'licle 11. To see if the town will vote to instruct the Select men lo bring suit ut tbe Fall Term of the Superior Court against the New York, New Havecf & Hartford Railroad Company for, the puipo.se of recovering tbd four thousand doiiai-s ($4,000.00/; paid hy the town foi- exliriguish- ing of forest fii-es in 1913, uiilesd said tlompany shall arknowiedgd their liability for eausing said fires, or settle for the same be-j fore the 31st day of August 1914 Article 12. To see if tlie towi will vote to grade and macada all of Bay View Street and t raise and appropriate a sum o money therefoj- and to act full thereon. Article 13. To see if the town will vote to take the Mill Pond in West Yarmouth by claiming it as always having been the town's properly, and to make each claim ant or claimants prove valid title to the said property before the town 1-elea.SBS its claitn. And you arc hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at five public places, three on the South siile and two on tbe Noi'th side of the town, also by publication in the Yarmouth Register, at least seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not. and make due returnR of tiii" Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at tlie time and piooe of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands and the seal of the Town of Yarmouth l|9r0U> affixed, this eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one Ihousanil nine iiundred and four- leuii. CHARf^ R. BAS8ETT, tCTHER R. BROWN, RDWARD T. CHASE, gulectmen of Yarmouth. A true copy, attest; HENRY a. USHER, Constable. f-151 00 7^^ 1 • y/y.<2<2^, ^ -2^yy yA/ /y - oA/^^2. y ^ OA 'A r^f (2/ c . y 0/ zyyc2<yt/-. -7^ / y <rJC. .yi/A'- Qy o > yp 2--^'.f.-: 2^2 JoA^ cA ^ z A. Z--2 cy Z't- C2 2 -> y . ^'t '/AAVry 2y^.y-'0 y^2 O-^ AtAA.Az i* <jL.a ■A 4 -at"7 cy ^ ^ ^ e A £2 ( ^ M. / cAL A& yy / JL <2A o 'z-i_ Cr-A cyAfAAt^i^ Of cAf-A ^7^A , oaA a/y iAA y ^A-Ao.'A z> 2 ryAa A - ery^A'-'^ f A P/'i AA^rc/A y ' -7^ -^1 ^- ^ ^ ^ .^ Azr A z A y ^aA'Z^p ip/Ap/c/ Ary It. '£> CaCc z-y.Ar ^ r Ay ol- ^ r:z(y^z o A^y^ _ (2/ o Z^Z 7 1 .-^AAyZ /<p oyAA.^ ..^Aa^2 <z/Aa y/ Cr CzC 0"2 / A 7 (py o 7ZZ 7 X ka- yAo-z2 -Ap. z o A Ayy y- cpAV Az iAi cy ,A^-'Z 2 <rV^ <J-A c Ay At c Ay A2. AA^ A o/y 2 2 7 cA^, AP.' Ay cA T z^ 'Jy yzAyy ^ . C/AAy^ Cy yA€ z o AAl c y/z y y 2. y y y .tz A' zz Ay yy A^y zL zTy z f A ^ c j i i0/ A s C' to y AA c y.y^ / i cr J yA' <' yy a i C y tz A y< . •Z^ r <0 C' A{> 2 / A Az (( ^ Ay yr ^2z <A Ac- A -to cz .<y r> A At y yc t A. 7 r A y /z A A ■: c t cy 0 2Z X c Ai At c Ate O* -1 c>'^c>z6-ty::^^<zy^ -k^y^c -tz ^ \ ^ syy y y. =^ o^ y> :^l0^ 6. y y y, =y <A d> cyAy : '-0 f-^z < y(S, ^■zyy Cr ^ ^ A a Ai~ A^yAyAL ^ y^yy, /'^ -^c^x. ^Ay-^^^A^yz fy - yy^yyiyA^^^y / /^XZX. "^--X^^-ZJ "Z^ 1_ ez-Z^A- /(o. -z^/y. -aA^cAt^^^xAz^ -^z izAt^y / ^-zxy <y-y A^zy -A oC zzy/yyAyyc <J' y-z^ .^A^y q/ ,■i^z^ €^xyy.^yy^ -A^A cA Cy--2^ y^' -^2-^ O--^-yyy^-^-^ <z^ yAc y ..yA^yZ'A y^^cAzyyA yA Ay Ay i -AAAzA y>^-A^y--2z.x d'.AytyZZ^ (2/ cz.A yy » ZX Cr- y A <^«-<v yzA- 1 y yA^^yyy\_^ M^yAyox^jz a^z^ cA zyA^ ^^zxy cz^ x^yAy cA , .-y^Aa A- cA^A y.yA7 ^ '7 A^4z Ay (2y o z^-^-x2.^yzAyrcy^ ^^.xzzy c^ ^ d /e>AyA'<=/ c^ y ■JA ^^<A CfCr.y2X y- yyyy^o/y^y^^a^-z<^cA y \ y . ..Ay^yizzA c^/x A 3 _. ' j y^xZ^yj -yxyci^ cz^zzx eyM Ay . y2^y a-^ 7^ cAxr cA j ^A^^xzzA cAx A 3 Ay <A. « -Zyya^ cz^zzy eyM Ayy^'^ ' A -yA. yco. / Ao-y-y-^ AA .y^A^c^A^Ay. Af^-c At (fy .yA-€, cz y Ale c^-^f cy A 'i ^ ^yA^y zzz x--jz^. zz^z ^-'■'y^A^-€^ c.,^'Zx^---zz'X^'AAy^ f At A^. j ^AAz^y^yJ ^zxyzzyp cz^z^. ^tA. Co. /Ao^x^^ AA y^Ar A -< zo z .<Z^. c^y ZZ. zA^ z - 2 ^ zAL .A /> C'^r ^ -Tcz At a.t y I 'L.y ^ cz-AA'^y -2^7 £> xz 3 .2^ AyA'€y/z:> oA -y z-'A-'CAy yzi af , zy^-x-y cAzy (T-yi yyx.zz Azy 7. o z>/Az A^z,^ yTy^.yy xy cTy Azz y& cO yz' ^.r-^ xy zAz z>--r ^yy^r" y^ oy<^ A ^ e z /7 o v c^iAy (Az^.Ac'^yyAe. /Af A^oo T y ' yzL^ "ZazO-Zz— y/yyv'-C'y-^,-1 y->^-r-tz y y-x, " z^y . . zAc yy' yz As, ^ yr zy-t^ zT ^-Ai^Azzy AA (y^ztzyl^A^ y yyy --c^-V-tT'-'O ir zTz cX, ,^ . . z 7^ %y. --Tyxy/ <^-xyy^ye 'Af y X t^e. zT- oxxy z cyz.x. 2-Tz yA / A yy-T' yy yyx o. '^yAzT c^ yyyy zAzy zAi Az^A^ 3 Czpyx^A^-2y7.y7 Axyy^x, Z^A^ cy^A' oAz^^Az. ^ A^ ZOy^, Tz-yy.' Ae y^(p. > y r z^yy cTL y ^y/'! .4-t/ z> y ^z cT A A^ Tyyyy-i ^ ZZzc ■ ^ -y.7 xz i .y y , cy/^.y^ c>. Oz yy_ ^ yiyy^ A-Zy..T. zlty y~t zz o c ^y>zOcZ T^ y zz- ty zi^y^y -Ay^^ x.x-'x. zz iA^y-^ 6^ ^AA (es^/zx z.Z /<J^ o/lX-a y^-zx zAy A. A y A' -zx zzy y x Ty -oyxy jyx x-te iztA^ . yAA^^y i/~ tA^ y yzx T~x ^ Ay ■'Ay cAfz y CTz Az C7-^J . z" Ay . 4 y rr cA » cyAr A't.^ 2A.3aA ■Z-zy x cAyz c. Ai Az^'C Ay -c -^T-iyf •-z-yxy^zy 'Zf'Co y ^4 y a zA-, A AcAziA Ac Cc c. GTA4-Ayy Ay ^ Ac Ay z-C A Ao-z^ ^ z i 24 ez A ActA4 ^ A/ z Ax y A c Az zA. At AA-pZ /* t/ z^ AA z^ ^AtAz^t- x^ yy -7- 7 zAy-4 z^Ai AtZ y* Ay / ^Cc-t-t. AtT 2-x C-4^-z/ - A^ xct'z ce y Cr */ U y^ 4 C Z' cT ci i( y- A - -iztxy^ y^ .^yyyt-f . y--f-4y^-*A-7-7 -o oe <4 A(,r ^ c A ■2-t. 2Z'7. AA/4^ yzc/ z?^ Afyt. v < // . /V> c < A 3rA4 zx ■/ f z Az z A ^/Ac _ ^^Af Ae^ y A j / ' Z ^ ..• ^ V « 'X ^ C' w z ey T cyAe x> f A cz A /A/c / / ^z^ e ( • % *■ 4' C AI i* ^ % x ^ ieztr d''*..t cA 154 yz^< y c? ''C^^ c /^ ly z-o. C ty/y /< '^1,yty^ vf /6"^ /yz-y ■/. <y^€yr^.^ T^ -2. / t 7^ -€ ^ <& Cc^ ./ -2 / r -/ primary election.; ; Cominonweallh of Ma.ssaWiusetts.Barnstabie, ss.'To either of the Coiislables of the.iowii of Yarnioulh, Greeting-1" he name of the Common- lma;rl '-eRui'-ed to^Iiof fy and warn the inhabitants ofI said town who arc qualified toI vole in Primaries to . meet in 'r'rFQmv^ PeacesIIEPDaN the TWENTY-SEGONDRay of SEPTEMBER. lOl-i at 7|OT-rock A. M.. for the following f piii-posps: °J To bring in their voles to thePrimni y Officei s for the NOMENA-TIOX f,r Candidates of Politicallarfies for the following offices-Gofernoi' for ihi.s Common-weallh. Lieutenant Ciovei'nor forthis Commoiiwealllt, Secivfary ofthe Coinmonwcallii for ihi.s com- moiiwcallli. Treasurer am] Recciy.er Itenei'iil loi- ijds CnininimwealLhAuditor of the Commonwealth forthis Commniiwealth, Atlorney.tieneiMl for tiiis CommonwealthRepr.'.seiitjUive in Coiieress forItHIi (;ongres.<i..nal Dislrirl, Coun eillor foi- 1st Councillor iiistidctSenator for Caje' Senatorial Dis trict, One Hepi-e.seiitali\p in Dun.era! Court foi- 2nii Ueiu'esenlaiive District, County Commissioner foeBarnslaiiie Comity. ^And for the ELKCITON of thfe following orrioets:Jhstricl Meinher of Stale Cott^miltei- for each poiitiral party fc^the Carie Soiialorial Disl.riet, Fivi^ Members of flie Detnoirrat li; TowCominitli-e, Five Meiiitieis of tti Republican Town Coiiiiiiiltee, FiMembers of llie Priy,'ressi\e' Pgr Town CoMimillei' J>e|egate8 Slnlc Coiivenlions of PoliUoi Parties.All the aliove raiididates aofficers ai-e to he voted for up one bullul.The palls will be open from f 3'cloek A. M. to 1 o'clock P. m/- * r, l»l;-And you are directed to serv^ this warrnnf by posting attestf^ copies thereof seven days at leasS before tile time of said meetin"' a.s directed by vote of the lowi am) hy publishing in llie Yarmout Register. Hereof fail not and make rettj. of this wai-ranf with your doin thei-eon at Die lime and place said nipeting. Given under our hands this fira daj' nf SepleiiilMT. A. D. 1914 CHAS. It. BASi^ETT. l.rr'HEn II. BROW.N. EDWAIID r. CHASE. iSelectnion of Varmouili /y(7 f 27^1^ c a. 155 A I rue ropy. Atlest: HENRY R. ISHER. Conslnble.i^opl . K. 1914. a (Z^sJ^Zal '-UZtyiy Q/%s^ sJ^" Cyi. y/ j y <y ^ ^ C/y cy^pO LyyPy 2y^yP-CZ az/7:.LOPzy^ ^ t C'^r/y cyp' c>p z-/p, 2P y C2p 0 y p/PoPr? p/p> yy ^ ^p. i>ppcy PP^..<Hyy 2pczy ■c/.^ J- C€>yy^ c— (2^- c.^^p2/ -f ^ ^ ^ , 2y 2'PryP ya/■'//.2'/y J^c py. 3^0^//^ -Pc/PP P . Pr J-y^ /p^<yy jpi y.P^ocl, a3~ jy 3^ y yy 2?^yy yyr,-3 yyy /ryy: < /cy y c ^ 2y '2'2'CQ'cP C/P p^ 2.'^c //. cP C'V!^ C/y?. y p p. CZ P ?/p c./P y / / f -yy z' P Oz S /? p 22< ' J/yy /" Py yy/y^^f c P d y//- ^ ^ 2-e -r 3/ -/y^ cy./^/z i 2^ >'pp ^0^'c//3p,^ ' t < Zy. /f,.4yy O -l-'T 2 f </■ / ^/y/. m C2/ ^df J /c c^-/ C ^ /c:^^'<r/<^^ ^ f -}^ f.^^L^ / ^OSS c/. /7GC:/ ^ ? (p (o 3 A^- A< d dAt^//pyff A A/ A / ■4 A / J2. / C S's ^<3 p-y -i -C-^ ^ -c a^'o-i. .^(f^ o r A A? -r^- / y/ -2-^ J:^6> ^ / 'a;^Sa<'-' / cd^ A (?y'o f■cdd, r-'^.dc cs^d" / / r/' ^/-z A/y^ / Ja.4 ^ y -rr y 3 6— K6 <2/^ -</y; ytJ yy.^'i.<y y T -d^'■'^^ddii. p ^y p/y AJ2d2-c/2-^2^^2i^Cr-3 J/^d fd 7^ r t / f' ^ < d j_ y 2d ■£f J C 2^ ^- L <^2 {) Jdyy /y^' / (p r / (A-bf jpyyy^^, 3/3 e-^r f /; c A i/c, .^A-AkAc^ (pp. Qi^/3-cy A / ^/ y,3 Z''S .AVyJ^d /^^d Oyi^^'X c-y-i^ 4JMd^./Z-AAyX? / ^ r ^ 2 #> // / 3 / 4y 2 •?c?^ c-^^'A^-r dyj^yy€ ^ryy-^^2^■c/^^ A 1 . ^A try^^d^^y / A. y/mA -^A/ ^ iJ? vd74'C>y^ OCA^'Z^^AA/ Ti-y d^// OP d Ad^y / C7, ry^JA'dM d/./yyy.y^ / (2. /ad e>'f'<^ -7' yy^/A S C?/ C^ ZAy^Z-d. A d>-7^ y^-y -f -AA r/A^ A^.y / Cy. yA^ o yyd -€ £^A? c Al t/Cr^ <~A O/, A Az^y -y^^ /A^/yy^-// At2. / A a V ly / yd ^ /A. yA^.o^.A ^// yAAo-/Ad A/.^^. JA A. ^ . ' AA-O-A-2^.-p. Ay/tf ydd // C4 r/ y y// /d. y ddc/^y-^/ y^ y ddc/dy d o / <3/3//r 'Xd't.^^-//y / A fs / r y / y .y c>2// '/■/y /c /y.-r i (//o/ jA/(7 / -cd 0/2 /OC /-/'!-/ /Ocj/tx. '}/.-■$ / /^^d^tyr 2 2^0/f / j£. ,/ 3 '4/ / dd t/'/'i A AU y r /c 4 / d C?/d y i < Ad^ < ^ -T^^ c z I f 7 -/ / / A A%i i.ft z x^ 2 ' f r? p / A 0/ y d'd/ J 4 /4 < -t • f4M < led o^/4t7 7 do c, 2 f di' I ..'d, o2'di < y c'*-Mi»f,yd^ ^^6 2C^0 CJ /e ^ cycy^ . ' ^y> j yy y y ^ / c^ /<^ w; . ^ i -f' z -ty- I y2yy 'y C/ 29 2^cy^2^ ^.V-/.'-r y-r Cf At 162 J tZ y^t cz -Z^ ^Z C^ (OjZ/ (2z cz(^^y czz c^ <2^' a.^ Z-Zyf' 2yTy^l.Z^/- *— 2" £> I- \. -<fZ / 2^a - /> f £. Z./y.ZZ^ <2z^z.z. z z/(Zz e Z^tf e-z^^ / c? / zy /-Zz ^ SV z<z / lZ, / <J^z> Cy /? "Z-V rjX, ' P yi.z / Qd Z-. '7 X -> c/^. Q zr z^y z.- yy-yzz ZLZ ^ "yz ^ .>C-C- "pOlZ P^zX'Zyf'- Zy 0^-21 y 2z j, t P Xzz Pz r STATE ELECTION. Cloinmonwi'iill h of Massachusetts. ^hii-iistiilili'. ?s. •"'> eilluM- of |hi_i Constahles of the Town nf Yai-iiioulli in the Covit'ty t)r Barnslahle. Gropting: III I hp immp of the Conimon- ^Vp-iith of Ma.«sachns''tls, you are hpcphy dii'pcli'ii to notify and ■^•ai'ii the inliat)i(niits nf said Town. 'IiialifiPti In votn in piectiniis and ill Town affairs, to nippl at lludi '<o\pral in-pcincts, viz.: Precinct1. Colonial Club, YarinouflipoiT; I'l-pcinct. 2, Cape Cod Central Club,Varinoulli: Pccincl .3. Owl Club, >>nid|i Yarmouth; Pri'cinct \ f^clioolhousp. West Yarmouth, in 'Said town on 'I'UESDAY. theTMIRD day of NOYE.MBCR next, ul seven o'clock in the foi'enuon. then and there lo vole foi the rollowinp officers in this Com tnonwPidlh: Govoriior, Lieutenant Govei'iior®ocrelary of Ihe Commonwealth nTreasurcr and Iteceivor Genera! i\Uditor of the Commonwealth, At- toriiey-t.ipiierai, itepresoiilalive ii Uongress, Couneitior, Senator, oin; Ropre.scntativp in General tlourt Dotmty Commissioner, and also ti val.e iipoii such Additions anc 'Stiftrtnlments to tlio Statutes a; djMill l»e legally printed upon thejmiots. QS'he poll.s will be opened a Sn'i'ii o'rioeb in the foroiuKin, aiu W|y I idiiserl at one o'clock ir aftmamuii. ^.iid you are heii'by direeted ttftSi-vft this wuirniil, by VMistiiig uitil^'Steil cojdes thereof at flVmobile places, two on Itie NorM mile nnd three on the Siiuih sidi In: suid Town, seven days ut leas ilWotv the fline of hohling sail ttWetingr.^hernnf fail nol. and make ilu Imni'ii of lliis wnrnuil. with you 4raiufs thereiin. lo Ihe 'I'own Cleil the l ime and plnee of inoelini aforesaid. ',ilf.ijvpn under our hands l.hi 'weiily-fir.sl iiay of Oclol-er I tile year <d luir Lord one thuusarii ♦iIJh' linndrr'd ainl foiirleen. CHAiU.KR n. lt\fiSK;iT, , Li'TUKn n. miGWN. F.I»\VAUI» T. CII.VSL. Seli'dunni of the 1 own of 1 ^Ri'dioulh, Mnosaotk te i.14 AUoRt: J" a- cz C6Zz2y^,.^Z 163 /9 /z / (Hy-T' -^^Z-cy-^^ye^cZ, CZJL. Zzy -z.<y C? CZZ^yz-Tyy^-zyf PXy ~ ypr" ay£iZ /r ? X' yX, / Si) S-tytyt^ P s jPo / §. 2Xz)^^..yiy jXP/Xy^^€>yi-^X2 pXzy apT 6' ey^. P yTpX P cyp / <P^ ^PPP. ^Pz>^ ZpZ.yt<y nz, (.'2/ Z 9 -C'V ZZy^. ., (yy / Z 9 - ■C'/ Zyyiyi.C // ' / Pc^/PP (2/yTp ZZ^.P2~ 6 P^ Zr zr ZZ^yZyr (z? W. -2: 7 / Z P ■ Z-y^ C P-^yC^PZk z2-'P-z^yf cy/ y^X^-yyp,' , 7 ^-iyx- CZ-y^yt zZ. iiy ^y. -f? V e 'Z^.yy cz.t-_ a 'y^' ^'•'^ ^'7z /y £T.^ jJ^ a-iJ ^ cyf, Oj a ~2l. '/-C, ^ PO y^p: ^Pz-y /^PzzPPyzP ^ z p3 y G j P ^ y / /- .s2/P</y\ 0/^2^. n f X' P e J.4' P Cr ^ O/U -€7 tf.-^ X'f ' ' { ■/ t \f t I,' f t ^Py Cz t cP . '' (o ^ ^ X - 2yi ' Z)2 < Co2. y c. / G .. <X'! "yy-yy. C z/A P y c5~ 06 y O C. -V O / -yy^^^yyy cA\ .jji . c^ c^. <=^ czZ"' I (5--^ <Z <?-<^-;?_^ ^>^ (PjP^ £>-<z<Z c/ <? / -? / -Z-Z • 7 a^ J 3 O'c? I ^ ■3^ yf^3~ -y V 'I 0^'bX\(2^.^r^ /c3i^ /O^o^. , \ /^3 3^€/ c?^. -y^ O'lL. cy^-y^3Sy^y<_ W£^J^3^ 34^£ rl^ ' cii(3la^ 3y q/ /SuySJ/3££- o c-^^' 3^t2 3r/?4/y -fr/?4/y // c?^ r^/, 87/3^3^^^ p/Tk^P.yy/^y^y'C^ 3f( cy^yy^^- yfy^yL ^ 1 ,. .0a.?.y.y y <^y>C -y ^ 6~ / ^ / [ / / 6 '73oyzzy^0j^ y^, ,s^/^3s^3'3 yfyyTA/r:V i . . /■/' 0 ay /- o s^ k.:^j 3^ y/ _i; (33o 3 / 1 8a8o cy^ ^<- y8)<^Jy0 3 0yJ3J-i 6' 2^/^ i // / 7 \o/o37 1^'o €j7 ^ ry7€0^-7^ ■ ; S 3 fi ], (27 71 c'..^/0^zy/0.^33- ,€32^7^-2^^ 0 -z^ 7c\S^C/y?y^2l^ / S. -§) o 2^0 '\(yyy.-c7ayy7 oJy ^y^yyf-aA^ ('273s^ -c^ 0^yr7"-07-3-i^-t27'-k^y^J^ (3^y^,C / J / / 2^2 6 /2 / / 3 3-76 777 / -7 ^ 6> -77 2 2 3-7 / 6 /2 73 6-3 3 6- / 3 / -72. O 17^02^^-1^ Cpc/'/Aya -i rl (3^ '< ^77oo tyy c/y> o^ (7a7y £yj7/^.. 7 c T/e 70^002/7^ /2-d>y 2.0 <£■/ 3 yy ■y 0 y 6 6'Z.yj /Oi y ■y y 7/y ^ 3^1. /7/ S^S /3 / 3^ / _ / / 3 . 2 6 .pi.jy0'.0 ■-^0^ r>.3fu.ycA^ 70.. >7j <5^-5fr- ( / Ckyt^x^ 7 7^244^ Qj^^p rt 07 / 7.^ <^e i^^7^24yc 77 P ■ 72 7yy y/ 'I- T. 7^4^7^0 2 i y ..cl 70. 7 7d 0-4^ C2^. 7o y» t 97 T^kaafy/.y/Ay 4 ; y 3y -V6 2 / ^ 3 S-J /JSL y-y /j 166 jfnt -a T/ydy^ -C/^-ZOyd- O/y^.^'O ^ ^ «- /-2-3 7 7/73 37 77 /7 d"7 J 5-37 (?/ {yf 7 a / / ^ / d 7/ yS'C^ 7^7-77 ^.yfyd- d7^ =,S /cp77 ad^i^-dyy^(7 Oyy^^yTyCf CT^yf ■cl^ 7 d////a //t??/3 3 6 d d 6-9 /7 // 3^. y/^ / -/y (p Jl^ JTd.Ceyy7yc/y/yci ■7y7yL cd- d ^ e d 44yy.7y f dyfU -i -cd . ddd^ y^T^ y'OyyayCy (d' 7 6 6 J'/7 J7 7 6 //7-^/7 7a 6-////6-3 -TOyTy -^^y^y^-yCfy^y yid a tyy. yd C/ di-ny- (ddidyf7 ydy^-dyi Ty(^3X.c3"?JL3 / 6 6 ■'doi-fyzytd^ yd^ 777-,://4 O 7^l-y dtp , &yt7 yO >7yi C/y7y\^d/ ^d/d 5~ o ^ d r^y /yTi jy^Ti / 7 s^: ■ ^'r; 2^8 3 ShaM an act paaaod by the general court in the —— YESyear nineteen hundred and fourteen, entitled "An 76 3 6 / ^Act relative to vncntione of laborera employed by NOoitiee and town#", be accepted?// 6 (a 76- y 7 '77o- i4 /t j / ^ ^ X8 3 J 167 ^ -yyo-t^dcy J"- / 9" ^-9 cd^ct ^ dO- yT-Zy/y^: y^dy^ypy/t^-- ■277 '7( yiyjy? .f -Tyt^, 'yZ-< . .^ ^-^Zy^ ytyty^y'^ -d.P ^y ^yy^-:^--774 - 9/yJ^ dd /37 dy 7/3 /d 7/3 / ff /7 P 77.y 77 733 yy-Q^-y77y/^ T^dLdy^ Oy<-yC- ^, cy-T' yzyfyeyyGy^y Cy<3 y^ ^Z-yT-yy - y ^-7 c^^/d^y^yz-yzy^ ad^yoty^ C y/df^d- cydj-z3 --TTyy. f ^yt^yt3 r-^yzi. d C/ yV yt8^yy/f^^^ cd^ 7 ' (> / -^'Z ^ Td. /^'^^ay2yf.yd\ 733 170 ANNUAL TOWN ISfEETING WARRANT- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Knniiiilalilc. ss. Jo «?iLU«'r ol the Constables of tlic Town of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstablo, Greeting; In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby cliracted to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town (ivinlificd to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet at the rciwnbousc in said Town on MONDAY, the EIGHTH DAY of I-EBRUAHY next, at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles: gS'ipf money the Town will vote raise and appropriate to repair or macadamize South Sea avenue I in West Yarmouth. . By request. I .\rticle 18. Tn see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri- alc the Slim of -^^OO.OO foi- oil to be used on the road beginning at Main sti-ect and Homer avenue and continue to a point near the residence of Jarnes L. Whittemore on Pleasant street in South Yar- nionlli, the surface of said road to be twenty feet in width. , B.v request. Arlielo IS). To see if llie Town will vote to buy a piece of prop- eity on llie shore, between Parkei-s river and Bass river, known Article 1. To elect a .Moderator to preside at said ineetin? until Vvopin-\y. and to raise and appropriale a sum of Uttfler the election of a Moderator by official ballot. money nut lo exceed one Uionsand dollars for the same. By request.; AiTicle Z. To elect the following-named officers all on one .•\rlirli' :^b. Tn sec if the Town will vote to raise and appropri- ballot undo;- the Au.«traiian ballot system as adopted by the said Town, viz.: One Selectman for three years; one Assessor for three years; one Dvfti-eccr of the Poor for thi-ee years; one School Committeeman for lUrce voars; one Road CommiSHloner for throe years; one Collector nf laxoB for one year; Iwo Goiislubles for one year: two Auditors for one year; one Town Treasurer for one year; one Iroe Warden tor utie year: one Moderator for one year; one Road Commissioner tor two yeai-s: one Cemetery Commissioner for three vears; one Park oomm asinnor for six years; one Park Commissioner for four yeuie. also to if the 'Jown will grant the sale of int<jxiealing liquors. ^ J "i'«!'>8snry town oflirets. i n c « • ? Z®"'' M*" Selectmen and art thereon.Ailmlo a. lo hear the ropovl of other cdmrnittecs and act llicrc- uu. ittmnmnuu. Zr T' ImnX mid ron nith7-''r'' lt«hi« llimniro »'"! Bridges, 'Jown mi^T" Miai-cllanemi.s Expens.-s. Srhuidpwlatioii of tichtdarK ^"beiiiilundciit of Sclmols, Trans- m-"!' «Uh llir''unr» ,"'® 'own will \ntu lo unltiorlzc the Treas-m-.. wUh the apinmal of the WtMripalUiti nf ih,. rcNomi.. .r inArticle 8. To nf.i ,f fhn q' n the ciirconl Inninini! year. Uivi- with 111,, unpi-nvul of '"'"••'O'-'ze Treas-t5rl«<efii».'n, In ImiTow nioiieymHi uner January Ibl I —•'••••>/«» ««»«/«c< ^ on. y«Mr hcaho.H.g o'" I'evoiiup of the I4u<rnfui . ' t<i issue notes of the Town vVftirti,. n, To SCO If II. n. <1l)A|»tPC :mMi I.r th« Anl* '■* ^"|-Li„n ;i8l ofprailil.. For ihn olwii,,,, , T'' ""'endmciils Uicndo whichto at'l initv Ihitrooii. " ''y |ii«riiiri voting, and ,Ai'tir1i' Jh, J-,, _ ..lti»» lowu ns lolliiww. "L will voU' 111 aiiicnu iin- by-lawsMl niMt ilic fnllMWihg Jrlirin''r"'j ''1 '' stricken 5L? i„ m,, ' ^ Arlicie1,1,1 '• «• yhi- Anmiai*1* ilia iniBBMni, ol onirers and tlie vol.. llie guiici'iilg„vor,„„; ;; T'T' "»''er the gonc.alah«, rh.„ 1 "f CffieiTs, on li.e firs!'"WO ^luy Of February I,, each yea,-. The An-..,he, .imll,.,.,"!!"''""'"''"" 'n"»"y f"'' Town piii- „l V Towiibui.. " lU'-reirly cone hcfore it., q-i '• Mil! day fnHnwiiip the ejecfinnu'l 7' "Pmiod hy Ih- .Moderab.r n'h * iioIp,^ order tii whic.h th-y niay appearwniniol f,.,. ,1,.. U differeol o.ile,-. "*■,l_ ■ 'O |||i«| ,1 II ,,,■1^ ..w,, .,11 jz: r "■ «fiffti' t(i«> |«rp,iorly of (Jhncles «*"?!.' ''i loai-aiiiuuolon..* Mnnolor. ''harl-s M. „„d to " •r- ^.:::rrArt ide by issuing the notes of the Town Hierefrir a sum not, to exceed , twcnfy-fiv.; buudrod dollar.«i fnr the purpose of dredging the inoulii >if Pass river, iimiei' Ih'' provisions of Cliaploi- 250 of the Acts of . 1015. Artirle 21. To see if the 'I'owii will vote to' i-aise and appropri ale I In* .sum of ^60.00 for (ho care and improvement of Town rr'ini'fei'ies in West and Soutli Yarnioulh. Artirle 22. To see jf the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate the sum of four hundred dollars for electric street light ser- vire in the West. Vartiioulh district. .Xrlii'le 28. To sec if Ihc Town will vote lo rni.se and appropri ale. or will vole to raise i>y nole or notes of the Town, the sum of I'lir liioiisiind dollars for the con.struction of oulhnildings and fences mill riqiaii-s of grounds, at the South and West Yarmouth school properties. Artirle 2i. To see if tlie Town wilt raise and appropriate the sum of four hundred dollars for a coinmerrial landing at or near N arinoul hpurl pier. By petition. Artirle 25. To see what action the Town will take lo raise and appropriiit,e one hundred dollars foi- the George Wa.sliinglon Me morial Building, Washington. Arlirii. 2K. 'I'o si^o if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ale u Slim of money to be expended for the decoration of the grave? of veteran soldiers. Uy request. Artirle 21. To see if the Town will vole to authorize the Park CiiuiTiiissioiiors lo expeiul llie Parkers Illvor Park unexpended loan of six hundred dollars, now in the treasury, upon the maintainence and improvement of any existing town park. Article 28. To see if I ho Town will vote to sell the homestead nrquirexl from Mrs. Eliza A. Baker in West Yarmouth, and wlU authorize (lie Selectnien to Ir-ansfer the same by deed in the name of the inhabitants of the Town of Yarmouth, to the purchaser thereof. Artirle 29. To see if the Town will vote to adopt as a Town .road the extension of Bjoeklon avenue by alterations as laid outby the Board of Selectmen and Iload Commissioners, without co^ to tlif! Town, and to act fully thereon. .Artick' 30. To see if the Town will vote lo raise and opproprbr' ate a sum of money for repairing Brockton avenue from Glenwootilf stieet to Bay View street by macadamizing, surfacing with oil oP otherwise, and lo act fully thereon.And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting up , attested copies thereof at five public places, three on the South side and two on the North side of the Town, also by publicationIn the Yarmouth Register, at least seven days befpre the time of holding said meeting. Uci'oor fail not, and make due retui'ii of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting, us aforesaiil. Given under our hands aud the .seal of the Town of Yarmouth iierrto affixed, (his tweiity-fiflh dny of Juiiuiiry in the year of" our lairij one thousand nine hundred ami til'lvmi. CHARLES n. BAHSKTT, i.i rnjsn n. brown, li-ur copy, Aiiust: EI.JWARI) T. (jH.-VSK, HlCNllV K. UiiJJER. Cunslablu. Seluclmeii of Yaroip^ BBBBBBBBSBaSSBSBBSaa^SSSBSSSSSSaSaSBn ,,.,.. I" -i„.|ij fOtii nf ninn.'y (Inrrofoi, L'h JP. Ill MH} if ilK' Ivwii ft nun n utt iUiri ap|nif|ii'Inl Hy iiotHion raljJI Oj OS oy o (. Jt'2^ L4. ''2^ /i. » X.f lAj.i ^ ^ f » *• 171 0^^-/ f"' Qy o 2^ ? I' M/cy / -c.O O z/xC_ O '7^ -o. fy tyy 2^ j G/V A <2? ^ '2? yy-c ySc.-/y. y o czCr y 4- ^ ^-^-4 ^ / Qy -Y ^2'L'C.'y c ^ r/7 y c/-i^Ay r yy/y <y Z> <y/€yi o Z/ i- . --^y/ 27^. C/A. A c ^'ySa/yt. / A r yA..^Y yzutzSi.-^, Qy^Au • i t /~A CrttcA '7 € Aa -7 Jz) Cyyy y'06 0/4^ Aa^y/. Zt 'o-A /A Y yTiC-e^i ,. y 7' Zr cZ 2 Zt-2- o V /c f A. ^ >C. Cf 4 c:/ /A./ zA. C2 Z > c A ^ Y ^ <2. c- c /z.y c>^ c. A '. Y<2 AAAc yC M'. Q/fjy AAr -i/ yy^yr/ a t'H. _, A A o. 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To eithei' of the Constables of the Town of Yarmouth, Greeting: In the name of the Common- wealth you are hereby required to notify and xvarn the'inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to \ote in Primaries to meet in the voting places in the several Pre cincts, as follows, viz.: Precinct No. 1, Colonial Club, Yarmoutiiport; . I'rwinct No. 2, Gape Cod Central Glub, Yarmouth; Precinct No. 3, Owl Club, South ■Yarmouth:Precinct No. 4, Schoolhouse Hall, "West Yarmouth,on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2l8t, i®15, at seven o'clocR A. M., for fhp following purposes: To hrinp in Iheir votes to thePrimary Officers for the nomina--lion of Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices: Governor for thi.s CommonwealthI'iouteiiant Governor for thisGoniinoriweallh, Secretary of th«Commonwealth for this Commoife•wealth, Treasurer and ReoeivorGeneral for this ComniouwealthiAuditor of the Commonwealth fopthis Commonwealth, Attorn<5y-Geu-.crai for this ComnionwealUi, Coup*-cillor for First Couikciilor District Senator for Cape Senatorial t)is«t' irt, Representalive in GeneralCourt for Second Uepresentativ® I>»atrict., County Commissioner for Bariistable County, County Treasurer for Barnstable County, Sheriff for Barnstable County. '^'^d for the Election of the fol- ^-tf/e /^V/ 17^ 7 / - 2A j4s/ (^Pf/V t£'^ Z-i 7 jA\ t^iatrict Member of Slate Com-/Aij mittoe fop ^ach political party fop I th'' Cape Senatorial District, Fivo■'members of the )>emnoratic Towit Dommittee, Five members of the ftepublicari Town Committee, Five members of, the Progressive Towhtlommittee. Delegates to Statei Cunventionfl of Polttical Parties, tho above cancliflales atfij<iflicora are l<> b** voted for up I one ballot. 'he polls will be open A. M. to 1 n'k'lock P. M.And you are directed to au.. this warrant by posting atlee^e c.opio8 Itiernof seven days at leat,Unforo the time of said meettng ft S direciftd by vole of the Town. Heroof fail I'ol a«id make due re-tdru of this wurrant with your doings tlnu'euii 'be time and place of anid meeting. l*lvon uixler our haads ihia g'^^ftnkh day of September a. l». tfilA. CHAS. B. BASSF.TT.EDWAUn T. GHAai. t.UTHEB R HRDWN, 'Reiii i uf Yat'rnouUu A 'rjie eupy. AUosir ms'.nhy r t shkb. consieihie.: i > t. 7 CC-C ^ itY iSttH iMl j ' I /9/d JL.yZ'2^ a-7-^ yr . ^ P/ j /6>-< C/yZ-Z oC </6 ypytP -fyy S6 y/'L Gjy.p^.- ^y cpjyt' T^yyyy'p-py'-2-/ £2.^, 9 X /Jcpyy^^^' /Opppc^ 7 -^42^zy '<ppyy^-£ycy c^y- f cZ z-z Cy .ytyZy-?^ y7 -^2^P' pypy.^C- ' 'Z 2 -I PP CZiy^ ^-<2 P. PX.p" ej/. <2^ (27/; 0-? / Cy^ (T/yZP^ of a py^ e -4. G-/(Py.P-i^ P j-, . Py/^ 'iS'-r-y cp py o ^y/pP CPPP'Y cZ- 47 p TyZ-^y* y^yZ-Z /(.P Cy. 4 y 2r< ^ y - ^ O /vv- o/cf T-Z ^ p ^ -2- Z 0 y ypy. p* Zzp -r O-X ( Xp P'oyp-PJ PS PP,. o 2 e,2. '■//■i/P ) ) yp/z^^i p c/ / C > M7 iy/ ZAt ^2. 'J f P' Z cpX ^ Cp^pz^ 2 > ^ *j? /2 2. ^ (Z t < %K ^ ^ ^ ^<->y ^ XX'pP* r /c Zf / ^ ^ X/ ^ /yXor i tf Aytr X^< < ^ Xc P ^ iy .Z / P>\^ '6zj<'> c.tJoPP' f*P 5 6 cy S S C /~ / / / / J / / ^-o fy c / ■fy^c^ s -c -n y ^y-^. V (o ^Yy 3 Cz- yzy • ' // ? <y Y- -^5 7 ^ ^ 7 ^y^*yUc S yy c^ 1 <2y/ 6yfy(.y^-7 y/yZ/ cYy/o-y ot y^,/S.\isy^^6i'2^yjf /c? y(oo-v-^ ^ y',' '^- C^ "2^0 /-^O/ ^ ^ y. ^ 3 / ^ ":^ . . / / !?■ iyiyy-^i -2, / 'Sy-o -y'--i 2J> ^>5- y^C^ zy ^ c zC/yt/yytY^ cs^ (^^Zyy^^yX^, O^'y^yyC^^ 77 7^ / X. ^ a. s -tZ V- o^^:ypi J Z^Jyfyyyfy€> 194 -1 . c>/, " / ,: c? =2. , <g ^ J ; // ^ <2 /f / r ^3 ^^i/y c /So /foA^ e/S, ^ O //<Ai A^JL / . ^5/ -2. i ±3 3 ; /6 -f 3 / / ^ (9 0 5 / 5 ^/^.5&^aA^A .^Ae^ q/Oc/A(_ '^cA^A. S/cOf' ^zA/^^ ALl //. a/) a -ocj -e^J^ OZ 'AA.AyCO^f^AA A^ , Q/A/IAAT^ ^^aSoA9 /S. ^So tAJ <J^ /<iS Ai^/SoAA^Sc sSacAaacaacC (2^, -'IS^cxaI^ [/ S^a JJ^J^ c^. / So S^^ZA.aLo O ZAA 2AC, /A? 0' CA. OA^Sa r- ^ O ZAA 2A, mkp. Q^^^AjA ZZ.Z CA A S/. ^ tp O O /y ^^^-^AaC^-LA (I/! n h.4 ^^-ZAP- ^^^p-C^AAt Q2\ Z / A A //OJ/ACfA: ^^-C- SaA" ^4A £.y cOif; ^ ^ S- tpS, /f-foA^ C ^ t '(2z'^'Ca-^4 A r K.^ 0^ Ca-ZAf &'i^x.' CA 'ZaJ-AaI Gr ■i-'t. (o 3 6 S^ do 3 6X. (p / ^ / <p / A oa^-azaa.a (2/^ox O ZA.A5A AZA^of. a/ ^zaaaaJ.A^^^ i:QcaAAA^A31a (_^ /a/aa2^ ^ S^zAAAAOAOot JF/■J^'AAa^, y/ ^3^osyi^ .^oF^AZA^'-'^aaa.^aP ^cAaaa'.^ c/F AA -C- i^/A Q/y^ aaa/aaaaol^es<f /y-t^/eA, y ^OA-^IAA CA^O ZA^p. ^/F^ ^AA^ ^<^aA-c2 OaJ'-^^7 oy^-p Fyf c/. A'^dOo -ZAAZAACAf^FF AA ^ -c^ I a/Oo 7 A A^ /^yA O ZAA^' ydp^O ZAAA Ay y -t / -O A AAA A^ y^o caY^^ ty sA^ /7 ^7 A 2^i7 ^Cy^A -A ^Q/y^zy A- A . -CA 4Au^ o/yc/Fc CyCAdAz' c/<yj^y ' -^ /or y y oyy y yFoyAyvc j^o^a *z<?*>«. Adsyo^A y Y> / ©! o i-xA A 196 Sc/tz^y M cZ ^ e;'. <£jC_ , / ^ Qd o ^, V < -c/^ i--/ cc- ^ C/l-U 9 -^yyy r ;?^. z:, _ WARRANT FOR STATE ELECTION The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. ^ ^ /(^ '^1 /(a y.^. G i c/^ c£..V-- /^~/ 9^7 Barnstable, ss. To either of the ConsLabies of the Town of Yarmouth. Greeting; In the name of the Common- ^®,^1. hereby required to ""•j Warn the inhabitants ofsaid Town who are qualified to n? ^ Elections to meet in^e voting places in the several Precincts, as follows, ^•^z.: Precinct No. 1, Colonial Club, \armoulhport; 2, Cape Cod CentralClub, Yarmouth; Precinct No. 3, qwI Club. South larmouth; Precinct No. 4, Schoolhouse Hall, West larmouth, on TUESD.W, (he SECOND D.\Y of N0\EMBER. if)15. at eighto clock A. M., for the following purposes: To bring in their votes to the Election Officers for the nomina tion of Candidates of Political Parlies for the following offices: Governor for this Commonwealth, Ueutonant Governor for thhs Commonwealth, Secretary of the Commonwealth for this Common wealth, Treasurer and Receiver General for this CommonwealthL Auditor of the Commoim-eallh for this Commonwealth, Attorney-GerH '■his Commonwealth, Councillor for First Councillor DialricL^onator for Capo Senatorial Dis-tiict, Representative in General Second RepresentativeDistrict, County Commissioner for Barnstable County, County Treasurer for Barnstable County, Sherifffor Barnstable County.All the above candidates are tobe voted for upon one ballot.And to vole on the following questions:Acceptance of Chap. 129, Resolves of 1915. entitled. ••Resolvesto provide for submitting to the people the article of amendment ofthe coiisLilulion empowering the^neral court to authorize theteing of land to relieve congestion of population and to provide homes for citizens." Acceptance of Chap. 130, Revives of 1915, entitled. •'Resolvesto provide for submitting to the people the article of anrieadmcnt of the constitution striking the word 'male' from the qualifications of voters." ' Acceptance of Chap. 140, Re-wives of 1915. entitled. "Resolves to provide for submitting to the people the articiv of amendment of the constitution relative to the authority of the general court to •mpose taxes."The polls will be open from 8 ^ M. to i o'clock P. M. And you are directed to serveWs warrant by posting attested copies thoroof seven days at leastbefore the time of said meeting •• directed by vote of the Town. Hereof fall not and make flue ro- •hfn of this warrant with your <ioiri|rs Ihurenn at the time aoUpUcQ of nail! (iionting. Given under our haadai0h day of OoLober A. Ti. Ifllfi. CHA». R. BAtirSE'ri', RhWARD T. tdlASK. U-I'M EH It. flll'iWN.ft l) Hnlnctrm-n of Yarmouth in onpy. Attest ' r I. ikia 197 ty // ZO o -zyyJyTz- ^ 7 / ^ Aiyy - y-cJ 7f r 7 c 1- - . - Z G/cy 2-7-7-^ O { /- 2- 7. i7 Zf &C /f-7/ y(z. S. /Z 7^-f- 77 I. jC. .C77 y /i / ^<7 //, ■t7 yy O -7^-7y yj7 Z" 0 > 7 G O 7 8 O'y o/ y-'G gL 7 77, .>7 y/}e WC7^ e' -7- ^ / / G yy c'y 7.4^ A i^C Zf ^ t c'y 7, 7^ - fc (2/ 77 G'/y zyy ^ c <> /^ ^ ^ € < C y3Zr € t / -r C yy-y ey Cr ?^ ? cyC ^'C-fy O-l- 7> Cy / (<■' ^ c M cA '7 7 C <2/,y 7. ^ ^yo i A <7 L , A G y C^'7. ^. z-zA zy 7 C' / 8-, 7/2 i /{ (V c Ac> { 77 / A^€-i 7 /Az J 'A'£>j A Z/ y?7L yy c,y y 7 c, y > ^'7^ 7. - z7 A t a ' ^ S 6 ^ A- 6y> t c <7 v y ^ y A/ i 7 y Cy * y < y 7f A c Az-ttCj / r n ' 'a / ^ latttidMHtatfaaaii i , <£)Cr^y o^ ^ €? asy -f / ^ 3 y c' y C'^ ^ / J" / -2. J , d-o y/6\ 93 Jt6\ y./ 3 ^ /I? *7 4^ d>~a -y9 i^i^ j^-/y_ /J3/c.^^yy^ yc- ; /&yi/ c/P^/^yy /r^fA.^^ :i^ s'fL y/y ys' jzy 3l^ y \ /^z/oA^yy y 1 ^~z ypo 6"^ -9 7 Z3 ( 7 /2'A:y€^^Aj (2/^. , '^c/yzy^O'y cl Q^ ^AfP^-^d-c^ drz. . 6'^ 7 7 Z.3 PL/ 9^ Z^dAuAy ___J:2_il 7zz^z. 7/ if'^/...J d~^ V z^ z-z-z.(d^-y -r. y 2 Y /5' 9 6^<o -27 ^3 JL^ S dyd_ d^5^Y fy C^ cZ-Z 2-^ .£^ /'^Z ^ ^ y /g Y'ify/z.^ 1^ ^ f zz 7 /y^^j ^ ^£^Z, zy^-e^gy ^ -C-<^07^,1' d^/, Z^C.y7£ji^^ (d -^-p - - V" i^/,d^gy C yy y^^ ^-X ^ ^ ^ 7^7 c^ i -t , ^ ^ zip ^ j,./^^ 1^ ^y // Y^gf y isC cy. //i-lAO tye of. ^ € zoC^ y 7^1 -o /t^ fy3 of-cZ-z Z yyy ' i-f- y t yz t-'g^T-z ? Zt pg^-cy^^zfi Z^OZAf^ f ^ 0_t/^ Z^d-f dy^ ^-i <y C/--^.^ ^ o t ^y/y'/.y gf y f>y\ 3 I -y y /' £/ V ^ y yc^u Z-Z^ 2f^ ^ J / yt O t%i C i7^/yyy fi f'■"^Z .^Z/yTc. (Zyy J-y ^ Z/ Zz/^ Z^Zr)^^.. yt.-yy yp zzY Cz^^^Z^Zf-g^P if<x cZ 4?-'*'/ efZ.-Z/- 'C Zc.- izZz-a-^ 7a2.i cZ i-of y ' iAf -Z^yZd 'Z -ZZPe cyg Z^Y Z-.s^ ^Z^'71^.€.^fc/a /Z y ^ ZZk-, Og- Z^ y Z/, Zzd ZzJi/ ^-C cd.yd. ZzZ d ay Z' ;?-<^ y J y 9^7.- ' <37. /■<> ✓> ^ f~ y <7^. y<^ 'Z< £7 -< oZ yy j7 y g-z a.yyy-^ G Z6 ^ .Z^ f Z& Jf 77">yy y'TToAt d"!.. / / / -2.y Z 6'J .y? c- Ty y .z^y.- 9^y ZZ^ ^7.4^ Z cZ- Cr g^ 4l.Of cZj^2 y 4^ Z j^y'lZZZd o'i. ^ . Zf:;^ Zg:^^ ZZ fg^ O z^ /A-" .^gJTOgg^g- J ^Zy C_ Z ^y ^ O 'ZZ ^d^ 7'g ^7^ZgYg7 J>fZ-C.-P Z7 4 cZ. c< '2 7 cZ y o Z7..^/ r ^Z yy Z.^-r ^ Z cy^g^^Ag^ cZi gdg. z tgyg^ yy c<^ odd o-oryy-G -f y Zd^ cof^ . ^ « gf f -y^ «A z-i^ G -gA/o'l. j -y^y -' C3 G -7^ O OpgAt/-g.Ai Cc<i^ <>C(/ O or- 7:4^^2/7 g-<7 g^.-'O gA? ZgAZ.. / < (Z. Cf/A( Zg caZ- n Zg d Z g 7 y , r o. Z O^ A-y g-Alg<T- ■/zd' J- y- Cg-ot C-z ■Ag-Z- lO y^.Agg ^x g y- /z. 7-yZ gg ? O.-'gAf -gAf Zg. 4 / i f Ca -/ <• Z y ""^^'7 -sS^ C yt't V •*.' t cZI Z . -2-y- / Z 'G e 7ca^^aJ^tz o f.dAgg- / C 7g/oy7 yc £> Z' <^Z/ Z/rg , 7 g e> Z^ g^ y<- y^7 7.^' <• y z/jZ^^ cZ/yy, IZaipZo^ z^.^ / z^^y^yy z y^i.7' 07 'C -<7 >^..C_. -Cc 07 aZ. 7 ^ ^ ^ Zt^ ZZg^i^ ^ry Z -2^ -, ^1^ 9 y I... i^/-^ tf //4 ^.,/it, » .C7 7 a( t' ..7 73<^ yi--^ ? 17 -gAi d^7-€ 4? Z/tf i j dtrg Op cylyy /t^y od (f a-a-iL Z - 7 0- 4 *v c ^ Zgi ^cZo^ Af 7. ^-7^ od y f G iAit-L ^ y - 70 j ^. , ^ ^ ^ 77 ^ g ^ / V y t 3i fy ' cy r g / g 1 o f c ^ f t Yyc- y y^ / p ggAg^ J f cZf cZ/ i / /, y c-d y^ ■y^/.'l -G yZf / ti Zy C-Z Ot dAptg7<^x. 4. Cr /c / ZZ Pir t -2-^7 y* c ^l7Gt .y C /4 ± -f t - ^ oZ 7^^ ^ y» < 77 /k O< Z*y ^ <4** *•2 ^ ^ <i y yt 7 cg g r Z f r Ce a P / • <. /Zl f ^ g,, y ■» Cy 2-r, t-£— ' ^7 'Z"^ 7^ a jt t .«-*r 1tf Z-pt yi e 7 5? ^ ^ y^ y^ i p y, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J^<r 'Z^ P t-7- df. -t f / 7 lP- '^€€ A/y t-// y^ V . / 'i -»«y«. J2£LL ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ("OMMiiNWKALTII OF MASSAf'Ul-''^Fl of Yarinoiith in the Urc-otiiig: act iMurn^itililc. vs. To oillior of lUe Coimtablos of t)ie Town AJoMuly (iX Harnsralilc. . In ilic iianjc of the Oomini'invcultli of Ma-ssacbuse s _ JutoIi.v tUreeti'd to notify and %vara the inhabitaiits o qualitied to vote in cledtiouii and in Town affains !"5vfp!r ij... BPVtTftl preeincls in said Tom'ji on MONDA^^ the SL of FEUKl-ARY next, at 7 o'clock in the forenoon, then ami c to vote for the election of the following named offictrs. One Selcctmau for three years; one Assessor for three jears, one Overseer of the Poor for three years; one School Committee- inan for three years; one Road Commissioner for three jears, one t'oilector of Taxes for one year; two Consfabics for one jear, two Auditors for one year: one Town Treasurer for one year; one Tree Warden for one year; one Moderator for one year; one Cemetery- llomnuHsioncr for six years; one Town Clerk for three years; also aw if the Town will grant the sale of intoxicating liquors an io vote for juiy other matters which may appear on the o cia ballot. The pulls shall he open at 7 o'clock A. M. and may be closed at || o'clock P. M. ^ And alao in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts I'ott arc hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of gaid Town frimlifii'd to vote in Town affairs to mn-t at the Town Mlouae in saw! Town on TUESDAY, the ElflllTlI day of FEBRU- ANT next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on Ihc following ar1itdi!«; Artk'ie 1. To clioose three members of the Advisory Committee. Article 3. To hear the report of tile election of Town Officers oloetnd upon the official ballot. Ariicle To elect all other ueccsiiarj' town officers. ArUt'le 4. To hear the report of the Selectmen and act thereon Article 5. To hoar the report of other Coramittei-s and a< IbrreoD. Article 6. To see what aum of monev the Town will raise and «9|ir«pnntr for the Support of I'oor. Support of Schools. Town Offiwrs and Rt^paii-s of Roads and Bridges, Town Itchia. Repair* of I'ul.II,. Buildings, Miscellaneous Expenses. tSoiiool Nuppliea. Inicrwit on Trm-n Dchta. Superintendent of jiiflhooia. Troiwporiation of Seiioinr». Uurf. of Trees, Forest War- 4«'s Departiiieiii, Board of IleHlth. Moth Dopartment, Snow, tajMution of Crime. Tax Collector's J'oHtuge, Town Offi(;crs' Sowds, Dump Groimda. Electric Lights, State Aid. Soldiers' Relief, IKothflrs Pensiana, and for all nocosHarv ohargM arising in this Town, Article 7. To see if thi^ Town will vote to authorize the Treas- timr *'• the approval of the Seloetiuen. to borrow money in '*,/ '■'•Venue of ilip curroiit fi naucial year.' I !• .<11 ** .1. Town will vote t,o amend the By-Laws {■■ tv* following Hi'ciions. viz; Article 6. Sectionini-ntfvrti ' t '"'■'"'"in upon any doorstep, portico or otheron or ii.""r or upon any wall or fencenwimr "trcei or pnhlie place after being requested by aniiwu«r or oemiiiiiiit .i ei i -• t - ' promwNi or by a conHtnble or policePllker In remove tborefrorii,. Article 9. To M,!* if .1 rn Av •!. . . ' '*'^*11 will vote to aninnd the By-I/awsfe pomZ\"mir ' Article (1. Scetion MO h<Mir Aft..» a t . " thureon, or for more thanmrnr aoMlablH "T """ ''J' •'t'** T'"*" authorities or by ijTJH r 7-r'- Artiuk I f*w"" "nd ftjipropri- Tu -d ,f u.. g.av«of Volofu) Hotdinm. " Artwl" la To if Town Will -oio fl,H«>ll»>. »«l Iho Tow.. Trwuurp ..» IrtwrolHir ■■il.i, ipio „ „„„ jjfar *b»< abat»nii»iii „f tiiipanl imm of ibc yeara 191.1 1914 ond[lUMd M'hirH uiay be Jngally nbalerf by iln- Am^mwn ^bio to pay^MlUtJluding btlU for Kire C*a* Tuwti w Nt« Vnpk. Naw ilavuii Uftriioril Hnilroad Co,l/f, If tiio Tptij »»(}! tif §$mM f/ff U»A Article 14. To see if tWh Town will vote to authorize' tliQ Board of Assessors to deduct the unexpended balance in the Town Treasury on December 31st, 1915, from the amotint of the] appropriations for the current year if the Asse.ssors deem it advisable. Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate the sum of $100.00 to pay abounty of 25 cents each on mu.sk- rats caught within the limits of the Towm. Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and apbi'opri- ate the sum of -$2000.00 to be expended through the Harbor and Land Commissioners for dredging a channel and basin at Yar- mouthport "UTiarf, provided the State shall expend a sum not less than $14,000.00 for the same purpose. Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate the sum of $100.00 to mark or buoy the tide water boiindary line between the Town of Yarmouth and the Towns of Dennis and Barnstable. Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate a sum of money and appoint a Committee to purchase and erect a monument to the honor of and in commemoration of the Veterans of the Civil war enlisted from Yarmouth. Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate a sum of money to construct a new bridge at the Run in South Yarmouth. Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate a -sum of money to macadamize Bay View street, from the Barnstable line to the shore of Lewis Bay. By petition. Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate the sum of $400.00 to purchase the Hastings property near the Town Dock as a park, and sot aside for park purposes this lot and the town property adjoining same. Article 22. To see if the Town ^t•ill vote to iiistrxict the Park Commissioners to purchase tlie land of Isaiah Sears and otlur-s at Parkers Neck for park purposes and raise and appropriate a sum of money therefor ard to act fully thereon. Article 23. To see if the Tor n will instruct the Board of Park Commissioners to accept a eort^i_lot_ of " '•^{1 at Parses Neck from the heirs of "William A. Donald and Mr. I. K. Taylor in connection with the Park Reservation, said lot of land being a gift to the Town of Yarmouth. Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate a sum of money to hard surface the road on Main street, South Yarmouth, from Railroad avenue to Pine street. Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri ate a sura of money to purchase a spraying machine. Article 26. To .see if the Town wilt vote to discontinue the Foad leailiiig from Pleasant street to Bass river through the property of Beila B. Voorhis. Article 27. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town Road the road as laid out by the Road Commissioners on Decem ber 30th. 1915, as per plan and description filed with the Town Clerk, said road leading from Pleasant street to Bass river I through and over the property of Bella B. Voorhis. Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to accept the following additional regulations at the Yarraouthport Wharf property made by the Belectmen June 1st, 1915. as follows: No person shall use the bath houses for any other use than bathing purposes. No person shall occupy for residential purposes any building or other Hlructui'c looatod upon said wharf property. All persons are forbidden to use the main pier for storage purposes. All persons are forbidden to moor boats to the main pier except to iojul and unload pasHcngers and cargo. All persons are forbidden to moor boats to the batbing pier and fl oat during the bathing season, viz., from June 1st to September 1st of each year. No per son slmli deposit any rubbhsh, fish offals or other refuse upon the property or in the water or upon the shores connected therewith. Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of f!hnptcr 128. ('renerHl Acts of 1915. in relation to the planting itiid fiiltivaliou of shell fi ah and to act fully thereon. „Article 30. To see jf the Town will vote to accept the provisions | of (3mpt(!r 271, Bpoelnl Acts of 1915. entitled. An Act to Incor porate the Yariiioiith Water Company.Ai'tide 31. To sec jf the Town will vole t<> iic«e|>t the provisions of Cliapler a«l. Special Acts of 1915. cntillml. An Act, to Author ize the Town of ywrinoufh to wci|nire land ® public Whavf and for Hath floiiHcs ipid Honi Hoimes at Baxter's Wharf.Article 32. To a,ip if ^nj to fimcadamize South •vciiiie, tbtttifhout ^ entire Imigth raiseiM •ppropi'l-^ lanr Article 33. To see ii the Town will vote to appoint a eomnnftfee,0 report at a subsequent meeting as to the advisability of0 augmg the date of the Annual Town Meeting, from February0 pril, and to act fully thereon. Such committee to servewithout compensation or expense of any kind. fr ^^ Town will vote to construct a sidewalkom le end of the present sidewalk on the State road at lane-near t e residence of Ezra Marehant, and connect with thepresent sidewalk at the foot of Mill Hill, and to raise and appro- f' ^ money therefor, and to act fully thereon.Article 35. To see if the Town will vote to prohibit the takingot eels from the waters of the Town of Yarmouth from the first '^A October, and to act fully thereon.ih ^ ^ Town will vote to accept the Act ofthe Legislature, Chapter 271 of the Acts of 1915, entitled, AnAct to Incorporate the Yarmouth Water Company. r ic e 37. To see if the Town will vote to authorize its Board ot belectmen to make a contract with the Yarmouth Water Com-panj or hydrant service in Yarmouth and Yarmouthport, and j to raise and appropriate the sum of $1000.00 therefor.rticle 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri-a e t e sum of $500.00 for fire equipment in connection with hydrant service.Article 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri-ate a sum of money to pay a bounty on crows. i fh Town will vote to grade and loamj tne road from Main street to the residence of Jedidah Phillips, a ^ IS anee of about nine hundred feet, and to raise and appropriate a sum of money therefor. Article 41. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize Centre street in Y'armouth, and authorize the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen to issue notes of the Town in payment thereof. Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize theI Poacl leading from the North State Highway to the Y'armouthportwharf, leading by the residence of Francis Alger, and to autiior- 'ze the Tovn Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen to hire money and to hssue notes of the Town therefor. Article 43. To .see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town roadthe road leading from Bridge street near the Bass River Savings Bank in South Y'armouth to Main street near the residence ofGorhara Clark, commonly known as Akin avenue, as per plans and description of same fi led with the Town Clerk, as laid out by the Road Commissioners. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by postingUp attested copies thereof at fi ve public places, three on the South side and two on the North side of the Town, also by publication in the Yarmouth Register, at least seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands and the seal of the Town of Yarmouth hereto affixed, this twenty-fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. CHARLES R. BASSETT, LUTHER R. BROWN, EDWARD T. CHASE, Selectmen of Yarmouth. true eopy. Attest: HENRY R. USHER, Constable.- 0 /e C -2^^ Qy (y s.^' / -/ 2^/-.^ '7o/ vyy^y / 4.yi. -f 4 4) / c AC. ^ y 2y/A V' c^- 2-/ y-f G c .y2) '■^y^.4./-£ t fAc y/ 4 4 to >-f » ''■ttyy. / •-.A. J /'-^-? c~^ j -M cy^ o^ ^ <27<^_^ c/, ---J ^ S^/ --^Z^ Ay--^ZZ C^ C£y~ / o^^oZ^. S'/ e-A^.'cz(':ie cZ^ oy -// . O- y^ -t/ ._. _____ V ^i._ _<2-'_ . y r -" - .— .. /-c^y 2^ €-^^Z- y^o, S^yrJ-o y /S y^^rryy-fyc ^ La/^ i 2/* V/-/^/./ yio, SJAArj.^ 9 /3 AcriZ^ Tj'y '"------- -- --•••■jf/A 33 99 -2.^ |1 ^ yy^yryy, o^.^. / (O. / ijj^-z<yi' CA W -TAA-yA^- Ca cyZ^ . QJ^,y rv/.--^ r y Cy Z.7 <>(_ yy^y^o^.^ ^ „ (2yy. -io a . Jyc^.^^yz e<f /Sc^y^Z^ ^„ ^ o -TA-t^y-y fA. ^o yoy^ y/Zcvyzy /Scyy Y A^yzzc ^.yz-AA Cv^A yoC / 3"^/ -ly^-o^-y^y- A / ^ . a^x y ^^ZZZy c^y y^y~^ (yP^7A7,.e^ '7A ■'Cz.AiA^ -y / ' ^ o c ^^,a2a7.--zza(99^2 7 A^Z y J^AA-'^yAA' -TA-tATA?-^f A oV Qy -2Z> ^cjyZt .yyy^yyy ■ /. y^''\ Cy }yy -cy^TAr -cy Z^O z>f <, yy^ cy^. c 4aj ZA -yyy •y"^ /yf yj y^<5 ^ 1 ^ «5/Z/AAyc 2 A?AA^-'C<2(oA^A^.^-'^Z'c2}p^Zy-dA^.^^ (2/^y>~y ^9 yy^ -yy 2^ ^/ 3I u ^ ^ ^ 3 / ^Jly^y-z^^^AAyA^ 0^4^ Qyzf '"^aaazca-c M 6-3 y /Z7 -AZ X(a *6 A^^.z^ccy7AyyA>^.x eAf. aaca ■tAj Za A^^^o zZCeA^zAA^ZZ- 0 '^A^y Ar,A^ZcAL A^C^-t•£? (2/i- OAAAy^'^^^A^^ QZ -t^AyzAzA^ 6~3 y<^ /-^7 y^J?, 2^3^ zc,/La//^^ ^ y./ // yj23f^y d~ (o. y '^A^zai' i_, ^ A/f 33 Air /? A 9 A)""Vb^ ^yyo^^ ^ M 30 yy / 3^0 /0 3/ CA^ZA^y/AAy/c- /y>. ^/-zoyz-^ Xo Ca^A caC- / (a>A^^^azA -^^. ^-£x^-c. -TiTAjzA^ -yyy -y-^ // ~^ f^A-^C / dT' "2 ^TAzl^ /S"^ e A a^ -A^Z. c2. y A^y.^A' : O-^czZ e 2^t> A A <y2^j.Z^ f-ZA-y /A 7. ^AA z<y ^ ;, y Zy^7 o 2 / I e^, yZZ'f/AA aC-J^^A o-Ai .. y CA A o Zd A3^.AtAfA7Al^? 2; HA. o ;i AJ^Ca A^Z' ^ i O.Aj^ oZ, d ^ ■AA ■^•''3Aa?A^A^y-^CAi. y Q (3^, ^ a/Z.-AaZ ^Ja^Vc '/ c> jAf^' d ^ C^Ay y ty <r" -X ■zaca^^^^ ^yfye <y2^ .,„!^.-lACAyty^ . <f y ; CA a/a(^ a a0y Z^'7^'g^-7c 'A^yy.^T^ ' -V y" Z '^.A / C9 AA-A 'ZdzAA^ Z^ZA^'J^7caax^ ZZ^aaA ^y.oc'-y/y^AA y^, /J4.P t-iA V-L^ •v ^ j y y f/ / /0e>y^ i¥< /4. yZa i-A^ y // jc 7''*\/' . 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A^ yyyr A:--^yZ-y€ c^Cy "o^ y -■/'' y y . 2?- cA/c^ti^cy ^aa-^c/aa B'-yA Ayri/n c. y / ^ 2c0/*i 7jfy 22y:^ $ AA-'^t r^ / t r Zc 6 Z/y, fry /A 'AA7^. cAjcCr y. j? ^ ^ Z f^y ycZ Oe cf Cz ,y Z y:^Z^€xa/.< f/^cAr j .ry^-Z cf-i^./^cZ ^ ^Afc> ./2y^^^a-Z C . -t y. 1/ cZc. t^^ cZjA -^c c Zc (p .Cy 2^. '-7^-i-i^ f/ e/ C^ /a2^' a2^^.p cZ(y ZZ^. \r^n' / >/^.v/, -^y A A T^ pf bZZZ^ ^ jZZ^ -C-zpi^y c^ p. f y fy f^: yZ A f'€ cZ ^ . ZZy cy f Z? r ^/ -3f j. / j rr J ^A' A ^ a Z^C cZ rZf1/ -f'^A- rcZcA^ T ZZy. / c\2 t. -^f/ C> Z Z f Z-^it / £7 2 C C -'A /yyyy W c?-^ cZ A ^ y -3f -? / J c c- A rcZA'-^f T Z4 y, , c ^' ■^■x. '/y '/C JA A yyf cy^y^y,^<^ZZr.^ r :' Co ^A ^ y 6 af. c^o. ^ 7^ ^y c -z-</ -x-aZc-JCj^ / (Cc/ o cyj" <&^7 ty^ A ^ yp/yy y yyA \ o y-ty y L^ - <ZZT.-e-Z Za^Z/ r zyy -7p_. 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P-XJ 7^^ /-O /(^, >:d^ 2^ o^Ce -^-y A ij^cy-/^^/' ^ ^ -^2^ o"--^ -^ -7^./ 2 -pt-y-/ ^ r.Y- cTT' O- f ^ ^ '-^ty -TTiy ^ ^ ^j ^ / <P^ ? 7^7 - J^^' 7 -<7-j' / v^. ZZr.-T-^ -2^ f 2^-^ fzy^ .y'^7 ■^-€^ -c^-P ?■ 7 ^ 7^..^ r>/ (^£>if -C/-^ p. 7 ^ 7^.^ C-y CP T^ '- O.-'Z^CzC -''^CP / ^<^^yZp^-ZZ P^ y(>-^7/^^y" i?-!- ^ J>yy / ^ ^ ^ *^7.^ S 2 O..-^ z>C^ ii> ^ z, - -7.f . -? ^ y ^-t7 -z^ j o-'Z^ cy cy^£7 s /' ' /pP^ Z C?^Z^ 27 -P cy J '^24P'C>^ ,7 .-ZPZa-Z^^:f ^^Z<P7 ^ -P yf-t. c:z T -c oC. - cp^ 'f c^L y^yA 6, c /^;,,,,, ^-.AzA ryy^^A' -- y. A.>. .Ay A^y ^ **/ ^ oL ,4A-<yA -^Ap -eJjA^^ '^A A^./ vi.^7 A^A^A cZ-■ <" / . PA^ _', Ar^^A^ -r A Ax iTy .rX-T'yAf ^^piziAl \ c. /y^ _ /r Ai-^ /^Az /• y y y-L y aj ■ ^AtAt . ■ s- ? V 7 CP-CP cAx^ ^Az T y €7 4. / ArC^ ' A 44^ ; .... -^3^4" ^'' v" ^ *- Cc-T -r r A-yfc c^,4-7 7zr ^ cA^^.y- 7, . xp, /y,, . ^.y^/.x 7 7 7 7 C A A.-^ €7 4. / cAy- y^?~T rZ. aI^ -^-Zyty 07^ Z > 7 -t^ l -7 y -Zi .; c/y^ ^ y y^*-^ " O cA ' A /-CP-f- 7 A^t:^ Z ^yfi -^"7 P-C 4yt o/ 2^-7 C 2,7. Ac ffy*"^^ ^'Hi '^ t'a T^A^c 9 0 f ^ .A V /' yJ XX 4 /i 47 / -z / CA A4. 7 ^ ^ y y a /^-A i 2^4^... c-A ^y Au-y/A Ai AyyA I c A^ fyt- Z - .7 x'.'C y ■•■ '</<'^ ^ yZ -i-t, a y Z/c^ 4y 7k 44%:'/ ../A,A// / / I..J/P 6 Z(7. . 'A W tPA^ ZP^,^ Cv-^^ y ■A0A. <2TA-P- CPA7Ay,.i^ A74.7 '7:7 Ae '/pA-7AA7 C7 C.x>^PA^ A C7.t^n^ ^ cy -"2^7 y7 ■2 cAp CP 2- L- A ''2-4 7..^ A Z iy A.A yZyW CP <P7 CPA-y7-'2'<7 ^'7^r^AAj Azyt^cp jf 0^,4-4.yf ^ tAy ^y^-zA M oA 'y 'A-C -4 xA^yy^Ayp-'T-t CP y^y^C. A / A^^ A^yA- y c -'^ZAC-^ A I -'■^py^.'P CPn -^2.7y7'2 cAa^ c..^^ ^^y.'C A // 2' L- A^'z-'z- 7--^ yZ c 7- X c-^z / /^/ 7 7.7 c cA-c y p/A'C py 7 7 < '/p p-A ^ yZytP CP Z7 y^Py-^^ZA^ ACA¥ CP ^ -.AA^CP^ y^A7Z7 C yCl^C--^^''^C cA^ ^ CP^y2---7 <cA .yA-y^^G .A yAA^^C -CP/ P f-'S'-T'P- | -A^ ^ , (/ y( 'O-af^'pP^ cA^ Cpy44 C>y C:'^-^,447^^.4^ '/P --Z cA 1 L yAA^...^ C^^yCpyf..^^ CPypyj CtC -P7 4 .ypy C ^ 17..^ ^^^yCy^yiy^...yO A^A^^AyfyCc -^yi^ S<A^£7 /^pAzU A.^-^ , I A A^^^ytZC. 1 "^A^Ayipy/ qc Ayy y/y.Z^A 7^ C. C/y^ Cpypy? ^y2,y2y7 ^2^ -cAc cAA- , ^ 2 cAy y'Az^ CP.A ^AaA^ caAa^z^-^ - Ac /fcPT^.P'/, At A C-^yy^^-ypy-C ^'-'C A CP 'jS' y^. A aAz^^^qA- cCf,/^ 47 C7 z-r J2 Ac ^Z^y^O c7 -ytC yZ'/yCPyZyf 7 ■ 0-7 7 CP Z-/ j2 A^C . A /—v., y y> ^ . A. ^ ^ 7A--C Zy'^^(c? A A, A Af jA7/ -c AAAA cp 2 2 c>j^ A oyy^-^ A A/^3 /9/-A 7- A'/7 6' Ax y^^^AA'cC.'^ A^^ yAAAt Cy7 -^-/--Typ cA-'X. 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'44 Ap 4.isA^c A^'Z'iy CA '/- 4 i-x Aa< Z/ c fA '/-f. / A^A- yyX^^A cA /C'l, cAc^Xf^t t ir/Ao ^y-yyy AAC 4-f A^ A-n,-x> ^ y/Ac, <AA*\4m. i z.y a y y-e y, cZ- - A<7 .44c-_ cyA/f <-7.y < c Azy a ^tv <rA v;<- ^ V .. y xy Z/' >it %t -i //Zf?-/*/*<<€% * / -4 -^ ' -<^-0 ^ Cr -c -z^ Z'^ ^ j/ . , I /.^ /j^ ey < ^ ->-u, -T^a ^ cy-^y j ■C / x.(J(J. yy. — yc y /-y iyx<y y-^ . y yc- O-.'^ A .'yyyy—2^ f i Ac- (y.^-^-^-V'-y^ c.^c/ i oyc/ .yAyt -yc^c/.-^.^ /> <5^ o-^y~^ ^ c, -yt-^ ■A-t.y^j' y A A e-y zy ^,-/ -z-^yy/y-^ryy^,.y^-c-A / 6^ ^ A-JA A y^Ayyy ^ Y^ / 5~ yy-^-z yA y^'A A 'A Ayy.. -y-Ar^^^ A22 A .AA-A cAA (A J ^-Aa A^ey AAA . Ayf^l cA^.-/Ac-^ y Afc. L caA^y^y^ -'^A y^ y "C A-^^-AA yA A y> eyAy^-^^AAyYI yy-^z^ <cA ^AA^y^ ^ ^yY-^y v ^ A ^ A A : ^^'<_ cY^ yy-^'-j cY yy --^z A^ . 6 o //i . y< /y ^ J ^ '^-Yy y rv ^ y^ y y -i y A cY o y> zr y P Ay i i ' y. S^S 2y.y <r> ^ r y < -i y -Z k ' c t, cAy-f Az ■' -yy ' A/y,.jz/-y> yy^C,- Oj JJrA/A^foAAyy ZJ ByZeZ^/c/ f/^-ry^Y <-A Z'-cA / y^ ^ ^1 y^ ^ t --(.f A'/ 2- i c i'-yA , y-^fAy zz^cy- z 'A', y ^y y A'-y-^ j*/ /^ cAt.^ y..' -Ay y.y/ 2' z yAy A^ ^A~ 'yy< y yy yy<y J-y/?// yyU, ^A-< A A< o-c/^Y ^'^ -' Cr■^'l cP -/A-.y y yA•<? --<s^-«^ S^fzjz/ A. ZY —n ' A yOc^^'j.^y. cY yA ^-^/.^^z -t A^z-yyy £:t AaZcY,^A.^Y^7^y^2 cYy cY. AAzy -a ^fA-^ Y^yf A^yy^z t cA cY o 2-2^ z -3^-7 A-y y.y.-y^ ^ ' A y Ac. ^ ^ 2^y^ Z't z f y A cypi A j /A-^^ A '^Acf-^z-t. j £/ I f A^AcfY AAO:^ A ^ ^ Az^ xJ jy i Y/-e A ^ AAy. ypy y.y Y^ ^-// y ^Oy^ Y^/y cA Cc -5^<-x( -^A-^ / Ay^ y ^-YcP i^ ^£y<. -Y^ ^ Aj/j^y , t-\pu^^' Ccy^^ / <'c4 Y/-e A Y^^ C -y-z^Zy.-'; cv / -z O 2^. 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Z A Ai YcA^ c ^ c>-A -YAy Y^y/ /-c-^Ao -^^YAx AAz AA^ ^Aj z ^ z.f. o* 2 Y A Y^^/ ^ A/y> -t-7 cA • Ay Ac cZv-Z^y-C-y-C^yA ^■^'/.^ z-^^.y C-Az^ yy Z yczZyZy 7--y.-z. -^-2' ^ cy Z" A A^cA Cy Ayyy -t-2 1 0< 2 yA^AcjAiy G- AY^uC.Y Yc^yAzf <y G Ay .^j(_ Y AzyAa A az^ -.A^dyYAAYAA^/Oz Yy s A^yy:7 2z.^A^ . A^^AYY^Y cY-cy yi>A{ -Az't A -2/,^ ^y^-^ Ayyz.-^ cy/ yA/ c^ 2^2g y / yy y yf v C • Z-AY / /^/ - '^' -c r: 2 7 cyYz, J .z- / . --2y( Cf 2 Y Y A'/ Cy'-zY Yz ^Y-iZZ-c-Zt .y/ A-Z Cy "T c c / A^ c Zc> cA-tJ/ Ae A' ^ Cf-t f cY AA/ c A AAz/ yY yyC^/ W AY^ZJAZI ,.A<. yoz. Acy-AYY aAc a c A^ce xst^-K A:A A^t/zAAy /.i^x A\y< Ai /i y .f ^ A<y Y. A.A? Y J zA cAo y c c>^ ^ ^ '<■ cA A cyL , Az.^^ ryS cA- Y.(Z Ac Y ^ ^^7 Cf AYtzc 6\Zj/,z ^A' Ar:^ Zf ^ Y. 9 . . . Y Y A} C ' C>, /f /12 4^ ty' / y-y 2 C ^ Ay cZ yyt^xcY :!y < f 2yt € ^ C J^/ ' <::^cy ...i -^ f cy -y.'-'2yty cy ^:.'r y-^-- C^ ^?- O 7Z6^ 7 %/V ^^ ,77/ c l^y 7-^ ^7- c7. 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'^^CP CL y Ay Ay, ■■yA^.-:fi/ -p ^y. cP - P y-y --J*2,-7 £^Ay ^Zyy^CP-y ^Ay Aa cA' A ^•^jCSyf Ay rp <s^ ' t :.Wv ■'U,U^^y^.77^_ yy.2J.^ 6^.7.;-.r7L'r'''yA^A^yyyAy-.<2^^^^^ /^ . cAz^^Ai^ ^ cA? cA . ^A~ ^-t^y. -j ^taiAa^/^A~ ^ CP p Ap Ay a -ap yp,_Ayy^j 3--i_-. y/-C p>^ --r^yA/ AyoL, ■f,y7^^^ Cy.-py. CP PPy y 7 £> pzA- C/ -2^1 cA^7 .-At, s^A o -P'- y --'O / o z- K_ £>AA cAA-P P-y> y7 y 'A ^ y ^yy\. J -Y-A-^-^y^ c-YA y-yyy o-i.. ryp-'A- y_ yA-^-Az-y-^oAyp pAA^o / ^Y' AC- Atody cd-d^^ ^P^yd -Pyy Cy y ■'T^' aA^ 2-i_ Ac CP'^* ^ .y^ yAA.PP A.-y^ 7.TV AjP ., Cp^A jny /T^vAPp-c- 'Pfyc. A^ c^ ■{ -^-yC-^-'^-A-i! ic^^s? c-tp -Pe cC ypAp^-cipP-Ap^ ^ py^ A Az^^yp ■ypZ-^-^-yy -ty o/Lp -^c^-p y^, Pyy-ypAy--^ -ytyf-ypP, Ac /(xyy c-c Pt ct., fypA^A pcf. T^ /yy pyAc A-^'cZ py /a/y. O 'Z^ <2^' ^-yZJ CpCz-y-AAp yyAddl^ ^ -^^ 7 oApp- czAp -A^yC^At. J ^ . <P^ Cp/ £A^/y <ydApf'A/ --- CP -AzpAAA^ -A'A oA~ Ct-yf yc^^^A^yAe. cyd - c>-?-7 cp-t <pAp tA, ^A~ yMPty P ^P J -^yd y2yP ty -J —■it.-7 C7 -7"/ y ct Ap a Ac- - Ay: ^ CP- Ap' ■ A A-c £A~ O^^Az Y<y^yf^ Ayy csyAcyA-'y: A^ A/, Zp "2-^ A -PPyf, -tp I t, "A, A^ y /pcyPi-z^A-i-y yO—c'--ey -i-i Py P- ^ >7^ -"^e^ tr-' T' ot yPA?A-P 'zyy.-Py sAy- (// At- -P^-cP-^-A'*' t Pt P.^ r C7 s -A Ap-^^ AAa-z7 ^^tpiyCr^ CU -A^P. C-^ t.^yC eA-' ■"Zyp CU ^ p Cy tAdl-(y^APi^ oA^^t TJ2 . •F.r'. -f-t:-oW -cy s ^ <z^-^^ S S V ^ 2^ ^ -y -^^ 2 ^ - '.^ -z^ o^C^- r <5^/ C>>Z^ '^6^ c/ ■>-t^ cZ- ^ ^-' (^>6 ^ -z^ oV ^y^si ^^z-x. '^y cr-^ <y>y^ . cy-^^ c^ —1^"<yyC^^ j■y , zZ'^'^y- (j^ d> ^ . (2?. cy^^-zCy ;' 6/^^Z^.^/ c/ -t^ cZ. ~y zy-^y^o- <2^5^ y^:,y'^ z^z czy <yZy^ 'z-w /'y .^-^cyyr -y c/ 7^t-^ yy€c^ . cy^ ^y^^.-Zy -y 7 . ^y yy _ /z" ^ _ _ y yz-z"?-c ^y^£/z y/ ^ <>yy^ <y), <^\ y (o^ yy^y^-f-y ^--yyC'^ <y^ j z2^ 7^ yy~fdy^yy / iS y y~ ^ -yy^ yy^ -tz^ . . ZZ / . y y ^y^u tz-l -7^ y o tAy >x cZy zz y^<7^-^ cpA ^y.y i . y^yyyc. y y^y, y '2-\_ yy/'if . Cy -y i^. -y / G, y J^^yA y^- J, ^ty ^>-5- 7^ '7^ i?<;^. -7^ ' ^ r.yyf..yye y y>^ ^ c/y, y y^ytyy^ ^? e yyy.y^^.c^ --Ty^^ry,-^ -<^yy y^^-yy -y^yy^yy^ Sl^, yy . y>.yz.'Z^c^ y ^ . ^-<^r. <ZiZy.yy-yy ^C/ y-x^y y / ^ / ^-Z-? CZ^ o{^ .^Z ^y-- y 7 , . .tT-r ^ x_ V- "^a- €^ ^ y^ _ y -y"^ ^ -Z y7 V^ 7 .-^7—/^-■/ y^'-o Cr-^ cA. y^.y ry^yj OT^.y 7Z y-rA. a /'^ ^^^6 Y/ 0/^^ y/y yyi^y (Pyyc - yyy^.i^y -y<: 7/ Ay yy^ -cr-T^ z. e.y. ^yc^tAyo-y^ o y-y / <y 7' 7# ^ yzy f - y^lyy / 6"^y7 yZ ■z-'Z-z' yy <7;cy^-^ C-Y .^A-^y ^ (^y. -Y c>A '".y '^yz y yZy. ^/yyy.y^^ c^ T^-^cyy y^'^yy.yA, ^yf-c, . y^ cA^.Cf t. 7 c-^ c>-y^yj-y.^ 'y.y-Y ^>--7^ cA^ yA^x. y^'-zy yAY-y>-z^ y^ 'lyy V -f cAyy y - f '^y Z'C- yyZr^ /AyZc^ /jf .-7^^y , y ^y y 'C.y.y -sA^yyf -ez^O-yzt cZ -o c■7 -it-X ^ ^ ii 7 Zf ^ -C 7 <yy^ytKy^^.^ J 7^ ' / ' / ■ / ^__. ■r- cAy c^.Yux e- 7. .. --y .^.4^£y^<?r. (T-^.y. y Cr cyA y £:> ^ZAzyy^-^ ^ <7 , 7 7^7 ^ y ^ y Y 'i^ e. A, yt 7/ r (J'x A A yZ 7y r--r<y 77 y 7- 7^ . iS^ z 7'7 z7 r yyy 7. -^/ yizy icAyy_.^.^^_^ y^^ y^j- jA^//^ ^X. ^ r-Ajy^ ^^ y> sz yy ^f z/ JYY ^25;7^'_ /(y, /j^ -■c/-t^ -iAl ^yy ''^7-^'^ (7^^ ^ AA-y.CY^ c yyAz/yy. /yo y7^7- /i-y 7' (^/ -T y^7 c7 7. ry-^-/.7{'y^Y /Q), <2? /y. c/yy yc/A/^ A^. (2/yy^c7y-<. {/ Ay /Co, Z '/y77 yyM:y.^-^x ./7 c/7/ '^yyi ic/^ £.-. y- - *t A'^ /#e-v^ ^ A ^ yy^cr yC'i., a^/y^ /v ^ y y^ a^ ^ ^ ^ aa cAy> y r 7 ^ S- 7i . ^ ^y c- y v^ ■ y*' *<-' <?^■^y ;2^. ^ ^ ^ S < AA < V y/Aj^iA 0 O 0C:? 0 •=^, O^ f C0.. €c0 tr <0, <lf^ ^ ^ y 0^4^ -Z>cv y O"^^. o^ ^c ^^O-YO y^i. O y -2^ JX A^o c t::/ -''Z^y c> o / y -cy,y^ Cf y/y0 oX^ <y A. 3 ^cy-^yy^ oycX--^ -y^-xfyyyyM^ y^c y< y \ Xtr-> y^- y- 'fy AoA^y ^ yy Cy/cy o A 0 y9,f . yy^yf-iz ay^^- , V ^ ^ , ' - ' ^y?^'/ n ' i y^y > c / ^yy cX^ / y/cfyyXyyyA <v.^ 47 0-r^A \-\.. J^O / / 0 9 y' / fx c y A j / X. / 2^ / 2 / 6/ yyy, u? ^ .J' op ^ r y i*' *' Gy^yyy^yy^ y- f Cy/y.yy <-y^^ C O t yyyyy 009/0^^ ^^-tyX Oyy-^ yy y s cyy-^ -zy^e eA^-^y'3yy/0.y^0^ / c X^-Y-Xyx ^ X. .yJfyO xAx. Af yy^ X cf ^Xyy^A ^^O^rVc xyr G/yy-cy^.y yC/ -4 y?y / O -ifyJyLX f - O Xb ^j^rYA JSA- rZy^Z-r O yX y^^ZJ-yX- yfyXy.^ -^x" I r^ -€9^^ Yjy o yy j / 0-i yC>y^'t '<^--< <? ^y. /^y o Oy?. / C/^- Z yf-7 ■yy<7 xY 0^0^ A Ay y. -r ^4dy^yd.yd-^-c XCyAZyz^y r /zy .AC ^ 2 xxyA ^y0?y€' -za -?■ s c- yz ^/y. tyy y^^y j ^^ o-^ A M'„ Of f.'V -c 0 c/ e^o cJ /f/A y^{ s y(cx y< ^ tyf 4^ 3V/4i y// / C C/ ^ y -ry ^ /A Qj? /"-ii^ .rO. (^C00^^:^x^ ^ -f -^-^ -o -^ ^ J(^. r ^j^A. / Aoe (£j -^f c^- A), ^AocA-. -€-^./>e>-^._ ^AA. ^ -2-^ £? 'A 'A^•^-y^-y? r f^e c/ o ^A. AAz. .€ -OA Aoy^^' A A^ Ac^y? y^ -y^y^ C>^y^■A. X. -r- X y1-JL J/./.AAy2A O-A^Axa^-Al c/ .je^ AjA'-yA Cf 4:? Acy^ c 2-1/ £y ^ A, A//2J /< Aoxo y^y/ y/y*^>¥f^ Oy0A- AA-A^ AAcA-yXyA-A / ^,4 / ''M^O -() c-yA^ ^Ay^ yA--/ -lA^^yg/X'c<:/ 1 •fyy?--^ y^O /f y? A^X'y^J 4 (Z/A^ ^ z^cy -z-t. Z.<y"/ XC-- 2''/- Zy€/-< h^. yy yf . y I CX^/^(XyC/X z / e? x c> ZZc /Xi y Cr^c/yy^ -yT Xy y-e.^-C- jA(X2 y/X0y€J A-y^AAC.^ yA'Z^ AAA 2 L /-XJ-2-f -y^xUyyA ^0^- Ci-^^A^Ayy/Xy-/y'^ O ^ Xy^y 1 \. C XA^^X' -AcA cy y^ty^yAi^y/yOX. y^ 0^ ^ ^ 0y/yy? 7 (A- CK-y^y 0yyA^ yZytyoA C^^AA/y-i^ lyy^^ y-^ A-Z oA/A^y -/A^ A A cAAzy-i^y ~ ^^.y^y/x^ -a ^£2y^A^ ^A^/y S A^^-yl_ y^yX £K..<£^ „ C^yA^Cy-y/jX A^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ y^/ -2- l_- xx: ^2XX--Xy'^-r-XX_ A, £2y A'A^ Az^-'.yS X2 P lyX y?..^/^ 0^yy^^y-y^yA4yt-'f-yC'AyfyX/ 2-'^ . -Xiyfy —/ yy^y^Xy/ y2y<y 'y-A^ zy c^ X^. C^y-C Ay/:/ y ~L 'AA 'X^y^ <yy.yjp .<jt- ^ c ■ zy y ■^yyy/<?y/y yi-X:_ Z -X^ 'Ai 'C>,yz--^-;^ --XX? ^ ^-T_- Cy" y-yyy^ pt- - ^ -X^ ^ y 0 r-y- y-yx^y-y yj^ y/? ry y2 <L . /J • y•Z. yZyT-y/.-f -•/ J py-y/y/.X / Jyf /Cpy2y/. 2/ f Ayy^''/ / 4y /^ AAA V cjC, O-'-y -7 2XXj.X ^ P Zy/y 2 L l^--XxX x ^ ^A<ry 2 ;y<2:Aypr AAcy C- f /y ^ ^.yiXyy2-2- -7. iP ■^y^^2 / C . Cyy^-yy. 0. X p-Zyty XX. y \V. \h ' n '4<^-!m4 i »'fcT»''.' 1^-y.-fliir ^•'y-'ti ■ X •■ ■ 228 y / ^ yC.^>c, C/^^ ^ / Cy. _ C^tCs , ^7'Ayy-€- (i?. ^5' ^yC^ ..yT'^ t!^ l! yT^ / ^-^.yLy .'yy^'_^yC>.i oL, ^y/ ,jC; y <c(^ ■! -(^yyy^ QY^ ^ :a< •.; warrant for state primary The </ "7^. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable. ss.To either of the Constables of the Town of Yarmouth, Mass. Greeting:IQ the name of the Commonwealthyou are hereby required to notify and *arn the inhabitants of said town*ho are qualified to vote in Primaries'o meet in the several Precincts of^e Town on TUESDAY, the TWENTV^IXTH day of SEPTEMBER,'®16, at seven o'clock A. M.. for the following purposes:To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Nomination ofCandidates of Political Parties for the following offices:GOVERNOR for this CommonwealthUEtJTENANT GOVERNOR for this Commonwealth.9^RETARY of the COMMONWEALTH for this Commonwealthtreasurer and RECEIVER GEN^BRAL for this Commonwealthauditor op the COMMON WEALTH for this Commonwealthattorney-general for this Com- oionwealth.SENATOR IN CONGRESS for this Commonwealth.SEPReseNTATIVE in CONGRESSfor 14th Congressional District.COUNCILLOR for Ist Councillor Dis- frtct.SENATOR for Cape Senatorial Dis trict.one REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT for 2nd Representa- UTe District.QOUNTY COMMISSIONER for Bam- stable County. ASSOCIATE COMMISSIONERSfor Barnstable County.®®8TRICT attorney for South . Eastern District.ELBRK OP THE COURTS for Bam- •table County.register of deeds for Barnstable County. And for the Election of the foUow- flAff Officers: 'District member of stateI , COMMITTEE for each political I party for the Cape Senatorial Dls- Jtriot.• VB MEMBERS OF THE DBMO ...CRaTIC TOWN COMMITTEE.rVE MEMBERS OF THE REPUB^ICAN TOWN COMMITTEEffVB MEMBERS OF THE PROHtBI JTION TOWN COMMITTEE,^LEGATES TO STATE CONVBN-'|T10NB of POLITICAL PARTIES.^AU the above candldatee and ofncers^ to be voted for npon one ballot. The polls will be open from^olook A. M. to 1 o'clock P. M.And you ore directed to serve tUoalaiTont by postlog attested copies •reof seven days at least before the no of said meeting as directed by 'te of the town. Hereof foil not and make return of lie warrant with your dolngn thereon y tbe tlmn and piece of said mealfng ^C^ven under our hands this stb dayD Soptomber, A. D. 10l«. CHARLES R. RA8BRTT, EDWARD f. CHA8B. LCTHBR R BROWN. '•BD Sniecimeu of l^armouUi copy Attest; HBNRY R. UBUBtt. Conitablo I- 7j C" 7yf. ^(h /^/^, try ^ /A -Ci^ S Qfa-rA- <7 y. -?.-y - /j ty ^ ^ 2/^ y c 7f)> /y _ Ay ^ X Cyyf ty^y y<. -^yy <2 ^ V ^ ^ y^ J €. y y -r 2^ y y j' y2. <y -gyf '^y 2 €24:^ c> o / / ..y e 2^ r2^, A? / £2 '.y (2/Q o OlA ^ 2i yy y 7 > y yr y -r y rx Z Kf or pA cy' tf. 2AS' ^<^2 (7 7 A? yf.-yG'yA '^£(j 7'Cy-A-2^22 22 ej ^ ^ o.f A 7 A N '<y -7^j \ or / t ^ A oC. . y /^o y yt- / ^ -t^ z-1.. c^/. ^yY^<y-s-c-^ r r • ^ 8 :i ^r-y ^ ^ -t_y^T^ty O -C^ c^'^' y (dyy ^ -i^. ^CL-^C-SZ. y ' /^<fy -^cy -ly^^ ^7^ ti - - y, '^^\. .yi^o~ty ---cy^-c. -/- y?> ^O <y , rrsx y^ ^ o y z f -y^^ , x y <iy-o-.y y cf yc-/^ y^o ^o.s^ y / /i' y^t^ ^ 'L ^ ^y^y/ ^ / >^7 yo -c Afif y'. z y ~ o £ ^,r^ XX y-y/zyy^^'^y ZAJ z^ 1. O -Z-7<£■£ / y /C/. ,2^^ .yoo-7^ Ac^ Ap A A o T-'i Ay y -y "^-y y T'-z ■cy-^-^x, 'A y-yyy r y^'t j'-'pp- ^y£^-€-^ A^y<Y y A A jf KA ^ c/ A 1^7 t^y ■ /A. y y A j. ^'z ■C'.^-^x. yAy^^ cy^ o ZY yx? ^--t A Uy i.- V (.y ^ J^c^j Ay A Co A Pi ^ At lA A^ AA^^' AA ^:yi -e^s r p p ^ y y-^/ / X CJ' / c? / c> '7XX / y / ./ X 6 m y cpyy ' C- Pzy>^ py A IP- A^ /P. "-X -<^p^ 7 (o.-AAcP AC- yy.AAP/ /ifp>-^^AACr- y^ yy p>- y-<;yp TP -y^ ..--ypo t^-/ ^ pyAAAyT^ 7^ ^ j Zpr- ^y Z7 p /<^' 6'f ,zA' ATP^ Ay ^>-v_ Xr--^/ yAfiP^ Ay-t. <Ay-^--^AyAc^^jAc/ A. -Ao t>ypA^ AAoy^ AAy A a^^^.i7A-<^A .AaAa c^A Ac7z^AAz^A^AA^ -^c^- aA--o p /ty-^ ^ A y 77!yA^ %/^o aa jA a cAy ^.,<dA^p7^C^ '-''Ap -3-^-A'-»' pTa^^ c-/-p<p c/ p p>C- <=-^Aa aA^c Aj.aA ^ o Ac^ ^Au kAAc ^<^t, 1^7 ■z^^tA iSC? / 7) 6^ c^ y-omy ^ ^ ^yA-A-OP -A-<3 ^6- ./ P7 y O AZ7 ^ y cApy-^ p" p cJ^ y(oAy Cr-P ^ .,pAa^-a-P' Acp 7 (a. jAp p -iP C ^'O^yo s Jc ^^a AA- / A^^^AA ^ AV ^p / Ay y If y:y£, 7^ -A yyy y y / :dr ^ fP^' fBPp '>cd.-d^iy ^'1. O ^ j/Cd. 0^yqr^y- d^ -Cr ^ o/^ -d^ dJ / O. C^ £^ y/ /n dy~f -2^-d.- ^cy ' dy ■py -df. <2^'y,' d> -.^>2r y/ yyp^^^y<:^-yy o^cy. yy ^ ty -y <y-<y c>^ A jy '' y ^k y i CP zy-^^^.-y^^y ^ {>A y y Cy -^^P^ ■C. ycyy-^/py f { o^ , ^ y d j. //a / Co.e-^ y d ^ <y ^ y t A. , / p7. ^ / J'c^ a' y (P iCy /:^/.t / ^•CP P^y y ^ ^ y-y ^ ^ Czz /yd cj"... / c? y / /-y. yy y ^ / y / 3 ^ ! . i Ccp ^ (jp ■■> / y 7^^- Ay^dUy^ cy yLy^cyTT^ '^o yy y .Tx 7/ y-d-^ ^ ^cy ~r -'/^^ ? -^C. ^ yy : y CP zyy y<^ t^CP 7^7^ ^yp-tJ -/y yZX^^ jy^^y P 'O -^y yy - y 74y .z^d>^ 1 / (SCP-C^/ cy-z-^^ -z-^y-zy ypp y^Cyj^^-c:-^ <y^ CPyy-^ y Cr d I o yyy y /yf' ^ cPdPCy^^ ^r-oc? ypt yf^' c^/yy^^ y^ .yy^^y , c<^ r .^/ < 7A. -pppy . ^ ,. ^k .^ij l*Mj^ . - . , - < •< VI (|" --'—4i-'- •• *) WARRANT FOR STATE RECTION CommonM'ealth of M^Bsachusetts. IlurnHintilo. xs. To oltlier of Uie Cousiables of tire Town of Varmouth. Greeting: In Uie name of the Commonwealth, you ore hereby required to notify and warn the Inhaliltanis of said town who are qualifled to vote in State HleotionB to meet in the roting places in the several precincts as follows, Tli: Precinct No. 1. Colonial CTtth, VarmouLhport; Precinct No, 2. Cape, Cod Outral Club. Yarmouth; Pre- olnct No. 3, Owl Club, South Yar luoiuij. Ptwlnot No. 4. ScUoolhoui Hall. West Yarmouth; on TUESDAY the SEVENTH day of NOVEMBER^ 1B16. at six o'clock A. M., for th© folJ lowing purposes.' To bring lu their votes to th Cloftlon Offlcors for the election o persous to the following offices: Presidential Electors: Govemoi^ for this Commonwealth; Lieutenant' Govemur for this CommonweaiUi; Heeretan- Of the Commonwealth for Una f^Mmmouwoallh; Treasurer and itevalver Ueneral for this Common- • wealth; Auditor of the Commonwealth •for Uila f^ommonwealih; Anomey. IhiiMral for ihU Commonwealth; Bongtor in Cougroaa for this Com- moiiwaalth; Reprcaentatlve in Con- grwM. Ifiih Congressional Diairlcf Councnior lat CouncUlor Dlairtct- Senatur. Cape SonatorlBl Dtairlcl' One Reprtwentatlve in Ouneral Court, Jhid ReprMMitaiiTe District; Count* commlsaloiwr. BarnsUble County; Two Aasoctale Commlaaionare Barm MHtol* County; Wstrloi Atlorner South fcSaatem Dlstrlrt; Clerk af the foarta Bmstable Oouniy; Regismp of ireuda. BurmrMhto Connty. All the above candidates are to be voted for upon one ballot And to vnta on the following ques- AittWnoo of Ohnptar U. Oenepdi Aot. of l»is. nrtiiled "An Act to am twrtala and carry cnit the will of thepwjtj. .0 the J boMfng of a conatituUonat convon- Acraptwioe of Chapter im enlltled An Am '"7.JIT' ' "iaIt:;,::,;;;:,'",-'"' r, The polb win ba am.. ^ "■^2" * " "■'i*AM you ara bareby dIraniMi 7 tnttm (hereof sorei, ,i,ysiNrftM »he ilMn of aald ma.n„J**'tffVMtad by you. of n,© TowuHuTMf (an pot and mMa r««m of itiHi warrant with yourAC CM and place of wnd mMiina Olran undnr ogr hands ih|a Mr at Ciefohvr A D IPIfl t'llAHIdfSH It ilAHMMTT L« THHR ft BKOWN. nilWAHO T dHAflR,EalmiAMii of Yanpootli^ A irM AflaM MKSftV M ilVMHn ('.OMtaM* YBnaiMth UeUMv m. Jti# of^s 7^ (O, -PT r o .'•t.'-' S a. "1^ (75^ - y^-f ■' j 7 / 7?I A A / -^<7 ^ --Cr c>{ e .7.^ <L>C.O y Cy. <2 c7-cy -' ^ (O ^y ^ -2 ^ ^ y,Cy f y y<. ^ y y y ^ 9/■ )'o AA A~ / / (?/.y ^ 14.A O 'i,t A/. yr A 7 y. « A Azz^ ^ -yAt-n. -<2 -yAc 2 Z) -.y ».-»r^ y^Afi Ai.x^^ -c.-C A <y^ A'Z ./ yyyys t -r^Acf-r C C7--Z-T c^C ^2yy7.'yA^ / yi^€^ cyZe^2^ - V-xy^'-CC <Sd^^ A cy ^ o, A ^ xzA'- ArA<t A'-i O 2yi Ay X 142 nA 1^ 0 A '^'t* X7 ■$, ^<4/ ♦ /'f 'e , f iMi Oidh 4^-^ -n -X"r ^ >7 y y j Sc/^ ^cy~< <5-^^ -z-^ ; ycP 4^ -f^C^y r ^ ^S' y^y^ yy ' 4P' r . x} , ^i^Ay-<A yT^y.-;' y^/ . ^ y. y'^iyy yy^y. -cZ^A -^'-c y Xy / ?^7 ^ o.^ . Z^^-ey^cZ- ./'£■ r yy^: cA 6^ 1-^ ^ / 9 y/ / ^ 3 / /<5 / 93 y y ^ / 9 3 9 93 9^3 9 93 / 9 3 9 93 9'9 3 9 9 3 9 9 3 993 993 / 9 3 /yy V iy -t ^---^yT^- < jCA^zy^ ^ J ,y^'^''^^'-€ A2^^2y^'^ fi-y y,^^/ AA A2^9 ry y. Z 3 t lyAzyy^^ y^? yy .^^y X.,C (L, yyc^t y-^y 4> ^<. A'<Jf '3^ (C9C9:^ y^yy^ '^y.yt^ /^. Q-i^c>^^AJ -f^^ycy, eJ€.J / V ^ rX^ o i^y. ajc S yyj 9rf a-7 -<i 'yy^-^y^y ^ -2^ . . . -' ■ y<^p'..--'7^2y'^y^ 9>-t3'^'^'^^y^ c9 y. 'S^'^y(29y9y-^^yz^ y yfc /yw^ 4y yf^yyy^ y..Z7^ "z y^ Z Z^ y,y^y z y^ y '9^'^ "2-7 o.-t^ y^^A9 / S,c^cz/^ys -^yUz-viZ: y^ (s/oA^-y^Zyf '>yAyyy yjr^^yyyJ.^^ y^yy^ /i£, jy^:^y.^Ay/'^ t-x^ yy^-'-cr aZ/yy \ /Jy-yyy c^yC/So y^^y /S! y>o^7< ^ /X ^^ Z^<y ^ r.yyyy y. yy^ / ^■'Z'97 ■i'\ A. / 6'5'^•--2'^^-^ / «y^ / zx y yy^A cA^f -MX. d~9L A<9 ?'' y- X/(o 3 c? y/y cA9-pf ^ / y/ ^ <^4' »A9 'y .e cA^o ■> ^' ^ /-y y/ (3 9- a s^y?9Z'-\ Z> as/yyfZ . 4y V y y^^ vyyyyy y o-z^ ck y^A^. A •%^ /z7. /.. . ^ -5Loiyy<,. Vy /f ?y '4? -/zy-t ^ty.4 ■ji^ /oZk^^ y^/1. '^-a-t.- y <»'»-»<yz X y^ jtA-ky^z^ yoy-t0/ r/^.<,yy!»'^-t--!, c?''Z' <>3^^ ^ ^ c^ye£. y a tr^ u / p >»^ (/ ^ V# 4. k> y t Z' t9 i-f ^ / V? "V 1 240 -(/ -ly e j' 7 cJ ^s' 7 <2^ ^ / 9 2 r/ ^/ S ^ 6 /^r V o Z r^ ^^-€7 -7^ /~ ^ 7> t.^y S^ 2^67/ j cy^ A ,0-'^ y.,'/ y .,_ , /f t/!' ' r> ^ ;V k V 9^ 9 iti A fj^y. ^^ ( - ^V, //t f {'/.f-i t7 rj c-^- y? ./A \ »y A ^c-c -S-Ay A ^7 '(£A^7 C7 y -A? Cr-^Z^X' .< o '' 9^cyy ■zAz f -r.7 77" / ^9-9yy^ ^ ^ A^. 4 9^, 7 ^ C-f r ■^t-x /A ./C/ J lA ^ X. \ ■Sc z^ / '-zzh-fy annual town meeting warrant. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Banistable, ss.To either of the Constables of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of Barustable, In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you arehereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet at theseveral precincts in said Toum on MONDAY, the TWELFTH dayof February next, at .7 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there toVote for the election of the following named officers; One Selectman for three years; one Assessor for three years:one Overseer of the Poor for three years; one School Committee- nian for three years; one Road Commissioner for three years; cueCollector of Taxes for one year; two Constables for one year; twoAuditore for one year; one Town Treasurer for one year; one TreeWarden for one year; one Moderator for one year; one Park CommLssioner for six years; one Park Commissioner for two j ears; also to see if the Town will grant the sale of intoxicatingliquors, and to vote for any other matters yrhich may appear on the official ballot.The polls shall be open at 7 o'clock A. M. and'may be closed at 1 o'clock P. M.And also in the pame'of the Commonwealth of Massachu setts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at theTown House in said Town on TUESDAY, the THIRTEENTH dayof February next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to on tho following ftrticlos •Article 1. To choose three members of the Advisory Com- niittee.Article 2. To hear the report of the election of Town Officers elected upon the official ballot. Article 3. To elect all other necessary town officers. To hear the report of the Selectmen and actArticle 4. thereon. Article 5. thereon. Article 6. To hear the report of other Committees and act To see what sura of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the Support of Poor, Support of Schools, TownOfficers and Committees' Fees, Repairs of Roads and Bridges, Repairs of Public Buildings. Miscellaneous Expenses, Board ofHealth, Snow, Town Cemeteries, Interest, Tree Warden, Forest Warden, Moth Fund, Suppression of Crime, Tux Collector'sPostage, Care of pump Grounds, Town Officers' Bonds, TownRoad Notes, Bass River Upper Bridge Note, Bass River DredgingNote, Manual Arts and Music, Electric Lights, State Aid, Soldiers' Relief, and for all nece-ssary charges arising in this To\vn. Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize theTreasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation of the revenue of the current financial year.Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise aud appro priate the sum of $25.00 for the care and decoration of the graves of veteran soldiers.Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Solcctuien and the Town Treasurer to pay from the balance in the treasury on December 31st. 1916, a sum not to exceed $300.00 for the abatement of unpaid taxes of the years 1914 and 1915 which may he legally abated by the Assessors.Article 10. To see if the Town will vote that the $2000.00 raised and appropriated la.st year for the purpose of dredgingYarmnutiiport Harbor in coujunetion with an appropriation by the State be held an a fund in the hands of the Town Treasurer and applied imdcr the original purposes of the vote for which it wasapproprintod. Article 11. To sec if the Town will vote to accept n.s a Town road tliat purl of Wharf Road in Yarmonthport, which has bmm straigbte"''''! ®"d widened, as laid out by the Road ConiTuiasioners and tite Solcetmen, as per plans and doaeription fi led in the offiot of the Town (ilork, and j'aise and appropriate money for land damaK*-* ®^''""ded Ihorooit.Article 12. To soe if tho Towh will vote to r^iae and uppro-priflie or miao by the scrtal note motihodi tba anm of throathoumwid Mm* to gfrade aud uonBtoi^ A ^ oil Strftot Itt Article 13. To see if tlie Town will vote to raise and appro priate a sum of money to oil the cross road leading from the southerly end of River Street to South Street in South Yaraouth. Article 14. To see if the Town will increase the Town laborers and teams in pa^', to the following amounts: teams from 45 ets. per hour increased to 50 ets. per hour: laborers from 25 ets. per hour increased to 30 ets. per hour. By petition. Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to macadam in port or in whole the Town road leading from the Upper Bridge, so called, by the homestead of Silas Crowell aud connecting with the part now macadamed at or near the Quaker Meeting House, and to appropriate a sum of money therefor. By petition,Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise the pay'of the Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor to $1800.00 per year. Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to place ten electrio lights on Bay View Street. Somerset Street and Brockton Avenue and to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the same. « 'LIVT " "> "'J MiderLrfive dollars ($5.00) for each day of sers-ice during his term of ofBce, annually.Article 19. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum not exceeding $500.00 for the purpose of buildinga permanent Town Wharf on the landing North of and adjoining the estate of George W. Hopkins.Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and'.'wo-printe n sum not cscecdmg $300.00 tor the purpose of buildino >pormauout town wharf on the town landing south of and adjojn, the property of Lonng Fuller & Company. p.. ,Artiele 21. To see if the Town will authorise' (hV Tark Commissioners to purchase the land lying between tho -d-Lower Bridge and the land belonging to £0010^11,0 4 ^ "and to raise and appropriate the sum of four hundred .Thftv dollars therefor. ™ ""v Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to 4V.,t cm nf iWflnnn f«,. appro-printe the sura of $400.00 for electric light 241 8Grvir>o\K'*streets of Yarmouth and Yarmouthport and th the, .A the sum of $600.00for electric light service through the streets of Z1 vvillage. " ^ Article 23. To see if the Town will vote ischool ou the North side of the Town of Yarmouthhave it known, as "The John Simpkius School'" "•School Committee to cause a suitable ujserintion i! ^to the building in which said school is now or ' t ""fu,urO,aM;ihindi».a«.„.«lutiire, heui: 10 muicaie lue name of the sehnnl «• «.rpw , VSi the resuieuee oi lunoiiiy v otetl to the South SI *" ""•and appropriate a sum of money to pay biuj \prove said road as per plans ami deHcriniioo wd to Ur-Clerk by the Road ComimHsioners and Seliu.ilArtiele 25. To sec if the Town will vote tthe County road leading from Demiis lir„. , ** nrul repairVillage to the oUl Soulh Yarmouth Railpoll^"'* Ww aud to appropriate a sum of money for Crowtuf,Article 20. To hop if the Town win vol"*! r''biioii.hundred dolluKi fr,i. n. . . !* " "uik.' an appf^.ivrucie xo. io hop it tiu' Town will volprintion of one hundred dollars for the tak'* ' *PP»*- MW l)y .)Onn u. aeaiTs auu .-5011111 by land f ' "* probably of heirs of John Lewis; and lo tiuknowtArticle 27. To sco if the Town will ° ohaao or otherwise a parool of l«nd •^'l*ure hy ptirof Bhkh Rivor in South Yarmouth »,ui ^'wierly thanthe Town road and lauding Houlh'of side offor « Town Wluirf and Lamliug; ^ l-wrmgrivor front and to extern! b«.,k 1*0111 1^ o® ^:; --.....ug; ^ FUH^r,rivor front and to extern! b«.,k on Horivui Akui.v «..v. uaok froj,i ami to raise -md appmprint,, > V*®' Ml|rnml. ami to raiso and appmprint,, - , mpkins School," and to appropriate not excoedii.o^ udollars to adray the expense of said iuaeriptiou " ; Article 24. To see if the Town will vote tn «road the wood road leading from the South St i2Tr ^ ' the residence of Timotliy Cotell to the SouHt ui ', . r _ '^mun «l)(,ro Biwl property for n riiblic Park: the lot owned'11^ uutt/1 bttinided us follows: Nonli 'ami :rproperty for n riiblic Park: the lot owned uand boumled us follows: Norlli by land of T JoaetWest by land of Braddoek Maith.-WK, Rnfli k "*" VariaoaU, by .lohn G. Sears aod South by Ign^ • "»w ow»«d--"bobly of heirs of John Lewis; and in tiuknowo, -— I Artielo 28. To see if th« 'Vow,,,- " Mio Town willlunm to rreommoiid for appoii,tm„ai .. u 'J ^Wnnhvu ot th,, Tuw„ ^k«io L ^1 o if S 29. To see if the To«n will vnfn ¨ 'Vserve as Fi^. Coo^'tte. ^iZ::V:iZZ tbo Town, and to net fidl.r iJiereon. „ to Article 30. To so© if the Town will votn t« Petition.. 386 of Chapter 11, of the Revised Laws or Section Iborolo. whioJi provides for the election of Board of * more members of wUch to be physicians, and to \lt ZT tHioruon. „ . .By petition. Ar tHioruon. „ . .Hid. SI. To if the To^-n ,du direct''tfe'SeTeet- ,0 fotttion the D,rector of ,he Bureau of Statistics of The Coinmonuoalth of M,u,sachu»etta, for such an audit of the Tou-n'a Moounu, a. .nay l,e necessary to install an aceountinn sv.t„™ t„, 7' Mdit of the Toum'aMoonnu, a. .nay l,e necessary to .nstal] an accounting system in ,.ecorJn.n.e ni.h the provw.one of Chapter 589 of the Acts of 1910 and ameiulineiita thereto, and to act fntlv ii, „ «cus oi T * at m - 'tiiiy Inereon, and amendany Hy-Laws of the Town, m eonneetion herewith nl " Aructo lo see ix ine Town will vote to pe Diroetor of the Bureau of Statistics for an sndit r.t ^ m acoounta. and to act fully thereon ^ Town's. Article 38. Tn rcp if .lt„ T Petition. a«K» lu nvx iijijy i*iorfion, *> Article 38. To see if the Tovra will vo+n ¨ t ^ petition, to nmiually make a field canvass of Zh Assessors. additional for servicclt tra^l Lto uu«—-V " "«.u canvass of each v mtpouae additional for Hervit<cs or travpn;« -r.^ Article 34. To see if the xLn ^ ^ uot rx.-©eaing one thousand dollars tnl T . f"" appropriationd«crih„d property for ."SuT'TT. ."T■■Bl.rl,(.,r.l 1..1," h„„,„,na ^^Ld „f ,T r"™ Tynnnoulh, Wcrly by ln.,d „,vnod no J or f t''" »'^r. (Towcll »i.d A. H. Farris WestorlvT 7Lowia and Southerly by Nantucket SouL ^the Park Commitrnl'"'^— .• -.V *_omini8s oners t,Article 35. To amend Article 1 ZZ . ^y. petition. av-Liftwa hy striking out the fQ1lf^w• ' TowntV «.U li..c. and the TordnT'tl'^f ^ «"> ^rd "three"J br .<1,1...g u, pinee the aboTrTT!;. ?'.r of the Poor,"^ bf .d,...,g u, pinee ot thT eireToTd " T Article 36. To aoe if the Tn-« •„ petition,■ttotiou or otherwuio the real eatjito T publicHoBtOTtem] on Main Street in SouthBoard of Solaolmon to give a deed in J authorize thepiircbaaw Ihoroof. ® of the Town to the Article 37. To sop if the Tn«r«v4«toiui of (llmptor 298. Acts of accept the pro-liMufing hy "iliofl and towns of motor'v«h° i ^ authorize thetor hiro. (.Htuoy Act. ao calitd) carrying passengers Arliale 36. To see if the Tnum ^.-nvisions of Chaptor 428. Acta of 1000 . 1 P"'moy be grt^nivA to reputable nersnns'!" that licensesS^rnitmnery, soda waL and Lr" he I ."'V' Article no. To sep if ti„ Town ®.prtstP Uic •iiiin of WOO,00 to voZ T ^•mP hlalloii and the BarnHiaUrV road betweenAnd you are liprehv 1 . I■p atlsstcd PopiM thop.'^of nf (ire mil'l"""/'*" warrant by po0tiiig|and iwn on tlir Niirih -1 ' P" places, three on the South!■ Hi. Yarinmith ReaiatMr ut\'^ Town, also by publicatiim^lidding aatd nioeiing. wovon Jay* before the time of 'i IJnfrof fail „o| , diheppoM to the Town"ft,""/"*"'" Warrant with yooif.^ (iMNrtiiig, M sforMuiid. P'"®® ^ bemlP .on...!, thrtVT."T«flh dl'y oT'T' """i"",dred .'n.l ..il:::,7n.'" "" 0-1) A tnis oopx Attsat: ^'Hart,r« r rabarttid'THKR R RR|)WN, 'KI>WARIi T flRAHB, Balasiman of Yarmouth. HBNRT R. tTBBBR, ronitnble. yf- a r c-C,^ o -2^7 I c/ J,oC-1| ^cZoiy (2 y ^ff/ €> y-j -L e -y7 '7 €. 1-^ 72 iS -c 1 f ffysf: i? y.f (2f fff 72 .- 7^7 _/ £/-C/< ^ ^ io. / f o/yfyu-o^r TSC ^ ■^ J ^ ^ 7"^. (2y^ /T y<yt^ 77-^ ; y^c'-c/< ^ Cyf 7 .7^2-e t2 -7 y _ 72^ 7a 2-^22 S 'z/ypf/ / 2^7 O 772 77^ - i l| 7 . O20 r7>ff ^ ^ J^ct / 77^7 QT. TyyT'y^r y77^ .yt^ya-a X/cf X a J'2^f-''i7/y7/-77-727 S ■• 7^^ y/y/Z ^'y-6 Cfi . / ✓/ ' >✓fyfyC^yf ct' ^ c/oyZ- / -2 y /cZ / (A/ C ^ODTTyxy-cA S7yy'^-77 7y//yyye'-7S7^/P'L /cr S e/CTiz "A -) j r ,/ 2 JA/y. i i^'C^ a O . A Xr ' yc/-fAXX rZ 'y. n JafaA- 77/7 ^ V 6 (} , y i J" ^ /fc2 2y /z^■L // y <. /J s ^ 2^// J if v'V ' ^ J/ " /-V y-ZOyy. r.Z^C7 c ^ ^ AaX A lt"£^ 7a!/ 7 y / //y///'( y' AZ /• i r/ c t^Z/, o J /t- / '^,f/c a/.'(fx /jyc(x f.J f. ^ I /J ffi' / I ^ ' // C? iY .< t ■yy^is '^s ^^CL*f Ai ^ ar /' O t 2 4^ // c ' -f A-C- i i ' 7 f- '' / 2 ' a & C ff A- Xa.''^ J. V y 7r *.. '(, in. .Z. I 243 y. s y (if C r / / 0~ .7 J 2/ 6-t /J /J 7 / / 7 J>~7 2 6 fi 977 J 3 6^ / d C /7> Jt 6'S J^ZS HJi A S '7 7/ ■ y r 't'jf cC. JO C X? :2 -c yjo-o..u ^/r rOe ci' .''S./^/. A -!.^6 O ^3 f c/y ■/// -£:/'/ Y-^-! rS/^-^^-^ci Ay,///(. ///foyh SO../M ■t^ -e-xp^A-iY..<; j.Y// A. /8p /yX<<2^ /J" 9 /9r /A/ , '^O YV ^ :! J cy^ Y/Y? aC V-/ Iy'-x r^-Cf / ds ZJ^o r>27.^ /TJ / <2) ^ <y/ ^ je^-CYOj" y (2 -tYi/ jy'(^yA^-fJx: . J-Ac 11.^^ y .cc/yy^ ysoc/.Y ox/^.j 2Cy ^/c/c-r'c/j^^ yY-Zc^-t, <^'0T -o^ ^ y /SoYt/ZA:^ /Seeci- ^^. jAo.-y A^ y /OoyYjy jOYy< ■ AAuY -ycc♦ JsSciYcr^ -^YY Y'.YyO cOyT (^z^oy cyc y^ yzy^yy-'^y j^-i oAzpA^ yy /ycfy/Y^-^ ^-y^ ACY A.'u^ /Z^A SAr/YY 'y^^ J ^y(yyy 'M^oY cyAY-i.^^y^c- y.^ zy Ayz^YpAy, -Zc^T^ .-o yo dyipY ■%Yt yJ .YzCr yP/'✓-<> ^9 \ tz f '^1 p-ZYY/ c^, <P^<y^YUzCrzp-; fSO^yz-Po^YC -ZyU-XZ -f y ^ ^Y<Z.yI.< 1 ^ -iYiYr yzyzy?ypy^yyz ZZ Z . -^7 -t-o'yz, -ZZyyZ^, XZ ^Yp^Z/cAfYf ^ /f^y. \, y^>.<Py 'Zpt . y "^OY/OA y-MZyz /A cZ^-r /Z^.ZY rzZYZ/f /S'' /9Zp A " / ■y2ZLy^ C/.yXZ zAyJ'7 Zj ;.,f -^y. J^^uzj-ty cdjyyy'/Of Cz^ iP / ^ y/yZ a/J Z zy aztz z iZ zz (p^ XyZ zz cy I Cz -O-x/' iy^C-y Cy Pcy, \IY. / PPo^^yPp py cz ryzCf^ YO ■PyzZC- cA py. xxz Y^iz AL ^Zczcz xz.-yAzP^ (2?..^/\Yf. r / Zf 9. y z-Az € s ^ cy( <P)^.c^^z yP-P y o ■z.-cz -40, /Azy J^Y^YtZ "tZ -OyZ -/ZZ! / CZ Z<Z L-yx^ - Ac Af^ U'^Yyp^__ Pz t '/cy ' /•- ozl^^ CZ^C 'Po e /yj ^yp O^ ycA zy3YY,^YYzyrcj/r -yPAty^ cy ^y^,y2^ xPzzi Py.^ ./y /^(3Z--zt, ^yPy i-x cPc.^. zy / o cA-e c> pyA -y ^./ y / c Zy .4 y^ZyC^ CZl^ y^CY PacA- . .aPz <z / c-zp.- Pz p zP ^ 3Py>-YZpyyyzY^^ --Y^ z^yP^ ^ zyCy / Pep cOp7.. .Pc y p / ^0.yZy? .yc/ A^'aP. o / .y-P xPyy Pp^f -cPyyP'2 7,y-'pFyp^ c ^yP Py.-z Ay /^ ^ZyC^ CZi^ zy7^Pp^y jPpy y cPcz 3^ PPA Ap-czAypy . Pp^- ^ A yA '/' A' <. Y'Az.cy^^^jz^ zr. o.A:-, Y^z ^ ./Y^y yy ^A A a' •/ P P zY-o-z^ y^Y .yx -7^ cz _< cyyy. ty zy'A-' / Pa ' Y^2Y^Yf_^j Z.^ 1 X- ~Yy J., -f^Y r"/ -ZZ 9 ^Z . A y ' yz. AA ^ ^ yZ Y^y y 'y ^ c ^YtY c- c^yZ yY ^ .p yt. Cz <z P * c y Z y/z YA p^^ ^ yYjO-r—tY-z^ Zy J- jy^YT -tycy ^ y- j y y ^ y ^ u-*rcAZz 7y^ ^ZY^Yf^^j Pf -cj 1 V y2^i c^ cAy_ is-PpY'- -aPc z'PAyoP^-^^yZA^z ^zy-y- y/^ <z z 7 cpc' zP^ yP "ZXy^'-y o-.-^z -f -$.■■$■■* c> irr >^,'A^zy PaPa ypyp gP P^C- -PPz y .z y'_ cy. Pp^A^t ^ ' ^ e. c7/^ z-7-yj zy yyAz gA AATz yy. ^ Ap^ C-Az cy Y^fr cz / P -P ' y^ A P/.A y / A^ A ^ A. O Z A -V <-. <b X - '<ZO -Z t c^ 7 ^ J y 2/, ^ /^Pa.-A G 2Yi 7 c y ^ p. AyzYo y Pf^-L y P' c P^ cy pA~ Cr o y ( AP^ z /ty.'.. PtYC^ -y <7 z C£ .Ac PP c~ .PyY Pfpy...y..2 7 P -Pi- .-A SAy y y / r/z z, p c P Ap^czy7 Yf Py o-C P^Pcy.Pc 'G, c y ? 2 lYcy^Y^y Ay2^ ^ <z .4^y^. Ay 2py- 27 y ^ ar P z j C C. Pt ^ ^ ^Z 7 A y7^ ^ » T^.PrP-y / Ci^7 Cy ^ X ^ y P-t &8i. 7 X- Gtzf Pyc 4.Pyy c/ Y- i'y v < tc c c tc c P cy ^ ^ ^'2 ' cA ^Pyy.cPPz cz / P, /"^' A A'Z^ 0 ^ Pj' Pz/ ,^'c ^Py r ppyaP/^- <^PPCy' Ay P^ c . z*P , /y , Al t C A P. I ^ y /p c ^v fOy P. 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